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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the didn't happen overnight, we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how europe and colonization religious tens of thousands of on to facts. and the people struggle to reclaim restitution african stolen episode one 0 no, just sierra. the displaced people and the emergency workers among those killed as israel intensifies the phone bottom of gaza. the hello there until to all this is out to 0. lie from doha. also coming out israel's military says it's operating in the center of the con eunice and some of
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the fiercest fighting since the ground invasion began to students in gaza and living in the deepening part of the un human rights chief loans of a height and risk of atrocities in casa the christmas investor and this year, as israel continues the war on gods the but it's $1400.00 g and t 2 pm in gaza, which is enduring a day of mass killing from north to south. one of the latest is really strikes targeted goss, a city 1st responders, and displaced people are among the dead. one stride killed at least 10 people. i'm a student and say the strikes of deliberately targeting civilians. and they have also been intense street to street battles. these riley army saying it's engaged
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and the heaviest fighting since it began its ground invasion. 5 weeks ago. the ministry says it's pushing deeper into the southern city of han eunice, that's causes 2nd largest city image and came to begins coverage and what's being described as a heavy as bombardment since israel's will began with all parts of garza, or under attack, the news size and the central region, ground bottoms taking place in con eunice in the side. israel says its troops around the city goal is the 2nd largest, and supported by flight of jets and will plains desperate, punish city of leading to rough uh, 10 kilometers away. many by foot. the where the total chain. uh, what is left in gauze. where is the world in the mount, and how long will this misery last time? um, it would let the world walk to our children lining up for water. we fled from con
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eunice to roswell. here we are in russell, we do not know where to go. we are sleeping in the streets. the world health organization says the situation is worsening by the allies. goza and the risk of disease is increasing rapidly due to the lack of sanitation. again, a lot of doing and as we move to rough uh, because of the heavy bombardment because of my injury, i fainted when we moved to the school and i was taken to like some off his hospital . the doctors told me i have had the tightest. i'm worried, donnelly, in fact my whole family, the united nations says nowhere and goes, it can be considered safe. no, even shelters flying. the un flag. it's not a sipes on. if it's only free from bombardment, i sometimes have no pain. it's a safe zone. when you can guarantee the conditions of food, water, medicine, and shelter. okay, now i see for myself, these are entirely entirely absent. i can, you cannot overstate these these
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a tiny patches of barren land boulder street corners. in northern garza, israel has been targeting the largest refugee count jamalia once again published any media se civil defense teams struggling to rescue people trapped under the rubble and central go to another refuge account. so don't come under attack as have residential buildings did invalid. and on zillow to with thousands of palestinians, codle injured, says the spar totes, of discussions about their release. if it's ready to captive and you cannot take place until the violent stops in the followed. while that's about doing that, there will be no negotiations or exchange of captives until the aggression against all people on the gaza strip stops. we hold is really prime minister netanyahu fully responsible for the lives of the is really hostages,
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80 percent of the population. that's almost 2000000 people have been forced from their homes, but soon that will be nowhere left to guy, the image and kinda which is 0 honey, my fluid is in rough. i in southern gaza for some honey until very recently. and for weeks you record reporting from san eunice. you can't do that any longer and tell us what you know of what is happening. yes, thing the we uh eventually have to come to a rough estimate. the, as the danger was becoming imminent as a, a time shows and he'll be a massive heiress right within the vicinity of north of the hospital. we ended up coming here to us the surrounding area of the weight, the hospital in rough, a relatively safe area as a, as of now. but just within the past few minutes to bring you the latest,
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we just seen a barrage of a rock. it's fired from the southern parts of the gaza strip and that came after a, a bloody hours within the past hours. and since the early hours of this morning is really is right to have been pounding the entire gaza strip debris. a area in the gods have had its share of the massive, bombardments since early hours of this morning from the northern part in the lot. yeah. within around the vicinity of, of gotten out loud one hospital. we're more than a 100 people reported killed in and a half of that is not able to very good have been killed and resorted to a digging mass grave in the hospital into jabante, a refugee camp where these really military completed it. seizure of the records, you can take him over as below your area and attacking it rather than that relentlessly with error strikes. then taking over evacuation the schools along with
