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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 11, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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or is it just a different full? i think that democracy is a process facing realities. do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen to the stores on tools to how does era the desperate search for survivors and causes. i'm because you're refugee is there any strikes have chose at least 22 people, women and children are among the hey, this is all just a red line from dover. also coming from also is ongoing says it's engaging and heavy street to street fighting with his really forces in the city of con, you know,
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when people in gaza trying to city the slicing. describe this is a journey of the day and that's in the system is on. it's nice and collapsing while health organization issues die of warning or the desperate state medical condition, the as well. it's now just past 23, g m t. that's 1 o'clock in the morning and gaza, where these 22 palestinians have been killed and it is rarely strike on a densely populated neighborhood. and beyond the gauzy refuge account, rescue is an residence, a washing net in the darkness, isn't a bad hands surprised to find survivors in the drop of the zone now familiar scenes for residents across casa bombardment of the oligarchy, kind of has increased the death toll from israel's war on garza to many 18000 people,
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tars of wisdom has more on the strikes for us from rough and southern gospel. this area had been under intense bombing, says that the uh, the hours of morning where the used by the occupation now are expanding the minutes reformation on the solid. the bombardments, as will, did not stop on the north and in the middle of renee on the main central lake for whose, including a seizure area and a neighborhood. now these areas had tend to be bustled zones. west street fighting started to erupt between the policy and scientist and the occupation forces. and in fact, that we have conducted and above residents stuff. and they told us that the situation is contests. traffic as the is very drones are opening fire on every single targets on every single person is moving on the ground where we are forced to remain in shelters in order to be protected and to survive with our family members as well in the southern, such as con eunice is really bones and types of pushing people out. they've been
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told to flee elsewhere for safety, but civilians say they all know safe places left in garza where we challenged supports. god, you're good, you got did. well, how many w she have says is ready? snipers of just shots his 2 sons. one is dead. the other hinges. grief and anger overwhelmed him. i will take revenge for you, my son, this is a martyr. i want to see my sons, the sons i had after 9 years. they went in the blink of an eye. my god, the on the floor was a mess of hospital in con eunice. there's barely any space and that the most recently ended up rotating from cause on. blankets will carry no arms outside morning is gab ruth. i'll asher i'm cradles, husbands, she gets what she has left of him. she says the souvenir of
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a marriage ended by violence. have you just authorized it? because we got merge 6 months before the war and today he's malta. he left me alone off the prize. the shrouded bodies had taken for a burial one, so smote in lights that it's better, it seems. he can hardly feel the weight. calling you this was where hundreds of thousands of causes palestinians fled to win east rails, meet a tree of sold to the new. now is ready tanks of pushed into the cost of southern causes, main city to fighting with how much is fish and ongoing. 9 the for this be no less open to know the, the, to body of refuge account. one of the most problems parts of the gaza strip is still being pulverized and men,
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women and children are still being pulled down to of rubies and pieces. 5 the we would say to you the housing piece, what did we do going let the world see what he's happening to is it's been said too many times to count the know where and cause or it's safe. but that's being constantly repeated because it's true. will reach out and how to 0 are also residents all making the difficult johnny south from con eunice towards so called safe stones. and rasa as make mounts as was the cost of living is also dramatically increased, making it even more difficult for displace palestinians to find basic necessities. honey monkwood has went out from rafa from 200-0021 1000000 people, rather municipalities just describe reference to the as the largest evacuation
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refugee camp. overwhelmed by this large number of people and the high prices of basic items. people find it very difficult to secure their basic necessities and food supplies, little on medical supplies and other necessities. level 5, it's obviously very difficult and we are even unable to buy the most trivial things such as the eastern falls. it's really difficult to get the desperate living conditions for more than 1000000 palestinian display as any vac waves in the city of rome. by making it very difficult for them to secure their daily needs of food supplies and other necessities, honey, my mode allowed the road. i was just the spokesman says on during the castle brigades spoke a little louder. yeah, he says israel will not get any of its captives held in gauze a back one minute trimmings. low either was the she wouldn't be the fastest enemy
