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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the unsettled tongue upfront takes on the biggest cities of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0. the israel presses on. it's move on gauze or pounding this trip with us strikes smooth is $17700.00 palestinians on now. the, on my inside, this is out. is there a life also coming up?
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searing testimony from one of the only is ready designated safe cents left and gone . says fall the tell vouchers. 0 of his fears for his children's lives. people are going to die. no food, no medicine, no ministration, no nothing. what about animals with people? were human beings also had heavy flossing in the town of 2 baths and is rarely full says launch mull range in the old place. the palestinians in gauze i have been enjoying another nights. it is rarely bombardment move and 17700 people have been killed since the war began. moving hoff, those victims of women and children. now as well as ministry is demanding that hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians from the north, the center and the south move into
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a tiny byron posts of land along the coast. without reliable sources, a force of food or medicine. the army says the 6 and a half square kilometer area is a safe starting at the same time and as intensified, ground air and sea bombardments on southern gaza. israel says the zones will be sped, the bombing and fighting that is devastating. lots of the rest of the tertiary moving 1800000 people in guns. i have been forced from that homes, and there are fewer and fewer designated safe areas left to flee to the sandy, byron 6 and a half square, columbus, a patch of terrain near all my wasi is one of them. joel evans has more. the last one of the last remaining references for tens of thousands of palestinians, many of whom have spent the past 8 weeks cling further and further south to escape from israel's war on dogs. here they have set up,
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make shift tens on the sand. israel has labeled this humanitarian sites to but it is not safe and it is not humane. it's the fan and not the children died because of the freezing conditions here. our life was now focused on how to find bread is really skilled people with messiahs and shows and we are about to die here because of the lack of everything that kind of keep us alive. they send us here to face a slow death. this rate is don't kill us, the current positions here will definitely send those to our desk. that kadijah says she's already been told to move 3 times before she set out for alma rossi. and she says there's no help here. so how did the image that yeah, medicines are not available, although i am a cancer patient and i have the problems in my heart tomorrow and i cannot endure up, i will tolerated anymore as they are no toilets. and then what can i do? am i supposed to your anita in front of everyone? i don't even know anything about my sons. are they still alive?
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if they lost the lives i'm going to get i have no idea. idea. so does it just kilometers away in con eunice and the palestinians here the strikes every day. they met the sides. hammock dictated, did their huge numbers of tents here that whose huge numbers of people and more, more people are coming every day from con eunice. some flies and all the insects filled the tents. we live in a catastrophic situation up. so to the lab. yes, i see what the i see i see and gaza after spending years in the united kingdom working as an engineer, he hasn't seen any aid being distributed anywhere in armoire. so it's not a matter of how much, or a mazda in, or egypt or is right. it's a matter of our small children. we're not animals where people were human being. even if there was a mistake that has been done, whatever you call to punish all the people because 5 to 10 percent. okay, so we need, we need the solution. if you, if we're waiting to die up a sure,
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3 weeks time, people are going to die. so it's been poor and no food, no medicine, no ministration, no, nothing. if it's the magic is you're waiting for us to die, okay? that we're not going to suffer anymore. i'll just sit down and wait for this. joan evans out to 0 correspond entire about zoom is in rough, just a few kilometers from all know what the sentence, this report is, very ami had informed the residents of honey or the city and the order to flee from the areas that had been turned into a battle zone between these ready occupations. soldiers must find this work considered to be safe as isabel had to classify the gaza strip in 2 different separate areas that are safe and on safe in terms of the level of safety procedures . now the most area is one of the most of item areas that considered to be safe. alongside with ruffles were moved on one point. 9000000 palestinians had evacuated for more than one time. now to the pos south point of the territory. now these
