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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the the but i'm carry johnston. this is the news lots. instead of coming up in the next 60 minutes. the father of an elder is there, a journalist is killed and is really strikes. it's a volume of refugee. the has been famous fighting in northern gauze of israel has issued new evacuation. what is north central and southern tops of the strip is very from robinson,
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intensifies and southern gaza. 18000 products between use of knob and tube. just as 2 months of this rail support and desperation is increasing across costs. shortages of what's happening, basic supplies, get worse. people scrambling to grab the aid items from a few trucks and bouts. costume to rent the un is really strikes, has killed the father of an elders. here, a journalist in his family home in northern casa, and a spouse or his father was 65 years old. israel had issued new evacuation or just for the volume of his father did not want to leave his. i'm sorry for it, says me the death threats from these ready, all mean know the killing of his father will stop him from reporting from guns. i understood the letter come up,
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there is no doubt it is been the practice of these and it will pay some forces this, right? you have to pay some forces continue until perpetrating war crimes against innocent civilians as well. my family was very purposefully talked to them and my father was killed. it is my own. it hasn't been said home in japan yet. if you take him as that is something my father was killed on the spot and will that it was a direct strike by is really war plain. it was very difficult not only to each like but they but as body. but also it was difficult to read somebody home in the 1st place. a few hours ago i was in the house and requested them to leave by to the fuse. after we pulled his dead body, we would not able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to bear to him and they, you and run school yard. and despite all the decimal dates i have received from
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these a cool patient forces office says i will continue to finish my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture, and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guys. and so far my father was skilled, but this got no, did tell me. this grandmother did tell me from billing my mission. there is a patient cost is come up mazda by mouth, by getting my father. that's close now to the tower. i assume in rafa. so what time it tell us more about the death of our colleagues father, which comes amid more is ready orders to leave the new to yes, this a deliberate attack that had been carried down against the family of our clicked on us, a sharif that had led to the desk and the killing of his father is not the 1st attack
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that had been carried down against the assemblies of journalists uh before they have targeted the family of our colleagues. why did that do have more melisha rossi who did not even manage to some of them did not manage to a bit far will as moment for the rest of the family members that because they are still under the ruffles. now unofficial reese had lost his father and this strike that had leveled to the ground, the house that they were living in inter value at refuge account. now the situation that is getting day by day, much more difficult as is very patient forces trying to expand the military operations on the art storming or a united nation run filters. arresting every palestinian who was over 15 years. okay, we've had some technical difficulties that we will try and get to have it back. as soon as we can well, as israel issues you evacuation,
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notice what parts of central and southern gaza. it strikes a pound in the north of the strip palestinians who have chosen to stay in and off. the scrambling for food was found. a safe place for this time. of these, for the monks, has more as the fighting intensifies close to causes jabante, a refugee camp civilians play foss among the families. the few possessions packed in such stick bags. 7 in areas like this, a large bloss off the math. lots out the some bizarre off the emergency work is south for survivors, but he never responds. residents here had been forced to fee aria. the front of the building was targeted. one rescue a says,
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but no one was huts still desperate such a struggle on through the smoke. amid the ruins of the al, she felt hospital. what little beds available is baked with scavenged woods and scraps of paper and even the worst civilians. we've done nothing wrong. we're not fighting. we don't know how to feed our kids. we have no flour, nothing to feed them. no food, no water. this is not a healthy place to live. the kids have got sick. what was once a medical school room, now a families new say for 8 young faces focused on survival admits this militarize may have to they started to scare us strips my for the naked and then they forced us out to the
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house. right. then we saw the tank since once of the door when they started shooting this slightly further south, the hospital, that's no haven. that is at least still open, crammed beyond capacity with children carried here. then missouri more immediate. another course of pain. another day in this school for the months i'll just say to this is what the defense minister you i've got on says israel is very close to achieving its goals in northern garza. his love will take any measures in order to destroy from us what we have no intention to save to stay permanently in goes to
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sleep. we only take care of our security and the security will fall. c deserves alongside the ball as we've gone as well. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly been discussing sentence, but what happens next off of the ball and dancers is that some is very media have published what they say are leaks missing. y'all has conversations with the connect sits for an affairs and defense committee. let's get more of this now in the cross to hunger, so who to standing by for some occupied the eastern wisdom. so what more do we know about these leaked remarks that that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking some members of these really government saying that he believes the policy is doherty, is not a viable option to govern because a strip after the war is over. he says that the only difference between the p a and
