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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the cleanser me on and yet they continue to report the close of business. the story of just want to be should be a let me know if it had been higher for the loved focus on. that's just the the bathrooms rage. as israel widens, it's a sold on southern garza, the is really ministry says it has con eunice around it. the money in sites is on. is there a lie from that also have coming out. rescue is scrambled to save people from the rubble as israel pounds golf as largest refugee counts from the land sea. and at
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the big glasses in the occupied westbank as is ready for the storm. i'll fire a refuge account in 2 baths on the us announces sanctions and visa restrictions on is rarely settlers involved in a tax on palestinians in the west bank. and welcome d. as righty, army has announced that its troops in garza and now in the halls of the southern city of hon, eunice for weeks. israel have declared hon units on it, surroundings a safe, so hundreds of thousands of palestinians have sold shelter the but israel has rapidly expanded it's at and ground defensive in the north, the job layer refugee camp is once again been badly hits. it's the largest and most densely populated in gaza. homes have been completely destroyed. many people are
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still trapped under the rubble. and in central guns, at least $45.00 palestinians have been killed off is riley strikes, hit residential buildings in there, about a $116000.00 palestinians have now been killed since the will began in early october. and the monks begins are coverage. wow. the traffic, the full is an asteroid, because now we're finding the familiar stretches used for the fortunate shoulders or blankets very, the rest. the young face is a visible, a wide eyed and a life with fear. the dead elsewhere laid out by the dozen shrouds in all sizes of costs and holes left to carry the wounded vehicle. passengers, despots departs with danger. close shots shot the crowd outside. this hospital the semi automatic crackles. a
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constant sound track in gauze, southern to the place of the displaced as plain to see a cluster of crowded tents among them. a shelter offering that to safety for an ass, mostly a mother with a kids cost out of the home. well, we spend all night hearing rockets and bombing, we are living between life and us. we may die at any moment. it's may be our turn and our kids turn per family still somehow luckier than some others, with even less support. their entire existence is on the side of this road. little besides blankets and bags of clothes up same belie, i'm not off enough out children and started to hate to know. this is something given to us by god, because of fear. when we hear the planes, we know there is
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a strike coming. some and gaza, still try to flee. finding safety is now the daily struggle for the months out of data. let's take a look at how and where as well is intensifying as a tanks and gaza. the new phase of, as well as ground invasion, is targeting areas near hun units in the south, ensconced the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians forests from their homes. and the noise is ready for us is baffling palestinian sizes from the custom brigades on the stomach to hot and these regions shaded and red as also heavy fighting in several neighborhoods in gauze, especially all the fighting and troop movements indicate that israel is aiming to divide the gauze and strip into 3 areas, the north central region on the south. dr. sila l homes is the nursing doll. right . so the european girl is a hospital in the south. he says stones have no option, but to work on the continuous bombardment. no, no, no,
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i did check it out in my you know, reading the lots of problems including the are and then testable embodiments at night and the injured to arrive in the daytime. so we work day and night. i tonight, no cold in the daytime, we receive casualties. this doesn't mean that we don't receive casualties during the night. the continuously arrive in our to our hospital is no. the problem is the mobility to arrive to hospitals to tarry. couple assume has the latest from rasa in southern gaza. as israel expands in good military ration in con eunice, people across the con, you in a city were forced again to evacuate to ruffle seeking shelter away from it is very plumbing. the city becomes overwhelmed with evacuees who are experiencing the trust,
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the conditions where they struggle to foreign children, to survive. people left everything behind con, units were forced to live in terms that were sitting public areas. back in a basic supply worries to sit up on suitable for humanitarian use. a deep shortage of fluids, water, and medical supplies. ruffle is now the last show to left for palestinians as also with the compartment continue in these areas with on present the level even domains to alric up a zoom out to 0 roof in the south of the territory is ready. soldiers have been writing towns and cities in the occupied westbank. they stormed the i'll fire our refugee camp. and 2 of us is always have involved and confrontation between palestinian sizes and is ready. forces. officials say several people have been
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killed. meanwhile, at least 7 palestinians have been injured in a 9 hour rate. on the jeanine refugee camp, 18 civilians have been detained. is riley, ministry has been stopping and searching ambulances. doctor say at least 2 ambulances were prevented from reaching hospitals speak to out is there a zane bus rob your joints? no lie from ramallah in the ok pied westbank. so tell us they investigate what is going on and she passed all classes still ongoing. it's just that is correct. these raising 2 of us began just a few hours ago. those classes are still ongoing. we've seen images and video emerge, of with the sound of gunfire raining out of the dark, constantly of these have been going on for a few hours. we know that at least 2 people according to the hospital, into the red crescent, the government hospital, and the red cross and confirming that at least 2 people have been killed. 7 others have been injured in this area. it is northeast of nablus and those rates and
