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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, the israel presses on with its full on gauze or pounding the strip with strikes, mold and $17700.00 palestinians on now dead. the, i'm on, insight is invalid. is there a life? and also coming up,
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sharing testimony from one of the only is ready designated safe zones left in garza as a fall. the tells balance is 0 of his fears for his children's lives. the that'd be fine. thing in the town of to best as is there any full says you don't watch more raids in the occupied west mike thousands of people gather in telling me to put pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to bring home the captive still held by the palestinians and gaza have been enjoying another nice if is really bombardment mold and 17700 people have now been killed since the war began. more than half of those victim a women and children. now as well as ministry is demanding that hundreds of thousands
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of displaced palestinians from the north. the center of the south move into a tiny baron parcel of land along the coast without any reliable sources of water, food, or medicine. the army says the 6 and a half square kilometer area is a safe soon. but at the same time, it has intensified ground and see bombardments on southern dasa. israel says the zones will be sped, the bombing and slicing that is devastating, lots of the rest of the territory. more than 1800000 people in gauze are happen force from that homes. and the fewer and fewer designated safe areas left to flee to, to the sandy byron 6.5 to square kilometer patch of terrain. knit on the wasi is one of the dual evidence reports was one of the last remaining references for tens of thousands of cabbage stadiums. many of whom have spent the past 8 weeks cling further and further south to escape from israel's war
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on gaza. here they have set out, make shift tents on the sand. israel has labeled this humanitarian safe so, but it is not safe and it is not humane. it's the fan and the children died because of the freezing conditions here. our life was now focused on how to find bread is really skilled people with miss styles and shows. and we are about to die here because of the lack of everything that kind of keep us alive. they send us here to face a slow death. this really is don't kill us, the current positions here, we'll definitely send those to our desk. that kadijah says she's already being towed to move 3 times before she set out for alma rossi. and she says there's no help here. so how did the image snag? yeah, medicines are not available. i am a cancer patient and i have big problems in my heart tomorrow and i cannot endure up, i will tolerated anymore as they are. no toilets. what can i do? am i supposed to, you're in
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a 2 in front of everyone. i don't even know anything about my sons. are they still alive? have they lost the lives? i have no idea how does have an idea. so there's a just kilometers away in con eunice and the palestinians here the strikes every day. they met the show, tammy, data, data data did. there's huge numbers of tents here that host huge numbers of people and more, more people are coming every day from con eunice, some flies and all the insects filled the tents. we live in a catastrophic situation up. so the club. yes, i see what the i see i see and gaza after spending years in the united kingdom, working as an engineer, he hasn't seen any aid being distributed anywhere in will. i say it's not a matter of how much or a magazine, or egypt, or is it right. it's a matter of our small children. we're not animals. what people were human beings, even if there was a mistake that has been done whatever. you can't punish all the people because 5 to 10 percent. okay, so we need, we need the solution. if you,
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if we're waiting to die up to sure. 3 weeks time people are going to die. so it's been poor and no food, no medicine, no ministration, no nothing. if it's the magic is you're waiting for us to die. okay. we're not going to suffer anymore. i'll just sit down and wait for this. joe evans, how does 0? all correspondents are a couple assume as in rough uh, just a few kilometers from all. no, i see of these very ami had informed the residence of connie on us to take it in order to flee from the areas that had been turned into a battle zone. between these ready occupations, soldiers must find this work considered to be safe, as israel had to classify the gaza strip in 2 different separate areas that are safe and on safe in terms of the level of safety procedures. now the most area is one of the most of item areas that considered to be safe. alongside with roof, we're moving on 1900000 palestinians had to be back to wait for more than one time
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now to the pos south point of the territory. now these areas within which right now had become a safe from the east, very perspective. consider it to be very limited in terms of the humanitarian services that are allowed that the palestine will be living in milwaukee. it's a complete, empty area full of sand, that lacks old kinds of basic necessities that the palestinians really need a full living with a full black house of electricity and with a key absence of water sources. not which in fact, excessive pays the situation for guns and on the ground as the operations earlier on the south had been expanded. now we need to clearly remember the arrow good days of effective ration where people flats from the north. they have been talking to the throughout the process of evacuation and the is really forces the claim that the south will be, claim will be safe from the east by the bombing right now, the operations on the south had been expanded and moved,
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grinding concerns among palestinians that within the coming weeks, the situation will be the same. i'm familiar in rough, i ask is, well, is it claiming as well, to eliminate the time us or protest or the south of the territory? the hospitals in southern garza had been pushed in a collapse with as ready bones forcing no wounded. through that door was every day the director of nasa hospital, a hun unit says he has lost control of 70 because it is so overwhelmed. gauze was remaining health senses are facing a constant shortage of medicine, self and fuel for electricity generation of the you and relief agency in gaza has told, i'll just say where the organization is days away from being unable to perform its mission. unreal spokesman, a non bo has not told my colleagues, sammy's a down staff members were risking their lives to, to live at long saving 8 if the operations of ation as we are, as one of the biggest, you'll any agency or we have 5000 offering based on i would continue with my
