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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing. your better tomorrow? the . the hello, i'm sammy's i. then this is the news live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes, heavy fighting across guns that straight the street bottles taking place this ro, intensifying ground operations in the south is ready strikes, hit the jabante, a refugee camp once again, killing several people, including family members of an al jazeera corresponds to students in gaza and
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living in spot to deepening our view and human rights to the forms of a heights and the risk of atrocities of the gulf. hundreds of thousands of palestinians has moved off off in southern gauze that scape the bombing and is ready forces counting out more rates in the, on the west side, at least 2 out of city and teenagers. it kills the state, $1600.00 gmc, i'm at 6 pm in garza, with virtually nowhere is safe for millions of palestinians. israel is pursuing its unrelenting attacks from the north. so the south of the strip bottles and as strikes have continued it knows in areas including should jaya in july, the earlier in garza city is rarely bombs killed 1st responders and displaced people one strong and killed. at least 10 people,
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palestinian say the strikes so deliberately targeting single day and i've also been in 10th street to street baffles these. right. the army says it's engaged from the heaviest fighting since it began its ground invasion. 5 weeks ago, demetrius says it's pushing deeper into the southern city of con eunice. does the 2nd biggest 50 it didn't came that begins on coverage and what's being described as a heavy as bombardment since israel's will. the gun was all parts of goza. are under attack the news size and the central region. ground bottoms taking place in con eunice in the side. israel says its troops around the city goal is the 2nd largest, and is supported by flight of jets and will plains desperate. punish simeon, leading to rough. uh, 10 kilometers away. many by foot. the where the china,
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what is left in gauze? where is the world in the mountains? how long will this misery last? let the world walk to our children lining up for water. we fled from con eunice to rough up. here we are in rough uh we do not know where to go. we are sleeping in the streets of the world. health organization says the situation is worsening by the allies. garza and the risk of disease is increasing rapidly. due to the lack of sanitation again. now a lot of let's see, we move to rough uh because of the heavy bombardment because of my injury, i fainted when we moved to the school and i was taken to alex, i'm off to his hospital. the doctors told me i have hepatitis. i am worried, donnelly, in fact my whole family, the united nations says nowhere in gauze that can be considered safe. no, even shelters flying. the un flag, it's not a safe zone. if it's only free from bombardment, i sometimes have no pain. it's
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a safe zone when you can guarantee the conditions of the water medicine and shelter . okay, now i see for myself, these are entirely entirely absent. i can, you cannot overstate these, these a tiny patches of barren land boulder street corners in northern garza, israel has been targeting the largest refugee count jamalia once again published any media se civil defense teams struggling to rescue people trapped onto the rubble in central goes to another refugee camp is come under attack us have residential buildings didn't fall on and on, sorta with thousands of palestinians. codle injured says the spot to so discussions about the release. if it's ready to captive, the media cannot take place until the volume and stops you know who would have to follow. well, that's about data. there will be no negotiations or exchange of captives until the
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aggression against all people on the gaza strip stops. we hold is really prime minister netanyahu fully responsible for the lives of the is really hostages, 80 percent of the population. that's almost 2000000 people have been forced from their homes. but soon that will be nowhere left to go. the image in canada, which is 0. let's take a look at how in, wherever, as well as intensifying its attacks and garza, the new phase of as well as ground. evasion is targeting san eunice in the south and sconces, 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians falls from the homes. and don't know if it's ready for us is a baffling palestinian finds is from the cosign brigades. i'm the summit. you had these regions shaded in red cell. so heavy fighting in several neighborhoods. in garza city. all the fighting and troop movements in decay. this riley is aiming to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north, the central region,
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and the south. that take you now live to the united nations where the masses of arab nations holding a briefing, let's listening council brought up invest. so those and also the chair of the i see the invest that will go to tanya. uh, the president or the chair of the good for this month is my brother sat law, the p r of egypt. i know that all of you are familiar with the story. assume that you have not already friday or not. okay, thank you very much. we want to thank you for being with us to see the,
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the out of the concert of invest the doors led by a lot of chad for this month. and by the lead shipped my brothers emma, and also we have with us the chair. although i see the ministerial chair then best of the, of the motor atanya. or do you remember that during the 1st weeks of the aggression against a lot of people in the gaza strip, we had the addition of assembling large number of invest the doors out of. so i see on the others to address you to show you sort of delta t and unity of all these groups and condemning the aggression demanding ceasefire and all of the things that we've done in the past. we've succeeded, as you know, in the past and going to the general assembly, presuming the authentic imagines the session on adopting. that is a notion that highlighted the 3 objectives that united all of us
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stopping the aggression ceasefire. allowing for humanitarian assistance up to scale and fighting against the crime against humanity of the force transferred. we believe that the resolution in the general assembly reflected these principles among other elements contained in those abuse. then 3 weeks after that, we succeeded or collectively and others of having a resolution adopted in the security council resolution 2712 which on the basis of that the resolution. and that is illusion in the general assembly. arrangements took place of having a hold of the fighting for a number of days. was it a youth that was extended to other days extended to other days that allowed
