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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 4:00pm-4:54pm AST

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science and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the the, [000:00:00;00] the tunnel on elizabeth prolong them. and this is the news,
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our life from doha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. images, image of dozens of palestinian men stripped and taken away by his ready forces from you when drawn schools in northern casa israeli soldiers prevents large numbers of palestinians. once again from attending. friday praise the deluxe, the most compound, funerals, a house to 6 powers finance killed in this very raising the occupied, the west fax, the and from the sessions to act is how survivors of the ball was showing disappointments for palestinians and gaza. the video has the most showing at least $100.00 pallets to the immense trips and made to neil on the streets in northern gauze. here's the thing, jump in my mind when i saw the pictures, the 2nd one was to be honest with you, how they're treated, you know, make any sense those,
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the way i understood and systemic. and every now consent about this latest group taken in gaza. demos, con judges era as go to our correspondence in gaza hunting my life was in the rough uh, in something that gauze and honey hundreds more people code, including those who are lining up solutions. yes indeed. and there are more disturbing reports coming in from the northern part and the city of han units within the past few hours. our area. but there's directs continue to pound the gaza strip from northern part. the southern part were within the past few hours and then early afternoon people were lining up for a gallon of water. and one of the dental
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a nation station in han you and is that an area that is very close to the vicinity of nozzler hospital were targeted. we spoke to a civil defense, a crew member who were helping civil de evacuated from han you and is here to rock by who described before and then their. 7 eyes, people who were targeted at the time do were trying to get some water uh for, for the sullivan, for their, their families in the northern part more people came on there is really heavy bombardment through the eastern side of the worst neighborhood. then the 2 neighborhoods at early hours of the morning where the residents order to move to the west side of garza city. but at the late afternoons hour they were shut out by . it's really a military, it's shop for and did the people this way, people had no choice but to run the ship. a hospital where there is no medical. uh, the more uh, any other medical, it's not a mid ago facility anymore. after the,
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the severe bombard bins and the, the severe damage the hospital has the got. it's been within the past week, but people have to run for their, for their lives here in drop off the bodies of from house to house. told it reads an ambulance who carried them all the way through. nozzler has been taught this situations are getting worse by it. our there is a growing 0 mind palestinian that if, if these really military turn it attention to right behind what would be a ground invasion within the coming days, it would be a disaster for everyone as the don't have a place to run to honey. thank you. very much for that for now. that is honey. my food with the latest is rarely a tax across the gaza strip. he's lived in rough and southern gaza only around 5000 warships have been able to perform friday present the locks of mosques due to is really restrictions. so holler was near the compound and occupied east jerusalem when his rarely forces 5
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t a gas on people. we're just going to go all the way cuz we are many, well tough time because coming over we don't want to get straight by that, but some it will show you is, is coming, take us has been fine and not the same that we're seeing every single week now every friday. yeah, ms. smith and occupied easters to them as well as the occupied territories paper. 6 shots in the stores on the 1st day of things, cuz the latest from hold up and how much she's live for us in ramallah and her to tell us about the latest is way the rates that have been several across the occupied west bank in the past. 24 hours and also why the ami has increased them since of 12 of 7 as well there has been a, there wasn't a it read it in the front of the refugee camp in the north of the occupied was back
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near the city of 2 baths. where actually it was the most by that was 6 people were killed and a dozen of the others were injured. then there was another rate here at i enrolled my love pre don't rate where this is really. so just came to the center of the city . but this what time they were not after the people to the day, but rather they wanted a c, c, t, v footage of people. because the night before they had been some clashes between somebody. sidney is here in ramallah and the end is really forces. so that's another way that they go off to people and they should have pro 5 people in the database to come after them eventually and detain them. now why is there a israel doing that? i think the state is sending 2 messages, one to the palestinians in the occupied westbank that it is in control. and it is the only really decisive power in this part of, in the okay, 5,
