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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm 0 venue, it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program. this our, an attempt to stop the suffering and goes to the you and chief and folks are rear power to force the security council background. the table, heavy fighting across gaza street to street baffled, was a taking place with his real,
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intensifying its ground operation in the southern part of the strip. is really air strikes, hit the edge of all your refugee camp once again, killing 22 family members of an als, a 0 correspondence. and this really for seems kerio more ways in the occupied westbank. at least to tell us the teenagers are killed the but you're in secondary general. antonio gutierrez has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tools to try to stop the blood shed in gaza. he is directing the security council to discuss what he calls the humanitarian catastrophe. and he is calling again for an urgency fire. that's as the people in gaza in georgia to day of mass killing from north to south in just the last few hours is really bombs hit this home near the southern city of rough or the strike killed 18 members of the same family. this happened in one of the few areas. israel has said is
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a safe. so there have also been in 10th street the street that old hughes really army says it's engaged in the heaviest fighting since it began its ground invasions 5 weeks ago. and military says it is pushing deeper into the southern city of han eunice guys. the 2nd biggest city that will have an update from gaza in just a moment are a couple of whom is standing by and ross a for us. first though, let's cross live to the u. n. in new york, i'm joined by christine salumi. christa let's we need to find out more from you about this article 99 that the un secretary general has invoked for the 1st time in his tenure as secretary general, what it looks like right now is a 2 page letter, but it's, it's, it's, it's a little bit more than that. explain as well. this is very significant. it is the 1st time that the secretary general antonio gutierrez, he's been an office since 2017 1st time he has invoked article 99. in fact,
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no secretary general in the last 30 years has formally invoked article 99. those some have referenced it. it is the most powerful tool of the secretary general to bring to the security council's attention. what he views as a threat to international peace and security, and that is exactly what he's doing about the situation in gaza. he is utilizing this power to call for a security council meeting him to press for action for a humanitarian ceasefire to avert. and his words, a humanitarian catastrophe, and he's doing this as attempts by the united arab emirates and other members of the council to work on a draft security council resolution that would do just that have stalled. so he is saying in this letter to the council that the humanitarian system in
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gaza is failing. and that there are potential your reversible repercussions to peace and security in the entire region and the hopes of galvanizing them to take some action. yep. in reading this letter along with you, kristin and the quotes are really very, it's, it's a strongly worded the quotes are compelling, there is no effective protection of civilians rights, the un secretary general, nowhere is safe in gaza. we meeting the un are simply unable to reach those in need inside gaza and the capacity of the un. and if you manage here in partners has been decimated, we are facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system. so those, that's how he's framing this debate that he wants to un security council to have. so what's going to happen now has the security council addressed this? so russia and the united arab emirates have called for an open meeting of the security council on friday to look at the situation. and gosh, are there been over
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a dozen meetings of the council so far? only one resolution calling for humanitarian pauses uh, has passed. uh, this would be uh, an opportunity to discuss the situation. we're not sure who will brief account. so i suspect we may hear from the secretary general himself. but this uh, whether or not they will actually vote on a resolution remains to be seen. as we know, as i said, that there had been attempts to work on one. but the united states has said very openly that it opposes any more council action, even though a majority of council members have expressed their support for a humanitarian ceasefire. the united states, a veto wielding member of the council, has said that it does not want further counsel action. it does not believe it would be helpful in the us and bassett, or has said that the united states is working directly with israel and other
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partners in the region to improve humanitarian access and call for the protection of civilians. but given the situation on the ground is not improving in anything, it's getting worse, but it remains to be seen if anything will change on friday and the council members will find a way to act. we know that error and as long that countries here at the un are sending a delegation to washington dc tomorrow ahead of this council meeting to speak with the button administration and press their case for humanitarian sees fire. we'll have to see if it has any impact because again, as a veto welding member of the united states is not on board with a cease fire resolution, then it will not pass in the council if they vote against it, it will be vetoed. and of course, if it is passed, it has the power of international law. so that would be very strong indeed for, for
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a statement for the security council to make that they need the united states and the united kingdom to go along. kristen salumi, thank you for your reporting. this raises a number of questions, will examine them with you and with our guests over the coming hours. first that we do want to see what's happening on the ground and gaza, where is realized pursuing its unrelenting attacks from the north to the south of the gaza strip. the new phase of israel's ground invasion is targeting han units and the south. it is got the 2nd largest city. it is home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have been forced from their homes in the north is really forces of baffling palestinian fighters from the cassandra gates and islamic jihad in these areas here in red. and there's also a heavy fighting in several neighborhoods inside god's a city. now, if you take all of this as an aggregate all the fighting, all the troop movements, this indicates that israel is aiming to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas. the north, the central region and the south. now tar couple is zoom, joins us from the outside, the kuwait,
