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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the the the, you're watching the news, our life for the headquarters in delphi, i'm getting obligate, though with special coverage of the war on gaza coming up in the next 60 minutes, 2 months since israel declared war on how much the military it is continuing to drop bombs on god's off more than $16000.00 palestinians have been killed. guys as giovanni or refugee camp has been hit again, killing 22 family members of an algebra correspondence. the u. n. chief and votes are rarely use power to warn the security council of aluminum to monetary cost or
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fee was much upset about the united states special relationship with israel. but there's one american city with a special relationship with palestine. christmas living coming up, i'll take you there. the. it's 2 months into israel's war on gaza and the military onslaught against palestinians persists on abated. the offensive began on october the 7th after an unprecedented attack by him as fighters, members of the custom brigades thought to be armed wing if the group and other palestinian resistance fighters infiltrated is really territory by air, land, and sea. a 1147 is released were killed that day, including 320 soldiers and 59 police officers. at least 240 people is released and 4 nationals were taken captive. what ensued was the
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declaration of war by the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu on him, us, and a promise to eliminate the group. his defense minister immediately hold to be in port of all water, food, electricity, and fuel to the strip of the past several weeks of saving intense, indiscriminate, aerial bombardment of gaza. that's flattened entire neighborhoods and caused unimaginable suffering. a ground invasion then followed, no one and nothing has been spared. schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, shops, every aspect of daily life has been targeted. but the heaviest whole has been on civilians. more than 16000 palestinians had been killed in gauze all more than 7000 of them children. that means that is really army kills one child every 10 minutes. on 1900000 people have been forcibly displaced. we begin our special coverage with some of the sights and sounds from the past 2 months of israel's war on garza
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the or is really visible the
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all right, we begin our extensive coverage with our 2 correspondence on the ground following the story. we have our in fisher and occupied east jerusalem will be speaking to him in just a few minutes. but 1st let's go to honey muscle. we're tiny are joining us from what i saw. that's in the south of gaza on 2 months on honey give us a sense of the scale of suffering and the move in gaza. of the yes, well, for 60 days, how simians have been experiencing the worst of living conditions on their tv's really bombardments since the one of the war. we're talking about a mass bombardment, carpet and bombardment of entire neighborhoods, an entire a residential. it blocks uh, we have a large numbers of residential buildings have been destroyed in a level to the ground entire residential blocks to flatten a completely
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a large number of a critically injured palestinians. a over want a hospital which is short did extreme shortage of medical supplies and necessities do. just keep them surviving it, but there is a serious lack of everything that palestinians need to survive so far. the mood of those 60 days has been death, destruction, and displacement. the worst of these happened to be the 3 together as how athenians one from one place to another for their life. to avoid getting bombed in areas where more is active and lots of bombardment going on to get bonded in different areas. 1.5000000 palestinian that's a little over half of the population of the gods. if it had been under tv bombardment and force displacement for the past 60 days,
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we're talking about 60 days of constant movement and running for the lives of from one place to another. from extreme northern part of the gospel, the city of bit handling all the way to the extreme, southern part of the gods or the roof safety, where lots of people are being packed and it's squeezed. and this year, since the 1st week of the war dogs, it has been put under a total seas. we're talking about a no food supplies, no medical supplies, a no necessities of survival items that could help people survive their calamity. on top of that, the amount of a human to terry and a they've been allow them to go to the older prison, a drop in the ocean of their needs under these unusual conditions in the people have been put under extremely unusual living conditions where the have to cure for hours to get a gallon of water or half a day to get a part of the bread. the hospitals are in another. a difficult
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a story where we have 2 of the largest health facilities in the gaza strip. the super hospital and the nation hospital had been forced to be out of service under heavy bombardment and in intention of direct targeting of its medical team where they are now completely out of service. other hospital in mid sized hospital eventually have to be forced out of service, given the lack of medical supplies and fuels that keep them sustainable for at least some times. but with the so now i'm your injuries and the uh, the ongoing it bombardment just put them out of service completely and put the life of, of the remaining visit in this trend. it's in the gaza city and the northern part of the risk. and there is, as there are no functioning health facilities, we're talking about people being getting injured. we don't about people are getting killed, but there is no hospital to receive. the loss of these remaining midsize health
