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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 7:00am-7:30am AST

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comes through a college student and all it grows as well as all but still to be sure and comments to policy reform is to harvest that comes to the set this year. pharmacy is rails, warren goals that is damaging the only the industry like never before. the in every going 5, but is there any forces in to bother and northern gaza overnight? at least $350.00 pounds. a student is have been killed over the past 24 hours. the funny bulk of this is i'll just say we're life and how will so coming up dozens of palestinian men, a strips and a hell of bias ready for since that un run schools and moving causes that come to wherever about. so i'm not so ready for see is re the center of ramallah really
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occupied westbank or so getting reports and rates and the rest of the cities of hebron impacts the renowned palestinian rights of poets and professor restaurant army and was killed. and this really strikes on his phone guns. welcome to the program. now 2 months into israel's war and gallows of the military has intensified as bombardment killing 350 pounds to use the past 24 hours alone. a most kind houses were targeted in the jabante, a refugee camp, and at least 13 palestinians were killed in the southern city of con eunice with a mux brigands of coverage and a warning. you may find some of the images in his report. distressing they transport the injured in gauze by the truck, the bloodied and bewildered,
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often too stunned to stand up unsupported. the children carry down from econosoft of concrete fish, frozen on every young face. the northern gauze is ready for us as detained. thousands of men stripped, then driven away a destination on a more dimension, those not health streams south from the show. so i think you in supported school, i lost a site, they say that it's no longer safe. we buried that in the schools. we left the dead on the ground because we were forced to leave the hospital quickly . massacres are everywhere. the display start be killed in the streets for the living. what they like, the things that despair should because we spend the last 4 days under siege.
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there's no watch or no food and nothing gets old and nothing absolutely nothing. the child who recently left the hospital as a new born baby now leads the world, submit to the full farewells, the another parent, deprived of hope. but death springs, grief, regardless of age. and for one man who has lost too much, it's over whelming the marks out of the around the palestinian journalist is among the main detained by sort of the forces and gaza. the colored is a correspondent for the guitar and i'll be, i'll just deed so identified in a video circulating on social media idea is the 40 full gen list to be detained by
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israel since the 7th of october. target resume is enough or has the latest on israel's military operations. across the street, a video of the patient had destroyed 7 still rebuilding below 2. she has family in the central areas of garza city. were different codes have been made for the comes to new rich croast and the kind of thing and rich for students in terms of evacuating the victims from under the ruffles and the process for evacuating them to continue the discussion. so the situation also similarly, continue as the bottom ins had been focused on the main central areas of garza, including a supplement. she's yeah, yeah. and a to fresh neighborhoods of these areas have been missing. mess is really shilling and test strikes, which considered to be back to zones between how much point is are these are the few patients who just now these attacks had been compounded in the sounds of the
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territory. in particular, these can you and a city where more than 3 residential buildings had been flat since that during the last hour. now the series of the strikes had continued as real in the north of the territory where the occupation forces encircling to bel yeah, and peak that your town in which they had opened. sonya by using the military change against people and the managed to storm several or separate areas with this trip down the number of cars steve. and they have driven them to a new place for integration. so the situation literally just seems to be very fluid . the as me a strikes an expansion of these really minutes. reparations leave this house continue. is there any forces of raising the center of the city or from muller and the occupied westbank rates of what will say taking place in hebron and best be him guilty by westbank is seen increasing the violent daily rates since the start of his rounds for on gaza over $66260.00 run the postings have been killed in such
