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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the, the, the, you insect, a genuine folks is the most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop his around killing of palestinians. the, let me fuck this out just here a life from doha also coming of 18 members of a palestinian family, a killed. and then this really strong on a house in rafa and is the israel had declared a 6? is there a once again? pounds gauze is jabante, a refugee camp without hillary coming $22.00 family members of an i'll just say
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what correspondence the, the disarray, the convoy structuring a raid into calm and they'll provide westberg is ready for the civil. so still in the town of faith. the welcome to the program. it's a 5 g m t unit 7 am and goes away. residents are expected to enjoy another day of mass coming from the north to the south. overnight. it's really bombs hit this home in the southern city of rough or the strike killed 18 members of the same family. it happened to be one of the few areas is relative said is a safe side. and in central guy is a rescue is a desperately trying to reach people trapped under the rubble option. this strategy as try kit the oh my god. as the refugee camp in day, i'll bala, at least 17 people were killed in many more still missing us. meanwhile,
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the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop the killing of palestinians and gaza. he's directing the security council to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe, and it's cooling for an urgency spa. israel dismissed the move as a new model low as like a terrace that should resign christian to leave me. some new york. the representatives of the group doctors without borders gathered outside the united nations to call for an end to the fighting and gaza. 4 of their colleagues have been killed there and many more injured. even though health care workers and facilities can't be targeted under international law for us targeting us medically necessary for the medicine, it's necessary to be able to provide support in the hospitals, isn't all over $100.00 humanitarians have died in gaza and the u. n says a deliveries are now virtually impossible,
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as the war and gaza approaches 60 days with more than 16000 casualties. the pressure on the united nations security council is mounting from outside and inside the u. n. to demand a humanitarian ceasefire in a letter to the security council. secretary general antonio gutierrez and booked article 99 of the un charter are rarely use tool to put an issue seen as a threat to international peace and security before the security council. it is a very powerful move on behalf of the secretary general. and we hope that members of the security council will be moved by and we will hope the international community will be moved by to uh, to push and put in place a few minutes here and cease fi. israels and basset are called the move more evidence of un bias against israel and the united states has said it is opposed to for the council action. but arab and islamic countries at the un are looking to amplified the secretary general's cough and hundreds of thousands of, of, uh, uh,
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brothers and sisters of palestine and our band. without the shelter inside of the guys uh, with, with calling the security accounts and to show them that sponsibility is the uh, the group once again is knocking on the doors off of this a good as they are sending foreign ministers to washington on thursday in hopes of winning us support for humanitarian ceasefire resolution that could be put to a vote. as soon as friday continued the christian salumi aus is 0, it'll be united nations with us. and when it goes in israel is pursuing its unrelenting attacks from the north to the south. of the strip, the new phase of israel is ground invasion. this targets in con, you'd assessing the south is called the 2nd largest city, hundreds of thousands upon a senior being forced back from their homes. while in the know, if it's ready for us as a bustling policy and fighters from the cosign brigades and the slumming to hide in
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these regions, shaded in red, there's also heavy fighting in several neighborhoods in gauze scc role. the funny thing i'm treat movements indicate that as well as aiming to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. okay, well let's introduce now hold on while i was somebody who lives in gaza. he used to study english or the as all university before it was boned just over a month ago, a whole something if i will welcome to you. so can you 1st they tell us where exactly you are in the strip and describe the conditions that you and others are living in? now i understand that you have already left to full was in the past. did you ever imagine destruction on this? go on. good morning. so 1st of all on the, from the central area in a town called there, but i as a, as you probably know today much the day. yeah. 60, you'll be ongoing board in these days. uh,
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old. the people in garza have grew up hundreds of years. i personally, i went to for a previous wars, but they are all combined or nothing compared to when they disagree to. the amount of massacres isn't a cleansing and displacing people multiple times. if we look at this to fix the best that they took so long, we were really over, billy already bought the number of the not a problem with this up until now. your wife is 2400000 people here and goes to have completely changed forever. according to the latest statistics, more than $20000.00 people were killed in addition to those who are still lost under that are of no, we're at the point that it's a point impossible to find someone that didn't the was and went with them from his family, friends relatives or someone from work or school. and you wouldn't be considered lucky if you only those one person. there's a we, uh,
