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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 9, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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the vehicles are made on and yet they continue to report that list of this is the story of just want to be had be let me know that had been hired for the love of cuz on that's just the to the un resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza is blocked as the us uses . it's vito power on the security council the joe. now this is obviously rely from the also coming up, the palestinian ambassador to the un cools the results of the vote disastrous with millions of palestinian lives hanging in the balance. every affair to that day means lives lost. people can at an unprecedented pace in middle,
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in modern history, in gaza is really of types continue destroying the strips oldest most please for international intervention and more age plus the ones with food programs has the entire population of cause that is facing an immediate risk of starvation the it is 5 g m t 7 in the morning in gaza. the united states has used its vito power to shoot down a draft resolution of the un security council quoting for an immediate and to his rails war. on garza, the vote was cooled off to you and secretary general antonio good terrace in both the really used article 99 of the un shot to kristen, so they made reports from un headquarters in new york. of the secretary general
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made his case for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and gaza, noting it's not just bombs threatening civilians, but also a lack of food, water, and medicine. the risk of collapse of humanitarian system is fundamental. the link through the complete lack of safety and security, the for all the stuff in gaza and with the nature of the intensity of community audio patients, which as easy as we lead me, think of sex 2 people in desperate need to drop the united arab emirates put forward a draft resolution co sponsored by 100 countries. it is brief, it is simple, it is crucial. in addition to calling for the ceasefire, it demanded the release of all hostages. 13 out of 15 council members voted in favor, but the united states vetoed it. as long as the mos clings to his audiology of destruction. nbc fire is it best temporary? and it's certainly not peace. and any see far we've some us in control of gaza with
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an odd palestinian civilians the chance to build something better for themselves in the united kingdom. abstain citing similar concerns. russia and china was to be united states, and that's a colleague is to show before the, our colleagues from the usa have literally, before our eyes issued a death sentence to thousands, if not tens of thousands more civilians in palestine and israel. while others, including us allies, lamented the implications for international law as well as civilians made it was more in foot proof. unfortunately, once again, this council has failed with a lack of unity. and by refusing to commit to negotiations, the crisis and gaza is getting worse. and the council is not completing its mandate under the charter, it can mood us to sit on. the palestinian ambassador said the future of the palestinian people is at stake. if you are against the destruction and
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displacement over the palace to name people, you must stand against this war. and if you support it, then you are enabling this destruction and displacement. regardless of your intentions. the palestinian and basset are about to take. they issued to the general assembly while the united states and the other players in the region said they would continue to use quiet diplomacy to get more aid into gaza. kristen salumi, aus is era the united nations, the 1st us veto and palestine at the un security council in support of israel was in 1972. it's blocked to un resolutions on the issue $35.00 times in over 50 is 2 out of those details have been during israel's war on gaza, including the votes. on friday, the us has vetoed resolutions on these real 47 times and old, including of israel's invasion of southern lebanon as well as its occupation of
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serious go down the heights. for the spanish is fellow at the institute for policy studies. she says, the pressure on the bottom administration to support a sci fi is increasing. there's already a very strong movement that has emerged i have never seen in my years of working on this issue. i've never seen anything close to this level of mobilization, of people, of movements of institutions all across the country, demanding a ceasefire. right now 80 percent of democrats president by his party. you want an immediate cease fire. 66 percent of people across the country say they want to cease fire. and we're seeing a situation in which just as the u. s. is so isolated within the united nations, the by the ministrations policy on this issue is completely isolated. here in the united states, it's gone far beyond now the individual high ranking members of the state department that we were hearing about. there's now been over a 1000 staffers of the us agency for international development usa i. d that
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have signed letters saying that there must be a ceasefire. there are numbers of people within, as you say, the state department. most recently, there were a group of over 500 staff of members of congress who took a great risk. these are young staff who don't have much security in their jobs. who said we are the ones who answered the telephone in our members offices. and we are seeing that our members, our bosses, are not reflecting what the american people want. foreign ministers from several arab nations and took care of been holding talks with us secretary of state antony blinking in washington, calling for an immediate cease. far as patty cold haines reports and out from the us capital. no public statements and very few smiles as the us secretary of states . it's down to meet with the foreign ministers of turkey, po, son, cutter,
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saudi arabia, jordan, and egypt. the resolutions offers this meeting happening just moments after the us vetoed a ceasefire resolution at the united nations against a ceasefire. that is their main demand. we believe there is a model obligation towards the international community to stop the killing office of it in the stance. evidence, and it's the 1st time, at least in my life time that have seen that calling for a ceasefire. it became a controversial issue. there's was a unified message to the press and policy experts wording that what they see as a double standard and refusal to call for a cease fire is costing the united states credibility worldwide. i'm not sure how deep is the understanding here of what's happening on the ground. the guys, i mean, this war has broken every record. the largest number of journalists get the largest
