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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 9:00am-9:30am AST

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a little carbon credits essential, committed some environmental protection and has the investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the . ready israel presses on with its own garza pounding the strip with strikes and pushing further into the sound. old and 17700 palestinians on now. the money inside this is out, is there a live from dev also coming up. searing tests, many from one of the early is ready, designated save science, left in gaza, fall mattel's algebra of his fist by his children's nights. people are going to die
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and no food, no medicine, no medication, no, nothing. we're not animals. what people were human beings. so it had heavy fighting in the town of 2 baths, as is there any forces launched in more range in the, on the is riley forces have been pushing deeper south in the gauze and strep, leaving little room for more than 2000000 people seeking shelter. as the environment and goals, the some of the cities of con eunice and rough of palestinians are being told by israel to move to a parcel of land on the coast. are despised palestinians from the north. the sent and the south are all being told to go here. on the y c, u n says they're experiencing extreme of crowding. the mostly on developed plots of
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land is without reliable sources of force at food and medicine. israel says that be so cool, safe side will be sped, the booming and fighting that is devastated much of the rest of the territory. well then 1800000 people in gaza have now been forced from that homes. and they all few and fewer designated safe areas left to flee, to assign the byron 6 in hall. square economics, a patch of terrain knit on. my wasi is one of them. 0 evidence reports of the last one of the last remaining references for tens of thousands of palestinians . many of whom have spent the past 8 weeks cling further and further south to escape from israel's will room dogs. here they have set out, make shift tents on the sand. israel has labeled this humanitarian cesta, but it is not safe, and it is not humane. if the van and not the children died because of the freezing
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conditions here, our life was know focused on how to find bread is really skilled people with ms. saygos and shows. and we are about to die here because of the lack of everything that kind of keep us alive. they send us here to face a slow death. these really don't kill us. the current positions here, we'll definitely send those to our desk. that kadijah says she'd already being told to move 3 times before she sets out for i'm or i see. and she says there's no help here. so how did the image snag? yeah, medicines are not available. i am a cancer patient and i have big problems in my heart tomorrow and i cannot endure up, i will tolerated anymore as they are new toilet. so what can i do? am i supposed to, you're in a to in front of everyone. i don't even know anything about my son's. are they still alive? if they lost the lives? i'm going to have no idea. idea. so does it just kilometers away in con eunice and the palestinians here the strikes every day. they met the show, a panic dictated kid. there are huge numbers of tents here that has huge numbers of
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people and more and more people are coming every day from con eunice, some flies and all the insects filled the tents. we live in a catastrophic situation. that's what the club. yes i do. i see what the i see i see and gaza after spending years in the united kingdom, working as an engineer, he hasn't seen any aid being distributed anywhere in armoire. so it's not a matter of how much, or a mazda in, or egypt or is right. it's a matter of our small children. we're not animals where people were human beings. even if there was a mistake that has been done, whatever. you can't punish all the people because 5 to 10 percent. ok, so we need to, we need the solution. if you are for waiting to die up to sure. 3 weeks time people are going to die from poor and no food, no medicine, no ministration, no nothing. if it's the magic is you're waiting for us to die. okay. we're not going to suffer anymore. i'll just sit down with the best. jo eleven's out to 0.
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let's go to honey. my favorite, who is in rafa in southern gaza, a pretty desperate situation then my wasi. meanwhile, israel continues to press on with its goals that offensive bring us up to date with the latest as well. good morning, 1000000 in the desperate situations for people who have been displaced and moved to rough city, but due to heavy bombardment, ongoing, ongoing air stripes, pounding roughly 50. there is a growing concerned that the, these really military operations might be expanded to rough by city. and that's the point where people are a confirming their fear that this will feed into their permanent displacement ad. there will be no place to run to other than the, the gyptian borders,
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but over night. and is the early hours of this morning because really ears tries continue to destroy more of the residential home and much of the uh, the roads and the infrastructure in the area we're talking at about 2 am in the morning on a predictive lee oldest son in a about 30 air strikes, targeting and destroying the 2 main roads that are connecting broadcast city with han eunice and the remaining a part of the gaza strip during about so la, dean road and also the west trend road that's in that cuts, han eunice and roof i have from the middle connecting to 2 cities, also the a one road that connects both of the law had been on the western road together in what seems to be an extreme fire boat destroying the vast majority of these 2 roads and all the infrastructure and making
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a move and very difficult for people to from around fact to find units or that the move and get from san eunice ju, uh, rough uh city. and we also got a confirmed reports of from an author hospital that a the, your damien, a field hospital that's about 5 minutes away from nicer hospitalized within the vicinity was targeted last night. and the target caused a great deal of damage to the hospital and to the equipment and, and, and everything that was inside a, the, the hospital, the hospital wouldn't be able to receive any a case for the coming days until they are able to fix that damage and be ready to, to continue offering a this service is more, a resident more residents of eastern con, units and more new residential blocks added to these really military list of