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how this is that him, us wants to see the immediate denies of these really is where is the palestinian authority will do it in stages. additionally, this is a little bit conflicting because the americans want to see a revitalized powell senior authority take over the gaza strip once the war is over . but the prime minister has signaled before, but this is not what he has in mind. now additionally, in those remarks, what he has never said publicly is that a civil administration will be in charge in the gaza strip when the war is over. and these really is will have a security presence there. additionally, he says that to the gulf states, it will then be tasked with rehabilitating regardless stripped, meaning rebuilding it. but when i was just either reached out to the 34 in ministry, their response was that they had no idea of these plans. and their focus in the immediate term was to secure deals for a cease fire. and perhaps for the release of the captive. now these really prime
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minister again has voice this opinion before that he does not want to see the policy noun authority take over. once the war is over, what the americans have also repeated. we said that the palestinian people and their governance needs to play a huge part in the gaza strip once the roll was up. but once the war is over. and we've also heard tonight from israel saying it's going to boost. she would say screenings of humanitarian aid, coming into garza of her, it's trucks carrying aid will soon be able to head to the commercial on board across and then off the screening. they'll travel back to egypt and finally enter gauze through the rest, the crossing the what more can you tell us about all this, then? a will be is really army along with the coordinator for government activities in the palestinian territories has said that they are going to allow the kid him shalom crossing to open only for the inspection
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of the a. and that is going into gaza. but to be able not be going through that crossing itself. now the executive director of the world food program says that this doesn't really help much because after the aid is inspected there it still has to drive to the crossing and then wait in a long line to be admitted into the gaza strip. and the rest of the crossing, they say is not well equipped to do so. there was a test initially done with a coming from jordan. so it went to from jordan to the get them shut on crossing and then $2.00 to $5.00. but the situation here becomes, is that these trucks are having to drive around 40 kilometers to make their way just to be screened before going back to the flight to be in a line waiting to be admitted. so while these really say this will help increase the flow of 8 into gaza. the reality is that that's not what it is. it's simply
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going to assist with the screening of the aid, cuz these really want to see everything that is going inside of gaza. but it won't actually speed it up, it will rather just speed up the screening process for when they go back to the outbox. so they can hopefully admit those truck sooner. but none of that aid will be going from israel directly to the gaza strip from this how, who it's an occupied easters. and for us that with that top date, thank you. your opinions far and the policy chief is cool. the situation in guns that catastrophic and apocalyptic, and compared it to the 2nd world war, does it, burrell was speaking often, beating you, foreign ministers in brussels. the destruction of a to be with this thing does have, which is mall as well, even greater that the destruction of the software. but the german state is due to the 2nd quarter will just ignore that. to have an idea of do many data and shoot to
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ation that united nation has been denouncing on the last days last spring in there, he's a political analyst and the preston 12 united voices for america civic engagement organization based in washington dc. welcome to a studio here. ok, thank you care. how much are we seeing maneuverings by these ready government to essentially trying to buy time? did you think of, i mean everything that they're signaling including this idea to screen trucks and have them drive around in circles to be screened at a different crossing, but not actually go through the crossing only to make a u turn. go back to a rough off the surface that time. so i think to buy more time so they can continue the bombardment. so type of a way to appease the pressure that's coming from washington to signal as if they're doing something. but in reality, it doesn't change what's on the ground. more people are getting killed, more destruction is happening to basically continue the flattening of
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a gaza where they know some 70 percent of the destructors have already been demolished, and thousands of people are dead. we've seen some terrible images coming out of this, of course, including the images of palestinians, strip 10 on the knees. and the last couple of hours us state department said will describe that as deeply disturbing. how would you describe our describe as horrific? it's a war crime to do that, to humiliate people. it's a psychological warfare to try to break the spirit of the pals, student people with all the people they're still alive, the ones you know, other than the 1000 being killed, that they will continue to be humiliated to force them at the end. goal is that israel wants these people to leave casa, to forcibly displace them whether by violence or by humiliation. but any costs and some people saying, you know, this is, do you need is the only thing that we have left would rather die than be stripped and humiliated like this. so this is part of the site psychological warfare. it's
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reminiscent of the images that came out of about great. and they're kind of have to, they have to basically walk back some of these images and say, well, we didn't mean to do this and to, to get these images out. how does the america play into this though, especially when it comes to things like weapons this, it took about things on the, on the ground here. what should israel be adhering to internationally, and what does america say? public and privacy. now america's being more vocal because private pressure is not working. netanyahu and his government are basically not listening to the administrator in or out of control. the americans are trying to give war, public pressure today saying in the state department that weapons that they provide all countries including israel, have to be the use within to, in compliance with the international law. that's because there are some lawsuits. now there are naming biden directly and sector blinking for simplicity in some of those genocide accusations of genocide. so that's building up pressure then presented. how does this affect pressing vitamins support things? support base bite is already hurting in the polls. and this is mishandling of the
