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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 7, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy, harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing. your better tomorrow the the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel intensifies its attacks on gaza, heavily bombarding areas from giovanni and the knowles, to con eunice in the south. thousands of palestinian men at the time that un runs schools in northern garza,
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take him to his room 2 months since israel declared war on how much moulding 17000 palestinians the 2 children make up many off you and says is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child, the is $1500.00 g m t, that's 5 p. m. local in gone. so where 2 months into is rouse will demetrius intensive. 5 is bombardment, killing $350.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours a short time. earlier it bummed, a mosque, and houses, and the densely populated giovanni, a refugee camp photography locations, and near a school for people with disabilities. at least 17177 palestinians have been killed in garza since israel sconces the war and its territory. in southern galls or at least 13 palestinians were killed in sci san
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residential homes in san eunice. thousands of injured people were taken to hospitals. rescue efforts are on the way to recover. bodies buried under the rumble is right. the forces have detained several palestinian civilian men from 3 un runs, schools and bates law. here they were stripped and separated from the families and taken to as well, the manufacture not to be resisting the arrest which happens is ready. forces advanced the occupies of the northern parts of the strip and i speak with them how much of poly he's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let's start with those images which came in recently, of, of men sitting in, in rows at you and run schools being separated from
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the men from the women and children. or what is israel doing here? well is it i have seems to be going for the in the humanizing may, is more than and they all those segments of the point of city and population and it goes up, it's drifting them down. but if we know that by close, this is a sign when the part of the power part time exceeds it us for not into the world was its own you or turn to the russian or the, the everything is false. everything, everything is there, here them with this is another bu, gray bought another version of i will get a of a lot. it's a, some goods us can the, the may, is been particular out of the thought of it, of this handling and this a, any you mean a treatment basic. you mentioned double that i but these are pictures which of a likely to be very disturbing and provocative full this pos of the world for people to see civilians strip to some of the clothing sites on the floor. hands
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tied behind the back, separated from women and children, right? and this is, am in an, an, a 422 where uh the him and he's ation becomes a, a target by itself. and it stops, it takes the content, the, to someone be your own. the logical view is in force or who is in extreme power. therefore, now we're facing, it's, it is it, they can the, you know, how can the is the outcome is what it is. and, and explain or justify it is deeds. it's going to be the tailor a stigma to uh not i think, but this is not the reality most happening to the save of the report saying that being shipped off to israel, what i was trying to gather the field. i think there is no, i'm pushing 2 and 2 together. it seems that the objective of another video
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is not to really mean a time us, but the, it's more of the, these in the population. so if may was the main to these of in the women of is of be trimmed and i think the number of k of children has been high more than 6000. so it's a, i think it's a deliberate policy to push those may policy is a that a, this is the to migration for rounding them up and put, putting them in a consolidation camp. so therefore, i think now the, oh well it's the measurements, how to use to be the protection is to be the life livelihood for this place. and now is how it becomes a sounds that over the tension. and therefore the question. now what's going, what does is it, what does you say about this? and they go in to accept this part of the ugly face of war. or there is a monday standing in or a humane voice that showed the echo the need to stop this nonsense. it so it
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doesn't, it we've been talking about in the last 24 hours. the invocation of optical 99 by the un secretary general. it doesn't seem like any of these diplomatic moves towards the seas for having much impact in terms of softening or slowing down, as well as bombardment of casa, the alliance between the end. it's what's the bottom and the result of support those have and the mind do political will of the united nations. so good tash finds himself in propped in this smaller box when he cannot do much. even the minimum who, money theory and activity is call strain by what's going on and it off by and so the flu, a low in $500.00 trucks of with humans, denny loads only $100.00 have us been haven't been allowed bill for a do you and it's losing, it's good it on the him,
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on that situation come to do much about the boy, is it gonna situation remains now a case of fall or exercise, as long as there is a u. s. support for is that i, i think nothing you know, does not think of any other, any reaction that should come from as well. in fact is, right. officials have been saying, since that discussion now, since those moves by the sex or a general is very officials on the reco saying that was only going to end with the surrender of how much, how likely is that? how much lead is they have to surrender? well, let, let's call said the one thing and hand themselves over to his right. the forces i thing was the, what's happening, know, and goes a, is a war for generation. these kind of for generation was happening between states and non state actors and how most happens to be the snow for the city. and those type of and this was a lot uh,
