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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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persecutions, this seems to be another tax, including the tvs, what we see here, please log in to change the reality, but rather linking in depth analysis of the days headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a problem in it and nothing else? it inside story on al jazeera of the russia criticizes as well as continued bombardment of gaza saying it amounts to collective punishment to tell us and in the and there's a problem. and this is algebra live from doha. so coming up, allison in sphere for the lives is, is really
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a tax for this thousands to crime until the few designated. so full, safe stones left and gaza. b is rarely on these a choose the posting a stage to videos approach and to show the surrender of come off slices. and we looked at the price paid on palestinians. the occupied west bank has been banned from working in this room. the russians, foreign minister has criticized as well as bombardment have gone. so saying it amounts to collective punishment of the palestinian people. that's as well as the prime minister projects coals for a seas far insisting the will will continue with greater force is by the forces driving the self into the strip. leaving michel for millions seeking shelter that has been repeated as strikes and heavy fighting. and con eunice will displace palestinians from the know the center and the south have been told by israel to
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move to a small, lots of close to that it has no reliable sources of lucia food or medicine that you, when it says what is real cold to save sun is now experiencing extreme or the crowding rushes foreign minister. so the problem has course the international monitoring on the ground and gaza. moscow has repeatedly blamed the war on the failure of us diplomacy to restore the content of the service that the guys the east rid of on the 7th of october, like we can them. and if there was the tech, at the same time, we do not believe it's acceptable to use this. this event for collective punishment of the millions of funded student people who uses indiscriminate showing of disability and what those corresponding cash i have bought a has moved from the doha form. i've been talking to a senior officials attending the doha for and let me just give you some highlights
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of basically what they have to say. cutoff 40 minutes. this isn't the authentic political of the international organization saying that be paid to the level of promises made to bring it on to the will of the top remains committed to continuing its efforts to negotiate an extension of the seas by a policy in 5 minutes settled the 0 that the us veto is counter productive. it will just be 3 tags to these writers to continue what he does cloud nice destruction of gaza. and that's how most ultimately should spend united with the policy. and also it is a forwarded to, to move forward. it was quite interesting during the doha for them when jo notice were asking cutoffs 40 minutes. so the tool, daniel, 40 minutes or any out of lead to on what's next for guys that the, or we're united in saying that we should not be the ones to decide what's good for
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the finest areas. this is going to be a decision made by the policy and so on and say things that it needs to be a part of city and state with his do a sudden it's got, it's all about what happens next should be decided by policy is in 3 elections, this is why the job to the appointment is a most of you have to say. what we're facing is, is, is, is in a direction that is producing unprecedented amounts of defense destruction and is chip, it dies in the future of multiple region as it is creating a c. we will pates that wind denied with defined generations to come so obviously demanding a ceasefire. something that we're going to continue to to do. and the majority of the world is, is something over table that we've seen with the journalists. if there is a solution that we enjoyed inputs on behalf of the argument, it is disappointing that deals with lucian, develop to go through it is time of all of us. it is an excuse me with
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a very, very clear start. it gives a war that is by anything it pretended to do how form has become a global platform debating critical issues, global challenges, climate change, cyber security octave as an intelligence instability in the middle east. but this time it's been overshadowed by the developments in gaza and never before have the issue of the need to reform international institutions. what more pronounced than this time with most of those who attended the form saying that the international institutions, the united nations security council, the european union have failed so that they have failed to address the atrocities committed against civilians in gaza. but what should happen next, and this is why you have different views express today during the fall, should we pursue
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a path where we have to convince international institutions to come together, put an end to the fighting and bring the 2 o'clock. these have most of these, right, the policy is on the side is to negotiate a comprehensive political settlement. a while ago i spoke with the palestinian ambassador in the okay. and he said, just the fact that the blow but of opinion now understands much better the policy an issue that people have taken to the streets say that it needs to be and then to the atrocities until they've been mentis bombardment. all the civilians and gaza is quite enough. he sees it as the beginning of a new top to that could be conducive to more international support for the policy. and is the number of palestinians killed in his randy. a tax has risen to $17700.00 since the will began 2 months ago. for those who managed to survive as well as military is ordering them to move to a tiny strip of land on the closed hunting man,
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who was reports from milwaukee. the last one of the last remaining references for tens of thousands of palestinians who have spent the past, the weeks to fling further and further south to escape. israel's war on gauze. here they have set up, make shift tens on the sand. israel has labeled this humanitarian saved zone, but it's not a humane and it's not the same. it's the fan and the children died because of the freezing conditions here. our life was now focused on how to find bread is really skilled people with ms. saygos and shows and we are about to die here because of the lack of everything that kind of keep us alive. they send us here to face a slow death. this really is don't kill us. the current conditions here. we'll definitely send those to our desk that you just told me she had already been told to move a 3 times before she settled for on my watch. but she says there is no help at all here. how did the image snag?
