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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the restrict you by city, by the great spot, the funds to ask for 40 years the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm and as of a problem in this and use our line from doha coming off in the next 60 minutes images, imagine thousands of palestinian men stripped and taken away by his riley forces
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from you when drawn schools in northern gauze are as well steps off. that's from bottom of the gaza strip. i'm off as a captured is riley soldier has been killed during the rescue attempt. is there any forces re the center of ramallah and the occupied west fact that will also rates and the rest from the cities of hebron and bethlehem. and from each page of renowned palestinian vice, a polish and active as to the fox already has been killed in an as rainy as choice on his phone and gaza. the 10 g m t that's mid day and also is rarely false as have intensified their attacks . in the northern central and southern parts of the besieged strip video has a much showing at least $100.00 palestinian men stripped and made to kneel on a street in northern casa. they had been taking refuge at 3 un run shelters,
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run schools rather, and bates law here, the best families that is really ami, took them to an undisclosed location. the giovanni a refugee camp has been targeted again and as well as lisa strives. a building housing displaced people was hit and organized here, strikes killed at least 5 people in the new status. comp. funerals have been held for 6 men killed as various states in the outside are refugee camps and to boss that some be occupied. westbank. the army was a storm ramallah, hebron and bethlehem, leading to confrontations since as well began as will on gauze with 272 palestinians have been killed in raids in the west bank. honey mac wood is joining us live now from a rasa in southern gaza and how many hundreds of people killed, organized, and sofa on friday morning and is really continuing, is really strikes across the gaza strip. so yes, elizabeth,
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this strikes continue and the misery on the tragedy is the derek. creating, continue to make palestinian living in the gospel more difficult. just within the past few minutes i spoke with a civil defense, a crew member who was evacuating people from han you and is it from the vicinity of the hospitals. doctor hospital all the way to revise it is if this has been coming, it has become increasingly dangerous for people. but as an eye witness, this civil defends, the crow describe to us the moment when the group of people with women and children and men were few in line to get water. that's a from an area that's very close. about 5 minutes away from naso hospital, they were targeted by martin multiple tank shells, as they were queueing to get some water heat, describe the scene as very bloody and shockingly, a graphic. as they were. children were thrown at the, uh,
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the side of the streets and were people, blood was everywhere. the, the, the, the, the, the area where the, where the works getting water from was completely destroyed. so people at the very, very basic needs the where, where they are getting their basic needs are being targeted as well. and this is a continuous series of what happened earlier this morning. and then drop a hand hon units in the northern parts of garza where there are reports about at least a $350.00 people that been killed within the past 24 hours than more than 450 residential homes have been targeted. while these really military describe these as targets, but these are residential homes worked. hundreds of people lived inside of them. the hosted, evacuated and displayed people coming in from different areas. if they were destroyed and turned into a pile of rebels, the misery could and can you, the tragedy continues as people are being display, as they are putting in a very,
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very new human conditions. very difficult living conditions, not only for people under bombardment, but also those who are evacuated here in the southern part of just the vicinity of this area. we see lots of people coming here for the death of the nation. is station carrying gallons and, and bottle just to get some water here the talk about lack of, of the food supplies, the talk about the lack of, of, of, of, of drinking, water, clean and drinking water. these are about lack of every think and shoulder and some of them describe that they haven't been able to sleep for the past 2 nights as they don't have a place to stay. and all of this sports happening under relentless, bass bombardment of the gaza strip. absolutely. honey, so just to reiterate what you're saying, people killed as they were lining up to get to and just one of the as rarely as strikes killed as they were lining up to get water, which we know is very difficult to find in gaza. now. meanwhile, how boss is saying that it is really captive was killed in is really strikes as
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they are. me try to rescue him. what are you hearing about that this will so far, the statement was they should buy an assignment brigade describing what seems to be an operation by is really special forces in an undisclosed area. there is, or i, perhaps there is a reason why the location is, has not been disclosed for safety or security reason. but the statement continued to describe a group of as really special forces game to rescue a copy of it is really sold your captive inside the golf street. but their attendance was warranted and it has failed and he did not go as a plan, as there was there where he confrontation of classes between us found militant on the ground. 2 elements on the ground with these various special forces to the point where or you just press all the source, resorted to an area and hit the button bard been just to secure a withdrawal,