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a block to where it was destroyed completely. and here in han units, what we heard from our stores are still in han units that stay ambulance and stairs responder were able to pull some of the injuries and those who were killed overnight that but only with the help of the residents of that dairy, who were who were pulling bodies of from house to house, to the point where the ambulance were able to get them and bring them and do nasir hospitalized. they were heavy bombardment and our tv artillery shooting to the point. first responders and ambulances were not able to get through the eastern side of han eunice off. so that had been wrote to bring those are being killed a overnight, a one, a massive a restrict within the past 45 minutes of placing gaza city. that's a road that separates old garza from new guys are all the other is the eastern part that includes all the densely populated neighborhoods and what's drink,
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all that. that includes the mountain neighborhoods and ship a hospital. so we do about this road right at the center of that road to residential homes. were targeted, destroyed with people is still inside. and what we heard from our store that some of the people inside were trying to evacuate the area, moving to another, a relatively safe area within golf. but they did not, as all of their attempts failed since they are now in the morning and just found themselves under heavy bombardment. within the past 45 minutes, there are reports about 10 at 10 people have been killed in that era strike. but again, we're expecting the number as we go to go up as there are no hospitals to receive. those are critically injured as well as the, the, the only civil defense, a team on the grounding garza, it was uh, was targeted. and most of the members were it critically injured,
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so there are no people, there's no civil defense, no 1st responders on the ground, most of the intervention happens on the ground now happening to from neighbors or from people lives within the vicinity of, of every i talk neighborhood, so we using their bare hands to help whoever is at survive those relentless attacks onto my food. thanks as ever for the update from southern gaza. the rough and more testimony now about the situation faced by palestinians on the ground. this time from the un high commissioner for human rights who says palestinians and guys are living in to deepening colorado. civilians in gaza. continue to be relentless, the bombarded by israel and collectively punished, suffering death, seach destruction, and deprivation of the most essential human needs, such as food. what a life saving, medical supplies, and other essentials on the massive scale. testing ends in gaza,
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living in to deepening hara military operations, including bombardments by is ready forces continue in north, middle and south gaza, affecting people who have already been displaced, multiple times, forced to flee in search of safety, but no place is safe. while these rough as it has intercepted a surface to surface massaging the space near the city of i lot in southern israel is ready. the army says its defense systems detected the launch coming from the direction of the red sea and standing by to tell us more about that is even wrong. caught in television. rob that's absolutely right. there's a rocket coming into the tories destination. all the lat was intercepted, it didn't hit anything, but at least it doesn't matter the who these of actually stepped up their attacks
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on is really targets that focusing on 2 key areas. the bubble and run the strip and the reds straight, sorry. and the red sea, when most of the ships testing is ready, pulse carrying goods coming to and the tourist destination of a lot were the reason that doing this is because they want to have an economic impact on israel insurance goes up as ships get attacked in the red sea, and that's a particular problem as well, is that's one of the key routes inside is really pulse and that cost is passed on to the consumers and it locked into that campaign of almost harassment. the move that they can send these rockets and even if they intercepted, it means the less people are likely to go that and spend money. but uh, these really is have been absolutely clear about this. they don't blame who's the parasite for these attacks. they say these attacks are directed by the iranians is the iranians, behind all of these attacks and the who fees of simply an extension of the around
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the military oper office. and you're going to tell us about a disagreement in run between 2 senior ministers seemingly and then that's on the government. and that's absolutely right. so what we're hearing is the national security administer then give it the national defense minister. you have good launch, a once again, loggerheads they have had disagreements in the past before, but this time the problem is the, sorry, the defense when it's the glance has issued an arrest warrant for it is really set up in the occupied westbank them. i colleague, kimberly how kate was talking about the american reactions. i just the 2nd but this has i'm good. um the national security minister. um it, the more been given that with the law ben give it is an open the far right open the racist minutes. but towards the palestinians, but this time he's actually been born t said um the oldest to arrest settling since the beginning of the war. it seems
