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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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is the house comparative little side full of his railways? i've been following every sense of this thing and fearless gen and isn't. most children will survive, talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents or the last one. the image is image of thousands of palestinian men stripped and taken away by his ready forces at un, from schools and northern gaza. the don't want him is of a problem and this is al, just human life from joan ha. also coming up to us is the oldest most because destroyed in as well as laces and strikes. it is considered one of the most important landmarks thoughts. his own sitting is rarely soldiers,
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once again prevents large numbers of palestinians from attending friday praise at the on lock. so must compound the un security council. the set to meet, to discuss the situation at casa, often the secretary general, under the new next humanitarian catastrophe. the video has a mode showing at least $100.00 pallets to be in, men stripped and made neil on the streets and northern goss. uh they had been taking refuge at 2 un run schools in bates law here with their families is ready. um, it took them to an undisclosed location, some have since been released, and this is, was israel set about their wrist. we are talking about individuals who were apprehended into a body and such a hum us strongholds and senses of gravity. we're talking about military age men who were discovered in areas but civilians was supposed to have evacuated weeks ago
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. we've been calling for an evacuation of those how strong holds in order to locate the home, us october 7th, monsters with minimal home to civilians. now those individuals will be questioned and we will work out who indeed was a, how most terrorist and who is not us and is very full 7 tenths of either a tax of the northern central and southern parts of the besieged strip. the jabante, a refugee camp has again being targeted, a building housing displays people was hit. and in the coming hours that you in security council will be focusing on a draft resolution cooling for an immediate humanitarian sees fund and gaza. comes off the secretary general. antonia gutierrez, made the ran move of invoking article $199.00 of the due and child to it is as low as possible diplomatic to drawing the counsels attention to an issue. he believes expressions international peace and security. honey man who is joining us live now
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from rafa in southern gaza. and how do you tell us about the latest is ready as strikes destroying the oldest and biggest i believe, mosque and gaza? yes, elizabeth, will this, this inside of word has not only killed people and destroyed their residential homes and their entire residential blocks, a neighborhood then just turned them into a pot of red, but it's old. so since the beginning of this war has destroyed and severely damaged, more than a 100 of her, there's young and historical sites across the gods. are we talking about the churches are talking about a home that belongs to the ottoman era. we're talking about a all the clinics that were established during the british mandate and even before that, it's just a crazy how palestinians you are looking at. so i are seeing there his
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is a historical attachment to dogs. i'd be not prodded within the past few hours, the video emerge of the destruction that took place that most of them will start is 3. it's such a commercial hub in a, in a gall the city and connect the new router with the old guy. the city is a very busy, rolled in during normal normal times. and it houses a the, a, the, a little more you mos next to the old gold market as well. 5 as very old, the grocery store all attached to each other within the same vicinity. but over a month it's the destruction of the most. has they have a significant, a historical significance, do the palestinian people not only in gauze but across the palestinian territories and its destruction? it's, it's only an attempt to buy these really military to remove any historical attachment to palestinians living in gaza to their, to their land. and also
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a be remove all of their here if there's and cultural a belongings to this land. the fact that it happens, it just makes it, it makes it easy for the other crimes to be committed and has already killed a more than 17000 people. so destroying homes then, and on and on the side and cultural side is becoming the norm and the easy things to do in this war. yes, honey, it is such a tax that is leading people in gaza to say that the heritage, this is the will of the heritage as much as it is on the people themselves. and we're hearing that hundreds of people have been killed in the past 24 hours, including those who was lining up for this thing in the duel. the killing hasn't to stop since the beginning of the war. even during the 7 days, these fire palestinians were still dying either directly by israeli stivers or by