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a safe withdrawal from the from the area. the one soldier, one member of the special force, was killed and found elements on the ground were able to secure his weapon as well as the telecommunications system on his backpack was also taken. and in addition to the captive soldier and the assembly showed his number, his military id number was also issued in the statement as a proof that he was killed in, in the classes in the air to strikes that where is shot by is really a play that so far what we know about the attempt, there is no further information about the location and where it happened. but as they said, the timing is a close at dawn. time is early hours of this morning. honey, thank you very much for that. so now that is honeywell hold with the laces. he's live in rough or in gaza. that's spring and alan fisher, he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and alan is ready,
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the government saying anything about these men, these 100 men, at least 100 men that was picked up from you when run schools in northern gaza. stripped and then taking away of the troubling and disturbing pictures and certainly echoes of history with other conflicts where adult men have been stripped and then let away their fates unsettling with head from hiding a shot wave. the veteran poet, standing in full edition in the last hour she said, these men were stripped and paraded like war trophies. how mazda is called for international human rights organizations. not only to investigate, but also to intervene and find out where these men have been taken. none of these really armies say that the men what apprehended in and around in bed, like here, that he said that some of them gave themselves up,
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and they are being investigated suspected of being involved in terrorism. though some of them will be taken to israel for that interrogation, but there's also been a special interrogation unit set up and guides a itself by a the, it is really intelligent service to try and get more information as they prosecute this war farther on. but people looking at these pictures have been able to identify a number there. so i'm saying one is the local student, another lives in the building near them with no connection to terrorism off to home us. one is the local shopkeeper, and many people have supported the local journalist, someone who's well known in the local community, the joint care be who is the united states. national security council spokesman was asked about the rest of this journalist at the briefing on thursday. this is what do you have to say and i can respond to every event on the ground and every occurrence. i haven't seen those images,
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it would be imprudent for me to comment on that. we don't just as just as a general statement, we don't support any targeting of journalist one way or another anywhere in the world. they have a right and a responsibility to be their reporting on this. we believe that they should be allowed to do their jobs and we certainly don't, would never condone at any in humane or violation of law, the treatment of any innocent civilian. but i can't speak to those specific boards . of course, this incident is much bigger than just one. generalist here is a group of men, many of whom the local say are innocent being led away after being stripped naked by the israelis. some people would regard that as a war crime, particularly when you think that it reminds a number of people of what happened at abu ghraib and a rack, but also what happened during the boys and the award as well. so daniel had got to use the, it's really military spokesman, didn't address that video directly. another it's really military spokesman said
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they had no idea who found it and no idea how it became public. but if you look at the angle that it's spelled and it's clearly taken from on the ground, as the soldiers are moving these men out of that area, an area which at the time is controlled entirely by these really military. so that would suggest that this has been spelled by either a soldier or someone from sion bad. these really intelligence agency and human rights organizations are no time to find out what has happened to the man. and more importantly, what will happen to those man? i don't thank you very much for that as an official line from occupied east jerusalem. a show on job that is the director of the west bank based palestinian human rights organization of hawk. and he told my colleague during obligated that there are real fears for the safety and health of that group of palestinians who was stripped to the underwear and detained by his riley forces. when i saw this 1st
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time, you know, i was shocked, but in the same time, uh, i uh said this, you know, this practice was the one who killed the children come civilians. uh with the thousands uh, can make something like that. but the 1st thing jump in my mind when i saw the pictures, the 2nd one was to be honest with you. are they treated, you know, the, uh, the 2 nissan, those, the way to address that or the present or so for. uh, that's the case. i think the, uh, this is your man. uh, this is a torture if the amount of torture and the motor then that it's a water crime and the kinds that goes to who are many. right. and there are a lot of questions now about where these men will be taken to what will happen to them. and israel, being an occupying power has certain obligations. what are these obligations that
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would prevent as real, from treating these palestinians in this way? look as late as other to paying for the 1st the, i guess they're still occupying the there is why they have no right to do this. even if they are a patient or provider to buy power or not. this is some think it's the minimum of a minimum of live, of humanity to treat the people you know in the human way. that's the case. even if they are completion, if they are out of luck, that's this is not appropriate. but the main thing is what they all say, where are they picking them? this is also another question. the other question jump to our mind is how they treat to those. they were cultural thought they were a this to in the october 7 subject to the 8th of the lady took of them. how many of them there are still a life with a cultural good for those, those? did they cut the this is any sure where they are now? who still a like? there are many,
