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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow the, [000:00:00;00] the total on has and see cuz this is the news out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes tara, and see in the honda of garza, southern city as israel order civilians to leave the center of con eunice. palestinians continue to try to flee the fighting, but increasingly say they are not
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a single safe place left in gauze. guys that the system is on its knees and collapsing the warnings of a desperate states of healthcare in gauze of the wells health organization. cooling a special session of the executive board. and these ready armies, the keys, the posting of stage video, the 14th to show the surrender of how much spices the how do we begin this news with israel's offensive in gauze and civilian is being forced out of the most populated areas in the south. now israel is dropping leaflets on han eunice, telling residents to leave. thousands of already, flight is ready bombs and ground forces their tanks of advance deeper into the city . as israel rejects calls for another c spot. but as people make the difficult journey from con eunice down the salon dean road,
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they say they are not convinced for the south will be any safer. a model come up with the wire. the one of the, of you all are going on our resolution on the, on the one on a saw all the one the, all american, most, all the children. i went all years no years. remember the, the job i live in the, on the, on the, on the was on the new one of the, the, but to me i got to tell if i'm to call them. but you're not the one or 21. 0 no,
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no, no, not a general democratic equity i'm, i don't think i'm looking for someone. i'll think of it as a little bit to, but i will have to have a general weight. i'm thinking i'm, i'm thinking, i'm, i'm, i'm thinking i'm, i'm thinking about coming in on the high end that i hold on for high school clinic . the um, the, the, the, the uh, these pictures show the scale of the display and placement in southern gaza is what i was told people to shelter in tiny, so called safe zones in the rough governor. right. that the you and says, all dangerously over crowded. the other number of palestinians killed in is really a tax has now or isn't the $17700.00 since the will began on october. the 7th. for those who manage to survive, the so called safe areas can be extremely dangerous. israel says what it calls and say signs will be sped, the bombing, and the fighting. that has devastated much of the rest of the territory. more than
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$1800000.00 people in gaza have now been forced from their homes and there are fewer and fewer designated safe areas left to slay, to the sandy barren 6 and a half square kilometer patch of terrain. in l. o. c is one of them you'll nice side has moved from there were here in my wasi of roswell. this is just one of the areas of, of my last in milwaukee is originally a 40 square kilometer area where israel has cold, designated humanitarian, safe zone for palestinians in the gaza strip to move to. but as you can see, this area is just made out of installed sin tents for the residents who have fled and were forcibly displaced from different areas. the gods, the city, the north, and even the south end of why do you does so that includes the central part and con
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eunice city and has been all forcibly displaced in this area called last. see this area is just made out of these been tense that has been installed here and there some areas the tents are very adjusting to one another. and this area of my law c has nothing of the basic necessities in need of any human being. so as you can see, it is completely not relevant to the word, humanitarian neither to the word a safe zone because these people, as well as many others in the gaza strip in different areas, are still suffering of relentless, ongoing is really air strikes and bombardments. now going to the humanitarian case of low speed. this area has no water, it has no drinking water,
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it has no humanitarian aid reaching these places. and of course, it has no toilets at all. so people here need to find an alternative, even for the toilets. this is one of the alternatives. the people here in milwaukee are turning to to make their own toilets. they have a, they have dug picked in the ground and put this container. this is a toilet to public toilets. they have installs here between all these tend to use because they have no other alternative. but walter for hygiene stays to be a struggle, add a daily challenge for these people here. these areas are subjected to a lot of diseases on a daily basis because off the great mass,
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amounts of people crowded in very small areas and without any wider for hygiene. you may see it out to 0. rough off. i'm all i see. let us go live now to apply in southern does a ton it was a nice day for us to turn it the south to seen some heavy fighting today. what's the latest? the housing via the fighting even south continues in particular in calling you to city. now this central city is considered to be the main target right now for the occupation soldiers who are trying to preach, move into the main airport areas of the city in order to eliminate most pointers. and as the, as the occupation had said earlier, since the expansion of the military operation on the south, according to the military slips by some of our cassandra gates, have said that they have attacked the east very maneuvering troops with different economies of explosive devices as they have been driven to different military
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emphasis that they have been previously provided by the fight to is of the i'm in the true wing of how most now these kinds of phonics changed and classes continue in these areas as the palestinian scientists are trying to book the in 3 and the easy way to control all of the of the, of the regions and move, growing confrontations and destruction by the use ready, occupation fluids as we try to destroy every single building inside via the on unit cities and in the areas that they are trying to carry out the military include you through now. the situation on the south as the bombing continue, the these red occupation forces had make different kinds of fire coverage for the maneuvering troops. throughout carrying a series of air strikes against different residential buildings in the south. and these attacks also continued endeavors by the end of the refuge account, which also the occupation maneuvering troops. trying to much to,