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facilities has been it cannot load one hospital and within the past 2 days, it was forced out of service. it was a really running on a very low capacity, right? given the size of the hospital as a small health facility, but it was over well running beyond its capacity, but more than 50 times its capacities. the last thing the hospital did, it was more of a more go large, more, more receiving large number of injuries. and did bodies and honey, you know, families or having to make such a difficult decisions. one if it's one of which is as you're saying, that they're forced to leave their homes. but where do they go? because we understand and we hear over and over and over that know where is safe and the gaza strip. as indeed there is no safe place in the gaza strip. and so far,
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these really narrative, but whether it's through there and the drop leaflets or the calls the phone calls to make to the residents of the gospel or the text message, have been so far as people described in their vague they are confusing and they are contradictory as most of the time people end up in an area that is under heavy bombardment that has been described by this really military as a safe area for them. and we've seen examples of this within the past few weeks, where people were ordered to evacuate sharply with a threatening tone to evacuate. the northern parts and gauze is to go into the central and the southern parts and but the, the, to find themselves under unpredictable bombs falling on their how there are entire families who evacuated from java city and then other parts got killed in the central part. and then they'll say about refuge account in theaters by law, as well as in how new and is particularly at how much city where most of a residential towers were targeted and destroyed and here and dropped off
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a city. many of the families are from dog. got killed right after the we're order to evacuated to days or sometimes within hours of there is active, we should be were killed here again, people insist that goes it. leaflets, those calls know the smartest techniques are used by these really military to order the evacuation. they're not as smart at all, they are confusing, they are, they are vague and they are come through the streets to the brutality on the ground of those it strikes. all right, thank you so much, honey for that update from the fast. in this case, if you guys us through it, but some bringing all in for sure. he's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so allen does being governments in israel believes that it's any closer to achieving its objectives, to months on of the well you've had from the user, the government from the very beginning that this would be a long and difficult operation. most certainly expand into the new year,
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which is what just 3 weeks away. these really believe that they're making advances, that they have severely hit come us, that they've killed the number of commanders that they have damage the tunnels, the infrastructure, the weapon stores that they have in various places in northern gaza. and of course not with their time being that attention to the southern part of the gas a strip. and that will be the next part of the operation. what is likely is that the face of godsa and the border communities in israel will be changed forever. because of what is happening in gaza at the moment. but what is less clear is that the is really government will finally achieve its objective to completely destroy him. us, it says that is its main goal to completely take away the power that how much has i make sure they can never operate again. but if you speak to many people on both sides and israel,
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they will tell you that there's an incredibly difficult thing to do. and of course, while they push forward with their agenda, prosecuting the war across all of guys a, the desktop continues to write. yeah, an island, as we know there remain is really captives who are, who are still being held in gaza. what's the mood like these days to months on along? see, is really public if you look at the opinion polls, if you speak to ordinary is really use, they will tell you the primary goal is the return of the hostages, and that is certainly the primary goal of net. yeah. whose government and how they're doing it, of course, is through trying to put pressure militarily on how mice and trying to destroy how much. but i think definitely most people agreed with the end of the ceasefire, quite simply because all of the, the captives had not been returned and the feel of it, that is the primary goal. what is also interesting is that many people believe the
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water and the ma, against time us, is the correct thing to do. but clearly, there is, can sound up the rising civilian dest told it. also interesting in the opinion polls is that the longer the war goes on, the better benjamin netanyahu is doing in the 1st 3 or 4 weeks is political feet seem to be feel that his career would be over. but just in the last few weeks, his popularity has begun to rise again. but if you look internationally, almost every country in the world, when they do an opinion poll on what is happening, you guys uh supports a cx 5 and support for them to the fighting that, that there will be a d. miller tries guys a at the end of this war, benjamin netanyahu says that this is intention, and he also says that my, with the bus will never preside over the west bank and gaza, while he is prime minister. well, there's a possibility that after the war, he might not be prime minister for very much longer. all right, thank you so much. all efficient reporting from occupied east jerusalem as well to
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months on a lot of what was claims about the how much the tax on october 7th has turned out to be untrue or blown out of proportion or something. i've been job age reports thousands of slides is broke out with goza and tore down these really fits from multiple locations. defenses with billions of dollars including remote control, the machine guns and the tank units failed to stop the onslaught intended and staying here is to blame seeds. really officials, the scale coordination, unintelligence operations of how much of the tax became evident in spite of a 16 year siege and located because of some of the highest casualties. but at this music festival, now police reports say some good kills, but is really attack helicopters is really media says a specific killed protocol and was huge, which allows hostages to be taken out with their captors. it's called the hannibal director. not honey, but can you?