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many questions. so how is your sense of how does your organization and help which defense human rights? how is it scaling up its response to these violations and gaza as well as violations we see in the occupied westbank practically? what can you do? look what we do. you know, we try to look at my, these things that goes so uh, to the right to code uh for a legal actions. i guess the uh is like it is under. busy asking goes with the information that came in, i called to, uh, this is not the 1st time and even uh, to be honest with you, we are uh, concerned about all the is like either prison or if it needs um, view your songs. uh, you had a few months of trouble with the cases from the people they were released from visits lately. but you're not the nation's humanitarian shame says negotiations with israel to deliver additional aid to cause
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a promising but the 2nd phase of israel's offensive as making them difficult. boston griffith says the tulips and focused on reopening of border crossing. west of rafa. we do not have a few minutes here at opperation in southern gaza that can be cooled by that name. any more that the pace of the military assault in southern gaza is a repeat of the assault in northern guns. a dutch which has made no play safe to civilians in southern gaza, which had been the cornerstone of the humanitarian plan to protect civilians. and thus to provide a to them but without place to safety. that part of his intent is
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as what we have at the moment in gaza, northern gauze, even more difficult. but in garza where we have trucks, stove crossing daily through the roof, the crossing is at best a few minutes here in up the tourism to try to reach to some roads which is still accessible, which haven't been mined or destroyed to some people who can be found with some food or some bullshit or some other supplies can be given. but it's a program of opportunity. some rhetoric. it's something dependable. and frankly, it's not sustainable. least 6 palestinians have been killed as, as very forces again rated the fight on refugee confir the occupied westbank is why the military prevented several ambulances from reaching injured people. let's get
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the latest from hold up and how many she's my, for us in ramallah. so what is another day, more deadly rates? what of what is, is israel trying to do with these raids? so if it gets there, let's try to send a clear message that when it comes to who's in charge in the occupied with back, it is the is really military. it comes, it can catch whoever it ones with every once has the daily and nightly rates. i would say is really now around the clock at any time you can expect some news about the rates somewhere in the north of the south in central. uh, guys, uh, uh, happening now. oh, so you have to look at that in this at the same time we have leg grabs that continue at these 15 communities have been expelled from the land since october 7th . so it's really did, it's all,
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this is part of one same policy of making sure that is where the remains in control of the occupied west bag and, and then eventually also allowing for future expansion of illegal settlements and hold on is really res, across the all to 5 best bank have become commonplace, but why did they carry out a rate in ramallah, the de facto capital of the palestinian administration? well, they've been to raise in as many nights over the past 48 hours. well, last, actually early this morning is at around 4 am. these really soldiers arrived here and this central in ramallah. they were targeting to shops down the street. the one way that will about shop where you see these men standing, trying to fix the front door of the shop it. uh and they were off to the footage quote on their cctv camera footage about glasses that happened the day before.
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there was some exchange of gunfire between the soldiers and as some palestinians and then the 2nd shot. but that is now close this way. you see the coca cola a banner. they then retreated to this round about and went into one of the side streets to the left where we heard very clearly. the clashes was the police didn't stone throwers as well as used to gas and stone grenades. and that lasted for about an hour or so before they completely pulled out of ramallah. now my colleague charles stratford was up at that time and this is what he, he saw and he reported the reason why i'm standing back from the window. is this, this right started about 2 hours ago. we have is riley soldiers, titans of he's right. he's old just in a number of vehicles that the position themselves directly under the building. and what we're, i'm the law secretary to do is going to age slowly towards the window and keep our heads down and try and get you some of these live pictures of,
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of the soldiers. you have soldiers in jeeps to my right on the street here. and sucker rear keeps them. we'll be able to show you some pictures. as we have is riley soldiers. i can see 3 or 4 standing by the main round about the i'm what you're looking at the military vehicles. you can see the ministry vehicles directly underneath this. that is the sound of what all you from is the cold sound grenades used to keep the crowds back. i can see to gas rising on the street, directly across the way that we haven't heard any live far yet. yesterday that was a right. it's similar, right? this is much bigger than yesterday's right inside central ramallah and they will not caches, but there was certainly um,
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guns used. we understand. um there was like 5 in 5 by members of the um resistance you can see that. so 2 guys kind of said that it's just being fired into this. so i reckon you're looking at an area spreading out and from the spreading out from the, the main round about here. i'm an hour of about a 10200 meters in pretty much every direction. we saw the white in the building about 10 minutes ago. they were breaking into a mobile phone shop. and it took them, i suppose, a good hoff and a half to get inside. last night's right seem to focus on a publishing house and the is right, the military left signs in the publishing house saying that the accusing the own of supposing how much we understand that it was focused on it was targeted because it's being accused of the of the propagating the propaganda pro, how much propaganda i can see another tear gas canisters being 5 across the street . the what surprising so far?