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the hospital in rossa in the south. bring us up to speed dark on this ground. defensive in and around on you this to yes. as then you is. busy the phase of confrontation of the we're at the ropes has on starts as it seems, that the expansion of the military operation, this time, had been directed towards the south of the goal is this trip. in particular, the eastern areas of community where the east, where the ground operation starts. it, i know it's expanding towards to reach the main center areas of the city which consider it to be from the east. very perspective as the main stand through places for the power steering fight as they are trying to eliminate and to destroy now as well as started. it's a ground operation by destroying the majority of houses that are adjacent to the voters. and now there are intimidating residents to keep fleeting to roof. i just
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click on the the sauce of garza where the bump bump inside been carried out against different residential buildings where only in kind of in a city during the last couple of days, more than 50 error rates had been a tax and more than 50000 units have been killed, did you? did use a separate air strikes now the minutes with ration on this all are expanding as also rough. our district has been on the button and during the last couple of hours were 18 posting. you have the skills in an air strike in a shuffle or a neighborhood rough district, which considered to be one of the most densely populated neighborhoods inside the roof on which also bring us to clear the fact that the situation when roof of mind exhausted, paid as is very, very shows on the cell or expanding target. what are palestinians doing? because we know that israel for several days has been saying go to designated safe areas. we also know that it's been dangerous. the pallets things to move from where they are to pretty much anywhere else in the gaza strip. so what or most
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palestinians choosing to do right now? yes. 80 percent of palestinians have evacuated to refine the district itself of goes up. all of them had followed the oldest of these with occupation forces to flee in order to be safe. as they have turned into, i honestly had arrived to refundable brought me to this area, continued. i did not stop giving them a clear indication that there is no any sense of the safety, of course, the territory. so now they are focusing on finding shelters for themselves as someone posting, as managed, to find houses for rent of this winter. the assembly to the relative houses. well, the vast majority did not find any show to, and they just decided to take the shortest in public areas where they sit up different into accounts in order to live in without having any public passwords without having any sufficient humanitarian supplies. and the absence of the
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humanitarian aids that were allowed to previously to install guns. i know the situation there on a roof is very critical. as people are running low fluids, also they are, they are lying that'd be, are forced to line up for new hours to have access to, if you latest or full to and with the multiple fluctuation of would. that's possible range that might, for, on the roof of the situation might might 3 to 2, right? more which gives which to any hope for palestinians to have a better future within the coming days. right? recovery assume stay safe. you and your team will come back to you in the coming hours. thank you for your reporting. alger 0 correspondence mean i'll show rossi has lost 22 members of his family in is really airstrikes ashcroft. he lost his mother and father along with his siblings nieces, nephews. when the devali a refugee camp was bombed again by the israeli army. it was early on wednesday morning. and what means cousin was at the scene of the attack. a lot of a lot of
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a lot of sort of basel the some so so but of the measurements of the look on the not, if you know the heads up, we are going to shut off a hedge. i'm a man why mentally shut off? i'm hung a, was there a still over the world who i've talked about for spill now, what are they all good? well, i'm going to shut off some of the the houses 0 correspondence mino, srahi was an hon. eunice when that strike happened. and this is what you had to say about losing his family. well, of the, of the half of the my father was killed. he was 87 years old. he lived through the not the bar in 1948, when he was forcibly expelled out of his village to the north west of the gaza
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strip. he was 12 years old in those bitterly painful events remained. compton, his memory until a day he was killed. he used to recounts me the most detailed specifics, and he never forgot the names of his neighbors, all those who much with them and the forcible exodus from his village to jabante a refugee camp to the north of casa. he's been carrying those bits of moments with him. that is why he refused to re live the same vicious events. he always said being expelled south around the strip. he held his ground to the last moment and preferred to die, holding onto his roots. especially since he was a history teacher, he taught thousands of students throughout his career. so did my mother who saved in the education field for 35 years. they always rejected the idea or a forcible expulsion, but he is ready, occupation forces that took the land. they refused to succumb to precious. they moved from home to home, refusing to leave the north. that was their destiny. and all i can say is that god is
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a rock. he is the dispos or of all the fees and then go to the refuge and from him only we gain strength. also is there a media network has denounced the bombing in a statement that said it will pursue all legal steps to hold those accountable for this crime. it calls on the international community and press freedom organizations to work to put an end to these massacres immediately. and ensure prompts of justice for the families of the innocent victims. well, joining me now is luciano, is that correct? he's an associate professor of golf politics at the golf study center here at guitar university. thank you for being with us today. i want to take you back to what we were saying at the top of the show this, this pretty, a bold diplomatic move, or stripe bold, unusual and rare, or diplomatic move by the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, he invoked article 99 1st time in his tenure, he wrote these 2 pages, we cited them and we quoted them at the beginning of the show. what it does is it forces
