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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 9, 2023 1:00am-2:00am AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the, the cloud. this is in use of life from the coming up the next 60 minutes. the us yet to gain vito's un resolution binds by most of the security council members demanding an immediate cease fire guns. this would only plant the seeds for the next war because of loss has no desire to see a durable peace. the palestinian ambassador to the un calls the result of the vague disastrous 12 millions of palestinian lives hanging in the balance of 0. his
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accounts of beatings, interrogations, of to thousands of palestinian men from gaza. stripped by is ready forces. israel continues as attacks across the strip. one strike is destroyed, gauze is the oldest most one of his most important landmarks. the united states is used as v to a pallet to shoot down a draft resolution that the un security council calling for an immediate into israel's vote on garza. washington's representative to the un describe the resolution as divorced from reality. the village was cooled off. the secretary general, the 2nd general antonia gutierrez and both dogs go 99 of the you and johnson. a 13 of the 15 members of the security council voted in favor of the draft resolution person. i've stained the while the united states strongly supports the durable
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peace, which both is realism, palestinians, who live in peace and security. we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire . this would only plant the seeds for the next war, because some of us has no desire to see a durable piece to see a 2 state solution. this is the moment of truth. this is it to mean fully in history. and it is beyond regret that it is disasters the security council was again prevented from rising to this moment to uphold it's clear to responsibilities in the face of this grave crisis threatening human lives and threatening region in an international peace and security. let's speak to christmas celebration john slide from united nations headquarters in kristen. so once again that security council has failed
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with this us visa. absolutely. the united states veto in a resolution that was supported by 13 council members. the united kingdom, abstained 100 countries co sponsored, the resolution that did not pass here. the united arab emirates, as the era member of the security council worked on the draft resolution. the deputy ambassador speaking to the council, described it as brief, simple, and crucial. not only did a call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, it also demanded respect for civilian for humanitarian law and international law, protection of civilians and the release of all those being held captive immediately . but the united states said it was not a serious resolution. it would not stop him aust, from waging war on israel and would not bring peace to the region. it gave that as
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it's rationale for not supporting it. but many members of the council saw this as a necessary step for the counsel to get involved given the gravity of the situation . and we heard from many of them expressing their regret that this was not able to pass. not surprisingly, the united states and china use the russia and china use the opportunity to attack the united states. russia saying that the united states would have the blood of thousands of guys and civilians and children on its hands. but even allies of the united states, like france, expressed their regret that more to not be done. they said it undermine the work of the council to not speak together with one voice. and that be a way for and, and respect for international law would suffer. so chris and basically what now,
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what, what's the next part of the process? and given this failure, it was housed in in and bassett, or said that they would take the issue to the secure, to the general assembly where no country has the veto power and, and get it a try to get a resolution passed there. when a security council fails to act when the veto is use, that issue can then be taken to the general assembly. so we do expect that to happen. and we also expect council members and the united nations in particular, antonio gutierrez, and his humana, terry, and staff to keep working on the basis of the last resolution that was passed by the security council on the situation and gaza, which called for humanitarian pauses to allow more aid and even the united states has said that the way is real is waging this war is not satisfactory to them. they
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want to see hospitals and shelters protected. they want to see more aid, and they don't want to see civilians displaced. so i expect that the united nations and other international partners will continue to work on the basis of the prior resolution to try to get, if not a permanent cease fire, at least more pauses, at least more save sounds, at least more ways to get aide and perhaps by opening extra border crossings. the challenge though is that once the a gets into gaza it still has to be distributed. busy and as the secretary general here has said repeatedly, no place and gaza is safe. kristin, thanks for that christmas leave me the in new york a while as well as relating this bombing of civilian infrastructure continues in southern gaza. the ongoing sol to respond to urgent calls from guns is government media or office for international intervention and more aid. the monks is this
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report in rough uh, the aid trucks pulse through but do not awesome pools. the un is here, but to not always help. and so with adults, a line sick man outside the field, stung by the my husband dismissing, i don't know anything about him and gaza, we're the communications are down. we don't have money to spend or to eat and nobody is helping us situation is dangerous. and where should we go? smiles here, all still possible. but with his 6 young children now sitting in a single tent, so not as the economy wants the well to intervene by as nice on the bottom line is what we don't want more retard. we want to take some life and know how many family and friends have really low reading the tale, civic con eunice hospital, a tiny baby independence child face in both with dust and despair.