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that gallant has forgotten and is a confused who is the enemy and who is the friend? so he's really criticizing or you're glance issuing these orders. members, any 3 of these. ready is the been issued, but for it to my bank is there. this is his constituency is ready. settlers of the people the vote for him. so this will be popular amongst these base. now, he's not a member of the is really will cabinet, which is unusual. and it's so melanie, he's a national security minister, but not part of the war cabinet. so any opportunity he gets to attack, any member of the wood cabinet, including the problem, is that he does take, it just goes to show you that the far right of israel is still incredibly frustrated and open the critical of the wood cabinets because they say they haven't gone far enough. okay, i'm wrong. thanks for the update. you mind calm that intensities. now to palestinian teenagers have been killed in the latest these rodney writes and the
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occupied westbank. soldiers have been carrying out daily rights in towns and cities . the residents say is ready for the store and the far as refugee camping to best with military vehicles. at dawn on wednesday, confrontations broke out between palestinian fighters and is riley soldiers. the red crescent says at least 3 people were injured. the us state department says he's rarely efforts to stop settling violence against palestinians in the occupied westbank are in sufficient only a tiny fraction of attacks of lead to convictions in recent years. and the situation has become much worse since the start of israel's war and gaza as charles stratford reports now from kind of what many house on this memorial monks with 41 year old comp and to off load. i'll see with shot dead joined electronic bodies ready settlers in the occupied westbank on december. the 2nd this video is off that
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day. you can see settlers smashing palestinian property is the, is really on the stands by the secular set, by a to show his home where he lives with these 3 daughters. i don't know how good it invented. i keep thinking of my goals that they got, they were out when the tech happened. this is my home. we all have lived for 5 years. but where can i go? and there are 6 illegals. ready settlements that a gradually expanding close to the village. and it is rarely all over the base is on one of the adjacent hills, many of wisdom, the animal saw the attacks have gotten more violent. would they open fire now without warning? there is no way to talk to them. the just shoot you an offer on the un who's recorded at least 380 is ready. secular tax and the occupied with bank since the beginning of the war. on october, the 7th, at least 8 palestinians have been killed. witnesses tell us that on the evening of december, the 2nd, the group of between 10 and 15 is rarely settled as
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a number of them all to approach the village from this direction and began attacking these houses. they were soon joined. so witnesses say by a group of his riley soldiers who brought itself this road. when palestinians from the village came up to try and protect the property here with body which bound down the hill and the only go around 3 hours later being shot in the chest. witnesses say the leader of the attack was this man, a d levy? they say he's participated in numerous all the salts on palestinians in the area. let's mother sits with her now fatherless, grandchildren. and i'm still get the little blinding me. i've given him to god may god bless him. he's left a lot of children behind their friends and community members. also their condolences documents brought up in the hope and they were afraid that more people will be killed in the village because the attacks have increased since the war started. the human rights group, say settlers at taking advantage of
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a right wing is really government that is turning a blind eye to settle a violence a start. then we saw a rise and incident because i think some of those felt like they had more confidence and less consequences to base. but since october 7th, i think that only increased and is because us of the, of, for these kind of allowing that to happen. and also i think a big part of it was the hays page and the revenge that is very them and specially saucers. felt that means increasing sets of attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank of going on checks and on punished by these where the government molden ever the full child stuff without his he had a total of any cost on the occupied with bank. the still ahead on the bulletin will look at blood rushes, president funds, he may have food to these hoping to achieve as he visits the gulf region,
