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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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with the colonize ation, rules, tens of thousands of on the facts and the people struggled to reclaim restitution, africa stolen episode want oh no, just sierra the an attempt to stop the suffering and gaza that you and chief invoke. so we're power to force the security council back round the tape, the, i'm sort of any good to have you with us. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up heavy fighting across gaza. street to street baffled, was a taking place with his real, intensifying it's ground operation in the cell is really airstrikes hit the jamalia refugee camp once again,
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killing 22 family members of an als is 0. correspondence and is really force is carry out more rates in the occupied westbank, at least 2 hours steam, teenagers were killed. the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop the blood shed in gaza . he is directing the security council to discuss what he calls the humanitarian catastrophe and is calling for an urgency speier, this is as the people in gaza enjoy the day of mass killing from the north of the strip down to the south in just the last few hours is really bombs hit this home near the southern city of rossa the strike killing a team members of the same family. it happened in one of the few areas. israel has said is a safe so, and there also be an intense street. the street battle is the, is really army says it has engaged in the heaviest fighting since since began its
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ground invasion. 5 weeks ago, the military says it's pushing deeper into the southern city of han, eunice, that is guys. the 2nd biggest city. let's cost life to the united nations in new york. i'm joined by christian salumi christine, tell us about this article, 99, which is very unusual. a step for the secretary general to take. in fact, he's never done this before. that's right. and under the un charter, the article $99.00 allows for the secretary general to bring to the attention of the security council. any matter that he sees as a threat to international peace and security and it's maintenance. and he's done that with the situation and gaza just today, submitting this letter to the security council 1st time he's ever invoked article, 99. in fact, the 1st time, any secretary general in the last 30 years has formally appealed to the security council under article 99. and in this letter the secretary general says that the
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humanitarian situation there is the humanitarian aid deliveries on the verge of collapse. and in order to avert a humanitarian crisis, he's urging the counsel to act for humanitarian ceasefire. it's something he's asked for before. but he's doing this as attempts led by the united arab emirates to get a humanitarians use fire resolution before the security council have stalled. the secretary general saying that the, the appalling human suffering and the collective trauma there warrants this and that there could be reversible implications for the entire region. is action is not taken by the security council of christian. the un security council obviously negotiated a text on gaza just 3 weeks ago and a was resolution 2712 it caused for humanitarian pauses. it called for
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the increase of humanitarian aid to be brought to gaza for a special focus on children. i mean, in many ways this has that resolution that already exists has not been respected. so my question is, what has changed at the un security council that, that perhaps could yield a different result swell. there were pauses and more humanitarian a did get in after that resolution passed, but of course the bombardments have started again. uh, people have been forced to flee homes again. the casualty rates are climbing yet again. and so in an attempt to ratchet up the pressure on israel for a ceasefire, we have these moves here at the united nations. the
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russian ambassador and the basset, or for the united arab emirates, have responded to the secretary general's letter by calling for an open meeting. on friday to discuss the situation, we don't know who will be briefing council members, yet. it's not clear of a resolution will be presented for a vote on that day. yet, as i said, there have been attempts to work on a resolution. and a majority of council members, i should say, have expressed support for a humanitarian ceasefire. france. so this week i came out and said that they think that the council needs to act in order to reign in the situation there. the united states has very clearly oppose such action. however, they have said that they are negotiating directly with israel and with parties in the region the territories. i have confirmed that they have spoken to the secretary general and to the united states and they continue to negotiate in the region and