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for among other things for that a lease of praise notice and the hostages. and i believe that families from both sides where the very joyful to see the loved ones to go back to be part of their families. we thought that that the behavior will be leading to a permanent ceasefire. unfortunately, those who are eager to continue the fighting on the blood shit and they do not value the life of palestinian children and thousands of civilians who have been killed or injured or still under that items or the odd offense which we were told that the out in the 1000 spent a seeing an orphans that also we need to find ways to deal with them and to take care of them. so now we are assuming this activity and patio status
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to see us every day. in fact, tomorrow, at 11 o'clock, we will assemble here, but tomorrow the number of ambassadors wouldn't be larger because we are inviting. the 20, the 57 members over the all i see, to be with us. so that we can make a lot of message clear, crystal clear, and as strong as possible in condemning what is happening and demanding, you know, an immediate cease via to stop the aggression to stop the fight. for during the weekend. and yesterday, and the day before we in the auto group, we were in photo consultations. and we had an emergency meeting yesterdays in which we will be there and analyze what is happening globally speaking. we took note of the some of the, the gulf states in which they called, among other things for an immediate cease fire. we opens that have been the you and
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system and all organization saying that the systems are in the vanity of complete collapse. and therefore they are demanding a ceasefire to be able to function, as we noted the message of mister brad, the foreign minister of the european union, in which he said on the basis of the situation of you on each agencies who are calling for a ceasefire. and since he is also calling for a ceasefire, and few minutes ago i saw the s g is telling me a secret. he told me there is a secret that is on this month today. but then few minutes ago, he published the laptop to the security council, telling them that the humanitarian, dest humanitarian situation is so catastrophic, and the gaza strip. and he is asking again for an
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immediate, too many settings, he's by our best and all these things. we came also before them to the conclusion that we cannot move further without having the the security council showed that it's the responsibility and to act or react to a draft resolution golding for a ceasefire. we are in the final moments of the fine tuning language. we might be in a position to announce to you may be before the end of the day of the step in that direction to be taken place before the end of this week. we wanted to share these things with you. it is all our conductive duty to try, you know, to push the security council to respond to all these requests and demands a delegation of out of minutes status. the combined up and, oh,
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i see ministers will be in washington dc. tomorrow they will engage the us officials with a view of all of the things that we are saying on the other things i am sure. but on top of the agenda is this. we. busy or has to stop a ceasefire and has to take place and it has to take place immediately. the the, the security advisor of the vice president of the united states contacted my president this morning and our president press very clearly immediate ceasefire. humanitarian assistance at scale, stopping the, the transfer, the force transfer and the united states to play at all, to act in order that these things to happen. so as you see that are
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a lot of things are converging together and it has to produce an immediate cease by up to allow also thought all our brothers and cuts out and in egypt to continue with the efforts to resume the exchange of prisoners and detainees. and captives, so that, that the practice that took place about a week ago to go back to it because it has value to all the consent parties. this is what i wanted to share with you before i give the floor to my brother from egypt. but let me say a few things and not a bit. and now do a lot more minus up adult. let people not be come. i don't want them out. i'll be honest. i mean, i was on out of, on most of the group. i'm others to talk with you on daily basis is about the latest developments run and how much does of the medic, aggression the on president to the bottom of medic,
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aggression in the cells. in part of guys level we talked to collect lead time eunice demands from universe must exist. so as the g c, c, summit has cold to cease fire among other things and as descriptive, janetta and all of you on organizations and our product. this in on the ground in gaza are calling they are saying that the entire system is on the verge of i taught them. collab should the secretary general is calling for an immediate to human activity and sees fire board in calling for the same message. we in the out of the group since the week end and constant communication and we conducted the most out to you. this wall has stopped at auto mall. se is fine, has to take place and it has to take place immediately. the woods,
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the of the palestinian representative to the united nations 3 all the month. so speaking the following consultations with the, our group, the group of arab and bassett as to the right. and, well let's dig into this a little further. we've got my mom to sean are with us here. he's all just here, a senior political analyst model on with it. take place immediately as they all of this cooling for what do you know, i hope the pressure is broken off because as you know, as we've been talking about the past 5550 days, is that the, the, you want to slow books, anything and everything. and this is an emergency situation. and since the out of league and the understand that conference summit, every, all this had been slow working. that was an issue that they adopted at the summits a bit late. i'm looking forward to tomorrow as fairly ad month sores. a declination now that $57.00 ambassadors will show up together. mm hm.