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from my as you know uh to the nature of the palestinian at our communities. it's a very in fact community person. yeah. everyone knows everyone, right? that's the only pro my own family, you know, become amount of family. i lose 120 b. i looked 10 friends and they kept host of us of extraordinary number of relatives to, to lose a 120. and it's very striking also that you say that we have exceeded now than that otherwise known as the catastrophe. points in 1948, where palestinians were forcibly expelled from that homeland during the formation of the state of israel. i wonder if you can help us understand how died. the humanitarian situation is the moment given the restrictions on aid reaching those who desperately need regarding the human head and able to say, personally not i know my family know anyone i know received any with the seats so
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we can see them enter uh the uh, order but uh, we buy them from the markets now by nature, clearly say not for sale by buying from the market. i might consider uh, a criminal in this stage. uh i don't think so because of i didn't buy it without fuel or pricing and my family, i'm buy wistar because they are the starting prices at the time. and so i think you can go to the 3 to the other question. well, some of the pay is if the crisis has many levels, doesn't it? so no telling me this because the israeli army says they've given clear instructions on why people should escape to. they say they've dropped leave flips and giving people q all coast to use. what are people being told to go that is safe? and i was talking to people in the 1st time uh, even when the starting of the ground operation would say, uh, the angle or the idea of people to go from town or time goes after that. so as that
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it took me, uh save the task, right. and the same time they followed the cars that one people were in them. people were moving to the south, according to with the id as uh, instructions. the same thing happened to those ward and in the shop. uh, they told people inside you want us to go to a box and also bump them there. it's literally notice a lease. in addition, i schools, hospitals, avalon says they're all being targeted. a total given time, the holy that the random targeting of an independent lead within the time, the short at random object. the main objective is to create as much damage to the people that the infrastructure for gulf of the thing regarding that you aren't codes. i can consider myself what it would be, but if you would like people getting cause of being can have the internet
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a managed to get internet access. how can i scan that to our full window? i don't have any internet access because all the networks are, are down because of the intense bombing. uh, sam s b e, sam's. not all the people have the sense that all the devices have the sense, not all the places have the same coverage. awesome. can i ask you this because you mentioned the destruction of important infrastructure. and as i mentioned in the introduction to you did study as all university that was destroyed in a major stride just over a month ago. what does the loss of a place of learning like that mean for you and the people of causal? to me personally, i spent the forms my most beautiful years of my life. in this university. i have like best moments in life. this got a month ago before the war starts, and i graduated from that university. i never told them go see it fled into the
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ground just like that. this was also, uh, alex a uh, an indicated that is or is targeting daily. it started to take the place of knowledge because the targeting both the stomach and other universe the which are considered the 2 biggest universities shooting cause they want to raise up and it has entered generation. but that's not going to happen. why? cuz a couple of days ago, i was talking with my friends for me to say what the lift from uh, my friends bookstore still like uh, after this war had ins. when do you want to do? we all started saying, i want to do masters in doing this. i want to study this. i went to work and did you cation just to keep the internet to everything? as you say, a host of education is the key indeed. and just before we came on, i took a look at your blog and it's cold. we all know numbers is that you will see it, but the world has over simplify this conflict into just numbers rather than
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individuals with the right and experiences where they are in hopes and fears. uh, unfortunately that seems all just happening because uh there is something of sports . when's at apple conditioning level, which is my thing, sir, cuz just over to boeing over a long period of time to make it with that this just like it's not the same thing happens when we repeat of disabled i found with bulky nickel or $3000.00 posting it died as he is running to propaganda phase and, and also they did humanize us. so when you hit the number 20000, you won't be show cuz they are not the humans. and this isn't the main goal for me is ready to probe again. so yeah, i can say that other people in the world are getting used to that you think you wish to hear, and i've seen in casualties that i'm seeing and bertolsi right. uh and then it was one of database, especially for the past 60 days. wholesome. it is being very important and very