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dad. okay. and we have only 50 bucks and you know, the 50 or 60 bucks you know, anything does not go to a i believe we will create up your head. philip. lot ceremony rose a lot to just 2 days ago. in which she said, in my 35 years of working in complex emergencies, i've never written such alaska predicting the killing of my stuff. and the collapse of the monday time expected to fulfill how long before there is a collapse of the unreal mandate. what are we talking about here? days, weeks we aren't talking. what we are talking about talking about is doing what is under the impressive parts for fiction. the 2nd delivering service is like a, like a not really an issue. what do i thought to be doing in well,
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now we just focusing on early and on a minute ago to get paid upcoming and all sort of costing. but if you look at them and they, you know, it's so officially we cannot deliver. so we, we all are, you know, he's higher human to get any of his fire or opening the board doors on the board with 8 because our man shop, you know, as a commercial line, you need that you can go like, you have $1000000.00. you can buy, you can buy anything, there is nothing to buy, not dollars, or neither, no mattresses or blankets or, or begin to bill, you will not able to deliver your mandate andres unable to deliver its monday right now. in garza the best game moser for that. yes, it's true, it's, it's one list. there's a monday, jane. the coming weeks. i'm coming days and there is no so much
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and it means that we cannot deliver and we are the eyes of the people that we are visiting. the international and the people are angry and frustrated because of the behavior of the machine communicated are well as well as the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says that he appreciates the united states decision to veto a proposed resolution up and un security council on site today. it was calling for a humanitarian sees fine and gaza as you know, criticized countries cooling for an end to the pricing. the other country should understand that it is impossible on the one hand to support the elimination of thomas. and on the other hand, to call for and then to the will that will prevent the elimination of how much. therefore, israel will continue adjustable to eliminate thomas and to achieve the other will goals. we have set this up as costa honda. so here's, here's the n, okay,
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body source and for us to come to. so a interesting position here from the us because that despite the veto, we keep getting signals from them. that they are very critical of what is going on in a, in gaza. so where, where do they stand? as well as their own national security advisor itself. we had then be last speaking last night said that the americans actually never gave these really is a deadline for when they would like the war to be over. an indication that these really are going to continue. there were once list military campaign via land air and sea for as long as they see fit. now, in terms of when the war was going to end time, that'd be said that it's actually impossible for him to say or to measure how it's or when it is going to. and he said he couldn't measure it in weeks, and it's not even possible to measure it in months, but that these really have
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a mission to accomplish and that they are seeking to accomplish the 3 goals they have named since the beginning of the war. 65 days ago, these really national security advisor also said that military pressure via the ground invasion could perhaps we'd to another pause in the fighting which could see a prisoner exchange for the release of the captive. so are currently being held inside of the gaza strip. now the war is going to continue, this is something that has been echoed in these really security establishment in the political establishment, the war cabinet from all the top security and intelligence heads as well. these really say they're going to continue no matter what. and how to israel a still claiming that it's making advances and it's ministry campaign. what is the license that we're hearing on this as well, this really army has been claiming for some time that they are making what they
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call significant games. and the northern part of gaza and official speaking anonymously to is really media has been saying that perhaps in just one day they will capture the northern city of giovanni, of which they have coined to him a strong hold. and in a few days they will capture the neighborhood of shoes. yeah, yes. another how about stronghold they claim and the northern part of gauze, though, all of this comes as the same, anonymous officials have been speaking to is really media saying that the army needs around 3 to 4 weeks to wrap up the ground operation in the southern city. of hon eunice all while needing another month to wrap up what they call the 1st stage of the war. while the is really army says they are in control of the northern part of concepts. the reality on the ground shows a much different picture, given the exchanges of fire with him as fighters and additionally, operatives from house to need a slam. and she had. and the recent rocket launches, we have seen from the northern part of the territory. so these really army is
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claiming that it is disintegrating in their words, how this is hold on the gaza strip and that this is the time to push the operation . even deeper. learning how desolate that 1st unoccupied is tristan or israel's military is rated the town of to bass knowles of novelist and the occupied westbank . let's get the latest from what i've done. i mean, who is in ramallah in the occupied westbank, bring this up to date with a situation that as well. the rate has been ongoing for several hours now. as we understand it. a large column of age re armored vehicles followed by both dozers had entered the city of 2 baths at the round or to a local time. there has been intense exchange of gunfire and some people also saying that these radio snipers are to position on top of some of the roofs in the,