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meanwhile, gauze as largest most historic, most rendered into rubble by the bombing wall sparling smoke smoke as the sky line. the gunfire goes on. far above the cross keeps clean. there is little light left. for those done below or the months i'll just say to, let's say not from reference southern gaza, his target was in the gaza strip, had been on the intent is where the bombing do are the last couple of hours where they use with the patient forces had to expand that the military operations, of course, which are tweet, including also this house of goals of which considered to be one of the safe areas that the occupation had urged people to flee to a only more than 350000 units have been killed during the last 24 hours with more
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than 550 others who had been critically injured. the situation right now on this house and the ongoing is really rate continue to be deteriorating as the a very limited number of humanitarian aid had been allowed to enter the goals. this trip today with around 50 human terry trucks had been allowed to enter the territory to help the people to cope with the often months of the israeli devastation and destruction. of course, the 2 or 3 not real far is the last chill, tough for the majority of guns, which has to be also on the relentless plumbing throughout the day. talk about soon, i'll give you a rough, rough or if this also, if the goal is a strict of things of the 15 years have been his ready blockade is bombardments and ground to types of lessening shortages of food and other essential goods and gaza. united nations world food program says the food supply chain inside the strip is complete. the collapse this morning. the entire population is facing and immediate risk of starvation to lead. i guess, as this report,
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palestinians like these spending hours and even days outside u. n. a distribution centers in garza to get what type of food they come with. often that disappointed the thought, i'm going to say i was just, i came at 6 in the evening waiting of the agency's door way to my children and starving. you can't find even a bite to bred. our children is suffering due to the lack of bread, the lack of food. we're being told that we would get flour bread, but that was not true. the united nation says no bakery has been active in the northern cause, a strip for a month, due to a lock of fuel electricity will to slower others has been destroyed along with funds and food shots. starvation and illness is spreading on the wall top organization says more people will eventually be killed by disease,
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then bite israel's been bought and then is showing how to get the fee on the, on the is the diseases, the pain and what his health isn't good. he's eating himself out there. this isn't milk. this is basically water with this phone or found it even less than a spoon hectic anything. and so we've just smells like milk just so i can trick him into thinking it smell it with the u. n. has cooled the level of age being allowed into golda, completely inadequate and ox from his accused israel if using starvation as a weapon of war, medics, a very young children, the effects of mel on nutrition and the lack of some of the taishan can quickly time say to let them and my children are dehydrated, there is no food. we were displaced by war and came here. and if we were to stay in gaza and die, that would be better because there was no food here. one of my children has lost 7
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or 8 kilograms for most palestinians, the horrors of israel's will and gaza, around bearable in the humanitarian workers describes them as a puck, elliptic, the julie vega. i'll just say era human rights groups according for knowledge and an investigation of the video and i should protest in prisons and gases tripped and blindfolded israel's. busy suspects of fights has been his evidence, many civilians, including a prominent journalist. i'm a how much is this now? dozens of detainees, you know, must service blindfolded strip and surrounded by soldiers loaded onto the trucks. destination unknown, a hebrew voice describes to see the pro but a scene and activities of pharma critical. the 1st thing jump in my mind when i saw
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the pictures. the 2nd one was to be honest with you, how they treated, you know, make any sense. those the way to address that or the present or so for i think the this in a healed man. this is a torture. if the amount of torture and the boat then that it's a water crime, declines that gays to humanity is what i call this main suspect that fighters. but at least one d i, a lute is a junior, this up can use it, but a lot of be a good deed suckled here. along side, several of the civilians that had stayed in northern does the b, i has a disabled daughter and a very old mother. so logistically it was very and practical and you decided to stay. we identified him amongst to us detained. we also identified at least 2 kids under the age of 16, both of them or 15 year old. and we identified to him,
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can we use of the united nations under schools? man, we identified at least 3 entities. how about schools, the images, criminal, and disgraceful? and it's really government spokesman, so to defend the detentions, we're talking about military age men who are discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago. we've been calling for an evacuation of those. how strong holds is right. said the men seeing here we're facing corrugation, but blindfolded half, and they keep meaning to that. if mediation is driving outreach, how does that, how much data, what am i caught, you can this, but for a num spoke with mrs underneath and that sort of system. so our b, l, u deeds, english language publication, the new arab a. she said that her colleague is still being detained. and captain item is really ministry base is just a scene of him. the whole scene of man, thanks to the doctor that i'm doing work,
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and this of pages 10. make us 1st not just about a concern about our project with a bump or investments, because this is an ad. distinctive the act by the issues is just the going beyond the usual modes of the become very intervention in the criminal action choices we heard from the your match, human rights monitor that was very sort of forced mr. carlos to leave his 7 year old daughter who's disabled on her own. have you heard anything about what's happened to her? she's with her. his sister is just as reported to the newspaper. so i'd appreciate it and go home that. busy they, they took him away from 70 to his doctor that is for the sister and some of his jackets, but at least except for him on, on those release. this is where the government supports person is saying that the