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gaza crisis and allowing this genocide to continue and not rename is really is costing them heavily and potentially to cost them the election is already trailing even to trump, who has all these allegations, environments against them, and where you have muslims and arabs and other minorities and young people in important swing states. they're saying they're not going to vote for buying because of what's happening, garza and that's spelling trouble for buying and who's trying to try to pacify these individuals. but nothing is done so far has turned that around. so he's in trouble. you know, as far as the election 2024, you say he's in trouble. the am in how much his social media site into this in the states. social media is playing a huge role and i think that's why we're seeing the more of a public outcry from around the world because the images we just saw has happened before. but in our senior, as they're saying streamlines on social media, it would platforms like instagram and take talk and other and especially driven by
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young people for that who are identifying with the sufferings of other people their peers within gaza. and they are spreading this information. so this is a demographic that's not following the news from their getting most of the news from social media instead of broadcast media, which is having a huge impact, especially on most young individuals. i think that we appreciate your insights here and i'll just, you know, thank you. thank you so much. i, a life across some parts of the occupies westbank, unoccupied, east jerusalem has come to a standstill. palestinians, close the shops pharmacies, in a cruise, in sort of diety, with the people of gaza and reminding an immediate cease fire once the countries around the world to put little pressure on israel, the stuff it's indiscriminate attacks. adam fisher reports not from occupied east jerusalem to think of the busiest street and the busiest town near where you live. and that's what this is normally like. salsa didn't street and east jerusalem.
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normally the cars are bumper to bumper. people are 3 or 4. how you doing beside the pavement? you can't really move even on a monday morning. it would be incredibly busy, but you can see all the stores here are clothes at the moment, the fashion store, the coffee shop, the phone shop, or closed or being the general strike that we've been speaking to one shopkeeper, he knows that this is maybe just a small gesture, but he thinks it's an important one to make because he's watching from a distance as people are dying and gossip and the, the, the strike will reach the whole world. and we'll let the world know that we, the past indian people in jerusalem condemned the war and the massacres that are happening and gaza. for some people, the shops being close doesn't inconvenience. they can't get to meet the fruit, the vegetables that they would normally pick up on a monday morning. but everyone we've spoken to, i mean everyone supports with the shopkeepers are doing here at a ship mountain. this is like any action that can lead to more awareness around the power steering issue and anything that can serve the demands to and this will.
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everyone is able to serve the power steering issue. it's not just here in jerusalem, where this is happening is happening across the occupied waste banking in other places and internationally to healing. of course, the stores are closed across jordan in a mind. we're also hearing that in b root and lebanon, there are stores that are closed in other places too. but how much of an impact will this have? well, in jerusalem, it will have some because obviously this is a big deal in israel as a whole. the impact becomes smaller, even though the years really economy is struggling because of the cost of the war and internationally globally. well, that will cause hardly a ripple, but the people here want to send a message to the board and guys a shoot in and shoot in. so i was for sure. i'll just do it. ok, probably east jerusalem. same as well. he has more now on the general strike from ramada in occupied westbank. it is the beginning of the week. it's a monday morning and earlier today, the streets of remo around this main re, minarda square were completely empty. there were no vendors,
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no shops were open. schools were close, no students attended university classes today. it was all part of the strike of rallying and supports by going on strike for the people of guys as the day has progressed, we've started to see a little more activity in the main square. people have been protesting, seen a large number of protests in and around the square people have been coming, they've been chanting a n t is really chance they've been chanting in favor of homeless. there's an anti government chance against the palestinian authority as well. so there is a, a lot of feeling a lot of emotion on the street. some of the chance had people say we will die. so the palestine can live even taunting is really government load the bullet, load the barrels, and fire on us. we are ready to face it, so a great deal of push back a great deal of fervor here in the occupied westbank, people in solidarity with those of the suffering, the ongoing war in gaza, just over my shoulder. there is
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a poster commemorating the thousands of children that have died as a result of the conflict. it has been an incredibly dehumanizing war for everybody, but especially innocent children who have died in the thousands this post the same . we are not numbers trying to humanize what is been essentially a very dehumanizing experience for the palestinians of gaza as well as for palestinians at large that have seen the suffering on going the people here in the occupied westbank say that raising their voice, calling a straight shuddering their shots is the least they can do and it often cases it is all they can do. they say that they do not have any capacity to raise an army that could rival israel's. they do not have the backing of a major power house. select the united states, they don't have that practical military, political and economic support at their backs. they say all they can do is continue to raise their voices in palestinian communities like this in squares in the occupied westbank and cities all over the occupied westbank hoping that the united