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$57.00 impressions as almost one 3rd, almost a quarter to one 3rd of the un membership. so then to is the key here to look for, right them and, and wait. but of course those and busses don't include those with security. vito powers right? absolutely. that's why and that's in the sense of the membership once the video and general assembly membership. and as he said, there's also something delegations to washington to start talking to the by the investigation for the by then as when i'm mistaken start getting serious. that's also important. and i think in the sense of what they're asking for, it is not the impossible. but again, that asking for a cease fire. i'm a jonathan, the general or somebody already voted for a cease fire of store. and i think now with this supplemental, i think maybe we will start building up towards it. i would wish, as an observer,
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that's not the only the $57.00 out of most the majority nations joined in. i would wish that although investors from western countries, i'm from latin america and africa also joined in, in the effort to show that kind of sort of data to, to show that kind of, uh, information of the need to stop the war. there's already been indication though, from the latin american, african and basset is uh, very much on the side, the idea of a ceasefire. right? absolutely. now, did you, i'm sure you heard his reference to statements by you also have burrell that you find policy chief, the secretary general. how important is that is, is there's some kind of change, at least in terms of the you, i think the 2nd, the gen, those code for a sci fi before. but are you reading any kind of nuance change in position? so yes, that bottle that you are. yes. and that's been coming up for a few days now it's uh, it's still not right. the cold enough,
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not principled enough and you know why? right? especially the european union remains to be divided divided especially because germany refuses to take a serious position on stopping the genocide in gaza. it's as if germany insists on the opinion paying the price for its own history. for gentlemen his history to us the truth. i mean, it's fine. we understand that germany has a set in memory, has a set in history with jewish holocaust. but that does not mean that it should be resolved on the back or at the expense of the fed, a city in genocide and guys. and that's why there's a bit of more, a 1st position changing. of course, as you know, the irish, the bill was the spanish. there are a series of changes on it, but at the 100 and 4th a, there's also in the european parliament, there is also important change. and we know, and we heard from the secretary general becoming clear in his voice about
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what needs to be done in terms of in terms of the ceasefire. so yes, a different method pressure is, but the thing up, as i said, it's a bit too late because guys that continues to suffer under it. only thing is our one country, the ultimately right, right now in the u. n. b usa to allow us, it is coming down to the i said, because as we've heard also from our correspondence, there's only one country. now that is blocking that is addition to take place at the united nations security council level. now that's what, remember if it has been already 12712 is unimportant. you un security council resolution that the, that is, that is not is right, is not abiding by that us security council resolution. i'm not sure i'm assuming another one is going to be enough unless it's backed by the united states and other western allies were raised right in the sense that once that was an issue as fast, you need, then the leverage to be used in order for us to be implemented, right?
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all right, model and as always, thanks so much feel sharing a perspective. let's go to the topic up as of now he joins us from outside the, quite the hospital in law fox. so thought ec wells didn't want it. so talking about sees 5, the reality that was continuing strikes today, particularly bloody day, wednesday in gauze, or climbing most of it in live staffing with 1st responders this morning. so now the family of an al jazeera journalist, a yes that's true and just quickly to should the light and the fact that just before a couple of minutes ago, these really occupation had destroyed the residential building in a roof where a number of injuries had arrived. to us to wait to hospital, we so it will be seen as of the floods, the injured girls, elderly people, and the women who had been covered. it seems that you have been killed by these.