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interrogation men to find out if they have links to have mosse. they have released some already. what is your response to mr. all colored being detained because of what the israeli government says. it's possible links to him on the yes they could do anything to june of this and to, to the sense is, are on to change allegations. this is sort of shifted and this is just and we shoot to the to we i see we paid for the last part of the team in and goes, i'm not just going to have my sales manager waiting because i'm brigade say they have for them is ready, the attempt to free one of his captives. the class has led to the death of the captured his radiate soldiers. so how about him and tom has more now, from telling me a sound the policy of ours. we've actually heard from the cosign brigades, the ongoing of how masses had on friday, floated a rescue attempt by his regular forces, which led to the death of
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a captain soldier. the cause i'm a guys have discovered is ready for us, is trying to free one of his hostages, but crushed with them which led to the death of the captain soldier who then naming us off. but however, no one is talking about this in as well. it's not only media, no one's talking about it in any of the newspapers. in fact, on the is really all mean websites. there is no mention of this now about subbing today. they've released his name and his military id number. now this may will be these, right? these are trying to confirm this news before they start to bring it out to the public. they may, will want to tell the families of the soldier 1st, but the fact that how mass has released specific details about the sol, jeff means that the is riley's, will now have to have some sort of reaction believe the have to confirm or deny it in the coming hours, and we're on con out, is there a television? let's go to new brunswick and new jersey. nora advocates. his study by for says
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she's a human rights lawyer and an associate professor at rutgers university at nor welcome at 1st stop. i just like your reaction to this, you invite this taking place of costs as seeking and immediate see as far as pro by the you a, a. but it has not been approved because of the us feed to what you make. and i just think that it's a continuing atrocity, an indication of the way that the u. s. has undermined any kind of democratic governance by an international community. this vito, a ceasefire comes on day. 63 of israel's campaign were now 17000 people have been killed over 7000 children, putting that into context during the us as war and occupation of land this done. 40000 civilians were killed. so we're talking about nearly half that number in 2 months. and what spend 20 years in atlanta, stan, the us is veto today represents it's 45th,
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vetoed issued in the security council in order to protect israel from any kind of accountability or to undermine an international resolution to the condition of policy and colonial domination. for us is obviously a part of a problem and also needs to be met with the harshest measures by the international community in order to in order to stop it from continuing to produce this harm. not only at the security council of, with this veto, but also by the provision of military support, as well as intelligence to israel as it continues. it's ongoing, genocide is what is a solution to this? i mean, how can we anticipate any kind of change that might be effective, given that the mechanism, the very mechanism sets up to deal with precisely this kind of crisis is just fading to act. you're absolutely right. i mean all the other mechanisms that are set up in order to overcome security council, intransigent like article 99,
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which the general assembly president involved or the uniting for peace which the general assembly and both have failed to overcome. the us is opposition and his role and a security council. we even saw that the i t c prosecutor at this point in other mechanisms that could have been used in order to deter israel by the issuance of arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo leon! and heard sobs rather than moved towards the movement of insurance. we see the r c . c prosecutor corinne, conch travel to israel to meet the families of the october 7th attacks without needing the families from gaza without saying anything about ongoing genocide. which frankly in the aftermath of the 2nd world war the genocide convention as. * as the mechanisms of the united nations are meant to prevent, to ensure that it never happens again. so we see being kept incapacitation of these
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international legal mechanisms. and at this point, we need more people to resign. we need more people to demonstrate the failure of these international legal institutions. we need them to protest and no longer participate in the very structures that are making it possible to continue an ongoing genocide and all the while the apply to palestinians and gods. it just gets worse and worse. yes, as we've seen right now, the most intense bombing escalation of bombing from the north and the south israel, the borders, the palestinians to evacuate to the south. and now they're bombing the south and cutting units. they're also bombing in japan. yeah. we have seen many civilians who have been stripped and 2 milli. that and degrading treatment, also abrogation of international law. there have been borders for now to 1000000 palestinians to take order in an area called a my sally, which is 3.3 miles. it is tiny,
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it is smaller than the hebrew airport. that does not make sense. these are not adequate measures. what we need is no less than an immediate cease fire. i've heard all those who are, are listening and watching not to wait for their leadership in order to take those options, but to participate in demanding for us the spire of your representatives of your institutions to participate in the boycott divestment and sanctions to do the work that our international institutions and leadership has failed to do, nor will leave with that. do appreciate your perspective. thanks very much. indeed for joining us here and i'll just here at nor erica, thank you. thank you back. as well as our foreign ministers meeting, the secretary of state mc, blinking in washington dc. the calling for an immediate cease 5 petty calhane joins . we live from washington dc. now we just sold the our furnace for a minute. is meeting thinking, what did they have to say?