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states, the european community, the international community of the world. here's their voices. here's their cries for help, their price for a ceasefire now and their price for freedom from an occupation that has been going on for 75 years, 3 quarters of a century, st. but from the old 0, from a law in the occupied west. the russian deputy farm and it's to make how they've done office quoting for an end to the fighting and gaza and the release of captives, russia condemned the october 7th attacks. it is all set for me denounced. israel's response is a collective punishment of palestinian people in the shop. a lot of it was in most guy with more. the russians obviously for administer me hail, book done of express most goes very storage position on the situation in garza calling for an urgent need to see facilities and release those and give tibits in garza as well as the result of a matching human is having problems that had
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a number of telephone conversations on sunday and later on today on monday with how mice and other policy in, in functions broke down. and once again spoke about the importance of restoring palistine and national unity. the creation of the police finance over in states, within the 1967 voters with its capital east jerusalem, which will cover existing peace with these ro, uh, rushes, calling for an international monitoring mission to be sent to gaza to assess the humanitarian situation that uh on october, the 7th, most spoken dansby, how much does a taco today 0. but now it says it's against what is calls the collective punishment of millions of palestinians committed by israel. would that indiscriminate shelling, presence wasn't even preaching. also discussed is really probably stayed in conflict during his visit to saudi arabia and the u. i. e last week, as well as during his telephone calls would be gyptian presidents. and these really prime minister showing the wells that russia really wants to play a more decisive role in the conflict, you know,
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should pop all of the elders the right most gay women in gauze are facing significant challenges due to a shortage of summit trade products. and pain medication, the temporary shelters where they have taken refuge from is ready attacks are crowded with new toilets and unhygienic conditions. the middle seat has been speaking to displaced, putting women in rafa in southern gauze. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of women in gulf so or forced from their homes into temporary shelters or counts living in crowded conditions in thing, kansas, 10 strangers packed together in close quarters, new toilets, and no running water. and just as almost everything is in short, supply in gaza after more than 9 weeks, so for women can't find sanitary products during their menstrual cycle and
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etc. so about the end because it has, there are no sanitary toes available anymore. so we use nappies as an alternative, when we could find them. we also use tissues, but now it's extremely difficult because even these options aren't available. it is very difficult, but didn't happen. but that's not the only difficulty they face painkillers to ease their crimes are available and something as simple as a hot drink. it's hard to come by when live in this one that has that assessment had in the even hot drinks that helped to ease the pain or give it some relief are not available. it takes 2 hours to make a fire and boil some water. we can't get calming herbs or even lentil soup. in this cold weather. a doctor in one of rough us hospitals tells us many women and girls has been using medication to delay their periods, month after month. but she says,
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this has long term complications. we've noticed the significant increase and urinary tract infections and recurrence infections. and vaginal secretions among women were forced to give them several courses funds by o 6. but these were cards and factions affect women and cause pelvic infections and census in addition to resistance the antibiotics. women in gaza say that the lack of menstrual supplies and clean water is adding to their stress and, and exciting other se, the ceiling virus. because they have no privacy in the and send it to re overcrowded shelters. already turned swipe and displace from their homes, solace to new women, say that the lack of hygiene products is fraser eroding the little dignity they have left you miss said l g c a drop off in the cell then gone to so my head off to the brakes have feeling
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a whole wide 10 year it's something fun with is to israel. why the boot sparking position the ears are forecasts across europe in africa for tuesday. the 12th of december. good to have you along. so these pulses of rain moving west east, across the continent of europe, some pretty good pulses of rain around bordeaux. so we do have severe flight advisories in play here. also pretty persistent, rain across switzerland zurich could see half a month, a month's worth of rain all at once. by the time this is all said and done, but the ring really gets going northwest state and it's gonna slide down the coast of portugal portion to the south of france, western france as well. where we do have those severe funded advisories in place disturbed weather, rotating clockwise across ireland, britain and the low countries. it's not going to rain all day. we should see the
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sun poke out in some spots, but also claudie conditions to be expected. here on tuesday, outbreaks of showers across the turkey a more heavier pulses of rain moving into the band. and off we go to africa right now. it's a fairly quiet picture and not much trivial parts here. a bit breezy though, for the northeast. so for the coast of egypt to be expected on tuesday, and will end in southern africa right now, while these big storms pushing out over to the indian ocean, but still active. whether to be found in closing, the top province and the eastern cape province, and a cool wind and cape town on to the state. the, the, the latest news as it breaks the lead driver is really military. james slowed down shop 15 year old bustle, date and then shop pay year old item with in depth reports from us, and says that it freed all women and children under a sci fi agreement that ended off to both sides place each other for violations.