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to make much more advancements against the main central areas. now all of these kinds of confrontation, adding more kind of difficulty for palestinians as they are forced to flee, move to the south of guns at this time, to rough off districts. and thought it was important quite a bit on these cells, cold, the safe zones, and the sense that there really isn't any way that's that safe in gaza right now. how difficult is it then for palestinians though to, to get to and survive. insights starts yes. hasn't generally uh the, the process of these actuation from the early hours of the is very old. as for residents in the north and goes to city was very difficult for them. it's considered to be the journey of death. we're palestinians were forced to leave everything behind in order to survive along with the family members. now we try to remember the palestinians who have been killed throughout the process of the
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evacuation. and now the occupation is expanding the military operations. eva solves this area which has been designated before i say 4 guns, and now they have been informed. this is of the south and for those who are living in conyers, to flee to milwaukee, which is a close to the coastal 9th of the south territory. now this area considered to be a very risky and dangerous, and it's considered to be also a one of the areas that doesn't have any kind of infrastructure, including no access to water. so it looks tricity and a so there is so easy access for passwords on toilets where people are supposed to have in order to cope with the situation on the altima of the evacuation on now with the number of palestinians who have been evacuated to rough off the situation is also getting much more that you're racing right now and thought we've been hearing that the, as a representative from the custom brigades,
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which is on group align with how much had been speaking in the last hour. what do we, what are they said? yes the, the as folks pass and all of the minutes were wrinkled, some muscle, cassandra gates had a, had such that the, the most pointers in different areas in con eunice had managed to attack um to, to a number of is really soldiers who are trying to preach be to main airprint areas of con, unit space, that'd be half kills. 15 is really so just a off to being trapped in a military push that had been previously the bad by using different explosive devices. this tactic had been used by the policy and find it on the particular by the sewage and the by the fight is all 3 minutes reviewing diploma in order to uh, to attack, to destroy the almost vehicles. and the typical v is ready my to bring the troops on the ground as they are trying to pull the entries to con eunice. and they also
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use different kinds of empty tank messiahs and auntie personal devices. in order to intimidate the is ready. so we'll just come to force them to with the drew from the areas of the advancements. now they are the, the confrontations um the class has continues continue in these areas con units, which according to these read all because it's considered to be one of the main areas on the hardest. in terms of the difficulty of having confrontations with the outcome, brigade points is donna. thank you, tony. i was in my life versus there in the world house on organizations. executive board is holding an emergency session to discuss the growing health crisis in gaza and the occupied west bank. the w h o has one. the. the health system in the gaza strip is collapsing and it cannot afford to lose one more ambulance or hospital bed is directly general reiterate to calls for an immediate
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cease for now the work of the hill. would it go? this is impossible. and that directly in the firing line, or since the sevens of october w, joe has verified more than $449.00, a tax on health care in guys in the west bank. and 60 a tax in on health getting these we had no ad and no one is safe in guys as more and more people move to a smaller and smaller area overcrowding, combined with the lack of adequate food, water, shelter, implementation, outraging. the ideal conditions for this is to spread a poll brennen his life for us from that meeting in geneva support what else a much from that and, and the remarks by the director general of
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w h o of the yeah. hasn't the, the meeting is just about wrapping up now the resolution and the draft resolution has been now formally adopted by consensus. didn't need of those all 30 full members of the executive board of the world health organization agreeing that the resolution should be adopted. and essentially the focus of this whole day of the sessions has been the lead can frankly intolerable conditions that health care records and medical staff all facing in gaza on the is really bombardments. we had some staffing and distressing statistics. 1.92000000 people have been displaced, half a 1000000 people will never be able to go back to the homes because at home simply don't exist anymore. and it's about a $130.00 to you. and staff killed, more than 286 health work has been killed. the situation, nope, described as a humanitarian crisis, but as a humanitarian catastrophe,
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the resolution has been adopted as i say, there was a initial draft and then a revised draft that was processed. the 1st draft specifically put the emphasis on israel to allow humanitarian and medical staff to go about that business in an unfettered and immediate way. the final draft put the emphasis on the policies to allow that to happen. but i think, you know, it's clear in the room where, where the emphasis lies and it's essentially saying that they want full policies to protect medical staff on the terms of international humanitarian law. and so how significant is this agreement then among the w h l? yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's really important. i mean, 1st of all, it adds to the international pressure on israel to actually stop the bombardments of civilians and the collateral damage. you might just drive it in, in gaza. it's you have to another international bodies. it's adding its weight to