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in the city. and that we just heard that one house has been demolished, is no clear yet whether it was bible dozer, which often happens or by drones tried by people witnesses underground. say that they also suspect that this is really ministry might be heading to destroy another 2 houses to confer report, but certainly it is a very fluid situation. this is not the 1st time a israel conducts a raid, it to boss in the north of the okay. by the west bank now earlier also at the same time there was another rate in nablus that one is done a is finished. and there was also a raid in high bro, this time no targeting people or the appropriate or their houses, but rather to confiscate cars with illegal license plate. now for what we understand is that israel is actually looking for
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a specific car that was driven when a sub was charged with far that is really soldiers at the check for themselves of hybrid a few days ago. so this is the 2nd time the, the r v goes into hybrid to confiscate these cars. and we understand that about a 100 of them had been confiscated so far. now in total, overnight, these are the initial numbers. 6 people have been wounded and one woman in nablus has been detained. but these are just the preliminary numbers so far. we will continue following what's happening in the 2 bus. of course, thank you for that. hold up though. i need the in ramallah for us. still a head on alan's is there more wrangle refugees, a risking been dangerous by crossing from on the dash indonesia tensions with locals on rising, the
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examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer, and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today, and i'll just, they're exploring diverse culture exciting political discourse, exposing societies doc award winning in dense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. holden until the stories from asia are in the pacific. 101 east on. ouch is coveted beyond well taken without hesitation. fulton died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them,
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they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that and people empower, investigate, expose this and questions. the use them to be of our around on out. is there the the forcing out is there a mind if i told the story, is this our israel is telling palestinian civilians to shelter in a cycle say so in, in the town up on the last in southern gaza. but it's just 6 and a half can on this is in size and people that do not have reliable access to move to the hospitals in golf. the south have been pushed in the a collapse with is there any phones facing moving to 3 beds?
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almost every day, the director of national hospital ton unit says he has lost control of studies, see because it's so overwhelmed as well as on a has weight of a ton of 2 baths and occupied westbank. managing vehicles and full days of school in the town. fair reports and gung bottles between palestinian sizes. is there any forces? meanwhile, intel aviv huge crowds have attended the riley queen for the release of captives held by how much in gaza. some of the people who are released during a 7 days c spy spoke about their experiences. and were on con, was the thousands of guy that hit and what locals of nick named hostages square. they've got to say, hey, the video testimony of people who are recently freed. one moment, bobby moses actually described a deal as health and even language dimensions and the feeling that she ma'am,
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so i need across to 30 to this a new hardly. you should vo, uh feel show. yeah, it's a bit and i live across from any fuses. they all have download, perfect, and interrupted over today. hometown city. did you validate the updates that we're going to do on the spot? now we've also heard from a father of one of the kansas. he says, any price that needs to be paid must be paid to bring all of them back home. we all depend on so be time 1019 years old, catch it, and abducted in gaza. we are asking ourselves, why is it that our son has not received any visitation from the international that clause? why is it that no one has looked at him and provided medical attention?
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where is the lead clause and why they're not doing their job? now thousands of people did send this riley and the message was very clear. they said very directly to the israeli government that they need to attend to that it goes changing table and they need to bring everybody home now. and that's the key message that they keep putting out that these ready government seems to be not listening to the bonds and is continuing to fight the war. and the way that they see fit has time to smell the world news. now the need is an island nation, so demanding an end to the use of fossil fuels at cop $28.00 in to by. they say time is running out to keep the temperature below the $1.00 degree warming limit agreed to in power as in 2015 for many are the nations anything over $1.00 degrees could spell complete disaster. we will not go silently to our watery graves. therefore,
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we cannot and will not accept the outcome from the cob webs bus. and that's of us on a course for a future said stage within $1.00, temperature was the president of this called. so i've been going on for a very long time. oh, to run a news expecting us to do the right. and the date for that is to arrest, reverse, stop, greenhouse gas emissions ran, and climate change. the tensions rising in indonesians know of an outside province as more than a 1000 wrangle, refugees have reached its shores. in recent weeks, more than a 1000000 were hanging out, have fled persecution in the amount and recent years, most seek refuge and neighboring found with us. but the crowd and shelters that have forced many to risk another journey, indonesia and it's prompting anger from some locals. as jessica washington reports
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from jakarta. they arrived in indonesia, week and tired after long, dangerous journey from bundle dish. these ringo refugees had already come a show. you know that the province with a message from locals was clear. you wouldn't know welcome to. they've given food and horses before being forced out to sea again. around 100 people took part in a demonstration in the city of southern forcing their frustrations with the new arrivals. one boat after another. how many boats have come here reading? we are poor people. why don't you use them? i need to help. that's why i'd be keeping them through, and i mean, my more we reject the roving goes, we want them to be moved as soon as possible. we don't want to catch the diseases, they carry a few meters away. these refugees
