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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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was the speed links to anyone? it's hard, but they got the aren't really fast. what am i supposed to feel the this real launch has a series of attacks across the gaza strip fitting targets, including the body or refugee come in northern does. all again the, you're watching, i'll just 0 light for my headquarters in delphi and getting navigate to also coming up dozens of palestinian men. our strength is funds taken away by is really forces in northern gauze. so there's really forces read the center from
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a lot in the occupied westbank. we're also getting reports of raids and the rest of the cities of hebron and best with him. and there we now is part of a city and writer. so it's an active as that of spotlighting. it is chills and it is really yours to live on his own. and also the, it's h e m t that 10 am in gaza. where is really forces have intensified their attacks and the northern central and southern parts of the besieged strip. so in don attacks on friday, israel's is really shelling hit shelters in the giovanni or refugee camp in the north setting one on fire. and this comes after a night of air strikes that killed at least 5 people in the most latest camp in the center of the strip. on thursday, these were the army release video, showing at least a 100 policy indian men stripped and made to neil on a street in northern garza. they've been taking refuge, a 3 un run schools and baseline with their families. these really army later took
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them away on trucks to an undisclosed location. over in the occupied westbank is really forces have stormed a refugee camp in the city of told us killing 5 men is real. also conducted raids ended on my la hebron and bethlehem, leading to confrontations with palestinians there are gonna bring in honey maximum wood for an updates from the southern gaza strip hand is joining us from south. so honey, just bring us up to date with the latest as really strikes. and thereafter, ma yes, very well, since we spoke last time, palestinians are still living and horrendous situations caused by relentless mass bombardment and error strikes across the gaza strip just within the early hours of this morning and late hours of last night. the entire gauze, disturbing from the northern part in the city of bit tunnel and all the way to the
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southern part supposedly a safe here in rough estimate. deep came under heavy bombardment just the road that connects tanya and us with drop off the roof. i mainly represent the entrance of from us that the more residential homes were targeted in city of han new and is the area where the is really military now is positioning its time to an army vehicle came under the artillery shooting. and moore is reg, destroying the vast majority of the eastern side of a city of hon, unit likely, causing more people to be displaced than those wars trended inside. as they are risking, they are under the risk of dying of those form unpredictable fall in bob bonds on the area. the central part of the gaza strip an area that has been separated from the city and the northern part came under also relentless air safeway. more residential homes are targeted and destroying a level to the ground. more people are,
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are killed. the large number of injuries abroad, directly to unlock saw hospital in the city of theater. but, but the aftermath is the, the cause of, of many hundreds of people to be displaced within the area. any targeted area becomes unlivable as a result of those damaging, destructive areas, drug ship value in the north. the ability of refuse you coming to another part of the gaza strip also came on their tv, a bombardment caused by air strikes by tank showing also by heavy gun boats of from a, from the sea. as of this moment, if we can confirm that there is no safe to place in the gaza strip as a result of those ongoing bombardment that causing a whole scene slaughter of a policy. and just within the past 24 hours, 350 palestine. he has been killed and there are 10 dodger, other of it critically injured tiny. there are reports that have come through a uh that's citing apparently i'm assigned brigades who,
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who are saying that they forwarded an attempt by the is really army to reach one of the is really prisoners who are held inside guys. so what more do we know about this? as it was so far the, the available information that we have about and tim buys really special forces at . busy one time that early hours of this morning where a group of special forces attempting to rescue i is one of the captives. this statement does not disclose the location of where this operation took place. and this might be for safety and security reasons. i. but what we know that the sam brigade has this warranted and for the tim danny class tivoli, with the special ed for says in the killing one of its members and taking over his
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weapon. and as well as the telecommunications system that was carrying and his back back a. but that's so far what we knew about the at them the, the statement just mention about a, the, the talks about the operations and how it was a smart didn't know more information about the location or where exactly it's happened. but we're making an assessment here. connie on this yesterday or sorry, as of they are, the hours of this morning came under, he's a relentless bombardment compared to the usual routine of heavy bombardment. that was a little bit extra. and so there were assessment that might have taken place in han, you and his where he the confrontations been cited throughout last night. all right, thank you so much, honey. my was reported from what i found in garza a list. i'm bringing all in fisher from occupied east jerusalem album. you know, we've seen the footage of is really forces stripping palestinian men and detaining them while the men are on their knees. what's the latest on that and what are you hearing? well, it's obviously it can sound,