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a new discussion at the un security council on the war and gaza. he is calling for a ceasefire. where do you expect us to go? well, if it's in, it would be interesting to see what are the next steps on the us, i'm ministration. and this is the 1st time that this is in both officially in the last 30 years before and the 6. it was just once of this, the 1st time that this invoking something that we already know what this is going to be the petition, but us. so actually the process on the us, it comes now and i think this is very important because for the 1st time that us needs to address something that they know that they don't want to do it in front of most of the international community. the some of the over the happen, i mean, you know, doesn't, it has to be told many times revolution against israel. but, and as we say, it's a, it's a 1st time the business in both by the secretary general of the united nation. so we don't know exactly what would be the legal and political implications. we know that for instance, if we had already asked for, would that us to resign. so we know that what it would,
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that it has said is not important for the funny. why am i still going to change this? is jennifer, and if i knew who to continue the offensive enough. but i think is, would be interesting to see how by then i'm the solution is we have seen a model because in the there is a mountain for a set of against data, the rest in poland, in desktop, even that difference as well. right? so about that point over the last few weeks since the last since the 1st and only united nations security council resolution that we've seen since the beginning of this, this conflict that was several weeks ago since then. i think it's fair to say the international mood has shifted a little bit in a way that is less favorable to his real and to american support of israel. so the us comes back to the negotiating table at the usc with a world that is less inclined to listen to them and give them a pass. i think that's the whole. the whole point of this is that the mood has shifted a little bit. the public opinion changed,
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environmentally speaking. they political been here in the us mainly on democrats, is changing and we just also import them for by then to to by my country and, and that, that are going to be election soon. so he may lose a lot of votes on one side or the other, depending on what this is. a patient, a media is reporting little bit different from if we start to compare what's happened now to the, the beginning of the crisis on the 7 of october. so there are more a more criticism. so while the us, i mean, i found restrict this report to the strategy and that is more criticism about how is trellis behaving, how the media 3 are behaving long the the war longer the them that they strongly offensive in augusta, we thought the body to your final objective of eliminating how much and we longer as a software for, for the costs of people more complicated with before by them to sustain this it restricted support to, to talk to us in the money. yeah. so, so, okay,
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so concretely, what do you think this means for the, for the us, you've explained that the path now is now or right the space for the us to give unqualified support. israel is now or we've already seen in the last few days that the us is starting to qualify its support. will that actually translate into a change of position at the united security council? maybe a call for a ceasefire, or you think we're not there? i assume that something may happen, but in, i mean, i don't know exactly if they will do it, but i guess the, the possibility is that something is past in the u. n. that is not the bottom lead . punishing or asking for one actually specifically taken by as well. but for god on these given to you money, tell you on a a arriving to, to augusta, i think is the maximum we kind of gets from the, from the us. we have not in the position now to, to, to thing that us will do something at that. punish uh, a threat,
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or by most times over the over what was the only one that was able to stop or to do something that was consumed that by it's really a powerful and by that it's not close to, to why mind that in that sense, the gen is that correct? associate professor of golf politics with the golf study center here at guitar university. thank you. thank it is really security cabinet is meeting right now. let's get more on this with him. ron kon, in tel aviv. what are they talking about? what are you expecting from that meeting and as well, i would be expecting some things to come from that meeting. is that these uh the secures. the cabin hasn't actually officially met yet, but there is intense debate going on. on the outside of that meeting, the meeting was due to take place 2 hours ago. it hasn't taken place or formerly that debate is this. um the hard right of uh israel is politics the, the hard drive, the government pittsville smart tricked people like the motor bank of it simply do
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not want to send any humanitarian aid into gauze or that was supposed to be the focus of the meeting. now let me give you some background on this. yesterday these ready will cabinet met that was with the prime minister and the defense minister. and they were under intense american pressure to allow humanitarian aid into the strip. they couldn't come up with a formula or the agreement on the way that should happen. so they said, why doesn't the security cabinet discuss that and, and see what they can do. the security and cabinet, like as a 5th debate going on to the outside of that meeting, but not actually in the meeting because it hasn't begun yet. but the hard right is ro is absolutely clear. it does not want any kind of humanitarian aid. it's a goal, is that never mind a humanitarian cease. why now is that going to have an impact on this extraordinary meeting? so the un secretary general has cold. you need to be able to enforce a un resolution. and that enforcement right now is going to have to come from these riley's and like i say,