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and it's leadership as like the corrupt netanyahu. well, the central old gland. what um and nobody's who support them well middleman among design as in the white house will be able to get their prisoners back and live without an exchange and the graduation. and without meeting the demands that the resistance, it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his military campaign is showing results and will continue for as long as necessary by me. my whole name a sort of a couple of, i'm off in the past few days of dozens of how mazda terrorist has gone, have set into 2 levels of veiling down their weapons and turning themselves. and what do i hit oh, exposure? this will take time. i was the oldest an ongoing box, but it has the beginning of the end for how much i say to the almost 10 or if it's over seen well, don't die. so send rod set and then i'll show well that's i'll speak to him to tell her she's standing by for us. it occupies teresa and i'm the nurse and yahoo that really we is raising his commitment to this. what was it that he says that when it
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is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking multiple times today in the form of statements as well, saying that the war is going to continue for as long as israel sees fit. this is not a change in any sort of policy from how they've been conducting themselves for the last 65 days. these really prime minister says that the war is intensifying, both in the north and in the south. and he also mentioned that the additional shipment of them, munitions and weapons, but has arrived in israel that will assist these really as in the ongoing war, these really prime minister. and these really are, may have been quite clear since the beginning, but until they achieve the 3 goals that they have put in place since the beginning of this war. there will be no end to it. and i'll remind you that those goals are the complete, dismantling of how masses, military and political capabilities to ensure that these really still know sort of threat coming from the gaza strip and to bring back all of those currently being
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held captive inside of gaza. because these really army has simply not accomplished any of these goals. the is really prime minister says that the war is going to continue. and these really political and security establishment a like say that it's not really possible for them to know how long it's going to take, but they are going to continue with their bombardment via air, land and sea for however long they see fit. and i see they're full of st. been reports of is there any forces vandalizing and eugene palestinian prophecy was him you've been hearing from authorities that and there are several 1000 videos now of these really soldiers vandalizing and looting palestinian property posting and shops other warehouses where there are 8 in northern gaza. now these really are me spokesperson, daniel, how god, he did mention it in his night. we addressed this evening saying that and he is
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really soldier who does get involved in these types of acts will be called prosecuted and or reprimanded. but this has been happening for the last 2 months, and these videos are being taken by the soldiers themselves, who are engaging in this type of behavior. we've seen videos was really soldiers going to elementary classrooms, vandalizing that writing and hebrew on the chalkboards of those classrooms. spray painting stars of david and other graffiti on buildings essentially trying to, to prove a point what these really only spokesperson is saying is that this kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated. and these really military is going to open up investigations into it. however, these really soldiers continue to film themselves, doing these types of actions and behaviors even 2 months into the war, and they're being circulated on social media for millions of people to see the
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stuff you know, saw her today with the latest for us from occupied. the stories and thank you, honda. well, let's get more now on these instances evangelism introducing from the occupied westbank hold on, i don't need it joins us from ramallah, auda looting and vandalism. there of how this to mean property isn't new. that but is really forces on doing it this time around, it's focused through how people are feeling or is it new? and it's been happening by is really forces whether in gaza during previous wars, or actually here and the okay, by westbank doing the raids which happen on a nightly and daily basis as of october 7th. but i've been also happening a lot before october 7th, and palestinians with understand you that you know, when these really soldiers showed up in their houses, they ransack everything, they break everything. and now it's happening even more is that 1st thing is keep on saying that they are made to pay for what for what they attacked. that's how
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much carried on october 7th and the the soldiers and now are coming to them with a wanting to do have revenge on any fathers didn't, regardless of how young oh, how old are where that person is or how it or where it lives, or what is things we've heard many stories of stores that have been bulldozed for a reason or another. for example, like a as an example that comes to mind is a lady who owns a fema blow shop in co kalia. as she wrote its own st. on facebook at next, and then a few days later, the bulldozers arrived destroyed the shop, but also the soldiers took many. oh, how she called them souvenirs with them. we also spoke to other people who told us that they stole some money. they sold some jewelry. so that is something that happens in it, and the palestinians have lived on the records for that. even if there's video