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west back and the other one is a message send 2 days read the public that the israel is not only focusing on gaza, but it's also focusing on the it was back and going after what it's called, how much supporters or how much members in the west bank, even though the data shows that many of the people of detail, especially those in an administrative. this find that the engine meaning without charges, are not people who will have any link whatsoever to how much. so those are, i would say the 2 main messages. and when you look at the different kinds of raids that happened, you have the tensions. yeah. sometimes it did the people who die in the crossfire or directly targeted and then you have the destruction to that structure or you have a car coming in the middle of ro, my life. what types of early morning a to collect cctv for this. i now have
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a variety of ways that show to which one is going to infiltrate part of what is the message it's sending by raging ramallah, the defacto capital of the palestinian administration, where used to raise a trip across the occupied west back but not ramallah. that's what i think the message is, the say one that's 8 has more power and it is in more in control of the the occupied westbank then the palestinian authority. and then even in the stronghold of the palestinian authority here in ramallah, it can do whatever it wants. now since october 7th days has been carrying a res around to ramallah in refugee camps like zillow zone like caroline. yeah, let's, let's have a short drive from where i was standing and it has come already into the city center a few times. it's been, it's been now 2 nights in a row, but that's because it was to send that message is written has oldest, tried to sort of undermine deal, sorry
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t of the palestinian authority and by always sending a message. and now it's, it's is reinforcing that message that it won't let go of the occupied with bag. and bear in mind that within the college and government, the benjamin within the hour, the ministers who have been pressing and corely and blushing for the next station of the occupied westbank, followed by also expelling many palestinians who live here to georgia. and is that constant pressure on them by through land grabs through expelled, displacing people from their communities through the pressure the settlers keep on having, on communities in the surroundings. so it's all part of one big making is to keep on the pressure on palestinians, whatever they are, and to make sure that the palestinian authority has its hand side and is not being
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able to act as the proper authority for the thank you very much for that, that is, hold up and how made with the laces live in ramallah as the united nations security council is expected to vote in the coming hours and draft resolution cooling for an immediate humanitarian, sci fi and gaza, comes off the secretary general on tonia gutierrez, made of ran, move and voting. article $99.00 of the un charge of that move allows him to alert the security council about any issue that he considered as a threat to international peace guitars won't of a deepening catastrophe and gaza urging the security council to act the the convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide defines genocide as acts committed within 10 to destroy in whole or in part a national ethnic racial overly just group. these acts include killing people,
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causing mental physical home creation conditions that lead to a groups, physical destruction preventing books or forcibly moving children. us as a bank takes a look at the war on gaza 2 months on and the mess because that have been carried out possibly tools, schools and refugee camps in the all night. i've know removing the bodies from the nissan rob of the children. we pulled them from 3 locations. let's force displacement of people. the war to electricity and fuel control is waiting for. states have left nothing untouched. and no one garza unaffected women and children killed. entire families wife typed the former director of the you in human rights office in new york, resigned over the organizations failure to stuff which is taking place in garza. i
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feel quite confident human rights lawyer. in saying that what i see unfolding in garza and beyond is genocide. watson folded on my success, coach act, dave the other the baptist hospital was bombed, killed nearly 500 people. and i found music killed them, repeat to the tax on the jump body, a refugee camp, the, the us, the who are a school run by the united nations also struck the bottom line is already happening when the is really government orders. the evacuation of northern is uh it was committing genocide as of that moment. israel's intentions have been clear from the beginning of the 1st month and was old and mine and billy, according so good will do for me. but i also done is on the like getting bit
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through what israel has said. what is leaders have said, from the top down from the prime minister down is more the eradication of concert using genocide, a language, the doctrine which has been translated into action by these rate emitted evicting mess destruction and targeting the people of palestine. genocide wrote costs to the world in real time. i said big i to 0 about 1900000 of gauze us 2300000 residents are internally displaced and many of the shelter we shelters that they've been seeking refuge and have come on to is randy attack on diploma and editor james babies takes a closer look. just 5 days after the start of the bombardment of garza is ro to the population of kansas city and the rest of the north to immediately leave that homes that smaller than a 1000000 people. they dropped leaflets from the ordering people to move south