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well, they didn't say anything, but if you can read the room, their expressions, i think said quite a bit secretary of state entity blinking was, had a small smile in his face. perhaps one other person in the room was smiling. the others looked quite grim and the reason for that is obvious. they've been in washington dc for 8 last 8 hours, sending the message. they have one clear to man a ceasefire. now, so think about the timing of this. they come to the state department just moments after the us make sure that the un cannot demand to cease fire. so they're talking right now as we speak. and if they're saying to the secretary of state, what we, what they've said to press into some of the policy makers throughout the day is that they need a cease fire. now, saudi arabia said the foreign minister from saudi arabia when i asked, is the bite administration doing enough? are you doing an you said nobody's doing enough, obviously because the fighting is still happening. and they say, we can't wait 2 weeks for the fight in the right, but it needs to end now. and he did go out to say that they are promising to hold
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the international community to account didn't detail exactly what that might actually look like. but the jordanian form is or spoke to journalists earlier today and again at the same tag. and he said what's happening now is basically a race the last 30 years of work. he said, people in his region are getting angry or by the day and what this is done, he says, is made it so that entire generation of people should not even imagine a peace process, let alone peace. the image is the size of the world to see specifically, those men strip down to their underwear in many cases blind folded and kneeling on the ground, he said that is already to of the strategic blow to israel. also he said, bringing attention to the world of the weight palestinians have been living under the illegal occupation and sees so one of the things that they also wanted to point out, and i'm sure they're saying this, the secretary of link it is. this is on a scale that we have not seen and they went through it. this was the data and for administer, the largest desk of journalists and
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a conflict of un workers of medical staff. that just the fees just the size of the destruction is almost an imaginable. and it was interesting, they said, you know, israel's breaking all of these international laws there to find the international community. and they basically expect them to come up and try to clean up gaza and in these absolute mass destruction they said, no, that's not what they're going to focus on. what they're focusing on is pretty simple. ceasefire now assistance increasing dramatically now. and in the end of the 2 state solution, they say that is the only possible outcome and they actually sorry for ministers that he thinks they can get it done in the year. he says, god knows what this looks like. we just need the political will to have that happen, political will, but they want to see from washington today that they did not. yeah, they to woods political will. all right party, thanks very much. i think i'll hang reporting that from washington dc. thanks wolf . so the head here announces arrow
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from musicians to axis. how survivors of the balkans war are expressing best support palestinians engulfed the hello that was not down under in australia right now. all eyes on tropical fly clone just but that strengthened in the carl seats walking its way towards the north east coast of australia. bringing the last 3 winds on saturday into sundays will slowly work its way as its weakening towards a cans where it's likely to bring some good bouts of rain as we go into the new week with the weather as well. stretching across will central areas of australia down towards that southeast corner, and we'll see some heavy falls on sunday. in the very south of south australia,
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we could see some flooding from that heavy rain, but temperature is set to come down. we have seen some extreme heat with fi, a danger. sydney is such a 9 degrees celsius, the on site today by sunday, however, down to 26 degrees and we'll see a similar story across new zealand slices of sunshine to be enjoyed here on saturday. in both the south and the noise on the beds, that rain starting to roll up. and as it moves to the north side and we'll see that the temperature come down in christ church. only 90 degrees celsius the on sunday and the south east asia. it's a mixture of showers and sunshine, the heaviest rain to come for parts of indonesia on such today actually whether it is a tenant of turn to produce objective these problems, which many parts of is really media are effectively engaged. the propaganda for
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genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, sales calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next years from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to get into watching out here? amount of all the top stories of the united states has vetoed drop, the resolution of un calling for an immediate humanitarians whose foreign gauze, 13 members of the security council voted in favor of the draft of state. washington's representative says it would only pump seats for the next will. is there any forces of intensify their attacks across glossary clothing that you probably reference the account for the know if it's also been reported so that it captured is ready soldier to be killed during a rescue. it is ready forces have detained thousands of palestinian men from to you and run schools and bait. last year they were stripped, separated from their families. some of the detain men have not been released as
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well. says that being interrogated from possible links to match the well 2 months now into israel's war on gods or in the us as veto did. another un security council resolution calling for sees, for the by the ministration appears to be the supportive of, as well as previous ones that as being us policy since president truman recognize the state, the relationship is not always being plain sailing is my kind of a thank you for having made the 46 president of the united states, and the 14 sous attempted to confront the israel palestine division on the 1st day of the current conflict to president biden, of israel unqualified support, notably with no cold for restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with