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and the in this journalism leaflets where it drops by the occupation. what was that like for me people to please to roughly district unique perspective. so that breaking down, willing to take to the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have if we don't know more and more lively, lots of voices, you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with pablo signs. it's the same struggle, shared a displacement, connect with our community and tap into conversations you find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the or the,
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[000:00:00;00] the talk about come on the head. israel a has issue, evacuation orders for palestinians and shelters. and schools in the north, south, and central gauze as it presses a head dentist from palm street. the father of ultra 0 correspondent, owl sharif, has been killed and is ready as striking to bomb the refugee count. open concept decisive will not deter from portugal area. we heard from child struck foot on the immense pest still risks janice, taking to cover the water and gas. it's almost impossible to imagine as a journalist working under those conditions in garza, most of the same time,
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obviously having to constantly think about the safety of your family. i'm more than 80 media workers so far have been killed, covering the will in gauze since october. the 7th, that includes 10 female journalist, 10 women. i mean, just to bring you some of the, you know, the personal details of the full members of i'll just ever stall that have lost family members so far. what else do garza bureau chief for out jersey or arabic, his wife, his son, his daughter and his grandson, killed in his riley strike. we were member of those who referred pictures of while trying to move his killed family members. and of course, he went back to work the next day, again saying that he was, you know, determined to continue covering this conflict. then there was my, how much about outcomes saw on a broad cost engineer without just ever he lost 19 members. if his family including his father and his 2 sisters moment, oh shudder for you. uh correspondent,
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lost 22 members of his family in these way. the strike and then of course on us a shot a who lost his father. today whilst he was praying in and he's really as dry that according to my account is 46 members of allergies, 0 families of people working for hours here alone. when you have you combine that with the possible. so during this is themselves being killed. it really shows you the incredible pressures the journalist facing and covering the will in garza, i'm just to bring you a, a personal perspective. i remember it would have been about a month ago, it was a night to life that was being done by our colleague a stuff which includes who's a senior producer working in garza. he as a very large family. and he had already moved his family once south as told to by the ease right of these. i remember the slide that he did on the telephone. it was
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a phone interview. he was standing on the roof of the building in which his family and we understand many other people with sheltering too. and he described the scene in front of him and you could hear the sound of the explosions of incoming strikes and a lot to resist. they were hitting targets and civilian areas close to where he was standing. he gave an immaculate, controlled, detailed account of what was happening in front of him. but at the same time, you could see that emotion. and it's not just be that we talking about. i spoke to self, what of to is it is that fear, of course, not only losing his life, but protecting his family as they continue to do the job in such an incredible professional manner on the incredible circumstances. and it's the same for all our team members at algae, sierra and of course we deeply appreciate and understand the difficulties that any media wilka of any journalist is having to enjoy in gaza. was at the same time
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trying to protect the safety of the families. un security council invoice of travel to the rest of both a region with gaza. they were brief to on the humanitarian situation by you an agency they've had a student refugees before heading to the roof of crossing un says hundreds of thousands of people in gaza, stopping in the amount of 8 that's entering each day isn't nitty enough of the main reason would be going together is to sell my stock that the, the owner want intention is from state and to find ways to escape out operation. you know, that 2 days ago i have sent a letter to the president of the general assembly. and i have one about the risk that might not be able to operate this because of this tv, the older breakdown we here for the 1st time that hunger, he's too busy. you guys are more and more people haven't eaten one day, 2 days,
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3 days. the last time i went was 2 weeks ago, when i visited the, the vocational training sent over brand new new hosting. more than 35000 people. i could see over the 1st on the 11th of these fast 11 of these procession. people absolutely. everything for that trip comes as a humanitarian situation in guns of lessons. palestinians who have not eaten for days have been scrambling to secure supplies for themselves. and this time, it is only a small number of a trucks of crossing into rafter from egypt each day. were you in that journal assembly set to hold emergency needs and on gosh, on choose day. it was requested by the arab good organizational is nomic corporation. off of the security account, so failed to agree or resolution quoting for c spot,