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these are the army said that the apprehended a number of men who the suspected of terrorism. some gave themselves up locally. people are saying that many of the men were sheltering in a un skill and they were taken by is really forces. now what is clear is that they are now being interrogated. something is really itself some and a special interrogation unit that shouldn't. but these really intelligent services, it has a stablished and guys, uh, what is also consenting is the pictures of men who have been stripped, being led to way by the army. that is a big concern because of course it goes to the pastry. this has happened before, and many, many cases we do never hear from the men again at these really say that all of these men will be question. but as you look through the pictures, many locals have identified a local shopkeeper, someone that they knew who lived in their blog. and in one case,
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a local journalist, the joint academy, who's the national security council spokesman in the united states was us about whether or not journalists are being targeted when he was the priest thing in the white house on such state. this is what he said. i am not going to respond to every event on the ground and every occurrence. i haven't seen those images, it would be imprudent for me to comment on that. we don't just as just as a general statement, we don't support any targeting of journalists one way or another, anywhere in the world. they have a right and a responsibility to be their reporting on this. we believe that they should be allowed to do their jobs. we certainly don't, would never condone at any in humane or violation of law treatment of any innocent civilian, but i can't speak to those specific boards. no, daniel, the guy who's the certainly me latrice. bolton was asked about these pictures directly, but didn't answer the question. of course,
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people want to know how did these pictures of match if these people are not prisoners of war, it would be a legal for israel to display them and this way. and another military spokesman said that they had no idea where the pictures came from. but given at the time the is really is one in control of the area. they seem to be taken from the crime. certainly it, we don't point to somebody's really. so just taking this footage and then releasing it, it's certainly all over is really media this morning and the number of human rights organizations are not asking these really what happened to these men? more importantly, what is going to happen to these man? all right, thank you. i'll, in fisher reporting from occupied is through southern please. 6 palestinians have been killed as easily as really forces again rated the and followed all refugee camp that's in the occupied. westbank is really military preventive. several ambulances from reaching injured people will get the latest one without been having it, who has joining us from. but i'm, i'm not who to explain to us why we're seeing such an uptake and raids and occupied
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westbank as well as arrest taking place of the israel is sending a clear message. it is going to go after anyone who shows any type of support for how much and even i would say further, anyone who shows any kind of support for oh, so it directs you for the people in does that because a lot of the people who have been detained, were detained, simply because they wrote something on social media. this please, there is re, these. they also often done men in various refugee times. the armed resistance here in the occupied was back. but really, the focus of the rates has by and large, been all these different refugee gathers in jeanine or to kyra him or the refugee camp or the history refugee camp south of bethlehem. and early morning was the,
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this latest refugee time of product and is in there are 2 baths in the north of the occupied west. but now we understand there's a piece of dozen wounded in that raid. maybe the number will be increasing as the last we heard that the ambulance was to moving the would that add to the hospital in the area, but certainly israel is keeping that pressure. and if i compared for the to the 1st weeks of the war, the 1st month of the war by large, the res, where during the night, edward may lead a, as a people, i would say that that has expanded. now you have the raise that happened in broad daylight. you have also raised a where you have these convoys of our, with diesels, followed by boot doors is and those windows is usually the signal, the devolution of houses or the destruction of is just infrastructure in the area. these re, these are focusing on we see that we heard that some of those is entered,
