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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 9:30am-10:01am AST

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just stays opposed to what's happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves also with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without relatives of authority comp service, though, by how my so reactive would fury at a meeting with the prime minister about the relentless foaming of gaza. when i loved ones attract some a demanding benjamin netanyahu stepped out all the people in israel fig. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i need baka is are, are relentlessly bombs, gaza, as well as 2300000 palestinians is really, is held captive by a mass of trapped in the strip. the war is a catastrophe for palestinians with tens of thousands injured or killed on hundreds of thousands for some of the homes and israel. there is a tragedy of different kinds. the plates of the country was dominates, the political and news agenda with major riley's cooling for their release. so i'm hoping freedom, a ton for policy and you imprisoned it is but a 138, remain trapped in garza prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says, bringing them home safely, is a priority. but he says so while his ministry bones garza, without mercy, sympathy for the captives issues and these ro, and indeed elsewhere. and a few moments will be discussing that plights and the political dangers it presents for let them go and as far right government, these came into sharp focus at a meeting you help with relatives and his little cabinet, increasing anxiety amongst some about the face of their loved ones,
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since the moment reports angry relatives of israelis taken captive by him off at the mound zip face to face of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. above the closed door meeting with the war cabinet, didn't have the outcome. they'd hope for reports say some relatives called for netanyahu to resign because israel is bombing gaza, while their loved ones are being held there. we have to do, and he has to do every thing to bring them back immediately. ever since the week long cease fire with a boss and late november, so dozens of captives released israel says around a 130 are still being held in gaza. but the boss says it won't free any more until is really forces stop bombing palestinians and the gaza strip. it also wants all tell us the news release from israeli jails. a price some relatives believe is worth paying. the simple answer is i would like them to give all the
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post tenure prisoners back to gaza, or wherever they should be. these rarely government says one of its objectives in the war is to bring back the captives alive. but that would almost certainly require further agreements with him off, which netanyahu has pledged to eliminate the country. the dental. both of them are say to all friends in the world who are pressing for a quick end to the document. the only way to end the will and ending quickly is to use over whelming force again some os overwhelming force and destroy it. come off, says several captains have been killed in his really air strikes across gaza. when we just need to have that kid we hold is really prime minister netanyahu is fully responsible for the lives of his really hostages. opinion polls have shown significant support among these really public for the war. but
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a recent survey suggests more than half the respondents were favor of extending the cease fire with a mouse to enable the release of 4 captives. so unless there's another break through your deal with those being held and the aggregate, the relative looks at to continue bends and monitoring for inside story the so let's bring it out, i guess, seen this ready time to find us how to is ready, go and a cousin of one of the captives detained in gaza, who was taking part in the bring them home. now campaigns in west jerusalem is guess on boss getting a full. i'm a hostage negotiator and founder of the israel palestine center for research and information as a joint public policy, think tank. i didn't tell the v is i keep held a political analyst, veterans, you a list and all for all the fluids off the line for the israel sacraments and the occupied territories. a willing welcome to all of you. who do,
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if i can stop by with you? of course we appreciate the, the huge amount of anguish, this is cause for the likes of you and all the families who would be affected by the captive situation. those captains, of course, held in gauze or color start by asking you what it was like to find out that your cousin had been kidnapped under the take it to gauze it. yeah, so it was a complete shock. it's, you know, it's big something that's so far removed from our world that it's something you hear that happens and, you know, in, in developing countries and in places that are not considered like we consider ourselves, you know, a western face solver and democracy. and it's just the situation that's, that's completely taken everyone out of balance to have, you know, your cousin not detained, being kept prisoner, is
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a civilian being held hostage. it's unimaginable to, to this very day. it's, it's unimaginable. i keep it if i can bring you in and your view how receptive, how's the nest in y'all? who will cabinets bean and responding to the demands they've been growing by the day and israel to secure the release of these captive? well i, i see the brand, so with your network, do they watch and which can you say the read it to me out? he's very busy these days. actually he's trying to, this just was you own and he thinks about his own future. and this is a complex that you have to put 10 to your question. me. they are very careful to read to the families, but at the same time they haven't got anything to offer them by doing this meeting
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yesterday. they want to have it both ways. they say, well, we will not stop and you know, we, why come us off the face of years. but at the same time we want to do everything to bring the people back. they know the next on the out and the defense did. they are responsible personally because it's not just people who were lost in a wall or they were taking hostage doing well, it's a blunder. it's a huge blunder. and a lot of 1200 people is on their hands as the future. and the world vows both, now about $200.00 civilians and soldiers, right? that, so we're very little about what's happening to them right now. why we talk, i guess. so i'm just responding to something that a key that mentioned this