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the, by the lack of medical supplies in the hospital. but what happens to be more than a 350 people that being killed? within the past 24 hours, we have 450 residential homes across the gods slip that 350 or 450 families becoming displaying, let alone those would die under the rubble because there is no way to save them. but the worst of doesn't happen as people who are trying to get their basic needs. their daily basic needs the water, a gallon of water, people who are cuing in an area that is very close to the vicinity of an of nasir hospital in san eunice were targeted by here we are totally artillery showing. and we, we, we got the picture from one of the civil defense, the crew members who are helping people to evacuated from that area, bringing them to dropbox describes a horror or a scene of their as women and children when in line, when the attack happens, killing large number of. 3 and then the injuring the vast majority,
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who were in the vicinity of that area. again, those it is really, you are you, these really military do them bombs and not only they're not a small and they're affected. they're not small diameter by large diameters of that caused a great deal of damage not only to the targeted site, but that's everything that surrounded. and that's the reason we see an increase. the number of those are critically injured and those who are killed as a result of those bonds. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey. my food with the latest live in rough and southern gaza. human rights groups the calling for an urgent investigation off the video and the palestinian prison is in gauze a stripped and blindfolded israel says the suspect devices, but there is evidence that many civilians including a prominent journalist, table, convent thoughts, disturbing images of a mass of rest in northern gaza at least 100 published indian
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men seen stripped down to the underway, blindfolded and made to kneel. and the identified voice in hebrew can be heard. the is not known where they have been taken. the 1st thing jump in my mind. when i saw the pictures, the 2nd one was to be honest with you, how they're treated, you know, make any sense those, the way to address that or the present or so for that's the case. i think the, this is your man, this is the torture. if the amount of torture and the boat then that it's a water crime declines, it goes to humanity. israel is describing them as suspected fighters, but an increasing number of civilians have now been identified. one of them is published in you, journalist d a. i was colored, he's
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a correspondent for the l. r a b as yeah, deed, newspaper and website. it say several members of his family are among those detained b. i has a disabled daughter and a very old mother. so logistically, it was very unpractical and you decided to stay. we identified him amongst to us detained. we also identified at least 2 kids under the age of 16. both of them were 15 year old and we identified to him can we use of the united nations under a school? man, we identified at least c l. the lease d a is one of dozens of journalists currently imprisoned by israel. human rights groups say is really abuse of prisoners is wide spread and systemic and the right now concerns about this latest group taken in gaza. demos, con judges, era will join now bi limits and dani economist at an out of the out of the
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english language publications and you out of and she's joining us live from london . thank you very much for your time. firstly, what are you sharing about the detention of your colleague via our hollywood? uh, yeah, i just received a thank you for having me. i just received 1st home to home from the course of the wow that some schools became all work clearly. and you can towards what, at least for to us now to nice. and they had, they were told by louis release that the out was transferred to it, needed to be the key military base. is there any way to this? the force nicholas said concept about him. i mean just a scene of him, the scene of man speaks to the doctor that i'm doing work. and this octavius can make, this is force not just a follow up and send the ball. i was about to go since, because this is
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a distinctive the by the issues this just, this going beyond the usual modes of the company, the interventions, their criminal action choice. and so we would say i'm for as the pony and having worked a strong guys up and we know that or is it his or is it just managing this? yes. and a 21. yeah, that's, i'm sorry, i do want to talk about what as well, you know, the on president a number of journalists who have been killed in gaza and just deployment. but if i can ask you more about the specific incident we heard from the you a med human rights monitor that is very sort of forced. mister colored to leave his 7 year old daughter who's disabled on her own. have you heard anything about what's happened to as she's with her, his sister is just as reported to the use paper. so i appreciate it though, that as they, they took him away from 72 and his doctor, that gun is such
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a sister and some incentives for any successful. okay. and i know on, on those release this is where the government supports this. and it's saying that the interrogation men to find out if they have links to come off, they have released some already. what is your response to mr. all colored being detained because of what the israeli government says? it's possible links to him on the this is, this is to, this is a noxious because as a german, this of course, you wind up into this because all the time like on the 1st one is on the 1st functions. so this is just an excuse to continue to the right. so that may be called choose just another one that has to be has to be signed. it should say to us, and we know it's the 1st step. this is james did this and says, and the axis issue,
