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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the bottles rage as israel widens this assault on southern gaza. this very minute traits as it has con, you surround the carry, johnson. this is all just, there are lots and also coming out is very strikes once again target does is not just the refugee palestinians trying to dig out survivors with the best friends at least 5 times 10 units are injured and then is ready rate on the janine rescue g
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cam on the us announces sanctions and these are restrictions on these very settlers and attacks on the products to get into the coupons westbank. the of these very all me has announced that its troops and gauze are now in the hall to the southern city, a con eunice for weeks. israel had declared con eunice and it's around things a safe say. hundreds of thousands of palestinians of sorts itself to that. israel has rapidly expand it. it's an end ground defensive in the north. the volume refugee camp has once again been badly hit. it's the largest and most densely populated in gaza. homes have been completely destroyed. many people are trucked under the rubble and in central gauze or at least 45 palestinians have been killed off to is very strikes 5th residential buildings in that. uh huh. well then 16000
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palestinians have now been killed since the war began in early october. but amongst begins a coverage the traffic that follows in a strike is now terrifyingly familiar, stretches used for the fortunate shoulders or blankets, ferry the rest. the young faces of this was a wide eyed and a life with fear. the dead elsewhere laid out by the dozen shrouds in all sizes, costs and holes left to carry the wounded vehicle. passengers desperate to the pots with danger, close shots shot the crowd. outside. this hospital the semi automatic crackles. a constant sound track in gauze, southern to the place of the displaced as plain to see
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a cluster of crowded tents among them, a shelter offering that to safety for and a small sleigh, a mother with a kids cost out of the home. well, we spend all night tearing rockets and bombing, we are living between life and as we may die at any moment, it's may be our turn and our kids turn. the families still somehow luckier than some others, with even less supports. their entire existence is on the side of this road. little besides blankets and bags of clothes up same belie, i'm not off enough out tutoring and started to hate to not. this is something given to us by god because of fear. when we hear the planes, we know there is a strike coming. some and gaza, still try to flee. finding safety is now the daily struggle. the marks
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out, is it a best take a look at how and where israel is intensifying its attacks in gaza. the new phase of israel is ground invasion is targeting areas near con eunice, in the south is gauze the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians, forced from their homes. in the north is rarely forces of backlink palestinian fighters from the kasan brigades. and as i meant jihad in these regions, shaded in red is also heavy. fighting in several neighborhoods in kansas city or the fighting and troop movements indicate that israel is aiming to divide the goddess strip into 3 areas. the north central region on the south. a power, as i assume, hesitates us from rough uh, in the southern gaza. as israel is, expands in military ration in con, you and those people across the con you in a city were forced again to evacuate to ruffle, seeking shelter, away from the east. very plumbing. and the city becomes overwhelmed with evacuate.
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reeves, who are experiencing the trust, the conditions where they struggle to foreign children, to survive. people left everything behind on you and they were forced to live in turns that were sit in public areas. second, old basic supply worries to sit up on suitable for humanitarian use. a deep shortage of fluids, water, and medical supplies. russell is now the last jo to left for the palestinians as also with the compartment continue in these areas with on present level and even domains. target composer, how does 0 roof in the south of the territory? is where the soldiers having rating towns and cities in the occupied westbank. at least 5 protest indians have been injured. and the rate on the janine refuge account is rarely minute treat. husband stopping and searching ambulances,
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doctors say at least 2 ambulances were prevented from reaching hospitals, and brought hard measures of pregnant woman here in the occupation forces are stopping us until now they are restricting us for moving. we have an injured person here who's standing in the rain restricting him to enter the ambulance until they're done searching. you must speak now to i'll just say his name is rob, who joins us live from ramada in the occupied westbank. so saying more rates, what more can you tell us as well, so far as throughout the course of the day and these raids across the occupied westbank leasing 40 people detained, one person killed at the columbia refugee camp and a very gruesome and brutal violent raid at the columbia refugee camp near here in ramallah at the moment just in the last hour we've heard there also writing a printing house in hebron. now these printing houses normally print the posters of the palestinians who have been killed by is rarely so called martyrs. according to his posting communities, the print these posters, they put them up all over the communities. they've been consistently in the last 2
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nights reading these printing houses, as well as seeing them as a apparently a security threat. but the major flash point throughout the course of the day was once again janine city and in and around jeanine refugee camp. we saw a raid beginning at approximately 2 30 pm local time this afternoon. it went on for about 9 or 10 hours, bulldozers destroying more public property sidewalks infrastructure. they blew up a house. they destroyed a car. 5 people, as you say, were injured. one of them of 46 year old woman remains in critical condition due to shrapnel wounds to her head. this really is also blocked a 2 entrances or entrances. the 2 of the main hospitals in jeanine. and as you heard earlier, they stopped an ambulance. that was transporting a woman in labor. now they stopped at ambulance for some time. they also removed the driver. the paramedic from the vehicle and strip searched him at the scene while they stopped the ambulance from catering and taking that woman who's in labor