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areas within which right now had become a safe from the east, very perspective. consider it to be very limited in terms of the humanitarian services that are allowed that the palestine will be living in milwaukee. it's a complete, empty area full of sand, that lacks old kinds of basic necessities that the palestinians really need a full living with a full black house of electricity and with a key out sense of water sources, not which in fact, excessive paints. the situation for guns on the ground as the operations earlier on the south had been expanded. now we need to clearly remember the l get phase of its actuation where people flats from the north. they have been talking to the throughout the process of evacuation and the is really forces the claim that the south will be, claim will be safe from the east by the bombing. right now the operations will the south had been expanded and moved grinding concerns among palestinians that within the coming weeks the situation will be the same. i'm familiar in rough, i ask is,
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well, is it claiming as well, to eliminate the time us or protest or the south of the territory was really bones to all continuing to strike areas, densely populated with civilians and southern gaza, ourselves them of which has more no end in sight for israel strikes some cause of these rescue workers. indeed all by law are searching for survivors. as rockets start good residential zones or a family home, your fun units is hit by and these really rocky local hospitals are overwhelmed and like a central supplies patients are treated in hallways and on the floors showing in the rough or to where it is rarely army hit earlier instructed civilians to evacuate to all civilians are being targeted. those things
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peacefully in their homes are being targeted. we wake up every day in a disaster. tragedy in pain. we are not safe and don't feel secure. even the safe zones are not really safe. life groves even harder here. food is limited, water scares and communication and electricity often interrupted. and there appears, there is no way out. excess i much out is there as well as military is rated the town of 2 baths north of novelist and the occupied westbank desk at the latest from the adult henry who is in ramallah and the occupied westbank. so who does not the 1st on to bus has been targeted in recent days? what's going on as well? it certainly was a very large re that's as actually ended now, according to residents, we spoke to um, it is one of those oh area. and one of those cities that have been the focus of is
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really rates for quite a while because of the presence of palestinian resistance. then now it was about to a when a large con, void of is really army vehicles made their way into a 2 bass, followed by bulldozers. as we understand that there's been quite the intense exchange of gunfire there. and then at these really army targeted, a 2 houses that have been demolish, and we understand that that was the motive fire. we do also, we were told also the 11 people were detained, a do bus and they just pulled out as to why like, go over role. they had been 6 different rates across the occupied west bag, including one that is ongoing in the columbia refugee camp, which is a short drive away from where i'm standing in ramallah is to the south of this city
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. we do understand that 2 people have been detained so far, and these re leads. uh, so soldiers are going as the on doing house to house searches at the moment. otherwise, they have been also a raid and not blows that lasted about an hour or so. one woman was detained in that one and then they have, but there was also a raid in have broad but this level was quite different in the says that the troops were there to actually confiscate cars that have illegal licensing of what we understand is that and the army is searching for a specific card that was used in a shoot out against is read the soldiers at the check point in south of bread a few days ago. and they were also minor raids and places like by drugs which is north west of ramallah. we don't have the total number of the tensions that usually
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will be issued in the coming hours. but we do know that overall it's been 6 raids. and at least 14 people detained. thank you for that hold of the need that for us in ramallah, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he appreciates the united states decision to veto a propos resolution, not the un security council on saw today. it was calling for humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. nothing you all criticized countries cooling for an end to the fighting. the other country should understand that it is impossible on the one hand to support the elimination of thomas. and on the other hand, to call for an end to the will that will prevent the elimination of how much, therefore, israel will continue adjustable to eliminate thomas and to achieve the other will goals we have set for it. so let's case out on fish. i hear joins us from occupied easters. fleming island, no sign really is that from the is writing government if any laptop when it's one,