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mediate in the region for a ceasefire. but so far, little has changed and the suffering is continuing and mounting. so the meeting will take place and on thursday we know that foreign ministers from several air and countries, jordan, a foreign minister for the palestinian authority, others will be in washington dc to lobby the biden administration on this front as well. so clearly we are seeing lots of pressure from different areas to try to get some action of the security council that could make a difference on the ground in gaza. kristen salumi reporting from un headquarters in new york. thank you very much. kristen and gaza is really is pursuing as unrelenting attacks from the north of south of the strip. let's look at the map. the new phase of israel's ground invasion is targeting hon eunice in the south that has gone to the 2nd largest city. it is home to hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians who were forced out of their homes in the north is really forces of baffling palestinian fighters in these areas. fighters from the cassandra gave and is lama job is also a heavy fighting and several neighborhoods in gaza. city now when you take all the fighting and the troop movements together, that indicates that is really saving to define the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north, the central part of gaza and the south. and that is where we find our corresponded topic of was zoom. that has more from outside the kuwaiti hospital in rough that has been your is really phase of confrontation of the we're at ropes is on starts as it seems, that the expansion of the military operation, this time had been directed towards the south of the goals district in particular, the eastern area is offering units where the east, where the ground operation started. uh, no, it's expanding towards to reach the main centered areas of the city which considered to be from the east. really perspective as the main stand through places
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for the power steering for it has the are trying to eliminate and to destroy, know as well as started a ground to creation by destroying the majority of houses that are adjacent to the boldest. and now there are intimidating residents to keep fleeting, to reflect district on the south of gauze where the bombardment had been carried. dr. gates, different residential buildings were only incognito, to city during the last couple of days. more than a 53rd rave had been a tax and more than $50000.00 units have been killed. did you? did? he's a separate air strikes now. the minute you with ration on this, all of our expanding as also rough, our district has been under bombardment during the last couple of hours we're 18 palestinians have been killed in an air strike in a shuffle or a neighborhood rough distribution because it, it to be one of the most densely populated neighborhoods inside the roof, which also bring us to actually fact that the situation when roof off might
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excessive pay us as well. ratios on the so are expanding houses 0 correspondence will mean i'll show off. he has lost 22 members of his family and is really air strikes off or off. he lost his mother and father along with his siblings, his nieces. and his nephew's, when the jamalia refugee camp was bombed by the, is really army early on. wednesday morning means cousin was at the scene of the attack, a lot of a lot of a lot of sort of basel the some so so, but of the measurements of the not, you know, high job, we have some to shut off a hedge. i'm a man. why mentally shut off of them? how not? was there a still over the world who of so called about for a spill now, what are they all good? well, the initial all the semesters are from the
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houses 0 correspondence. let me know, srahi was in hon eunice when the strike happened, and this is what he had to say about losing his family. quality of the lumber map of the my father was killed. he was 87 years old. he lived through the not far in 1948. he was forcibly expelled out of his village to the northwest of the gaza strip. he was 12 years old in those bitterly painful events remained compton, his memory until a day he was killed. he used to recounts me the most detailed specifics, and he never forgot the names of his neighbors, all those who much with them and the forcible exodus from his village to jabante a refugee camp to the north of casa. he's been carrying those bits of moments with him. that is why he refused to re live the same vicious events. he always said being expelled south around the strip. he held his ground to the last moment and preferred to die, holding onto his roots. especially since he was
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a history teacher, he taught thousands of students throughout his career. so did my mother who saved in the education field for 35 years, they always rejected the idea of forcible expulsion by the is ready, occupation forces that took the land. they refused to succumb to precious. they moved from home to home, refusing to leave the north. that was their destiny. and all i can say is that god is a rock. he is the dispos or of all the fees and then go to the refuge and from him only we gain strength. us now is, is there a media network has denounced the bombing in a statement. it said it will pursue all legal steps to hold those accountable for this crime. it calls on the international community and press freedom organizations to work to put an end to these massacres immediately and ensure prompt justice for the families of the innocent victims. it is really security in cabinet meeting was scheduled for this evening, but it has been delayed multiple times now. so let's go live to home,