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range since october. the 7th child stratford sends this update from armada as he gets ready, raid was taking place. the. the reason why i'm standing back from the window is this, this right started about 2 hours ago. we have is riley soldiers tendencies, righty soldiers in a number of vehicles that have positioned themselves directly under the building. and what we all know, our secretary to do is going to age slowly towards the window and keep our heads down and try and get you some of these live pictures of, of the soldiers. you have soldiers in jeeps to my right on the street here. and sucker it keeps there and we'll be able to show you some pictures. we have is riley soldiers. i can see 3 or 4 standing by the main round about the i'm what you're looking at the military vehicles. you can see the ministry vehicles directly underneath this. that is the sound of what all you from is the cold sound grenades
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used to keep the crowds back. i can see to gas rising on the streets, directly across the way that we haven't heard any live far yet. yesterday that was a right. it's similar, right? this is much bigger than yesterday's right inside central ramallah and they were not crashes, but there was certainly um, guns used. we understand um it was live 5 in 5 by members of the um resistance. you can see that. so 2 guys kind of said that there's just being fired into this. so i reckon you're looking at an area spreading out from the spreading out from the, the main round about here. i'm an hour of about a 10200 meters in pretty much every direction. we saw the white in the building about 10 minutes ago. they were breaking into
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a mobile phone shop. and it took them, i suppose, a good hoff and a half to get inside. last night's right seemed to focus on a publishing house. and the is really ministry left signs in the publishing house saying that they accusing the own of, of supposing how much we understand that it was focused on it was targeted because it's being accused of the, of the, propagating the propaganda pro. how much propaganda i can see another tear gas canister being 5 across the street. the. what's surprising so far, we haven't seen. we haven't seen the hundreds of, of use that normally come out on her rocks. all right, the military, when they come in, in situations like they, but this is red because it's only the last couple of days that we've seen these raids directly in the center of the administrative capital of, of the palestinian, of the occupied west bank of the protest didn't know, so it's
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a or no palestinian place certainly visible on the streets here is as you can well imagine. so the situation increasingly tense here, what time in the morning is around 5 in the morning and no signs that whatever mission sees, right? the ministry have come here to do is in any way complete then as you rightly say that we're also rides earlier in hebron. and in that does not how much the world knows as especially when we understand the number of people arisen and at least one person injured. and i'll leave you now with the sound of us another seemingly, it's a gas or a so cold sound. we're not being launched as the situation here on folds of child stratford reporting from ramallah that now it's rarely as strikes of targeted a home and gaza getting the renowned pile of senior rights opposed and professor restaurant re, he co founded a youth sled published
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a new non profit project called we are no numbers. sales the stories behind palestinians in the news and advocates for the human rights. the fonts edited the book called gaza writes back a collection of short stories written by young adults. 6 members of his family, including his 2 siblings, also killed and the strong. this is an excess of one of his poems, cold. if i must die, if i must die, you must live. to tell my story, to sell my things to buy a piece of cloth and some strings make it twice with a long tail. so that a child summer and gaza looking haven't in the waist and is that he laughed and it plays a bit no one for a well both even to his flesh because even to himself, to cease the christ. mike. hi to made sign up above and think for a moment and angel is there bringing back love. if i must die, does it bring hope?
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that should be a tale? well, since the news of a friend already is death broke, we've spoken to several friends affairs and that reflected on this work i'm message is what something i have to say. the fact was, i was actually my professor at the university. he told me poetry, he told me english and then we worked together for the past couple of years. and um, one thing i remember him, i always remember him for one thing that everybody really a student of has a reading and t of has every person who knew him met him, talk to her and even just put him on with her with him and the him for is his love for story telling because lots of published times his firm belief that others time will be freed and that we'll see it uh tree.