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a final meeting. it's a bedroom that you all who granted to some of the family members if those held in gaza that was on choose day in which he reportedly said, it's currently not possible right now to bring them a box at once. for me to go shaving perspective, what does it mean for the families to hear a message like the coming from the private mr. it's great. first of all, i think it's important to note that it's probably the 1st time the private is through told the truth. because the price that from us is demanding for bringing all the proofs of all the hostages home is the price of the government of israel, the army, the people of is your license are not willing to pay at this time. it's a double price. what is freeing some 7600 published indian prisoners, including 559 of them serving live sentences for killing as well as another 130 of the terrorists who were costly serial on october 7th. but how much is also requiring a cessation of the war, meaning that they would emerge from the tunnels and their bunkers being victorious
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. and this is a price that is real, is not willing to pay. so it seems very correct because the only way you're bringing all the hospitals home is doing negotiating agreement with some us. otherwise it's going to have to rely on a partial agreement or a military operations or in the end of search and rescue, which are very dangerous. all right, we'll get on to talking about the prospects of a negotiated solution to all of this. profess rudy cut off you from what you've heard of the experiences of people who are being released from gaza. what concerns you the most about the experiences? you know what really concerns us all is that they might share the same shape as their captives because we now know that they're affected by these really bombings. even though we know a 100 percent, that the military is not going to strike anywhere. they think there might be a hostage,
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and yet they don't know everything. so we know they're affected by it. we know that they're not only might be injured by it, but then it also scares them to death, as they don't really know what's happening around them. they can be taken anywhere . they have been moved around and such that the, you know, the daily life it's, they're not on vacation there. some of them have been tormented. there's no sewage . it's been because of the strip for everyone, let alone for them. and the living conditions are dire. those who were held in the tunnels software tremendously from the health risk that you can imagine there are in staying in a damned tunnel with no air and no truck ventilation with unbelievable humanity. so and every day the doctor is just, or there risk their lives to their actual survival casually in response to the, whichever way you want to rotate this, whatever happens on october,
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the 7th has to be classed as an absolute failure of it's really intelligence, military intelligence given the amounts of money, international money, particularly from the united states that's poured into popping up these ready, um, forces were pulled. so sort of a number of it's making. these were killed by these ready ministry itself. how much confidence is there in israel about this current bombing campaign in gaza when it comes to securing something resembling a lost in peace? unfortunately, i think that too many is, are these believe these really government in the spokes people, the army military, people, the minister of defense and the prime minister. when they say that this bombing, the renewal of the war will create more pressure on it from us in order to release the hostages, where it could actually be the quite opposite. we don't know, everyone is guessing. it is a guessing game of military people against other people like myself who, who don't buy this line, that the military pressure increases the chances of releasing the hostages. i think
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it might actually be the, the quite the opposite end. it might actually lead to the depths of too many of these hostages and everything. i mean, the majority of, of you hadn't been busy with united states. so now i'm showing a degree of, of disquiet about about the world is currently being waged in gaza with this in mind. i don't receptive to you think the as rated government is to public international criticism of what's happening that i think i would largely agree with the what the garrison has said. but i think that the, the general public opinion, and it's also reflected by the government is that aside from the fact that, you know, we suffered such a tremendous loss in loss of chase in, on october 7th. but the people in israel are really scared. they are scared and they're demanding the government to persist. and i don't think everybody
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realizes the repercussions that we're, we're, we're discussing right now that these 2 targets do not go together. and the, one of the messages we're trying to convey is that we think that in order to move forward, israel must deal with the western border and the safety of its civilians. and absolutely something must change in this regional order. but with this objective in mind, and when you have another objective that's rescuing a 136 lives, one is time sensitive and the other one would definitely take months at least months to do. busy so the, the priority between the 2 must be clear when there are stip, julian's lives on the line that every day may be their last right i can say, oh no,
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do you? what has to, what's a, it is just said, i guess what, if i can offer you this? what happens to this providing sense of right? just indignation when it comes to perpetuating this conflict to reach its ultimate game of destroying how much that of course is what nothing nobody wants to do. and i think that the fact that israel faced the biggest trauma in its history, in fact, the biggest problem with the jewish people since the holocaust impacts directly on the decision making of the government, the army, and with the support of the people. the overriding objective of the work to dismantle the master's ability to enter a government and control the territory of gaza again, seems to me to be overriding the desire of the public to bring the hostages home. there was a brief period during the time when the hostages were coming home, when there was a cease fire, then it seemed that that was the number one priority. but when, in the torture of every night watching whether or not from us who was going to