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those pools. the other thing i think that's really interesting is that having made that amendments from israel to full policies, if both united states on board and you think about friday, where the united states veto or cold for a ceasefire at the un security council. this resolution doesn't mind for sci fi, it's simply once improve conditions that fee, humanitarian, the medical stuff and is really sorry, the united states is content to keep that wedding, allow that wedding to pass without demanding any further. dilution is around looking very isolated here in geneva. and a message, i think my interpretation is that it shows israel the united states supports it, cannot necessarily be taken for granted on all matters. full brennan in geneva force. thank he rushes, 4 minutes to has criticized israel's continued bombardment of gaza speaking to
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a diplomatic attitude. james bay's at the doha for him. so he left rob spoke about the conflict in gauze and ukraine, and addressed moscow's apparently contradicting stands on both conflicts. what russia has done in the past, and i'll come on the crane, go later in the interview. but if you go back to chechnya, the high level of civilian casualties, you go to syria, the bombardment of hospitals on to being hypocritical here a little. it's up to you to judge. i don't believe the i'm few, but we took a little rushes, hypocritical. we will have a thought though we do the alterations which we in today and in the republic of chechnya, we never have been fighting what we've been doing in steward at the request of the digits and with government member will do night. the nations fighting, i sees jump right? the news today for your best to be at us from a and other organizations,
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we should have popped up after the american intervention. send the rook, but not okay. that was created. so then the in libya chapter, that's a new site and you know this, this, this story and use more can use for them and the procedure and we will continue to fight federalism. yeah. and those that don't exist either already because in 2015, 2015 i asked you with a news conference at united nations about this, about those groups. and you said if it looks like a terrorist, if it acts like a terrorist, if it looks like a terrace, it fights like a terrorist. it's terrorist. well, what is russia's view of how mass? because israel western countries, the your opinion, they say they're a terrorist organization. i note that the, the home us delegation visited moscow in october. do you think i'm asked to be part of the post conflict resolution here?
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you're much better interrupting people than i am. and you can watch changes full interview with 2nd level stare at the 202030 guarantee on top tags here, as in just a few hours from now or corresponding hashim. i bought it. it has more from the doha form where will lead is increasing pressure on israel over its campaign. in garza, i've been talking to a senior officials attending the doha for. and let me just give you some highlights of basically what they have to say. come to us, 40 minutes. this isn't the man assigned it to come of the international organization saying that they are paid to deliver the promises made to bring it down to the will of the top remains committed to continue this efforts to negotiate an extension of the seas by a policy in 5 minutes settled as a 0, that the us veto is counter productive. it will just
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be free text of these writers to continue once had this class nice destruction of cause. and that's how much ultimately should spend united with the policy and authorities authority to move forward. it was quite interesting during the doha for them when jo. notice were asking contests 40 minutes so that you'll daniel 40 minutes. so any out of lead to on. what's the next 4 guys that they all were united in saying that we should not be the ones to decide what's good for the policy is. this is going to be a decision made by the policy and on insisting that it needs to be a part of city and state a with a 0. a sudden it's got, it's all about what happens next should be decided by policy is in 3 elections. this is why the job to the appointment is a most of you have to say, what we are facing is, is, is, is in a direction that is producing unprecedented amounts of defense destruction and is
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chip, it dies in the future of old people region as it is creating a c, we will pates that wind denied with defined donations to come so obviously demanding aspire. something that we're going to continue to to do. and the majority of the world is, is something over table that we've seen would be less if there is a solution that we enjoyed inputs on behalf of the islands. it is disappointing that the solution does not go through. it is time of us. it is an excuse me, we took a very, very clear start against a war that is by anything it pretended to do how form has become a global platform debating critical issues, global challenges, climate change, cyber security octave as an intelligence instability in the middle east. but this time has been overshadowed by the developments in gaza and never before
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had the issue of the need to reform international institutions. what more pronounced than this time with most of those who attended the form saying that the international institutions, the united nations security council, the european union have failed so that they have failed to address the atrocities committed against civilians in gaza. but what should happen next, and this is why you have different views express today during the fall, should we pursue a path where we have to convince international institutions to come together, put an end to the fighting and bring the 2 o'clock this time. most of these right, the policy is on the side is to negotiate a comprehensive political supplement. a while ago i spoke with the palestinian and both of the in the okay. and he said, just the fact that they blow, but of opinion now understands much better as a policy, an issue that people have taken to the streets,
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say that it needs to be and then to the atrocities until the vin, not just bombardment, all the civilians in gaza is quite enough. he sees it as the beginning of a new top to that could be conducive to more international support for the policy in is. israel is being accused of staging a video for 14 to show the surrender of how my soldiers. the footage on social media shows several dozen men stripped to their underwear, is a media says these are how much fights has arrested a budget badly a refugee camp. one man is seen looking to was a soldier and handing over a rifle in hand. but not here, how he is carrying the rifle in his left hand as his ears, verification unit, santa has identified the 2nd side of the same video. the palestinian man is now holding the rifle in his right hand. like the 1st video he works for to place the
