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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 5:30am-6:01am AST

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culture and industry this despite international sanctions, putting pressure on the economy units. kim alda 0 sole time, not to catch up on the latest force headlines his whole past football and kept apart a company with national team cards, call us care, rush off to just 11 games in charge. and just 6 weeks before the country is choose the highest the agent comp to the full around the grid carts. i need to type in mates replacing felix sanchez off the catalyst for showing i think 2022. well come, the 70 or all care else. one full of these 11 games as cats are charged in a statement, the countries football association site, the portuguese for his work site. his tenure was ended by mutual agreements, form espanol managing marquez. lopez has been named as cute ross, just replacements in english premier league level pool have close. the gap on lead is also to 2 points. off the babies shuffled, united to ramble lane livable captain virgil van dyke opened the scoring just
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before halftime. but it's a young cops man until the 94 minute to double that lead to a mix of us long making. the final score to nails deliverable matches the city have dropped. the full in the league is aston villa stump the champions one mill to move above them. the own bailey school, the decisive gulf full villa in the 74 minutes at the other side has now gone full games without so when it's got what told a nice school twice as much as the you know i to be chelsea think our level on points would fit place, tottenham told me nice 1st came in the 90 minutes of the brunet fernandez. missed the penalty earlier on the mattress, the city by coal palm, and then maybe 11 on the strength of homicide, terminate, then headed in. he's on his side, 2nd, c o, 3 points for every 10 hugs team. from australian opened sharpie, and caroline was nak, has been awarded a wildcard place. the next year's tournament, the 2018 champion, return to the sports in august of to move in 3 is of the to the 33 year old reach
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the 4th round of the us open in september. and starting with asher on top of today . one of the 2nd test against new zealand 15 wickets fell on the day is bangladesh . a bold out for 172, c 4 r i c. and that became the 1st part of this battle ever to the output stretching the field. these, these evenings backing samples continued though they were carrying today to on 54 as before, i was able to avoid it. first, have a test series defeats against the opponents as well. those are, you would like to split headlines. you can get more on out, is there a dot com and all social media channels to the whole. thank you very much for that . as always. one use also on our website that alger 0 dot com, that's it from me fully back to boarding the whole team here in till ha nissan can, will be with you on andrea sierra. after counting the, the power defines out loud. we live here, we make the rules,
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not the people empower investigate exposure and questions. they use them to be just the power around, but go on out just there. the other one, adrian said again, this is counting the cost. i was just a regular weekly, looked at the world of business at economic this rate. nothing to return to israel is more on cause it has wiped out in time neighborhoods have reduced businesses to rumble. so who compensates palestinians for the destruction or so this way constrains in germany's constitution, the circle depth breaks a spot, a bunch of prices pulls that, going from borrowing limits to be relaxed. plus china and saudi arabia agree on that. first,
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currency swap for many nations are increasingly moving away from the us dollar to central trade. is what else relentless bump, bump it up, does that has killed and injured thousands of palestinians. the human cost is in your rebuild. the total on infrastructure is massive. simply absolute destruction of a lack of basic requirements to sustain life and time neighborhoods, homes, schools, hospitals, churches, and most of all been targeted. whoever runs guns off of the war ends will have to rebuild the strip and create a functioning economy. well, many palestinians who have managed to see what remains of that homes during a brief lower, the tax was shocked at the scale of the damage low. and i'm gonna okay, long as you can see, thousands of residential units were destroyed. the same with other residential complexes in the north where to go where to sleep. this was my house and now my fam, me and i are homeless. many are still buried under the debris and i cannot even
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pick some of my clothes from under the rubble to put on my back. however, we are not leaving. we are holding our ground. even if i live in a tent, i will not abandon my homeland. because i am the, could i ask you how the my memories in my home is be my memories. i would never let it go. i live for 23 years and i will stay in it. even if i knew small prostate remains yet, if in the degree that it's a bust of shocking, took me a lifetime to build this house for me and my brothers, and i just like that. and i'm back to square one. and uh, so we are a family of 4 and our house has made up a full flow of the ground floor. was a commercial show. my brother lives with his family in the 1st floor, while the other brother on the 2nd, my family and i live on the 4th floor when i was sitting in what was once the kitchen that was the fridge and that the of this is the only area where we could set the rest as a total wreck. well the, you and a special russell to on the right to adequate housing upon a christian roger gopal has denounced as well as widespread foaming of homes and infrastructure in gaza. and a recent report, he said,