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evacuation ordering. residents of these a new residential flux sharply and with a threatening tone to move for the western side of han noticed that's very close to a huge role then close to oh, the see from the western side. but the, maybe the worst of this is the on going a non stop heavy bombardment of eastern and densely populated neighborhoods of gauze and safety in english as i, as a tune of those where there are still thousands of people who are stranded and caught in that war war zone, including what's going on in the northern part of the situation keeps getting worse by the hour and more devastating news coming from these really military stating that they will need more than a month as a time line to complete this to complete their operations. on the ground and that is devastating indeed. okay, honey, my food, thank you for your are forcing that and rafa and southern gaza. i mean,
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while that's been no less up in daily is riley raids on the occupied. westbank troops storm the town of to boss early on sunday with a convoy for on 50 vehicles. reports have gone back to us between palestinian sizes . and is there any forces full days just following the convoy destroying roads and damaging water pipes the need has moved from ramallah searching the was a very large rate that's as actually ended now according to residents. we spoke to . um it is one of those areas. one of those cities that have been the focus of is really rates for quite a while because of the presence of palestinian resistance. then it was about to a when a large con, void of is really army vehicles made their way into a to bass, followed by bulldozers. as we understand that there's been quite the intense
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exchange of gunfire there. and then these really are me targeted a 2 houses that have been demolished and we understand that that was a more to a fire. we do also, we were told also the 11 people were detained, a do bus and they just pulled out as to why, like, go, we don't have the total number of detentions that usually will be issued in the coming hours. but we do know that overall it's been 6 raids, and at least 14 people detained. israel's prime minister says he appreciates the united states decision on friday to veto a drop to one security council resolution quoting for an immediate cease 5 in gaza . benjamin that's now also criticized countries cooling for an end. the fighting to the other country should understand that it is impossible. on the one hand to support the elimination of thomas. and on the other hand,
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to call for an end to the will that will prevent the elimination of how much. therefore, israel will continue adjustable to eliminate thomas and to achieve the other will goals we have sexes. unofficial joins us for ok, part is tourism allen. with america support, the israeli government presses on with a one, gaza unabated of the others. you hear from benjamin netanyahu. they will push on until their goals are the chief that he set the goals at the start of the operation, which is the release of all the people being held captive, the absolute destruction of i'm us as a do radicalization of the guys as trip. i'd also future security for x rays and everyone will tell you that those goals are not the chief of all because you can defeat an ideal like come us. others will tell you, it will take years to accomplish that. and certainly what we're hearing from the is really, is there isn't going to be natalie and to this for now,
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the united states would ideally like israel to be wrapping things up by the end of the year. but what is clear from so that she had asked me, who is the national security advisor is but this is going to take much longer than that. he was speaking on saturday night. he said, you can't measure the end of this war in days, weeks, or months. it will be decided by offense on the ground and if he can achieve their aims. and he said that that was the most important thing for them to go forward with. the military will decide when they are operation is done when they have managed to achieve the objectives that have been set. so you can see that even though the, it's this pressure from the united states, the, it's really intention is that they will prosecute this war by here, see online for us as long as it takes. so they can walk away and say we did what we set out to do and israel claiming it's making advances in its ministry campaign.
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what exactly have it they've been saying in that regard. the well type to what we've just been talking about, the fight take very heavily around time use at the moment. we see that as an important victory for them. as they believe that the taking hon. eunice will really diminish from us by some considerable amount because they believe in there was that that said how much strong point and they are fighting there, but they think it could take somewhere between 3 or 4 weeks to continue the fighting there. and then they would turn the attention of the war to the sides of guys and these things. another 4 to 5 weeks spiking there. so ready? you're looking at somewhere in the middle towards the end of january, possibly, even in february, no, they said they are making teams in northern gaza that they have destroyed a significant amount. and so how much infrastructure that they've targeted weapons depos that they have use a number of mast fighters of ice,
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they surrendered. and they are using the intelligence that they are giving them to try and track those. how much come on those? remember, they want to decapitate how much leadership essentially, to leave it rather list a guys. but we also know that they're fighting very heavily in con, use that this isn't as easy as they thought it might be that in some places it's not just st. just streets are high size is actually face to face and they've lost 7 soldiers just in the last 24 hours or so. fighting and guys up as well. and of course, a week ago, how much managed to fire several rockets from northern. gotcha. so wow. is there a would like to claim that it has complete control in northern guys? it clearly doesn't, and the bottle for control is going to take several weeks yet. okay, thank you for that, alan fish at that for us and ok potty story slammed. well, joining us on set is mohammed shark, who is professor conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university.