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evidence, nothing will happen. and even of israel, they say that it will punish or investigate those individuals. the soldiers who carried out those acts and filmed those film them as well that, but as soon as don't believe that will happen because there's also many evidence of people who have been shot point blank for new reason. boozing knows, read, and they still hasn't been investigation. and if there is an investigation, at least the name, well it would always be found at the a, the so did it didn't do anything wrong. and it's the palestinians who actually made to pay. so the stories of looting and vandalism. yes, now they're on social media, but they do not come as a surprise to palestinians. how do i feel him in to that with that report has from the found and while i thank you as well as well. speaking of social media is being accused of staging a video or the folding to show the surrender of how my soldiers in garza the
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footage on social media. it shows several dozen men strip down to their underway. one of them hanging over a gun of the scene appears to have been staged and shouts on several takes. i have some husband. these images appear to show the moment of his really victory in gaza. men prefer to to be some us fighters captured in gaza strip to the underway with one handling over his wife. except it was still in the 2nd version. the rifle is in his other hand, an expert soft question. why is ready? so we'll just would strip the captive and then order him to hand over his weapon a stage event designed for the purposes of public relations. the fact is that they actually did more than one take in order to get the perfect shot of this. how this thing and 9 surrendering, and this non wasn't even uh, you know, a homicide to you. you run an album in what you. all right. so there's no evidence
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that it was even a homicide to the fact that we asked him to do it more than once. his tape was of speak clearly for the media. it's not the 1st time is ready for set foot by going to have figured i'm of a similar let seeing office surrender also to your controversy. the is really on the claim. these images show how about us suspects, surrendering themselves to is really troops or several people say some of those being humiliated in front of cameras. our relatives and friends with no relation to from us. one is a journalist with an out of use alternate. a lot of rigidity and there is a list there was also the feed you buy is very limited for you spokesman bunny and her daddy. you know what? he gave me a piece of paper on the wall, and the guy's a hospital right shows the names of a mass members regarding his reading the chapter into the 7th of october. this is a garden list where it's different jory the days of the week, which i think is all she's kind of has the remote misuse propaganda events. uh,
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both designed to, you know, show to the public that there is this strategic victory, but also to inflame palestinians, inflamed pro palestinian sports as into getting angry because when people are angry they're less likely to reconcile. and we seen as ro, engaging was anti diplomacy. this method of trying to resist any measures to bring around this, these 5. so there's no f if a gun dies, always being a weapon of uh, and is commonly used to show up support at home and gain sympathy abroad. social media has made it easier to circulate campaigns, but it's also made it easier for the public to spots close and inconsistent. similar one, many claims are easy. this proven can distract from the big picture. growing number of palestinians being killed in gas hushing, such as here. well, israel's bombardment of gauze that is narrow in the window for new trees. the country prime minister has said, speaking of the doha for him,
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shake the home and been of a robin. i'll sony said the console would continue its efforts to pressure both sides into a cease fire. how small gar reports not from the doha for the do have for will. these well will lead is tool politics, security, economic cooperation, technology and environmental challenges. but the see a, it's guys a dominating the agenda. honor cuts us quite minnes. quit decides. international institutions for showing double standards. and failing to act, he told the for him, high genocide you are being a shelter. what a lot of this crisis highlighted the great gap between east and west, and between the various generations and highlighted the double standards and the international community. the world actually was split between someone who calls for putting an end to the sport and putting it in to the war machine and some who are hesitating to call even for a ceasefire. the top of delegation has been in the united states aiming to build