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controlled by power. most of these cases, whether it's in cold, well with the it's and forgotten, is that how that have not been won by, by states. so the idea of, in the mean agent or the case and homeless may song a problem, but in secret it to tell them is within the general is of, of, of is right. but in practice it's not going to end distorted. how much will it remain a little by another generation or the same idea with continues the same thing was applied buck in the sixties and the 70s against the fact that it was considered a 3rd of this organization. however, the whole $3040.00 is cars won't change much of the policy and resistance and the demand for us to state solution. and therefore, even if we gave it and that then the whole, the maximum, the imagination, he can eliminate the idea,
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but then will be another how mothers are all stakeholders the invitation, right. thank you so much for coming in or not. a scale of israel is assault on gaza . is unparalleled rights group, say a genocide is unfolding the strip? yeah, the world is staying silent for younger group to reports. we should warn you, as you may find some of the images in the report to be distressing. the the wish of a mother refusing to let go for child, she as long as the despair of a child's faults to let go for parents. she is there for 2 months. the people have carson having deal with what's been described as him on or israel has quoted civilians on
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a scale really seem to means more children that any of the war. in recent times, the un says a child, the skills, every 10 minutes, making garza the most dangerous place on earth which are for the un garza is now the worst single concert in its history. and those on covering these horrors, the eyes of the war have paid the highest price journalist and their families have been targeted, making it the most lethal conflict for media workers in decades. and yet, 2 months on israel swore a factory fusion goes on on hinder. the catastrophic situation we see unfolding in the gaza strip was entirely foreseeable and preventable. my humanitarian colleagues
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have described the situation as apple collect take, as in the circumstances. there is a high risk of atrocity crimes. its military have flattened homes, attacked refugee counts, and schools destroyed most unsure which was besieged and foamed. hospitality. owns meant to be protected under international law. for hospital by host control has been attack shell, bones destroyed an empty tent. this is absolutely unprecedented. all the governments in the world, and particularly the governments in the west, them the, in the united states. they know that israel, the past this practice of attracting health care, simulating health care, which is up soon click country to the geneva convention for 56 nights. israel has launched garza and its people into darkness. it didn't post
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a total siege on cutoff electricity had. i mean, i said separate phone lines and internet during different phases. if it's gone invasion, creating panic and fear, it's related to this bombardment and expanding ground defensive from north to south, has displeased nearly all this causes population. with no way to escape from a death that fields imminent. lodge above. the income sticks of this has always been the way of life to israel flores and siege, but this is the war of maybe for palestine. is it a paper to moment israel is waging a war collective punishment. and the national community has seemed to stop it. brianca hooked up to you for you and the secretary general and tony guitar always
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has invited his most powerful diplomatic tool known as on school 99 just stuff as well as cutting of palestinians in gaza. he's directing the security council to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe. and this calling for an urgency is fine. it is a very powerful move on behalf of the secretary general. and we hope that members of the security council will be moved by and we will hope the international community will be moved by to uh, to push and put in place if you've had it here and see spike in responses, riley is accusing view and chief of being biased against israel, saying, sees fall wooden bowls and come us a comans. now on un secretary general, antonio gutierrez's cask asks, stepped to invoke article $99.00 of the un charter the hum us october 7th. masika was a threat to international peace and security. coal stripe. permanency file that would leave hostages in garza and the home off terra regime and power. also a threat to international peace and security. israel's efforts to dismantle the
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hamas tower organization in response to the october 7th masika designed to hold and restore international peace and security. as kind of swim wrong, calling the joins us now live from tennessee. so it seems these fridays on moves, 5, the secretary general's a f as try and get a c's 5 or more hearing from his right. the officials what we're hearing, well we always have from is really officials is not simply that they're on moved by the united nations. that they are accusing them of outright bias. and we hear this all the time whenever there's a resolution. busy the threat of resolution against is those actions. there was a q c, u and of being either a n t is riley or go even further insight. simply antique symmetric d like kind of foreign minister has been speaking. he said, this is time to amount to so poor thing. how mass the you and these ready and
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busted to the un, effectively cooling a good terrorist to resign. there is no mood here full. i use your monetary and sees 5, these records have been absolutely clear on this. in fact, it was hard for me to even get some a few ins. it goes up, the security cabinet met overnight. they agreed on some fuel getting it, not as much as the americans won't say, and certainly not as much as the palestinians needed. but even that was hard, full type of stuff. they kind of agree on the amounts of humanitarian aid into the strip. then no, going to agree on a new monetary and ceasefire right now, despite what the united nations size will does. i think we've got some statements coming in from israel's prime minister about the northern front. what's happening on that? one of what he was, the thing is right, the troops in the galley area and he had some very, very strong woods for hezbollah. he said, if hezbollah choose the start and all that will, then it will singlehandedly turn by roots and something living on not fall from