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below. what do you guys have a wetlands area that runs across the strip? this is widely condemned by the u. n. and 8 agencies. one international lawyer says it almost certainly amounts to ball crime. when you look at the, the context around the warnings and the following military action, it is not a stretch to say that that is that it constitutes ethnic classes. and it is, it is exactly that. but it didn't 10 very november, people in town, eunice, where many of those from the north of sled were told to move again, this time, the leaflets coach them to go to the nearest designated shelter schools and other facilities run by the un agency under uh oh, designated shelters that old i, but garza but $85.00 of them of also being hit during the conflict. according to the un, then not safe joining the week long see spot. people who were forcibly displaced from that homes in the north had hoped to return, but his railey troops prevented them from doing so. but as soon as it ended,
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there was another warning from the as riley it back to a rafa. then another leaf left with a q r code on it, which linked to a website, specify exec city blocks to be evacuated. of course of the 2 months of bombardment . most palestinians in gauze have lead the internet, no electricity, and then to confuse things even further. another leaflet was dropped, which said stay home. certainly when you, when you are giving civilians the possibility to safely leave the home before there's going to direction and then your targeting them in the areas in which you say they are, they are safe. then the cost isn't something that falls under the floor and in the, in a supplemental crime that's known as a post videos act, misleading civilians. unlike full transfer affinity is a crime under international law. the professor barry talked to him book as an
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expert on genocide and also jewish history and the nazi holocaust. and he's joining us by scott from winston salem in the us state of north carolina. thank you very much for your time. you have submissive expert testimony on the lawsuit, filed why the center for constitutional rights seeking an emergency order to stop us military and diplomatic support for as well. why? yeah, along with my colleagues, john cox and victoria centered both of them also are experts on genocide. we made the case that israel's intentions and actions correlate with one another so strongly that this is and sufficient evidence to make the case that israel is committing genocide in our lawsuit. that supported by the study for constitutional rights. we argue that united states is both complicit in this genocide and we accuse it of failure to stop the genocide wherever things as with this lawsuit now
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. and this traction that well, the federal government has to still give its formal response, which it hasn't done. and we keep continuing to press the case as best as we can to the media, to our supporters, to be in touch with with the white house, and encourage them that they have been put on notice. and that they have responsibility to act, to, to stop israel's actions right away and to stop their military, financial and political support. a 153 countries. aust, signatories to the genocide convention. do they not have a responsibility to store this? and they do? absolutely. they do what we can do is we can work in the us court system because this is where we're a stan, it's the united states which is giving unprecedented levels of funding and political cover for this violence. so we have to try every strategy imaginable. and
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hopefully by getting united states into court, they will be formally put on notice and they'll have to defend themselves. and they'll have to show why the, this murder of 15000 civilians, the displacing we have to suggest said 1900000 is not somehow contingent aside. and again, the license desktop is more than $17000.00. you are doing what you've had in the united states to try and hold the latest accountable. but again, with those 153 countries that have signed the signatories to the genocide convention, can we expect any action from any of them? i hope so. you know, you have certainly countries, you know, ireland for example has, you know, there's been great movement among our place in ireland to, to, to present their case. the city of barcelona, you know, has, cuz cut off on tight. so we cope perhaps the spain and we certainly certainly hope
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so, but we're fighting against the will of the united states here, which seems still to want to give carp launch almost entirely to israel's actions at the moment and why they're saying that is why do i why do i think the us is giving the support? uh huh. yeah, i, you know, i think the us is giving the support because they, they've locked themselves into a relationship with israel, where they, they feel that, you know, supporting israel is, is in their, their best interest. so there's a very, very strong lobby for israel here in the united states. that has made the case that the united states has a moral and ethical responsibility to defend israel and get, given the perception that united states did not stand up for jews during the holocaust. and so therefore,