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and the way to do that is to keep talking about punish, trying to keep putting in the right thing. the story is the 1st time in the people . i'm still here with someone who spoke to, to thousands of on twitter, his daily, his voice was, uh, you know, it was bloss to, to, to the world. the hope that people would listen to their stories and, and realize that they every day oppression and people only pay attention to kaiser when there's a war and there's violence. but the every day in their everyday existence was a struggle just to survive. and that's what their stories were trying to tell people to just read them. so i hope that weird numbers are going to come out of the stronger, and the young people will fall in his footsteps and realize that words are powerful, are powerful. i mean, a he, he did lots of people knew about were 5 through his book through his poetry. he did tours abroad,
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and that's why you're hearing about him today because so many people loved him for that. so i'm hoping that more young people will fall in a split step. tell those stories, and what we need to world to do though, is to pay attention to them. and not just when those violence read the story for everyday life. and that will show you that they need, they need freedom and independence. they need dignity, not just aid. a. u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron has met us secretary of state anthony blinking in washington d. c. to discuss the rules and ukraine. i'm garza lincoln says that both united in pressing for access to the captives in this trip and preventing the war on gaza from spreading. they will stay focused on what happens off to the concept. it's very important that even as we're focused on what's happening day and day out, that we're also not only thinking about but working on what comes next and particularly building a foundation for a durable piece and durable security of tomorrow. have
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a chance to welcome colleagues from around the region here in washington from the i believe the organization assigned the cooperation. i look forward to continuing those discussions with them. we have to start bold only providing the aid that is necessary for people in gaza, possibly using maritime routes, as well as land base routes if that is necessary. but also thinking about the future off to this ministry, opperation is over. we discussed on meeting how that's about how we build up and revitalize the palestinian authority is about how we stand up a plan for what happens off to this operation is over and how we met prior to future to a secure future for both israel and the palestinian people who were committed to working together and with others to get that done. meanwhile, farm, minnesota's from the middle east will be meeting in washington on friday with us secretary of state and the mc blinking and as the death told him does, it continues to climb. the us is acknowledging israel needs to do more to protect
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civilians. popsicle haine has the latest from washington, dc at the white house defiance as the calls grow to stop the suffering and gaza. look, we certainly share the concerns that so many of others have concern, including the secretary general about the humanitarian situation in gaza. tell me name me one more nation. any other nation that's doing as much as the united states to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of god. but you can't. but aid is not quite the same as using its influence on israel to stop the targeting of civilians. the us made clear it did not want to use really military using the same level of force in the south of gaza as it did in the north, only to be ignored. it is imperative, it remains in period that israel put a premium on civilian protection and there does remain a gap between exactly what what i said when i was there, the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the
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ground. the secretary states, as israel should improve how it communicates safe areas, allowing more time for people to get there from a broader area and that they need to be able to access food medicine and water when they arrive. and progressive members of congress continue to protest, calling for a permanent ceasefire and accusing israel of war crimes. the targeting of civilians is a war crime. the targeting of medical facilities is a war crime. the starvation and the withholding of water and electricity is a war crime. the collective punishment of 2300000 people is a war crime. and we refused to be silent. us secretary of state entity blinking announced that he is going to have some visitors on friday. the foreign ministers we believe from cutter, saudi arabia, turkey, egypt, jordan and the palestinian authority are going to be in washington. they are going to meet together. we believe they will likely have
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a press conference and then come here to the state department to speak with the secretary. so if there's going to be any significant push that's on the us as a full throated support of israel, it will likely come from them particle hanging out to 0 as a state department without a 0. so to come, we made 2 brothers who lost their lives when the quote yeah they were playing in was hit by industry the asked, the, the, the had a lot of the unsettled weather conditions are dominating across the event. you can see from the satellite image that take a cloud that's bringing the heavier rain to eastern areas of, to kia, some about starting to drip into syria and lebanon. and by saturday we'll see the west to whether dominate israel and occupied palestinian territories with some bloss 3 wins affecting coastal areas. but what's the weather creeps across the