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we haven't seen, we haven't seen the hundreds of, of use that normally come out on her rocks at the military when they come in and situations like they. but this is red because it's only the last couple of days that we've seen these rates directly in the center of the administrative capital of, of the palest, any of the occupied west bank of the protest. didn't know. so i'd say no palestinian police certainly visible on the street to which as you can well imagine . so the situation increasingly tense here, what time in the morning is around 5 in the morning and no signs that whatever mission sees right immediately have come here to do is in any way complete then as you rightly say that we're also rides earlier in hebron and in law, how much the world knows as especially him,
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we understand the number of people arrest and at least one person injured. and i'll leave you. now with the sound of us another seemingly, it's a gas or a so cold sound. we're not being launched. as the situation here unfolds, that's bringing us there. he's a political and listen president of united voices for america. that's a civic engagement organization based in washington dc. thank you very much for your time and we will hearing from our correspondents what out then? how many in ramallah just a few moments ago and she was talking about how would these almost daily we can save daily rates now since october 7th is really writes of the occupied was faxed as re armies trying to show who's in control, not just in gaza, but in other occupied palestinian territories to why do you think it has increased its raids in the occupied westbank since october? the 7th? well, well, the world's attention is focused on the atrocities and has the, that is really government is doing what it can to change, the reality is,
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on the ground to subjugate the policy. and people as a reminder that this is not just the one that does that. so war on all the past on the policy and people. and you have these fanatics in the netanyahu government that actually came in promising to and next to westbank, promising to increase settlements. and been good beer. who is the interior minister is actually arming, malicious with weapons provided by the government to go after individuals. so this is part of more land grabbing and changing the dynamics and the realities on the ground. so that way, when it's all settled, then they actually have more land and more places that they force palestinians out of. it was interesting wasn't that a few days ago, the us took steps to sanction settlers who they said were disturbing the peace in the occupied westbank. what do you think that was about the us recognizing what israel is doing and the occupied with bad, but not blaming as well so well, i think there's
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a growing concern in the united states in the government that you know, what's the settle, what the sellers are doing and what their government is doing in the west bank is actually provoking and could lead to a wider war. and you know, more violence happening in the west bank. they're concerned that this would actually eliminate the idea of a palestinian state in the future. and, but instead of taking re election, some people are calling the slip service. these are, you know, i'm out the slaps on the risk. because the reality is a lot of these, the letters that settlers are actually american citizens. so a sanctioning them from getting pieces would not apply to them. they don't need pieces to go home to the united states or they were imported. they came in from america to, to the settlements in the west bank. so it's good, right, rick? it's actually at least pointing that out, but it's still distancing as if this is isolated incidents as not something that's sponsored by the government. when the reality it shows that it is being pushed impala rated and protected by the israeli defense forces. yup. meanwhile,
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we the sort of the latest reports that we've been seeing from gaza. let's talk about those pictures of at least 100 palestinian men picked up from un, from schools and shelters in northern garza, we've been hearing from our correspondence for nearly 2 months. the un for many weeks now that nowhere and gaza safe. but what do you make of people being picked up from you when run schools? and then trace of this way. these images are horrific. they amount to work crimes, to parade. these individuals, you know, strip down naked and prayed them in front of the world like the sex i'm sort of trophies. and it's designed as some sort of psychological warfare to break the palestinians. and as that, to break and say, basically you're not even safe. no one can protect you, the united nations can protect you. shelters can protect you wherever you are. we're going to 100 down and even a restroom parade. you're like this. and this type of making this and tripping down is very humiliating, especially for air societies. and for palestinians,
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somebody would rather die before being subjected to those things. so it's part of a very cruel psychological. we're for and designed to spread terror and fear within policy that they either wish to leave. or hey, you're going to be subject to this type of treatment. if you continue to stay around and not leave your homes list of a there, thank you very much for your analysis. i know we'll be hearing from you a little bit later on and he was out to finale that is with the death, a prominent palestinian riser and pull it to the thoughts already. it has been killed and then as rainy as strikes, which target at his home and gaza. the tribute supporting in full all that aid recognizes recognizing his contributions to palestine in the future. we have about these reports. israel is destroying cause are in a way that will impact life for decades to come. these are the words of unknown policy in human rights are posts and activists default the ladies. he was killed in, in his radio strike, along with 6 members of his family,
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including his 2 siblings. allotted was a professor of literature and creative writing and the islamic university of gaza. if we still getting about stores, if we stop touring, i was told is if we stop listening to or parents, as we create space, we create vacuum for us as to apply this virtual space in our pos, in our hoc in his writings, he often described a live the siege by external forces. yes. resilience in its quest for freedom. in one of his final palms called if i must die, he shared his thoughts about leaving behind a mission for others. a lady called found to use let's police do new nonprofit project called we are not numbers. it tells the stories behind palestinians in the news and advocates for their human rights where we need the world to do that was to pay attention to them. and not just when there was violence,
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read the story for everyday life, and that will show you that they need. they need freedom and independence, they need dignity. he was also the editor of gauze, or writes back short stories from human rights as in gaza, through his work allotted, captured the stories of a resilient community. human rights watch says, israel has been responsible for the death of $28.00 writers, musicians and dunces. as well as a $183.00 teachers since october, the 7th. the legacy of a lie to you as a needs for many palestinians as a call to action, inspiring others to pick up a pen and wield awards against the diversity. the fact was, i was actually my professor at the university. he told me to treat, he told me english, and then we worked together for the past couple of years. tributes also flooded social media following the news of his killing,
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a digital echo of his impact on the world. many see the believe his deck is the beginning of a new chapter, an intellectual resistance against so patient and oppression. his final words on his profile spoke volumes. and if i must die, you must live. to tell my story, to sell my things, to buy a piece of cloth and some strings make it twice with a long tail. so that a child summer and gaza look and having in the waist and is that he left in the place right now. so all 2 parties, jerusalem, were there was heavy, a 60 security around the ox, a most compound tensions a hi. there was some palestinians trying to worship being turned away by as rarely security forces this spring. and i do it on the side of high that she is an occupied east jerusalem. she's joining us from body jewels near the ok. so most compound, what's the move?