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to the hospital as these attacks go on. as these rates go on, really, they seem more chaotic. they seem more design to continue to put pressure and fear on these communities. there really doesn't seem to be a military objective of any time. they just seem to be there to create fear and chaos. that's what the palestinians have been telling us. i didn't see design. the question is, why are they doing this and what are they trying to achieve as well? that really is a question for these really governments. and if you were to ask them they would say it is to mitigate security threats to is rarely as to israel. but if you speak to palestinians, they will very clearly say that this is a form of collective punishment. and it is to perpetuate an ongoing system of apartheid. it is to continue to perpetuate the apartheid state. and when we talk the posting is here, they point to the level of death and destruction. to illustrate that these are more intense times and they've ever faced in the past. and when they look at why they
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say the same thing, this is simply to continue to put pressure on palestinians here in the occupied territories while they carry out the environment of gaza. if you speak to people who speak to academic analysts, human rights activists, even members of the leadership of housing authority that will all stay the same thing, that israel sees what is happening now as the last 4, there is an attempt by israel and many of them playing the united states for being collaborative in this, it is an attempt to make this the last 4 and re engineer the realities on the ground. and what they want to do is level gaza and create an environment where there is simply no armed resistance left. in any of the occupied territories, all of this with an aim to fast forward a plan they've had in place for some time, which is to completely take over all palestinian lands. same as rob a in the amount of forests. thank you. when it's ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reiterated his government's plan to retain
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that security control over garza, off of the war ends. let's speak to hum this all. who did? she joins us live from occupied is true. so not home that what more did nothing yahoo say that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially reiterating the same points that he has been for the last 60 days since this war began. that these really army and government alike have 3 objectives for this war. that they have still not yet met. the 1st is to dismantle how mass is military and political capabilities entirely to ensure that there is no threat coming from the gaza strip that is real, could face in the future. and additionally, to bring back all of the captives these really prime minister, while speaking about future threats from the gaza strip, insisted that there needs to be a d militarized zone inside of gaza. and he said that only these really are me,
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could do that. and that, that he did not trust an international force to, to uphold that d, militarization. he was also asked questions on the topic of humanitarian aid going into gaza. and if it decreases the leverage that israel would have when it comes to captives and their negotiations. and he said that in fact it's actually assist israel in their military operation on the ground. the is really defense minister, you know, i've going to also speaking at length in this press conference mentioning that this is a just war in his words and that israel has no choice but to fight it. he mentioned that there have been big gains made, but they don't come without losses as well, directly referring it to the ag is really soldiers that have been killed since the ground defensive inside of gauze that began. additionally, he did mention the settler attacks against palestinians. he said that only is
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really security forces are allowed to use force, but in a way he downgraded the issue with out condemning extensive violence. we've seen by settlers towards palestinians in the occupied west bank that has ended in death and that has been increased since the 7th of october. additionally, we've been hearing from benny gans, we're a cabinet member and the former defense minister saying that the war cabinet is doing everything they can to to bring back to the captives. and the once is rousing, saying about its continuing ground operations in gaza at the mileage. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that today was an intense day of fighting, both in the north and the south, singling algebra area in the northern part of the territory. and one eunice in the south. the army also acknowledged that it was the most rigorous day of fighting since the war began. 60 days ago. the army has said that they have completely
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encircled the southern city of han unice and are operating in the heart of it. it comes as these really military. it published a list of what they claim our accomplishments and achievements from their operation in the northern part of garza. and they say that while they're going to operate in the south, they're going to continuously push deeper in the northern part of the territory. kerry. and the thanks very much. well, it's rose, wal cabinets has met released cap tibbs and families of those 2 housing goza. emotions wrong, hires families discuss the trauma they've been going through. the meeting had been postponed 3 times before him. on con reports from tennessee are off to 60 days, the bring them back campaign. finally got a meeting with israel's will cabinets. the campaign represents the families of those taken by him us, but the meeting held behind closed. those didn't get them the result. they wanted
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a guarantee that all would be freed and quickly a number of them, including some free during the ceasefire, walked out of the meeting, which was said to be fold. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was blunt, he reportedly said he couldn't bring everyone back alive. we have to do, and he has to do every thing to bring them back immediately, ever sink, and not just to reach his letter. the meeting was a disappointment for all involved. i hope, as i did if a man had boyfriend andre a few months ago when a day thing at a well when romans followed, he was looking security at the super the music festival. when he was taken off the 2 months, jennifer has a clear message to these writing will cabinets. the simple answer is i would like them to give all the posting in prisoners back to gaza, or wherever they should be. but you also lives in say that he might not survive is