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they are bits which live key me show you all. ok, most of my god got the money. the muskogee a suit. it's called motion the flu. blissfully blinked to own in go me cause a key lawyer. bush level as shown given. so just a cover, i'm an on people here, soldiers funding back them and those with no weapons is not considered using them as human shields between 630 to 10 am. hundreds, a fight is engaged with is really security forces. this baycove it seems to be infant keyboards. betty was they just seemed to be burned beyond recognition. and many other vehicles were destroyed in the same way. some with people inside is really efficient. now see hundreds of birds bodies, but those of hamas fighters as it survives down the death to order from 1400 to about 1200 people. the subcultures were burned beyond recognition. and the question remains, who birth the journalist sticking on tours of the keyboards,
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showed exposed themes and torn down homes to inflict this damage. superior firepower or equipment would be required. one with district people is very told is ready for the court. just to con that a 12 year old is really girl was killed when it is really tank fired 2 rounds at the house. they were being kept by how much fighters sometimes operators have admitted to opening fire within communities in the us. okay. all. well, what's the billing telephone? let me finish. i got it from a company i wanted to tell because are there somebody who can handle natalie? no, nothing. it isn't for guys. because i don't know what your mission for guys are from the service where i live. and money a lot is from a claim, a mission to feed my funds. we will tell you that the claims are going because im going but they'll call you sure is really paper har. it says nothing. yeah. who's remarks to us president joe biden, but inaccurate disturbing reports such as dozens of beheaded babies, or birds, babies, or hung babies are also unsubstantiated. testimonies of people from zachary and
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united had started a search and rescue organization, had been debunked by evidence from the cubes. another dubious claim made by the prime minister's wife setting up and yahoo. and then they said to us 1st, lady joe biden has also not being proven. she said one of the pregnant women was abducted into gauze where she gave birth. since then, the 5 woman has been released, she was never pregnant, nor gave birth. is way to respond to that on 10 am on october 7 is residential tower, like this person destroyed in gauze. and it's related to this campaign to eliminate from us, continues. palestinian said the disproportionate response amounts to genocide. some of the job aids. how does their or we're not going to by mark owen jones, he's an associate professor and at least studies a time and been funding for university joining us here on. so thanks for speaking to us on al jazeera, so as we just heard in the report, a number of claims have been made in the aftermath of october. the 7th, are we now getting a clear picture of what exactly happens?
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i think we are. i think it's very clear what happened on october. the 7th has been, you know, it's been packaged rapidly and tried to be distributed to legitimize what is relative and gaza. and as that report show, be, we've seen a number of key things that have demonstrated that some of the most outlandish claims have been false, including for example, the heading of 40 babies and the revision of the desktop of israelis, which was initially 1200 and then went down to 1000 on accounts that some of the bodies were so badly bent that, that they actually recognized later that they were having a spices. and i think there's a real interesting irony here. and i don't know if it was mentioned, but by them have cast doubts on the figures supplied by the promised any administrative house. but i don't know at the time we had coverage. yeah, exactly as saying that a we can't trust these figures. and even though these figures have been historically accurate and have been corroborated by human rights watch an amnesty. and then we have a situation or isabel that actually acknowledged that the initial desktop was,
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was too high. that hasn't been question, for example, by jo bite. and i think that's emblematic of the notion of how us, of supporting israel in such a way and you know, believing everything they say that happened on that side of the 7th, because everything that happened october, the 7th has been the main justification for what we're seeing now, which is essentially genocide, look, i'm in the fall, the floor dark. do we expect some misinformation to spread? of course we expect misinformation spread. that's very normal. but i think the issue is not necessary misinformation. it's the problem with this information which is deliberately spreading false information. and i think of course, that was, you know, it was very hard to see what was going on for a lot of people. but at the same time, if you are the president of the united states, for example, you want to know for sure, if a story about 40 the headed babies over headed baby was true before saying it, because often when we have information it filters to regular levels there's no way that the u. s. president should say anything like that. i must assure of it we haven't done it with the question. okay, forgive this and press the question, but what would be the,
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the intense behind spreading this information in just front of different kinds of trying to legitimize public support and us political support for a brutal response in gaza. that's the way i ended up with the big headed baby story is really important because killing children is seen as a massive model transgression. everywhere, but not just killing them heading them. because the heading is pressing into this narrative that the israelis of tried to put from day one, which was how much it is like isis, you know, the heading, it seem to somehow mubarek then bombing files and killing thousands of, of children, which doesn't make it into the speeches and by a look, oh, we also hear this assertion by western governments and we heard it a lot during the 1st few weeks that israel has the right to defend itself. but we see according to some pulls. and if you look at the united states, for example, a pull there, a recent poll suggested that more than 60 percent of americans actually wants to cease fire and they want to see an end to this. so to what extent do you think that israel's monopoly on the narrative has changed now?