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the hard drive of these ready government in no mood to even allow aid and never mind, deceased by tell us about the prime minister's latest statements going into that meeting well he said i seemed to very interested in things last night. he said, i said that our forces could go anywhere in the goes district. the currently surroundings in was house. he's referring to the yes and was senior, how much lead of his home is known as causal and he can sleep. but it's only a matter of time until we find him and in the likelihood of him being in that house . $61.00 days off of the will began is 0, but it goes to show you that the prime minister knows he's under a tremendous amount of pressure. um, according to weston estimates on the about 40 to 50, a mass lead has been killed in the last 60 days. senior battalion, commodities, etc, been killed. so he knows that he needs to get senior. lastly doesn't. that's why
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he's referring to this. but he also went on to say, we're pressing to allow the red cross to visit our hostages. to this end, i spoke with the president the red cross again today. and i told him to attend. it's a catch all since had been proven that they have leverage of the how much on demand red cross visits without hostages. and of course providing medicines for the so again, yesterday was a crucial day for these re will cabinet. they met with the bring them back campaign, the umbrella organization. the represents the families of the captives. that meeting was incredibly full. in fact, people who had been freed during the seas by actually walked out of the meeting. they were very disappointed because the pm, unless and you know, he simply said, i'm not going to be able to bring back all of these captives alive. he was very clear about that. that's a disappointment to the bring them back campaign. they also what talking about the fact that the, they were worried that they caps is which mean being treated badly that they needed
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medicines. and this is likely why he's made this statement at this time. let him, ron, thank you very much. that sounds as 0 as a moron. con with the latest on the is really wor, cabinet will continue to follow that over the next few hours as they are expected to meet. thank you very much. we'll go now to the occupied westbank where at least 3 palestinians have been killed and the latest is really raids. their 2 of them were teenagers were killed in the out for refugee camp. and since the wrong guys began, israel has stepped up daily, raved in towns and cities in the occupied west banquet speak now to zane bas robbie in ramallah zane. what can you tell us about these raids as well just in the last few minutes we found out that rates have begun once again this evening in janine now in this, in the city and surrounding areas of the camping, janine rates are ongoing and at least 116 year old has so far been shot dead, including the deaths we saw in rates earlier today that brings the daily that
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brings the current total of how many people have been killed in the honest card. westbank since a warrant garza began to $266.00 the raising the far, our camp happened the early hours of the morning. there were rates in the afternoon in the block of refugee camp where there was that 11 death of a palestinian. there 3 palestinians were wounded, a one critically during raids in the short refugee camp south of bethlehem. that was earlier this morning. 3 people were detained, several houses were stormed so far. the total number of the tensions in rates today is at 60. that's been the daily average we've seen for several days now. and all of the rates today seems to be focusing specifically on refugee camps zane, as we try to decipher what's going on and understand what's going on in the occupied westbank. the is really military raids across the territory are one thing . another is the settler attacks against palestinians. and yesterday we saw the us
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for the 1st time take concrete steps. now there's been criticism that those steps are maybe toothless. but still they took concrete steps in the form of visa bands against is really settlers were found guilty to the tax palestinians. what has been the reaction to that in the occupied west back as well? what the us administration with the binder white house would call concrete steps will be seen here by palestinians as, as wet concrete, at best, the view on the street. is it anything that the us does in terms of this kind of act is little more than a publicity stunt meant to simply be seen to be doing something without really taking any practical steps that we put the question to the ministry of foreign affairs here in ramallah and a post ending official told us that it is a step in the right direction, even though it has come very late. and he also said that going after individuals trying to create a policy that goes after individual settlers simply doesn't go far enough. that the
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issue of settlements is a wider issue. it is a process and a regime as they call it. but it's backed up by the state of israel and that that is a much wider problem that needs to be address a set of minutes because it's an enterprise set of minutes is every team of kidding . i don't know if i'm kidding. of confiscation of land, of a ceiling, the property of the scene, and people advertise attention. it's the whole, the dream of brutality aggression. i guess the scene in people, it's not only a transfer of, but to a nation to, to that q back to the, to the it's, it's a crime. it's of a systematic and lights. the policy is by the government's no palestinians describe what is happening in the settlements, the actions of settlers against policy and communities as acts of terrorism. they say that these kinds of crimes include premeditated murder and the taking of resources,
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and they called us settler terrorism. this kind of violence is settler terrorism and what they want to see is government select the united states governments in europe. they want to see them cracking down on this by limiting arms sales to israel by limiting any sort of commercial dealings with israel and with any sort of settlements or settlers that helps to fund these initiatives. and they're saying that they need this to be a primary focus to stop the resources and funding of settlements to bring their actions against policy and committed communities to a standstill at zane. thank you for that. i would add one thing to your reporting, which is that it just in the last few hours, germany has said that they would like the european union to follow suit and do something akin to what the us did with visa bands on, on his really settlers who attacked palestinians that's just in the last few hours named this robbie reporting there from ramallah. thank you very much. i us state department says it is really efforts to stop settler violence against palestinians