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carrying out facilities with the knowledge that they will systematically destroyed and damage civilian housing. an infrastructure rendering an entire city such as garza city uninhabitable for civilians. is a war crime. this multiple sources have reduced figures on the extent of damage to infrastructure. satellite analysis by 2 researches at the c u. n. y graduate center at oregon state university shows that they hoff of old buildings across northern garza, have been damaged or destroyed the you and says that many 45000 housing units have been demolished. out of the strips. 36 hospitals, 28. i'm no longer functioning, 279 educational facilities have been affected. depriving bolden $625000.00 students at the basic rights to education bakeries and mills in the northern parts of the strip and brought to a standstill due to the structural damage of the lack of fuel. um flour,
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water facilitates across casa. i've also been targeted. well, the latest conflict is estimated to cost much more than any of the full previous was on goes up. the 3 week rule that began in december 2000, that agent ended in january 2009 cost of destruction announcing to $2000000000.00 that's according to the world bank. how my says the 8 days of his ready of taxes and 2012 cost because at $1200000000.00 daily, $6000000.00 was estimated to be the cost of rebuilding garza, after the 2014 war and the damage of economic losses. pharmacy is really attract in 2021. amount of to more than half a $1000000000.00. western countries have considered using frozen russian assets to rebuild ukraine. last year, poland demanded more than one trillion dollars in world war 2, reparations from germany. also in 2022, iraq completed the payment of more than $52000000000.00 and compensation for the damage cost by it's 1990 invasion of q weight. so who pays for the destruction in
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gaza? of how much a of joining us now is a ton of comrades. tom is an assistant professor in public policy and administration of the doha institute for graduate studies. good to have you. with this on the, on counseling the cost is going even going to be habitable, off of all of this, given the scale of the destruction that we've just outlined. so um yes, there is a chance that would be happy to. but if an urgent editor cover the and, and the construction plan is initiated, immediately after the end of this war. so the system, there is a sense of course, i mean, i mean dozens of lower level. so there is no plan, be forgotten. and so we have to believe that it has to be happy, double, and i don't know about police like any other place in the world. i'm just depends on the dimension of communities when to create norman can use. if the social
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economic conditions for guidance to stay in gaza and this, and this is and by default, this is related to how will they plan and implement that construction plan which goes after this war and who, who makes those plans? how much of those plans going to cost to is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays? so just to give the view, what is the perspective like, you know, the, the 2009, the 1st the construction a operation, the dorms. and after the initial each war and goes up the ledge, nearly $5000000.20 costs little patient, there was 3 point to the pledges as well. so didn't the size, the sheer size of construction. now we have literally talking about something similar to what's called a new motion. it's not for the, for the guys that this might exceed 50 billions plus, you know, so it's a huge amounts of money. uh, of course, but the thing is will not be if, if we live in a foot unethical awards,
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is there it is. have to pay because they causes this, this a section on us that they should not i, i believe that this would be uncomfortable when it comes to this. because most of the destruction that's happening does this has private ownership and also it the aids and donations that came to support the 2 state solution since the beginning of also 1994. so we're talking about with the hospitals, government pharmacies, ministries, this is 7 for such a name. it's mainly nissan. notice money by say the, let's say listen dollars out of dollars and international doors. but listen daughters, especially in the europeans to you, they use one of the largest doors and i've seen in authority, followed by, i mean, the americans, japan, and then out of dollars, you know, that the gulf countries, you know, stomach countries. so this is tax money. when it comes to westland countries, this is tax money, this is tax money being wasted because it is there as actions and is that i had has no limits when it comes to this because the, the, the,
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the subjects or the issue of protecting a dividends, which is 8, so you know, that's simple to get. the piece should be brought to add to the discussion of the paper by the, those on these ladies. i mean, because there is donors 15 know many dollars now the todd from seeing the money being wasted in every adoption of conflict or secular violence in the person and an occupied by this time. so that has to be a discussion with this. not, i mean, especially in the future of guys after this, what is the want us to be very blunt about it and say we went into this, we would have core support for the students to be covered. uh, but that has to be conditions as then, so i'm going to be 3 age special needs for these ladies. this is ready for it to be forced to pay the man who attends, who's going to force as well to pay it to the side of the israel should, should be paying one out. here we talk about the just the, just for the adjustment, the national system. i mean if the, if you're not have to pay for the weight as submitted. exactly. and if, if, if the idea of. busy c, using c's doesn't estimates for both of us and us as well. so the to the 3 bits you