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release these people and the human emotion that they went through as they were being released, created some more once again in the country where the want more objective seems to be once again overriding, unfortunately for the lives of the hostages and their families who were continuing to go through this torture every night i came by, your thoughts on that? well, the sense of righteous indignation currently stands in israel as well. i believe the we have to do this is where the americans put this in, in the broader context is why it has also to offer the facilities as of a possible deal. primary cause of egypt and united states holler disease. did they offer a mazda of calls is now under great pressure. they have uh, thousands of allergies. and uh, if i bought it, okay, but let me,
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let me ask you this because how israel perceives the so called day off to also is impacted on how israel sees the palestinians going forward as well. it's not much sympathy towards the part of the kind of thing is and gaza, and indeed the westbank since october, the 7th, given of course, the high civilian deaths told and gauze, and of course the thousands of palestinians can continue to be detained in the west bank because trade was the question that the, if you put it forward to find me to send it to anyhow, he will tell you how the time to deal with it, as well as was the series of belong to us in the war. but the united states, i understand insist on getting much clearer us is because of this today is the 61st day since uh, the tribal incidents in uh, in the wrong guys. uh, but the, the americans and the, the categories. oh, deeply,
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it was due to negotiations for the deal that would bring the tactics back home. they also need to know how it was easy, the and again, and these very probably needs to know that because the right deal to get. so the cactus is part of it comprehensive settlement that will bring closer to both house or me is all just back home. and there you understand. every is where i had a family knows someone who was i the to oh kidding there on october 7th. so everybody is personally, well, let, let's take a look at the negotiating price. that's not a bit more detailed. good care, sean returning to that to me because for 7 days it seemed like the process was working didn't until of course it rapidly collapse. israel blames have mice for i
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don't have to go over military captives. i'm asked as it wants to increase the number of it's prisoners released to return for whitening in the country. okay. you kept his release. of course there is a precedent for this. you were involved in that directory and exchange of gal obsolete yesterday the soldier was held for 5 years by him us, and he was exchange for a 1027 public opinion whilst swaps on this scale, or indeed a full swaps. apparently out of the question right now, i think the thing that go sections didn't break down over the new demands of, from us for a lot larger number of prisoners to be released. i think that is doable. and i think these really still have no choice, but to agree to that. what i understand is the main problem is that the remains 14 or 15 young women between the age of 20 and 30, remain as hostages in gaza. and they were the ones that is really wanted to bring out. and according to what the intelligence has been telling us, they underdone abusive attacks and rapes sexual abuse and by their captors
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and the captors from us. no longer want to release them because of the stories that they will have to tell. this is what we understand is the reason. and if this is the case, this is beyond something that is real, is capable of negotiating on. there will be another deal made. i believe there was a chance for it to release the elderly, the, the, the people who are enough soldiers, the sick and the wounded and is, will release hundreds and may be thousands of prisoners in exchange for them. but this story of the young women is very, very painful. and if it's true, it's horrendous, right? that's why we, as we are way, i guess, shown that is now subject to a you add investigation, looking to allegations of crime. so on both sides, you know, divine investigate it cuz they have no access. right? well, to hit the international think gross, right? it has also been denied by a mass we the degree of how the skepticism. okay, what was the reason for us to believe from our students? denial? absolutely. no reason whatsoever. we know that there was math reading that took
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place at the music festival in reading on the date of domestic or of 370 youngest is released to place there as well. right, well i, i've given the circumstances an investigation if given access, if given more information is able to independently verify those. if i could ask you this, what the perception would be of for x rays from that would be a much wider, much broader number of palestinians released if that meant the possibility of all to come to us and gaza will say being freed. i think directed towards trying to spark a huge discussion in israel. but overall, we know that the there is a very large support in the public and in awareness that this would have to be the price of the return of the hostages. there are more people that are for it, then against it. and of course, this is something that with the has to be communicated well by the government to
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let alone that you know that we are now to living through this trauma. as you can see more, which is the one that initiated this attack in was one of the people released from the god surely did it actually deal in the israel has ways to not only to communicate and make this happen, but also to be much smarter. the way just to remind you is just a reminder of you is you all you all said well and now perhaps one of the most wanted to have my sub figure is in gaza at the moment it was released as part of the. so what would glad to actually keep if i could bring you in on this, because however you look at this, it looks as if the phase of it. so we're gonna use the fate of palestinians on both sides. i inextricably linked, there was no way you can solve one situation without resolving the other. yes, and i believe that both sides are looking for an