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rosa sold on the strip. i have nightmares every night that maybe the idea sorrow our a to fluid bumped him also. yes, i have this nightmares and i pray to god every night, every day. to bring them back, campaign has significant sway the is really public opinion. over 60 days, a small gathering turned into an influential pressure group. but the ones who seemed to be resistant to that pressure of those with the greatest power to help them, the little cabinet, as the captives were released during the ceased by the families were relieved of the was a mechanism really worked the getting them home was it possible that's giving them the inputs as the push for more, however, they wouldn't be easy. the remaining captives all said to be military aged men and women. now that's going to be a tough negotiation. a mass of already said in order to release them. they want a pile of sending prisoners to be released on a permanency spot. however,
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as well as being clear as well, it's once the complete destruction of a mass and negotiation has to take place on the file and won't come out. is there a television? so the head on the product around how the whitening gap between the might and it's in yahoo governments has become a topic of debate on the is really television. the frank assessments far as this placement in persecutions. it seems to be informed of what we see here, please log in to change the reality, but rather to lingering in depth analysis of the case headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian force he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private and nothing else. inside story on al jazeera,
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humanity has opened the gates of hell. within those seats is that mean orlando's effects? as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on that just the knowledge is the way the
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watching out. as a reminder about headlines now, these rarely omi says it's troops have reached the fonts of con units and southern guns that it had previously declared the area a safe to say the civilians. hundreds of thousands of protest inclusive sorts. shouts of israel has carried out to los scalar tax under giovanni, a refugee camp and moving so many people have failed to think killed the g tablets and not just on the street to the attacks. at least 5 palestinians have been wounded, raised by the any minute she paused. westbank soldiers storm the janine refugee camp, stopping and searching. i'm good. it sits on the way to hospitals. well, throughout the war, media outlets in israel have played a key role in helping to build
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a consensus for the bump bump. and to goes well recently the whitening gap between the buy and then that in yahoo governance has become a topic of debates on that is really television. i'm just, there was media that us to show the listening post has been tracking is really media narratives. and he's the control time and he can, you know, to be a heading for it to become a be showing him a little bit to him saying that that's the case of the people on these roads writing time. and 14, an acknowledgement that relations between the netanyahu bite and the government are very streamed also a justification for the intensity of israel's bombardment of gaza every day. but that's what i've been to something been at the middle of, of even have been somebody from us live and paid a some us who have been mailed will admit to stash the sent it. i can use website while i wrote the bite and administration has been pressuring is ready for several days to significantly increase the scope of to meditate in age to the gaza strip. the fact that is really need backing and support from the us for the ground
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operation in the southern gaza strip. makes it very difficult for the government to ignore the americans request is really stayed broadcast. to con, broke the story of a closed door meeting between netanyahu and members of the connected, where the prime minister reportedly said, not only will there not be renewed palestinian authority in gaza off to the war. they would also be no palestinian authority in gaza at all and undermined a g. does of us presidential biden's office in the washington post last month in which he told the off to the water and gaza. the palestinian authority should be the governing body. that the disconnect and disagreement between the us and israel on post war plans for gaza look to be widening. i speak again to having decided that she joins a 2nd lie from occupied easter eastern time. that there appears to be a widening gap. doesn't that between the israelis and the biggest minute trend, diplomatic support of us over the conduct of the war?
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exactly, and the opinions are changing, the americans have been quite clear and all of their visits here. remember, you had a visit from us president joe biden, in the early days of the war. give us 4 visits from us, secretary of state antony, blinking, a visit by the vice president and several other delegations who have come here to discuss the conduct of the war. during a lot of those visits, there have been tense discussions with the is really government on how they are going to conduct themselves throughout this war. remember, the americans have been putting immense pressure on these rallies, telling them that they cannot conduct themselves in the south. the same way they have conducted themselves in the north, given the dire humanitarian situation as catastrophe that has on folded inside of the gaza strip. and you're looking at more than 16000 palestinians who have been killed in the gaza strip in the last 60 days alone. and the americans are taking
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notice of this, and now, pressuring these really is on what they're going to do. the days after the war, these really have been clear that there will be no have mass leadership there. and that they also want a, do you know, which for eyes zone there that they will control. however, remember when american vice president commer harris was here, she had several points for these really on what's going to happen after know, reaku patient of the stress. no siege on the gaza strip, no forceful displacement and no reduction in the size of the territory. but these really is, are against this. and they say that they want to contain the d militarization there . and if they want to be in charge for an unknown period of time, you know, to bodies truce and for us getting home to thank you to us as announce sanctions on the several dozen. these rarely settlers in both and attacks against palestinians and occupies westbank, is what