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israel biden's and questioning support similar to that of president truman, who recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence in may 1948. but the position of some subsequent presidents was more fluid dwight eisenhower, richard nixon and ronald reagan o vehemently oppose these ready military action on occasion. the wonder reagan, israel began to receive $3000000000.00 in u. s. a. d g, a, a strong, secure israel is a shared interest. the george h w bush administration became the 1st it threatened to withhold annual us aid. israel continues settlement expansion. the deputy foreign minister of israel at the time was named benjamin netanyahu. and his public criticism of the u. s. threat was greeted with and by the then secretary of state james baker, he refused to meet missing yahoo again and blacklisted him from any state
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department interaction. there was consequences. well, there are always political repercussions about our watch here. through one on israel, and i do think that as a result of the actions hate talk, at least on the short term, the republicans law support of the jewish american community. thank you for your statements you bomb administration took the unusual step of withholding the veto with you and security council of the benjamin netanyahu again, ignored a direct us request. a cub settlement expansion across the resolution. calling for a whole to settlement activity was passed. the question of us a to israel was not brought up, but either the camp david's summits, nor was it raised by president george w bush or donald trump, who support for israel went so far as to recognize jerusalem as well as capital. but now some members of the current congress are suggesting that the mounting
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economic and military aid to israel be made conditional. i'd say that so. oh, of course. well thought, but i don't think if i started off with that we ever gotten where we are today. no, james baker policy here, no intent to use the millions of dollars of age as liberty to cook israel as military and political excess. the hug rather than the rod, is this president's choice. mike, kind of, i'll just say era, washington, the massive destruction and also from bombs and missiles would be impossible, without this realism norman's fleet of f. 16 combat just that the fighter aircraft of choice for many countries, but nothing except the united states has as many as, as real soon human has this report the, the, the speed that was a to lity and above all, the precision of the f. 16 fighting falcon makes this compact combat just one of
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the world's most advanced and sort of manufacturer lockheed martin boasts it has, quote, unmatched capabilities. perhaps why? the 16, this nickname we don't really, we never sense because there's no possibility that it's bones can miss the target. it has mill metric precision and they have laser guided bombs of $5900.00 pounds. and also 200-4000 pound bombs, depending on what they want to destroy. they find a bombs with delayed explosive devices. for example, when they hit a building, they directs them into the basement and then they're exploded. so the building collapses entirely. nelson had that she lives former under secretary of aviation, knows a lot about the us made that's sixteen's. he was in charge of testing and choosing them went to lead, needed to upgrade. it's free to fly subjects after the united states,
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israel has the largest fleet of it. 16 in the world. in estimated 362, they carry up to 6 missiles as well as bonds. and if it did, an upgraded with custom is really electronics that had dad says, makes them surgically precise. pulled up. what do i like about the episode of the right of resolution is so high that they can pinpoint to target and even kill a specific person. walking down the street from kilometers away when the baptist hospital in gaza was bombed, killing approximately 500 palestinians. israel claimed it was an accident caused by what it called muslim terrorist. but given the scale of the destruction had died, believes that's impossible. so i'm guessing. yeah. when this case goes before the international court of just this, the crimes of war, the investigation will prove that the weapons used were fired from an f. 16. there was no margin of error, no mistake. and unlike a new crane, which recently received
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a much warranted felicia beth sixteen's for the people in gaza. there is no defense possible seeing human outages. hera santiago, the europe in unity remains divided on the will. some countries support his real is offensive. well, other say it's disproportionate for the failure to come up with the united position is damaging the you standing on the international stage. latasha bought the reports now from brussels, is on a trip to the gulf earlier this week, french present to manuel macro called for an immediate cease find goals and question to israel's and game. the change of time from the store to the will. wind power is unequivocally back to israel. so i think we're at a point where he is rarely, authorities are going to have to define their objective and desired goal. more precisely what is the total destruction of hum us and does anyone think it's possible? well, from this position that has shifted in recent weeks, that of some of the e. u. member states has note, the israel goal is
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a war has defined to the blog and his top institutions will the use agreed on condemning have must his october 7th attack. it is fail to find a collective response to subsequent. this really attacks that have to thousands of palestinians including children, countries including austria, the czech republic. i'm germany stone, the defend israel. yes. understand that seemed the dna of every democratic politician in germany is that we say never again. a germany was responsible for the show for the whole cost. so we haven't very great responsibility to watch the security of israel. but some countries including belgium island in spain, criticized israel's response as disproportionate. the spanish m e. p says israel should be functioned and his lead is bored before the international criminal court . and it's almost obviously done though, we are calling for diplomatic economic, commercial and military relations between to you in case we have to be separate and an embargo on the purchase and sale of weapons a month ago. so nearly to use the