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yeah, medicines are not available. i am a cancer patient and i have big problems in my heart tomorrow and i cannot endure up, i will tolerated anymore as they are. no toilets. what can i do? am i supposed to you're in a 2 in front of everyone. i don't even know anything about my sons. are they still alive? if they lost the lives? i have no idea how does that work? with no food supplies, nor water supplies more than 50 displays, palestinians found themselves within the past few days in this open large new sand area. and these make shops then, in the worst of living condition, this has been continuously feeding into their ongoing fear that this is going to be a permanent displacement. as the work continued to pound, the gaza strip from north to south soldiers are just kilometers a weight in hon. eunice in the here the air strikes is reading panic data cubic data did. there's huge numbers of tents here that has huge numbers of people,
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and more, more people are coming every day from con eunice, some flies and all the insects filled the tents. we live in a catastrophic situation up. so the club, yes, there are, blasi work for the i see are seeing gaza after spending years in the united kingdom as an engineer. he says it's ordinary people who are paying the price. it's not a matter of how much or a magazine or egypt, or is it right. it's a matter of our small children. we're not animals where people were human beings. even if there was a mistake that has been done whatever. you can't punish all the people because 5 to 10 percent. okay, so we need, we need the solution. if you, if we're waiting to die for sure. 3 weeks time people are going to die. so it's been poor and no food, no medicine, no ministration, no, nothing. if it's the magic is you're waiting for us to die. okay. we're not going to suffer anymore. i'll just sit down with the best. the honeymoon mode.
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last the evacuation zone, i was you 0 and he is joining us live from that alpha and sell them guys. and now what are the conditions they have given hundreds of thousands of displaced people have have gone to where you are. yes, elizabeth will really complicated and dire conditions dire good living conditions? 400000 a palestinian displays have grown across the gauze and strip to this the small city . when we look at the rough acetate compared to the remaining citizen, the gauze, or we looked at the 55 square kilometers area would. that's a population original population of 260000 pound. but now we're looking at, according to the municipalities that describe more than 1000000 people have been
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pushed throughout by city. the, the statement continues to describe as a large refugee cam. now with more people pouring into, however, there are just little uh, items, little food supplies and little water supplies do respond to the needs of those. a 1000000 a palestinian displaced in dropbox city, not old. and people. here are an evacuation centered designated by owner, but they are also in a small, a pocket, largely sound area in other milwaukee where we met some people who complain about it and, and express their frustration of the situation that they're there. they're putting through and, and the fact that they don't have access to clean water. they don't have food supply. they don't have a medical supplies. if they're looking at the uh, the, the most vulnerable group of the people evacuating in that area, being displaced, women and children. another, a group of vulnerable individual are having to be in the, in the evacuation zone,
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in on last week of those uh with disabilities. and, and life threatening condition guns are over in that area. more than 50000 people live in a through a very, very terrible situations with, with lack of everything defining, very, very hard to continue living. and with the fact that international organization, including on or what is not providing them with what, what they need to survive is causing a major problem. and it's right in their very existence as displaced individuals in, in city of rehab and keep spinning into their, their fear that this situation is going to be permanent. and if from now on, they should have stopped hoping of for a, for going back to their homes. in the central parts and in the northern part of the gaza city. yeah, lots of gosh, with the very much seeing intense fighting. continuing that is honey, my food, joining us life and rough button,
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southern gaza as it was prime minister benjamin netanyahu has held a phone call with the russian president vladimir putin. bethany on his office as he voiced his disapproval of russia's position against as well let springing and run con. he's joining us live from tennessee was the 1st phone call between the leaders in 2 months and wrong well says, why the government saying about his it was the 1st thing close since october 16th the relations between russia and his ro, uh fruits. probably mister benjamin netanyahu, according to the read out these really sent out, said that he expressed his displeasure with certain statements made by russian officials of u. n. and the other forms against israel hillside, chris size, the relationship between russia and iran as being dangerous. but he did think of the russian lead up. busy his efforts to release a jewel national russian is ready to jo national and said that he was hoping that