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and the occupied westbank are not sufficient. only a tiny fraction of attacks have lived the convictions in recent years, and the situation has got worse since the start of israel's war and gaza. as charles stratford reports from carol, what benny hassan this memorial months with 41 year old conference or whatever. i'll see was shot dead during that time by his ready settlers in the occupied westbank on december. the 2nd this video is off that day. you can see settlers smashing policy and property is the, is really on the stands by the secular set, by a to show his home where he lives with these 3 daughters. and i know how good on it . and then i keep thinking of my goals that they got, they were out when the tech happened. this is my home, we all have lived for 5 years brick and i go there. all 6 illegal is ready settlements that a gradually expanding close to the village. and then these really all of the base is on one of the adjacent hills. many of us,
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the in the and most of the attacks have gotten more violence. they opened fire now without warning. there is no way to talk to them. the just shoot you an offer on the you and who's recorded at least 380 is ready. secular tax and the occupied with bank since the beginning of the war. on october the 7th. at least 8 palestinians have been killed. witnesses tell us that on the evening of december, the 2nd, the group of between 10 and 15 is rarely settled as a number of them all to approach the village from this direction and began attacking these houses. they were soon joined. so witnesses say by a group of his riley soldiers who brought itself this road. when palestinians from the village came up to try and protect the property here, it's buddy was found down the hill and the only go around 3 hours later. he'd been shot in the chest. witnesses said the leader of the attack was this man,
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a d levy. they say he's participated in numerous all the salts on palestinians in the area. but some of the sits with her now fatherless grandchildren. and the rest of the me, i've given him to god may god bless him. he's left a lot of children behind their friends and community members. also their condolences to that's brother in law hoping that we're afraid that more people will be killed in the village because the attacks have increased since the war started. the human rights group. say settlers at taking advantage of a right wing is really government that is turning a blind to light, to set live alignments. start then we saw on a rise and incident because i think some of those felt like they had more confidence and less consequences to base. but since october 7th, i think that only increased and is because of the, for these kind of allowing that to happen. and also i think
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a big part of it was the homepage page and the revenge that is really the specially software. so that means increasing sets of attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank of going on checks and on punished by these where the government molden ever the full child stuff without just yet a total of any cost on the occupied with bank of the still ahead on al jazeera, attend city along the southern coast of gaza. thousands are seeking shelter, but there is no safe place. the hello, it's going to be a washout for western europe up and down the continents. so here, let me show you. let's begin right now in the north, where there are weather alerts and play for both the rain and wind across the
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islands of ireland and britain. again, this one is going to be a washout. very soggy forecasts look at scotland and abroad. 6 degrees. big pulses of rain there. same goes for the south. we've got dispatch of wet weather from northwest spain, sliding down the coast of portugal and pushing into spit enough for portugal. second, highest level alerts issued for rainfall here. so you know, it's going to be bad. we're talking about snow for a hungry, a snow storm in budapest. by the time it's all said and done. i think 10 to 15 centimeters of snow on the ground. let's go to greece and turkey. it's still unsettled. here. we've got pockets of showers and goes through the eastern mediterranean, and that's what weather is also pulling into the events of to africa. we go, looks like we've got some on settle conditions for the coast of libya breezy as well for the northwest. and if i take you to southern africa, some big storms lighting up for that eastern side of south africa. and meantime, windy for the northern cape providence. that includes up in 10. and the winds have shifted around in botswana. so that's press down the temperature and have your own
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a to 33 degrees on thursday bye. for now. the humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential fred to manage a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake talk to of, to, on just examining the impact of today's headlines. the fear of the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence,
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7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is way what these are so tied to the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on the how does era the the, the watching l 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour, the un secretary general has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tools to try to stop the blood shedding garza. antonio gutierrez is directing the security council to discuss what he calls the humanitarian catastrophe and is calling for an urgency supplies. palestinians and gaza are enduring a day of mass killing from north to south within the, within the last few hours. it is really straight killed at least 18 members of the
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family. sheltering at home near wafaa. this happened in one of the few areas. israel has said, is a states officer correspondence money enough shot for you because last 22 members of his family and is really here strikes his mother and father along with his siblings, nieces and nephews were killed and these really army bomb, the volunteer refugee camp on wednesday morning, thousands of displaced palestinians have made the trip to the town of alma wasi and gaza. the area along the southern coast of the strip has been deemed a safe soon bye as really forces. but rights groups reject that claim. as the area lacks any humanitarian aid, and many fear that it might be their final resting place, they run a lot. hon reports the role by role they stand, just barely providing shelter to thousands of newly displaced posting