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also the neighborhood, the refugee camp brother. but we still don't have the full picture of what happened there, but it is an ongoing situation. and really these occupation forces, they pop off all over the occupied west bank at any time. right. and they certainly popped up in drama low, where you are for the overnight, there was a right there who are they targeting and what's in the aftermath of that was the 2nd rate in as many night as i'm actually they pop 1st popped up in the street here behind me now the target of their re, this time was to shop the one way. you see that coca cola red banner and then the, the black and the reason why as a banner, that is a mobile phone shop. but what we spoke to the owners of the shelves and they said that the israelis were off to their c, c t,
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v footage. and they actually copied that c c, d v footage. simply because the night before that these really forces were on this face also. and they had been an exchange of gunfire as well. does say that for this to pinpoint them to figure out who was behind that or who was simply throwing some stones. because after this street, they retreated at to them and r a square, which is the main square here in ramallah and then to the side street. and i could hear it from my hotel room. the there was tear gas, it was sideways, and there was a use of billings. so that lasted for another half hour. but from this vantage, boyd, my call is charles stratford was up at the during the that rate that was unfolding . and this is what he so the reason why i'm standing back from the window is this, this right started about 2 hours ago. we have these riley soldiers,
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titans that he's ready. so just in a number of vehicles that the position themselves directly under the building and what we're, i'm the law secretary to do is going to age slowly towards the window and keep our heads down and try and get you some of these live pictures of, of the soldiers, you have soldiers in jeeps to my right on the street here. and sucker it keeps there and we'll be able to show you some pictures. as we have is ready, soldiers, i can see 3 or 4 standing by the main round about the i'm what you're looking at the military vehicles. you can see the ministry vehicles directly underneath this. that is the sound of what all you from is the cold sound grenades used to keep the crowds back. i can see to gas rising on the street, directly across the way that we haven't heard any live far yet. yesterday there was
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a right. it's similar, right? this is much bigger than yesterday's right inside central ramallah and they will not caches, but there was certainly um guns usually on the stand um there was like 5 being 5 by members of the um resistance you can see that. so 2 guys kind of so that is just being fired into the so i reckon you're looking at an area spreading out from the spreading out from the, the main round about here. i'm an hour of about a 10200 meters in pretty much every direction. we saw the white in the building about 10 minutes ago. they were breaking into a mobile phone shop. and it took them, i suppose, a good hoff and a half to get inside. last night's right seem to focus on a publishing house. and the is really ministry left signs in the publishing house saying that they're accusing the owner of, of supposing how much we understand that it was focused on it was targeted because
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it's being accused of the, of the, propagating the propaganda pro, how my us propaganda. i can see another 2 guys kind of step being 5 across the street. the, what's surprising so far we haven't seen, we haven't seen the hundreds of, of youths that normally come out on her rocks at the military when they come in and situations they, but this is red because it's only the last couple of days that we've seen these raids directly in the center of the administrative capital of the palace standing of the occupied west bank of the protest. didn't know. so i'd say no. palestinian police certainly visible on the streets here which as you can well imagine. so the situation increasingly tense here. uh what time in the morning is around 5 in the morning and no sign that whatever mission sees right immediately have come here to
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do is in any way complete then as you rightly say that were also rides earlier in hebron and in the home which the world knows as, as best with him, we understand the number of people arrested and at least one person injured. and i'll leave you. now with the sound of us another seemingly, it's a, a gas or a circle sound we're not being launched. as the situation here unfolds, still ahead on all the 0 and it remains in paris that is real, put a premium on civilian protection. the us, as this rule needs to do a better job of protecting palestinian separately. the unique perspective of africans are willing to take to the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have, if we don't know more and more lively,
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lots of voices, you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with pablo sign. it's the same struggle, shared a displacement, connect with our community and tap into conversations you find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes, or the stream on which is the, are the latest news as it breaks many of people here of celebrating. but they say that there celebrations are sorry, we don't say the numbers go too often, kill god with detailed coverage by a release of those. the health comes to the rules for all of his riley's, i've been following every sense of this thing i'm feeling is john and isn't most children wilster's life talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents or loved ones. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really forces have intensified their attacks on the japan, your refugee camp in northern gauze, all just comes off to her overnight air strikes that killed at least 5 people. and then they'll see it as comp. that's in the central part of the district is really forces have detain several palestinian men from 3 un on schools and baseline. yeah . they were stripped and then separated from their families. foreign ministers from the middle east will meet with the us sector of state antony blinking, and washington. later on friday, the bite and administration says that israel needs to do more to protect civilians