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kristen. so let me know as this emergency general assembly meeting was triggered by the united states, vito of asian, monetary and cease fire resolution. and the security council resolution that was favored by the vast majority of security council members in calling for this general assembly meeting. aaron and as lama countries here at the united nations in vote, resolution $377.00, which allows the general assembly to act when the security council is deadlocked and unable to uphold its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. but to be fair, the general assembly has done this many times before when it comes to the situation in palestine. as recently as october 27th, when a 140 countries here passed a humanitarian truce resolution resolution that had little impact at the time. but experts describe it as a pressure tactic to be done. so i think that the heart of group and that allies are engineering
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a series of public events designed to put more pressure on the us. so the us was pushed into a veto in the security council. now council ambassadors are roughly then the general assembly will pass the resolution cooling for a ceasefire. it's building up a sense of global diplomatic pressure on washington to change position. but washington may hold from under, under international law general assembly resolutions amount to a recommendation where as security council resolutions are legally binding. but israel has ignored even legally binding resolutions in the past. christian salumi, elders era, the united nations, united nations who amount of terror in the 1st chief has said that there is no way for the u. n. to ensure safety for the operations and gods of boston. griffith spoke to a different math to get it to james base. in some ways,
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gaza is uniquely awful. and that's before you start talking about the suffering. the numbers, the, the big trial of the health system and so on. garza is special, but especially in a bad way. you've already said it's no longer possible to save as a humanitarian operation in casa. explain that. what i mean by that is that we had hoped that when the war moved south, we were in fact told the when the war move south, that there would be a different approach to the minute your operations slightly more targeted, perhaps precise and surgical of the pieces that are used as you know, and we had a 10 point plan which we presented to the world as to how we would respond to it. what's happened is that the assault on southern gaza has been no less than the north. it's raging, of course, through con eunice at the moment. it's threatening rough or the compression of the population is great,
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so we cannot be sure of any above points of operation to be safe to d can fiction through this process. but by you tell each side, this is a safe place for you and operations or your laptop solutions. we don't have that. so we operate on a form of humanitarian opportunism. it's not what is the cartridge stick of a normal human turn operation which is dependability. reliability, repetition, you know, in the next one's coming on a certain amount of safety, both varied watkins and for those who they so those conditions don't exist in southern guns. and they and the fact that they don't means that the humanitarian operation, which can be improved by the way, is a random one as well. since the war on gauze will be done,
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more than 10000 phone workers have left as well. and now it's turning to africa to address the severe labor shortage. kenya has agreed to send 1500, a good cultural workers, but the move is being heavily criticized. welcome web has more from conclude in kenya. then and duties being working on farms and canada for about 20 years. he says he'd work in these relative given the challenge and he's not put off by the risks of conflict bottom on audio. don't i tell you that i want to bring up my children? well, but i've never had the chance because i've never had a good job where i can stand on my own to see if this chance is the one i can help my parents. and i can build for my family. about 10000 for him with his of left israel since a mass of times on the type of the 7 most of from thailand, including these men who were captured and later released by a mass. others were killed, as well as inside with that with permits for palestinians. now it's tending to
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african countries to plug the cab more than $200.00 farm workers left malawi for israel last month following a secret deal with a government last week. here in kenya, latham ministry said it would send $1500.00 workers who each be paid $1500.00 a month, 7 millions of people in kenya who live in homes like that and work on funds going krupps like these for which many and about $200.00 a month, so the money on offered these riley's hard to refuse. realistically many of the jobs will go to people who are more privileged and half beth are access to the recruitment companies. but why that may seem like a good opportunity to many political opposition? say the arrangement is problematic. that explosive is rails previously being criticized for its treatments of african migrants and rights groups have reported abuses of foreign farm workers. israel says migrant workers have the same rights as these rarely citizens. the level of terms can use opposition says the government
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should create jobs at home, or instead of looking for them abroad, we know the genocide the committee meeting doesn't. that's a, that's just drinking. they want that to be a feel. okay. as a country, but we all know that's not true. i mean, these are engine ends with the presidents, which are can presidents that are not able to deal with their own countries is trying to sanitize itself. kenyans is struggling with soaring living costs. the farm is here say will type of the risk the terms of adding more fluid. he's too good to turn down malcolm web out to 0 kick, who you can. yeah. so the head on, i'll just say, are the french parliament puts presence of them across from the prussia, rejecting his government's non mock immigration on the un ends its mission. and molly will look at the impacts and what may happen next.