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any and all support that the israel requires needs to be given some sort of apology or compensation for that presumed for lack of supports during world war 2. and you are an expert of jewish history and the all the costs. what do you think when you see of is really government's calling him us? nazis as they have done a lot since it's for the 7 and i think they're, they're, they're horribly misusing the memory and the history of the holocaust. and so both as a historian and as an american, do i feel incense by this referral from us as as nazis, it's a complete mr. reading intentionally of the relationship. you know, that i'm sorry, israel is the, is the larger power here in the policy need. people who are being besieged and so to refer to her mos um a group that i, i don't support you know,
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i don't support was done in october 7th by any means. but you refer to them as, as nazis is a way for israel to make this rhetorical gesture that hamas are the worst people in the world just like the nazis were. and we need to do everything we can to defeat them. but it ignores the fact that israel is the occupying power here. israel is the regional super power, or that is professor barry trachtenberg, expert on genocide, jewish history, and not see how the cost joining his life in winston salem. thank you so much for your time. thank you. it is rouse war on gaza has stood up, intense opposition in many parts of the world. often voice is critical of that is really military assault, branded as an to symmetric, but as rob bundles reports, many activists in school, the say legitimate criticism shouldn't be regarded as racist simply in order to stifle across ex charges of anti semitism of the
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level that demonstrate as opposed israel's more on gaza across the world. but one prominent jewish anti war activist says that's completely inappropriate for myself as a jew, i do this work out of the my core jewish values. tell me every single human life is precious. and i do this fighting for a future of judaism beyond the violence of zionism. inflating anti semitism with opposition to the israeli government's policies or ideology is so so dangerous . it's dangerous for palestinians and supporters of palestinian rights who are losing their jobs and being docked and harassed online. and it's also incredibly dangerous to the fight against real anti semitism. anti semitism is on the rise. analysts say in acts such as swastikas and hate speech scrolled in an upscale new york town, as well as threats of violence on college campuses and other public institutions.
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anti semitism is a real and rising problem in this country and it's a very, very serious charge. but it is being cynically used against people who simply support palestinian human rights. and that is tells you something it tells you that the other side on this defenders of israeli policy can no longer win the argument on merit this week. the republican majority in the us house of representatives passed a resolution identifying anti zionism as anti semitism. we live in a claim within the united states and which is, is very difficult to speak out against this really more crimes because we live in a political time. it tries to shut it down at every turn. suppose you is really, and us officials have drawn comparisons between how mazda is attacked on is really tons on november 7th, killing 1200 people to the nazi holocaust. it is rarely borne. holocaust historian rejects the analogy. it is not connected to the heart of course, in any way it's a, it's
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a completely different phenomenon. so speaking about anti semitism about nazis about um, the articles in this context is really meant to take israel off the hook for what it is doing all the one home and to bring in a greater emotional and heightening of emotions in israel as products of interest if occasion of what interested in gauged in at the moment, a serious war over words and definitions as the real war rages on, rob reynolds, l g 0. european union remains divided on the wall. some countries support as well as offensive, while other states disproportionate. the failure to come up with the united position as damaging the ease standing on the international stage. natasha buckler reports from brussels. on a trip to the gulf earlier this week,
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french presidency manual macro cooled for an immediate cease find goals and question to israel's and game, but change of tone from the store to the will when power is unequivocally back to israel. so i think we're at a point where he is rarely, authorities are going to have to define their objective and desired goal. more precisely what is the total destruction of hum us and does anyone think it's possible well from this position that has shifted in recent weeks? that of some of the e u. member states has note, the israel goal is a war has defined to the blog and his top institutions will the use agreed on condemning have must his october 7th attack. it is fail to find a collective response to subsequent is really attacks that have to thousands of palestinians, including children, countries including austria, the czech republic, and germany stone, the defend israel. yes. understand that seemed the dna of every democratic politician in germany is that we say never again. a germany was responsible for the show for the whole cost. so we have