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powerful to hear your testimony and our deepest condolences for the loss of us. you said a 120 friends and family. thank you very much for your time for joining us. thanks . we sorry. the media is reporting deep divisions during the late is missing or if the is ready will cabinets as well and gaza hits the 2 months mark, whether to allow fuel to understand the chair and agents of this trip was on the agenda to solve who has moved from occupied history, so in this role, security cabinet voted to allow fuel inside of the gaza strip at the recommendation of the country's war cabinet. but it didn't come with out disagreements to ministers in the coalition ended up voting against it both known ultra nationalists . the country's national security minister into more bend. we're in finance minister benson. it smelt rich, who accused the government of moving israel's red lines and said that this fuel
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would fall into the hands of ham us. now these really government has been under immense us pressure to allow fuel and more humanitarian a into the gaza strip. now, what will be allowed is a $120000.00 leaders of fuel. previously, during the ceasefire period, there was 60000 liters of fuel being allowed in daily. however, the united states recommended triple that amount with these relays came back with only double the is really wor, cabinet additionally said that they will re evaluate this decision based on the humanitarian situation inside of the gaza strip and how we don't fold. so they said that the fuel will be used for hospitals for diesel, a nation plants and for water pumps. and they also don't want to see the spread of diseases and the outbreaks of epidemics in the gaza strip. but the reality of the situation is 2 months and that has already happened and there has been documentation of disease and other illnesses spreading throughout the population.
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in the gaza strip, which is eric corresponded moment officer off. he has lost 22 members of his family and his radio strikes. i'm sure off he lost his mother and father, along with his siblings, nieces and nephews, when the jabante refugee camp was boned. by this way, the army early on wednesday morning. moment not sure, i'm sure off. he was in con eunice when that strike happened, this is what he had to say about losing his family. well, it the of the map of the something i saw the was killed. he was 87 years old. he lived through the not far in 1948 when he was forcibly expelled out of his village to the northwest of the gaza strip. he was 12 years old in those bitterly painful events remained. compton, his memory until a day he was killed. he used to recounts me the most detailed specifics, and he never forgot the names of his neighbors, all those who much with him and the forcible exodus from his village to jabante
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a refugee camp to the north of casa. he's been carrying those bits of moments with him. that is why he refused to re live the same vicious events. he always said being expelled south around the strip. he held his ground to the last moment and preferred to die, holding onto his roots. especially since he was a history teacher, he taught thousands of students throughout his career. so did my mother who saved in the education field for 35 years, they always rejected the idea of forcible expulsion by the is ready, occupation forces that took the land. they refused to succumb to precious. they moved from home to home, refusing to leave the north. that was their destiny. and all i can say is that god is a rock. he is the dispos or of all the fees and then go to the refuge and from him only we gain strength without just ever media network has denounced the bullying and the statement is so they will pursue all legal steps to hold those accountable for this crime. it closed on the international community and press freedom
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organizations to work to put an end to these messages. immediately. initial prompts justice for the families of the innocent victims of your without. is there a still a head will have more and a long running board around the could see guy on, on having to defend itself from venezuela. the search continues in zambia. if it doesn't, it's trapped on the ground after a compromise and collapse the . here we go with your weather update for the middle east and africa. thank you so much for your time. still some lingering showers into the live band, but really for the radium peninsula, it's quiet, but it will be another fog. you start to the day for us here and on thursday we'll max out of 28 degrees. could see a few showers in storms along the coast of the red sea,
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but i think it's mostly going to be sunny in jet with a height of $32.00 degrees. quite bluffed straight for barcode with those winds, a few showers around his wall, 12 degrees. and while the temperatures have certainly come down across central asia . so curtis done this kick just 5 degrees, but that's where you should be for this on your still solved a forecast stem forecast for the western side of turkey. also windy for the european side of is stumble on thursday. let's go to africa. we see some wet weather now coming into the coast of libya on thursday, and through the tropics we go. those heavy rain fall alerts have been dropped, but we're still seeing a lot of activity bubble up around lake victoria, especially for the coast of galvan as well and storms flaring up for that eastern side of south africa. look at this, the winds have picked up, so that's lower temperatures and botswana. there was heat alerts will be dropped and also windy for the northern cape province of south africa, up into $36.00 degrees and number for you
