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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 9, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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see caps, its full feed release over 4. se periods. one will batch of prisoners when the people want. a permanency is fired. the other votes, another veto, the us blocks you in resolution demanding an immediate cease fire in gauze. this would only plant the seeds for the next work, because a mazda has no desire to see a durable piece the already full. so this is obviously a live from the also coming up soon i'm back to the to the un cools the result of the boat disasters with millions of palestinian lives hanging in the balance on his
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ear, his accounts of beatings and interrogations, of the dozens of palestinian men from garza, a strict spies, rainy courses and these were the attacks continued destroying, garza's oldest most one of his most imposing platforms. the united states has used its veto power to shoot down a draft resolution at the un security council. calling for an immediate end, as well as well on garza, washington's representative to the un describe the resolution as divorced from reality. the vote was cold, also the secretary general antonio terrace invoked optical $99.00 of the un charter . 13 of the 15 members of the security council voted in favor of the draft resolution with brittany abstaining. a while the united states strongly supports the durable peace, which both is realism, palestinians,
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who live in peace and security. we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire . this would only plant the seeds for the next war because the loss has no desire to see a durable piece to see a 2 state solution. this is the moment of truth. this is it turning point in history. and it is beyond regret that it is disasters the security council was again prevented from rising to this moment to uphold it's clear to responsibilities in the face of this grave crisis threatening human lives and threatening regional and international peace and security. well, you say it was christine salumi, it has this update from united nations headquarters in the united states veto in
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a resolution that was supported by 13 council members. the united kingdom, abstained 100 countries co sponsored, the resolution that did not pass here. the united arab emirates, as the era member of the security council worked on the draft resolution, the deputy ambassador speaking to the council, describe it as brief, simple and crucial. not only did a call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, it also demanded respect for civilian for humanitarian law and international law, protection of civilians and the release of all those being held captive immediately . but the united states said it was not a serious resolution. it would not stop him aust, from waging war on israel and would not bring peace to the region. it gave that as it's rationale for not supporting it. but many members of the council saw this
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as a necessary step for the counsel to get involved given the gravity of the situation . and we heard from many of them expressing their regret that this was not able to pass. not surprisingly, the united states and china use the russia in china use the opportunity to attack the united states. russia saying that the united states would have the blood of thousands of guys and civilians and children on its hands. but even allies of the united states, like france, expressed their regret that more to not be done. they said it undermine the work of the council to not speak together with one voice. and that be a way for the, in respect for international law would suffer with housed in, in, in bassett, or said that they would take the issue to the, secure, to the general assembly. where no country has the veto power and get a to try to get a resolution passed there when
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a security council fails to act when the veto is use. that issue can then be taken to the general assembly. so we do expect that to happen. and we also expect council members and the united nations in particular, antonio gutierrez and his humanitarian staff to keep working on the basis of the last resolution that was passed by the security council on the situation in gaza, which called for humanitarian pauses to allow more aid and even the united states has said that the way is real is waging this war is not satisfactory to them. they want to see hospitals and shelters protected. they want to see more aid, and they don't want to see civilians displaced. so i expect that the united nations and other international partners will continue to work on the basis of the prior resolution to try to get if not a permanent ceasefire,
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at least more pauses. at least more save sounds, at least more ways to get aide. and perhaps by opening extra border crossings. the challenge though is that once the a gets into gaza, it's to has to be distributed. and as the secretary general here has said repeatedly, no place and gaza is safe. well, let's get more on this now and how it will be received in israel home. the solid joins us live from occupied east jerusalem. i'm the presumably this was unexpected, developing from these ready government, but no doubt it'll be a welcome on exactly the is really ambassador to the united nations hailing the decision, saying that the only way a ceasefire would be achieved? is it all the captives were returned into is really territory. and if thomas was defeated, remember, for these rallies, they have been quite clear that
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a cease fire will not be possible, is not on the table at all until they achieve their military objectives. they've had 3 of them since the beginning of the war to dismantle how mass is military and political capabilities to bring back all of the captives and to ensure that israel no longer feels a threat after the war is over. now israel hasn't really achieved any of these, they have brought back some captives, but there was a price to pay. there was a period of a 70 truce and which they had to exchange palestinian prisoners in order to return their captives. so shortly, a welcome decision by these release. so most ceasefire seemingly no prospect of another humanitarian pause. these goals still outstanding for the military objectives. what are the expectations in israel, of what's to come in the next few weeks? be as early as have also been quite firm that this is going to be
