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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 5:00am-5:30am AST

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sort of carbon credits essential amid environmental protection and has an investment climate digital licensee, your better tomorrow. the an attempt to stop the suffering in guys that the u. n. chief involves a raf power to pressure the security council overseas. fine. the, this is, i'll just hear a live from to hi, i'm for the back. people also ahead and he's really as try case a home in buffer in southern guys that came in at least 18 palestinians is really s rice have hate to jump body a refugee count. once again, kidding, 22 family members have an algebra correspondence and is really forced his carry out
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more race in the occupied westbank at least for kind of seems that the guys that has enjoyed another day of mass caling from its north to the south and just the last few hours, these really bombs hit this home near the southern city of rossa. this tri killed a team members of the same family. it happened in one of the few areas israel and said, is a phase. so and, and in central guys, a rescue as i've been desperately trying to reach people trapped under the rubble after. and these really s y k b of my guys, a refugee camp in there, out by law at least 17 people were killed. but many more are still missing. meanwhile, the united nations secretary general antonia gutierrez, has involved his most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop the killing of palestinians in gaza. is directing the security council to discuss the humanitarian
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catastrophe and is calling for an urgency fire. israel has dismissed a move as a new moral know and said gutierrez, should resign. christian, send on a report. some new representatives of the group doctors without borders gathered outside the united nations to call for an end to the fighting and gaza for their colleagues. have been killed there and many more injured. even though health care workers and facilities can't be targeted under international law for us targeting us medical necessary for the medicine, it's necessary to be able to provide support in the hospitals, isn't all over 100 humanitarians have died in gaza and the un says a deliveries are now virtually impossible, as the war and gaza approaches 60 days with more than 16000 casualties. the pressure on the united nations security council is mounting from outside and inside
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the u. n. to demand a humanitarian ceasefire in a letter to the security council secretary general antonio gutierrez, invoked article. 99 of the un charter are rarely use tool to put an issue seen as a threat to international peace and security before the security council. it is a very powerful move on behalf of the secretary general. and we hope that members of the security council will be moved by and we will hope the international community will be moved by to uh, to push and put in place a few minutes here and cx. 5 is realism. baset are called the move more evidence of un bias against israel, and the united states has said it is opposed to for the council action. but arab and islamic countries at the un are looking to amplify the secretary general's cough and the hundreds of thousands of, of, uh, uh, brothers and sisters of palestine. uh advantage without the center inside of the
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guys. uh uh, where, where'd calling the security comes into shoulder. it's that sponsibility is the group. once again, he's knocking on the doors off of the security council. they are sending foreign ministers to washington on thursday in hopes of winning us support for humanitarian ceasefire resolution. that could be put to a vote. as soon as friday continued the christian salumi out to 0, it'll be united nations, while israel has been pursuing its unrelenting attacks from the north to the south of the gaza strip. and you phase of israel's ground invasion is targeting con units in the south. is scott, the 2nd largest city, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been forced air from their homes in the know if he's really forces a bonding pat, assuming find his own because some brigades and hispanic jihad in these regions shaded in red. they also, there's also heavy fighting in several neighborhoods in gaza. city the old,
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a fighting and troop movements indicate that israel is a need to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. thousands of displaced policy means have made the tract to the town of my wasi. the area along the southern coast of the gaza strip has been deemed a safe so and by is really forces. but rice goose rejects for cream. as the area lacks any humanitarian aid, and many fa, might be the final resting place in mount or the con reports the role by rule, they stand just barely providing shelter to thousands of newly displaced posting. looking for safety from israel, compartment of concept. even if it's momentarily, the, the narrow strip known as l. milwaukee has become the newest tent city for displace palestinians. a desolate barren area, where all of its occupants have