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weapons in front of the israeli soldiers body. and my colleague elizabeth for ron, i'm spoke to, i just need our senior political analyst model. want to be sure to about the impact of these videos on israel's credibility one yet. another is really video that raises all sorts of problematic questions about how it's being made and how it treats its subject. absolutely. especially now listening to emma on uh, from israel talking about how these are, i just want to focus attention on october 7. but when you, for use videos like that, people forget the bottom over stuff. and i mean, this is far worse than anything else. you know, people can imagine of how. ready presumably, a set of declared democracy that looks like this, of parts of the western world treats it's occupied. people the way is read is humiliating. and dehumanizing people and guys, and it doesn't just do it in a way that is, you know, somewhat honest. in fact,
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as we've shown, this is done in the us fake news. this done as a way that this page that there's dr. in a way that suits is a new propaganda. and people don't buy into such propaganda anymore. i mean, even if these railways did buy into it, which i doubt that they do, i was younger generation people out there who actually are 2 into social media. don't buy to the stuff anymore. yeah, there are many news agencies that have analyze the footage of various videos that as well has pronounced throughout the school because these videos have become a feature of the sort of analyze them. and social media is uses have widely marked them. but this is the thing one, is that a, this is supposed to be on an arm to an art form. it's a strategy propaganda. what's supposed to be an art form you're supposed to be able to create an alternative reality? what am i you deflect from the actual reality? the alternative reality, like alternative news,
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right after the facts they need to be done on design in such a barely and creative way. whereby international public opinion would actually be just way did that. it's not the actual reality that's not those, it's this thing that this been created. it's poorly done. it's not convincing. and it's actually the one nice is not only the palestinians. it also somewhat the humanizes, the perpetrators of this kind of an act. because when you become a fascist like that, when you become the human eyes are like that, i kinda know like that. that's something you're not to the advantage of and is read the claims that seems to be victim of the human eyes. they should from how some of the laser as relentless attacks on guns that aren't just destroying homes lives an infrastructure. they're also targeting palestinian culture itself from historical buildings and institutions to the people who preserves palace signs of heritage and science. and you had
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a lady reports we did what we could remember us. these words were written by doctor mood. evelyn who jayla on the white board normally used for planning surgeries, doctors without borders, says he was killed in the attack on that out. the hospital in northern guys out few weeks ago, along with several other doctors and not just them. israel has also killed artist, educators, entrepreneurs, journalist, and athletes. most of the are ripping apart what's left of it. society. many say israel is waging a war valid to say that is a deliberate targeting of a community's leadership. it was 1st used by british journalist michael nicholson in the 90s to describe the breach of gina mexico. of mostly muslims in bosnia and herzegovina by certified or military groups on the war on gaza genocide expert. and that's upland shows make tweeted saying,
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killings of the most notable of your community are done to make you a member. nobody is safe to mickey lou's hope to ensure the community doesn't resist or reorganize. many analysts believe israel is attempting to deliberately erased by the science, identity, history and existence, also known as cultural genocide. you remove not only a human being with all of the complexity and potential from the earth, but you take away somebody that has been a leader in the culture of field, destroy those things you remove and intrinsic part of people in the culture from the or the palestine administrative coaches, you put details the profound impact of 2 months of is really bombardment on gauze us cultural sector. it says more than 28 creative professionals, including artist, writes, is n decisions have been killed by is really bombing 9 publishing houses and libraries have been damaged,
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as well as 21 cultural centers and at least 20 story. cal site's been through the streets, oldest mosque and the widely known greek orthodox sample. few use believe to be the 3rd oldest church in the world, according to the wont statute targeting historic monuments of religious buildings intentionally is a war crime. but many see the impact for palestinians is bigger than the loss of physical landmarks. it becomes easier to dehumanize the people to publicly present them in a more simplistic or barbaric, or reductive way if you can eradicate to places of culture and community learning. and i think that's what we have seen time and time again from these really. i mean, it's really state for palestinians. it's a daily fight just to stay alive and to hold onto the very existence as the people you have to live at, d o d 0 a head on. i'd just say that we looked at the price paid by palestinians the me
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occupied westbank. big band from working in is run the brought to you by visit capital colors, the rain clouds, a gathering across china. now we have got sickening cloud just coming into those central areas. not too bad ahead of that high pressure, just getting pushed out to the way that when that will allow the systems to gather, roll across the east, tennessee, the yellow sea, very wet weather into south grab a wintry, whether it's a north create its own making, its way to bullshit pad it runs in across much of japan as we go on through, choose de shy rank coming back and hide cools off a little as well with the winds coming in from an old the direction. but by that stage, as you can see, much of china will be dry, with plenty of sunshine,