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a long war and they are now going to end it until all of their objectives are reached. just in is really media this evening, citing anonymous is really officials. they're saying that these really army needs at least 3 to 4 weeks for their operation in hong units, followed by another 3 to 4 weeks to wrap up with their calling. the 1st stage of the war indicating that israel has long plans for this conflict, and it's not going to be over any time soon. these really have been firm these really army spokesperson, the war cabinet, and the prime minister all alike have been saying. but until i'm us is completely destroyed and the captives are back. they are going to continue with the non stop regression on the goal is to strip terry the right on the side of the bodies through some thank you very much. now as well as with interest bombing, all civilian infrastructure continues in southern gauze of the ongoing assault to sponsor urgent calls from gauze government media office. the international
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intervention and more aid images showing extensive damage to the medieval amari must have sparked anger among palestinians. the mock supports in russia, the aid trucks pass through but do not often pull the un is here, but to not always help. and so with adults, a line sick men outside the field, stung by the my husband is missing. i don't know anything about him and gaza, where the communications are down. we don't have money to spend or to eat, and nobody is helping us. the situation is dangerous. where should we go? smiles here. all still possible. but with his 6 young children now sitting in a single tent sonata also economy wants the well to intervene by as nice on the bottom line is what we don't want more. we're tired. we want
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a decent life. know how many family and friends have really loved reading the chaos of the con eunice hospital, a tiny baby, and it's and it's charlie face and go with dust and despair. meanwhile, gauze as largest most historic, most rendered into rubble by the bombing wall spiraling smoke smoke as the sky line. the gunfire goes on far above the cross keep circling, or there is little light left. so those down below the months, i'll just add a topic of those whom has the latest from rough off in southern gaza. the gaza strip had been on the intent, is where the bombing do or the last couple of hours, where the is, where the occupation forces had to expand that the military operations. of course the church with including also this house of goals of which considered to be one of
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the safe areas that the occupation had urged people to flee to a only more than $350.00 pounds. the units have been killed during the last 24 hours with more than 550 others who had been critically injured. the situation right now on this house and the ongoing is really rate continue to be deteriorating as a very limited number of humanitarian aid had been allowed to enter. the goal is this trip today with around 50 human terry trucks had been allowed to enter the territory to help the people to cope with the often months of the israeli devastation and destruction. of course, the 2 or 3 not real far is the last chill, tough for the majority of guns, which has to be also on the relentless plumbing throughout the day. talk about soon, i'll give you a rough, rough on the south of the gaza strip. still ahead on al jazeera 3 other times that joe biden is last as last week concerning the is really occupation of guys we
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meet the social media influences who won supports with us. president joe biden did not become some of his loudest critics. the had a lot of that for north america, we're watching a number of weather systems over the next few days. the 1st of that is moving across central parts of canada, bringing some heavy knows to central areas like when it takes dropping temperatures down as it starts to push its way for the east nasa kula. and that is moving down with central areas hits that hot. it's rising up from the deep south. we all seem to vary for rushes storms. the likes of that developing across from eastern areas we are expecting sun, the storms last 3 wins and some very heavy rain that will eventually push towards the east coast as we go into sunday. so when warnings out for places like
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washington dc, now we go to another atmospheric river that's pulling into the western parts of canada as what is the pacific northwest. some heavy snow here, very heavy rain dripping down into washington state. and on woods into oregon, by the time we get into sunday with that snow pulling its way across the rockies, but much quieter, across more southern areas, places like a california heavy rain. however, from that system dripping down into central america, we're going to see some very heavy rain affecting parts of mexico. and the time we get to sunday, touching into cuba, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out 0. a reminder about top stories this out. united states has vetoed a draft resolution at the u. n. cooling for an immediate to monetary and sci fi and
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gaza. so team members of the security council, those in favor of the draft, britain, abstained. washington's representative says it would only prompt seas for the next move is where the forces have intensified their attacks across causes, including the jamalia refugee camp in the north. it's also being reported that a capture is really soldier, has been killed during the rescue attempt. our foreign ministers are meeting in the us meeting the us secretary of state on to the blinking in washington dc that calling for an immediate see scott how do you call, hey, how's this update from the state department in washington? but the meeting has been taking place or if you can read the room, their expressions, i think said quite a bit secretary of state entity blinking was, had a small smile in his face. perhaps one other person in the room was smiling. the others looked quite grim and the reason for that is obvious. they've been in washington dc
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from 8. i'll last 8 hours sending the message. they have one clear to man a ceasefire. now. so think about the timing of this. they come to the state department just moments after the us make sure that the un cannot demand to cease fire. so they're talking right now as we speak. and if they're saying to the secretary of state, what we, what they've said to press into some of the policy makers throughout the day is that they need a cease fire. now, saudi arabia said the foreign minister from saudi arabia when i asked, is the, by the ministration, doing enough, are you doing enough? he said nobody's doing enough, obviously because the fighting is still happening. and they say, we can't wait 2 weeks for the fighting to wrap up. it needs to end now. and he did go on to say that they are promising to hold the international community to account didn't detail exactly what that might actually look like. but the jordanian form is exposed to journalists earlier today and again at the same tag. and he said what's happening now is basically erased the last 30 years of work. he said people in his
