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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 11, 2023 9:00am-9:30am AST

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to us you just to ensure that protects your business assets and tailored strategies to meet your investments objective projects group and sustain your employees and business with old mutual old huge will do great things. every day. the desperate search for survivors in gauze is out in the gauzy refuge account is really strikes of killed at least 22 people, women and children, arm on the desk. the money inside this is out of their life. and also coming up the scene of destruction from northern garza to the south palestinians attempting to sleep, yvonne and say,
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know what it costs. all says mediation if it's all continuing that the window for a new safe spot is narrowing as, as well as compulsive intensifies. regardless of the system is on, it's nice and collapsing on the world health organization issues a di, warning event, the desperate stage of medical conditions in strength. the at least 22 palestinians, including women and children, have been killed in is really as striking, a densely populated neighborhood in central garza rescue. as in residents have been working through the nice the only cause a refugee camps using that fat hands to search for survivors. or the bottom into the camp has increased the death toll from israel's war and gaza to
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nearly 18000 people. i have the how much is menissi? wayne has released a new video showing intent street by street fighting in dogs. a southern city of hon. eunice, customer gates, fighters, a scene targeting is ready on the positions of to weeks of combat concentration in the notes as well as launched its ground defensive in the south. meanwhile, in hon. eunice, is there any bones in times continue to push people out? 7 totals, afily elsewhere for safety, but civilians say that all. no safe place is left in gaza or a challenge has a good god. you fitzgerald, you know, god did well. how many that'd be? she have says is ready snipers of just shots. his 2 sons. one is dead. the other hinges. grief and anger overwhelmed him. about
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the day i will take revenge for you, my son. this is a martyr. i want to see my sons the sons i had after 9 years. they went in the blink of an eye. my god was on the floors of nasa hospital. in con eunice, there's barely any space and that the most recently ended up rotating from cause on blankets. carridy noms outside moon is gab ruth, i'll ashram cradles, husband. she is what she has left of him. she says the souvenir of a marriage ended by violence and you just authorized it because we got march 6 months before the war and today he's malta. he left me alone, off the prize, the shrouded bodies had taken for the burial. the ones this i smote on lights that it's better seems he can hardly feel the weight. telling you this was where
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hundreds of thousands of causes palestinians fled to win. israel's ministry of sold to the news now is ready tanks of pushed into the hearts of southern gauze, his main city to fighting with how much is the 5th and ongoing. 9 the but this be no less up in the know the, the, to body a refugee camp. one of the most problems parts of the gaza strip is still being pulverized and men, women and children still being pulled. and so rubbing in pieces. 5 5 the we would say to you the housing piece, what did we do? gold, like the world. see what is happening to is it's been said too many times to count
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the nowhere and cause are safe. but that's being constantly repeated because it's true. but we catins how to 0. that's good. so honey nominators and rough uh, in southern cause i so much suffering going on honey. presumably the pricing continues a smelly and indeed. and then over night, the, the aerial bombardment across the gauze is to just confirm what people have expressed and, and when they, as they are frustrated that this really military is targeting civilians in their homes overnight where they're sleeping, or on a dining table with their, their families and so far, even with the most conservative reading of, of casualties reported. we're still seeing how simians civilians are killed at
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a historic, he's given the intensity in scale and magnitude of the aerial bombardment. and just to confirm that that example of what happened in the my, as the refugee camps, such a densely populated refugee camp in the central part of the gaza strip. you know, a very densely populated neighborhood. a residential homes were targeted over night . there 23 people reported gilbert though, but entire family members were killed then and on the ground. there's so many people who were injured from the surrounding area of those residential homes. the a, the lack of equipment for rescue the crew on the go and make it very difficult to help . those who might have survived those a bombardment. but people are using their very hand just to remove bubbles and to try to pull as many as the count of those who might have survived the effect. there is a fear that there are still many people under the rumbles and the number might increase then not only on the account was targeted over another also in the site, right?