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this are a head of friday, pres, we're just going to go the way cuz we are so many water tank is coming over. we don't want to go straight by that, but some you will show you is, is coming to gases and 5 and not the same that we're seeing every single week. now, every friday, prior rising the, we didn't see anything, every thing area, it's really bad and they didn't
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really, you know, i want to come down the road. i just want to take, i just couldn't find them. i want to give you an idea of why this happens every week, every week young why she tries to have to, i'll just that right. they are prevented from rate showing that they don't even manage to get close. been off because he's ready for every single friday. push them back with a gas on with this war tough. now they only allow the older in age. forget cos. i'm and what you often say is our is about the age of 16. we being moved now and this isn't kind of weird. they've had so was surprised when the worries need to push. this is to choose. i have to was the media like wow . so yesterday we try to cover
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a much fine. oh sure. our national heading towards the older mascot gates, which has incredibly controversial and inflammatory. and even then the ponies told us that we had to move size of box. we explained to them, we didn't have a good view. and they said that that was the instruction to push us back. we've seen some of our colleagues last week when they went to visit pablo, sitting in prison, has been released as talks about these files. they will also man handled by these riley forces on this just gives you an idea as we atlas fish and all supplied insurance. so them as well as the occupied territories. people i shot thing that sold me for fear of things like that. so seems like this fell warrant, they'll be arrested any moment. josh will crossing the right, there's one person told us, i'm trying rubbish. they were questioned over that and they were given
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a shot it down and then well, try to be arrested. you have been signing up preventing anyone from posting on social media. and so those are 2 with palestinians in gaza. if you even raise the power to send you inside, that's illegal, let's just move to the side, cause we have move, forces heading sound. all right, so if you need to. 2 sorry, we totally understand why we do have you know, that we're okay. well, the, the, okay, the steps is really close as probably being taking the session to having an impact on they, because the numbers of worship, those who are, who are trying to visit our locks. a mazda said holy, a size from us limbs has really dwindled over the past 2 months. us. yeah, incredibly, elizabeth, you have usually around 60 to 70000. why should? because of praying,
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the friday print out is from the previous sites. last week. the walk, which is the only thing in the for the if you like, but uh uh is, uh, has costs that cost. so it is a custodian full uh some of the sites including all ok. so most common pounds has said that they only had about 12 thousands, those 10 data not seems to be even less than that. actually not this week it was 5000 today. they said 5000. that's the range. but that's the drum check drops and numbers of i is one thing to go on washer, but it seems that they're not even able to get close enough to the comb pounds and he is writing. so i was saying that the one reason why that during this is to prevent any tensions because of the time now because it's on, on the an emergency nor as well bought. some palestinians are staying as another excuse to prevent them. another excuse by the patients to prevent was meant to stop
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them from being able to go about that in the lives even prayer for most times anywhere in the walls, especially the friday pro is integrity. so being able to practice that space and if they can do that by going to, oh ok. so most what does that leads to them in terms of having control of that own personnel lives? peers, right. and they say that they all come thing down on anyone that has seemed to be parts of any group that is supporting how my son is tomas supporters. but there seems to be a very blurry line over who is supporting her mouth and who is against me is randy occupation. and who is supporting palestinians in gauze all who is going against the war that's happening in gaza just to go back. so yesterday what we saw over night is really has approved these riley police to come this way again. sorry. let's just move out of the way. the police call coming. going back to us today. you have b as randy police approved
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a permit to allow this ultra nationalist star rights gathering where they wanted to. * search from damascus gate, which is the most important all the way to what sun is. the weston? well they couldn't is, may have gone by the jewish direction, but they were calling for an end to all walks. they were courting to an end for georgia. and so be the cost started in which has internationally recognized they were also calling with many banners for the demolition of a box of most which is highly controversial and goes against every recognized entity in terms of who governs was. now the other thing is that they allows it, despite the fact that they have bands antique on the anti war protests that have tried to protest against the war, have been banned from during star. and when the old position leaves a iowa piece,
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smoke house saying that when he was prime minister, he wouldn't have approved that march. and yet, even though the police pushed it back himself, dismantled it before even happened. we've been hot today, but they didn't allow it to happen that around midnight. and that just gives you a sense of the say that policy opinions on pricing because what are they all they saving with these ready occupation forces. but they're also dealing with spa writes, uh settlers, as well as minnesota is within the most spa, right? government, israel has ever seen. like it's a ma spend there. he is the national security minister, but it's hanging out weapons and that was one. uh, full ma. she's saying that it was like, it's like handing out times it's like hanging out sweet. he's allowing is there any civilians to be on? he's allowing up so i'm pushing for the death penalty to be returned. he said to