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head into cause. and con eunice very strong, was that of full. busy of hezbollah now, just in the last few hours, we had these ready on the confirm, the news writing man and 60 year old farm. it was actually shot and killed by. and i just talked result coming from the south of lebanon. so it's likely that the action is actually sped those words, but it's moved and it's moved about showing a strong face on the northern front. we haven't really seen the problem is to go to move them from in this kind of way before whether opens up another front of these are these seemingly not really that interested in escalation right now. but the problem is, as well as a, certainly a message to hezbollah and hezbollah on really interested in that kind of escalation, either relieve with that, thanks so much them. on con, israel has flats in gauze as ones thriving towns and cities,
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whether the world's most densely populated areas has been reduced to rubble. here's a look at the extent of the devastation, more than 60 percent of all buildings in homes across guns that have been damaged. israel has dropped thousands of tons of farms on garza today. the strip is almost uninhabitable. about $1900000.00 palestinians that small than 85 percent of girls. this population to be not rooted from the homes due to his ready bombardment and forced evacuation. or this more than a 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering in schools and un facilities. but they to come under attack, they $69.00 schools have been destroyed in the wall so far, early 9 have gone, is this so the 5 hospitals are functioning, the only partially, with tens of thousands of injuries caused by his variety attacks and the rapid spread of infections and diseases and over crowded shelters. gallagher is now staring at the house catastrophe. a, a thought,
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a couple assume joins us from outside the quite a hospital in. well, 1st of all, it's been a now the day of extremely heavy is ready. bombardment took us through the casualties yes, the tax and procedure to reach you at continue it says 80 hours of today's morning web occupation forces has expanded the military operations on the ground alongside with the strikes that are being fitting. every single area across the goal is as tracy, our tax on the north of the 2 or 3 continued. a weird suburb residential building have be slack, since we're dozens of times, things have been killed and injured. now we need to promote grubbing concerns that the miniature ration will witness move, expanded on the south. so going to this trip now in the south of the territory, that tax continued a city hot continues where multiple uh, residential buildings and units have been slots. and where the occupation trying to
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destroy for residential building in the eastern areas of can you to switch to send it to be right now a back to zone for between the power steering point is and these really so just trying to gain significant control over the main central areas of the elf can you in a city which can, so that could be from the east, really respective main central area for a mazda operations. uh now what is also included. so i mentioned that the tax in the eastern areas of can you just because it has to be very catastrophe due to the fact that these 2 areas to send it to be the digital baskets for the garza street in particular for the south of the territory which means that thomas can use mike within the coming days. witness for be on the age old is tough agent, especially with the ongoing split. the ongoing to prevention affect the humanitarian aid to be delivered into the territory with sufficient amounts of all the tale. citizens, to cute,
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with the after max of it gets better. yeah. track costanza. and we've had these images, the merge of people beings, partially stripped, the hands bound civilians separated from women and children. take us through the back story to those pictures. yes. the originally story started when those people had been evacuated, forced the, from the houses from separate areas in the north. hope goes on where the occupation had come to the military operations from the outskirts of the, of the nose. and now those people have sort of the oldest of the occupation to move or to further safe areas on the territory. now the move to devalue to baseline. yeah. and 2 separate areas in the news, which is a bit to be relatively safe, as they didn't find any available options to be owed to remain safe on the move. now, those people right now had to be attacked as occupation,
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how distilled developed. yeah, refuge account, big loud. yeah. and a separate areas in the north and do you have to also storm different. you make commissions. one schools which tend to be shown to is where people were taking a show to inside of it. and the managed to a rest, dozens of palestinians. and they had a risk to just make it and they took them to the is very saw. i didn't want it to be investigated by the, as well, the police officers on the, on the offices. now this seems because it, it to be a very populated, as those people were teaching suits. and one of the areas that does it has to be protected by the principal of the international. lo and the have been suffering for more than 60 days. fighting from a very low a vs and rates will sewage, water and medical supplies and right now off seduce weeks and weeks of intense plumbing. they have been now arrested by the occupation. i know the art is subject to, to integration by the occupational and then thought the u. n. is describing garza