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claim, then we have a precedent that it should continue with this. we all correct, but the thing is that the nation, well, what's the comforters? mainly percent countries ready to use this on either that or not. i'm not sure to be honest, but i if we live in a just for that should happen is i should be accountable not only for the dyslexia also for human losses, all these certificates. i've lost that was they have they have to be compensated for the, for i was going to ask you about, you talked about personally on the ship as well. a lot of the property that's been that it's been destroyed was, was personally a privately owned us. if it fits it's not, your business is organizations. i mean even if they could have gotten insurance, it in gaza, it wouldn't have paid out because this is an act of war. and that socially, people need to be compensated for the individual last, it's not just of, of, of property, but for the lives lost as well. yes, exactly, exactly. i mean those for just, i mean, just for you of us. so there's no issue. definitely guys. i mean, showed us is not the scheme that implemented them guys old governance law about so it seemed like in other countries in the world. so these are the people, i mean,
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who psychologically they have to suffer for the loss of their loved ones that houses the properties, the needs of income. and so, so yes we so, i mean, i mean, i mean, it's hard for me even spoke about financially compensation. people have lost the loved ones. i mean, money will not bring the ones back to life, correct? i mean, but please, that's the least don't. i should do at least to, to, to, to, to try to help them to get back to the, to the likes, the, and also, and you talked about donors putting the bill for some of the, of, of the reconstruction costs. i don't, as i'm not really going to be willing to have to, to invest, to put more money in into gaza if there's a danger of this happening again so that there has to be a political solution alongside a financial is evident. and this is an excellent point. i mean, uh, yes, i mean, it would be another waste of resources and energy if, if, if money comes in a flash drive conflicts like, you know, that doesn't mean that the dentist would stop interviewing. no,
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i'm old and i'm all in for human, attending a to pick and now i'm to be, i need to be up scale human to 10 and 8, which is necessity to put a license for the for which is the load name is i mean, so this is a must be perfectly people alone and the situation was this florida was over again . and this is a big question because we don't know everyone is talking about a future that age. most of us to govern guys, old guys after the war. we don't know what's going to happen, what's the political outcome of this war? meaning if, how much is this going to be empowered or not? it will sit down and leave a another entity beat that picks up government or a government funded by the be the, by the, for the single thought of the little guys we don't know. i mean, there are so many scenarios that are being discussed but, but, but, but we don't know which that idea would it be the feasible one the most because of the one cause the, what is level of audience. so however, if we had each scenario where let's say, how much is not involved in government goes up. this would be ideally for many less
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than don't as well. a few was all have been very shy of supporting for the students because of how much control of let's see, governance, governance institutions, correct. uh, other donors back to see out of dollars, list them dollars. they don't have any conditions. they support any projects. so that's if, if, if, if, if, if i'm going to speed up building is, is damage, not what was was, but i'm getting this for some odd dollars will say i got a bill that i have no problems, even if it's something how much it would be on us, but then you'd have $10.00. what sometimes those no, no, no. this is a little for me if i'm going to build this and it will be used by officially, by how may have supported these. those say no, this is unable for me. i will just focus on a minute then and 8, then we'll end up with the situation of craig benting gates. and this will not go well for the 1st thing is because of to this route and the last code of destruction . we need the systematic, comprehensive reconstruction plan that really, that because everything's together and it's not about just reconstructing what they've been bumped or damaged. it's about creating
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a sustainable future for god's looking. which means is it a 80 met? it's the, the control measures you know, blow kids, uh, have to be also at the us. i mean isn't a kind of typical problem over the borders. and also it's controlled over to see that the construction process by delaying materials, fitting materials. but the thing beneficiaries of the, of a general because is that it has a payment system of knowing this, delaying the satisfaction with you. so we need to supplement at this. it's about the good thing. so seeing the benefits of does a lot just addressing the media outcomes afford, but also creating an environment for it does have to be a normal country, a normal slip, like any other countries in the world that's destination. so great stokes you will come to the cost, but there's any thanks steve for being with us as a 1st time in germany who is limit how much debt the government can take on the constitution caps budget deficits at north point 35 percent of g d p,
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except in an extreme emergency. the so called depth break was an accident, 2000, but mine was meant to stabilize public finances. also, the global financial crisis passed a strict interpretation of the rule of the nation's top cost struck down billions of dollars in time spending, sparking a budget crisis now cools, growing to abandon the borrowing limits as dominant came reports from the this is how jim and he's financed ministry tries to explain it shows and plans the old debt to break government's count, borrow much more than a 3rd of one percent of g d p. each year, except in extreme imagine series in syria. the mattress administer is pretty simple . live within your means. in practice it's proved anything, but it was bank of america is government that enshrined the debt break into low during the credit crunch. they felt it necessary to anchor something in the constitution that put a debt break on spending to show responsibility. and of course,