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that could continue. that was also some responses that we how hearing from prime is that sorry from present, let him at 210 who said that they called the consequences for civilians in garza. but interestingly enough, that the prime minister also said the risk rush, i needed to put pressure on the red cross to visit and provide medicines for the hostages held and gauze. and now that's a really interesting point because we've seen, we've heard probably just the benjamin netanyahu blame the red cross again and again for them not going and visiting with the captives are still in gaza. it's a form of deflection. by doing this, he's simply putting the blame on the red cross and it takes away from the fact that there is no seas 5. there's no ability to actually go in now spoken to the red cross and they've been absolutely clear about this. they can only work off the humanitarian diplomacy that account simply walk into. i was only under heavy
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bombardment and all see the hostages. so by blaming the red cross and by saying they're very cost isn't doing enough, it's actually quite convenient for him. and it's something that allows him to deflect, so we're going to hear a lot more statements like that. but more interestingly than all of that is this idea that there is displeasure from these right. ready about the statements and international force. you just said my call the customer bar that to or about what's the gate level, such as like a level saying the taxable type. this didn't happen. in fact, that something is really the seat is a critical statement for them outside the 7 is where everything started. so forget about the occupation. forget about anything that happened previous to that. these really just want you to concentrate on the of the events rather of all type of the 7. and ron, thank you very much for that. and ron con, joining us life instead of age. this is why i was being accused of staging a video for pushing to show the surrender of the mos. sonya is the 1st is on social
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media shows several dozen minutes trip to the underway is really immediate. assess these almost finances, the rest of the body of refugee can one man to sing, working towards the soldier and handing the rifle and hand gun. but notice how he's carrying the rifle in his left hand. however, i'll just leave those verification units somehow because identified a 2nd take of the same video. the palestinian man is now holding the rifle in his right hand. like the 1st video, he looks forward to place the weapons in front of the israeli soldiers. that's bringing a senior political analyst model on the shadow and my one yet another is really video that raises all sorts of problematic questions about how it's being made and how it treats its subject. absolutely, especially now listening to emma on uh, from israel talking about how these writers want to focus attention on october 7. but when you, for use videos like that, people forget the bottom over 7. i mean,
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this is far worse than anything else. you know, people can imagine of how. ready presumably, a set of declared democracy that pursue this of parts of the western world treats it's uh, occupied people, the way is read is humiliating and dehumanizing people and guys. and it doesn't just do it in a way that is, you know, somewhat honest. in fact, as we've shown, this is done in the us fake news. this is done as a way that this page that there's doctors in a way that suits is very new propaganda. and people don't buy into such propaganda anymore. i mean, even if these railways did buy into it, which i doubt that they do, i was younger generation people out there who actually ought to, into social media. don't buy to the stuff anymore. yeah. they're on many news agencies that have analyze the footage of various videos that as well has pronounced throughout the school. because these videos have become
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a feature of the sort of analyze them. and social media is uses have widely marked them. but this is the thing, one is that this is supposed to be an arm to an art form. it's a strategy for a forgotten to what supposed to be an art form. you're supposed to be able to create an alternative reality whereby you deflect from the actual reality. the alternative reality, like alternative news, right after the facts. they need to be done on design in such a barely and creative way. whereby international public opinion would actually be dissuaded that it's not the actual reality. that's not those, it's this thing that has been created. it's totally done. it's not convincing. and it's actually the one nice is not only the palestinians, but also somewhat dehumanizes. the perpetrators of this kind of an act because when you become a fascist like that, when you become a human nice, i'd like that,