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is as a content creators have become journalists, rescuers about bus zero's system, the news about targets for your to customers. so whenever you, because you meet on and yet they continue to report the close of business the story of just want to be should be a let me know that had been hired for the love of cuz on as just the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about here without is there a, is there a mind of our top story? is this the war on causes hit the 2 months mark. you inspect the general has some folks his most powerful diplomatic tools to try to stop the blood shedding. cause antonio gutierrez is directing the security council to discuss what it costs the humanitarian catastrophe. and it's cooling for an urgency swan palestinians and gaza are enjoying at day of muscular hills to sound within the last few hours of this writing strike killed at least 18 members of a family sheltering at home near us. it happened to one of the few areas as well as side is a safe and i'll just say we're corresponded pullman officer off. he has lots of 22 members of his family industry. the s drive, his mother and father, along with his siblings, nieces and nephews, were killed for me. it's rating me from the jabante,
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a refugee camp on wednesday. now these are the me is intensifying its rates in the occupied westbank. we'd need daily overnight rates across the territory in took cover in an improvised explosive device went off while a convoy of almond vehicles drove by, at least for palestinians who have been killed and alexis rates 3 of them, a teenagers, child, stratford. how's that summer? mama? we'll get the reports of a right on the refugee camp until come till com is a town or city in the news of the occupied westbank kits offered and described as a center for palestinian on resistance. this certainly the 1st seeming the big grades tonight. but as you rightly say, full full publishing is killed over the last 24 hours and similar rates, 116 year old, and a sizable rate on jeanine. again, in the notes of the occupied respect,
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there were 2 others killed in to boss and one killed in ballasa, which is in nablus. so in the north of the, the occupied westbank. so yeah, we are expecting, as, as we've seen for, for weeks now, since the beginning of the war, more rates across the occupied territories to the lights. uh, that new that i'd like to stay because of that 16 year old in janine brings the death toll. so fall since october, the 7th to $266.00 palestinians killed in these raids and more than $3640.00 arrested. that was 60 arrested in the last 24 hours. that's a round about average that we're seeing now on a daily basis sector attacks in, in tandem with these raids means that of course, millions of palestinians across the occupied territories are facing terrifying pressures um, on a, on a daily basis. you rightly say to you and says these attacks have doubled since the a since october, the 7th,
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at least 308 attacks recorded. and that was up until about 3 days ago. and at least past 8 palestinians killed in these secular attacks. now, rights groups and palestinians, the power steering and all sorts here, and indeed increasing the voices from the international community i accusing is vile of basically not doing enough. this new york state department to dial some shoes as issuing travel bombs on dozens of israelis and sub palestinians were taking policy and violence in the occupied westbank. but for some reason or at least they believe it violence has minimal. i'll just say what's practical hate and takes a look at the full out in the occupied westbank settlers denied the daily harassment and violence against palestinian. i think it's a very small percentage of people, if at all maybe in the safe to hear about it more. but it's not, it's not a thing that happens given buddies, i mean, but i think it's what happens on a daily basis fallacy. me an interesting choose. however,
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there isn't really any entity or fallacy didn't buy choose. so i think the 3rd of the americans to the little disconnected from the ality, there is no context, no interest. so can kind of simply shocking what a shame the reality attacks caught on camera every day. even before the war began, the united nation said violence by residents of the legal settlements has caused a mass exodus of hausteen's added that since october 7th, daily settler tax says more than double the world has seen the pictures of the depths of the homes, cars, and businesses burned, but if the travel bands against dozens of settlers are big news in the occupied westbank, despite several administration officials briefing the media, not one mention of it in the us wednesday advocate adam shapiro calls the travel bands. largely meaningless and mostly symbolic. but he says it is possible, the bite administration will do more. there's other steps such as asset freezing,