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number of of us because destroyed last largest number of medics killed the largest number of you and employees can the they argued the biden administration is not using its influence with israel enough. our message has been very clear that needs to be at an immediate cease fire that needs to be a cessation of hostilities and we need to have immediate access for humanitarian aid. that is not acceptable. we did hear them say that there will be a need to hold the international community to account without detailing exactly what that might look like. but they did warrant that the hatred and the region is growing by the day and the long term impact. they are afraid this is wiped out 30 years of work and that an entire generation now will no longer be able to even imagine the possibility of peace. pat equal have alj, a 0 at the state department is related to this bombing of civilian infrastructure continues in solving gaza. the ongoing assault is spotted and coals from gauze as
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government media or office for international intervention and more aid and images showing extensive damage to the medieval omari moss could prevent further under among palestinians as the marks ripples in rough uh the aid trucks pass through but do not often pull the un is here, but to not always help. and so with adults, a line sick man outside the field, stung by the my husband dismissing, i don't know anything about him and gaza, we're the communications are down. we don't have money to spend or to eat and nobody is helping us. situation is dangerous. and where should we go? smiles here, all still possible. but with his 6 young children now sitting in a single tent sonata also economy wants the well to intervene by as nice on the bottom right is what we don't want more. we're tired. we want
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a decent life enough. how many family and friends have really low reading the tale? civic con eunice hospital, a tiny baby independence child face in gold with dust and despair. meanwhile, gauze as largest most historic, most rendered into rubble by the bombing. while spiraling smoke smoke as the sky line. the gunfire goes on. far above the cross keeps clean. there is little light left for those down below. the marks i'll just say to now was safe stones and gauze and go is realistically had an area no bigger than london's he. so apple to somewhere for guys has displaced people to move to palestinians and being off to evacuate to a part of the southwest in town of all my wasi,
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the so called safe. so is only 6 and a half square kilometers in size. kind of a zoom has the latest now from rough up in southern gaza in the gaza strip. had been on the intent, is where the bombing do or the last couple of hours wave is, but okay. patient forces had to expand the military operations, of course, which are tweaky, including also this house of garza, which considered to be one of the safe areas that the occupation had urged people to flee to a only more than 350000 units have been killed during the last 24 hours with more than 550 of us who had been a critic in just a situation right now on the south. and the ongoing is really rate continue to be deteriorating as a very limited number of humanitarian aid had been allowed to enter the goals. this trip today with around 50 human terry trucks had been allowed to enter the territory to help the people to cope with the often months of the israeli devastation and destruction. of course, the 2 or 3 not real far is the last chill,
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tough for the majority of gauze, and which has to be also on the relentless plumbing throughout the day. targeted by zoom out dizzy rock roughly in the south. so if the goal is this trip is really forced as a carrying on rates in the occupied westbank. this time targeting the city of hebron and kalki leah the occupied westbank has seen increasingly violent daily ride since these real began its war on gauze. more than $270.00 palestinians have been killed in such raids since october the 7th. and they have also been writes in nablus, in the early hours of south of a sub pro is rarely ahmed vehicles drove through the city. there were no reports of arrests or any confrontations. and even bethlehem's village of matter by soldiers patrolled the streets on foot. there are reports, some of them was smashing the windows of cause parked in the streets. this now the united nations world food program says the food supply chain inside the strip has
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complete the collapsed. it's wanting, the entire population is facing and immediate risk of starvation. as judy ega ripples palestinians like these spending hours and even days outside u. n. a distribution centers in gaza to get what type of food they come with. often that disappointed the thought, i'm going to say i just, i came at 6 in the evening waiting at the agencies door way to my children. a starving. you can't find even a bite to bred our children a suffering due to the lack of bread and the lack of food. we're being told that we would get flour bread, but that was not true. the united nations says no bakery has been active in the northern cause, a strip for a month, due to a lock, a few electricity will to slower others has been destroyed along with
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funds and food shots. starvation and illness is spreading on, the wall top organization says more people will eventually be killed by disease then by isabel's been bought. and then it shows how to get a fee on the, on the is the diseases, the pain and his health isn't good. he's eating himself. oh, this isn't milk. this is basically water with this phone or found it if you have something even less than a spoon. anything. and so just smells like milk just so i can trick him into thinking it's middle when the u. n. has cooled the level of age being allowed into golda, completely inadequate and ox from his accused israel if using starvation as a weapon of war, medics, a very young children. the effects of malnutrition on the lock of sanitation. come quickly to him, say to the lounge, my children are dehydrated,