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consensus for a truce, but that moves been undermined by the us veto. and the un security council draft resolution quoting for an immediate cease via the situation is faster, the right thing. you look at best little feet with potentially easy versus people implications sort of palestinians as a whole and for peace and security in the region of the us as good abilities stuff as a huge damage among arabs and muslims, scholars and it's all schreiber. russia is stepping in, we strongly condemned to the service that, that, against the east rid of on the 7th of october, like we can them, and that there was the pick. at the same time. we do not believe it's acceptable to use this. this event for collective punishment of the millions of funded student people for now is well in says it won't hold it's bombardment. despite warnings from the regional allies,
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what do we see in gaza is not simply the beginning goal of innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit as it seems to empty guys a, from its people in to the spot. a senior prime minister said the only way out is a comprehensive solution that would lead to the stablish bins of a palestinian state. the united states has never worked together its specific implementation because of how a tube, the solution. it is not enough to talk about the solution. the don't have for them on the work of the un refugee agency and gaza. it's chiefly phillips, i really tool the gathering and effective to humanities ational by the syrians is why the international side is as, as well continues these attacks and the warning cause that is a test pointing us on the institutions it has exposed. what then it seems to be global failure to stop, as well as relentless bombardment and the beginning of women and children. those
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here taking parties a do how for them say the international or the should be with phones so that those have feel abandoned, have a se caution about little as a 0. doha, all still a head here on i was just hearing ogden teen on tends to the rise. it's new president promises shock therapy, survived the economy, the brought to you by visit capital. color was same vonda. it's still it's pushing across the east disabled of the us. you can see this line of cloud here that brought the badly tornadoes into tennessee. it's going to continue moving further east was the reason for the valid system that the world, the head of that system cold at digging in behind. so you can see the blues on that job. they're pushing for a switch and then to the east, to fact,
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just the lease disabled, well 18 celsius and they say so one of the rooms side, but it will cooled off at cold at dick's and it pushes this way for the race with pushing snow storms out of the way that you can a big line of storms. i have just thought tools and all phase 3 new england, snow diamonds, east composite of kind of invent things squatting down on places, say a much of north america looking scaffold and find if little on the cool side over the next few days. well, that will be one or 2 west. no flowers, just slipping off the rockies, some snow to just a route on terrier pushing towards a quick back by the south into the camera band. nobody is nice now because we have got a fab, a weatherbug just coming into a mexico sliding further south with across the company dismissed some heavy showers across the western side of the caribbean. big down, post responsive as we go on 3 tuesday. but for the orleans, it's not too bad. well, yes, sunshine. the weather brought to you by visit castle. it is
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a tenant of turn to produce object. these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of israeli public discourse, anti war voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the the welcome back on this policy obtained on your what's your email address here. let's remind you about 12 stories. at least 22 people, including women and children,
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been killed and is really strike on the, on the cause you refugee people that are digging through the problems, searching for somebody. palestinians meanwhile being pushed out of the most populated pods. something gaza. is there any buttons, a pounding hon. unice has tense advance into the city. leading residents have a few places left. count, those prime minister has said to continue, just rarely bombardment is narrow in the window for a neutral check mohammed been of the rama. now sony said the cat that would keep pressing both sides to commit to a 2nd view, a secretary of state on st, blinking has defended into the wash house decision to bypass congress and continue selling weapons to israel. he made the remarks and interviews with both a b. c. news and cnn on sunday. thinking also defended as well as campaign in gaza, saying the military is trying it's best to lowest civilian casualties. first,
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we're trying to do everything we can to ensure that civilians are protected. the amount of turn insistence gets into people who need it and gaza. we are deeply, deeply aware of the terrible human toll that this conflict is taking on innocent men, women, and children. and we're working to minimize that, to the greatest extent possible. we are in almost constant discussions with these rallies about to ensure that they understand what their obligations are, to make sure that we understand how they are using whatever arms we're providing to them as well as more more broadly. i can't evaluate a specific instance in the moment, but i can tell you we're looking at everything a sophomore and let's speak to my account and he joins us now from washington dc. like how is that going to bring can justify bypassing congress on this weapon sale? well, the 2nd stage insisted that these munitions were urgently needed by israel or what's