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e. u has been united on ukraine bodies, the inability to speak with one voice when it comes to the war on cause a is damaging its reputation as a foreign policy pay of the euro fans. i've tried for over a year when the support of the global solve for its stance on ukraine, on the basis of commitment to universal normally like international law. but when we show that we are, you know, in another conflict and this conflicts, not so committed to the same norms, then we undermine our position. 2 months into the conflict, the use become most of your cool about the suffering garza. it is increased tremendous aaron aid for palestinians and the east front policy chief has cooled on israel to respect international something the bulk failed to do early on. but as long as member states remain defeated, the bronx ability to influence what happens next in the middle east is likely to be
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diminished. natasha butler. i'll do 0 brussels for musicians to i just before me office and both you know, has the governor say the united in solidarity for palestinians and garza, the war in the balkans and it almost 30 years ago. but survivors recognize the suffering in the strip. ida has some uses reports, not from sorry, a shot using music as a form of resistance during the bosnian war in the ninety's actress and minimum of which performs for children. and sorry, go on to see each task forward almost to 2 years later. she's using ards to honor those skills into oral gods that someone can tell. now that it's on your own girl. and was that that i felt not just duty, but an enormous desire to raise awareness about. so wouldn't garza, i transform that design into artistic expression. less than a month ago was stage to performance. and we quoted pain touch scale when he's
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still with us. the other both knew and act or as joined an initiative by the aster theater, a non profit, public opinion ensemble, based in vermont law, each pulled for readings and performances around the world of the play, the goss, i'm one of looks, the play was right. and then 1st performed in 2010 by policy me and you to describe the horrors of these really were on gaza in 2008. as the people who sort of biped on the side who survived the siege was survived aggression. i think that it is our obligation a to be the people will always be the 1st for days there was for uh for, for the, for the people in, in positions like the police dean is, are at the moment. not just in this moment in was 75 years but even those who did not believe through the war in bosnia earl. so speaking out these to hip hop artist staged a humanitarian concept for golfing november 20th and email it on. would you like over that? yeah, the one day we were recording in a studio,
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the vibe was great until a friend showed an instagram, real of bomb children and gaza. at that point. energy, you know, studio died out. we stop recording and started brainstorming on what to do to help cause all a sucker it's i guess it probably didn't come no more. every morning when i wake up and look at my fun, i feel sick in the silence of the world disliked i was silent. the bed, most of the in 92. there it is. it will get some guarantee with the palestinians goes beyond the stage. ah, this was less than 15 when he picked up a rifle defense not able to ring the siege. this is a photo from his military id, card and scenes from gaza triggered his own for traumas. he says, you have on periods of the supposed to be the to him. all of the above all life went on, i mean, forgot about the one year. but now with the crimes unfolding, cause we also feel that our own memories are resurfacing. we have much more emotional about it than people in the west look at the city. i used to be a small, gaza,
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or email that you in courts in the hague found to both the and sub military and political leadership guilty of war crimes. i'm standing in front of the sorry, of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down into war. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are still visible here. for many, both means it is very easy to empathize with the people of gods because they already know what life is like on the siege without foods, water, electricity, and little humanitarian, 8800 most. it's all 0, sorry, a 100 to protest is in the spanish, they've got it from the human music to create the policy and flag alongside popular big gases painting type of get the piece to pick. so mass group, hundreds of people from the, during the spanish civil war and the 19 thirty's, spain is among the few western countries to criticize israel over its coming of
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civilians. i need that's a part of the program you've got to the work from from the unfortunate of being the. 1 that has suffered the 1st indiscriminate civilian from them, from the historical memory of are the ones and destruction. so let me go from there, we go to the words. we want to say that after all, we have to move through in the history of human need to have software and i'm to the, the, one of the toner and the destruction of another nation. the world in history. what is happening in part of the world in history, the metrics of a new of the un. i still a head out here and out 0 the you and this morning that haiti is facing situations, absolute proof of violence. as a result of the trench and vladimir putin confirms he is running for 5th time as
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rush as president paving the way for him to potentially stay in office until 2056. the . this program is brought to you by city bank. the growth of bundle is about 40 is
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the district used by city, by the great fargo fund that they ask for 40 years the the that let's take a look at some of the days of news and the u. n. is warning, it hates his face. the situation that is absolutely brutal finds it says on guys, a control 80 percent of the capital are responsible for widespread violence including more than 8 pounds murders so far this year. the multi national security emission led by kenya was approved for the security council in october is tossed