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to salute and tell a vive home to tell us what's happening and what you were expecting for this meeting and, and whether i mean what we should read into the fact that it's been delayed so far as well. that security cabinet meeting was supposed to happen at 7 30 pm local time, which is just under 3 hours ago. but it still hasn't happened yet. we do know that these really war cabinet in the meantime is to meaning yesterday's war cabinet meeting. there were a lot of disagreements on the issues of humanitarian aid going into gaza. now this was an issue that was going to come up in the security cabinet meeting as well. and remember that the far right members of the coalition floor in the security cabinet were talking about national security minister. ethan mar, bend his ear, and the finance minister. best of smelt, rich, have been against humanitarian aid. going into gauze that since the beginning of
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the war, remember these are ministers who were also against the ceasefire deal initially. it's a more been here ended up voting know on the deal entirely. whereas smote rich, ended up caving and, and voting yes to the agreement. now there are still a lot of things up in the air just yesterday when prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke in the press conference. he says that the issue of humanitarian aid in no way, gibbs, israel, less leverage when it comes to the fight on the ground. and negotiations to bring back the captive. so with this evening's work cabinet meetings, while we don't expect any information to come out of that, because usually they do not send any sort of transcripts or discussions afterwards . but we do know that that issue is going to be on the table. and whenever the security cabinet convenes, it's going to be something that's up for discussion. but as of now, no new information as to how or when that meeting will happen. and uh,
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update us on the, on the latest statements from benjamin netanyahu going into this meeting. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing a statement in 2 parts. the 1st 2 on the issue with the captives. he said that he spoke to has of the red cross and is asking them for a visit to those currently being held captive inside of gaza. he wants a wellness check on them. additionally, for the red cross to bring the medicine, remember the is really is had also claimed that a visit by the red cross to the remainder of the captives was part of that ceasefire deal last week. but in fact, it was not as mediators had stipulated. now the 2nd part of the statement is a little different, and it was echoed in this evening's press conference by these really armies spokesperson daniel,
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how gaiety these really prime minister is under immense pressure to produce results from this war. that it is now. and it's 61st day. so in this statement he singled out how much had yes, yes. and what is saying that these really military have surrounded his home st. quote that his house is not a castle, and he will be targeted these really military spokesperson, daniel, how about he didn't get specifics about where the home was, but he did acknowledge that yes, yes. and what is indeed under ground and not above ground at his home, it would be highly unlikely, given that we're now 2 months into this war, that he's still in his home as these really is claim in southern gaza. additionally, benjamin netanyahu is under pressure from all directions, from the families of the captive from israeli society, from the americans, and from the international community, specifically the new one. but he's saying these types of statements to try and fix
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his rhetoric to say, but he is in fact producing results. and that's a little reporting there from telling me. thank you very much. i. this is still a head on elsa 0. why president vladimir fruits? it has just been on a day trip to 2 goals. countries more on that after a short break the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. hello. it's been pouring rain for days in central java of providence, on indian easy as main island of java. so that's resulted in this severe flooding here. now i think the problems spot on thursday will actually be southern sumatra island. just a few days ago, northern some, roger island, we dealt with a land side. there were also seen a lot of what, whether come crashing in to them of late peninsula. it's going to drop down into
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problem port as well. so you can expect to show their over the next little bit for a huge swats of china. look at this. we've got some pretty incredible warrants for this some the year 24. and we live in 23 and will hon and 23 in junction. so those are all while above where they should be for this time of year when, when do, whether it comes crushing in. so the west coast of japan on thursday wanted to give you a heads up about that. and let's go to australia where it is all about the heat here through the interior. allister temperature. 40 degrees on the nose thursday, but some big changes coming here. first showers, and then we'll see that cool, southerly wind take over. so you drop down quite a bit and in the south pacific is our tropical cycle in jasper, it will continue to intensify quickly into a category 3 hurricane. it will move into the coral sea over the next little bit. and we'll end in new zealand where really is not much to report it's con, brought to you by visit castle. i mean the world slow down. we stand for as homes
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with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global battery industries. we definitely manage, refunded resources and play a vital role in solar energy. harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits. essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow, the the there watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines this our, the un secretary general has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tools to try to stop the blood shed and gaza. antonio gutierrez is directing the security council