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germany has always sort of whacked the finger at other countries and the u. that over spends, you know, and broke you, that rules, but not with the fingers being wacked to the government. here in berlin. because when finance minister christian men tried to use and spend money borrowed to fight cove, it to finance climate change policies. the supreme court in cods, what rule that to be unconstitutional, leaving a multi $1000000000.00 holes in this year's project and causing consternation and capital markets such a german budgetary policy is a bit like satirical reality. it is important that we get back on reliable ground relatively quickly. it is unacceptable that one of the largest industrialized nations allows itself to pursue a budgetary policy that is constitutionally questionable the political effective, the cons who a ruling is also profound. something would have shots himself acknowledged in
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parliament. what type shop, i mean, this ruling creates a new reality for the federal government and for all current and future federal and state governments are reality. however, that makes it more difficult to achieve important and widely shared goals for our country. having improvise the solution for 2023 ministers and not having to account next year's budget and the remote possibility of a $220000000000.00 thoughtful, which could mean the need to slash spending. there might be some cuts for benefits for the richer people in the society that could be one way out. and that's what's um then you would also have some smaller budget cuts for the port households insurance. the one on the list says behind close those political leaders here, i believe the law should be made most suitable to the days realities. any politicians agree that we need a change of that clause or an integration off. this investment falls into the,
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into the debt break. or maybe even get rid of it and come up with something new which is more appropriate to solve the, the challenges we are facing in germany. but to do that, the coalition government will meet the help of the main opposition party in both houses of parliament. and so far, at least its leaders seems to favor new elections over new laws. dominant came to counting, the cost full in china is saudi arabia's top trading. part of the largest buy of its oil trade between the 2 nations amounted to more than $106000000000.00 in 2022 . the relationship brooklyn's last year leaders of the 2 nation assigned a comprehensive strategic partnership during a visit by the chinese leaders fusion thing to re add the agreements with billions of dollars included collaboration on infrastructure projects and technology. i was hailed by badging as an e. polk making milestone in the development of chinese, our relations. the 2 nations have recently moved to strength from financial
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cooperation to they've signed a local currency swap agreement with many $7000000000.00, which will be valid for 3 years and could be extended several countries in the middle east signed some of the agreements with china over the past decade, including castle, the united arab emirates at egypt aging is believed to have the largest network of currency swamps. with a beast. 40 countries will come and see swaps agreements whereby central banks land and borrow each other's currencies on a specified data. then exchange the money back. as an agreed interest rates, china swamps are seen as part of it's pushed international lives, the one global center. the banks tapped a record. amounts of the chinese currency and foreign exchange swaps lines in the 1st quarter of the year. the outstanding balance of all foreign currency swamps was more than $15000000000.00 by the end of march. that's according to the people's bank of china. the jump came off to
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a growing number of countries move to settled the trade with china and local currencies in a bit to reduce that reliance on the us dollar on the greenback remains the most traded currency by far spot, its share of foreign reserves the amounts of dollars that countries put by for a rainy day has declined to a record low of 58 percent last year. by comparison, china is one stands up less than 3 percent. the chinese currency is still behind the euro, the japanese yen. and the british pound. well, joining us here in doha is while my current is the financial market strategist lead at the global multi asset brokerage group, x, that's good to have you with a set while flow. $7000000000.00 is a huge amount to the likes of you and i, and even watching. but in global economy times it's are going to be small amounts. so how significant is this currency swap arrangement between china and saudi arabia? of thank you, adrian for the invite 1st, actually it's quite good for
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a start since we know like china is looking forward to expand its presence in the region. and of course i'll be in the economy recently. it's been performing well for the past few years since cove and there's a lot of plans for expansion and division for 2013. so definitely it's a good a, it's a good arrangement of going forward. as you mentioned, it's uh, 3 years arrangement and could be even, but it, but it who is it better for you say that the saudis economy is, is on the right as china is at the moment, isn't, isn't it isn't a spot of either, isn't it actually both of them would benefit a certain, uh, a certain threshold. so for example, if we take into consideration for saudi the exports of saudi arabia towards the china, there been increasing at the base of at least 13 percent for the past years every year. and this is something very uh, a crucial to have such a new arrangement that the other side china is looking to secure its energy supplies. and we know that china is the top import, therefore for saudis, energy. so, so this is definitely this definitely face of items rules in order to expand this