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the colonial mccullin's governments stuff with a surprise defeats in parliament on monday and i'm not immigration was rejected by french m. p. 's before it could even be debated. unusual coalition of far right to the left wing. and he said the bill was either too harsh and indignation or not harsh enough. i should like to report some powers it was the outcome that the french government had dreaded a majority of in peace from across the political divide. and the french parliament came together and agreed to book the debates on the french governments,
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immigration bill right when peace that the bill was too lax. left wing politicians criticized it as a human only thing, the only thrust green is a huge victory is it was on a proposal. the bill not be debated for a year and a half. all we've heard is the immigration is a problem. this bill was disgusting. first. by rejecting this debate, we've once again protected french people from more measures that would attract illegal migrants. so that it was an embarrassing defeat for the french interior administers just held them on a boot earlier presented the bill of the national assembly. the stall to fort was expected to be weeks of intense discussion on the proposed little new all coy, c. o. compromises must be made and the national interest to protect the french citizens at our borders, to integrate foreigners and find the legal immigration. and not because french presidency manual macros party does not have a parliamentary majority. it needed the support of enough opposition and peace to debate and eventually approve it's bill. but this isn't the blog for the bank,
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isn't the end of the immigration bill, but it does mean that it won't be false. in his current form, the government come out decide whether or not to send it back to the senate for discussion or set off across parliamentary committee to reexamine it on the way it will be a for a long process. to build was a mix of measures on one hand to propose speeding up deportations and cracking down on what the government calls for and delinquents on the other. it allowed some undocumented workers to be legalized in industries where they were staff shortages . this restaurant owner says immigrant for cause all is central for the country's economic growth, and without them, some businesses wouldn't survive. we have always needed immigration. our problem is these jobs don't attract young french people. no one wants to do them. so we need immigrant workers, right? when politicians said, such measures would encourage legal migration. well left, we need peace called the bill and erosion of really
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a problem with it. your french or an immigrant from the moment you're working, you should have the same rights that governments defeats and paul dement will be seen by many as assigned the person. my call is unable to build the sort of cross party consensus. he's known cold food will deliver on one of the issues that remains. the primary concern for french folks has especially butler. i'll just 0 power buses that jailed opposition. the the extent of only has reportedly disappeared within the countries. the prison system is all the ice chaise whereabouts. unknown is no longer in prison. he was held that they signed the valid the hasn't been responding to correspondence for days and did not show up for his latest video of the court. hearing on friday, washington says it's deeply concerned about his fate. to team critical set to be moved to a higher security prison. so the main thing for us is to find him as soon as
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possible because right now and that he's completely alone and he is literally in the hands of people who wants to try to keep him now. so we don't know what they will do again. no rush just as voting in next year's presidential election would also be held in ukraine in regions illegally unexplained mosca, or only its invasion in 2022. the announcement has been met with a strong opposition from the ukrainian government us. but mcbride has molson keep the decision by russia to include the full territories. this is alex and ukraine, and next spring's presidential election has been roundly condemned. here in ukraine itself, a strongly worded statement from the ministry of foreign affairs here, a saying that it goes against international law and goals of the un charter. and i think that as with other ballots that have been held in the occupied territories in ukraine by russian. all socrates basically, as they say, will account for on the think they will effectively be nolan boyd,
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describing the bailey as a propagandist on cuba. as cold on the international community to round the condemned this decision and also to sanction any individuals in these occupied territories. who are involved in staging the selection. i'm going further by urging the introduction community not to send any observe as to russia for the presidential election itself, saying that it has very little to do with democracy. and it's really a tool for keeping the current russian leadership empower. mcbride. i was just there a key. the latest draft from the u n's called the 28th to climate summit. indeed by does not include the words phase out of fossil fuels. where the proposal mentions only that policies could reduce both consumption and production of fossil fuels in adjust or the and equitable none of it proposes 8 actions. countries could take to reduce emissions. germany on the us have both already criticized off saying it does