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classes still ongoing. we're also hearing now reports of raising clashes in co chileya. those began just in the last hour as well. and we've also been, we've also been able to confirm that at least one home in coach area has been surrounded. exactly who people who these really forces are looking for, or what the fate of that residence is, is still unclear. but these house to house rates are a fairly common occurrence when these rates take place. one man was also detained in a raid and heavy, we're on that is now over. but again, those rates and classes and co chileya and to boss do carry on. okay, thank you for that same as rodney that 1st and occupied westbank and well res. continue in the oaks upon westbank and bombs pound gaza senior. how much the official assigned to have done, says negotiations regarding prisoner and captive swamps will only begin once as well as stops its attacks. will just be the one that that kid. and here we have to
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read that there is no negotiation, no swab, without seizing on the stopping the aggression against all what people against guys . and here we hold missing. yeah, whole for responsibility for the lives of v as r e n z i n his captives as he have for you the and him done the swab deals as he would assumed his attack again, his gaz. uh, they are under desperate or being killed by the bombard minutes of meeting the hose . what machine and then? oh, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reiterate that his government's plan to retain security control over garza off to the will ends. let's get more with him. does so hurt. she joins us now live from ok potty stores, them have the good to see you again. what more did the prime minister netanyahu have to say? this is really prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu essentially just reiterated the 3 goals that he has for the war. and additionally, he spoke about what these rallies are hoping to do after he said that he wants to create a de militarized zone inside of the gaza strip. and the only force who could be responsible for that or these release, he said he didn't trust any sort of international force or coalition to get the job done for him. he also mentioned that there were significant military operations today in side of gaza, both in japan. yeah. and in con eunice in the south, these really army has said that they've completely surrounded the southern city of con eunice and are operating in the heart of it all while trying to deepen their push into northern gods while continuously making games according to them. these really army released a statement earlier saying that they had achieved many objectives listing battalions, but they say they've eliminated,
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but they have not provided any proof or evidence to those claims. these really defense minister jo golan. traditionally speaking of that press conference saying that the issue of the captives is very important to these rallies. and remember, we just heard from the some us folks were sent us out a home then who said that these really need to stop the aggression on gaza in order for there to be more captive deals with these really defense minister you'll have the launch has been saying for not just days, but weeks that any future negotiations are only going to happen under fire. so there are different interest obviously, as this work continues more than 60 days on 1000000. and how do we understand it's been more fighting on the israel 11 on board. what details imagine it's an intensification of the exchange as a fire in recent weeks on the is really loving on border. and we have been hearing
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from the lebanese armed forces saying that it is really showing ended up killing a member of the lebanese armed forces. these really military issuing a rare statement, acknowledging that they did it and apologizing saying, quote, we were working to neutralize the tangible threat that was identified. and the lebanese army was not the target going on to say that these really military is sorry for the incident. and it will be investigated. this is the 1st statement of its kind since the war began. we haven't seen any other statement like it even though there were civilians killed in southern lebanon and 3 journalist as well as this really aggression in the southern a part of 11 on continues as well. and really thank you for that. honda. so who that 1st and we'll keep on is to some of the vice and administration says it is sanctioning dozens of is riley settlers and palestinians. it accuses of launching
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violent attacks in the occupied westbank, logical height, and has the report from washington dc. the videos are everywhere. daily, evidence of palestinians being violently attacked by israeli settlers, often armed and in some cases, murdering palestinians, burning homes, businesses and cars. and what kind of bull had got did they have weapons and started shooting at us? we were trapped yet in the houses with the children before october 7th, united nation says violence from settlers head over to just place over 1100 tells denny and. and that since the beginning of the war, daily settler tax have more than doubled. now the us as imposing travel bands that a few dozen of those responsible possibly including their family members as well. the state department, careful to point out. it involves both sides as secretary blinking made clear to leaders of the government of israel last week. during his visit to the region. they need to do more to stop extreme is violence against palestinians and hold those
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responsible for it accountable. we will continue to insist that both israeli and palestinian leaders take action to interrupt the increasing levels of violence against civilians. the not took in a state of law and israel is a state of law. the right to use violence belongs only to those were certified to do so by the government. in our case, that's the military. these really please should bet on such that will likely ring hollow to the palestinians and the occupied westbank who say is really, soldiers are often there and do nothing to stop. the violets beckons and i need, you saw the settlers to some of them has woodlands and was shooting, which was fine with him. but if you're standing 200 meters from the city of telling cube to go away, still deal with should you know, why is this happening to the why had repeated attacks with no consequences except now one less place to visit for a few doesn't is really tight equal he l g 0,