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sunshine stretches this way down across the good part of indo china. and your son shot into the philippines. the old sho majority of showers into a indonesia pushing across malaysia with some rather heavy rain from time to time. still sinks from heavy right is the fall south of india as it go through monday, but it will slowly but surely start to pay to route. i think as we go one into which used a lot you dry across a good positive in this was all set to continue that for much jobs for lanka. we'll see what the weather lingering. here we go through the next few days. the little on the misty side, some fold up towards the northeast of india, focused on still be fine. dry, top to bottom of the quote to you by visit cuts on this is the largest only bowl processing punch in the occupied westbank. 50 full promised. handing funds bring that home is to be pressed into a product. this, in a good year, generates around $200000000.00. each of these tags contains around 200000 liters of
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olive oil with a monkey. the value of around $300000.00 gives you a sense of just how important is the industry is to the palestinian economy. the pound to send you an agricultural ministry estimate to else the cheapest thing to harvest, including colleagues groaning calls will be lost because of the will. and illegals is really settled. a white fence comes through promised in all the grove as well as all but still to be sure and comments to palestinian farm is to harvest a crumbs near the settlements. this year. pharmacy is rails war, and garza is damaging the only the industry like never before the
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the, again you're watching. i just need a reminder laptop stories this out. how this thing is being pushed out. so the most populated parts of southern gaza is ready bombs up pounding con units as tanks and bonds into the city. seeing residence at few places left to go. united nations as united says displace palestinians are experiencing extreme over crowding in the south. they've been hers by is up to move to another. i see a so called safe zone without reliable sources of water, food or medicine. in the world health organization is wanting, causes health system is collapsing and cannot afford to lose one more ambulance or a hospital bed is direct to a general reiterated calls for c spot at an emergency meeting in geneva
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or the head of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees and the jordanian foreign ministry have separately accused israel, a one thing to push the palestinians out of gaza and into egypt. philip loves it really said, in an opinion piece for the la times that if israel continues as it has been gauze a will in his would not be a land for palestinians anymore. and on sunday jordan's foreign minister spoke at the doha, for which we see and gaza is not simply a beginning go for the innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit, if it seems to empty guys a, from its people. laser, it has responded to denying the allegations that that military goal is to empty gaza palestinians. these are, of course outrages and false accusations is ro is fighting to defend itself from the monsters who perpetrated the october 7th,
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masika. and the purpose of our campaign is to bring those monsters to justice and show that they can never again hold people or below is editor at the online newsletter, newsletter, the arab die just to jersey. now again in the studio. so we had the accusations there and the response from israel, they're saying that this is not their intention to empty gaza of palestinians, but certainly if you tilt the palestinians on the ground doesn't look that way does it will, it doesn't. and if you look at what they're doing there, they keep driving the palestinians into what they're calling is realize are calling safe zones and then proceeding to bomb. and those fig say sounds that area gets constrained smaller and smaller and smaller. and you say, well, where are these palestinian civilians supposed to go the hundreds of thousands and close to 1000000 now they've been shifted so so harshly and so brutally into areas that the israelis claimed the idea of claims as safe. and one of the arguments that
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many people fear is that they will be pushed into north sign. i. now i, i don't think that's going to happen for the following leaves is, is the egyptian president, cc simply cannot allow palestinians to come into no sign. i, one of the reasons is that for years, as c c has hired youth of the greatest threat is, isn't, this isn't was fighters to hottest? well, if you allow, causing this to be pushed into or sign i, some of them will be homeless fighters. that's one side of the point. you have a sort of the corners that egypt is in a economic meltdown. you are going to push more than a 1000000 people, perhaps 2000000 people into an impoverished part of israel, of egypt, brother, when the country itself is an economic meltdown. you can't afford to do it politically. you can't afford to do an economically. that's not to say that these
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really wouldn't try it, but of course is really need to keep some of their arrow, but how eyes somewhat onside and they have of do you still with egypt, they've already strained that enormously. just as a strand is a situation of advance and you have equally the fear that what is going on in the west bank will, will push palestinians more palestinians at the door and the situation of the georgia and simply could not cope with no relate toward. if we turn into another part of the is really narrative which, which they've been pushing over the last few hours, is this uh, video of, of a pasting in men being, being arrested. and there's this issues of credibility with that of as to how we'll send ticket is as we pointed out earlier, what's your view on that? well, i think ours is the issues of credibility and observe, makes the point that and then in one clips, the chaps holding the, the, the weapons in one hand. and then it switches over to the other hand, would suggest that the whole process was somewhat dr. uh,
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and the point i would make is that it would whatever the intentional there's really sort of to put this video out where there was to secure a propaganda victory in israel. and perhaps it did. but in terms of the global and the global public opinion, i think it's been, uh yeah, another blunder. because it, it raises the step to the specter of, of the i says people who are a basically stripped down. their hands are battling, they were, they had the blindfolds and then they were shot. now these really is having shot anybody, some people didn't die. i believe, and while they were being detained, but the idea that you can gain public support by humiliating palestinians. and that way, i think has backfired very, very badly. we talked earlier in the last hour about the impact, all of this is having on the american public in particular,