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as apocalyptic right now. take us through the conditions people are facing in the struggle just to survive. yes. the situation on the ground in the south of going to where the majority of going things have to crammed in that you to the is very oldest for the majority of residents to flee to work more than 80 percent of the times. thing is right now are located from the fact district where the situation day by day is witnessing the excess of patient and deterioration from different aspects of life, including the search and finding access for food and even gus and a few that would tell them to survive onto with the often maps of the is really destruction that took place on the majority of the goals this trip. now those areas a to be those people who are, have heart beat, evacuated to roughly are,
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are facing my situation as they are forced to get taught earlier every day in order to stand alone lines. or to get few access to food. water, which has difficulty, can be obtained, that they know what these uh was more the, the number of population of overcrowding areas that had turned to be nice filters for the majority of gauze. now some people managed to find childers for themselves, others the to the used to it takes you to in public areas. industries, as they were using tend to the accounts that wouldn't be even suitable for humans here and use people inside the entity in particular and roof, have no options limits lifted in order to cope with the situation. and the blue growing to be and frustration among people in reflect that the next to step left is roughly the occupation has talked to the military ration in this area. no place is safe to go. a less deep nightmare of display being displaced. egypt is what the
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chasing right now. power skips. all right, thanks so much thought a couple of us. so a lot of the bottom though is a palestinian american human rights lawyer. inactive is she says israel continues to violate international law with impunity. what's taking place right now and gaza is a genocide before our eyes in the legal sense of the term under the international treaties . israel is also ethnically, cleansing garza and committing the crime against humanity or force displacement. israel also has, in this moment violated every war of law that there is including the laws pertaining to proportionality. the distinction between non a civilians and come by chance, and it has, we have seen tact, hospitals, journalists, it has made a targets out of civilian infrastructure. so really what we're seeing is
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the, an i elation not only of the posting in people, but of international law and as a body of law which is intended to protect civilian life in these moments. what do you think can be done about what's going on there? because it isn't something that international law can step into stall. we need real measures here. we need a political solution. the us must stop financing this genocide. busy and stop providing unlimited arms to israel to carry out the genocide until that happens. i'm afraid that is real, is not going to respect any verbal critique that is thrown its way whether that be arising out of un resolutions were from, from the general assembly or the security council, or statements made by governments themselves. the hey, is right, the army is intensifying its raids in the occupied the west bank
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until the caught them an improvise. the device exploded as a convoy vomit. vehicles passed by at least full palestinians have been killed in the license raids too. with teenagers and speak to i'll just do the same bus with all the who joins us now live from the law and zane. it looks like the footprint of these riley minute feel. que patient force is why the ending there in the west bank? what are you seeing? well, send me these operations. these is really operations that they say have a security imperative, really seem endless and endless dehumanization as posting in communities the humiliation of one household after another. and these ongoing rates. there is not a day in the occupied westbank that goes without is really res and palestinian, dest detentions, and funerals. and far too often, it is all of the above. now,
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at least 30 people have been detained in the occupied westbank just since early this morning into this part of the day into the evening. and we haven't even gotten into the nighttime rates there that are likely to begin with and coming hours the morning started with the funeral of a 16 year old in a town west of janine. and as the night goes, as the sun goes down, nighttime approaches, housing and families, and communities across the occupied west bank are preparing for dinner bed time. they're preparing for the chance very likely chance that their community is the refugee camps that they live in will be rated by the israeli military. the numbers are just of the continue to go up these data points. we're looking at 266 people having been killed in raid and check point operations since the war began on october 7th. just in the occupied westbank of 3200 or more people wounded. more than 3600 people being held in detention since the war began,
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and it just continues to escalate throughout the day. we've seen rates in bethlehem, poker and novelist. and early this morning there was even a raid here in downtown ra mullen. the streets just behind me is really operation. carried out to shut down a printing house that publishes what they consider pro palestinian material. all of that was confiscated. the doors were welded, shut. there was an exchange of gunfire in the streets just in downtown remotely. now it is not unheard of. it is, it is common. these things can happen when you live under is really occupation. they can come and reach out and touch anybody in these areas that they want. but this incident happening right? happening right here in the heart of homeless certainly does showcase an expanding footprint of these is rarely rates that have been going on more intensely since the war and gods have began and posting and people we speak to say that they don't just blame these really soldiers they don't just blame these really government. they also say that their own leaders, palestinian leaders are not doing enough to keep their people safe. the future of