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what if i assume that we are waiting for further information by the administration of the hospital in terms of the last number of the death dual. and we'd like to send our condolences to our cleveland melisha left before the loss of his family members, including his parents alongside with the number of his siblings and their wives and children maintenance for walk this family where resigned to enjoy value refuge account taking shelter from the is really, really interest plumbing as they were forced to flee from the house. right now, they have been killed by the all of the patient forces. and i clearly heard the last voice notes that had been sent by moments mother to him. uh, just before a couple of days i was sitting at the front of more than the night. he just finished uh, listening to the recording. and he just, uh, is t as have been told, due to the message that he had for his mother and his family members. now he is the pride from returning to the north of the gaza strip to bits for will,
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for the family members on the situation for his the for him right now is very dramatic and critical. we wish that they might rest in peace as the majority of areas. of course, the goal is to have had been widely attacked by documation forces and the un topic is now talking about 80 percent of galls is having being displaced. what are they facing now? what are they going yes, i mean 80 percent of cisco sims, were forced to sleep on the houses and leave the left everything behind on. now the, our station originally thing and roof district. this area is very, you know, become very much more does he populated with the more waves of evacuation that took place from separate areas along the territory. now people, some of the palestinians had managed to find shelter in their religious houses and
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which gives a clean indication that the majority of houses in rough, our district had become very populated. and it means that any strike will claim the lives of hundreds of palestinians due to the fact that every single house and rough right now is hosting an effect you re assembly from the goal of this trip. now people tend to take the public school to inform the areas of the used to sit up drums at that lux, old basic necessities which considered to be also on human for a suitable for human to reuse the really suffering as the workforce to get off early or from the area i was wanting to have access to food water which takes so long hours. but to be said, despite the fact that the department, the roof as will continues, which force them to feel with the absence of safety in the homeland. which right now, roughly, is the last show talk for the majority of dozens, or i thought
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a couple of assume the site so much feel, i think nations high commission of human rights volk, a total clean wall, says palestinians in garza and living in also defending hara the civilians in gaza continue to be relentless to the bombarded by israel and collectively punished, suffering death, seach destruction, and deprivation of the most essential human needs, such as food. what a life saving, medical supplies and other essentials on the massive scale set of students and gaza . living in to deepening hara military operations, including bombardments by is ready for us is continue in north, middle, and south gaza, affecting people who have already been displaced, multiple times, forced to flee in search of safety, but no place is safe on the box. sort of stuff is
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a spokes person for palestine red crescent society. she joins us live from ramallah, good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let's start with some of the most pressing needs right now seems to be simply finding something to eat. tell us what people are facing in terms of finding food right now and goals a good evening. sammy, thanks for having me. we are the pallets time the trust funds are extremely worried regarding but is there any evacuation orders for palestinian in jaime witness. where should people go? there is no where left. there's no safety place already enough. there is no room for everyone, and some students are already packed. the situation is extremely dangerous in jaime with is there is a ongoing shipment that is happening on the 9th. and there's thousands of people who are to send their who, who don't have any place to go to. yes. are they thousands of palestinians who are
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taking center inside the summer? the dress them execute and hon. eunice. they have left towards the one at the same time. so who's others came in to take their places? i spoke to one of mine for the who is family and it's still there in the palestine . i took you in hand, eunice and he said, despite the dangerous, his family are not going to go to the boss because they don't have any place to go to. and that means they gonna stay in the streets. another craig, he has already evacuated from his home in gaza at the beginning of the escalation, and he is now with his brother. they have at the, i think, but they haven't left yet because they don't have anywhere to go to. and they only wish to stay safe wherever they are, as for the humanitarian needs every single place in golf, every palestinian now over 2000000 civilians are lacking for the water and
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everything. they both have access to nothing. and now in dropbox, even the situation is just worsening. being bounced in in means that you have to choose now between the bad and the worst impossible decisions are being taken. what? oh, how this thing is. because 7 please. they don't have any other you should or the choice to take. or do we have any idea how many people right now have headed towards proffer, it seems to be the focal point for a lot of dislikes palestinians. do you have any idea how many people are living roughly? so basically as i mentioned, thousands have already fled from time units towards out are fine. but at the same time, thousands others are still there and 10 units. they don't have any option to go. they don't have family members to go to be with them. and as i mentioned,