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caucuses? some of that right? rain as well as snow falling into northern parts of iran. but for the south of this, i'm much dry, a picture with some for the mornings to come across the golf for places like you could top of the larger the 2nd picture with sunshine for the south. that's not the case for the north of africa. we've got west and when the conditions, thanks to a weather system, putting across the mediterranean, i'm gonna bring some very heavy rain to the likes of to new z on friday, saturday will be libya's turn to see that circulation. we could see some flooding from the very heavy rain. we have got some red warnings all across the north, much quieter for the south. this, apart from that central band of africa, we all seem right. that will continue to pull in tons in here, but not the monthly full that caused that devastating flooding and full southern africa some very heavy rain to come and that will knock the temperature down in gathering the
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canada has to expand that season. a zillow's fault lines meets those advocating for the change is suicide. but it's facilitated to our way to decide that it's not the right choice. and critics who believe the government is prioritizing death over providing necessary social and economic support staff was in a more accessible than getting some food to eat or getting stuff for their pain. do you want to die today? a fault lines investigation on alger 0 of the the you're watching out, is there a, is there a mind about top stories this out is where the forces of being firing heavily into
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tabaya in northern gaza. overnight. on con eunice, the sounds of a rage carried on by his radiator craft. at least 5 people were killed and the strike on the house of those stretched comp in central guns. is there any forces obtained several palestinian van from 3 un run schools and bite buck. the stripped and separated from the magistrate. the forces of storming the extensive of the city of karbala and notified westbound rates of those things taken place in hebron invested in 260 promising units have been killed and such rights and some type of a 7 now for children born and gaza is ready, occupation, and was of being unsparing and relentless. let's take a look at was an average 16 year old has enjoyed and a lifetime, a bus. and this really land and c blockade has affected every aspect of his or her
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life from food to health and education. and the age of to the child would have lived through $23.00 days of devastating and grand attacks. nearly 1400 palestinians were killed during israel's occupation cost lead 320 with children, and in 2012. when the child was 5 years old, they would have survived an 8 day of solve the kills more than 80 people, most of them women and children. at $87.00, the charles would have enjoyed a 50 day is ready on the school. at least 2310 palestinians were killed in 2014, 550. 1 of them were children. and as a young teenager, he will. she would have witnessed the aftermath of his radio tax, the last 11 days, $260.00 products to indians killed $67.00 children. and now another war on guns of this one far worse than any other. at age 16 today, an average palestinian child is living for you was being described as genocide, 60 days or full. and which more than 16248 people have been killed. more
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than 7112 children. it's got your lopez all the on has the story of 2 young palestinian m p t brothers were trying to come to terms with their injuries to brothers with shared trauma mohammed and honors, have each lost a lim weeks before this. they had fled to augusta hospital to seek refuge, but their sense of safety was short lived. they were wounded by end is really heirs tranquil playing in the courtyard. and i'm sure i don't understand what samson. why did they boem us? and we thought we would be safe in the hospital, but out of nowhere, it was bombed and then there was any women and children, no one else was there. since october, the 7th, the family has fled from hospital to hospital, desperate to stay alive, showing resilience despite the danger of the suspicion. when my sons were injured,
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we had to leave and we went to the old chief, a hospital for surgery, but as rarely tanks were approaching. so we have to go to another hospital and con eunice. when we escaped, i was carrying one of my sons on my shoulders and the head of my other son is set with my wife and daughters an account. we kept moving, waving our id cards until we made it to the european hospital and gaza for further treatment. on the day of this strike, their distress was magnified by the physical tools of the war. thousands of people, patients, refugees and families were sheltering thing guns was baptist hospital when it was hit in mid october. at least 500 people were killed. and just like mohammed and on us, many were injured. we are peaceful. we're not connected to any type of resistance even so my leg was injured and my foot had to be amputated. far too young to understand war, thousands of palestinian children now they are the scores of