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palestine is official government. the palestinian authority may be playing out in communities under israeli attack. the 1st name was beaten in front of his children when it's rarely so we'll just rate it is home in the below the refugee camp. the how the on the in, on wednesday at 8 in the middle of the deep. it's the weekend and make people have definitely seen it know thursday almost security officer in the be 8. i'm a son of the be a is the do this little bit of us. it's deliberate. unable to protect his family, he says makes him feel defeated. the 1st extra carried out by the israelis in novels since the 2nd that the father was targeting the offices of the political party running the palestinian authority. it has people wondering how can this organization be expected to protect its own people when it can even protect itself? day and night is really our mccullin's move freely throughout the occupied westbank . this is village is plague by subtler violence resident say the p a is failing to
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do even the bare minimum and we defend ourselves. we got no one to protect us. here we depend on each other on those who live in the house, our neighbors. there's no p a security presence here. there's no protection at all . no presents for the security in the entire area. this is an area under is really control. they apply not being vocal enough ongoing maintaining links with his real things that have contributed to the da's following poll numbers. but public trust was through the floor even before the war. more and more people losing faith in a negotiated settlement appear to favor armed resistance. in walton, but the most of the people won't be a thought to to implement good governance. they won't the palestinian authority to take positions that a proportionate to the event has caught charged with these wild withdrawal recognition. talk about garza, how many times did the president speak to the palestinian community? well, being close to the people is impulsive. down to the palestinian authority says if
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it seems helpless, it is by design all the colorful. it's clear that there is a us is really understanding that this is the last will they want a solution of some sort to the palestinian question and it's part of the plan we're by israel joins the regional arab system. and the us has control of the middle east . in the 30 years since the p a was formed, posted new lands have consistently shrunk. it is something fueling the popularity of armed groups who are in the eyes of the people, at least doing something to actively resist as really oppression. while the p a has a security force estimated to number between 30 and 40000, their main function appears to be question internal descent. accusations of corruption, a public image of cub situation? big houses, fancy cars. the feeling on the palestinian streets is that it has all the trappings
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of a government without a country to govern zane bus route of the old g 0 in the occupied west. the oh, so i had on al jazeera, we looked at the power of satirical call tunes and how often using them to protest against these radio occupation the had that will stop by looking at the satellite image for south america. and you can see a rush of cloud that's built on some severe storms to southern parts of the content, the rest of the storms moving through power line. now we've already seen a tornado outside of us to ensure we could see more of those gnostic conditions in the days ahead. as the stones continue to spread the way further north, moving away from the north of audrey and tina, still a few showers for southern areas. places like patagonia seeing that rank,
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but it's not as width as it is going to be for northern parts and central parts of brazil. as we get into friday, you can see those storms pulling the way across. the east coast of brazil is the story of heat here. certainly for rio de janeiro width 29 degrees celsius for the average in december. but we're hitting associate on so say that temperature like you to come down as the width of whether it kicks in. now it's not as well as it should be for this time of year across the caribbean. so some heavier rain around coastal areas of central america in particular for believes as well as guatemala from showers for much of mexico. the on. so say mexico city, see some heavier rain. does it go into fridays? things do dry up. certainly up in the north, monterey. seeing 26 degrees celsius on friday of the
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for come back, you're watching l g 0 time. to recap the headlines as well as long, small ras sykes and gaza killing over 350 people in the past 24 hours. a mosque and houses were targeted into jabante, a refugee camp. at least 13 palestinians were killed in this raise the rates in the southern city of con eunice. right, the forces of the chain, several palestinian men from 3 un run schools and vague la here. it was stripped and separated from last families and take them to as well. 2 months since the israel declared war on him, us more than 17000 palestinians have been killed. nearly half of them children for
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then plus, foaming as displaced $1900000.00. the is. what is it the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the 2 months into his trials walls and the ministry on sold against palestinian persists unabated. the offensive began on october the 7th officer, an unprecedented attack. by how much finances members of the cosign brigades, that's the wing of the group. and all the palestinian resistance fights is infiltrated is very tower tree by air land and c. $1147.00 is res. were killed that day, including $320.00 soldiers and $59.00 police officers. but at least 240 people is riley's and phone nationals was taken captive. walton sewage was a declaration of war by 5 minutes. the ben, you mean that's one? yeah. one, i'm us and the promise to eliminate the group is defense minister immediately hold