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thank you for joining us on the program. now, as we had that from island, according to the as rarely ami as at least at least another 2 months of fighting to go. it's hard to imagine that there will be anything left standing in gauze and by then. but is that the point was so fun that the neo has convinced his allies in washington and europe, that he needs at least another 2 months. so must keep things with the hope of advocating homeless and changing and studies school. but today, well witness in this that, but i only on the one hand there is a collapse of freely out of the security council on friday. i know with the ve the prospect of assist fired agreement, which is the modem or the most logical step forward in any of the conflicts because of the view as a result. and now today we're out of awake into the news that the humanitarian got
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. the story is more than what we expect. therefore, half of the inhabitants of guys i'm talking about the median in the video is may die of starvation of coal or the other bad situation. therefore, deeded must be somebody's possibility someone and this was to save those videos. the 1st man. however, if it is left to nothing, you know was for the taking tactics is little going to on his side or his eyes to this humanity inquiries. instead, he stated that he had all within the voice of his gen ed. elizabeth, we are going to conquer. we are going to keep all those enemies well going. and in the mean a how mess, which is not impossible. so it's a catch $22.00. we've been b is what are any government we've in view as government as well as the security council, as i say, as long as the us supports israel, and this was going to continue. but why are we getting all these mix signals from
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the us the one hand, they are saying they are increasingly uncomfortable about the humanitarian loss and destruction that we're seeing. but then on the other hand, you have the vote. and then we also had in the last 24 hours of approved move funding to send weapons to israel. it's uh, the hall sun. the car will who will drive is who in other words, what not active is driving the bigger amount of the is it the convention of the vitamins and the blink cause of washington? that's nothing. you know, we're no longer target civilians. this is not the case. this was the last a showing us blending can go from the on his last visit to is what i however, today there is also news that the i by then administration is using a special way to hand some weapons to the is the route 80 of
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automate without reviewing or without going back to congress. so there is this, but it's very specific ation among supporters opener then you know that he needs all the support of the i met again this kind of gave with the hope that it would it, she was over here active so far. i am not sure with the by them administration is for what to what extent this list of and nothing else over here to extend a bugs on, on the if we go back to sub oh, the 7. the main objective of that was announced then was the elimination of how much of an inmate data for the war shouldn't have continued between the sort of deals and combatants. but to pushing this over to would and now more than 17000 civilians, another 8000 missing. i think this is not in, in the respect of neural engagement. this is not what view and how do you and
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addresses automotive confidence. therefore, we are going to witness lot of this and i don't think it even at the end of january, and that's in the whole will not have completed all his condition. and let's hope it, it, it doesn't come to that mohammed shark who are you professor conflict resolution on diplomacy at george mason university. thank you so ahead on colleges 0 growing in nations around with well, thousands have been marching in major cities. and so the director, the frank assessments for this placement kind of thing persecutions, it seems to be informed between what we see here these log in to change the reality, but drive it to lingering in depth analysis of today's headlines. do you think even the president of the united states when he hasn't been able to get
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a humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private us and nothing else in the inside story on al jazeera, the insides of content creators have become journalists, the rescuers heroes and target certain customers. so when a visa comes to me and yet they continue to report that the close of business, the story of just want to be should be a no, haven't had been hired for the love of cuz on as just the hearing the fact how are we the city is real heavy, more dead children asking questions to have your voice heard. what is your message to 0 is when you saw the
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watching out a 0 mind. if i told stories, this are the united nation says displace palestinians are experiencing extreme of crowding in the south. they've been edge by israel's move to all my wasi circles say. so without reliable sources of use of food on medicine is really foods is have intensified. brown sea and tax and southern guns, cities, units and rough of face constant showing an bombardment into the late hours has been no less up. and danny, is there any rate it's only occupied westbank, a storm? the town of 2 baths any on sunday with a convoy of 50 on the vehicles. the palestinian civilians detained by is
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really forces in gaza earlier this week say they were tortured by that kept as some of the 100 or so men who are partially stripped and blindfolded have been describing that will do saying this. robbie has scarred, bruised, marked like human cargo week from days of abuse and torment at the hands of the as really are palestinians. men of all ages being treated for injuries sustained in custody. they were rounded up when is really troops entered gauze. a city in the north of the district were taking a meeting with the wires. instruct, with cold water, were beating hard to get us for 5 days. they gave us lots of water 2 times every day. my father, a diabetic and they took him to the store only one time and they they kept him almost making the abuse and miss treatment of posting in preserves across the occupied territories while not new has reached