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i kinda know like that. that's something you're not to the advantage of and is read the claims itself to be victim. yeah. of the human eyes they should from how much than others. and there are many people who since the video of the 100 men who were detained in gaza. same treatment, you know, stripped blindfolded, taken away. have said that it's actually criminal to treat even to treat prisoners of war this way, regardless of whether that fights has or not propaganda. aside here at the door, how far and we have many leaders talking about the what's happening and gaza. now how to stop in the future of guys on the palestinian prime minister has been speaking about what did you make of what he said the palestinian authority has never left causes. so i think he tried to over so his case, but clearly there was some connection and there weren't faxes that were projected them in terms of the money value to the alternatives and guys which they spent on managing that situation within cost. i think most of the point,
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i think the idea that that's a pursuit alternative would once to still go. so that how much that partner despite what happened despite the immunization by is right. and they're not just because it's realizes that how much has become even more popular after not october 7th tech . they've become even more popular after these really general site and gaza and the fed, a senior resistance to that general side. so now it's clear with how much pulling so when, even in the west bank even pointing both of them to policy, you know, sort of thing. but i think that's what the needs to reckon with the fact that how much is a fact of life and why is that? it continues to deny that and continues to assess on the idea of testing feed time us. i think that but a single thought of who is coming to the understanding that they've been going to have to work on. but that's an impossible proposition because the united states and is the cause of the how much i finish the organization. once again, look back at history, the yellow that became a partner for peace was also considered as a terrace organization. in fact,
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it was considered by deserves to be a nazi group, right? but then it became the best of all peace partners. but be that as it may, i think the policy, you know, sort of the has one shortcoming today. it is losing credibility in the eyes with a better sense. because it's not standing up to palestinian rights. neither in allowing protests in but a senior citizen of us bank in sort of directly with guys a not defending a spinning of farmers. instead of seeing 100 years under i thought the so that the palestinians were released from is there any jails? some of them were holding him off. flags load one. thank you very much. senior political analyst model on the shy are still ahead on. i'll just say our west african lead is nice from crisis to often to member state support attempted cooks. and for some tweaks, the
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colors, the rain clouds, are gathering across china. now we have got sickening cloud just coming into those central areas. let's see about ahead of that high pressure. just getting pushed out to the way that and that will allow the systems to gather, roll across the east, tennessee, the yellow sea, very wet weather into south grab a wintry whether it's a north print, its own making its way to bullshit pad it runs in across much of japan as we go on through, choose de shy rank coming back and hide cools off a little as well with the winds coming in from and all the direction. but by that stage, as you can see, much of china will be dry, with plenty of sunshine, sunshine stretches this way down across a good part of indo china. and essentially to the philippines. they all show majority of showers into indonesia, pushing across malaysia with some rather heavy rain from time to time. still sinks and heavy right is the fall south of india as we go through monday, but it will slowly but surely start to pay to route. i think as we go on into
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a tuesday losey dry across a good positive in this was all set to continue though for much jobs for lanka. we'll see what the weather lingering here as we go through the next few days. the little on the misty side, some fold up towards the northeast of india, focused on still be fine, dry top to bottom of the thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins. and eventually some odd hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than that these days or is it just a different full? i think that democracy in the process facing realities. do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the story on talk to how does era the
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you watching all just bear with me and as a reminder of our top stories, the solid brushes, foreign minister, has criticized as well as from bottom to gaza saying it amounts to the collective punishment. balance demands. second, that problem has gone for an international monitoring to, to be present in gaza. is rarely, for instance, have intensified ground sea and air tax and the southern causes trip. the cities of con eunice and drunk ha, have come to constance shunning and from monument the un says display, spouse demands are experiencing extreme or the crowd in the south to being judged by israel to move to out in the wasi a so cold, say,