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region are getting angry or by the day and what this has done, he says, is made it so that entire generation of people cannot even imagine a peace process. let alone peace will stay in washington dc with joining live from that. now by zayna hutchison, she is director of development and expansion with the arab american are of anti discrimination committees. and thank you very much for joining us. you've been since the critical all of us foreign policy throughout this. well, what's your reaction to this latest development of the security council in new york? and i mean, it goes without saying that it's absolutely outrages, particularly at a time where we are seeing if that to that is unprecedented verse human suffering is, is unimaginable. i mean the, the, the extent of documentation of the posting in people where the united states and israel is continue, is able to continue with his genocide with total infinity and no accountability. is that pretty just the fact that the united states is willing to veto
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a resolution on the cease fire is mind boggling and mind blowing, particularly because we are discussing a ceasefire here. we're not discussing weapons, we're not discussing, you know, of, of anything that needs. that is controversial. this should not be controversial. this is a ceasefire to save lives. when is the right number to call for a ceasefire? when our police to me and human enough that our lives matter for is the spire? when does the military industrial complex stop taking priority over the lives of human beings? both in palestine and the and the rest of palestine, the united states and this administration in particular has made it very clear with not one or 2 vetoes multiple vetoes. but it is putting a as roll over its own interest as well as over its own people's interest at home here in america. so this veto is indicative of a lack of a moral leadership, but also a big feel of the people that elected this government into power alongside those
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details as well. so i, i think you might agree with, there's been a shift, at least in the public language from the, the us administration. we've seen very senior officials, the vice president, the secretary of state, the section for defense being more vocally critical of these ready prosecution of this war. even while, as you say, add the security council when it comes down to it, the vote still lines up behind these writers that i mean to proceed with the magazine does not proceed, is mind blowing as well here. the us says one thing and does another yesterday, john curb be want you know, and said nobody is doing more than united states is doing to help the police to new people. nobody. and then almost at the same time or maybe an hour or 2 later. there was an increase in the amount of military weapons and funding that is going to as well as this genocide continues. in the same thing. they talked about yesterday 20
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blinking met with human rights meters if you will. and here we have, we see them today. boating, between a resolution for a cease fire. so they have proper c and the magnitude of it is mind blowing, but it's being exposed, i mean, belies, and the manipulation have been publicly exposed, not by the public, necessarily in general, but by themselves. they are putting this administration has, is putting itself in a position of no return the level down on murder, the double done on human rights abuses, international violations of international law uh to the document of the boosting in people in particular, but also to their own spending in the world, being a leader in human rights and then not being complicit, being active in a genocide right now. it's going to cost the 2nd decision tremendously. and i, i, i would love to say that i believe what they say, but i would like to see more action. what we need now is an immediate cease fire called on by this administration because they can affect it and implemented
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immediately. it is needed no more posting, life needs to be lost. well, the other thing that was highlighted during the proceedings in the security council was the sheer weight of support behind the motion. you know, 13 members of the security council, a 100 co sponsors, that does seem to be supplements and out with the, the mechanisms of the security council in favor of such as he's fine. i mean, we've seen it repeatedly. this is not news. the international community. it has to do with this, these far have called for a ceasefire, but this in the us doubling done on it's relationship with israel and it's genocide is what, let's take, let's, let's say care it's going against the people of the world is going against the governments of the world and it's going against, it's an interest to finance and supports a, a genocide that is not benefiting anybody at this point. so, you know, putting itself isolating itself from the rest of the world speaks volumes at a time where we need unity to stand with humanity and justice. we have seen so much
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injustice happening and as a leader, so called leader in the world, the united states. it's time for united states to stand with the rest of the world to protect the listing in lives. right, then, hutchison, in washington, dc. thank you very much for joining us this evening. thank you so much for having the human rights groups calling for an urgent investigation of the video emerged as thomaston and prisoners in gaza strip and blindfolded israel says they are suspected fighters. the best evidence that many of them are civilians, including a permanent journalist, comes on a how many reports, dozens of detainees, you know, must service blindfolded strip, and surrounded by soldiers loaded onto the trucks. destination unknown, he blew, boyce describes the seat, the
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pro, but a scene in activities of fumble critical. the 1st thing jump in my mind when i saw the pictures, the to come to want war to be honest with you, how they're treated, you know, make any sense those, the way to address that or to present or so for i think the, this in a here ma'am, this is a torture, it's the amount of torture and the boat then that it's a water crime, declines. it goes to humanity. is that all he calls this main suspect that fight does. but at least one d i. a loot is a junior is a new sit, but a lot of be a good deed suckled here, a long set, several other civilians that had stayed in northern gaza. b, i has a disabled daughter and a very old mother, so logistically it was very unpractical and you decided to stay. we identified him amongst to us detained. we also identified at least 2 kids under the age of 16.