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a surgeon violent since israel began its war on october 7th in recent days is very settlers ready the restaurant and launched an attack on the palestinian father 6. we unequivocally condemn act attacks by violent is really extreme is against palestinians. and those by a violent past industry stream is against is really these acts threaten westbank stability in the immediate term and take us further away from the future and which palestinians and israelis can, can both live and both can live in peace and security. in 2 states, the, let's take a look at some of those of the news now peruse, constitutional court says ordered the release to form a price. now better for g morning. the 5 year old has been serving a 25 year sentence for human rights abuses and corruption, which maureen was presidents from 1990 to 2000. he was conveyed to the order in the
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master code of 25 people in the early ninety's. his government was fighting the left wing, revel great. at least 13 people have been killed and a gun box in india is northeastern money post date. and the latest fighting since ethnic violence began 7 months ago. the victims bodies were found in 10 or districts with police say, a gun fight to place. at least 200 people had been killed since fighting between the majority may take a minority cookie community big got and may have been a dispute type of sharing of government benefits and quotas, as well as issues over refugees coming in from the neighboring me and the german troops, i was joining for money that's part of the u. n's plant ended peacekeeping mission . the other end of the nation started in 2013 to preventive. take care of my own groups. on friday,
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the un security council voted unanimously on their resolution to immediately stop winding down the operation bodies really committed to john to request to the end of the peacekeeping mission offered aligned itself with russia, and it's mostly bulky and us as russia has rejected the new proposal to release to americans considered by washington to be wrongfully detained. washington says it was a significant proposal, but declined to provide details of the plan. yes, good, which was arrested in march and charged with spine which he is employed at wall street journal. i'm the us government denied and pull way the corporate security executive was detained in 2018 on espionage related charges, which was hand. washington dispute was not commented on the latest proposal to succeed crating children taken to rush or off to most coast invasion last year will be reunited with their families that are sort of out of that has more now from us.
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this is the said group of ukrainian children ready to return to that home country. they exchange became possible a trip personal request by the mayor of catseye will feed her to hopefully this is not the last concept of children. we will try to ensure that more children between today families in ukraine, any negotiations are difficult. they take a lot of time and effort. thanks to the efforts these negotiations was successful, and i am grateful to both the russian and ukrainian sides. ukraine has repeatedly accused rusher, kidnapping thousands of children, and taking them to his territory. kia has demanded that western countries facilitates. there were times as much as russian presidents let you me, patient emphasized last dream with russian representatives took the children out of the confidence of saving their lives in health. what was you telling me? you give me the money we have acquitted in time of when it is up civically legally . because the heads of the often to just what the legal representatives must cook,
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never intended to separate the children from their products. it was i will not be against the unification. with their families, if the relative show up its loss of 10, the rushes children's rights commission of maria level, the below, the report said that there is a communication channel with the you. creating analyst will receive a source for the reuters news agency clarified that the mechanism was created up to several months of secret negotiations that sir has conducted with mosca m. p. as in march, this year, the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant against murray as well, but beloved by as well as president fled team and pacing the code, suspected them of illegal people, taishan of children from the occupied territories of you cling to russia live over below that was outrage saying that was how the international community appreciated the what to how the children to get out of the rules. so the children are expected to fly to the bill of russian capital. men's can choose the evening, and from that they will travel to ukraine. you now ship of all of the ultra 0 most
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squares for the weather is next then inside story with x. i mean, if israel has the end of the characteristics of a failed state, announces the the hello again, a tropical cycle and brought half a yours worth of rain to tonight and tell them how to state in eastern india hope is the last little bit. so this car is buried under water, we had roads turn to river is here. now is the storm moved its way further toward the north. it's now impacting entre, protest states knocked down trees there and the highest level alerts are issued for rain falling onto the production. also tailing, gotten a states in india, so the dark blue and the yellow. that is the more intense rain falling. that's
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a forecast on wednesday. ok, the monsoon rains. not too bad. right now. we've got some showers along the coast of vietnam. bigger pulse of rainbow just to the north of denay. and cloud cover is running across china is the n c river valley here. but throughout the day on wednesday, those clouds will shut out, so it is not a bad day in greeley and glen g. providence 23 degrees for you. now that storm system pushes away from japan, so it's going to be a damp start to the day in tokyo. but again, throughout the day, we'll see more peaks of sun here. let's go back to this part of southeast asia. we did see a line side in northern to bunch of islands and still more burst of rain will be falling in this area on wednesday will end this weather report and focused on where it has been quite foggy and before that is set to continue on wednesday with the highest $21.00 in the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is
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a context to what is happening now. it to the school. thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves also with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. and it's been in a state of near perpetual war for decades and receives billions of dollars a year and aid and weapons. and it has consistently broken the international law by expanding its occupation and settlement. is this real normal state? how does it compare to sales? this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm serial then yay. israel is a relatively young state and one of the most trust.


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