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a tragic story to tell. some of the my family was supposed to be displaced from how much city this is destiny, but we are holding our ground. we only left when they started coffee for me in the city. when a towel is when levels, when we left the homes and all of our possessions were living in the open, expose to the fee is cold and rain. there is no way to guide them. el milwaukee is a town on the southern coast of the cause. a strip in the area is only one kilometer wide and 14 kilometers. the many palestinians came to this area with very few personal belongings. and the scars of war is really forced to say the area is the humanitarian states. so right scripts on the ground to reject that claim and say it's a dangerous false narrative. there's no food, no water, no sanitation, no hope. and i'm up to shade my the oldest. my husband was killed years ago. my
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only son who i exhausted my life for raising was killed by the israeli military, who was killed in his prime murdered by. that is really, i lost my husband, my brothers and sisters, and lately my son to. i'm left alone in this world. what to do, bury myself, i'm losing my mind. there is no expectation their situation will change. for now they have each other. perhaps the only comfort they can take in these uncertain times. ronald han elders here a how to 0 correspondence will mean al survosity has lost 22 members of his family and he's really strikes. i'll show off, he lost his mother and father, along with his siblings, nieces and nephews. when the giovanni a refugee camp was bound by these really ami early on wednesday morning, when mean was in con eunice when the strike happened, this is what he had to say. about losing his family well, a day of the half of the my father was killed. he was 87 years old. he lived
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through the not the bar in 1948, when he was forcibly expelled out of his village to the north west of the gaza strip. he was 12 years old in those bitterly painful events remained. compton, his memory until a day he was killed. he used to recounts me the most detailed specifics, and he never forgot the names of his neighbors, all those who much with them and the forcible exodus from his village to jabante a refugee camp to the north of casa. he's been carrying those bits of moments with him. that is why he refused to re live the same vicious events. he always said being expelled south around the strip. he held his ground to the last moment and preferred to die, holding onto his roots. especially since he was a history teacher, he taught thousands of students throughout his career. so did my mother who saved in the education field for 35 years, they always rejected the idea of forcible expulsion by the is ready,
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occupation forces that took the land. they refused to succumb to precious. they moved from home to home, refusing to leave the north. that was a destiny. and all i can say is that god is a rock. he is the dispos or of all the fees and then go to the refuge and from him only we gain strength to i'll just say our media network has denounced the bombing in a statement. it said it will pursue all legal steps to hold those accountable for this crime. it calls on the international community and press freedom organizations to work to put an end to these massacres immediately, and it shall prompt justice for the families of the innocent victims is really media is reporting a of deep divisions during the latest meeting of these really war cabinet whether to allow of to all allow fuel and the monetary and aid onto the gaza strip was on the agenda. have this on who it has more from occupied east jerusalem. a israel security cabinet voted to allow fuel inside of the gaza strip at the recommendation
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of the country's war cabinets. but it didn't come with out disagreements to ministers in the coalition ended up voting against it both known ultra nationalists, the country's national security minister into more bend. we're in finance minister bets and it smelt rich, who accused the government of moving israel's red lines and said that this fuel would fall into the hands of him us. now these really government has been under immense us pressure to allow fuel and more humanitarian 8 into the gaza strip. now what will be allowed is a $120000.00 leaders of fuel. previously, during the ceasefire period, there was 60000 leaders of fuel being allowed in daily. however, the united states recommended triple that amount with these really is came back with only double the is really wor, cabinet additionally said that they will re evaluate this decision based on the
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humanitarian situation inside of the gaza strip and how we don't fold. so they said that the fuel will be used for hospitals for diesel, a nation plants and for water pumps. and that they also don't want to see the spread of diseases and the outbreaks of epidemics in the gaza strip. but the reality of the situation is 2 months and that has already happened and there has been documentation of disease and other illnesses spreading throughout the population in the gaza strip. it's meanwhile in the occupied westbank, at least full policy needs have been killed in the latest is really rates the 3 of them were teenagers since the war on guys that the gun is right has stepped up daily raising towns and cities across the occupied westbank. real estate department is really efforts to stop set the violence against palestinians in the occupied westbank on not sufficient only a tiny fraction of a tax, athletic convictions in recent years. and the situation has gotten worse since this