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a fever pitch. since israel's invasion, this concept is, are very hard. i think that's the mornings. we are very concerned about the safety and life of the other detainees or a know nothing about them. and there's a new sort of his apply, a new you nation on because prisoners, they are treated as a know from the combatant, which allows the desire to feel it is to keep them for up to 45 days without contact with any lawyer or with the outside world and also allows to keep them and is ready the military bases rather than to put them and is really like, you know, is there any presence under the present authorities? the testimony of those released back into war to and garza and insight into the fate being suffered by prisoners still and is really hands these images show men detain in bits like here in the northeast of casa, accused of being homeless, spiders accusations denied by those that knew them stripped and carted away in
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humiliating fashion, their fates unknown. only a small sample of the horrific image is coming out of this. more of the violets. indeed, humanize ation. palestinians are being put through every day. zane bus robbie ultra 0 remo low in the occupied westbank. for the last 2 months, demonstrations have been held around the world and suppose of palestinians to condemn israel's bombing of garza. thousands gathered from knots in paris on saturday. many hometown is cooling for an end to divide in some garza as a works free the french capsule. thousands of almost a gap in london school for a permanent ceasefire comes off to the k chose to abstain from the un security council resolutions demanding an immediate humanitarian. see spot in costs and in new york mountain. suppose that the palestinian people has forced the temporary closure of the brooklyn bridge. the pos of feet flooded brooklyn to
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palestine precious calling for an immediate cease to attend to some of the well news. now at least 6 people, including a child, had been killed off to tune a tour through the us state of tennessee. thousands happen inches and officials say they are still in search and rescue. phase one has cause extensive damage and tens of thousands of people with our rights groups in serious say that least 5 people have been killed and rocket attacks on it live. the syrian civil defense group says government forces hit residential areas in the city and surrounding areas. the north western province of ed live is the last major rebel stronghold in syria. the audience ain't his newly elected president, have a malay will take office on sunday. the economist announced his entry into politics in 2020 in a been to blow up the system. few predicted the 3 is,
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lays that he would win the presidency, theresa by reports, and he presents radical changing argentina. apply right precedent for a country in the middle of anything on the crisis. probably it'd be nice as he's like a 9, with a strength to jumpstart argentina's economy. sort of the been for the we advocates of freedom. and that implies a clear alignment in terms of gear and part of st. cloud on and out you politics align with the united states and israel. that so international policy or what do you think we are not going to align ourselves community got it. mean a was born in 1970 and decided to study economics. after seeing argentina's constant financial troubles cool motivated. she became known for his eccentric personality and a style. he's strong media, presence time to me to a favorite carol to among young people. and he was elected to congress and 2021
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said in most of the like, what really has full adults named dr. liberal economies through kills of his former adult conan who died in 2017. also one go inside his little to one of the 1st books on heavier to be late today. a late believe so you can talk to his dog. he believes god, dustin, them to be in politics and that is crowned dogs. are his children the, i think he's had a rough life. you know, was people who had no friends, he's unstable and i'm not sure he's the best person for an unstable country. even though we lays on jewish, the 1st trip he made up to winning the election was to the united states to visit the, to move a robot in brooklyn. people in argentina are filled with uncertainty of what have you had a mean a will be able to do while in all 50, a promise to radically change argentina's economy and why many hope to be able to stop or live the economy. others fear the impact that he's reforms will bring about may we write a new chap to now getting us history? many hope he will succeed when everybody else failed pretty so we'll just see them
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when a site is a. okay, that's the name of the inside. whether it's next them inside story, we'll look at accusations by right scripts and possible us complicity and alleged his writing, the the hello. the weather is as much as it should be across the cape parts of the arabian peninsula allows the fine and dry. we'll see when it's just picking up enough to store up any of the mist and focus we go on through the next couple of days. i think sunday might be a little lucky around the golf and nothing too much display called monday will be fine and dry. i'm pleasant. 29 degrees celsius. at best i spell the noise is a little more crowd coming to know the pos of saudi arabia. so i'm shabby right across the eastern side of the mediterranean,
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took the i seeing some bits and pieces of rain as we go through sunday. the next system will continue to drift. the crossing to that eastern side of the met someone there was a book, a sing, some west weather, along with cyprus, should stay dry. you know, just the, just around the live and say with the coming guys, that same system will bring some west to weather into the fall north of libya and they will ramp pop a little as we go on through on monday then. and there's that cold wind cooler when should we say, just starting to digging as he makes his way towards the north west of egypt. much of both africa ridge drive your showers, just running across the coast of west africa, into the gulf of guinea, as though quite a few showers coming into tens in the just around the sales as well as chat wasn't able to fall away sharply, right, stretches across botswana and so that is to sort of south africa slowly but surely maybe east here's from, i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app is
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that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the of israel's unrelenting devastation of gals that but any horse is still thing that is dash us. we'd always be un security council says fine motion again to start, criticizing israel early as a styling to protect the lives of civilians. human rights groups say, american risk being complicit in war crimes. so all the rights, this isn't side story the.


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