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carry out death penalties for those that try it out. they don't serve as 7 to 10. but again, people are being arrested without any charges. people are being housed even those prisoners that were released last week. they were told they couldnt celebrate, that release families were told they couldn't to celebrate those releases. and this just gives you an idea that this is what they're facing every friday. and that's just one day of the week for palestinians in the occupied territories, etc, etc. thank you very much for that. that is so high up with a situation outside on lock so most compound and occupied east jerusalem function the to central to the ongoing conflict. ongoing role and gaza is the role of us presidential invite. and he made a trip to, as well as on the days off of july. the 7th showed his unwavering support for
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israel by his kathy patty called hain, explains, it's coming at a political cost from the beginning of the conflict. us president joe biden has been consistent, often repeating israel's justifications for it's cj and bombardment of gauze. i never really thought that i would see you kind of confirmed pictures of the terrace behavior and children. a damaged statement from a us president accept his aids later said it wasn't true. he didn't see anything. just repeated when he had heard in the media. when the all over the hospital with show within hours, he blamed quotes the other team. and he made sure to send a message of support in person. indeed, sending to aircraft carrier groups to the region. and with assets sending missiles, ammunition, and reportedly $100.00 bunker buster bombs to israel. along with the pledge of more
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than $14000000000.00 in additional assistance about 3 weeks into the war, biden was asked about the growing palestinian death toll. i'm sure it is handling q and as the price of wages war, but i have no confidence in the number that the palestinian juniors. he has called for restraint, but not condemned. the lack of it by israel's military asked for additional humanitarian aid, not demanded it. button harold is his role in getting a temporary cease fire. but as the fighting began again, he reportedly told him that in yahoo, the military should not fight in the south with the same intensity that in the north, it appears they did anyway. no public response from the us president. tens of thousands of people in the us had helped countless pro palestinian marches, demanding he'd do more and plunging. they will never vote for binding. again. gonna be hard. no, for me to be a hard no. yeah. okay. not the sale,
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but for the other party either. but um, i'm gonna have to see if there is an independent candidate that i can get behind. and it's showing up in the polls. as the american media keeps pointing out, he is 50 points underwater with the youngest group of voters. political analysts say this could cost him as he seeks re election. his support has decreased now to 17 percent of the air of american electorate. so he's already losing a huge support among a key population, especially when we're looking at a swing state like michigan where the error of americans and most of the americans make up a larger percentage of the electorate. with just under a year until the election binds team is likely hoping many will forget or vote for binding because they dislike his opponent more in a close election. that could be a costly calculation. particularly l g 0 washington. the spring back up with
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the political, allison president of united versus america, that's a civic engagement organization based based in washington dc. let's begin with what's happening at the un security council on friday, the united as and what's the only our country on the 15 strong security council is expected to table a resolution quoting for us. these fund and gaza. do think that the us will once again veto. if you have a discussion is going to happen today. i, you know, it, it looks like they may, the best that we can get is maybe that bill. you know epstein, however, um, so far on the kitchen say that they don't want to have a conversation about gaza at the united nations, or they'll find something, you know, some falls in the language because it's all about and the rest of the that the resolutions didn't criticized him off the exec and that's they could find that again, that you know, doesn't condemn from us, or they may bring up the issue of this campaign about, you know, sexual assaults and rapes that you know, it's lacking that, but these things can,
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are usually decided before the vote, so we have to wait and see, but if a pass indication will happen before is an indication they probably either veto it or it will, you know, kill it before it actually gets voted on. there's things that the us administration has more susceptible to domestic pressure then international pressure, especially in the election year. and, and, you know, biden is behind in the polls and it seems like both parties are trying to position themselves as strongly as real. it's consuming a lot of the debate when it comes to the upcoming election. so definitely that pressure is there and the power and the of the, of the pro is real lobby and their pressure. and the funding for campaigns is definitely having a significant impact on the decisions. and we saw that just with the resolution as bonds are being brought them. 1000 people are being killed, they're debating. you know, what anti semitism is in trying to redefine it. yeah. okay, so that's the domestic pressure on the international front. our foreign ministers
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are going to be meeting with secretary of state and to me blinking, right? do they have any cause of best sleep? what kind of pressure can they put on the us to use? it's leverage that it has with israel. there's not a lot of pressure, except i think they would try to relay that the air of street, the popular sentiments within their world across their world is against this. and it's becoming coming to a boiling point that they can no longer hold back. they're pop relations that people, you know, you may, they may even in some situations lead to some, some, some sort of revolts as we've seen with the eric spring in the past. so i think the concern is there, that somehow there has to be some sort of restraint and then that now government is not, doesn't seem capable of restraining itself, but the united states is gonna have to play a big brother and, and i told them it doesn't seem capable of restraining is or how i think they can still they are capable if they want to, but i don't think the will is there yet. i think that somehow they feel like there's some sort of justification or they want to use this opportunity to