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to the impulse of all will also food electricity and fuel. to garza, the past several weeks of scene and intense indiscriminate, ariel bombing of gauze. so that's flattened in time. neighborhoods and cold, unimaginable suffering. ground invasion soon followed, no one and nothing has been sped. hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, shops, every aspect of daily life has been targeted for the heaviest, told has been on civilians. molden, 17000 palestinian civilians have been killed in garza more than 7000 of them. children, well, that means these right, the army kills one child every 10 minutes, 2 months into his rouse will, the minute 3 on slows, the gains, palestinians to assist on the basis. because as children of boeing, the bronze of israel's war on the tower tree more than 7,
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thousands of vain kills thousands inches. hush him, i have bought a reports or i'm just getting a join. the growing number of children shouted by the boy in gaza. his entire family was injured and he's ready bombardment. his parents sent him to a hospital in han, eunice hoping who would cover soon. a relative who lives in the area is now looking off to him. and the richard for an upper off and a blue cream lost a hand and has shrapnel in the eyes. the hospital told us there's nothing they can do. so we hoped he could be transferred to you too. but no one came to provide help them and the poor boy cries the whole time. thousands of children and mine is what killed or missing another level across anti areas. devastated by his variety of them bought in. those who survived, we carry this cause of the war for the entire lives that the they all need the emotional support,
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the way of them by that they came here in college. yes. and when they woke up, they found themselves so small rooms with machines. they ask it to my taste. cilla is too young to understand the long way of recovery or had she lost her brother and mother in an asked right when she was finally rescued her leg and had enjoyed it by shrapnel that she'll need several surgeries in the future to get them said a lot product a lot when see what she's children playing and running. she stays alone. you can tell how sad she is. she doesn't know why children don't like to play with her anymore. it breaks my heart to see her suffer. yep. violence in god's size intensifying. these rarity armies expanding the scope of it's offensive. unicef fee is hundreds of children to die every day. and that they no more look at it and that we have a huge number of injured children who received the treatment and should have left
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the hospital. so we can take the patients, but we cannot send them away because their homes were destroyed. this explains why the hospital is overcrowded the rule is far from over. does, lays a dangerous place for these children, too young to learn the ways to cope with tragedy. for now, all they want to know is yvette power is helping rescue it from under the rubble hush about about a 100 years 0. a lot of with diamond is a founder of inara, an international network for a release and assistance, joins us now live from a stumble, good to have you with us. so 1st of all, take us through the broad range of threat to life facing garzon children right now from s trying some land homes to dangerous tracts across the, the goal is to strip from place to place. or well, you have what you mentioned right now, and of course, what was just highlighted in that report. there is
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a physical danger coming from the bombs, the gunshots to children. but then there's also the very real fact that illnesses that normally would not kill children are at risk of doing so under the conditions that children are now being forced to live in, in gaza. and these overcrowded unsanitary shelters. something like a kid having diarrhea normally. that's not dudley, but it can be if that diary is not properly treated and the fact child ends up being dehydrated plus an anyone with a kid can probably relate to this. you know, a kid with diarrhea have accidents. you need to be able to clean off that child the to be able to have a clean diaper to put them. and that obviously doesn't exist in gaza. you have a skin diseases like stevie's and lights that are just spreading. you have a acute pulmonary infections like become cold, of course, not dudley, but it can become dudley. you have cases of pneumonia and bronchitis that arise. and you have for example, the growing risk of type of service. what happens when children are as mel morris
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as a children and gaza are now today, given that the vast majority of families barely subside on one meal a day, is that hypothermia can begin to set in at much warmer temperatures. and then of course, on top of all of this, you have the various different mental treatments that are happening to children on a more than daily basis. so from the rates of killing children, which is now in 2 months, greater than 2 years of conflict in ukraine to the wide range of things you just mentioned. hypothermia diary you've got to ask, has this killing great of children? does it have any power? well, the you've seen or no, no on the i was a horse one it was in on for 20 years. i've been covering work for 20 years. i have not seen this. i have not even seen anything that is comparable to this. it's not just about the intensity of the environment and such
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a small space. it's also about the fact that i've never been to award zone where families once they manage to survive the compartment or somehow unable to flee the actual danger zone. i've never been to a space where p monetary and a is ready, it's ready to move and it's ready to be deployed. the supplies are there, but there is absolutely no way to access the civilian population that is so desperately in need. this is unprecedented. it's not even just, you know, myself, journalist and aid workers who have been in the space for well over my own 20 years of also said that they've never seen anything quite like this. and there is no formula for how to deal with this quote. in addition to the threat to life, so those kids who do managed to survive the bombing, the lack of food, despite of disease. what sort of long term treatment, rehabilitative work do some of these kids need?