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and it's been broken up by uh, by public opinion is changed actually quite early on in the war. and that's what's really interesting, both in the us and the u. k. the majority of people from both different sorting, different policies actually support for 6 want. they want an end to violence. why? because the violence is so egregious. they have seen them. i smoke trips, civilians, of course, as humane people. they want it done to us. so there's a massive disjuncture between what citizens and these democratic countries want and what that politicians are doing. and i think also this contribution, his sense of alienation that the people have with the political leaders who are supporting the cause for political reasons, which is strategic reasons and isolating that constituencies. and remember the things that democracy is that must be responsive to the needs of the people i want just talking about any needs. we're talking about an ongoing genocide and it's, it's pretty phenomenal actually. how you can have democratically elected leaders who are willing to and a blind eye to, to this level of violence. all right, marco and jones. thank you so much for giving us your thoughts. now israel has flattened garza is once driving towns and cities. one of the world's most densely
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populated areas has been reduced to rubble. here's a look at the expense of the devastation in the north, where more than half of all the buildings have been damaged. there's also a wide spread destruction and central on southern gods on israel is dropped thousands of tons of bonds on gas on today. the strip is almost uninhabitable. about 1900000 palestinians, that's more than 85 percent of the largest population have been uprooted from their homes due to is really bombardment unforced, evacuation orders more than a 1000000 palestinians. have been sheltering in schools an un facilities, but they to have come under attack. at least 69 schools have been destroyed in the works so far. only 9 out of guys of $35.00 main hospitals are functioning and only partially with tens of thousands of injuries caused by is really a tax under rapid spread of infections and diseases,
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an overcrowded shelters. gaza is now staring at a health catastrophe. well, attacks on hospitals, schools and refugee accounts are new for israel, but the scale of its assault on golf. so this time has been unprecedented rights group say, genocide is unfolding and gaza. and the world is silent for you on a group that reports as the, the, the anguish of a mother refusing to let go for child. she as long as the despair of a child's faults to let go for parents. she is there for 2 months. the people have carson having deal with what's been described as him on or israel has quoted civilians on a scale, really seem to means more children that any of the war. in recent times,
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the un says a child, the skills, every 10 minutes, making garza the most dangerous place on earth, which is for the un garza is now the worst single concept in its history. and those uncovering these horrors, the eyes of the war have paid the highest price journalist and their families have been targeted, making it the most lee. so conflict for media workers in decades. and yet, 2 months on israel's war, a factory fusion goes on on hinder. the catastrophic situation we see unfolding in the gaza strip was entirely foreseeable and preventable. my humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apple collect take. in these circumstances,
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there is a high risk of atrocity crimes. it's military, have flattened homes, attacked refugee counts, and schools destroyed most unsure which is the besieged and boomed hospital, but he's not all meant to be protected under international law. for hospital by his control has been attack shell, bones destroyed an empty tent, and this is actually played unprecedented all the governments in the world. and particularly the governments in the west then the in the united states. they know that these rail tests these practices of attracting health care, simulated health care, which is up. so let me click on to read to the geneva convention for 56 nights. israel has punched garza and its people into darkness. it didn't post a total siege and cut off electricity. how dies united gen
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to 7, the phone lines and internet doing different phases if it's gone and vision, creating panic and fear. it's related to this bombardment and expanding ground defensive from north to south, has displeased nearly all this causes population. with no way to escape from death that fields imminent. all of this destruction and incentive are b 55 for the damage. it is clear that it is a step in an episode of zane is subtler colonial project which targets the very existence of the listing and people on the line of monday. first time i watch the ink cartridge stick for this has always been a way of life to israel wars and siege. but this is a war of many for palestine. is it a paper to moment israel is waging
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a war of collective punishment. and the international community has seen a stop. it sounds good. well, gaza is often described as the world's largest open air prison. for 16 years, 2300000 palestinians have been living under a crippling land air and sea blockade in 2001 israel bomb garza's only airports between 20072010. it's shop the borders to people. and goods were only allowed through at the editors and they cut them beside them crossings. now since october, the 7th, israel has closed those 2 crossings, as well as imposing a total siege on guards on the fishing industry has been another casualty of the blockade. $4000.00 registered fishermen were only allowed to operate in a small area of the mediterranean. for years israel has been imposing restrictions on palestinian workers trying to work their. their numbers dropped from about half
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a 1000000 before 2000 to just over 10000 in recent years. guys, as economy has been paralyzed the when says between 20062022 g d p h rank by 37 percent. unemployment store to more than 46 percent. one of the highest in the world. 80 percent of guys as young people were unemployed before the war. on 7 out of 10 palestinians lived in poverty, the un estimates more than 1800000 people didn't have enough to eat. 97 percent of guys as water was on fit for human consumption. and now there's even less water for drinking on cleaning. as israel has destroyed reservoirs unblocked the supply of fuel for it to sell the nation plans. let's bring in time to promote. he's an assistant professor and public policy at the doha institute. thanks for speaking to us on algebra 0. so as for say, i mean even before this war time, a garza was under a land sea and air blockades is ro controls what goes in,