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potty go hand reports in washington dc at the white house defiance as the calls grow to stop the suffering and gaza look. and we certainly share the concerns that so many of others have concerns, including the secretary general about the humanitarian situation in gaza. tell me name me one more nation. any other nation that's doing as much as the united states to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of god, you can't. but aid is not quite the same as using its influence on israel to stop the targeting of civilians. the us made clear it did not want to use really military using the same level of force in the south of gaza as it did in the north, only to be ignored. it is imperative, it remains imperative that israel put a premium on civilian protection and there does remain a gap between exactly what what i said when i was there, the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the
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ground. the or secretary states is israel should improve how it communicates safe areas, allowing more time for people to get there from a broader area, and that they need to be able to access food medicine and water when they arrive. the and progressive members of congress continued to protest, calling for a permanent ceasefire and accusing israel of war crimes. the targeting of civilians is a war crime. the targeting of medical facilities is a war crime. the star basin and the withholding of water and electricity is a war crime. the collective punishment of 2300000 people is a war crime. and we refused to be silent. your secretary said mtv blinking announced that he is going to have some visitors on friday. the foreign ministers we believe from cutter, saudi arabia, turkey, egypt, jordan and the palestinian authority are going to be in washington. they are going to meet together. we believe they will likely have a press conference and then come here to the state department to speak with the
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secretary. so if there's going to be any significant push back on the us, full throated support of israel, it will likely come from them, particularly al jazeera at the state department. all right, let's bring in a basket from the dad. he's a political analyst and president of the united voices for america, that's a civic engagement organization based in washington dc. welcome back. so if we look at the comments coming out of the washington, d. c, by an administration saying that, look, israel needs to do more to protect civilians. israel simply isn't doing not in guns . okay. so, i mean that's, i mean, how, what do you respond to these comments coming out of it seems it's more lip service . it's um, they're trying to limit some sort of communication problem that they're not communicating where to go. the reality is there's no safe place in causa, and everyone is getting a targeted civilians infrastructure. people are calling this not only how much it's a type of homicide, which is basically destroying infrastructure to make gaza in
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a way not to be able, you know, to live there just in life, in the future. something like 60 percent of gauze that has been destroyed and they're not stopping. so it's falling on deaf ears is in tel aviv. and israel, they're not listening. if in fact that's what they're telling them behind the scenes. but as long as military is continuing to go to israel. all right, yeah, the green light. yeah. so nothing. yeah. who also said this to is really media. this was a, apparently a private conversation. he was talking to local government officials saying we, what israel needs most, a steady supply of more us funds. we need 3 things from the us, munitions, munitions, and munitions. because what is that right and actually speak louder than words, they're delivering his munitions, they're delivering the bumps. so regardless of what senator blinking saying, or what the white house is saying, as long as those weapons are continuing to flow, it's giving a green light to netanyahu. to continue with the bombing and the ongoing genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the passing use of us. so what you're saying is that
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it's highly unlikely that you know, there are these calls that are being made by organizations like human rights watch, as well as some people. and, you know, different parts of the world. calling on the u. s. u. k. canada to suspend military assistance to israel, as long as its forces continue to commit what's being described as work crimes and gaza. how likely is that? um right now the way things are going it doesn't seem like it's likely, but pressure is mounting on administration at home. there are people calling for because the american law actually forbids the sudden weapons to a countries that are going to use those weapons on civilians. and that's exactly what israel has been doing. it's against the american lots against international lot it's we'll see if they actually have these calls and put real pressure and condition this aid to israel. be, is really prime minister also said that we will turn b roots and south lebanon into garza and con eunice. if has been not makes