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thought of his roswell on guys. as john stratford re, for some kind of want benny, i saw this memorial box with 41 year old carpenter. off i'll see was shot dead jr. that's fine by his ready settlers in the occupied westbank on december. the 2nd this video is off that day. you can see settlers smashing palestinian property is the, is really on a stands by the secular set by a to show his home where he lives with these 3 daughters. i don't know how good it been and i keep thinking of my goals then. thank god they were out when the tech happened. this is my home. we all have live till 5 years. but where can i go? there are 6 illegal is ready settlements that a gradually expanding close to the village. and then these really all of the base is on one of the adjacent hills. many in wisdom, the, in the and most of the attacks have gotten more violent. would they open fire now without warning? there is no way to talk to them. the just shoot to offer to you and who's recorded
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at least 380 is ready. secular tax in the occupied with bank since the beginning of the war on october. the 7th, at least 8 palestinians have been killed. witnesses tell us that on the evening of december, the 2nd, the group of between 10 and 15 is rarely settled as a number of them all and approach the village from this direction and began attacking these houses. they were soon joined. so witnesses say by a group of his riley soldiers who brought itself this road. when palestinians from the village came up to try and protect the property here, it's body was found down the hill and the only go around 3 hours later. he'd been shot in the chest. witnesses say the leader of the attack was this man a d levy? they say he's participated in numerous all the salts on palestinians in the area. like some of the sits with her now fatherless grandchildren. and i'm a subject on the me, i've given him to god may god bless him. he's left
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a lot of children behind their friends and community members. also their condolences to that's brother in the whole thing that we're afraid that more people will be killed in the village because the attacks have increased since the war started. the human rights group. say settlers at taking advantage of a right wing is really government that is turning a blind to light, to set live alignments. start then we saw on a rise and incident because i think some of those sounds like they had more confidence and less consequences to base. but since october 7th, i think that only increased and is because of the, of, for these kind of allowing that to happen. and also i think a big part of it was the homepage page and the revenge that is really isn't that especially software. so that means increasing sets of attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank of going on checks and on punished by these where the
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government molden ever the full child. stop it out just yet a total of many house on the occupied with bank still ahead on challenges here. i will be taking a look at some of the days having use including the long running border route that could see guy yanna have to defend itself from venezuela. the all the search continues in zambia for dozens, draft on the ground. after a couple of mind, the the hello again, remnants of a tropical storm are moving up the east coast of india. so this has injected a lot of moisture into the atmosphere. westbank all state additional state. it's
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also moving eastward into a bung with dish as well. so here's our forecast on thursday, dark in the blue and the yellow. the more intense rain, so some pretty good pockets around cox's bizarre and same goes for the doctor as well. a lot of rain pouring into the malay peninsula once again. so even south of that, around call and port, we're going to get into some pretty big down ports. i'll show you that in one second. but we've already talked about the warrants in china, plenty of sine allowing those temperatures to come off. i mean, look at one, for example, your should be 11 this time of the year, 23 full on sunshine on thursday, and bit more cloud cover over the next few days. but temperature is still well above where they should be for this time of year. a rain and wind condo comes slamming into the western side of japan on thursday, and i promise, do we get back to this part of the southeast asia? first i have to show this flooding on indian use is main island of java. central java providence. it's been pouring rain for days, so some extreme flooding there, but i think the area of concern will be southern sumatra island on thursday. and
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there is some of those downpours inc. column for on thursday, some of which could be sunday season pond, causing the costs as well as war on dollars as wipes out of time neighborhoods. so who pays for the damage of germany's borrowing live at small from budget crisis course pro for its desperate to be reform plus saudi arabia. china looked a strength and financial ties. challenging the cost on al jazeera and unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is of context to what is happening now. it is a call thanks. 3 question or some upfront or out 0. the
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the welcome back. a recap of the latest developments in his rascal on garza, the united nations secretary general has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop the blood shedding gaza. antonio terrace is directing the security council to discuss what he calls the humanitarian catastrophe, and is calling for an urgent ceasefire. palestinians at saint george another day of mass coming from north to south of the gaza strip within the last few hours. and is really as try killed at least 18 members of a family sheltering at home near rasa. it happened in one of the few areas. israel has said, is a safe zone. and an algae is 0, a correspondence will mean al srahi has lost 22 members of his family and these really strikes his mother and father, along with his siblings. nieces and nephews were killed when these really ami palm beach, a body of refugee camp on wednesday. morning let's not take