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this disappoint divide and enjoys among democrats as americans and so on, in and how critical that is in an election in year. but there's also the seems to be a kind of real shift in, in terms of the fact the younger americans who are seeing, you know, that they have access to social media information is more available right now. and, and, and there is more of a shift towards sympathy towards the palestinians. how, how much of a challenge is that going to be for, for binding? and i think it's a very big challenge finding was already facing questions about his capability, his age, his policies domestically. this would be the issue of, of the economy, even though the economy is not doing too badly. now this comes along and what does the americans do? well, they're supporting israel unconditionally they just yesterday, and now certain that supply some more tank shelves to this, or at least in spite of their claims and costs or humanitarian pause. young i just said young americans,
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and this is where the is really that losing the propaganda war. the hesper war is, social media is depicting and showing these awful images very real, very moving, very powerful. young americans look at that. and they say americans who voted for by young americans are coming up to voting, age. young americans who do not support donald trump and is particularly vicious audiology. i would say those people, the risk is those young americans will not vote if that happens. stand by it includes the election. what implications is that gonna have to think beyond 2024 off to the election on when this war may be over as well. um, in terms of how the these wally narrative is presented compared with the palestinians. well, i think that is really narrative is badly damaged. i think the palestinian narrative and has paid a terrible price. but the posting a narrative is much stronger now to me. and then it was me for the 7th of october.
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people are seeing the palestinian situation in the new light that's globally this thing. and it's being revealed a day in day out as a, as early as continue this citizen savage campaign against the palestinians and cause and indeed as i mentioned in the west bank. and so what's the impact down the road? i would hope that in the short term, the buying and we'll look at the tread to his voting base and say, i've got a leaving is really, is a lot harder. they've got to stop this. this is going to rec, my re election. that would be my shorter term hope in the longer term. i do think that israel is seeking the st. louis damage. yeah, yeah. good to talk to bill. oh, thanks very much. i has been no less tough in daily is rainy, rays in the occupied westbank. 2 young palestinian men were arrested one forces stone, the columbia refugee camp early on sunday. the pair were taken from their homes.
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spine is really sold just the troops also stormed the town of 2 buses. early on sunday, with a convoy around 50 vehicles, gun vessels where a 40 between passing and fights is in his way. the forces bulldozers followed the con void destroying roads in damaging water pipes. before the war, more than a 150000 palestinians from the occupied westbank worked in israel. but many have since been band depriving families and the palestinian economy of much needed revenue somewhat. because now say that even if the band is lifted, they won't be going back. charles stress a report from them on the sun on the so we sits down for a late breakfast with these parents and cut them when it is 9 children at the home in the occupied with bank normally at this time of day. can you ready be at work in israel when the will will solitude is real band palestinian workers from the occupied west bank. the song says, even if israel lips the band,
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he's reluctant to go back, has apply the doesn't. whoever works inside israel guarantees a comfortable financial life for themselves. we're able to buy land to build a house, but now it's dangerous to enter, and i'm worried that will be revenge for the mazda attacks. and unfortunately, the workers will pay a big price. the st super monro busy with the palestinian economy is suffering even more since the war started. nearly a quarter of the occupied west banks, labor force generated 17 percent of the palestinian national income for jobs and as well before. that's a 150000 palestinians working inside as well. and around $25000.00 working in these rails illegal settlements, generating around free $1000000000.00 a year. so long as you used to work as a construction worker in tel aviv junk family, enjoy the best of wages. eastwood nearly doubled when he takes home in the occupied
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westbank. and as a whole nother must when it opens again, i will wait a couple of weeks to check the situation before i return to work is better there. you get paid directly and on time, even though there is racism and i'm afraid of violence against me, which is the best station in ramallah. it's 5 30 am before the war would be bustling with workers, taking transports with ro. now this whole the as sold around colombia checkpoint monks a break and the separation will heavily guarded by the way the military. and it's where many palestinians used to cross into israel every day. a foldable at this time of the day at this place, you'd see thousands upon thousands of palestinians crossing the check board. you're going to be as well to going as you can see. now it's just the trickle. and the majority of these work is all going deep inside is working, and industrials are very close to where we all now economies rojo. somebody says
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the band has highlighted just how reliant on these well the palestinian economy is even if they want to return to the local labor market. the existing opportunities are very, very few. in fact, there are 9, we already had 17 percent unemployment in the west bank. now we're going to have a set of $430.00 for our present unemployment. we had a low g, d p, relatively in the, in the west bank. now this, this is, this labor continues, stoppage continues for 12 months. we're talking about 25 percent loss and g d p alone because of this effect. and that means additional hardship for millions of palestinians like solid, who look south across the valley, at the towns in israel, where he can no longer work catastrophic alger 0 remo. the alright taking a look now at some of the days of the headlines from around the world right wing i have