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a mistake, i mean that message is geared 1st of all, towards the domestic audience or an international audience. and do you see that this war and goes up, could start to spreads the longer shows. i mean, they're trying to, you know, scare other regional people that we'd even consider or dare, and going or making a move against israel that we're going to do the same to you. what we're doing and it has to basic and flatten your cities, kill your people, and we're going to get away with it with impunity. there's no accountability. so that is definitely one of the ways to try to terrorize cities and countries in the region that somehow you're going to have the same fate the past as the palestinians and their national community will somehow provide political cover. and that's what's we've been seeing that the people are, those are getting massacre, they're getting killed, an ethnic cleansing is happening. and the whole world is basically watching with an action, including that emissions, which is trying to do the best they can. but with the way the structure of that we've seen other fronts being activated like the 11 east front,
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like the rocky runs, like the many friends. just think that we could head to a more broader richard also. but i mean, it's on the, on the, you know, it's, it's a, it is possible about who's going to make the 1st move. and is israel willing to make, you know, to take it further? possibly if there is another front that opens up, that may, you know, make the israelis rethink what they're doing and has the. but it could also broaden the warrant. and right, the less not for you know, forget the israel's nuclear power. and you know, with the generous howard's you and that's there, they may be actually willing to use that. i mean, they've made press if they, with using the past. right. we've heard that from the official. right. okay, thank you so much. all right, good. thank you. of the, the convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide defines genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part a national ethnic, racial or religious group. these acts include killing people,
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causing mental or physical harm, creating conditions that lead to a group's physical destruction, preventing birds or forcibly moving children. i said vague takes a look at the war on gaza. 2 months on the massacres that have taken place. hospitals, schools and refugee comes from the all night. i've dealt with moving bodies from beneath the drop of the children. we pulled them from the locations, eliza force displacement of people, their work to electricity and fuel control is ready for states have left nothing untouched. and no one, my goal is unaffected. women and children killed. entire families wiped the former director of the you in human rights office in new york resigned over the organizations failure to stuff which is taking place in gaza. i feel quite
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confident human rights lawyer in saying that what i see unfolding in gaza and beyond is genocide. watson folded on my success, carjacked david the other the baptist hospital was bombed, killed nearly 500 people. 7 dry families with children repeated a tax on the job body, a refugee camp. the the also who were a school run by the united nations also struck. one is already happening when the is really government orders, the evacuation of northern and it was committing genocide. as of that moment. israel's intentions have been pa, from the beginning of the 1st month and was old and mine and they look
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so good when they come into play with them is on the logging bit through what israel has said. what is leaders have said, from the top down from the prime minister down is more the eradication of gauze, but using genocide, a language that language has been translated into action by the is radiated, checking, mess, destruction, and targeting the people of palestine. genocide rode costs to the world in real time. i said bake just 0 is really for us. it is really air strikes rather have targeted a home and gods are killing the renowned palestinian writer poets, an activist at a faculty year. he co founded a use flood policy and your non project pro non profit project called we are not numbers. and it tells us stories behind palestinians. and the news and advocates for their human rights for the fonts also edited the book called gaza writes back. that's a collection of short stories written by young adults. 6 members of his family, including his 2 siblings,
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were also killed in the strike. we've spoken to several friends of for the fall, claudio, and they reflected on his worked on legacy and sure some of what they had to say. the fact was, i was actually my professor at the university. he told me, poor truth, he told me english and then we worked together for the past couple of years. 0, one thing i remember him, i always remember him for one thing that everybody really a student of has a reading and t of has every person who knew him meant to talk to her and even just folded him on the phone with her with him and the him for is his love for story telling because of how the story and his firm belief that by this time will be freed and that we'll see it uh tree. and
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the way to do that is to keep talking about palestine to keep putting in the right to the story of 1st time and the but i'm still here with someone who spoke to,


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