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a look at some of the days of in use and a guy and he's on a helicopter with 7 people on board. has been reported missing the the border with venezuela. this comes as tensions are increasing between the 2 countries over the disputed as a cable region, an area reaching a natural resources, but as well as president nicholas madura is pushing for a bill to create a new province. diana's president, do find ali has told down to 0, that is called on the united nations security council to help mediate traceable reports. and then we have, it covers almost 160000 square kilometers in south america. it is known as the is cable, which since 2015 has been found to be rich in natural resources. it is controlled by well yeah, now, but claimed by venezuela on tuesday when it's when i'm president equal i my the little said he was authorized school. we let's go rationing and area close to the eskegal river and create a new state. no, that's cool. yeah, nice akiva, they my,
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that e mail, you'll immediately proceed to create the division for the site as a cable and save it as a cable and immediately be to proceed to give operating licenses for the exploration exploitation of all gas and mines in all our guy n. s a. keep the announcement for the we can referendum mean which venezuelans voted to claim sovereignty over the region. the international criminal court bar to venezuela, from taking any action that changes the status. cooling the only reach area undergoing any precedent bit of fund ali says he has asked the united states and the u. n for help ally to dodge a 0. but venezuela is threatening his country's territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence. we would likely that i could marry. so security console to issue a very strong statement, prevents viola in relation to the to the venezuela reaching the order of the i, c j. i order that can be enforceable. and we would like to see the full commitment
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of united nations and security console to ensure that they do everything the to, to, to have this region remains a region of peace and stability. the dispute goes back to colonial times between spain, the netherlands, and the united kingdom, or yeah, and again, independence in 1966. and the argument has been ongoing. the venice willing, a position says, my boy is using vs a key will conflict to hold onto power. he did, i saw you better luck on through waves. yes, we have to find a specific way out of this and it will be in the international criminal course to escalate to bella, case arrest of rick to escape the electoral process in venezuela because they know they release some things that not the venezuelans or the international community will tolerate it is a decades long territorial dispute, but the possibility of extracting natural resources here has involved in venezuela and port it's smaller neighbor on edge berries. i will just see that there was
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former president, alberta for g. maury has just been released from prison on tuesday. the inter american court of human rights court ordered his release on humanitarian grounds is supporters are celebrating. the decision for jewelry was serving a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations is convicted of ordering. the massacre of 25 people in the early 19 ninety's while his government was fighting a left wing rebel quote. at least 3 people have been killed in the shooting in las vegas at a university campus. the one of the person is in critical condition place in the us state of nevada, say they responded to a shooting incident after several gunshots. where reported just before mid day, the sheriff confirmed that the suspect had died. and that the motive for the attack is, i'm clear, as the u. s. has accuse, rival forces in so dawn of committing war crimes fighting erupted in april between the army led by so don's military rule at the front or hon. and forces loyalties
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for my deputy mohammed having done done the little also known as humanity divine and began during negotiations to transition to civilian rule. when attempts to integrate him at his rapids support forces into the sudanese army broke down. today the secretary determined that members of the sudanese armed forces and the rapids support forces have committed war crimes ensued in the secretary also determine the members of the r assess and its allies, malicious, have committed crimes against humanity as part of a wide spread and sustain systematic attack directed against our 1st civilian population. members of the r, assess and allied militias have also committed ethnic cleansing. the s a s and the r a stuff must in this brutal conflict. britain's integration minister has resigned over the governments new plans to bypass human rights laws to send asylum seekers to wanda robert jen. rake had wanted more hard line action by taking britain out of the european convention on human rights,