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looking for safety from israel, compartment of concept, even if it's momentarily the, the narrow strip known as l. milwaukee has become the newest tent city for displace palestinians. a desolate, barren area where all of its occupants have a tragic story to tell. so going to some of the my family was supposed to be displaced from how much city this is destiny, but we are holding our ground. we only left when they started coffee for me in the city, when a towel is for levels, when we left the homes and all of our possessions were living in the open, exposed to the fee is colton. right? and there is no way to guide them. l mossy is a town on the southern coast of the gaza strip. the area is only one kilometer wide and 14 kilometers. the many palestinians came to this area with very few personal belongings,
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and the scars of war is really forced to say the area is the humanitarian states. so right scripts on the ground to reject that claim and say it's a dangerous false narrative. there is no food, no water, no sanitation, no hope. and i'm up to shade my other over just as my husband was killed years ago . my only son who i exhausted my life for raising was killed by the israeli military, who was killed in his prime murdered by. that is really, i lost my husband, my brothers and sisters, and lately my son to. i'm left alone in this world. what to do, bury myself, i'm losing my mind. there is no expectation their situation will change. for now they have each other. perhaps the only comfort they can take in these uncertain times. ronald han elders here. now mom in her laney is a palestinian british scientist in hon eunice and he described his living
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conditions and how he was running out of basic supplies every day is a struggle in terms of finding the basic necessities for survival at myself and my relatives just spend 3 hours as cleaning up the water containers cuz the mains water supply was on for the 1st time and 10 days or so. and, and it was so we the, we only fill out the containers by getting pockets and pending the time using, using the buckets. and there are, as you probably know, of major sausages in also, i think the other aspect of it is even if all the people in gods are giving an extreme opportunity. so most people can't afford to buy food and are reliant on age. but the a,
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the system for the free of a bit to, or international organizations for informal ad groups that kind of donations and distribute aids as, as products and you much brought them down as well. so the line item is very, very difficult right now. and then there's, do you have certain kids just not knowing what's next? and the environment has been very intent in around about 200 beach or long is too long to get your vegas around us at. but we're very fearful that it's going to come closer. and we're not sure what we can do about that to save ourselves to nearly half of all of those killed in guys that had been children thousands more have been badly injured. like an apple i thought is one of them. and here's her story. yeah. for them and can talk as that leon as a young child from the gaza strip, easy on that she was injured in is really air a strike on one of the un run schools and the nearby model. she is appealing to the
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world to enable her to receive medical treatment abroad. otherwise, her legs will be aggregated. comes with us that are mailing. thank god for your safety is really on the hello. when you, when i'm the, i'm 12 years old. like any child. i have dreams. instead of being sad for losing a toy on the wall, i'm feeling sad for losing my next to gun green. i am one from among hall for 1000000000 arabs. have your hearts hawkins, that much for that is a child you lose is a leg going on. what good is left for them in this life? what purpose should he or she have and living on the what is the meaning of life to a child with an amputated on separate leg organs that don't function? tell me, tell me what crime to cause us children commit. what did they do to deserve is re these kidding them? instead of hoping for a gift, a goals and child is not asking for
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a pathetic lynn. you will just repeat my appeal to the arab latest morning barrage of rockets from lebanon and has been fired towards a settlement in northern. israel's upper gallery area is, comes as is really intensified schilling and the air strikes into lebanon, and the latest cross border exchange of fire with his belong, saying to hold a reports from $711.00 on of the love in his arm group has the law and the israeli army have been exchanging fire along the border for 2 months now. as of late, there has been an increase in the intensity of the conflict, according to the united nations peace keeping force in southern lebanon. in recent days, there has been a rapid and alarming increase in the violets. it is warning of dangerous consequences. on tuesday, there was a significant development that really marks an escalation of the is really army targeting and is a military position belonging to the lebanese army. the lebanese army is not
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involved in this fight. this way, the army later said is expressed regret and said that it wasn't this, the army soldiers were not the targets that they were aiming, as a threats close by. but that attack is being interpreted as a message from the is released to the lebanese state. because this way, the officials have been blaming the lebanese pay, telling them that they need to reign and has the law. now has the law is stronger than the states and the state has little say and influence over that group. but at the same time as well. also targeted a form in the village of our noun, that's about 8 to 9 kilometers from the border. but it is also located along the latania river now according to and resolution, 1701 which was adopted up during the last war between hezbollah and as well in 2006, the area from the border to the tiny river should be d militarized. so as well, again, sending
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a message that they would like has belong to pulled back. so all this pressure to try to force hezbollah to pull away from the border. but hezbollah has made it clear that south lebanon will remain an active front, as long as, as well as the tax on gaza continues. center there, i was busy to southern lebanon to an armed group in iraq says it has launched an attack on the base used by us military forces. the group claims that successfully targeted the high rear base in our bill in northern iraq using an arm drone in response to crimes committed by what it's called the enemy and goes, there have been dozens of attacks on base is hosting us forces in iraq and syria since october, the 7th, a christmas festivities have been cancelled in bethlehem. the historical city in the occupied westbank considered by christians as the birthplace of jesus christ usually attracts thousands of pilgrims and visitors during the holidays. this year there will be no celebrations because of the war and gaza,