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a very great responsibility to watch the security of use right now. but some countries including belgium island in spain, criticized israel's response as disproportionate. the spanish m e. p says israel should be functioned and his lead is bored before the international criminal court . and it's almost obviously done though, we are calling for diplomatic economic, commercial and military relations between to you in case we have to be separate and an embargo on the purchase and sale of weapons a month. because finale, to use the e. u has been united on ukraine bodies, inability to speak with one voice when it comes to the war on cause a is damaging its reputation as a foreign policy to the euro fans. i've tried for over a year when the support of the global solve for its stance on ukraine, on the basis of commitment to universal normally like international law. but when we show that we are, you know, in another conflict and this conflicts, not so committed to the same norms,
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then we undermine our position. 2 months into the conflict, the use become most of your cool about the suffering garza. it is increased tremendous aaron aid for palestinians and the east front policy chief has cooled on israel to respect. international would know something the blog failed to do early on. but as long as member states remain defeated, the bronx ability to influence what happens next in the middle east is likely to be diminished. natasha butler out to 0 brussels rumsey, and also has a palestinian dutch at to invite on his being vocal and trying to challenge the dutch narrative about garza. he recently wrote piece highlights the idea of human dignity and how it applies to palestinians and gaza. he is his story in his own woods. my name is ed, obviously. no, sir. i'm an actor writer and a poet from mixed dutch palestinian descent. palestinians in the west and media do
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not tend to be portrayed as humans. they really get a face, let alone that, that dreams their achievements. the endeavors are being portrayed. i posted something on facebook and on the instagram that this went viral, then pennington. so, fee de approach me saying when did you like to make a statement on that national television and i have never expected this to go viral, let alone base to go. viral typically on this part of my anger was of course at our own prime minister, expressed his unconditional support for israel and he even added, i'm rephrasing that. it doesn't happen that often that innocent civilians are being targeted in this conflict. so apparently he doesn't see palestinians as innocent civil citizens is that striking isn't it? i wrote an article that has that and starts off as a sort of
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a philosophical essay on about the question, what is dignity? i think that by looking away from horrible images from news that we don't want to be confronted with by looking away from the heart that is currently taking place in gaza, makes us the void of our own dignity. we are in a position as dutch people to look away because we live in a very privileged world. things like freedom and even like humanity is something that we feel entitled to. but freedom is never yours. humanity is never yours, dignities never yours. you will have to try 1st to earn it and then to keep it us as a musicians to at does before the nauseous in bosnia and herzegovina say they united in solidarity full palestinians and gaza. the will on the balkans ended
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almost 30 years ago. the survivors recognize the suffering and the strip. ida has a moose, which reports from sarajevo using music as a form of resistance during the bosnian war in to ninety's actress and medium of which performs for children insoluble. and to see each task forward almost to 2 years later. she's using arts to honor those skills into world gods that someone can tell now that it's on your own girl. and was that, that i felt not just due to an enormous desire to raise awareness about. so wouldn't garza, i transform that this into autistic expression. less than the months ago was changed to performance and we quoted pain test scale, but he's still with us. the other both knew and act or is joined an initiative by the asked or theater, a non profit, public opinion ensemble, based in vermont law. it pulled for readings and performances around the world of
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the play, the golf, some one deluxe. the play was race and then 1st performed in 2010. i thought to see me and you would describe the horrors of these really world gaza in 2008. as the people who survived on the side who survived the siege was there by the aggression . i think that it is our obligation a to be the people will always be the 1st for days. their voice, 44 for the, for the people in, in positions like the police, the names are at the moment, not just in this moment in was 75 years. but even those who did not believe through the war in bosnia earl. so speaking out these to hip hop artist stage or humanitarian concept for golf in november, let me it's an email it on will be like over night in that it. yeah. the one day we were recording in a studio divide was great until a friend showed and instagram real of bomb children, gaza at that point. energy. now us to do