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refugee camp and another, a densely populated refugee camp in the central part of the gaza. strip and is what seems to be a war on refugee camp. this is not the 1st time in the food i can came after he bombardment within the past few weeks, more residential homes where it's targeted. initial reports are about a family of 5 members were killed inside that residential homes. and there's severe damage to the surrounding areas in con, you and as the fire thing and the under, under heavy area of the environment can to new overnight. and in fact, it has been going on for the past few days since these really military expand it is military operations in eastern canyon is pushing deeper into the central parts of honey. but there are reports about here, the confrontation and clashes between the elements on the ground, palestinian elements on the ground as well as a, with these really
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a military and times in our mid vehicles. we're talking about entire, in the neighborhoods being this, where people being displaced are, are entirely destroyed in more residential homes are, are called, destroy undeclared. a cleared the way for tends to push deeper into the heart of honey was maybe the most hard. a wrenching about all of this is the 1500000 people who are pushed to evacuate the rough. i do find the only find themselves under heavy bombardment as of last night, late hours of last night in 2 different locations that were supposed to be safe. and rough that they were targeted and came under heat air strikes, one and a residential home in the western side of rough and area that is designated height is really military as a safe area. but again, more people are killed in this residential homes, is turned into levels in central rough idea and another,
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a busy area and full of displace palestinians, a residential buildings that contains that the role is residential or flat. we're targeted and destroyed. then here at where we were holding it from more injuries and, and killed people have brought here. do this is small, has to do with the hospitals as of air the hours of this morning. thank you for that honey. my need that for us and rough and southern gaza. now is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that his ministry campaign is showing results and will continue for as long as necessary by me, my whole name a sort of a couple of hamas in the past. few days of dozens of how mosque ceteris is gonna have set into 2 levels as they are laying down their weapons and turning themselves . and what do i hit a exposure? some of these this will take time because the water is still ongoing, but it has the beginning of the end for how much summer i say to the almost 10 of us it's oh wow,
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we've seen well don't die. so send rod set and then i'll show to squares. alan fish i who isn't occupied is story some out. i'm a prime minister netanyahu once again reiterating his commitment to the war and gone. so what else is even saying? well i can tell you that just in the last couple of hours there's really, i mean has confirmed the 4 people were killed in spite of overnight. that brings the number of israeli soldiers that have been killed since the start of the war to 1013 of them were killed in the fight to you kind eunice. and we know that there has been heavy fighting cars. benjamin netanyahu told us, in the con eunice and jamalia refugee camp us in the northern part of guys, or there's also been attend spiting in the size. the benjamin netanyahu is aware of the international condemnation that is come, particularly from the united nations where all but one of the 50 members. so you, oh, but 2 of the 50 members voted for c spot. britain, of course, of staying the united states voted a games, but he's also, boy,
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by the fact that just in the last couple of days, he's received $106000000.00 worth of munitions to help fuel the war. the people are saying that behind the scenes the united states is putting pressure on israel for there's nothing of that about what the united states, this thing that very much in lock step. and benjamin netanyahu is in cottage by that level of support from his clothes. this dialogue certainly been talking about the possibility of this war extending for another 2 months. at least. benjamin netanyahu says they have defined goals there, at least of the captives, the destruction of homos and also what he describes is that the radicalization of guys. and they will continue to work towards those goals. but by calling for how much to surrender, it's maybe hoping slightly that he can perhaps truncate this war maybe bring it to a close sooner rather than later. because as i say, he's a, we're a big,
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huge international outreach of the growing number of civilians that are being killed as israel prosecute this war by law and it and see as an outlet and senior is riley officials. i've also wrapped up another late night meeting. do we know what's coming out of those tools? yeah, a couple of big meetings, a jerusalem on sunday. uh, one of the meetings was of the socio economic cabinet. now they are obviously discussing the economic situation in israel at the moment because the economy is taking a massive hit because of the war they were discussing. whether or not to transfer the taxes that have been gather from powers to be what goes to the palestinian authority so that they can pay those workers, particularly those in the security services so that they can continue to feed their family. the other question is about those who hold passes to allow them to work in israel. no one has worked in israel from the west bank and gaza for the last 3
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months. the best allows not to choose the finance minister dead set against both of those things. he's one of the alter nationalists and these really cabinet. he doesn't want to see that happen. he thinks that that's a huge security risk. benjamin netanyahu we're told as in favor of both those majors. but the, so she economic cabinet couldn't make the decisions. the, the fact that to the security cabinet to make a final decision. and the security cabinet has decided not to make a decision, a tall. so for the time big all those paula city workers who rely on their jobs in israel, they won't be allowed to travel. this scene is a security risk. and they'll be neutrons federal funds to the palestinian authority for the moment either both of those issues. well, so no, going to make a decision on them right now. and especially that 1st unoccupied a source and how does the new knocked of a sol, according for a global strongly on monday to demand an immediate cease fire. trade unions and