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both of them were 15 year old and we identified to him can we use of the united nations under a school man, we identified at least 3 elderly. how about schools, the images, criminal, and disgraceful? and is really government spokesman. so to defend the detentions, we're talking about military age men who are discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago. we've been calling for an evacuation of those how strong hold is. right, said the men, seeing here we face in corrugation, but blindfolded half nicky, kneeling into that mediation, is driving outreach. how does that? how much did you say to around 1900000 of gauze is 2300000 residents are internally displaced and as many of a shelters they've been seeking refuge and have come on to is really attack diplomatic edits or james base takes a closer look just 5 days off to the stalls of the bombardment of gauze,
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israel ordered the population of kansas city and the rest of the north to immediately leave that homes that smaller than a 1000000 people. they dropped leaflets from the ordering people to move south below what the gauze of wetlands area runs across the strip. this is widely condemned by the u. m. and agencies. one international lawyer says it almost certainly amounts tubal crime. when you look at the, the context around the warnings and the following military action, it is not a stretch to say that that is that it constitutes ethnic cleansing him. and it is, it is exactly that. but it didn't happen there in november, people in town, eunice, when many of those from the north of sled would tell to move again, this time the leaflets urge them to go to the nearest designated shelter schools and other facilities run by the u. n. agency under uh oh, designated shelters that old i,
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but garza but $85.00 of them have also been hit during the conflict. according to the un then not safe join the week long see spot people who are forcibly displaced from the homes in the north. but hope to return, but israeli troops prevented them from doing so. but as soon as it ended, there was another warning from the as riley's it back to a rafa. and then another leaf left with a q r code on it, which linked to a website. specifying exec city blocks to be back to 18. of course of the 2 months of compartment most palestinians in garza have need the internet, no electricity. and then to confuse things even further, another leaflet was dropped, which said stay home. certainly when you, when you are giving civilians the possibility to safely leave the home before there's minutes or action. and then you're targeting them in the areas in which you say they all they are safe. then the cost isn't something that falls under
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industrial and in a sense of mental prime that's known as a preferred use at misleading civilians. unlike false transfer, affinity is a crime. i'm the international law. and the last 2 a selection joe biden was helped in drumming up the youth food by social media influences. but many of those people now turning the backs on him because of his support, as well as well and gaza. gabriella, it was on the reports from east of during the last presidential election. george lee urged his more than 2000000 followers on tick tock to vote. for joe biden, as a thank you, lee, along with a handful of other social media influencers, were invited to washington earlier this year to meet the president and get it behind the scenes tour of the white house. it was cool to be able to meet 1st lady by being able to meet joe by means of it to present him by being able to meet the amazing butlers and cooks. that was, that was note, but that was then. this is now binds embrace of benjamin netanyahu,
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and israel's killing of innocent civilians from their constant bombardment of gaza has left li, angry, and frustrated. so he's taking his social media to call out the president, is all 3 other times that joe biden, his license last week concerning the is rarely occupation of guys. at times it's just leaves the show expressions that get his point across. and based on what i've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team and leads sympathetic to an online effort by some air of americans to boycott voting for bite and next year. know the data shows a lot of air, but americans are pondering to 2024 election boycott under biden's middle east stains because it is so horrific and humane. millennials and gen z social influence, there's are increasingly seeking out credible reporting on gaza and finding it from palestinian content creators. people like montez advisor,
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and others like him. people on the ground are documenting less the public citizen journalist who got like monetize, who was literally 24 years old. he's broadcasting us. i'm putting this on tech soccer, putting us on instagram. and people are watching it. he was, you know, people who are his exact age in other parts of the world. as for lee, he feels that god's a war has been in a wakening for social, meet the influencers, like himself. a lot of my followers on social media. a lot of my fellow categories talk about how the information overload that we've done in the past month has ever changed the way to review our country international relations. and he made for a man who was recently a guest of the president, but like so many other young social media influencers. now, one of his harshest critics,
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gabriel was on don't. how does he to houston the tongue out for look at some of the other days, use the u. n. is wanting that haiti is facing a situation of absolute brutal violence. it says, gains the control, 80 percent of the capital are responsible for widespread crime, including more than $8000.00 motors. so fathers here, multi national security mission, led by kenya, was approved by the un security council. in october. it's tasked with addressing the crisis and stabilizing the situation, but the court challenge in kenya has delayed the plan. in these 1st 11 months of 2023, we've seen 8000 killings, lynchings, kidnappings, and raped. very often collective right at often targeting um of course women, but also young girls. in fact we see a lot of young girls and i've met 14 year olds that. busy ready on mothers as


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