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important for them to have at hand immediately. and for this reason, he says the by the ministration invoke to emergency authorization to get some 14000 times shells to israel. now he went on and said that future on his movements to israel will be subject to congressional overview. but the have been complaints within congress in the past about the lack of transparency it is claimed by the by didn't administration in terms of weapons to israel weapons to ukraine, for example, or intensely detailed when they come to the full congress. launch the though the congressional oversight of the weapons to israel has been limited to a degree by the amount by the cost not find the specifics of each individual shipment. so many in congress, including members of president biden's own party are demanding great to transparency in terms of what the us is giving to israel. also demanding that the
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us put some kind of control over how these weapons are used. now the secretary of state in says that the us is monitoring the usage of these weapons. it says that they tell israel that civilian life must be at a premium at the same time, at $14010.00 shelves without congressional approval is a clear sign that the unqualified support of the us. israel still continues. like this is also happening right off to the us veto, to resolution calling for humanitarian seized by the un security council. now we're hearing from different lots. so the general assembly i understand is, is that to me is again for another vice yes, the general assembly will come and feed on tuesday for a continuation of the debate about the situation in gauze as mets in october for the last time on this subject. there was a motion, pause, cooling for an immediate cease 5, which was overwhelmingly passed. the us being one of the 13 nations that actually
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oppose that resolution. arguing that a must must also be singled out in any such resolution full. it's blaine in terms of what has happened in gaza. so we are going to see yet another general assembly both it is likely. and also very likely we are going to see yet another refusal of the us to make a vote or to vote and save up the resolution just as it did in the security council a few days ago in which it was the only member of the 15 person council to vote against quoting for the ceasefire. the united kingdom abstain from the vote, but the us once again, being the only nation in the security council to support israel and to avoid any resolution being pos cold for quoting for at least 5. mike, hannah, there was all the latest lines for us from washington dc. thank you mike. well, speaking of resolutions, the world health organization has adopted
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a resolution judging for immediate humanitarian aid for costa and the ones that the health system. and the goal is the strip is collapsing cannot afford to lose 1000000000. so a hospital bed the w h o executive board house an emergency session earlier on sunday to discuss the growing health crisis in the palestinian patry. know where to go. this is impossible. and the directly in the fighting line seems the substance of october w. joe has verified more than $449.00, a tax on health care in gaza and the west bank. and 60 i techs in on health getting these, we have no ad and no one is safe. and guys, as more and more people move to a smaller and smaller area overcrowding, combined with the lack of adequate food, water, shelter, implementation,
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outraging. the ideal conditions for this is to spread the contents of all the news from around the world and writing a heavy emulate, has been sworn in as origin. tina's new president is election when was fuels by the countries deep economic crisis. and they're all concerns about the new president's plans to come back to inflation. during the election campaign, he threatened to blow up the central bank and make the us dollar the nation's currency. opposed have closed in egypt after the 1st day of versioning and the presidential elections that it will be continuing for 3 days present before the l. c. c is looking to secure a set time and then rising public discontent and westman giving standards. the country is also coping with an economic crisis and a war on its board at wisconsin pulse and will be staying open until tuesday. the cruise of a convoy of philippine civilian birds have abandoned the trip to deliver supplies
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to fishing vessels. they blamed constance shadowing by chinese ships and the dispute at south trying to see the decision of all those days of cas announcement revisit near a contested lease. you ran in human rights campaign and august. well, hummadi has been on it in her absence. as a ceremony in no way of to winning the nobel peace prize. while nadia is in prison and tell ron and hasn't seen excelled family in any a decade, police reports from also of the children of knowledge as well. how many entered also like city hole to collect the nobel peace prize on behalf of the mother. and radian human rights campaign of accused of spreading propaganda against the states . but how many is serving a 12 year sentence as even present into around their acceptance let's it was read out by her daughter kiana. this isn't telling me and i am in the reading and women proud and honored to be contributing to a civilization which is today victim of an oppression from a religious.


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