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sensors are already packed. and there's no way or no space left for anyone on top of that many people and they will how they will be in the streets because there is no space left and everyone is lacking for water and everything as you know depends thunder. the tristan is even receiving the humanitarian either the crossing the border from the egyptian or the presidency. our teams artist is working to receive aids. however, since the beginning of the escalation and up to this moment, what we have received is the is, is barely at 10 percent of the needs and doesn't to scratching the surface. we have the, the don't pay the fuel getting on the 10 percent of people's needs. how long is it before? perhaps we start seeing starvation, people dying from, from lack of food. do you have a time table? that is one of the major concerns. now literally people,
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if they are not going to die from the shipping and the boardman palestinians will be died because of the hunger. and now it's used struggling for every palestinian to have fluid for his family. and so then none of the family didn't have the ball days weeks i don't how accurate estimation regarding the situation, but how, what we see on the ground most palestinians now are struggling to even to have a, one me with very basic things. it's just a medical to have food for your children and your family. and as i said, it's just something really hard even to enter in the market. the market of that over to moms of goods to continue with escalation and the located own garza and only just very minimum and humanitarian is, is getting. and so the internet market is almost empty when you go to any grocery
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store or what. so i heard that you can find it is only empty shows, the only thing that is available as like some vegetables and because of the situation, prices have went so much high. so even people can't afford to buying vegetables for what is available because they have been for over 2 months with and with no work with no money with no salary or whatsoever to get into consideration. that's the most about us doing is in gaza, working in on a daily basis or will leave at that time so much about a lot of stuff as well says it's intercepted a surface to surface miss all in the space near the city of a lot in southern israel is ready, ami says it's defense systems detected the launch coming from the direction of the red sea, skipped more. now this with and ron font joins us from tel aviv. so what i just
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really visual saying about this as well. these really officials have confirmed the attack and they've said that it was, as you say, intercepted, but interestingly, these youth, these have now released a statement saying that you have me on forces continue to carry out the military operations because he's right. the enemy, as well as implementing the decision to prevent, is really ships from navigating the arab and red seas in support of the oppressed palestinian people. and until the aggression against our brothers and goals that stoves the roof. these have actually ramped up that rates in recent days. they attack in 2 places. these really ships that they talked about that, that has an economic impact and the who these actually know this, the more that they attack goes is ready ships. the docking in is ready pulse, the more insurance premiums go up significantly and the more prices rise of those goods coming in to israel. also in a lapse which is a tourist destination with
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a missile, was fide into it, relies on tourism. if that make it too unstable to go, then that will have an economic impact as well. but these raised levels have been very clear about this as well. they aren't actually blame the who, these per site. they say that the who these all simply controlled by the iranians. they do the iranians bidding and other and extension of the earning military apricots us. but like a, you just heard that in that statement. this is all about trying for the who fees, at least to force a ceasefire, and to show solidarity with the palestinians of the goals and strip. and they were on the stand, the is right. the security cabinet has been meeting with a heavy, as well as interesting we heard or from the united nations. our of, i'm baset is just a few moments ago you were talking through my colleagues low and brochure about that. and the focus was, of course, on humanitarian aid. well, the security cabinet was due to meet and may,
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will still meet in about an hour's time. they were specifically going to talk about letting humanitarian aid into the strip. in fact, there was a number so far, 60000 liters of fuel have gone into the strip. they wanted to double that number. now this is as a result of american prussia, the americans, i'm putting tremendous amounts of price on these really won't cabinet. these ready walk happen to different from the security cabinet met yesterday they talked about humanitarian aid, and then they said, well actually we are going to reject this now. but we all going to send it for the security cabinet to talk about the security cabinets. how many jew to meet in an hour is unsure if they will meet because that seems to be disagreement within the security cabinet. we're hearing that something within the cabinet don't want to meet because there's a lot of terry and aid has become too much of a fully complex issue. so like in an hour's time, but will that have an impact on what the our buses were saying? oh no shape just a few minutes ago. all right, good time. well,
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thanks so much and brawn calling the at least 3 palestinians have been killed in the latest is randy rhodes in the occupied westbank. 2 of them with teenagers who were killed in the refugee camp since the war in gaza began, as well as step top daily rights and towns and cities in the occupied westbank speak to. i'll just there, as a bus probably now, joins us from the ones they off them off, looked like as well, that dest told the latest numbers today, bring the total number of people killed so far in the occupied westbank since the war and gods have again to $26052.00 of them, as you said in the o, for a refugee camp near to boss, including a 16 year old that re, to happen in the early morning hours. and one person was killed in a rate in ballasa, a refugee camp near novelist, 3 posting as were also wounded, one critically in a rate in the history, a refugee camp south of bethlehem. that was this morning, 3 people were detained. several houses were rated as