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a died out. we stop recording and started brain stormy on what to do to help gaza softly forget that probably didn't come normal every morning when i wake up and look at my fun. i feel sick and by the silence of the world disliked i was silent. i bet both of you in 90 to have it as it will get. some charity with the palestinians goes beyond the stage. this was less than 15 when he picked up a rifle to defense not able to ring the siege. this is a photo from his military id, card and scenes from gaza, triggered his own for dramas. he says, you have on periods of the supposed to be the to him. all of the above all life went on, i mean, forgot about the world. but now with the comes on forwarding cause we also feel that our memories are resurfacing. we have much more emotional about it than people in the west look at the city. i used to be a small, gaza, or not. thank you. and courts in the hague found to both the and sub minutes are and politically the ship guilty of war crimes stands in front of the, sorry, of
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a city hall, a well known monuments burned down into war. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are still visible. here. for many, both means it is very easy to empathize with the people of gods because they already know what life is like on the siege without foods, water, electricity, and little humanitarian, 8800, most, which causes 0, sorry, a central to the ongoing war and gaza is the role of us president joe biden. he made a trip to israel days off to of, to on the 7th, to show his unwavering support as well. but it's patty called hey, and explained it is coming at a political cost from the beginning of the conflict. us president joe biden has been consistent, often repeating israel's justifications for it sees and bombardment of god. so i
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never really thought that i would see who has confirmed pictures of the terrorist behavior in children. a damaged statement from a us president accept his aids later said it wasn't true. he didn't see anything. just repeated when he had heard in the media. when the out of the hospital with shells with an hour he blamed quote, the other team. and he made sure to send a message of support in person. indeed, sending to aircraft carrier groups to the region. and with assets sending missiles, ammunition, and reportedly $100.00 bunker buster bombs to israel. along with the pledge of more than $14000000000.00 in additional assistance about 3 weeks into the war, biden was asked about the growing palestinian death toll. i'm sure is happening q and the price of wages war. but i have no confidence in the number that the
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palestinians use. he has called for restraint, but not condemned. the lack of it by israel's military asked for additional humanitarian aid, not demanded it. button harold is his role in getting a temporary cease fire. but as the fighting began again, he reportedly told him that in yahoo, the military should not fight in the south with the same intensity they had in the north. it appears they did anyway. no public response from the us president, tens of thousands of people in the us had helped countless pro palestinian marches, demanding he do more and plugging they will never vote for buying again. going to be hard know for me to be a hard no. yeah, not the sale, but for the other party either. but i'm gonna have to see if there is an independent candidate that i can get behind. and it's showing up in the polls as the american media keeps pointing out, he is 50 points underwater with the youngest group of voters. political analysts
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say this could cost him as he seeks re election. his support has decreased now to 17 percent of the are of american electorate. so he's already losing a huge support among a key population, especially when we're looking at a swing state like michigan where the air of americans and muslim americans make up a larger percent. an image of the electorate with just under year until the election, biden's team is likely hoping many will forget or vote for binding because they dislike his opponent more in a close election. that could be a costly calculation. particularly l g 0, washington. well, the bottom ministration appears to be as supportive of as well as previous month ones that has been us policy since president truman recognized the state. but the relationship hasn't always been plain saving. my kind of reports from washington. i thank you for having me. the 46 president of the united states and the 14th who's
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attempted to confront the israel palestine division on the 1st day of the current to conflict, to president biden, of israel unqualified support, notably with no cold for restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel biden's own questioning support, similar to that of president truman who recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence in may 1948, but the position of some subsequent presidents was more fluid dwight eisenhower, richard nixon and ronald reagan old vehemently oppose these ready military action on occasion. the one to reagan israel began to receive $3000000000.00 in u. s. a. d g, a, a strong, secure israel is a shared interest. the george w bush administration became the 1st it threatened to withhold annual us aid.