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a wishing and to show to the knives in limbo. i don't know the size um does that. we just want to find some are safe. we knew that we might die as i see, but finally we are safe. that's all, that's all we want for our children. for years where he can get his sled persecution in me and more football and good as well. recently, many have fled again, traveling by boat to southeast asia. and for the most part, they have been welcomed by communities in northern indonesia 3 years ago. how does he ever report it on how these locals helped refugees? sure, in defiance of authorities. but in recent weeks, some communities have been unwilling to accept them. please don't send us back to see these protein to plead for being forced to return to their thoughts and diseases. government says it's looking for a new side to temporarily. how's the refugees? it's acknowledged the opposition from residents and says it's looking for a sustainable solution. the un refugee agency says the increase in violence
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incomes inbound, goodish, as well as continued instability in mand moss is behind the increase in boat journey around 75 percent of the new arrivals are women and children of the children quite a lot are unaccompanied and separated meaning they're traveling without their parents or they're traveling alone. um quite a lot of single mothers and their children. for now these children have enough food and some way safe to sleep. but the future is on such and they have no power sports, no homes. and it's no idea how long they'll be allowed to stay here. jessica washington to 0 to content fund as well. and president nicholas madura, i'm the guy, a nice president of fun alley. we'll meet on thursday to talk about the growing dispute over the oil rich region as
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a keybo. venezuela has threatened to antics the area controlled bike ayana following a referendum. last week i sent the m p a t. as more a me thing was a now that's hours after the press is a very swell. i spoke through his brazilian counterpart lula. betsy is i n a the secretary general of the united nations and thank you with that. as we have been mediating on the matter like in particular, insisted on the need to avoid any unilateral actions that could further escalate the situation with the patient that's been escalated for over a week since savannah toyota. how the referendum in which the majority of voters essentially voted in favor of a next thing, the cable, which is, which makes up a for 2 thirds of a good yanna rich. and that has been long disputed, and that is rich and oil and gas, venezuela. i'll do it in particular as, as, as taking the serious of action that some of them symbolic collect, presenting a mass of any further with the dispute,
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his territory. but it's also among other things that move the troops towards up to board. the meeting will be on thursday in st. vincent and the granite beans and supported by the select, the community of latin america and caribbean nations. the president of the go. yeah . now will participate by the said he is not it or you will not to negotiate the any border boundaries with my daughter or the fact that the international criminal court has jurisdiction over this matter. but overall, this is seen as a step in the right direction in the region as a way to try in the escalate to this, the tensions and the growing concerned surrounding this dispute the right group. since there is say that least 5 people have been killed in rock at a tax on it live. the syrian civil defense groups and government forces hit
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residential areas in the city and surrounding areas. west northwestern problems is live is the last major rebel stronghold in syria. okay, that's it for me. my name's so you can find a lot. so on our website, i'll just share adult calm weather is next. an inside story, we'll look at accusations by rights, groups of possible us complicity and his writing will crimes, and also the the hello welcome to look at the international forecast. i think we'll say one more day evaluate whether across the pacific northwest as the pineapple express continues to pump that moist in across the pacific northwest into west composite of kind of a. let's look further east because this is a next system to keep an eye on,
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and that's going to make his way by the 8th was high pressure been charged at the moment along the east and see both sides drawing in a southerly wind temperatures around 1617 maybe 18 celsius, the new and old site that they see. but that cloud and right that cold front that will sweep through. you see the colder everybody talking in behind the full sunday going into monday. we're into single figures then for new york half a day say a lot of very heavy right sweeping through place this type of boy. when it freshen up as it does still appear showers just around the rockies. but you can say for the, the west coast. it will be try and find by that stage that weather affecting the east disabled also stretching its way down across the florida panhandle, into the gulf of mexico sliding further east, which as we go on through the course of the weekends, that is 2nd half of the weekend went to weather coming right down to cost a good positive mexico through the confidential into central america, east of that, not too bad for the greater entities, sunshine and show us the east, the mountains. the
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latest news as it breaks the leap drive up is really, really preaching slow down short, 15 year old bustle that and then shop a year old item with in depth reports from us and says that it freed all women and children under a sci fi agreement. that ends is hosted by side slaves each other for violations and the in this journalism leaflets where it drops by the occupation. what was the informing people to sleep, to roughly district the or is rails unrelenting devastation of gall? so, but any horses still thing that is that the u. s. veto is the un security council says fine motion again. the slide criticizing israel early as a failing to protect lots of civilians, human rights groups, the american risk being complicit and war crimes. so as i rise, this isn't side story the
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