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to discuss what he calls the humanitarian catastrophe, and is calling for an urgency, fire, palestinians, in gaza, or in, during a day of mass killings from north to south. within the last few hours, it is really strength killed at least 18 members of the same of a family sheltering at home near rasa. this happened in one of the few areas. this real headset is a safe, so the house was 0. correspondence mean of srahi has lost 22 members of his family and is really airstrikes his mother and father along with his siblings. nieces and nephews were killed when he is really army bomb to beach of volley. a refugee camp on wednesday morning. at least 4 palestinians have been killed in the latest is really raids in the occupied westbank. 3 of them were just teenagers, since the war and gaza began. israel has stepped up daily rains and towns and cities across the west bank in a garage of rockets from lebanon and has been fired towards
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a settlement in northern israel's upper gallery area. this comes of his real intensifies showing and air strikes into 11 on and the latest across the border exchange of firewood has belong. saying a hold of reports from 711 on a lebanese arm group has the law and the israeli army have been exchanging fire along the border for 2 months. now, as of late, there has been an increase in the intensity of the conflict. according to the united nations peace keeping force in southern lebanon in recent days, there has been a rapid and alarming increase in the violets. it is warning of dangerous consequences. on tuesday, there was a significant development that really marks an escalation of the is really army targeting and is a military position belonging to the lebanese army. lebanese army is not involved in this fight. this way, the army later said, as expressed regret and said that it wasn't this, the army soldiers were not the targets that they were aiming, as
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a threats close by. but that attack is being interpreted as a message from the is released to the lebanese state. because this way, the officials have been blaming the lebanese stay, telling them that they need to reign and has the law. now has the law is stronger than the states and the state has little say and influence over that group. but at the same time as well. also targeted a form in the village of our noun, that's about 8 to 9 kilometers from the border. but it is also located along the latania river. now according to an resolution 1701 which was adopted up during the last war between hezbollah and as well in 2006, the area from the border to the tiny river should be d militarized. so as well, again, sending a message that they would like has belong to pulled back. so all this pressure to try to force hezbollah to pull away from the border. but hezbollah has made it clear that south lebanon will remain an active front, as long as,
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as well as the tax on gaza continues center there, i was busy to southern lebanon, of an armed group, and a rock says it has launched an attack on a base used by us military forces, the group claims it successfully targeted the high rear base and their bill in northern iraq using an arm drone in response to crimes committed by what it's called the enemy in gaza. there have been dozens of attacks on base is hosting us forces in iraq and serious and stuff. so it's a christmas festivities have been cooled off in bethlehem. the historical city in the occupied west bank considered by christians, the birthplace of jesus christ usually attracts thousands of programs and visitors during the holidays. but this year there will be no celebrations because of the war and gaza. did. abraham reports from bethel, the baby jesus amongst the rubble at twists to the tradition. and that to be seen to reflect the image is coming out of gone. so thousands of palestinians are fear to be buried under the winds of what was once their homes at the images here. i'll
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see my guys and the shepherds looking for, for jesus we get the lights on. as if to say that is a small price of hope in the midst of the subscription. during the christmas season, eyes turned to bethlehem the birthplace of christianity palestinian. see they can not turn a blind eye to the left. this is really bombardment of garza, if jesus is to be born again, this time this year he wouldn't be born in casa, under the installer deputy with the people of us. so this is all the city looked in early december of 2020 to julius and bracing to receive more rooms during one of the highest or 6 seasons. this is a major square near the nativity church. the tree should have been put up here, but it will not be installed this year. there are no lights decorations about
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a city and state instead of celebrating which should have been the festive season. there no united in pain with no particular rooms or visits or is coming through the 16th. the majority of the hotels shut their doors and as you saw, the hook is empty. in a of the 2020 to the hook, it was for the book of the period to that it did the end of the, of the christmas, overshadowed by more celebration may have been cancelled. what's prayers don't stop? well, see that his help is to any dive of bethlehem. in his sermon, he urged people to find hope, despite the darkness many here see all they want this christmas is peace. but that seems further away than ever