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what goes over the territory. now with this war here from gaza, you live there, give us a sense of just how desperate the situations as the oldest of there are no words to describe the dire situation because of the, the, the how the this but the feeling of people that have justice the most of hope. i mean, you're right. i mean in europe for the this, this, i mean this situation then you'd, a situation has been experiencing it, stopping the stuff the long time ago. even before the oldest low codes it's, it's from $96.00 to $7.00 on boards. that has been a systematic photo, somebody's that have to be developed because of the develop it call them lies that you know, it can be prospect for any normal life for the gaza. for guidance and also that was also pluses in the west bank. it's, it's comes a part of this big project which is
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a empty and think a starting dr. pipeline, from 1st dina's and, and particularly i mean does or has be the highest price. unfortunately, i mean the, because of the customs of also because of the percussion is also the cdn incentives split in the division between the homeless. in fact, the and most importantly, that brought and sees that is what has impose and does a since the 2007 guys as experienced as 2007 for give us the thing was, this is, this one is the last one. but even from before, i personally used to work in the construction projects with the united nations before the start of this war, many of the construction needs were not even addressed before the starting of this war. so it's guys has been in the cost of multiple floors, i was following the water water water. i'm certainly saying, and this war, as we've been reporting the highest number of children being killed, the highest number of journalists being killed. we're seeing really unprecedented
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attacks on obviously the population, but also civilian infrastructure in gaza. in the past 4 is we're just mentoring. we've seen israel attacks schools at the top hospitals, but this time the attacks have really been unprecedented. i agree, i mean that the, i mean, i mean humanity or the international community has both of the faith, but this thing is what comes to this. i mean, even meant even providing the minimum protection, the conditions for civilians. i mean, guys, as a case study to be thoughts. sadly in schools know about how the field of international community. i mean this is that it's unprecedented. what's happening and does that this is actually sort of what we see for the 1st time, even the u. n. is flipped over. what's happening and goes, uh, we have a group if you want, experts will say it's genocide. then we have the politicians and do you on with trying to sub subdued their voice and then say no, it's not a distinction anyone's system. yeah. and it's, it's sort of find itself,
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it's not about you guys anymore. it's about the future of the school. well, rebuilding heading. i mean, if god has been left to suffer though it's being suffering now, this is as that indicative also very bucks due to waiting for the amenities of to come fix it up and come fix. how would the commercial commit to deal with it? if the left stays that i have to do with what the, what a bit and still doing because of the way it's doing it, it's, it's done. we have lost. we have lost our faith in humanity. but a spin has in particular have lost the faith in humanity. both of these have last. thank you so much time for those. thanks for your thoughts. now leaders of the flood policy and you know, already have been mostly silent since the war on guys have begun ceasefire. negotiations are seen as large. the highest orchestrated affair and critics are growing a number. they say the face of the p a, whether they like it or not. it's tied to the faith of gossip, st bus ride the reports from it on the the future of palestine is official
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government. the palestinian authority may be playing out in communities under his really attack source and he was beaten in front of his children when it's rarely so we'll just rated his home in the below the refugee camp the how night on the in, on wednesday at 8 in the middle of the deep, it's the weekend and make people have definitely seen it know thursday almost security officer in the b a. i'm a son of the be a is about the do this little bit of us. it's deliberate. unable to protect his family. he says, makes him feel defeated. the 1st extra carried out by the israelis in novel. since the 2nd visit, the father was targeting the offices of the political party running the palestinian authority. it has people wondering how can this organization be expected to protect its own people when it can even protect itself? day and night is really our mccullin's move freely throughout the occupied westbank in villages, plague by subtler violence resident say the p a is failing to do even the bare
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minimum we defend ourselves, we got no one to protect us. here we depend on each other on those who live in the house, our neighbors. there's no p a security presence here. there's no protection at all . no presents for the security in the entire area. and this is an area under is really control. they apply not being vocal enough ongoing maintaining links with his real things that have contributed to the ph falling poll numbers, but public trust was through the floor even before the war. more and more people losing space in a negotiated settlement appear to favor armed resistance. in malta, but the most of the people when they are 40 to implement good governance, they want the palestinian authority to take positions that a proportionate to the event has got charged with these wild withdrawal recognition . talk about all of the how many times did the president speak to the palestinian community? well, being close to the people is important on the palestinian authority says if it
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seems helpless, it is by design all the phenomena of colorful. it's clear that there is a us is really understanding that this is the last will they want a solution of some sort for the palestinian question. and it's part of the plan whereby as well joins the regional arab system. and the us has control of the middle east. in the 30 years since the p a was formed, posted new lands have consistently shrunk. it is something fueling the popularity of our groups who are in the eyes of the people, at least doing something to actively resist as really oppression. while the p a has a security force estimated to number between 30 and 40000, their main function appears to be question internal descent. accusations of corruption, a public image of cub situation? big houses, fancy cars. the feeling on the palestinian streets is that it has all the trappings of a government without a country to govern zane bus route of the