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gaza and if any of the countries of origin for this, these 5 were hoping that it would be some sort of diplomatic pressure on the israelis to bring this war to an end, sooner rather than later. certainly they were dismissed by benjamin netanyahu. and also is that you had asked me, this is national security advisor who spoke late on saturday. he said that the there was no plan to end this for and weeks or even months. he said it will last as long as it lasts. civil one with intention to destroy him, asked to be militarize guys and also to move radicalization from the strip. those are the 3 goals. they've talked about from betty alley on and said, the conduct of the war will be dictated by the conditions on the ground. then we've seen over the last the week 64 days now that they for at least have prosecuted this . busy and land it by sea and also in the, at the have suffered,
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no doubt about that. because in the last 24 hours they've lost 7 soldiers. but these really believe it is exactly an act be emphasized based that they believe that showing military power by continuing to push forward in such sec, consecutive and intense way. be think that that will put pressure on him. us to come to that it goes to the table and they can perhaps negotiate the release of some more of the cap, those being held in guys as your sale. and as rel, climbing it's making advances in its ministry campaign. but is there any tangible evidence of that well, they say they are making significant gains at the believe that they may need another 3 or 4 weeks to fight in and around hon. eunice, which they say is a whole mass thrown whole. and then we will tell them that attention to the war in
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southern guys, which they think could last another 3 or 4 weeks. so the, i, as the united states had this, perhaps this could be wrapped up by the end of the year. seemed to have been displaced by these relays and you're talking sometime towards the end of january, perhaps even leaking into february, depending on the events and the grant that daniel had got a who's the is really army spokesman. he said that they are making inroads in northern guys, or that they've destroyed a significant amount of how much infrastructure they've captured the number of mass fighters via providing evidence to help them target. how much supply them. and they also believe that they're providing evidence and, and information on we how much leaders are, which the whole will will cut short the water course. there's no way that we can independently verify this. but we also know that these relays are not getting things their, their own way, that they are facing intense baffles. we're hearing that almost every single day
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from the is really that they are facing hunter and bottles, in some places, face to face bottles with some us fighters that they haven't been able to contain northern guys as quickly as the initial plan or the would have liked at but what is clear is that how much still has the capability one to 5 back and 2 to 5 real good since the days a week ago. so these released on quite in control of northern guys, even though they think they are making significant inroads in their bustle against a mass on the strip officials that for us and occupy the stores some so hes on al jazeera will take a look at origin. tina's new fluoride president as the types office promising a radical agenda. $6.00. a crisis here economy. i'm more wrangle refugees, risking the dangerous bird crossing from bangladesh to indonesia. tensions with locals. the
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color of the weather as much as it should be across the cape parts of the arabian peninsula allows the fine and dry. we'll see when it's just picking up enough to store up any of the missed and focus we go on through the next couple of days. i think sunday might be a little lucky around the golf and nothing too much. just be called. monday will be fine, and right, i'm pleasant. 29 degrees celsius. at best i spell the noise is a little more crowd coming to know the pos of saudi arabia. so i'm shabby right across the eastern side of the mediterranean. took the i seeing some, some pieces of rain as we go through sunday. the next system will continue to drift . the crossing to that eastern side of the met some of the areas of placing some west weather, along with cyprus, should stay dry. you know, just the, just around the live and say with the coming dies that same system will bring some wet to weather and to the far north of libya. and they will rand, pop
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a little as we go one through monday then. and there is that cold wind cooler when should we say, just starting to take him as he makes his way towards the north west of egypt. much of both africa ridge drive your showers, just running across the coast of west africa into the gulf of guinea, as though quite a few showers coming into tens in the just around the size shells as well as i wasn't able to fall away sharply, right, stretches across botswana and so that is to sort of south africa slowly but surely . moving east. the around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa is cultural. heritage is on display in west and museums. didn't happen over night. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how you repeat and colonize ation. remove tens of thousands of on to facts, and the young people struggle to reclaim restitution. africa stolen episode one.