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a new day, but he does eat the best with him the occupied with the moving on some of the world news. now. russian president vladimir putin has visited saudi arabia as part of a rear overseas trip where he met the crown prince mohammed been so i'm on. he's been in the united arab emirates for the 1st leg of the trip that includes talks with the regional leaders booth. and we'll also host the rang and president abraham racy back in moscow on thursday. who's in has been help bolstering has partnerships with gulf nations. as russia face is growing isolation by the west due to its invasion of ukraine, as 0 as diplomatic as to james bass. discuss the reasons behind putting this visit to the gulf region. remember that's the arrest warrant for for transferring ukrainian children from the international criminal court. and so there are many places that the russian president wouldn't feel safe to visits. he didn't
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feel safe to visit the south africa last year when he was going to go for the breaks summit. but these 2 countries visiting you a and saudi arabia on north signatures to the right statute. and so the, this is a place that he can go on. he seems to be pretty delighted, but he's on the ground in abu dhabi, some of his statements talking about the unprecedented high level of relations between the u. a and russia right now saying that the u. a is the main trading partner for russia in the world. well remember you a is also pretty close partner with the us. so i'm not sure how this will be seen in washington because clearly they would like other nations to be imposing sanctions on russia. and yet there's a record number of taurus and the record amount of trade going on between russian. you a, the supporters of peruse former president alberto force you maury had been celebrating . a court ruling ordering. his release from prison for jury has been serving
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a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations. he was convicted of ordering the massacre of 25 people in the early ninety's, while his government was biting a left wing rebel good. the former british prime minister boris johnson, his face to day of questioning of the case inquiry into the cobra. 19 pandemic. and the government response. this was the 1st of 2 days of testimony. johnson began by offering an apology, but as billing marks reports, many relatives of those who died were not satisfied with his statements. as persons prime minister during the pen, demik, johnson was se several advises, sometimes slow to make life or death decisions. but his entry to the inquiry of the wednesday morning was rapid. i swear by who am i to go? this woman questioned, then interrupted, right to the very start of his testimony for done for the play store. if you can
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please 6 down. i'm sorry if you guys sit down, i the last you're supposed to get to to leave. finally came, the former lead is apology, the understand the feelings of the, of these victims and the families, and i am deeply sorry for the pain and the loss and suffering those victims. the younger inside and outside the hearing beforehand was evidence. indeed, it was the over riding emotion day, instead of solving a national crisis is government presided over a total disgusting orgy of gnosticism. he did let the bodies pile up on the old to leave a treated as toxic waste. as a result, over a quarter of a 1000000 people died for coming from cove at this busy street in london. as becomes something of a science of the victims of persons with 1970 tens of thousands of dead. many families claimed squarely on bar as stone. louise brown lost
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a sister during the 2nd wave of cobra that swept across britain in late 2020 because i spoke to the rules, i didn't get see it before she died. and then i, late to find out, they were all policy, especially 1st on the soon after he set the rules, say you couldn't see anyone at all. i'm just so angry about boss. this campaign will continue to them on the accountability and on says with the cobit 19 inquiry designed eventually to deliver both the months out of data. london, italy has formerly withdrawn from china as built and road infrastructure initiative more than 4 years after becoming the only g 7 nation to sign up. italian prime minister, georgia maloney had opposed participation in this which she described as a mistake by a previous government. and she had already told begging of her intention to leave the united states claimant. and boy,
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john kerry has told the cop 28 meeting and to buy that the world needs to cut carbon emissions much more quickly. but the us so, so far, stop short of backing a phase out. the fossil fuels as part of this cops main recommendations we need to in fedex. li, accelerate the pace of emission reductions. that is the only way to keep 1.5 degrees, a live, and our choices they to be based on basic mathematics and physics. and the evidence that we understand and the best judgment of the best scientists in the world to the 1st survivor has been pulled out alive after last. friday's landslide in zambia that flooded a compromise and trapped at least 25 people who were working there. how room with us that has this report. the water is about they missing quite a much light as an open cost to compromise in zambia and buried. mine is last week, zebra, i believe, to be tracked underground on.


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