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o g 0 in the occupied west. let's bring in the the that is joining us from bethlehem. dr. me occupied westbank so need to how much pressure is this criticism by so i'm putting on the palestinian all 40. i'm the president with our bus you know that in the palestinian authority has long been saying that it does not have one afford to do. we can show you better than we can tell you this is bethlehem and this is that is really mandatory checkpoint that hasn't been since closed since the war started this now disconnected bethlehem from jerusalem. but also it is surrounding and is close to these really build separation wall that has been disconnecting besieging bethlehem from jerusalem and cutting continued scene between home, between palestinians themselves. and this is not the seen on the invest lab. this is the scene also all across the occupied west bank. so if that tells you anything,
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it tells you the, the real control was, is in the hands of israel, which is why people have long said that the palestinian authority is weak, has been rendered by israel to become some sort of a municipality providing services. if that this is why we've been hearing more and more with the system by palestinian since after the war saying that the palestinian authority, yes, has been issuing statements. but none of those faces are able to help aid or protect the vulnerable civilians in the receive cause us to get to continuously bombard in from bar. i think you are also losing access to water as well as basic needs including food. so this is also increasing pressure on the palestinian authority, but at the end of the day when we talk about this entity has been created the in consensus with the world after that was little chords in the early ninety's. and it
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has been long receives as the daughter of the p, a low the sold are presented to of the palestinian people. so there is an interest in keeping the palestinian authority. but palestinians would tell you that the best interest is to keep the palestinian authority on the brink of collapsing, but never doing so. exhaust complete with it was the also seeing palestinian saying that, you know, even if the palestinian authority goes, what alternative do we have? right, and is that look, you've been reporting for us since october 7th on the ongoing and rather the increased number of raids that have taken place right across the occupied westbank as well as the rest of palestinians. but let's just talk for a moment about what was happening before october the 7th, because certainly the is really aggression and the violence on the occupied westbank existed before october. the 7th. yes and already we were talking before october 7th with more than $200.00. an age palestinians kilobytes. really forces since the beginning of the year 2023 on october 5th,
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was already going to be the, the, the year in 15 years. here in the occupies west bank with the only is where the force is killing intimidating and injuring palestinians. but also the trends of as really subtler is going into palestinian homes for us to be in land shipping from the syrians out reckoning that link, killing them has also been doubling and on the rise. so when we talk about this war, we are talking about yes, an increase in rates. yes. and increase in a russ and mistreatment for those prisoners. but we're talking about decades and decades of a continue this really occupation has only been submitted the thing itself with those rules, with the dropping of more lines with the expansion of supplements with the disconnection of communities from one another. and people would tell you that the main reason in the main goal for these really plans has always been to die sec, those palestinian cities to make it impossible for palestinians to have
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a seat of their own one day. thank you so much that i am reporting from bethlehem and the occupied westbank since the start of the war on gaza authorities in israel had been cracking down on palestinian is released citizens and some have been arrested for protesting against the war on social media. lena block their reports. you had somebody. this isn't is really policeman arresting. the palestinian is rarely citizen. she asks what's the reason as he hand called sir? the reason for her arrest is a post on social media. that is really, authorities deemed inciteful. israel has increased its crack down on the palestinians since the start of the tour and gaza. any voice raised against the war is silenced. and you want expressing solidarity with palestinians in gaza is hush
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a day after the october 7 attacks. the can assist issue a new law that criminalizes the consumption of material published by what it calls a terrorist organization. they are using the militancy laws, it's time of florida by the definition right now. so even if you wrote something that is vague or something that does not go to any kind of finance, just simply showing sympathy with your people. it's also being very nice. so this is the pickups that we are living right now, but everything is being criminal lines into, within your connection over here to an identity, or celebrating good identity as not to me to let him all of doherty's have arrested and interrogated. $521.00 palestinian citizens for their social media posts and charged 70 of them. nearly 65 were fired from their work after accusations of supporting terrorism on social media. we're speaking about and a huge use of the counter tourism low, especially optic in 24
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a which speaks about supporting theaters and, and sympathizing with the, the zation and the expression on the social media related to what's going on to the ongoing board and what's going in god the could be chrome and criminalized. there were no such arrests among jewish is release for their social media posts, despite hundreds of messages of incitement and recess, posts against palestinians, including those in israel. those who have been arrested include artists, actresses, human rights activist, community leaders and students. some of them were photographed next to these really flag in jail as a way of humiliating them. is really police procedures allow for the extension of their detention to 90 days without seeing the lawyer.