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that abraham reports from bessie a baby jesus, amongst the rubble. it was to the traditional it to be seen to reflect the image is coming out of gone. so thousands of palestinians are fear to be buried under the winds of what was once their homes at the image is here. all the my guys and the shepherds looking for, for jesus, we get the lights on. as if to say that is a small price of hope in the midst of this destruction. during the christmas season, eyes turn to bethlehem, the birthplace of christianity palestinian. see they cannot turn a blind eye to the left. this is really bombardment of garza, if jesus is to be born again, this time this year he will be born in casa, under the installer deputy with the people of us. so this is all the city looked in early december of 2020 to julius and bracing to receive more rooms during
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one of the highest or 6 seasons. this is a major square near the nativity church. the tree should have been put up here, but it will not be installed this year. there are no lights decorations about the city and state instead of celebrating which should have been the festive season. there no united in pain with no pilgrims or visitors coming to the city. the majority of the hotels shut their doors and as you saw, the hook is empty. in a of the 2022. the husband was pretty book of the period from october. the end of the year of the christmas, overshadowed by more celebration, may have been cancelled. prayers don't stop. while i see that his health is to any type of bethlehem in his sermon,
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he urged people to find home despite the darkness many here see all they want this christmas is peace. a put down seems further away than ever need that, but he just, you know, that's what i have the coupon to us thing. oh, more herani is from the seberio ecumenical liberation, theology center. and he says, religious leaders should take a stance on the war on gaza and that the us should stop supporting and justice. the religious leaders should quoted for peace, actually quoted for justice, because beast needs and clean equipment because this product has to have justice. and the by the administration has power to put an end to the work. however, it's not only that the, i'm not putting an end to the what or existing serious pressure they are already sunday am. and then as we all are, there are scenes bringing functions together and support thing. is it a the bite and administration is complicit?
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not only just in the past 2 months has been completed the u. s. administrations by, by being a serious of the code to the implementation of international have 75 percent of the people gather refugees, the men, the rights to the, to the people. and by the signs of under occupation, the people need to get the permits to drive a, but it is in the west bank. what. what at the time of the, from guys up to the west bank, people do not have that. i. i freedom of worship or of this. and just this is taking place through the blessings of the u. s. administration, whether the democrats or republicans, water, and public, the conferences with always something the best gift for us is not. they should be asking them to, to provide peace, the in keeping it will provide a peace, they should stop providing or support the injustice. that is our, that is what we're asking for
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a gift for christmas. if the have the decency or the ethics and um, uh, models to take this position is still a head on alpha 0. why president vladimir putin has been on a day trip to tube goals? countries stay with the
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the russian president vladimir putin has landed in saudi arabia as part of a rear overseas trip where he met crown prince mohammed been so much. he's been in the united arab emirates for the 1st leg of a trip that includes talks with regional leaders booth and we'll host
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a ring and president abraham racy back in moscow on thursday. who has been bolstering is partnerships with gulf nations, as russia faces growing isolation by the west, due to its invasion of ukraine houses. there was diplomatic editor james bass discussed the reasons behind putting this visit to the gulf region. remember that is that arrest warrant for, for transferring ukrainian children from the international criminal court. and so there are many places that the russian president wouldn't feel safe to visits. he didn't feel safe to visit the south africa last year when he was going to go for the bricks summit. but these 2 countries visiting you a and saudi arabia on north signatures to the right statute. and so this is a place that he can go on. he seems to be pretty delighted, but he's on the ground in abu dhabi, some of his statements talking about the unprecedented high level of relations between the u. a and russia right now saying that the u. a is the main trading
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partner for russia in the world. well remember you a is also pretty close putting up with the us. so i'm not sure how this will be seen in washington because clearly they would like other nations to be imposing sanctions on russia. and yet there's a record number of taurus and the record amount of trade going on between russian. you a support of the peruse former president alberto force him or you had been celebrating a court ruling ordering his release from prison. would you? maury has been serving a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations. 85 year old was convicted of ordering the massacre of $25.00 people in the early ninety's. while his government was fighting a left wing rebel group. or for british prime minister boys johnson has faced the day of questioning it the case inquiry into the coven. 19 pandemic and the government response to the pandemic. johnson began by offering an apology. but as bill in march reports,
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many relatives of those who died were not satisfied with his statements. as persons prime minister during the pandemic, johnson was se several advises, sometimes slow to make life or death decisions. but his entry to the inquiry of the wednesday morning was rapid. i swear by whom i should go, swollen. questioned then interrupted, right to the very start of his testimony for done for the police to complete system . i'm sorry if you guys sit down, i'm going to last. you're supposed to get to police. finally came the former leaders apology, the understand the feelings of these victims. and the problem is, and i am deeply sorry for the pain and the loss and the suffering of those victims . yang, the inside and outside the hearing beforehand was evidence. indeed, it was the over riding emotion day, instead of solving a national crisis is government presided over