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with addressing the crisis and stabilizing the situation for the colt challenge in kenya. as the late in these 1st 11 months of 2023, we've seen 8000 killings, lynchings, kidnappings, and right. very often collective right at often targeting um of course women, but also young girls. in fact, we see a lot of young girls and i've met 14 year olds that are already on mothers as a result of right 0. yeah. and the former president then is by chrome, a has been interrogated by police of award to 30, said was a failed to attempt last month. government to type to nami barrack and a prison freeing over 2000 inmates. every 1000 people were killed. nicholas had cuz more now an invitation from the police as how the former president of sierra leone ernest jerome i described his time inside a police station in freetown, where he was summoned by authorities to answer questions over
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a failed to attempt that took place late november in which prisoners were least over 2000 prisoners released 20 people were killed. now the authorities have arrested over 70 people. many of them are members of the armed forces, and many of them are body guards of earnest chrome. i the former president of sierra leo, now he's saying that he is keeping an open mind. he will be questioned again on saturday over this failed cool attempt. he says that the rule of law will prevail, but there is fear among many interior leo. and that if you were to be arrested, there would be protests on the streets of free town and elsewhere in the country. and this comes months after the contested presidential elections where the president b o was re elected in what international observers was. an election mart with fraud . there's a sense among many interior of the own that they're elected official need to
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resolve this political crisis in order to deal with the economic hardship that menu into really own are facing right now. nicholas hawk algae 0. the car russian miss holds if it residential buildings in the eastern new crating kind of city of khaki . 2 people were wounded 7 apartment blocks and more than 20 calls with damaged creat has been trying to keep russian forces from pushing west in the spring. meanwhile, russia has resumed it, missile strikes, a new crane's capital after pulls of nitty 3 months keeps, as is a defensive, destroyed 14, i'll have of the 19 my cells 5 ro, mcbride has more. now, from the key region, the ukraine has been bolstering your ad defense is right across the country in anticipation of more attacks this winter by russian forces against critical infrastructure, including power stations and believe it's a defense. these are in a, followed by the position of,
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especially here in the central key region where they have a know, certainly the most sophisticated patriot missiles, but also antioch, across machine guns and other types of anti aircraft guns that are more suited to taking out some of the slow a flying drones that coming waves in this direction, but also including systems like this, equipped with the sting, the anti aircraft missile, which is also able to take out some type of russian missiles, all of these units placed strategically in towns and villages surrounding keep as a kind of protective cold parts to me, we have no particular priority from me styles, drones to add chrome, everything that's considered an enemy becomes on target. the crating on false is believe they've demonstrated the effectiveness of the defensive with the most recent attack. and that was by more than 70 of the iranian made shy, he drones being sent in waves, but to the woods,
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the cave capital area with all but one of those being intercepted, rob mcbride, i'll just say era, key region ukraine's environmental met assistance. russia has prompted mine through one 3rd of his country's territory for us than mister that says, a $170000.00 square, columbus would be mine. it says keith is trying to speed up the de mining prices while ensuring safety and limiting traces of heavy metals and the soil. it's a russian president, vladimir putin says he will run for re election in 2024. he made the announcements, that's an event for soldiers who fault in ukraine of the one said rush. i need to appears in one bi line slide in 2018. and at the time election, observe his bones that he faced. the real competition a tool present has been in office, either as president of prime minister since 1999 and is one of russia's longest running. lead is waiting the 2024 election would keep him in power and open up a possible term until 2036 spencer,
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which you're able to screw up. and i will not hide that. i've had different thoughts at different times. it's now at the time when a decision needs to be made. we run for the position of president you to show up in front of as more now from oscar. now it's official, the person is running for his 5th time, but the announcement itself was made in a less official way during a conversation with the speaker, parliament of the russian controlled don't ask region during the a will terminate in the kremlin, which was behind me. so it'd be moved, i could see him remain in power for 6 more years until at least 20 said see his running as an independent tons of uh, notes as a representative nominated by his united russia policy. unless we're expecting that move, say that the really united russia party is not popular among people right now. and it's image might negatively affects patients ratings. so patient doesn't really want to be associated with that policy now. so the of the house of russian,
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paul and the federation council has showed you the next 2020 full presidential elections for march, the 7 teams, while the russian central election commission announced the b via would say, would be taking place for 3 days from march. the 15th to mazda 7 teens. us a pop out of the old to z right most go. that as well as the president has unveiled the mat. redefining the country's board is to include the contest to reach and invest the keeper. they were drawing comes off, the venezuelan votes is in a referendum, approve the creation of a new province in the over at jerry, it's governed by neighboring guy on the 1st missouri ones, oil companies working there. the gun is approval to withdrawal view and security council is due to meet on friday, behind closed doors, to discuss the escalating route that had been violent protests and peruse capital. calling for new elections and for president dean and pull out these resignation. that's brought the mazda her 1st year in office,