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spelling without reliable surface of food and medicine. the world health organizations executive board has been holding an emergency session to discuss the role in health crisis and garza and the occupied westbank. the w h o has one of the health system and the gaza strip is collapsing, and it kind of fulton news, one more ambulance, a hospital bed. it's direct to general regional agent calls for an immediate c 5. the input of the conflict on how is catastrophe, more than 17000 people are reported to have died in guys including 7000 children. and we don't know how many are buried under the last day of homes. more than 46000 injuries have been reported to 1.9000000 people have been displaced almost the entire population of the guys us 3
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and are looking for shelter anywhere they can find it. but no in and no one is safe in guys. just be no less happen. daily is ready. the rates of the occupied westbank. 2 young palestinian men were arrested when it's ready for us to stone. the columbia refugee camp early on sunday. the pay would taken from the homes by israeli soldiers, troops also stored in the town of $2.00 boss any on sunday with a convoy of around 50 vehicles. gun vessels reports are between palestinian sizes and is really forces boulders, as far as the convoy destroy roads and damaging water pipes. before the war, more than a 150000 palestinians from the occupied westbank worked in as well. but many have since been badge depriving families and the palestinian economy of much needed
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revenue. some workers now say that even if the band is lifted, they won't be going back. child stratford reports front of them. i love the son on the so we sits down for a late breakfast with these parents and cut them one of these 9 children at the home and the occupied with bank smoothly at this time of day. did you already be? it was in israel when the war started as well, band palestinian workers from the occupied west bank for some sense. even if his rel, lips the band, he's reluctant to go back, was up with level just a little bit doesn't whoever works inside israel guarantees a comfortable financial life for themselves. we're able to buy land to build a house, but now it's dangerous to enter, and i'm worried that will be revenge for the mazda of tax, and unfortunately, the workers will pay a big price. the st super monro busy with the palestinian economy is suffering even more since the war started. nearly a quarter of the occupied west banks, labor force generated 17 percent of the printer listed in national income for jobs
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and as well before. that's a 150000 palestinians working inside as well. and around $25000.00 working in these rails illegal settlements, generating around free $1000000000.00 a year. so long as you used to work as a construction worker in tel aviv junk family. enjoyed the best of wages eastwood nearly doubled when he takes home in the occupied westbank. in this on the whole minute when it opens again, i will wait a couple of weeks to check the situation before i return to work is better there. you get paid directly and on time, even though there is racism and i'm afraid of violence against me, which is the best station in ramallah. it's 5 30 am before the war would be bustling with workers, taking transports with ro. now this whole the as sold around colombia checkpoint monks a break and the separation will heavily guarded by the way the military. and it's
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where many palestinians used to cross into israel every day. a foldable at this time of the day at this place, you'd see thousands upon thousands of pounds vivian's crossing the check board to go into israel to can as you can see now it's just the trickle. and the majority of these work is all going deep inside is working and industrials are very close to where we all now economies. roger of somebody says the band was highlighted just how reliant on these well the palestinian economy is even if they want to return to the local labor market. the existing opportunities are very, very few. in fact, there are 9, we already had 17 percent unemployment in the west bank. now we're going to have set at $430.00 for our present unemployment. we had a low g, d p, relatively in the, in the west bank. now these, if, if this labor continues,
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stoppage continues for 12 months we're talking about 25 percent loss and g d p alone because of this effect. and that means additional hardship for millions of palestinians like solid, who look south across the valley of the towns in israel, where he can no longer work catastrophic villages 0 remotely. the latest from the west african block echo was, have met in a bu judge to discuss the rising number of cruise and attempted cruise across the region. often addresses following the meeting in a boucher 6 successful the closest printed print tea and several attempted corps in the region. the most recent being set on the, on the president and sutherland was he a briefing all his fellow leaders from the southern region about the situation in this country. but what is most pressing for lead us here is the reputation of the regional buckets that they cannot make community of west african states. because of
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course, yeah, and that's uh idea. it's not lost even on the united nations of the african union speaker from all the institutions i've spoke.


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