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which was rejected by prime minister issue. so not as follows, the u. k. supreme court ruling that the governments planned to send thousands of asylum seekers to one that was unlawful. a former bridge by mesa voice johnson s face a day of questioning at the u. k. 's inquiry into the cold with 19 pandemic and his government's response. this was the 1st of 2 days of testimony. johnson began by offering an apology, but as in box reports, many relatives of those who died were not satisfied with his statements. as persons prime minister during the pandemic, johnson was se several advises, sometimes slow to make life or death decisions. but his entry to the inquiry of the wednesday morning was rapid. i swear by whom i should go, swollen. questioned then interrupted right to the very start of his testimony for done for the police to complete system. i'm sorry if you guys sit down,
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i get the last you're supposed to get to to leave. finally came, the former lead is apology. the understand the feelings of the, of these victims and the families and i am deeply sorry for the pain and the loss and the suffering of those victims. yang, the inside and outside the hearing beforehand was evidence. indeed, it was the over riding emotion day, instead of solving a national crisis is government presided over a total disgusting orgy of narcissism. he did let the bodies pilot on the old deliberate treated as toxic waste. as a result, over a quarter of a 1000000 people died for coming from cove it this busy street in london as becomes something of a science and the victims of persons cove at 19 tens of thousands of dead. many families plane squarely on board as stone. louise brown, lost assisted during the 2nd wave of cove. it swept across breton in late 2020
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because i spoke to the rules. i didn't get c a before she died. and then i later to find out federal policy, especially far as the ones that and after he set the rules saying you couldn't see any one. i'm just so angry about boss. this campaign will continue to demand accountability and on says with the cobit 19 inquiry designed eventually to deliver both the months. i'll do that a london as the 1st survivor has been pulled out alive after last friday's line, sliding zambia that's tried it, a cough and mine it dropped at least 25 people who were working. that entre 0 is hiring latasha reports. they a lot is about they missing quite a much light as an open costs, a compromise in zambia and buried minus loss zebra. i believe, to be trapped underground. one of those who escaped show how they squeezed through
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narrow tunnels to get in and out of the mind. this one was the one inside, slowly, many, 6 feet run out of this a volume and to the accident. happened standing my things and going about 400 kilometers from the capital. the 2nd, the mine belongs to a local company that's waiting for safety and environmental approvals just on former operations. taking a big step we don't meet, you know, by the end of the owners of these mining companies should stop enticing on children to work for only $200.00. the government should punish people who employer children and expose them to such harsh conditions. government officials say the minus the trust are in 3 locations are
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heavy rains flooded. the risk of, of trying to pop out the what the on several grounds is making. search can reach be even more different. how do we test north korean leader kim jong own has been seen on video appearing to wide t is from is ons. and came, was taking part in any event for mothers where he called on families to tackle the country's following birth rates and have more children. and even the audience also appear to be crying. tanya, eunice cameron has moved from south north korean leader came down and gave 2 rare addresses at this week's 5th conference of mothers where he urged mother is to have more children according to state media, calling it patriotism that will expedite the socialist costs. what are you trying to think of the declining birth rate and the providing good side care and education,
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our own, or farming affairs that we must sort together with our mothers. now this is the 1st time that we've done that has published the raise the states birth rate despite the number of for us in or 3, i believe, to be following for the past decade. according to sol, north korea's fraternity rate, that's the number of children a woman is expected to have. within her lifetime does fall below the 2 point one needed to maintain its population coming in at 1.79. now that is much better than south korea's fraternity rate, a global floor at 0.7. despite years of efforts to turn the tide, including holding match, making events. you see here, but north korea spaces unique challenges. the personality called driven state cannot bring in overseas workers and mass, even as is economy is heavily reliant on agriculture and industry. this
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despite international sanctions prep, putting pressure on the economy units. kim, this is sarah sol. time now to catch up on the latest force headlines. here's my whole past back to football and cast off public company with national team cards. call us care, rush off to just 11 games in charge. and just 6 weeks before the country is choose to highest the agent comp, the full around 100 cards. i need to type in may replacing felix sanchez off the catalyst for showing as a 2020 to wells comp, the 70 or all care else, one full of these 11 games as caps, all charged in a statement. the country's football association site, the portuguese for his work site. his tenure was ended by mutual agreements from espanol managing marquez. lopez has been named.


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