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a part of that military operation. so for 60 people have been detained over the course of the day. that's become a very high average figure for these daily and nightly rates that have been going on in all the rates today. seem to have been targeting specifically refugee camps. and zane understand there's been some palestinian reaction to the announcement tells us sanctions on some settlers focused through events that's very largely posting and people feel that any us policy, anything they say that is in favor of the palestinian people is largely public relations of publicity. stunt with no teeth, we put the question to the foreign ministry and an official from the policy ministry of foreign affairs gave us a statement. i'll read to you what he said. it is a step in the right direction. despite it being late, we think that the sanction should include all settlers who participate in hostilities against costing people settlements or a war crime,
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a crime against humanity. a grave freak of international law. not only because the israeli government, the occupation, as they call it, transfer civilians to occupied palestinian territory. but also because they carry out many crimes including premeditated murder, confiscation of lands displacing, post indian stealing resources, as well as settler terrorism. very strong language in terms of the reaction here he went on to say, we therefore believe that other country should follow suit. take more steps towards putting settlers on terra list because they are mending terrorism against palestinians. and those governments should also stop any commercial trade directly or indirectly, that helped to fund settlements or settlers. so a very, very strong statement from the palestinian authority here in ramallah with regards to that policy. however, if you speak to hosting and people academics, analyst, even members of the p, a leadership in private, they will tell you that they don't expect a lot of practical change on the ground because these really government and these really troops often support the settlements directly. they often support settlers
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when they carry out attacks on policy and communities. and as long as the us is supporting the israeli government, there is really no institution that can be a reasonable policing mechanism. even if the policy is put out by the united states . look good on paper. all right, thanks so much. same personality. and the state department says it's right of the efforts to stop such low volumes against palestinians in the occupied occupied westbank cannot sufficient any time a fraction of a tax led to convictions in recent years. and the situation is got worse since the start of as well as war on garza. charles stratford reports for todd with benny hudson. this memorial monks with 41 year old comp, and joshua i'll see was shot dead drilling electronic bodies ready settlers in the occupied westbank on december. the 2nd this video is off that day. you can see
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settlers smashing palestinian property is the is really ami stands by the settlers set by a to show his home where he lives with these 3 daughters. i don't know how good it invented. i keep thinking of my goals then. thank god they will out when the tech happened. this is my home. we all have lived for 5 years. but where can i go to the and there are 6 illegals. ready settlements that a gradually expanding close to the village. and then these really all of the base is on one of the adjacent hills. many wisdom, the and most of the attacks have gotten more violent. would they open fire now without warning? there is no way to talk to them. the just shoot you an offer on the un who's recorded at least 380 is ready. secular tax in the occupied with bank since the beginning of the war. on october the 7th, at least 8 palestinians have been killed. witnesses tell us that on the evening of december, the 2nd, the group of between 10 and 15 is rarely settled as a number of them all to approach the village from this direction and began
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attacking these houses. they were soon joined. so witnesses say by a group of his riley soldiers who brought itself this road. when palestinians from the village came up to try and protect the property here, it's body was found down the hill and the only go around 3 hours later. he'd been shot in the chest. witnesses say the leader of the attack was this man, ag levy. they say he's participated in numerous all the salts on palestinians in the area. but some of the sits with her now fatherless grandchildren. and i'm a subject on the me, i've given him to god may god bless him. he's left a lot of children behind their friends and community members, also their condolences to awesome. that's brother in law, hoping that we're afraid that more people will be killed in the village because the attacks have increased since the war started when human rights group say settlers at taking advantage of a right wing is really government that is turning
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a blind to light to set live alignments, start then we saw on a rise and incident because i think some of those felt like they had more confidence and less consequences to base. but since october 7th, i think that only increased and is because of the, of, for these kind of allowing that to happen. and also i think a big part of it was the homepage page. and the revenge that is really isn't that especially software. so that means increasing sets of attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank of going on checks and on punished by these where the government molden ever the full child. stop it out just yet a total of many house on the occupied with bank and speak to i'll just hear a senior political analyst model on the charlotte joins us back here in the studio . good. have you with us model long. so moments ago,
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listening to that member of the palestine read cries and talking about how and it's becoming a struggle so painful just to find food and why is that people will start to face starvation is something i mean you have to look back to what's written about ouch fits book an hour on the web page to hear stories of populations being starved to death. but the, the serial thing is, we're watching it in 2023. how does want to reconcile actually it's only in recent base that there been so many comparisons were 2nd world war because we are now talking about a genocide. and you know, genocide as it was formulated and responsive 2nd world war wasn't just about the holocaust. it was about all sorts of war crimes guided by the germans against others. but there was other 4 other sorts of comparisons been made nowadays with