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israel continues settlement expansion. the deputy foreign minister of israel at the time was named benjamin netanyahu. and his public criticism of the u. s. threat was greeted with and by the then secretary of state james baker, he refused to meet missing yahoo again and blacklisted him from any state department interaction. there were consequences. well, there are always political repercussions about our watch here through one on israel . and i do think that as a result of the actions hate talk, at least in the short term, the republicans law support of the jewish american community. thank you for your statements. your bomb administration took the unusual step of withholding the veto with you and security council of to benjamin netanyahu again ignored a direct us request. a cub settlement expansion across the resolution. calling for
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a whole to settlement activity was passed. the question of us a to israel was not brought up, but either the camp david's summits, nor was it raised by president george w bush or donald trump, to support for israel when so far as to recognize jerusalem as well as capital. but now some members of the current congress are suggesting that the mounting economic and military aid to israel be made conditional. i'd say that so. oh, of course. well thought, but i don't think if i started off with that we ever gotten where we are today. no, james baker policy here, no intent to use the millions of dollars of age as liberty to cook israel as military and political excess. the hug rather than the rod, is this president's choice. mike kind of, i'll just say era, washington, a mass of destruction in gaza for bombs and missiles would be impossible,
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without israel's, and numerous felicia f. 16 combat jets. they are the font a craft of choice for many countries, but not except for the united states has as many as israel, the sea and newman reports. the speed that was a t p and a bubble. the precision of the f. 16 fighting falcon makes this compact to combat just one of the world's most advanced and sort of manufacturer, lockheed martin posts. it has quote, unmatched capabilities. perhaps why the a 16 is nickname. we don't really, we level sense because there's no possibility that it's bones can miss the target. it has mill metric precision and they have laser guided bombs of $5900.00 pounds. and also 200-4000 pound bombs, depending on what they want to destroy. they find a bombs with delayed explosive devices. for example, when they hit a building,
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they direct them into the basement and then they're exploded. so the building collapses entirely. nelson had that chillies for under secretary of aviation knows a lot about the us made. that's sixteen's. he was in charge of testing and choosing them, going to lead me to upgrade. it's free to fly subjects after the united states. israel has the largest fleet of it 16 in the world. in estimated 362. they carry up to 6 missiles as well as bonds. and if it did, an upgraded with custom is really electronics that had dad says, makes them surgically precise. pulling up what i think i'm like about the episode of the right of resolution is so high that they can pinpoint to target and even kill a specific person. walking down the street from kilometers away when the baptist hospital in gaza was armed, killing approximately 500 palestinians. israel claimed was an accident caused by
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what it called muslim terrorist. but given the scale of the destruction had died the leaves that's impossible to get. so yeah, when this case goes before the international court of justice, the crimes of war, the investigation will prove that the weapons used were fired from an f. 16. there was no margin of error, no mistake. and unlike a new crane, which recently received a much warranted felicia at the 16th for the people in gaza, there is no defense possible to see in human outages, hera santiago, and the last us infection. joe biden helped drum up the youth vote thanks to social media influence. as many of those people are now turning the backs on him because of his support as well as one, gaza. gabriel. and he's on the report from houston of during the last presidential election. george lee urged his more than 2000000 followers on tick tock to vote for joe biden. as a thank you, lee, along with
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a handful of other social media influencers, were invited to washington earlier this year to meet the president and get it behind the scenes tour of the white house. it was cool to be able to meet 1st lady by being able to meet joe by means of it to present him by being able to meet the amazing butlers and cooks. that was, that was note, but that was then. this is now binds embrace of benjamin netanyahu, and israel's killing of innocent civilians from their constant bombardment of gaza has left li, angry, and frustrated. so he's taken his social media to call out the president, is all 3 other times that joe biden, his license last week concerning the is rarely occupation of guys. at times it's just leaves the show expressions that get his point across. and based on what i've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team and leads sympathetic to an online
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effort by some air of americans to boycott voting for bite and next year. know the data shows a lot of air of americans are pondering to 2024 election boycott under biden's middle east stains because it is so horrific and humane. millennials and gen z social influence, there's are increasingly seeking out credible reporting on gaza and finding it from palestinian content creators. people like montez advisor, and others like him. people on the ground are documenting less the public citizen journalists who got like monetize, who's literally 24 years old. his broadcasting that's, i'm putting this on tech soccer, putting this on instagram. and people are watching it. he was, you know, people who are his exact age in other parts of the world. as for lee, he feels that god's a war has been in a wakening for social, meet the influencers, like himself. a lot of my followers on social media. a lot of my fellow categories