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just keep because the one that has the phone to this to any of the notice of jen, this even was shooting, it will often was very common. so why would they check they could do anything to june of this? and so to get a sense, these are, i'm to james allegations. this is sorted, injected me and this is just and we shoot to the, to the we paid for the last time on the team and, and guys and just kind of drive any of this. and rightly so, given that 81 media workers, including 50 to join and us, have been killed and gaza. you have worked extensively in the region. what is such a high death toll of journalists mean for guessing the story out. what's happening in gaza and this days of journalism? there the more yeah. on this on reward respond. this is oh is it asia be can cross fire and bombing. this is giving us the difference. when you started,
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when he was talking to you as a guy, you're going to go anywhere. so i'm just starting to get in pumpkin during this time. it's not that through the weekend where you are probably, you shouldn't be anywhere and they start with a search certification. so there's no place to go to or do or to ship to finish up. so this is different than any other one, because in ok, it all the medicine since it's just due to correspondent the kind of order for the and my son by far my strength sort of a you and they talking to him. so this is, this is happening on an assistance to escape. this was not just a lot of you should need a correspondence as just as 0 and, and on the list in the 1st one is the extent that you have to distinguish and it
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was thank so much and or any. thank you very much for your time on this. we really appreciate that. that is allow me send or any of a lot of the data around 5000 worship is have been able to perform friday. pray is that the lots of mosque? only 5000 due to is really restrictions. so a hierarchy was near the compound and occupied east of both of them. one is randy faust has 5 tea, a gas on people. i swear it's just the way we are. many water tank is coming or we don't want to go straight by that, but some it will show you is, is coming, take us has been fine and not the same that we're seeing every single week. now every friday, surprisingly we didn't see anything.
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every thing area is really bad. i think that it really affects the business. this is no one to come down this i just want to say i want to take, i just been 5. then i want to give you an idea of why this happens every week. every week young wife tries to have to, i'll last just the authorized. they are prevented from rate showing that they don't even manage to get close enough because there's really forces every single friday push them back with a gas on with this water. now they only allow the older and age to get
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costs. and then what you often say is our is above the age of 16. we being moved now. and this has been kind of asked to insure they've hudson was surprised when moving. we're moving. don't worry, need suppose this is a asked to choose. i have to was the media like also yesterday we try to cover a march by alternation this heading towards the older mascot. gates which is incredibly controversial and inflammatory. and even then the police told us that we had to move funds of box. we explained to them, we didn't have a good view, and they said that that was the instruction to push the spot. we've seen some of our colleagues last week when they went to visit pablo, send in prison, has been released, has passed without fees file. they will also mand handled, but these riley forces. i'm, this just gives you an idea of the atlas with an occupied extras to them as well as
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the occupied territories. paperless shots in the stores on the 1st day of things like this as things like this. they all want, they'll be arrested any moment. joshua crossing the rise, as one person told us, i'm trying rubbish. they were questions over that. and they were given a shortage on and then well, stripes and to be arrested. you have them signing up, preventing anyone from posting on social media and solidarity with palestinians and gaza. still ahead on al jazeera. this is all 3 other times that zone by and as last as last week concerning the is rarely occupation of guys that will meet the social media influence us who want supported us, present job items that have now become his loudest critics. the
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handler, they will start in south asia and things are looking to launch the dry across northern areas of india and much of pocket's done. but in some of the cities, it's a story of very poor quality. i'm healthy and quality affecting the whole up in the north and in new delhi. we'll continue see that fog pose issues of we as we go through the weekend into the next week. but it allows you twice. story fog also on the constables, eastern areas of india where it has dried up. it's dried up for bangladesh as well as a storm system has pushed its way further east, still from showers, lingering around for the pool and boot ton, but much dryer. and as we had down across the central india, some popcorn cloud here and there, but i'm much dry as story the weather gathering in the south for places like kara, as well as the motives and for lancaster. now as you move to east asia,