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who's who just survive a look is going to be very extensive doctor and a son i was of the who is one of my charity and not as founding members was in gaza for 6 weeks. and from what he saw on the ground volunteering as a reconstructive search on the vast majority of injuries that he saw among the children are going to need years and years of surgery, plus all sorts of different kinds of physical therapy and life adjustments. then you need to think about the mental tool that all of this is taking. one needs to bear in mind that even before october 7, back in 2022 saves the children, did a report where they serve a visual learner bozza. and they found that 80 percent of children in gaza suffered from a depression, anxiety, and fear. add to that after the, all that trauma and the trauma of the words past, what children are going through right now, you have the trauma of the fear that happens every single time. there's an explosion, every single time,
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a gunshot class. and this happens more than once per day. you have the fear of whatever it is that cause the injury if the child is injured and in pain, you have fear because fear is what is created when a child turns to their parents. and their parents cannot ease their pain and cannot ease their own fear. all of these are different kinds of traumas that are continuously food boarding, a child psyche on a daily level. this is going to have to be extremely, aggressively cautiously and carefully addressed at whatever point in time it is that my organization and others are going to be able to begin to address this compound. in multi layer trauma amongst the children. when this sort of trauma goes on, a dress a couch suffice within a person, so to speak, and that person becomes incapable that child becomes incapable of functioning. this
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level of daily fear and daily trauma is enough to cause an adult to mentally snap it is going to have a severe and devastating impact on children to thank you for sharing your perspective and experience on this website too, to the un under sex or general freedom monitoring that says bonham griffith, who's speaking for whom, when he turned the fair side emergency relief coordinator. we will hear from him the 1st now in his life. part of the of the briefing on the situation is route and occupied palestine post a new territory. he will have some short opening remarks and then we'll take a few of your questions. it will not be that long, but we of course, prioritize to have your questions asked. so without further ado,
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mountain i will hand over to you to does that, is it a my know on i'm, is that tom? yep. okay, good. thank you very much. thank you very much indeed. yeah. and today, smokes 2 months to the day since the start of the guys and tragedy that day. october the 7th, with the terrible events that happened to the people of israel living near garza. and that led to the terrible events that continue to this day. and the message that we have been giving we here being the humanitarian community and i represent the issue about turn community writ large,
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not just the united nations is that we do not have your monetary operation in southern gaza that can be cooled by that name anymore. that the pace of the military as a sold in southern gaza is a repeat of the assault in northern guns that it has made no place safe for civilians in southern gaza, which has been the cornerstone of the humanitarian plan to protect civilians. and thus to provide a to them. but without places, the safety plan is in tatters. is what we have at the moment in gaza, northern gaza,
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even more difficult. but in garza where we have trucks still crossing daily through the rough, the crossing is at best humanitarian opportunism to try to reach to some roads which is still accessible. haven't been mined or destroyed to some people who can be found with some food or some water or some other supply can be given. but it's a program of opportunity, some to rhetoric. it's on dependable. and frankly, it's not sustainable. it's as a result of this declaration and judgment by the humanitarian community, the global humanitarian community that the secretary general of the united nations, as you know, wrote yesterday to the president of the supreme security council in the can for the
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1st time ever. it is 10 you that's a general article, $99.00 of the chapter which speaks of the threat to international peace and security of a specific event as raised by an in the judgement of the secretary general. now, i don't want to, and these are between remotes without saying one more important thing. and that is this. but even while we have said enough done, finish, stop the fighting. let's have that to mediates these 5. that doesn't mean to say that humanitarian saw themselves running for cover. we're still negotiating and with some promising signs at the moment, access to cash and on that other crossing is, you know, to the west of rafa from israel into garza, which has been such
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a feature of discussion these many weeks. there are some promising signs now that that may be able to open soon i'm. we're still accurate. we are still in gaza. henri is still in gaza. my office is still that we are still unloading trucks and the rock for crossing. well, what we don't have any sense of tires. your timing is any sense of what's gonna happen tomorrow and to be specific. none of us can see where this will end of us can see where the people crammed into that southern bucket because we'll go those 2000000 people. what do they think? the future i have just come from
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a meeting with my own stuff around the world. buried in the tragedy of conflicts and they have spoken to me this morning. now about 2 things. one is that because there is no exit for the people, the cause of the other is in guns as a result hope and so the future is at its best at a premium. so here on the term program is no longer a functioning one. is one of response to opportunity. yeah, we all still trying to build a new access point. and the secretary general has a security evidently, and quickly renewed his advocacy for what must be the only serious policy response to this globally,