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washington. the still ahead on al jazeera, the mirror of castle cause as well as one gauze and unprecedented catastrophe of somebody to have gone fleet is here, and this is what the christmas looks like on a sign. this is what the christmas looks like. and bethlehem attached in time says they'll be no christmas celebrations, as long as israel's from bombing, the thought provoking ons. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing the end the bricks on the other? i assume there is
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a huge release of that to happen to the stores on tools to how does there and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says as context questions, professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale with offers roles. permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 on counting the cost as well as war on dollars as wipes out of time neighborhoods. so who pays for the damage of germany's borrowing limit spock a bunch of crisis cost pro for its desperate to be reform plus saudi arabia and china looked as frank some financial ties. counting the cost on how to 0 the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in watching out, is there a mind to 5 top stories this hours early soldiers have storing the fire refugee camp in cuba in the altamont was fine. it's been vine and confrontations between palmerston in fine says on. is there any forces, official, say several people have been killed. is there any all me says it's troops have reached the hearts of con units and southern guns, and it has previously declared the area say so somebody ends, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have sort shots in that and israel has carried out nod scale attack on the job layer, refugee camp in northern gaza. many people are offensive in kills feet and your
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body refugee camp is the largest in gaza and has been repeatedly attacked on, on a boy that is from giovanni a since and will begin on october. the 7th. she's lost her whole family and the house they once lived in is hast or you know, and what is she she is going to show that an issue we ship, we ship them to the
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time. is it just on the the lead in new jersey, the but it's, it's the civic duty federal law is the most of the of the good news is i am not many on the sub with mr. we should them, and jim match, or the little she showed him, the sound system. so this stuff, mazda, magical moment,
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openness model. so for the most has been this is how the launch, the machine will machine the of the mirror of cattle has renewed his condemnation of beginnings of palestinians in gaza, shaped to me and been hung out on sony was speaking during a golf corp counsel's summit. here in dough ha, miracles and cooled on the un security account. and so to bring israel back to the negotiating table on diplomatic edison, james space has this annual meeting of the council that consists of the 6 golf
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nations was dominated by the war on garza the host, the amier of cats. i'll shake timing been how much, how funny, a greeting the king about rain had been a sol khalifa has been at the center of recent diplomacy. his country mediated a 7 day truce, but it's being followed by more intense bombardment. something he called genocide. he says the international community must act. now when it through much to the we call on the security council, namely the permanent members to live up to their legal responsibility. to put an end to this barbaric war. and to force israel to return to the negotiation table to reach a just solution based on the international resolutions and the error piece initiative on a 2 state solution. to dodie, the gulf nations invited the president of to kia to be that guest at this meeting. a, it's a o unit to minute, then it to now would ministration is endangering the secuity and future owing to region in order to extend its political life. the loss of life,
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of 17000 palestinians. most of the children and women to me is a crime against humanity and a war crime. israel shall not get away with these crimes. damn iro, catch all his comments urging the un security council to compel israel to accept a permanency spa would almost certainly get support from many nations right now. but when the counsel loss met in new york, it was clear that one country, the u. s. is opposed to any new resolution, and of course it's a permanent member with the tow power james pays out to 0. so the, let's take a look at some of the days of the news. and these 13 people have been killed and a gun bottle in india is north east and multiple states. and the latest fighting since ethnic font has began 7 months ago. the victims bodies were found in one district where police say
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a gun fight took place. at least 200 people have been killed since fighting between the majority and my tie on minority cookie community big out in may. they all in a dispute to have a sharing of government benefits and quotas, as well as refugees coming in from neighboring mia ma. as our jerry is ami has admitted mistakenly targeting a religious gathering and a drone strike and the northern stage of could do. now these 85 bodies have been recovered from the scene. nicholas hawk has more they died in prayer on sunday nights in nigeria. northern could do an estate hundreds gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the prophet mohammed and his teachings of love, peace and kindness, their arms raised to the sky above a night, jerry, the army drone observing them from their vantage point. they saw no worshippers, but what they described as terrorist from central command came the order to drop 2