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we're going to see the return of some west. so whether it's a central parts of china, it has been exceptionally hot here. but as a cloud spreads its way for the east and that system shifts its way further north, we'll see something of a cool down invasion. only one degrees celsius that on sunday with some snow expect it to full much dry across the korean peninsula. on southern japan, 19 degrees celsius the in tokyo on sunday. the i'm, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves . indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources. role in solar energy harness the offering 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing,
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your better tomorrow the you're watching, i'll just say i was a man is withdrawn and does have a mind to about one stories. the cell is very forces have to change thousands of house to the and then from to you when run schools and baby law here it was tripped and separation from this time and it was some of which attain men have now being the least. israel says they being interrogated for possible links to come gases, oldest most cars be destroyed as well as nations as strikes. it is the most important landmarks and dogs is always to the united nations
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security council is expected to meet in the coming hours to discuss the dropped resolution cooling for an immediate humanitarian space fund and gaza. it comes off the secretary general and tony and good tash made of ran move and looking off for $99.00. thank you and charlotte, and that allows him to alert the security council about any issue that he can sit as a threat to international peace. quoterush is wondering of a defending catastrophe and gaza urging the security council to act. let's bring it all out of here as diplomatic editor james base, and james is this resolution being tabled by the united arab emirates, the only arab member of the 15 strong security council. is it a result of secretary of the un secretary general quoterush and voted king that article of the child? so let me 1st tell you what this article is, because we keep talking about it. the un founding document signed in san francisco is the un shots. that's the rules of the road for the united nations. it's an
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important part of international law as well. and in that, the emergency alarm for the secretary general, if you really concerned about something normally the security council do their own business and decide what to book to discuss. but he can bring something to the security council's attention with his article 99. let's just pull it up on the screen and tell you what it says. the secretary general may bring to the attention of the security council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security. so he has sounded that alarm. it's not being done all the time, so it's been sort of implied, but actually fully invoked hasn't been done since 1989. so it's a big deal. the secretary kind of won't be the bottom who addresses the security council, which we think is meeting in about 35 minutes from now. they're going to be meeting . i will also hear from all of members of the security council, from israel, from palestine and from some other countries in the region that have a stake in the speech,
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apt and catalog going to be the 6. so that is pretty important. and then at the end of that meeting, they'll start the 2nd meeting straight away. and they'll take told this, this is the you a resolution. i was just there recently obtained a copy of it. it's very short, but there's one key element which is point number one, the main point number one, the security council, the mom's and the matrix humanitarian, c spa. mm hm. well, what is the us going to do about that? the deputy ambassador rob would in the last 24 hours, told reporters that the us doesn't see a role for the security council right now. so we could be seeing a u. s. vito. but of course that is going to be quite tough. politically. i think for president biden to be because of the security council calling for c spot and goes against the suckers again with the not to mention. absolutely, it's really interesting, isn't it, that they're saying the usaa saying that they don't see a voltage for the un security council driven, one of the worst was we've seen in recent times, is the us on the any pressure from the international community to allow this piece
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5 or rather to not to veto that great to the pressure and i think the pressure is directly come from the secretary general with this article 99. i'm with that being invoked. i think that is the secretary general say we really need to see spawn. now he knew it was going to get pushed back from the americans on this. and if he's raising the alarm, i can tell you about somebody else in the last few minutes. the head of under a that's the u. n. agency who had so much about that does all the work on the ground for palestinians in the west bank. the most important right now, in garza, his organization was set up in 1949 by the general assembly. so the other big body of the united nations, he's now written, directed to the general assembly, saying i must inform you that under his ability to implement its mandates, is today severely limited with the meat and con, con consequences. for the u. n. c, man, it's having response. he says in 35 he is working complex emotions is i've never written such a lot to predicting the killing of my stuff. and the collapse of the mandate i'm