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social media influences have joined the appeal businesses, banks, and schools and the occupied west bank of shots hold up of the major points from the there is a general side that has been called actually, by all the political factions, the union, the activists here in the occupied wes bag and it's in support of gaza and this call is act as a general strikes. so if you look out, if i look at the window now everything is absolutely set. whether is it the public service or private businesses? everything is shut down for the next 24 hours. and there's also cool for this to happen. also elsewhere around the world in support of guys then also to reject the u. s. v to when it comes to a humanitarian ceasefire. and the call is really about putting pressure on the
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international community, put into core for that for a humanitarian ceasefire. and that to come as soon as possible and certainly to both to put some pressure on the united states. and when the crisis in gaza is front and center, the doha for him, which is underway and casa, speaking at the for him, cause us prime minister has said the continuing bombardment of gauze is narrowing the window for new true steel. how soon? how about it was that the do? how for room is well? well lead is to politics, security, economical ration technology and environmental challenges. but the c a, it's got the dominating the agenda on or talk to us 5 minutes. a quick decides international institutions for showing double standards and failing to act. he told the for him how jim individual being a shout through this crisis highlighted the great gap between east and west,
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and between the various generations and highlighted the double standards and the international community. the world actually with split between someone who calls for putting an end to the sport and putting an end to the war machine and some who are hesitating to call even for a ceasefire. the top of delegation has been in the united states aiming to build consensus for a truce, but that moves been undermined by the us vito in a un security council draft resolution quoting for an immediate cease via the situation is faster the right thing. you to look at best, the fee would potentially evo to see what the implications sort of palestinians as a whole. and for peace and security in the region of the us as good ability itself is a huge damage among arabs and muslims. it's aust drive of russia is stepping in the gym. we strongly condemned to the service that, that against the israel on the 7th of october like we can them and that there was
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the pick at the same time. we do not believe it's acceptable to use this. this event for collective punishment of the millions of palestinian people for now is well in says it won't hold it's bombardment. despite warnings from key regional allies, what do we see and gaza is not simply a beginning go for the innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit. it seems to empty guys a, from its people in to the spot, a senior prime minister said the only way out is a comprehensive solution that would lead to the stablish bins of a palestinian state. the united states has never put together its specific implementation because of mobile, how a tube, the solution, it is not enough to talk about the solution. the don't have for them on the work of the ones refugee agency and gaza. it's chiefly phillips,
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i really tool the gathering and effective to humanities ational by the syrians is why the international side is as, as well continues these attacks and the warning cause that is a test pointing us on the institutions it has exposed. what then it seems to be global failure to stop, as well as relentless bombardment and the beginning of women and children. those here taking parties a do how for them say the international or the should be with phones so that those have feel abandoned. have a say passion about little as a 0. doha so a headphone al jazeera argentina, tons to the rights. it's the president promises shock therapy to resign. the . this is the largest all label processing phones in the occupied westbank. 50 full kinda studying farms bring that home is to be pressed into a product. this in
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a good year, generates around $200000000.00. each of these tags contains around 200000 liters of olive oil with a monkey. the value of around $300000.00 gives you a sense of just how we pull into the industry is to the palestinian economy. the pound to send you an agricultural ministry estimate to else the cheapest thing to harvest, including college scrolling calls will be lost because of the will. and illegals is really settled. a white fence comes through a protest and in all its good of israel is old. but still to be shooting club inch, the policy reform is to harvest the crumbs new the settlements. this year. pharmacy is rails. war, and garza is damaging the only the industry like never before. the depth analysis of the days headlines. all these blue cross blue is root has of items. so the thing
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is not a license to kill inside story on out jersey era the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out is there. a reminder about top story is best. our lease $22.00 palestinians, including women and children, have entails and then is there any asteroids on the density? population of neighborhood in central golf. rescues have been searching for survivors at the laguna st. refuge again. and not imagines increase continue to bring the engine from is rodney bombardments to the out on. so hospital and central golfing,
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as well as killed many 18000 palestinians. almost as ministry weighing house release, new videos such a show in 10th street tassels and stuff in the southern city of hon. eunice weeks have come back, concentrated in the north israel as launched its ground offensive in the south. last week the world health organization has adopted a resolution as an immediate humanitarian aid for gaza. it's one that the health system in the gaza strip is collapsing and cannot afford to lose one more ambulance or hospital bed. full, brendan has moved from geneva. the opening words of the director general of the world health organization came straight to the point. this is a meeting we would rather not be having, she told delegates only the 7th time in the world health organization 75 year history. but its executive board has met in a special session the crisis, the catastrophe,
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as it was described in the meeting in gaza. the reason for bringing all these delegates together on a sunday v testimony that was had by the delegates, included from save the children, to hear about children having to have limbs amputated without the anesthetic of maggots, festering in wounds on the districts that were presented were equally stock 1900000 people made refugees by sea bombardments of israel having to be displaced within gauze, around half a 1000000 events, with no hope of going home. the properties simply obliterated by the bombardments on the table was a resolution, a draft resolution cooling for immediate, sustained on, on fences access for humanitarian and medical records. to be able to do the job protection for them on the international humanitarian law. it was passed with