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eliminate, you know, how messed up from there, but you can't really do that without eradicating so many civilians. so the death fold, they have been more critical as of late about the mounting, ductile, but so far has been lift service because of the are serious. they would withhold some of the bombs that they're shipping in real time right now to provide for the the their strengths. thank you very much mister there. that is the of the united was for america. thank. thanks, elizabeth. a while the bite and administration appears to be as supportive of, as well as the previous ones that has been us policy since president truman recognized the state. so the relationship has always been plain saving. my kind of reports. thank you for having me. the 46 president of the united states and the 14 sous attempted to confront the israel palestine division on the 1st day of the current to conflict, to president biden, of israel unqualified support,
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notably with no cold for restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel biden's and questioning support similar to that of president truman who recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence in may 1948, but the position of some subsequent presidents was more fluid dwight eisenhower, richard nixon and ronald reagan oh, vehemently oppose these rating, but it's reaction on occasion. the one to reagan israel began to receive $3000000000.00 in us, a. d, g, a, a strong, secure is real, is a shared interest. the george h. w bush administration became the 1st it threatened to withhold annual us aid. israel continues settlement expansion. the deputy foreign minister of israel at the time was named benjamin netanyahu. and his public criticism of the us threat was
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greeted with and by the then secretary of state james baker, he refused to meet missing yahoo again and blacklisted him from any state department interruption. that was consequences. well, there are always political repercussions about what you're to one on israel. and i do think that as a result of the actions hate talk, at least in the short term, the republicans law support of the jewish american. can you or is it and thank you for your statements, your bomb administration took the unusual step of withholding the veto with you and security council of to benjamin netanyahu. again, ignored a direct us request, a cub settlement expansion across the resolution. calling for a hold to a settlement activity was passed. the question of us a to israel was not brought up that either the camp david's summit. nor was it raised by president george w bush, or donald trump,
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to support for israel when so far as to recognize jerusalem as well as capital. but now some members of the current congress are suggesting that the mounting economic and military aid to israel be made conditional. i think that so, oh course, well thought, but i don't think if i started off with that we ever gotten what we already know. james baker policy here, no intent to use the billions of dollars of 8 as liberty to cook israel as military and political excess. the hug rather than the rod, is this president's choice. mike kinda, i'll just say around washington to the mass of destruction and gauze of bombs and missiles would be impossible, without, as well as a numerous fleece. as 16 combat jets. they are the size of a coughed choice for many countries, but non, except for the united states, has as many as israel to see
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a newman reports. the speed that was a to lity and above all, the precision of the f. 16 fighting falcon makes this compact combat just one of the world's most advanced and sort of manufacturer, lockheed martin posts. it has quote, unmatched capabilities. perhaps why the a 16 is nickname. we don't really, we have a sense because there's no possibility that it's bones can miss the target. it has middle metric precision and they have laser guided bombs of $5900.00 pounds. and also 200-4000 pound bombs, depending on what they want to destroy. they find a bombs with delayed explosive devices. for example, when they hit a building, they directs them into the basement and then they're exploded. so the building collapses entirely. nelson had that chillies, former under secretary of aviation, knows a lot about the us made that's sixteen's. he was in charge of testing and choosing them went to lead,
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needed to upgrade. it's free to apply subjects after the united states. israel has the largest clean to the 6 teams in the world and estimated 360 to the carry up to 6 missiles as well as bonds. and if it is an upgraded with custom is really electronics that had dad says, makes them surgically precise. pulled up for that, i think i'm like about the ever so the right of resolution is so high that they can pinpoint to target and even kill a specific person. walking down the street from kilometers away when the baptist hospital in gaza was bombed, healing approximately 500 palestinians. israel claimed it was an accident caused by what it called muslim terrorist. but given the scale of the destruction had died the leaves. that's impossible. you'll see. yeah, when this case goes before the international court of justice, the crimes of war,
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the investigation will prove that the weapons used with fired from an f. 16. there was no margin of error, no mistake. and unlike in ukraine, which recently received a much warranty and felicia, beth sixteen's, for the people in gaza. there is no defense possible seeing human outages, era, santiago, the . let's take a look at some of the days of the news and the world food program has a balanced an end to its food assistance and syria. because it's run out of funds for the plans to continue supporting families affected by emergency situations and natural does offices there in september the w. s. p. well, that insufficient funds rest. pushing an estimate of 24000000 people globally to the brink of famine. the u. s military is grounded as slaves of hundreds of all