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0 no, just the era. the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out there in line to thoughts of the story is this our as well as telling palestinian civilians to shelter in a circle space zone in the town of all my why fi and southern guns. but it's just 6 and off square kilometers in size, and people that don't have reliable access to move cent. food hospitals in gauze, the south have been pushed in a collapse with us for any phones forcing, moving to ensure that doors every day. director of national hospital in con eunice
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says he has lost control of the city because it's so as well. and israel's army, his right of the town of 2 baths in the west bank chromeboys ministry vehicles in boulders is stored in the town and were ports of gun vessels between palestinian slices. and is there any forces palestinian civilians detained by? is there any forces in gaza? area this week say they would torture and find that kept us some of the 100 or so. so men who were partially stripped and blindfolded have been describing that or deal. same as robbie reports from ramallah. the scarred, bruised, marked like human car, though weak from days of abuse and torment at the hands of the is really our palestinians. men of all ages being treated for injuries sustained in custody. they were rounded up. one is really troops entered gauze,
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a city in the north of the district were taking a meeting with the wires, instruct, with cold water, were beating hard to get us for 5 days. they gave us lots of water 2 times every day. my father, a diabetic and they took him through this toilet only one time. and they they kept him almost making the abuse and mistreatment of posting and prisoners across the occupied territories, while not new has reached a fever pitch. since israel's invasion, his concept, these are very hard, i think at testimonies we are very concerned about the safety and life of the other detainees or a know nothing about them. and there's a new sort of this apply, a new you nation on because prisoners, they are treated as unlawful combatant, which allows the desire to feel it is to keep them for up to 45 days without contact with any lawyer or with the outside world. and also allows to keep them and is really military bases, rather than to put them in is really, you know,
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is there any presence under as 80 and present the site is the testimony of those released back into war to and garza and insight into the faith being suffered by prisoners still and is rarely hands. these images show men detain in bits like here in the northeast of casa, accused of being homeless, spiders accusations denied by those that knew them stripped and carted away in humiliating fashion. their fates unknown that only a small sample of the horrific image is coming out of this. more of the violets and dehumanizing palestinians are being put through every day. zane bus robbie old is 0 . remo law in the occupied west back or have any rebels and you have and have carried out a series of raids on commercial ships in the region. the ron backed group says the attacks on response to the war on gaza and alger. there. a team join who the coast
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guards as they monitor is ready ships crossing the red sea. who now the shelf easily do here to us relief beach and who do they invest in human? does naval patrol is meant by members of a who the group on federal law this 30 to heavy duty. i think jimmy, i see their monitoring is really affect vessels crossing the red sea and those or crated, or owned by israel companies. they say it's their response to israel's war and the gaza strip that not to tell people outside, i mean heavy use of these last month they detained this large merchant ship galaxy lead to the d. c. this is really owned and turned it in to make shift cruise ship for passengers from yemen, you will keep them as soon as he can. they say they will continue carrying out operations like those on to israel. and so it's war and guys,
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a lot of shop even look like we didn't you make any did you this if you on sure. these human these get her every day to express their support for guys in the rejection of the war. now the is the we are ready to go and stand with the children and women of palestine in order to live this arrogant aggression either as well. i'm a product and i just, i, if i'm here we are ready for any sacrifice in order to defeat design this enemy. we have already to surrender the expensive and the chief for the sake of our brothers and palestine $51.00. and i'll be able to hold up in the you watch, member see did carrying out, do oppressions in some of the busiest feelings in the world and are part of familiar traffic support postings in the gaza strip them? yep. the owner of that effort includes finding ballistic me styles and drones targets and a lot in israel. what on the me overall the nice cutty at the end and they say they're organizing military parades to a group more members to their cause. how much a lot,
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but does ita mean show that you study for the be and again the as 10 to some all the world news now the need is of all the nations on demanding an end to the use of fossil fuels of feet. comp 28 summit in divide. they say time is running out and to keep the temperature below the $1.00 degree warming limits agreed to in power in 2015. how many are the nations anything over 1.5 degrees could spell complete disaster? we will not go side when we do a watery graze. therefore, we cannot and will not accept an outcome from the calm. but that's enough to give us on a course for a future said stage within $1.00,