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a mulay has been sworn in as origin. tina is new president is election when was sealed by the country deep economic crisis. but there are concerns about the new president's plans to combat inflation. during the election campaign he threatened to blow up the central bank. i make the us all of the nation's cons to me. so another way, later today, we end along inside history of decline and decay and begin the road to rebuilding our country. there is no turning back. today. we vary the decades of failure in fighting and senseless to speak to the fights that have only succeeded in destroying our beloved country and leaving us in ruin. it is with that being said, the authorized to both joins us live now from when a sorry. so today, simulator has been sworn in and now we are seemingly in a new era in arch and t. now, what are people that saying? well, that's correct, a new way around. that's what people here are saying. have you had them late just
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passed by from where we are and went inside the presidential palace. we were seeing people with carrying argentinian slag, blue and white, so they're singing the political system should be afraid, which has been, uh, have you had a release campaign, slow gun against argentina as political class, just a base highly, or he was in congress where he was warning and also addressing the population he was around that by figures such as so ukrainian precedents will not be made as to landscapes they whom gary on prime minister ultra nationalist victoria or one i. there was also got the vote each from a brazil and former president brazilian precedent. yeah. it was so not of a brazilian president, a lot of people i sense he's 4 and ministering. that's the time you had a mean a was very specific award. he's government, he's going to do he set the conditions of argentina's economy are very dire on the verge of high for inflation that only 63,
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my shock economic plan can get the country out of the co crisis. who said that he needs to take care of every 2 measures. he told the population that those districts, all of a sudden nation, which is inflation class, recession and he said that immediately the situation in the country is going to get much worse. without the end of the tunnel. there's going to be like in the end, have you had, i mean, they told the population to not be afraid to please to stand up because they're going to get away or they're going to get out of the parents are going to make situation in this country. and of course, those who have come here today are choosing to believe him indeed. and as you say that to racism, chronic economic problems arch in tina is going through right now. and he's proposing some radical measures. will he be able to carry them out the the well, let's not forget that installation rating. argentina in the past 2 years has been over a 140 percent in the country. and that's one of the reasons why he had
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a me label and he's was problem we thing to dollar wise the economy, he said, but he was gonna dynamite the central dime, whom he blamed for the current inflation cases in this country. however, in the past few weeks, we have seen a much more pragmatic have yet to mean a whole surrounding himself with much more moderate people. the 1st thing in the library station is not that easy. there is no money in the central bank in order to carry out something like this fund. we do know that he's going to pay for the drastic fiscal measures. for example, probably be evaluating the currency in the next few days, cutting down government spending by at least 5 percent of the gdc. the economy minister has said that the objective of this year is going to be a 0. just to say that, of course, this is going to have a huge impact on the population. the other thing would be whether it really would be able to pass many of the laws that he's hoping to pass. he only has, for example, 38th congressmen in congress, so he's gonna have to build lots of alliances among many other things, but really believes that he has the support,
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the 55 percent off the population voted for him. but there are many in the country who believe that implementing those measures could generate a much bigger crisis that a sub row in winter. cyrus force, thanks very much how the presence of venezuela and guy on i will meet on thursday to talk about the grind dispute over the oil rich region of asset keybo. venezuela has threatened to an next the area controlled by diana, following a referendum last week, alessandro. and yet the reports a me thing wasn't now that's hours after the press is a very swell. i spoke through his brazilian counterpart lula. that c, n a. the secretary general of the united nations and thank you with that. as we have been mediating on the matter, lou live in particular insisted on the need to avoid any unilateral actions that could further escalate the situation. this patient is been escalating for over
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a week. sense of minutes with how the referendum in which the majority of voters essentially voted in favor of a next thing the as to cable, which is which makes up a for 2 thirds of a good yanna rich. and that has been long disputed, and that is rich and oil and gas. uh venezuela. i'm gonna do it in particular as, as, as taking a serious of action as some of them symbolic collect, presenting a mass of any for the width of dispute, his territory. that is also among other things that move the troops towards the border. the meeting will be on thursday in st. vincent and the granite beans and supported by the select, the community of latin america and caribbean nations. the president of the go. yeah, now will participate by the said he is not or you will not negotiate the any border boundaries with my daughter or the fact that the international criminal
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court has jurisdiction over this matter. but overall, this is seen as a step in the right direction in the region as a way to try in the escalate to this, the tensions and the growing concern surrounding this dispute is a set of head on agitated. we looked at the potential challenges facing egypt as president. as the 6 of the time and sundays election, the barrels of line scorched, buying photos, aerobic accounts rising from beneath the rubble of best foot stories salvaged on the high seas brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen,