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a total disgusting orgy of gnosticism. he did let the bodies pilot and the old deliberate treated as toxic waste. as a result, over a quarter of a 1000000 people died for coming from cove it. this busy street in london has to come something of a science of the victims of persons, cove at 1970, tens of thousands of dead. many families plain squarely on board at sunset. the waves brown last assisted during the 2nd wave of cove. it swept across britain in late 2020 because i spoke to the rules, i didn't get see it before she died. and then i later to find out federal policy, especially 1st on the soon after he set the rules saying you couldn't see any one on just so angry about boss. this campaign will continue to demand accountability announces with the cobit 19 inquiry designed eventually to deliver both to fill
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a months out of data. and then it totally has formerly withdrawn from china as built in road infrastructure initiative within 4 years after becoming the only g 7 nation to sign up. italian prime minister, georgia maloney had a post participation in this initiative which she described as a mistake by a previous government. and she had already told badging of her intention to leave the 1st of 5 or has been pulled out alive after last fridays. landslide in zambia that flooded a compromise. it traps at least 25 people who were working their power with us that has this report. the water is about the missing quite a much light as an open cost to compromise in zambia. buried, mine is last week, zebra, i believe, to be trapped underground. one of those who escaped show how they squeezed through narrow tunnels to get in and out of the mind. useless was one, in fact,
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slowly money escape run out of this of i've never been to the accident happened necessarily mining single, about 400 kilometers from the capital. the 2nd, the mind belongs to a local company that's waiting for safety and environmental approvals just on former operations. taking a big step, we don't make it out by the end of the owners. of these mining companies should stop enticing our children to work for only $200.00. the government should punish people who employ your children and expose them to such harsh conditions. government officials say the minus field trips are in 3 locations. the tv range flooded the risk of, of trying to pop out the one. the unstable ground is making search and reach be
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even more difficult. the hardwood task. north korean leader came jungle and has been seen on video appearing to wipe the tears from his eyes. kim was taking part in an event for mothers where he called on families to tackle the countries following birth rate and have more children units. kim has more on this from so north korean leader came down and gave to rare addresses that this week's 5th conference of mothers where he urged mothers to have more children according to state media, calling it patriotism that will expedite the socialist costs. what are you trying to think of the declining birth rate and the providing good side care and education our own or farming the affairs that we must sort together with our mothers just now this is the 1st time that we've done that has probably raised the states birth rate, despite the number of for us in or 3, i believe to be following for the past decade. according to sol,
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north korea's for tell any rate that's the number of children a woman is expected to have. within her lifetime does fall below the 2 point one needed to maintain its population coming in at 1.79. now that is much better than south korea's fraternity rate, a global floor at 0.7. despite years of efforts to turn the tide, including holding match, making events, you see here, but north korea spaces unique challenges. the personality called driven state cannot bring in overseas workers and mass, even as is economy is heavily reliant on agriculture and industry. this despite international sanctions prep, putting pressure on the economy units. kim alda 0 sol and that's it for this news hour. but we are back at the top of the hour with our continuing coverage of israel's foreign gaza. specifically in the last few hours,
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the united nations secretary general invoking article $99.00 at the united nations charter will be breaking that down with our correspondence in just about the what you're looking at that is one of the breach points through which how much flight just came into that as well. warning sirens here is really strikes, i'm sorry, god just has remarkably intensified during the last couple of hours with seeing these as strikes really concentrated on residential homes in residential building. is a dangerous times of regional spillover, of course, as long as the conversation here isn't really inside the hospital then without oxygen, without electricity, the beated inside. they are dying for now. less than an hour away from the official
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start of the ceasefire. 50 feet caps. it's 4 feet release over st periods, one more batch of prisoners when the people want a permanent fire. a unique perspective thing being hosted mean is a huge part of my identity voices. you don't often hear how are you doing today? i almost forgot how my life used to be before the aggression in the gaza strip. started connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. question for me is very, very critical. issue is an attack in this specific area during me on these boards and the rest of the team. the stream on out to 0, around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa is cultural heritage is on display in western museums. didn't happen overnight. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode
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reveals how europe and colonization remove tens of thousands of on the facts. and the young people struggled to reclaim restitution african stolen episode one. 0 no, just the era the an attempt to stop the suffering and gaza the u. n. chief and also we're power to force the security council back round the tape, the several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life from the also coming up heavy fighting across gaza. street to street, baffled, is that taking place with his real intensifying is ground operation in the cell?


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