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which would include bank accounts. there's looking at the larger ecosystem, a settler balance, which would include looking at the energy, owes that provide charitable tax deductible funds. uh, to settlements and settlement enterprises on the ground, so may try to deny the reality of spiraling attacks often done in front of this really soldiers. but the world has seemed the violence day after day after day. the question for advocates now, will you as president joe biden, do more to try and stop it? particle. haines, l g 0, washington. the okay, let's bring you some of the days of the news that when a guy and he's on the helicopter would 7 people on board is being reported missing the other border with the venezuela. it comes as tensions of increasing between the 2 countries over the disputed as a globe our region, an area rich and natural resources. venezuela's, president nicholas madura was pushing for bill to create
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a new province. okay. on his president. if fund i lead sold, i'll just say, or that he's called all the united nations security council to help mediate twice about reports. and then we have, it covers almost 160000 square kilometers in south america. it is known as the as cable, which since 2015 has been found to be rich in natural resources. it is controlled by the weekend, but claimed by venezuela on tuesday then it's when i'm president equal on my the will, said he, we authorized oil exploration in an area close to the eskegal river and create a new state. no, that's cool. yeah, nice akiva. they might that e mail, you'll immediately proceed to create the division for the site as a cable, and save it as a cable and immediately be to proceed to give operating licenses for the exploration exploitation of oil, gas and mines in all our guy, n. s a keep up the announcement for the we can referendum mean which venezuelans
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voted to claim sovereignty over the region. the international criminal court bar to venezuela from taking any action, but changes the status, cooling the only reach area. and the godaddy's president, the, the front ali says he has asked the united states and the u. n. for help. i told doug a 0 that venezuela is threatening his country's territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence. we would like the united nations security council, the issue a very strong statement, prevents viola in relation to the to the venezuela reaching the order of the i. c. j. i ordered a can be enforceable. and we would like to see the full commitment of united nations and security council to ensure that they do everything the to, to, to have this region remains a region of peace and stability. the dispute goes back to colonial times between spain, the netherlands, and the united kingdom. or yeah,
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and i gained independence in 1966. and the argument has been ongoing. the venezuela in a position says, my boy is using vs. a key will conflict to hold onto power. he did, i saw better luck on through waves. yes. we have to find a specific way out of this and it will be in the international criminal court to escalate to better case the rest of rick to escape the electoral process in venezuela. because they know they will lose some things that none of the venezuelans or the international community will tolerate. it is a decades long territorial dispute. but the possibility of extracting natural resources here has emboldened venezuela port it's smaller neighbor on edge berries . i will, i'll just see to 1st of all, i'm a president, alberto for gee, moore. he is just being released from prison on tuesday, the into american quotes of human rights ordered his release on humanitarian grounds. is a forward is a set of racing, the decision food you. maury was serving a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations who was convicted of ordering the massacre of 25 people in the early ninety's. while these government
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was facing a left wing rebel group, this russian president vladimir pacing and saudi arabia's crime principle. haven't been some insight that will continue to corporate on oil prices present as in re i don't around overseas trip for talks on the wall and gaza that you kind war and the global oil market piece. and we'll hosted rainy and present everywhere i see in moscow on 1st day. he's been bolstering his partnerships with gulf nations. is russia face is growing isolation and sanctions. she took some version of ukraine, a powerful, blah. so shaken industrial area and the russian controlled done, the city setting, an oil depot on fi isn't clear, who's responsible for the attack or for any casualties. the city's beat on the russian control since 2014, but you can't even force his whole positions on his outskirts and it comes under regular artillery 5. now at least 3 people have been killed in a shooting at
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a las vegas university campus of the united states. one other person is in a critical condition. the sheriff confirms that the suspect died and the most, if the attack is unfair. the us as a case arrival forces in sudan if committing will crimes fighting erupt, and in april, between the army led by students ministry. will bill fossil either behind and forces loyal to his former deputy mohammed having done douglas, also known as timothy. the violence began during the go. she ations of a transition to civilian rule with attempts to integrate embassies, rapids support forces into the student is army broke down. today, the secretary determined that members of the sudanese armed forces and the rapids support forces have committed war crimes. ensued in the secretary also determine the members of the recess and its allies, malicious, have committed crimes against humanity. as part of a wide spread and sustained systematic attack directed against our 1st civilian population. members of the recess and allied militias have also committed as new


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