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temperature was the president of this called. so i've been going on for a very long time. oh, to run a news expecting us to do the right. and the date for that is to arrest reverse, stop, greenhouse gas emissions ran in climate change rights groups and serious say at least 5 people have been killed and rocket attacks on it. live serial civil defense groups said government forces targeted residential areas in the city. the north, west, and province of and live is the last major rebel stronghold in syria. the tensions up and rising in indonesia is known as an abstract province as molten a 1000 rainbow refugees have reached its shows in recent weeks. more than a 1000000 were hang. i have fled persecution in me on mon recent years, most seek refuge in neighboring bung with us. but it is a crowd of shelters that i have forced money to risk. another journey,
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indonesia. jessica washington reports from chicago. they arrived in indonesia, week and tired after a long, dangerous journey for a bunker dish. these were hanger, refugees had already come a show, you know, a chief province with a message from local. it was was clear, you wouldn't know welcome to, they've given food and horses before being forced out to sea again. around 100 people took part in a demonstration in the city of southern voicing their frustrations with the new arrivals. one boat after another, how many boats have come here reading? we are poor people. why don't you use the money to help us? why are they keeping them through? and i mean, one more time we reject the roving goes, we want them to be moved. as soon as possible, we don't want to catch the diseases. the carrie if you meet has a way these refugees
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a wishing and to show to the 9th in limbo. i don't know the size of this i out. we just want to find somewhere safe. we knew that we might die as i see, but finally we are safe. that's. that's all we want for our children. for years where he can get his sled persecution in me and more football and good as well. recently, many have fled again, traveling by boat to southeast asia. and for the most part, they have been welcomed by communities in northern indonesia 3 years ago. how does he ever report it on how these locals helped refugees? a sure defiance of authorities. but in recent weeks, some communities have been unwilling to accept them. please don't send us back to see these protein to plead for being forced to return to their thoughts. and diseases government says it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees? acknowledge the opposition from residents and says it's looking for
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a sustainable solution. the un refugee agency says the increase in violence incomes, inbound gladish, as well as continued instability in me and most is behind the increase in both jennings, around 75 percent of the new arrivals are women and children of the children quite a lot are unaccompanied and separated meaning they're traveling without their parents or they're traveling alone. um quite a lot of single mothers and their children. for now these children have enough food and some way safe to sleep. but the future is on such and they have no power sports, no homes. it's no idea how long they'll be allowed to stay here. jessica washington to 0 to content. the origin. tina's newly elected president, how the admin a will take office on sunday. teresa po has more on this from buenos aires,
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on his rise to power. he presents radical change in argentina afar, right? precedent for a country in the middle of anything on the crisis. probably it'd be nice as he's like a lion with a strength to jumpstart argentina's economy. so the pennsylvania we are advocates of freedom and that implies a clear alignment in terms of j opponent st. cloud on an out you politics align with the united states and israel. that so international policy or what do you think we are not doing to align us so he's coming in. if he got it mean a was born in 1970 and decided to study economics. after seeing argentina's constant financial troubles cool motivated, she became known for his eccentric personality and a style. he's strong media presence, trying to mean to a fee read carol to among young people. and he was elected to congress. and 2021 said in most of the like what really has for adults name, dr. liberal economies to kills of his former adult conan who died in 2017.
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also one go inside is slow to one of the 1st books on have you had to be late today, a little a believe so you can talk to the dog. he believes god dustin, him to be in politics and that his clone dogs are his children yet. i think he's had a rough life. you, most people have no friends. he's unstable and i'm not sure he's the best person for an unstable country. even though we lease on 2 ish, the 1st trip he made up to winning the election was to the united states to visit the, to move a robot in brooklyn. people in argentine, our fields without service and see about what have you had. i mean, they will be able to do wiling officers, he has promised to radically change argentina's economy and why many hope to be able to stop or live the economy. others fear that in fact, that he's reforms will bring about may we write a new chapter in elgin peanuts history many hope he will succeed with everybody else failed. but he said, we'll just see them when a site is to the venezuelan president nicholas montero and the guy. and he's
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president of from ali. we'll meet on thursday to talk about the growing dispute over the oil rich region as a keybo and as well it has threatened onyx,


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