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witness. on al jazeera, examining the hottest of today's head, this year of the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7, how signal stories for a global audience? this is my, you house, this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the the hello again, egypt, sions costing the votes in a swede,
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a presidential election. president of the fact that his cc is looking to secure at the time i made rising of public discontent and was sitting living standards falls were in the rain open until tuesday vessel said dar reports the streets of title are beaming with campaign. banners. prism up is that as seen as certain between a turn in office, despite the company subsidies worse every economy crisis, a book menissi and evicted for him once the results of his popularity. but because as i could say, a competition, i said go more a, the current president can get most one percent of the votes of real support. and i expect you can get 10 percent of votes using the same ways it did together endorsement. but as for the sweeping majority of the egyptian people there waiting for a serious candidate seeking real change. but some don't take the this, i will participate in the elections because the president has done great things for
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the country. and that's why the 2013 as head of the army up to 4000 c. c came to power, and i made it to the coupon feed. the 4th egypt 1st, democratically elected president mohammed mostly was linked to the most abroad. that cracked down on the position has continued ever since cc. it retains the support of immune to 3 establishment that has gain further political and economic influence under his rule. annually inflation at nearly 40 percent about the charge of the population in egypt is living below the poverty line. that is despised cc, presenting himself, has it got them to her, of the stability in a world of ty region during his decade in poverty message that has add the traction in a year when to complex into that. and garza, hey, we dropped it on egypt board. there's the guys, the war was a major boost for president cc and like many other countries in the world and the cases of external threats and the case of a war, you know,
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people tend to rally behind the leader. critics see this presidential election as a farce. of to use long track down on distance. i say the government is encouraging the supporters to catch the wars, to a fear, a low turnout will lead to questions about this list and this, this out of that. oh, just can write scripts is serious, say at least 5 people have been killed in rocket attacks on it live syrian, the civil defense group says government forces hit residential areas in the city and surrounding areas northwest and probably so easily is the last major reval, strongholds in syria or the children of imprison iranian activists. not just more how much do you have accepted the noble peace prize on her behalf at a ceremony. and also she denounced the ron's government. the speech read out by his 17 year old twins saying resistance and non violence remained the best strategies to achieve reform. how many has campaigned against the compulsory wearing of the
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head jab and has spent much of the past 2 decades in an out of jail music system. it says, i'm writing this message from behind the high cold walls of a prison. i am a woman from the middle east, from a region which overhead rich civilization is currently trapped in the will and pray to the flames of terrorism and extremism. i'm in and present the woman who faced with the deep and health wrenching, suffering caused by the absence of freedom. equality and democracy understood the purpose of her existence and felt safe. a protest calling for a cease fine gauze that had been taking place over the weekend in new york on march as opposed to the palestinian people forced the temporary closure of the brooklyn bridge. organizes are putting pressure on a number of local institutions in the us, accusing them of complicity in what they call him a genocide in gaza. that's it for me. hasn't think of for this news out,
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but i'll be back at the top of the hour with more coverage of the war on gaza and the days of the news. and as always, there's lots more on our website. i just need a dot com the the god size under for the past 6 years. the wars and related so fast. a lot of people are dying. a lot of people are under the levels of buildings. who's a piece of schools, pieces to come see mobile and we up the way you go is files most was is canada has to expand the teeth in a zillow's boat lines meets those advocating for the change is suicide, but it's facilitated to or we did decide that it's not the right choice. and
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critics who believe the government is prioritizing death over providing necessary social and economic support. staff was an 8 worked festival and getting some food to eat or getting stuck for their pain. do you want to die today? a fault lines investigation on alger 0, the deadly fires rage out of control and believe his amazon regions with the climate phenomena in nino hitting south america this year, temperatures are higher in droughts, more severe, unable to control the plains. olivia has appealed for international health. brazil is facing its soon disaster with fires destroying the front the now the world's largest, tropical wetland, and menial and climate change have not only caused trout in the amazon. they're also responsible for unusually heavy rain storms in the south of brazil. government officials say the 5th year,
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almost 6000000 brazilians have been affected by extreme high temperatures and floods. in the states, a few put into the so in some pick up id in the more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes, tried to get the same region in southern brazil just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people. the tara and c, a in the hoss of gauze, the southern city as israel or the civilians, to leave the center of ton unit the on has and see could this is just need a live from the also coming up out of state news continue to try to flee the


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