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expected to fulfil. and he is urging the un general assembly down to meet and to vote for an immediate humanitarian. c. spots of pressure is coming on the us from 2 sides. at the same time, this a very important matter on top of the secretary general's off bicycle 99. yeah. perhaps on surprising, given that more than a 100 you and workers have been killed in gaza. and so many of the on why shelters have themselves being attacked. that side diplomatic editor james base funerals have taken place for the 6 palestinians killed in the alpha, a refugee camp author. that is really only carried out another rate and be occupied westbank. they prevented several ambulances from reaching the engine, at least 272 palestinians have been killed in the west back some 6 for the 7th. thousands have been detained. that spring in a correspondence saying busted, ave his life for us in ramallah as a move heard from the palestinian authority president about the joint security
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council meeting later on friday. that is correct with just a few hours to go later today that vote is expected president of the bus from the office of the palestinian presidency. a statement calling on the un security council to pass that resolution calling for a cease fire one that the united states has vetoed in the past. now the posting in presidency saying that it is time to stop what they characterize as the genocidal war being waged on garza and is rarely actions in the west bank. i'll just read to you from the statement. he says the time has come to stop. the ongoing genocidal were inflicted on palestinian people. the presidency is urge the prompt delivery of urgent humanitarian aid. he's been citing in intentional hindrances by the is really government that is worsening. what is already a catastrophic situation, particularly on the ground in garza and crucially, he has said that the palestinians further appeal to dispatch. so you want security
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to dispatch a delegation from the you and secure your security council to in person, assess the humanitarian catastrophe that is unfolding and gaza. the presidency saying that this visit would be intended to provide the council members with 1st hand insight into the tragic events that are playing out on the ground as a result of his really aggression. so a strong statement coming from the palestinian presidency ahead of that un vote calling for an urgent vote to pass to stop to stop the war. and guys are calling for a cease fire as soon as possible. and then how will people the feeding off to a 2nd is really rate into ramallah. they all used to raise being carried off in the occupied westbank. but now they happening in ramallah, which is the defective capital of the palestinian authority. that is correct. we've seen raids across the occupied west bank and the last 24 hours, but what gives you a clear indication of exactly how confident these are these are that they can reach
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out and touch any posting in they want anywhere in the occupied territories or the, the rates that have happened here in ramallah the 2nd in the last 2 days where i'm standing right now. just earlier this morning. there were armored vehicles is really soldiers training their weapons in this direction. and that there was even is really soldiers taking photographs and videos. next to the monuments behind me, dedicated to old to 0 journal, a sharing of luckily, who was killed by and is rarely bullied last year. so they were here. they were in this space. and what we know from the rates that they've been carrying out across the occupied westbank is once they hit a target, they keep coming back. so residents of the town of room, all of our, of the city of room, a lot of political capital of the palestinian people effectively are expecting more rates to carry on the same. thank you very much for that. that is zane bus robbie with the laces live in room on the touch of the us now. and the last us election. jose bite and helped drama. the useful thanks to social media influence is but many of those people amount to in the backs on him because of his support for as well as
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war on gaza. gabriel is on the report from houston during the last presidential election, george lee urged his more than 2000000 followers on tick tock to vote for joe biden . as a thank you, lee, along with a handful of other social media influencers, were invited to washington earlier this year to meet the president and get it behind the scenes tour of the white house. it was cool to be able to meet 1st lading by and being able to meet joe by means of at the present. invited. being able to meet the amazing butlers and cooks. that was, that was no. but that was then. this is now binds embrace of benjamin netanyahu and israel's killing of innocent civilians from their constant bombardment of gaza has left li, angry, and frustrated. so he's taking his social media to call out the president. he wrote 3 other times that joe biden, his license last.


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