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there is no food. we were displaced by war and came here. and if we were to stay in gaza and die, that would be better because there is no food here. one of my children has lost 7 or 8 kilograms for most palestinians, the horrors of israel's will and gaza, around bearable. and no, it's a really good job. humanitarian workers describe them as the puck, elliptic, judy vega. i'll just era still the head on elders era. us regulates, is approved to genes that are based for sickle cell disease in a significant medical advancement, aided by nobel prize winning research. the the i had load, i was not in africa. and as you can see from the satellite image,
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we see some dense cloud lingering to the east of africa. now that brought some very heavy rain to the likes of the se shells, and also caused some flooding and lance lights on the main island. and it's still that as we go into fact today, the rain pushing its way for the west, across towns in the a as well as kenya where we have seen some flooding. the rain continues not as heavy as it has been, but it is still very wet. and the wet weather on sunday is going to push its way for the south into eastern areas of south africa as well as southern parts of what's one. and that's like you to drop the temperature. we have seen extreme heat in places like a gap or roku. by the time we get into sunday, it is looking a lot cooler. the unsettled weather continues to peg knowles in areas of africa as well, some very heavy rain to come to the likes of to new z, a blustery winds as well, pushing it across into libya. we only like you to see some flooding from that very heavy rain. it does ease, however slightly as we go in to sunday of all the middle east and live that we've
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got a weather system that's going to bring some heavy rain across areas like you to a kia on sunday. it does push us way further east taking the winter. we conditions with it. it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tips of global nickels reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the
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welcome back here watching l to 0. he's or is a reminder about top stores. united states has vetoed a draft resolution of the un cooling for an immediate humanitarian see spot in gaza . so team members of the security council voted in favor of the draft. the u. k. of stained washington's representative says he would only plant seeds for the next to these rarely bombardments of the new site or a refugee camp in the center of gaza. it has killed thousands of palestinians. these relatives targeting areas from the north to the south. 17500 students, a big cube since the war on gaza began 2 months ago. the world food program is watering the entire population of gaza is that immediate risk of starvation,
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shortages of food and other essential goods, a wide spread following the complete collab. so i can supply chains, human rights groups, a cooling for an urgent investigation off the video emerged of palestinian prisoners in gaza, stripped and blindfolded. israel says they're suspected of their suspected fighters, but there's evidence many all civilians, including a prominent young list of mohammed reports, a dozens of detainees, you know, must service blindfolded strip and surrounded by soldiers loaded onto the trucks. destination unknown, a hebrew voice describes to see the pro but a scene in activities of pharma critical. the 1st thing jump in my mind when i saw
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the pictures. the 2nd one was to be honest with you, how they're treated, you know, make any sense. those the way to address that or the present or so for i think the, this is your man. uh, this is a torture. if the amount of torture and the motor then that it's a war crime and declines, it goes to humanity. is that all he calls this main suspect that fighters but at least one d. i a loot is a junior this a can you see? a lot of be a good deed suckled here. along side, several of the civilians that had stayed in northern does the b, i has a disabled daughter and a very old mother. so logistically it was very unpractical and you decided to stay . we identified him amongst to us detained. we also identified at least 2 kids under the age of 16. both of them were 15 year old and we had identified to him can we use of the united nations under schools?
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man, we identified at least 3 elderly. how about schools, the images, criminal and disgraceful? and it's really government spokesman, so to defend the dictations. we're talking about military age men who are discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago. we've been calling for an evacuation of those. how strong hold is, right, said the men seeing here we're facing corrugation but blindfolded half. and they keep meaning that if mediation is driving outreach, how does that, how much did you say to the convention on the prevention of cry? the crime of genocide rather defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national ethnic, racial or religious group. these acts include killing people, causing mental physical hobb, creating conditions that lead to a groups, physical destruction preventing bus so forcibly moving children when
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a growing number of experts and writes groups phase rails minute reactions in god's or amount to genocide. as it beg, takes a look at the master cuz that have taken place, the hospitals, schools and refugee camps. and the all night. i've know, removing the bodies from the nissan rob of the children. we pulled them from 3 locations. let's force displacement of people. the war to electricity and fuel control is waiting for. states have left nothing untouched, and no one garza unaffected women and children killed. entire families wife typed the former director of the you in human rights office in new york. resigned over the organizations failure to stuff which is taking place in garza, i feel quite confident human rights lawyer in saying that what i see unfolding in garza and beyond is genocide. watson folded on my success, carjacked david,
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the other the baptist hospital was bombed, killed nearly 500 people and try families. we killed them repeat to the tax on the body of refugee camp. the the us, the who were schools run by the united nations also struck the bottom line is already happening when the is really government orders. the evacuation of northern is uh it was committing genocide. as of that moment. israel's intentions have been clear from the beginning and the 1st month and was on in my and deadly, according so go. how many pilots have done is on the why getting bit through what israel has said? what is leaders have said,