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2nd world war. for example, the bombings of casa, i've been now compared to the german bombings of english cities. over what, 2 years, one of the allied bombing of german cities. so you can imagine that within less than 2 months, the bombings of this very little strip called gaza, has been subjected to the kind of bonding of destruction on the scale of 2nd world war. and use the terms of collective punishment, the collect to punish the sadistic collective punishments towards the palestinians instead of startling them not leaving them without clean water, a name that would be dying of thirst, or they would have to drink the sea water. but leaving them with 0 infrastructure and pushing them to so basically, you know, an area of 0 civilized infrastructure for people not to have
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a place where they can do their basic needs, calling them that safe zone. voice talking about making who made the the expense of areas around throw alpha, right, of being absolutely pushed, squeezed into smaller and smaller areas. very little infrastructure to notify structure oftentimes was not in 1st off. so just because it also there's no days off of choosing the safe, safe areas that sort of randomly as well, which people don't know exactly where they are. long story short. it's humbug. long story short, it's sophistic long story short. it is genocide, the it's collective punishment. it's been humane and all these acrobatics, right. i mean, look at the kirkpatrick stuff we just heard from our correspondent in june and joseph. i mean, what does he just say? i kind of followed up the logic the united states is asking is to expand the humanitarian aid. right. if any else there is no, i'm not going to do it. he says,
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i'm gonna have to take it to my full cabinet. it takes you to the full cabinet because the one cabinet is basically been blocked with nothing. now, before cabin it says no, we're not going to do it. now that the work cabinet, there was nothing is going to go now to the security cabinet. right? and now the security to grab it and does not me think. so all these acrobat x, because that isn't a bit of a pressure after us, it gives the constitution and the american pressure, and you have the playing games with people's lives. these railways are playing games with palestinian lives in a sadistic way, making them suffer, making them scream, making them start, making them unable to sleep or live in their territory. that's what's happened in the past 50 days, and it just continues unabated. alright. model on the shuttle. thanks so much. now, as we mentioned, any of these very minute,
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free size is ground forces are in the center of con eunice, in southern gaza. a spot of an expanded assault on central and southern areas joins now live by my home, but i any. he's a palestinian brochure scientist who's in the san eunice in garza. first of all, thanks for joining us. i notice it's pretty dark behind you. are you in a situation where you have very little supply of, of electricity? i take it i'm uh, we have a lot of equity for 2 months now and all i'm in this dark place because this is the best uh, reception guy for the wi fi actually. um, in the past tell us what life is like for you right now in hong eunice. while this in tents, intense bombardment is stepping up.
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yeah. like this is bill is very, very terrifying. but also right on the search them. and when you, i don't know is that, you know, your area is going to be best to just mention that so that these ready forces were in the center of funding was, i mean, is it very media and the central trying to do something? i'm i, i imagine that they're at the other side of this center from where i am, because they came in from the northwest. uh and i guess northeast as well. and every day is a struggle in terms of finding the basic. ready necessities plus the bible as myself and, and my relatives just spend 3 hours as building up the watch containers cuz the
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mains boss was by, it was on for the 1st time and 10 days or so. and, and it was so we the, we only fill out the containers by getting pockets and spending the time using, using the buckets. and there are, as you probably know, of major shortages in also is i think the other aspect is even on the people in guys that are difficult, extreme opportunities. so most people can't afford to buy food and are reliant on age. but the a, the system to the delivery of a, b 2 or international organizations for it's almost at groups that kind of donations and distributed age as, as products and you much broke them down as well. so the ice box is very, very difficult right now. and then there's the certain kids just not knowing what's
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next and the environment has been very intense in around about 200. be sure. one is too long to get your radius around us. but we're very fearful that it's going to come closer. and we're not sure, well, we can do about that to save ourselves muhammad, let me, let me ask you, then this appreciate your patience with the question. but for the sake, perhaps of those views want entirely familiar with the situation. i might ask, well, why not move out your in con eunice? these rates are conducting operations, these raise of drops leaflets and some parts of hong units telling people to leave, hey, why not simply leave i answered the question in 2 parts and thanks i, i appreciate the question. firstly, i'd say 2 of you are asking why not leave now? would you need your home if you were ordered to do so by someone one of more
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powerful than you is, is it right that you should have to meet your home. so that's the 1st part my on sir. uh, i don't. it. people don't want to leave because these are homes. we don't want to leave them under duress. so after the 1st, the 1st part then 2nd be leaving does not guarantee safety or wellbeing. there is no way that it stays from the arm of the booty. so it's really me to treat it as carrying out as your previous guess said it is coming out of the textbook case of genocide on possible in gaza and know where it says from them. also there is no place to go in terms of shelter in terms of getting our basic aids into the box, having a water supply as sanitation
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a more i was speaking to my relatives earlier today or yesterday i got the old days of melted into one. it's very, very hard and he said, we're not going anywhere. if we go, we're going to die of exposure and me and my kids. so the best thing part for that reason. and that's the same reason why, why we are staying here. how many cars they tell me, how long have you called food for them? um, i'd say we have like sewage for about 4 or 5 days. maybe. what happens off the 5 days where well we have to a ready rationing suit in the board, sir. we have been from the beginning and right so more extreme rationing it's, it's a mattress or fuel to to cook or bake sewage. um yeah we, we hope that some really slow to come all for that time. i'm so sorry. go to