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the the hello again. remnants of a tropical storm are moving up the east coast of india. so this has injected a lot of moisture into the atmosphere. westbank all state edition state. it's also moving eastward into a bung with dish as well. so here's our forecast on thursday, dark in the blue and the yellow. the more intense rain, so some pretty good pockets around cox's bizarre and same goes for the doctor as well. auto brain pouring into the malay peninsula once again. so even south of that, around call and port, we're going to get into some pretty big down ports. i'll show you that in one second, but we're going to talk about the warrants in china. plenty of sine allowing those temperatures to come up. i mean, look at, move on, for example. your should be 11 this time of the year. 23 full on sunshine, on thursday, and bit more cloud cover over the next few days,
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but temperatures still wall above where they should be. for this time of year, a rain and wind condo comes slamming into the western side of japan on thursday. and i promise you, we get back to this part of the southeast asia. first i have to show you this flooding on indian use is main island of java central java providence. it's been pouring rain for days, so some extreme flooding there. but i think the area of concern will be southern sumatra island on thursday. and there is some of those down pores inc column for on thursday, some of which could be sunday season. mid to the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources, the vital role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental
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protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the welcome back. you're watching l to 0, and he is a reminder of our top stores. israel is low and spelling of its heaviest, bombardments in gaza since the world began. emergency workers and displaced people who are among those cube in gaza. 1616000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 2nd these really minute traces it's ground forces are in the center of con eunice, in southern casa, it's part of an expanded assault of central and southern areas. well, let's,
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let's go now to my one bushera. i'll just say we're senior political analyst with me upset and my 11 of the stories we've had in the bulletin and i want to pick up on it is this decision by the united states, the state department, to sanction essentially, settlers by refusing them visas. if they've been involved in box on the west bank and we know that there's an awful lot of that sort of thing going on. the big question is why, what is the point? because a lot of these people are deal nationals. they have us citizenship anyway. it doesn't prevent most of them from visiting the united states. it's a particularly kind of toothless measure. what's the point? what journal, i think we can all use a bit of comedy in the middle of this tragedy. and this has been quite comical. i mean, i actually last for the 1st time in a long time when i heard of the american measure to sanction those uh when the guns in the west bank to say toothless and just say hello. i mean,
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it's really the understatement. i can't remember and reset, remember anything more stupid than this measure, i think, silly or the anything more upsurge than displeasure. and, and uh and uh, so going to the states under blink. and you can see a lot of things about him, but he's not funny. this was funny, i mean, this was hilarious to be honest. and you said that a lot of them are doing nationals in fact, the help of youth. these are the only guns that keep, you know, banging and hitting and destroying things. i $5.00 to $1.00 out of 2 of them have an american parents. me. so they actually, you know, not only do they do a national, they actually uh, you know, bread and, and, and fed than a deal logically and otherwise from the american fruits. right. so a lot of those actually in some way responsible for that. so that is that they tried the company called that but then the most serious stuff is the thing that america is not doing. i'll give you one simple example,
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hundreds of millions of dollars, a stream from the united states to the cold, right? 10 to the secular movements that support these kinds of activities, these kinds of holligan's and the respect to come from the united states and the are tax deductible. meaning, an american can contribute money to these holligan's and they were taken out of the taxes, which means in directly it's the american government that is subsidizing these holligan's. because when you do bucks these things from your taxes, what you're saying is that the american government is sanctioning the contributions to these 100 goes into these indigo settlers. it's now, historically speaking, america digital synchronized for a long time. but these are illegal, but the settlements are illegal in general, not just the holy guns among the settlers, not just the father. i thought just the fanatics,
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the settlements and they go now the united states, one from totally illegal to unhelpful and so on, so forth. but i'm dividing for obama and the by the based on legal sucking about. so america can do far more if it wants to show a sign of moderation. a sign of humane diplomacy assigned that it does appear for the palestinians. it will not allow, is rarely impunity in 2 by 3030, the 2nd to come to more what again, i want to ask you, what is the point because we talk about, and we see a tool called american talk about writing israel in we, he calls for action, there is a void of action into this void of action. you put a meaningless bits of action. want to support the substrate. the point is the section is deflection. it's re direction meaning the united states now stands