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she's being investigated for the death of thousands of people during demonstrations following the, asking, a former president pedro castillo, last year and underground sits in one of south africa's biggest pots in the mines, has ended as the day the union representing the minus a the members, one salary increases, in fact, the working conditions about 250 work and so protesting into my shell as well as some of the family members weighed, anxious to be above ground. destroyed traction coincides with another demonstration at a gold mine, michel hundreds, but moving 400 my work is being held below. ground by revel minus the canadian government has been criticized by oil and gas companies off to it. don't fail to plan aimed at pushing them to cut emissions by up to 38 percent from 2019 levels by 2030 the along the way to plans would introduce a cap and trade system that limits the maximum emissions. speaking it code 20 item
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to buy kind of as environment minister so that the companies must do the part to tackle the climate crisis. management comes after year, rec, hold wild fires, another natural disasters in the country. so i'll just say a link to global warming. first presidential mental mac corners facing criticism for attending hanukkah and celebration of the palace. a back home was seen in a video of watching a process. chief rabbi, like the 1st kind of mocking the jewish festival of lights, french presidents as its presence of religious germany does not breach the nation straight to secular laws separating church and state. the funeral of shane macgowan and the both lists of the irish folk pump brand the pokes is being held in top. is thousands of brands lined the street to be ours capital to pay? the final respects the songwriter as
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a procession made its way through the city quoted england to irish parents. mcgowan was celebrated for his pro is the lyrics and many hit songs including coast fairies had of your wish resonated with immigrants around the world. this funeral service was attended by the arch president. sing is nick cavan, but as well as like to join a bit tied to sports headlines is being a russian and villa. russian athletes will be allowed to take part of the parents and then picks next you as neutral competitors. the international olympic committee made the announcement on friday at the rates had originally been banned since rushes invasion of ukraine in early 2022. however, in recent months, more and more sports had been gradually allowing the athletes back as neutrals to the customer manager mccullough texas continued to show his emotions during matches . that's disappointed. receiving touch, showing them for the premium. the leaders visit the place estimates on the on send today. authentic with justice celebrates excessively by the way 3 of these teen
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storage times went up against elusive in mid week. the spaniards through zillow called of the season means he went to rich saturday's game for the part of the directors. but i don't know how just to be today with a really emotional moment. you have everybody bouncing around and you know, sense of where you are, the space that, that you have to be in and, and yeah, it was unfortunately because now i cannot be next to my team and it does land, but it is a decision that, that they make if you look a straight loud then rules. yes, we cannot do that, you know, the same, the context is different and then they we, i think it's very important within that context. most of champion and former will number one, john rooms that these leaving the pga to a to join the live series because he loves the game of golf. a spaniard had previously ruled out a move to the saudi arabia, back to him and said he felt betrayed by the pga to a when it announced the jewel with a live video this year. but he's not on a major, you tune becoming the latest start to join live. you could in more than
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$500000000.00 from the deal that's more than the pga to his entire prize fund. i think the number one thing i learned is that i love the game a golf. and i'm on the side of golf. right? when ever going discussion i want golf to succeed. and the 2nd that at the end of the day, a man is going to make a decision. what's best for him and his family. is that simple? a run switch comes just weeks before the deadline for the pga live and d b will to is to finalize. they moved it into a one for profit entity. negotiations have been going on for 6 months. i mean, i'm suits and see around golf. fuchsia is i'm sickening, some places ultimately down the road. i division isn't a good thing. and so you know, i'm hopeful things will continue to work in the right direction for the greater of the game. but what that is, i don't know. does it use both headlines for the moment so you can get more on l 0
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dot com and also check out our social media channels. sites pay that said for me to conference these uh, i'm a retired for something right here. and just by the israel has now impose a complete fees on god's and so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war. and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on algae there. this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts. political upheaval. some of those we talked to elsewhere,
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saying that they sled update hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just sarah, is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity ends. you mind if he asked me to tell this story of what you're looking at . this is one of the breach points through which how much flight is came into his world warning sirens. here is a s, like some slight y'all just has been remarkably intensified during the last couple hours with seeing these as strikes really concentrated on residential homes and residential buildings because it's dangerous times of regional spillover. of course, as long as the conversation here is a minute for one, inside the hospital, then without oxygen, without electricity, the beat is inside. they're dying. for now,
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less than an hour away from the efficient start of the ceasefire. 50 feet caps, it's 4 feet release over 4. se periods, one more batch of prisoners when the people want a permanent fired the other votes, another veto, the us blocks you in resolution demanding an immediate cease 5 in gauze. this would only plant the seeds for the next work because a mazda has no desire to see a durable piece. the


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