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jumping around cuz we, we've got some, we've got some breaking news, but how much do stay safe? we'll hope we'll come back and talk soon about the conditions that take you now some breaking news coming into un secretary general antonio has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool to direct the security council. to meet overt garza, he's calling for an urgency is fine to avert what he calls a humanitarian catastrophe. as cost life to view and in new york. we're joined now by christine. so let me so 1st and put this in context. what does this mean us? yes, well we have received through diplomatic source is a copy of a letter that the secretary general has submitted to the security council invoking article 99. this is the secretary general's equivalent of pushing the panic button . article 99 in the un charter gives him the authority to call for
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a security council meeting for any topic that he views as a threat to international peace and security. it doesn't have to be on the agenda. it doesn't have to be called by a counsel member and he's doing so over the situation in gaza. in the letter he urges the counsel to use its power to press for a cease fire in gaza, saying that the humanitarian situation cannot be addressed in the current environment. that the situation is at that the humanitarian response is that severe risk of collapse. if there is not a ceasefire and more aid is allowed to get in, he is doing this. as a majority of council members have actually expressed their support for a humanitarian ceasefire. however, the council has not invoked
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a resolution calling for a cease fire. the united states has been very clear and it's our position to doing so. the united states being a veto wielding member of the council as recently as yesterday said that it does not believe that council action would help the situation. they instead called for continued negotiations, said that the united states was continuing to work with israel to improve the situation for humanitarian access on the ground. but as the situation goes from bad to worse, we see the secretary general invoking this power to press the security council to take action that it has been unable to do so far. so this is a pretty significant step by the secretary general and his entire time as secretary general since 2017, he has never once used article 99. this is the 1st time. so that gives us a sense of just how dire the situation is. in gaza and it comes as we just
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turned from the palestinian and bass or to the us as well. he came to the stake out with them members of the era group, an organization of islamic cooperation to say that they would be going to washington dc tomorrow to also press us officials for a cease fire. so what we're seeing from you on officials and allegations here at the us as a full court press to try to get a ceasefire in some relief for the people in the gaza. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much kristen. so literally, let's dissect this though, here in the studio. so we've got once again, i'll just share a senior political unless model of the shot a. so model on this idea of invoking article 99 to cool for a security council meeting. what difference does that make this time? what clearly the u. n is going against the u. s. a. the secretary general of the united nations going against the american president. because as we and i and others
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been speaking the last few days, the only gone through that is actually blocking i real action on the part of the security council is that you, us. so he's lost patients in the security council in particular the us and he's trying to move things on his own. i guess it sounds so to me. but does that change anything of the facts, of the veto structure that we know? does it give any hope for, for the counsel talk she authorize or impose the season? no, no, no, i don't think so. no. i think the idea here is what you and i were just talking about earlier. how frustrating it has been to slow walk. everything in terms of convincing me things in terms of getting close to new sions in terms of action on the question of the guys on palestine. and i think this, you want to secure to you and 2nd, to the general who is not going to go for another re election round. the really, it doesn't care now anybody felt little to lose. is that the, especially if i'm getting at that stage? and as we've been speaking of the past so many weeks, the 2nd in general has
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a duty to the on chart to not to the members, not to that member of state or one or 2 of the member states with a v to bowers. here's a thought of his model, voice is more important than that, or one or other member states in terms of that going to talk to in terms of ongoing the weight of the international community. and the pressure has been visiting up. he already has a has to resolution once of the security council, one from the under that of the something he understands that a majority of the confusion of the world once something to happen there once he's fine. he also understands that gaza is in dire, dire circumstance. i mean dire doesn't even do it. right. there's a genocide being unraveling, and garza and his pull for that kind of an action is close to arm. so i'm surprised . all right, we're going to have to leave it there, but thanks so much model on the shoulder. so that brings us to the end of this news out, find more information on our website. i'll just 0, don't com for back of the top of the hour. another full show and no coverage for,
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for one garza as well as the other days new. so the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the the, it is a tenant object to produce objective these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was
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telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this republic, this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the a straight to survive holes across garza is this rather intensifies its ground operation in the south. the un secretary general invokes a reverend powerful tool try and all the blog check the


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