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talk about how the information overload that we've done in the past month has ever changed the way to review our country international relations and humanity for a man who was recently a guest of the president. but like so many other young social media influencers. now, one of his harshest critics, gabriel was on don't out dizzy to houston. the still ahead on knowledge. is there a tribute silver now and the palestinian vice at an active as of the thoughts already has been killed and it is rarely a strike on his own. any garza,
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the, just about the news and explosions of the hud near the us embassy in baghdad. the the heavily fortified and green zone has been put under lock down. no casualties have been reported. so for us says it's closer to face. 70 rocket and drawing a tax in iraq and sylvia since october, the 7th for the son of us president joe biden has been charged with 9 counts of tax forward and the state of california federal prosecutor se honda bivens failed to pay taxes on full $1000000.00 of income between 20172018. it faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison, if convicted and full of us president donald trump is back in court for his new
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york civil trial on forward allegations the fonts, ronald for the 2024 republican presidential nomination and his 2 eldest sons are accused of inflation, the value of the real estate assets to receive more favorable bank loans. trump has condemned the process is unfair. prominent palestinian, vital and active este the fox ality. it has been killed and is rarely s try on his home and gaza tribute supporting info ality, recognizing his contributions to palestine in literature. and he had an audit evil to israel is destroying calls are in a way that will impact life for decades to come. these are the words of unknown policy in human rights are poets and activists. default the ladies, he was killed in his radio strike, along with 6 members of his family, including his 2 siblings. allotted was a professor of literature and creative writing and the islamic university of gaza.
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if we still getting about stores, if we stop touring us towards, if we stop listening to or parents, as we create space, we create vacuum for us as to apply this virtual space in our pots. in our hoc, in his writings, he often described a live besieged by external forces. yes, resilience in its quest for freedom. in one of his final palms called if i must die, he shared his thoughts about leaving behind the mission. for others, alighted co founder to use let's tell us the new nonprofit project called we are not numbers. it tells the stories behind palestinians in the news and advocates for their human rights. but we need the world to do though, is to pay attention to them. and not just whether it's violence, read the story for everyday life, and that will show you that they need, they need freedom and independence, any dignity. he was also the editor of gauze,
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or writes back short stories from human rights as in gaza, through his work allotted, captured the stories of a resilient community. human rights watch says, israel has been responsible for the deaths of $28.00 writers, musicians, and dunces. as well as a $183.00 teachers since october, the 7th. the legacy of a lie to you as a need for many palestinians as a call to action, inspiring others to pick up a pen and wield wards against adversity. you see start browsing. good. now you see old older students that he told an older people he enjoys thinking about the things he thought them. and i know that his legacy would love forever longer than this just by the state of his trip. and that's all of us will keep writing tributes also flooded social media. following the news of his killing,
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a digital echo of his impact on the world. many see the believe his deck is the beginning of a new chapter, an intellectual resistance against so patient and oppression. his final words on his profile spoke volumes, as if i must die. you must live, to tell my story, to sell my things, to buy a piece of cloth and some strings. make it twice with a long tail. so that a child summer in gaza while looking, having in the eye awaiting his dad he left in a place stay with us on al jazeera, our extensive coverage of the war, continued. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, a bomb of tries as
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a thorough with this thing is brought this day, begins to sink and was a happy child who loved to play full expressions. the attack happens during one of the almost daily he's really ministry, right? it's almost a tube to name which you know, on. he says it's around it this foam and kill to come on to really on post a new resistance, according to adams family. and with this is the lead drive of slowed down shop 15 year old, best shopping year old. how to the back of the head. i wish i was it a 3 and someone would come to wake me and tell me i'm just really i would never a god's name was this felix to anyone. it's hard, but they got, we are the what am i supposed to feel the
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little covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why the latest news as it breaks many of the people here celebrating, but they say that they're celebrations or sorry, we don't say the number of those too often killed in god with detailed coverage by a release of those. the health comes to the little side of his railings, as in following every sense of this thing and feels this gen and isn't. most children will survive. talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents. i loved one. the images image of thousands of palestinian men stripped and taken away by his ready forces at un vaughn schools and northern gaza.
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the don't want him is of a problem and this is i'll just even live from don't ha also coming up the office oldest. most cars destroyed in as well as laces and strikes. it is considered one


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