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accused of being completed in war crimes. the american public opinion, it's majority, according to the pools one sees 5 minutes faced by the majority of young democrats. once you know it says to stop health think is there a general side independence to maintain most americans? this is very important. please just just fix that in most americans support to states solution that really one, not the ones that is that the by demonstrations freaking in order to go. what up, what is, what is the general site? how can you be forced to search? so you should and support financially and otherwise the settlements that are cutting through that kind of thing and sort of door to door to door is what you end up with is not switched for duration. you end up with swiss cheese and that's what they're doing through the occupied side of things are through with some 7 150000
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illegal settlers in over 200 of supplements. what you are doing, you're cutting the 1st breakfast kind of thing and states into something like 200 bantustans. that's not the way to go. if you're really for us to start solution, that's not the way to go. if you are responsive to. busy on public opinion of the united states. so to cor florida visa band, just just the cheap shot. that's just the deception. i want to thank you. christmas festivities have been cooled off at best lab, the historical city and the occupied westbank considered by christians. the best place of jesus christ usually attracts thousands of pilgrims during the holidays, but they see it. they will be no celebrations because of the war and gaza as need to abraham ripple baby jesus amongst the rubble twists to the tradition and that to be seen to reflect the image is coming out of gauze of thousands of palestinians are fear to be buried under the winds of what was once their homes at
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the images here. i'll see my guys and the shepherds looking for, for jesus we get the lights on. as if to say that is a small price of hope in the midst of the subscription. during the christmas season, eyes turn to bethlehem, the birthplace of christianity palestinian. see they cannot turn a blind eye to the left. this is really bombardment of gauze. if jesus is to be born again, this time this year, he will be born in casa, under the install, a deputy with the people of us. so this is all the city looked in early december of 2020 to julius and bracing to receive more rooms during one of the highest or 6 seasons. this is a major square near the nativity church. the tree should have been put up here, but it will not be installed this year. there are no lights decorations about the
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city and state instead of celebrating which should have been the festive season. there no united in pain with no particular rooms or visitors coming to the city. the majority of the hotels shut their doors and as you saw, the empty in a stove that 202200 was pretty book of the period. some of that did the 8 of the, of the dismiss, overshadowed by more celebration, may have been cancelled. what's prayers don't stop? well, let's see above that his health is to any dive of bethlehem. in his sermon, he urged people to find hope, despite the darkness many here see all they want this christmas is peace. but that seems further away than ever need that, but he and just, you know,
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that's what have the coupon to us. thank or no group in iraq says it has conducted an attack on a base used by u. s. military forces. the group claims it successfully targeted the higher you're basing a bill in the northern part of the rock using drugs in response to crimes committed by what it's cold, the enemy in casa for the been dozens of attacks on basic hosting us forces in iraq and syria. since october, the 7th, a barrage of rockets from level known has been filed towards the settlement in northern israel's upper gallery area. this comes as is rose, intensifies shelling of this strikes into a level in the latest round across the border exchange of 5 with his bullet. they know holder has the latest from southern level on the lebanese arm group has the law and they is really army. have been exchanging fire along the border for 2 months now. as of late, there has been an increase in the intensity of the conflict. according to the
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united nations peacekeeping force in southern lebanon. in recent days, there has been a rapid and alarming increase in the violets. it is warning of dangerous consequences. on tuesday, there was a significant development that really marks an escalation of the as ray, the army targeting, and is a military position belonging to the lebanese army. the lebanese army is not involved in this fight. this way, the army later said, as expressed regret and said that it wasn't this, the army soldiers were not the targets that they were aiming as a stress close by. but that attack is being interpreted as a message from the is released to the lebanese state. because this way, the officials have been blaming the lebanese stay, telling them that they need to reign and has the law. now has the law is stronger than the states and the state has little say and influence over that group. but at the same time as well. also targeted
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a form in the village of our noon. that's about 8 to 9 kilometers from the border. but it's.


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