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consensus without the need for votes, unanimous decision of the executive board, a big decision, according to one of the regional directors for that region. to me, i feel that it is really a victory of the humanity evicted in columbus states in saving and promoting kids and protecting different organs and, and saving lives as well as reaction was one of and got lashing out after world health organization and accusing it of doubles and it's warning also that the resolution here in geneva would have no practical impact on the ground. but important i think was the position of the united states in all of this. remember the united states vetoed a ceasefire. cool in the un security council back on friday here, there was no seats, 5 cool on the table. and by removing specific reference to israel, i'm putting the emphasis on old policies to abide by international humanitarian law . the united states was willing to abide and agree with the consensus of the rest of the room. important, i think,
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to show the israel kennel counts on united states support unconditionally pull. brandon, i'll just 0. geneva. let's take a look at some of the days of the world headlines now. the us has accuse china of on demanding regional stability and the dispute to south china sea. well, these days have consultations between the chinese coast gone and philippine vessels in contest of waters. the most recent was on sunday when a philippine boat and a chinese coast gunship collided. instead of being government has some in china is best and boss the to manila in response. australia is set to tighten. visa rules for international students and low skilled work is government looking to overall it's migration system that could haul it's intake over the next 2 years. net immigration figures for 2022 and 23. expected to peak as
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a record 510000 people. and the policies made international students will need to secure high ratings on english tests. at least 17 people have been injured in a trained condition in northern italy. the accident happened on the line between the cities of fans uh and fully. the cause of the condition is still unclear that the crash comes 3 months of the 5 railway workers died off to being hit by a train. the democratic republic of congo is president is promising to crack down on m $23.00 rebels and blames neighboring wanda for supporting them. felix, the security major monks at a riley ahead of presidential elections later this month. wanted denies any toys with the rebels, and the 7000000 people have fled, the east of the country, up to the m. 23, began seizing control of the mineral rich region argentinians,
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and bracing themselves full of stairs. the measures of default ride politician and economists. how the malay was wooded as president teresa by asthma with a promise 20 years of decadence and decline for right precedent. have you had a meet? what's war need on sunday? and he's inaccurate in speech. he expressed the hope the change has finally arrived . but he also warned the country the next few months will be difficult. and while you're outside of the state, there's no alternative but to implement austerity. this will have a negative impact on job salaries, poverty. there will be stagflation, but it's not very different from what we've seen in the past 12 years, and the present at he's an aggravation was a premium precedent. follow the me to say lensky, also attending or to a nationalist whom gary on prime minister be the one i'm results conservative.
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former president j equals donado. in line with me lays ideology, quinette and katie says he's ready for what's coming next. he carries a chain. so which became a symbol during the campaign of how may we implement the stereotype measures the knowledge and t now been able past the series of laws immediately and reform the taxes that stuff like a us. he says, how can we have all this land that grows so much food and the state takes away 60 percent in taxes. people are poor every day. oh didn't. tina has had a history of economic troubles. and many are concerned about the impact of stay with the measures we have on the population over 2 weeks and already almost 45 percent have yet to be late. 50 has the support of the people to implement the she'll kick nomic plan to cut down government spending. i'm 5 inflation. he's promising to transform argentina. but their fears that implementing that plan to generate
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a much bigger crisis. food now there is hope and excitement among those who voted for him. maybe so does he didn't we decide. okay, that's it. for me. my name's time you can find those more information on the website out. is there a dell come whether it's next, an inside story, the the hello weather, as long as you try and settled across the good parts of the arabian peninsula. not too much cloud showing up here, but you see a little more cloud for the move. just around the sun on potentially i will see cloud and rice slipping, know the policy of saudi arabia as we go through, choose dice of hassle. voice a lot is to bring one will to that is sports as it does say that right? also pushing up into jordan, pulling a little further east west. so there is some writers to the east,
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the side of the mediterranean. let us not whatsoever. we have got a few showers there into cyprus. it took a i was slipping, a little further east, which i think for the occupied territories when they should be lost, you drive, but the showers will setting hears it go on through tuesday. i don't think they'll be particularly heavy, but sadly, unpleasant enough and there you go. you can see we all respect to some right into the middle part of the week, some about why the old so effect in the fall, north of libby, a brisk gwen, steve old wind coming in here, then from ne, in areas of libya range, starting to pete route is the easiest across egypt. plenty a sat was there just around the coastal fringes of west africa. the off coast slipping further south. the shot was continued on. the other side of the rift valley will heavy down pulls into times and they really heavy right? could cause flooding into eastern areas of south africa, pushing his way into southern mozambique,
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of the the israel forces, tens of thousands of palestinians and gallows that into a barren stretch of land. the tiny region is supposed to protect them from farmington, give access to humanitarian. i that is what as well, close as i started in, i don't know why see, i have a safe or humane. this is inside story.


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