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relation that started with the edited. it could expand to other sectors. there's a lot of, uh, opportunities we know the chinese economy is the 2nd in the world. they're trying to expand, they're trying to recover as much from cove it and of course, so the regular could find a lot of opportunities in the chinese economy. one also for the vision of 2013 through the belt and the best and drove the initiative. also, china is looking for more strong partners like how do we go? so what are the implications of this, this, this new found the relationship between the 2 countries for the rest of us, for the rest of actually like having more of this relationships it's, it's better for the global economy because this would facilitate to trade and also would make it easier to do more investments and this, which creates opportunity. so of course, having such, such arrangements is good for the, for the economy. and if we see a lot of these arrangements happening, you mentioned that china has at least, and that's where equal 40 countries with these arrangements. so this is also facilitating business more and more industries. but it's
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a drawing and expanding that all of what your needs to call them into a global economy. and this was in turns come back to get the opportunity. and what does this conversely swap arrangements and all those like it with china? mean for the us dollar, the greenbacks, actually a lot of a lot of parties are excited about what do you call the the literary session. what we heard about the recently a lot on the media, however, were still elizabeth flawed away from dr. for just look at some figures, so the us bother reserves around 59 percent of global preserves all central banks to the trade of funded by the fatherhood around 84 percent this year. yes, china has such a deep increment that china is doing with a lot of counterpart. these are increasing gets thrown. and the enter nationalization of the one, however, was still very far away from just reaching where the ball. it is the moment. okay, so saudi arabia expected to join the brakes nations in, in, in early in 2024. what,
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what do you make of that? it's not a natural fit for saudi arabia actually is. it's a good uh, it's a good stuff because bricks are looking to, especially with the look at india and kind of, they're looking to secure their energy supplies. and this is one second, there's a lot of chances for uh, for, for these a part is to contribute to the perform better performance of each other. we know the since the everyone is looking to expand their, their economy, especially in post cobit and all these we're looking at china, we're looking at india and even with the plans to sell the house for vision, 2013 has made such good strategic numbers that could help and the prosperity of the kingdoms economy. do you think we could ever see savvy oil sold in it and you want and so like like the, the chinese what we're asking for that. and you mentioned the attorneys presence wasn't try and sell during the last year and he also but stressed on that however, it's still not that easy. this courtesy swap agreement that starting for non or traits. it's good in the future. turn into that. but going into that way, there's
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a lot of political assessments, but could you ever see, see the day in or is it, is it in the distance usually that will happen or the near future where buying a car and say like b one would replace the dollar as the preferred international currency of last resort, that's going to happen, but not the foreseeable future if it takes usually a decade as far as what, according to the place, the dollar, because the flow for many factors. however, yes, after the crisis that we've seen and you'd have a lot of countries are looking to reduce that alliance and dependency on, do you spell it? and then based initiatives that are part of this unwinding of the dependency into the lines. however, just going into it and see if that would replace the boulder at the moment and the foreseeable future, it's a bit toward while it's been really good to talk to you what kind of the cost same year. i think i understood all of that as well. so thanks for explaining it so well to some of the financial aid. pleasure. thank you. and that's our show for this week. get in touch with us. if you want to comment on anything that you've seen,
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you can tweak me on x on a. so again, try to use the hash tag h a c t c. when you do or you control is a line counting the costs, and i'll just do it on that is our email address. as always as possible for you online at alpha 0 dot com slash ctc. that takes you straight to our page. and then you'll find individual reports links and into episodes for you to capture. that's it for this edition account for the cost i made right. instead of going to go home from the whole team here. thanks for being with us. the news on al jazeera, this next the latest news as it breaks many of the people here celebrating, but they say that they're celebrations are sorry. we don't say the number of go too often kill god with detailed coverage just by a release of those. the health comes to the little side of his riley's, i've been following every sense of this thing and fearless gen and isn't. most
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children will survive, talk to deal with his pain and trauma of losing their parents. i loved one. it is as a content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes and targets certain customers. so when a visa queens you meet on and yet they continue to report the close of business . the story of just one of the shall be should be a little bit higher for the levels because on the just the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the . ready ready the you inspector general m folks is most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop israel's killing of palestinians in gaza. the i'm the bulk of business. i'll just say we're licensed though. how will so coming? 18 members of a palestinian family are killed in and is there any astro icon, a house and rough and is there a declared safe? so gulls is there a once again?


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