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spray call. dr. crash near japan killed 8 people, feel sprague, and land and take off basically like a helicopter, bought fly like a plane, since it's also flying in 2750 us service members have died, an accidents. they all sprays the main mode of transportation. so the us marines, it's not clear when over us a cost will come back into service to the sound of us president joe biden has been charged with $9.00 pounds of tax forward, and the state of california federal prosecute just stay home to abide and fail to pay taxes on $4000000.00 of personal income between 20172018 if convicted he faces a maximum term of 17 years in prison. hunter biden is also facing gum charges in delaware. that have been violent protests and perused capital, quoting for new elections and for president the and i'm going to act as resignation that says she mocked her 1st year in office for the last is being investigated for the death of thousands patient doing demonstrations following the cost of
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a former president federal castillo, last year. money on a sanchez has moved from lima. a. several wheels are processing in the center of the capital, lima, many of them saying that they are fed up with a corruption among public nations. one year adult former president said no castillo was ousted, i didn't prison the, you know, a lot of it came to power. many people here are processing all to against the press because she's still in power. but other than that, on the bottom here to defend my country for president petro castillo, who was kidnapped by the matthews and against the dictatorship, imposed by congress. and many people are very after the fact that the government part of the former president's address was accused of human rights 25 years of 16 years. he was never free
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commodity to any institutions which respect the rule of law. they want to make us believe in democracy, but all the while people were killed and people say they're fed up with corruption . that is run past among public patience and they said that they want everybody to leave money on this. i'm just, i just see that email that to the us now, where in the last election, joe biden, health and drama, the use of all the fax to social media influence is that many of those people are now turning the backs on him because of his support of israel's war on gaza. gabriel and he's on the report from houston as during the last presidential election, george lee urged his more than 2000000 followers on tick tock to vote for joe biden . as a thank you, lee, along with a handful of other social media influencers, were invited to washington earlier this year to meet the president and get it behind the scenes tour of the white house. it was cool to be able to meet 1st
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lading by being able to meet joe by means of it to present him by being able to meet the amazing butlers and cooks. that was, that was no. but that was then. this is now binds embrace of benjamin netanyahu and israel's killing of innocent civilians from their constant bombardment of gaza has left li, angry, and frustrated. so he's taking his social media to call out the president and all 3 other times that joe biden, his license last week concerning the, is rarely occupation of gaza. at times. it's just leaves facial expressions that get his point across based on what i've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team and leads sympathetic to an online effort by some air of americans to boycott voting for bite and next year. know the data shows a lot of air of americans are pondering to 2024 election boycott under biden's
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middle east stands because it is so horrific and humane. millennials and jen z. social influencers are increasingly seeking out credible reporting on gaza and finding it from palestinian content creators. people like montez advisor, and others like him. people on the ground are documenting less. do you have like, citizen journalists who got like monetize who's literally 24 years old? he's broadcasting us and putting this on tech soccer, putting us on instagram and people are watching it anyways. you know, people who are his exact age in other parts of the world. as for lee, he feels that god's a war has been in awakening for social meet the influencers like himself. a lot of my followers on social media, a lot of my fellow categories, talk about how the information overload that we've done in the past month has ever changed the way to review our country international relations. and he made for a man who was recently a guest of the president,
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but like so many other young social media influencers. now, one of his harshest critics, gabriel was on don't. i would just need a houston. and that's for me and those of a ronald for this news out, but do stay with us though you navigate us back in just a few minutes for the ongoing coverage of the wall and gaza. thank you for watching . the candidate from has to expand the to send a zillow's fault lines meet those advocating for the change is suicide. but it's facilitated to our way to decide that it's not the right size. and critics, to believe the government is prioritizing death over providing necessary social and economic support. staff was made more excessive though they're getting some food to eat or getting stuff for their pain. do you want to die today? a fault lines investigation on alger 0,
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a deadly fire's rage out of control and believe his amazon regents with the climate phenomena menial getting south america this year. temperatures are higher and droughts more severe. unable to control the planes. olivia has appealed for international health. brazil is facing it's soon. disaster with fires destroying the front. the now the world's largest, tropical wetland, and menial and climate change have not only caused drought in the amazon. they're also responsible for unusually heavy rain storms in the south of brazil. government officials say the fiscal year, almost 6000000 brazilians have been affected by extreme high temperatures and floods in the states, a few credentials. so in some pick up by the, in the more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes, floods get the same region in southern purcell, just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people, submits the world,
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slow down. we stand firm as homes with tests of global nichols reserves. indonesia is foyce to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the images and merge of dozens of palestinian men stripped and taken away by is really forces from you and run schools in northern guys on the
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headquarters. and also coming up as real steps up as palm board minutes with the gaza strip. son says the captured is really sold or has been killed during the


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