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guns. at least 85 people were killed in the drone strike. many more injured and did critical condition are being treated in the hospital. when we were celebrating mo, you would, when the pain came on, dropped the bomb, some died, some got injured, we'd run into the house. when the men heard what happened, they came out to check and that was when the 2nd bomb was dropped and most people died. nigeria is army, is doing what few armed forces do admit to its mistakes. imagine i was was able to use it. i guess generators, but unfortunately some members of the to, to be the community. when i say we have one person lost 13 members of his family. this right? grief is turning to anger. this isn't the 1st mistake from nigeria in the military, in an effort to bring to an end to the 14 year long conflict with book on her arm
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and criminals. civilians have been killed, mistaken for fighters or robbers. president bullock, i'm a new bu, is calling for a full investigation since coming into office in february, tackling secured he says is his top priority and it to, to bring for an investment to the country. but also to reassure a growing number of nigerians who have lost trust in this security force that appears to target those, it's meant to keep safe. this is the community in shock and in morning left to pray to god for the protection. the state can't seem to provide nicholas hawk alger 0 deadman troops withdrawing from not a as positive the you as planned and is peace keeping mission that by the end of the year, commission again in 2013 to prevent a take of the by arms groups. but on friday, the un security council voted unanimously on
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a resolution to immediately stop winding down the operation. molly's wedding minute change and to request the end of the peacekeeping mission of to aligned itself with russia and its mastery involved in a great a spun his wedding president has proposed a bill to declare the disputed region of s akiko as a province. nicholas madeira says this will enable oil exploration around the us to keep a river in a region administered by diana versus in venezuela back the creation of new states in a referendum on sunday. despite the international court of justice barring venezuela from taking any such action. diana has administered the disputed region for over a century. so because it's douglas said we're not norma. we, we will discuss to create form legislation to prohibit firing companies that operate or collaborate with the union. that's the confessions given by diana, in lots of the see that you have to be divided. it will be done to a special law. i suggest that in this lovely,
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give these companies 3 months to abandon those operations to the fox of the see for the borders i get to be set for 3 months. he had opened the talking, everything and a good man. nothing and a bad man. less sick for international law, for the loss, for good neighbors. and for quick systems. the u. s. is considering whether to reinstate energy sanctions on venezuela. washington says president nicholas madura as government has failed to meet certain conditions to avoid a reversal, a sum or a fee of type a relaxation. the swans correct us to take steps to lift public office funds on opposition candidates and begin with to release political prisoners. us politicians above me and congress of additional funding for the war and ukraine and israel is offensive in gaza. republicans a holding out president, jo biden's request for over a $100000000000.00. they want any approval of the funding for ukraine to be tied to major changes to immigration policies. democrats have often republicans,
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a chance to add an amendment on board a policy to the legislation. the let's remember here was the republicans who put border on the table. we did not, they have a responsibility if they believe border should be part of ukraine, which is so vital to our country. let them proposing amendment then can get 60 volts. the united states, as russia has rejected a new proposal to release to americans, consented by washington to be wrongfully detained. washington says it was a significant proposal but declined to provide details of the plan of an gosh, of which was arrested in march and charged with spine pulls, beaten at corporate, secures executive was detained in 2018 on espionage related charges. basement. deny the charges. most guy was not commented on the latest proposal. supposes a terrorist, former president of bass or for you. maury have been celebrating court ruling
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ordering. his release from prison for jury has been serving a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations. 95 year old was presidents, 1992 the year, 2000. he was convicted of ordering the master code of 25 people in the early ninety's. now there are calls for algebra and or that, or far as he used to release all, detain human rights defenders. the united nation special raffle to mary lou lou may the announcement mocking the end of had 10 days visit to the north african country . dozens of still detained in relation to the 2019 protest movement known as hare wreck. that allison, the ex president, especially from imaging human rights defenders, freedom of movement including to the routine surveillance of interference with their chief abolish. the use sufficed to limit the traffic of human rights
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defenders abroad. this is just the beginning. we want to work with the governmental volunteer you to encourage them to make more progress in the defense of human rights and to human rights defenders. how are you there? piece for magicians work with a fair price of fusion back to the cause of war. now, traditional festivities during the christmas season have been cools off in bethlehem, a city and the occupied west. spite usually attracts thousands of people over the period. it abraham has no baby jesus amongst the rubble twists to the tradition and that to be seen to reflect the image is coming out of gauze of thousands of palestinians are fear to be buried under the winds of what was once their homes at the images here i'll see my guys and the shepherds looking for, for jesus we get the lights on as if to say that is


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