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which is side of the guns. thank you. thank you very much. on the secretary general griffith, we will now take your questions. right, so 1st and then we come to long. mr. griffith. a question regarding the promising signs on the possible opening of the carolina. kevin, shall i'm crossing what are these promising sites? thank you. thank you very much indeed. very specific. i mean we've, we've been all you can save up obviously for there can have kind of shut off for a month. so i'm not about some weeks. um uh, these negotiations have been taking place in a committee called the co got to committee which meets daily unlikely, where the israeli government is represented as, as the us by the way as well as the egypt, sions,
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and united nations. my own office is present. i didn't that media in that environment. we have been arguing for the opening of correction up not just as an opening to allow trucks to go through that to then go through a rough and then up into gaza. but to go straight through correction on up into the northern parts of gauze or of the need his greatest now of late in these most recent days in those discussions that have been some signs that the member states related to that egypt and his writing obviously are related to that, i have become much more open to the idea of opening correctional, probably not in one go, but let me patch in a 2nd day. i have a representative as we speak in jordan, already lining up the potential deliveries of aide by land from jordan, which could come straight through from jordan over the island bridge straight to correction on that's one entry point to correction. um,
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if we get that uh well it would be the 1st miracle receive some weeks. but it would be a huge boost to the logistical process, logistical base over here, my general impression that doesn't mean to say that it will solve the security problems. and of course i've spoken about, but it would change the nature of your mind. is there an access? thank you very much. no. a. yes, going to law salesforce news agency. if that doesn't happen, and if the situation go goes on like it is today, how long do you think that will be still a possibility to go on with at least that's humanitarian opportunism and how long the will the the by the student population barrett
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knoxville credit i'm sorry, but the 2nd part of your question is, is the killer. how long was it published sitting in people who guides a bed this? because that being pushed further and further south, they tell everyone every day we tell everyone every day there's no place of safety . there's no site zones. people don't even talking about safe zones anymore. um, so they're being pushed itself. we know israel has a very for policy of no entry for the people of guys that into israel, for reasons i think we can all understand that pressure that pressure will grow exponentially over these days. the humanitarian activities, as you say, you're outside of opportunism it to comp, you mentoring program that would be to, to put
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a description of that that will continue so long as they are peoples and goals are there and trucks that across into, to rough. uh that will not stop, but the people of garza should know, do know that the agencies that they have relied on god help us these many decades would love to set them this time. but the, the prospect's for safety, for those 1000000 or more people forced into that southern puckett as i see, your guess is it surely is good as mine the way i'd seen the end of this movie. we'll see more of that and we will see more pressure. and we haven't even begun to talk about the impact of the increasing balance in the west bank. the worry about
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violence in, in, in, in lebanon. the anxieties in jordan, over at outflow into jordan. i was in the mountain last week with that majesty's convening a very practical operational meeting about what needs to be done to help the people . the goals are where they are. what's happening and godsa is forcing that people have guns a to choose where to be. and to choose on the basis of violence and pressure. thank you my to move to come to a customer, but i just wanted to say i can see people raising their hands. i hope that we can take a couple of questions online on this as well. or over to you. thank you. uh, definitely check on book on the falls when got so thanks for for being with us. a question related to security. we seen recently that civilians and w h o or humanitarians,
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and joined the list are openly targeted by is riley forces. how would you be sure that the con, voice with the many tearing aids? we'd be not, we would not to beat our gets it. what would be the, the evidence that we'd be given by g is really forces. thank you. i'm on. uh huh. so it is a very good question because plans for deliveries convoys would have a hold of a convoy sounds a bit surreal in the context of the current situation in southern gaza. i discussed every day, every night in this committee that i spoke about, the co got committee but relying on the safety of those kinds of who it is that something that is also at
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a premium also in doubt because it has been so much evidence of the tax, for example, of people moving, they thought safely from the north amendment, from hospitals in the north south, and yet being bummed on their way. so. and that's why this notion, this statement. there is no place of safety and goes that relates also to humanitarian operations. which means that if you're planning a humanitarian delivery and goes up today, you can, you must, you must apply for the likelihood that it will be interrupted so that it may be attacked. that it may be looted, that it may be stopped, it may be diverted, it may not succeed. you cannot, as we do in most other places around the world, assume that a plan that has been agreed between parties is one that will go through without
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incident. but i think that uncertainty about the likelihood


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