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a battle that's destroyed life as they know it. for now, mohammed an honest wait on certain of what life will look like and when and where they'll finally feel safe. katia a little bit, so the yen. how does their family members of the $138.00 is ready? captives held by have lots of lit candles on what they call the cost of just how to come a new or on the 1st night of the jewish holiday. and we're on con, has moved from tel aviv. this is a very, some of the be followed by this. there is still a lot of anger here from the families of the captives. they had a meeting with the progress of benjamin netanyahu and the war cabinet just 2 days ago. finally, from meeting to bonding the, the prime minister to the move to try and get that family members back. in fact, some of the cavities are free and you're overseas, by actually the title of that particular meeting. the very disappointed fact that
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mr. diarra said very clearly, i'm not going to be a conference. everybody back. i don't know, it doesn't print into sports. do you speak to people in that? very clear. so they know what the cost of getting the boxes. i'm not is the release . that's not what these ready. copeland is in the mood for. it certainly doesn't want to hear that message, but head out once again, showing salvatore's solidarity and with the geometry and slow enough shows as expressed on waving support for the jewish people. as he lived the 1st had a candle on the menorah in front of buttons, brenda, but gate chimneys. jewish community has been shaken by search and then to submit ticket tax. that's the beginning of the war. the . let's take a look at some of the days of the news now. the world food program is and i was to
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an end to food assistance in syria because it's run out of funds. if i was to continue supporting families affected by emergency situations and natural disasters to smaller, i'm more targeted interventions. in september the w. f. p was the insufficient funds risk pushing an estimated 24000000 people globally to the bank of front of the son of us. president joe biden has been charged with 9 counts of tax for the state of california. federal prosecutor say hon to bide and fail to pay taxes on $4000000.00 of personal income between 20172018. is expected to plead guilty as part of a plea deal onto the biden, so we'll say facing gun charges in delaware. informing us president donald trump is back in court for his new york civil trial on forwarding allegations. the front rather for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. and these 2 eldest sons of accused of inflating the value of the real estate assets in order to receive more favorable bank loans from dollars the other guy sion and has condemned the process
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as a previous president has received a constitutional complaint against that could lead to her dismissal attorney general patricia benavides has laid the complaint against dena velocity of a crime that one on protest which led to the depths of more than 50 people. the president has slammed the move as a political maneuver and there being violent protest in peru, calling for president dina ballasa his resignation and his new elections. the demonstrations coincide with the mocking of velocities 1st year in office and the training of impeach for the president federal castillo. are we on a sanchez has this from lima, and there will be our processing in the center of the capital, lima. many of them saying that they are fed up with a corruption among public nations. one year of the former president said no castillo was ousted. i didn't do, you know, a lot of it came to power. many people here are processing all to against the press,
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the power, but other than the i'm here to defend my country for president petro castillo, who was kidnapped by the matthews and against the dictatorship, imposed by congress. and many people are very active. the fact that the government additional re, former president's address was accused of human rights 25 years of 16 years. he was free commodity to and any institutions which respect the rule of law, they want to make us believe in democracy. but all the while people were killed and people say they're fed up with corruption that is run past among positions and they said that they want everybody to leave money on this. i'm just, i just see that so every winter, major indian cities,
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especially the cap to new data, you were affected by pollute to the scientists. a corrective measures a to little to like one of the decisive action is needed throughout the year. not just in the winter months. well then $2000000.00 people died each year from toxic care in the country. as, according to the medical general, the lines that i know for the end us as well. o. h a v on open has relied on medication to help in breed since he was to moving from new delhi india's congested capital, just above on the outskirts of the city. as in health, he develops into within the gulf, which i thought was intensifies that we have to. or if you have to put him on in pensive therapy. tens of thousands of indians, many of them children like to be on suffer some asthma, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases caused by pollution. when the fluid with this it's in the crowd hospital emergency rooms. the equity stops deteriorating from
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november when farmers but crops double ahead of the new planting season. adding to emissions of equal exhaust fumes and dust, some construction sites. the result is a toxic mix, one that is killing hundreds of thousands. i as a just so gen. no, eventually see a normal being long, even a non smoker. so that's a huge change in the color of an organ of people that i, as it just says, and i've been big nest to in the last 35 years. so mike got here and this is primarily due to pollution because if a non smoker doubled up some black deposits in the lungs, it can only be.


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