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from the top down from the prime minister down is more the eradication of concert using genocide, a language section which has been translated into action by these rate emitted taking mess, destruction and targeting the people of palestine. genocide wrote costs to the world in real time. i said big to 0 as well. joining us for the pro some analysis. now as you'll see, michael book, he's a professor of international relations and associates, the fellow of the mainland program, a chatham house. many thanks to you for being here. israel expressed to the missing, you know, government rather it's the lights that the us veto data resolution cooling for us. these 5 at the un security council. how much longer do you think that these rel can expect to rely on the united states, on questioning support? i think quotes we hear these clinton victory messages for washington. about how
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long is that it has until there is a ceasefire. and the united states washington won't impose the veto in the secure, with the cancer sums that we hear. it's the until the end of the may be nearly a bunch of remember, we are 3 weeks before the end of the phase 3 weeks off of this intensity of, of, of will, will fighting as a huge price. so i assume we are talking a week to maximum of 3 weeks, but i think for the kinds of looking, what is the aim of this will when he is at least saying the nation of someone else? what do they mean, however, the fine, everybody's asking the same question yet. and then this on the government seems to be saying they need till the end of january to achieve their objectives. exactly what all those objectives, what, what still in the mission accomplished for, for his ref. i, i'm gonna so she'll days when they go home and it says those exactly, well that because if it, if you just go backwards, you know, it's,
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it's set to mind. it seems the old style to how it started because he said it was cool. coats by surprise. books, you know, they, how must sit down. so they need to make, they will start to g. is do when to load. know, and the definition of what does it mean, what does the exit strategy, what does it mean victoria is it's easy to eliminating all the leadership of, of, of how most, in, in, in, in the guys capturing those in, in, in, in the, was being some of the talking even beyond even beyond pine this time is it until the last most militant, basically so and those are all that's that they need to define for themselves what it is. and then like i said, there's this sort of uncomfortable reality, isn't there that 2 months into this war, they don't appear to achieve very much. they've got some cap tips back. some of the hosting hasn't come back. but in terms of the grading come us in terms of degrading it structures, it's combined structures important it's,
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it's ability to function as a government in gaza. there's not much to show for that. is that, and that's again, one of the mistakes that say i'm is do is counting builders. and this doesn't have that level constituents actually winning a will. we need to will is extra the use then the ability of the sites actually to, to amount to charlotte and simulate the challenge deal. and is this the question now? sometimes we lose or so sites on the bigger picture, what their friends did they after signing with ko it's a matter of time and unfortunately, how much blood should on, on, on, on, on the way on the votes towards towards the ceasefire. yeah. but then the so, so to think about about the big picture, what happens the day after, and even delves to so many contradictions of what's going to happen the day after deep inconsistencies in what happens the day after that all most looked like to the brute obstacles in the way of anything coming the day after, because you've got these ready government saying that can be no homicide control in gaza, but equally saying no t a e that. so who's meant to do nothing?
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you know, who says israel doesn't want to occupied garza, but he wants to retain security control. just so what he's going to happen often which they don't seem to know and they don't seem to be making any clear effort to decide either and this. because all the list that you mentioned means that actually is or wants to vacuum, follow the fall vacuum there, which is have been well. so he's going to enter into this about something has to happen. if it's not how most we can understand, but from these early point of view and is a dozen small tools to fight, then the logical conclusion of this is some sort of the p until the into the for and, and takes of it's, it's a process because we know what the state of guys i know and the need to reconstruct guys, and this, this is a match or flow to weeks or months lease and metals or fields can see the different station in, in the gaza. i think there is any funding til next monday,
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involvement in the region, one and way beyond this, but at the end of the day there should be would that included the policy? no. so with your full but a single thought, the out of it spoke to finally starting and it should be governed by the policy and also with so many questions you'll see medical but many thanks for your time. now let's take a quick look at some other news. this new gene editing technology approved in the united states is set to give hope to millions of sickle cell suffers worldwide. the treatment has already been approved in the united kingdom and is the 1st of its kind to be given the go ahead anyway, rob reynolds has the story. sickle cell disease as an inherited condition that affects the estimated 20000000 people worldwide, including in africa, india, and the us. the disease is characterized by abnormally shaped red blood cells. it can cause kidney failure, blindness, stroke,
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and early death. and it is excruciatingly painful for me. it feels like my body is starving for oxygen. is in and is suffocating, you know, i mean, i feel like i feel myself dying. now the us food and drug administration is approved to new therapies for sickle cell disease using gene editing technology known as chris for a therapy developed by the vertex company, uses a patients own cells, removed and modified to produce normally shaped blood cells are, patients will come in they will have their stem cells taken out, they released some of them, they get to keep everything else, but there's the stem cells. some of their stem cells are harvested. those go back to the mat if.


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