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meanwhile, furious quieting the voices of solidarity. but many se they refuse to be silent and take the risk of standing up to defend their freedom of expression. leno barclay as his ear? well, the us tunnel patterson in the state of new jersey is thousands of kilometers away from gauze up. but it's crystal salumi explains for many who lives there. the war feels very close to home in the city of patterson, new jersey is a village known as little palestine or palestinian flags. and cuz he is or is easy to find as people with family and gaza at the palestine hair salon, a shave, and a haircut comes with news of the war. even myself, i have a friend who is also american citizen, who still stuck. there cannot make it through, since a mazda attacked israel on october 7th. many here have been threatened owner rod or
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de also happens to be deputy mayor of the city. i'm one of the business owners, myself, where i received a lot of phone calls for one of the phone calls press was like, we're going to come kill you. we're going to come down your business and burn your family. and that's one. not twice. patterson, new jersey has been a destination for air of immigrants since the late 1800, and it's now home to at least 10000 people in palestinian descent. but what has long been a source of pride for the community is now a source of pain. the local sheaf of pharmacy takes its name from the ship, a hospital in gaza city. that's where owner i'm just double quick, grew up in the last week. he's lost more than 20 family members. you'll watch the new to see what's going on. the news and, and much worse, you see the response from our government and,
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and unfairness the inhumane. and looking at the palestinian from, cuz a as there's some human that's the, this is really the best data and this is a level of america stands for many in the community have most loved ones in gaza and faith in the us government. but in the face of grief and despair are coming together, holding regular rallies like this one lobby in politics since for a cease fire and a homeland they can some day return to christian salumi al jazeera little palestine . still ahead on al jazeera, a picture is worth a 1000 words how cartoonists are using their art to spark discussions about the war on gauze off the
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the hello, it's going to be a washout for western europe up and down in the continents. so here, let me show you, let's begin right now in the north where there are weather alerts and play for both the rain and wind across the islands of ireland and britain. again, this one is going to be a washout. very soggy forecasts look at scotland and abroad. 6 degrees. big pulses of rain there. same goes for the south. we've got dispatch of wet weather from northwest spain, sliding down the coast of portugal and pushing into spit enough for portugal. second, highest level alerts issued for rainfall here. so you know, it's going to be bad. we're talking about snow for a hungry, a snow storm in budapest, by the time it's all said and done. i think 10 to 15 centimeters of snow on the ground. let's go to greece and turkey. it's still unsettled. here we've got pockets of showers and goes through the eastern mediterranean. and that's what weather is also pulling into the events off to africa. we go,
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looks like we've got some on settle conditions for the coast of libya breezy as well for the northwest. and if i take you to southern africa, some big storms lighting up for that eastern side of south africa. and meantime, windy for the northern k providence that includes up in 10, and the winds have shifted around in botswana. so that's press down the temperature and have your own a to 33 degrees on thursday bye for now. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's a center of international finance, international culture to make these stories resonate requires talking to every day to baltimore, more people, not just power brokers enough for algebra is different from mayor of the city and now suddenly doing away with the curfew. that was supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with the human touch zooming way in,
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and then pulling back out again the award winning investigation, the gift compelling science interview on your toes to from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. on out to 0, a, we look at the world's top business storage, from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and including security around the world history or something that the international community your view should be doing to understand how it affects the lock counting the cost on o g a 0 the the color again, here's a reminder of the top story this our 2 months since this real declared war on how
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the us, the military is continuing to draw farms on god. so at least 16248 palestinians had been killed. almost half our children, the relentless bombardments has left 1900000 palestinians displaced a i'll to 0 correspondence momentum, shut off. he has lost 22 members of his family and is really airstrikes his mother and father, along with a siblings. nieces and nephews were killed. when the giovanni a refugee camp was bombed by the is really army on wednesday. man was the hon. eunice, when the refugee camp was struck, here's what he had to say. quality of the map of the my father was killed. he was 87 years old. he lived through the not far in 1948 when he was forcibly expelled out of his village to the northwest of the gaza strip. he was 12 years old then. those bitterly painful events remained compton, his memory until
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a day he was killed. he used to recounts me the most detailed specifics and he never forgot the names of his neighbors. all those who matched with him and the forcible exodus from his village to jabante, a refugee camp to the north of gaza. he's been carrying those bits of moments with him. that is why he refused to re live the same vicious events. he always said being expelled south around the strip. he held his ground to the last moment and preferred to die, holding onto his roots. especially since he was a history teacher, he taught thousands of students throughout his career. so did my mother who saved in the education field for 35 years. they always rejected the idea of forcible expulsion, but he is ready, occupation forces that took the land. they refused to succumb to precious. they move from home to home, refusing to leave the north. that was a destiny. and all i can say is that god is a rock. he is the dispos or of all the fees said, then go to the refuge and from him only we gain strength or the else is there. a
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media network has denounced the bombing in a statement and said it will pursue all legal steps to hold those accountable for this crime. it's called on the international community on press freedom organizations to work to put an end to these massacres immediately. and to ensure a prompt justice for the families of the innocent victims the un secretary general. and so when he gets harris has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool known as article 99 to stop israel's killing of palestinians in gaza. he's directing the security council to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe and his calling for an urgency speier, israel dismissed the move as a new moral. lo inside gutierrez, should resign. it is a very powerful move on behalf of the secretary general. and we hope that members of the security council will be moved by and we hope the international community will be moved by to uh, to push and put in place. if you meditations these 5 since the start of the war on