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opportunity to raise a flag. uh, even if it's a white flag. but at the same time, they need the victory image or the victory footage. and as you're matching the capturing uh, interesting, well, oh, making him raise wide flag can been good as to the strategy on both sides. so is there you see the, do you see that there's a being regarded as a strategic victory for, for you have that in yahoo to be able to claim if he's able to locate your civil, would that be enough as well? so teacher victory is splitting it into the costly and promoting a 2 state solution, negotiate that sort of. and i think that this is a kind of media victory for the time, you know, and maybe for how much everybody needs to be able to declare victory after so many
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fatalities as is such a big damage to gaza. angel these my area economy and prestige. right? so the gentleman as we approach the end of the program, i want you to give us, if possible, a brief final thoughts on perhaps what needs to be said to the it's really won't cabinets, but isn't perhaps being heard loudly enough for the moment. if i could start with you, but keep a of the degrees riley cabinets isn't a big dilemma. actually. i don't envy them. it's don't. if you do, it's doable. if you don't, the expectations of the ever just riley industry is a to get to the captives back. but that it will not happen to us again. and i don't think that anybody there is no, is riley politician i accidentally or join others that can guarantee
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that even, you know, somebody was suggesting to paul walter to pump the water from the sea and, and pointing to the toddlers. but what they kept out there. so okay. uh the any easy solution, right? very the solution guess only if i can bring you in when we have a closing a couple of minutes. guestroom very briefly. right, well i'll tell you what i told members of the work cabinet they have to make an offer to from us that they can't review is what i mean by that is that we need to make an offer to bring home, at least all the civilian hostages. the women who were left here would be able to leave a sick and the wounded, at least the next morning, the out for the hospital. and they have to be willing to sell what they're willing to do, which is a large number of prisoners in exchange. okay, thank you. the last few seconds. think outside the box. israel is renowned for making things happen in fish of or city and in the space of choice,
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things that are impossible. so think of the as a box bring all of them back home. okay, well thank you all all for your thoughts throughout this discussion. thanks to will i guess who the government aggression boss can add akiva elder um thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just share a don't com. i prefer the discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. and you can also join the conversation on x on handle is it's a j inside story for me, the phone call and a whole team here. bye for now, the god guys under for the past few years, the wars and related so fast. a lot of people are dying, a lot of people are under the troubles of buildings whose opinions of schools
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come see mobile and we up the way you go is files. most most a unique perspective thing being housing is a huge part of my identity voices. you don't often hear how are you doing today? i almost forgot how my life used to be before the gaza strip. started. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. question for me is very, very critical. issue is an attack in this specific area during me on these pauses and the rest of the team history on algebra. house on this structure was actually destroyed in 2003. and the reason for that is that far a honeyed was actually convicted and sentenced to 7 live sentences by his pause in
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the killing of his reading soldiers. while these res, this is a, came in here and this now very small hole actually represents a nightmare for this 5. we let me just show you these rand. he's actually drilled into the wall. now, why did they do that? the testing the thickness of the walls, so they know equipment to use when they come to demolish this house. and the family is telling us there was no reason for these raise to come in to that house at this time. right now, they simply don't know why he's raised one to 2 months now. this house could be demolished in the next 2 hours in the next 2 weeks. they simply don't know when that demolition is going to come. this is what weeks of rental rain has done to towns, villages, and farm land on the banks of the town of river wanted a 170000 people have been forced from their homes by floods, hearing kenya from the heavy call to you can really get
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a sense of the scale of these plots and thousands of farms being self managed across, destroyed, and this comes of the back of one of the brass browns in that region in about 12 feet. yes, scientists say the climatic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price from the shackles of prison to us here as well. and tearfully, dora infested his brother is among those who were release of the 3rd day of the ceasefire. all that i've shown was 15. the sisters say sentence to 5 years on since clay. but part of a cease fire d, brokered by world powers. many believe that if it weren't for from us, they wouldn't have seen treated so. so one batch of prisoners should read
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a monday out there directly linked to the buyer and god. but there are indications that maybe this, these buyers could be extended and that could be more paralysing in teenagers and women. finding the freedom again groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker. watch, listen. weakness on file just the the, the, the
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the you are watching the news, our live from a headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligate. i would special coverage of the war on gaza coming up in the next 60 minutes. 2 months since israel declared war on how much the military is continuing to drop bombs on god's off more than $16000.00 palestinians have been killed. guys as jabante, a refugee camp has been hit again, killing 22 family members.


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