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dogs are the, is really the army has stepped up, its raids and the occupied westbank. the clintons, cut and provides device exploded as a convoy of armored vehicles, was passing by at least 4 palestinians were killed in the latest raids. 3 of them were teenagers. the u. s. as announced its imposing a travel band on dozens of is really settlers for taking part in violence in the occupied westbank. for many people say to move is largely symbolic and say to by the administration needs to go much further. i'll just there was particle hanging takes a look at the fallout from washington, dc or in the occupied westbank settlers denied the daily harassment and violence against palestinian. i think it's a very small percentage of people if at all maybe it was safe to hear about it more, but it's not. it's not a thing that happens given anybody. so, i mean,
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but i think it's what happens when a daily basis policy meant injuring choose. however, there isn't really any entity or policy didn't buy choose. so i think the 3rd of the americans to the little disconnected from the oddity there is no context, no interest. ok, and it's simply shocking what a shame for suddenly the reality attacks caught on camera every day, even before the war began, the united nation said violence by residents of a legal settlement has caused a mass exodus of health. denny is added that since october 7th, daily settler tax has more than doubled. the world has seen the pictures of the debts of the homes, cars and businesses burned. but if the travel bands against the dozens of settlers are big news in the occupied westbank, despite several administration officials briefing the media, not one mention of it in the us wednesday advocate adam shapiro calls the travel bands. largely meaningless and mostly symbolic. but he says it is possible,
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the bite administration will do more. there's other steps such as asset freezing, which would include bank accounts. there's looking at the larger ecosystem, a settler violence which would include looking at the energy, owes that provide charitable tax deductible funds to settlements and settlement enterprises on the ground. so may try to deny the reality of spiraling attacks often done in front of these really soldiers, but the world has seemed the violence day after day after day. the question for advocates now will us president joe biden do more to try and stop it? particle, hain, elda 0, washington. it will side out satire on political cartoons, have long played a unique role in communicating in a way that traditionally was kind of, during israel's were on gaza, thousands of artist of created powerful images through social media. it's part of a long tradition of graphic art about palestine. image in cambridge takes a look. graphic images sketched and pencil
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some se coatings a more powerful unaccessible video footage for flight across. especially when the sheer number of images difficult to process. when an image that is drawn bar cartoon is using metaphor and sometimes symbolism, it can be something easier to take and then the actual images of people who are dying. but at the same time, it has this double effect or appealing to the various levels that are, can be translated in the mind and then touch the person very viscerally. schiffer was uses her out by the discussions like this call teen. so the question itself, i think is not something that is right to be asked. and i want to show that easy to everybody was the watching dog for 75 use palestinians. have you set off with this multi layered messages to protest
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against these radio compassion? when we use the culture at all as a tool for assistance as little as raising awareness about our situation. now, we are fighting against their and propaganda. we are move that's we are as a business to people we are. we have 100. did you have? ok, you have to go check and the bank people as they want to, to, to the big us mohammed sedona was detained in on his radio in 2013. but he, truth, right? and his sketches are collected in the book, palestine and black and white. in early november, the washington post protracted a call too often being accused of racism towards the arabs and palestinians. and veteran cartoonist at the guardian, steve bow lost his contract accused of using anti semitic tribes. mohammed says the risk is come with the job which has been used against us as opposed to just do it
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on the item. that was who they are protesting, broken start. it only when you, when you want to good size, it is what i do with the actual cause you as you are, we are exaggerating that, not that much of the expression pressure details. and we, we have been accused, as on some of the, one of the most famous part of sending cartoonist was knology and ali who created the character handler personification of the palestinian people. it's come to symbolize resistance against israel. nausea and ali was assassinated in london in 1987, but handler lives own. and so to does all of the graphic artwork created by on divide, published drawing image and kinda out 0. and that's it for the news officer watching. we're back in just a moment. we're much more officers news. honda. all the latest headlines out of the
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this is will weeks of to run. shall rain has done to towns, villages and farm land on the banks of the tunnel river. more than a 170000 people have been forced from their homes by floods, hearing kenya from the heavy call to even really get a sense of the scale of these plots and thousands of farms. the beans have managed crops, destroyed. and this comes of the back of one of the brass browns in that region in about 12 feet. yes, scientists say the climatic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa is cultural heritage is on display in western museums. didn't happen overnight. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how europe and colonization relieves tens of
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thousands of on the facts. and the young people struggle to reclaim restitution african stolen episode one. 0 no. just sierra. it is a tenant of journalist to produce objective these. com, which is true. i don't think that there is a fair, objective and impartial representation. the listening post covers how the news is. it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources in solar energy, harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits. essentially a ministry employ mentos protection and has the investment assignment digital licensee, your better tomorrow. the
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. ready ready the 2 months since is real declared war on how much the military is still dropping bonds on gas on more than $16000.00 palestinians have been killed. the you're watching out to 0 light from headquarters and del fine getting obligated also coming up for you and cheese and folks are rarely use power. it's one security council. so looming humanitarian.


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