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not go far enough. what do i think we're at o is head of policy at the global justice now. she says that she's the 2 disappointed in the draft proposal. is this good to go back kid, when global leaders need to ensure that the global average warming is limited to 1.5 degrees centigrade, the draft fixed that they will start or the deliberating now is very weak at the center of cup. the big conference of the 5 be on the united nation play, what quote, but conventional one call climate change is fossil fuels. we know it is the major costs of climate change. walk of the fix contains the measure, know pace out the face, down of fossil fuels despite then bidding be very present in the last draft. this late the late, the fix gravely fails to provide the steps for what for that we desperately need. and if this will cost,
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then we can say that cop to $8.00 is when the $1.00 degrees centigrade limit dice. and then we, when we are heading for this asked or when this copy gets a lot to move man snippets, even governments are hoping that the fact that the negotiation was held here in the, by, in the united arab emirates, fossil fuels will be at the center of the discussion and rightly so, because at this point, fossil fuels faced out should not even be debatable. we know the size of governments know the cyan bought this document 11000 word document. the 3rd fossil fuels is that is only mentioned on 3 times. and that the exclusive language on the face facing all fossil fuels. what's the, what's not there anymore? and also the debates that there was saying uh for 2050 that's too far away after the we are looking at the possibility that the $1.00 degrees centigrade
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. we've been which that within this decade, so this critical decade for, for action. and we'd need to act fast. the government should put commence sort of mess your commensurate funding. go measure the effort to ensure that even the which that limits to the united nations peacekeeping mission and money has come to an end of to 10 years. not a nation's flag was lower than the capital to mount the official closure bodies ruling gentle jumanda dimensions withdrawal in june. meanwhile, the crazy thing is from the coast and the international peacekeeping center. he says the end of the mission involved the effects, the humans credibility. for those of us who focus on peacekeeping. um, this is one of the most to us dents to the credit village of the you in big to you . it is keeping that, you know, they've been kick doctor off at from 3 away. they've been performing for 10. yes,
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little dev strong. that's 10. find the very g environment. cool. the, you know, that's been one might have been the 1st set up on the, as i just, i believe he has never really been named brandon decided to mr by was supposed to be in the protector for the 2015 um or just agreement then. but, you know, submit trays to that agreement of themselves. lots fees. so you know, both sides have a strong argument for them is just because we see you've been most peacekeepers themselves that have been hierarchy. so how and differences in, you know, that also undermine the credibility of the peacekeeping. i only know this is sarah the sat, the way india supreme court has upheld a 2019 decision by the government to have folks the special status of engine administrative kashmir is ordered the government to hold new elections in the
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region by the end of september. next year, the decision for the series of legal challenges charges remove that the region status was temporary and moving. it was constitutional from norfolk to sports headlines with santa are not just so united faced by munich and the attempt is leak on tuesday. it's a must when class for eric time have side, you know i did need to beat the gym and time and hope the match between got a test. so ryan of copenhagen is a drawer and the other goose a match in order to reach knockouts. what i know is i never thinking scenario and negative scenario, i think we think positive. and so we know what to do. we have to win to stay in europe. so it's all about that. so a little bit better team with that feeling. and would that believe that we're not able to do it? awesome. all don't have the same challenge ahead of them as
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a face piece behind building. knowing there's or the tops of group be 6 meal thrashing of last 2 weeks ago concerned their place. but they go into it to off the back of a one year old the see to us the villa that sold them slip off the top of the family standing high flying as your own. every raining attempt is barcelona to became top support the lady just the visitors defeated xbox, the full 2 on the line. there's cases genuine types of content. this is the 1st of a spanish, the victory over the catalogs 0. now move to points ahead the way on the bridge and the table all by slona drop down to 4 uses pays and that has won the alpha downhill championship in south africa. the 2010 open chanting stars of the day level was come. 2 men josh worked with before causing a 3 on the round of 69 to win by 2 shots. is that of cowboys one the 5th, a straight game as a b,
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the philadelphia eagles. the 33 to 30 and victory sent them to the top of the m f. c east. and it has of their opponents. thanks to touch sounds from rico, thousands of michael gallop and c d 9. for those i suppose headlines, you can get more and also is there a dot com and on our social media channels since the beginning of the war and goes, the video is released by these very government spot debate online. many social media uses are turning them into means. ok, so some of which takes a look now of these rarely, military video, supposedly showing the hum us fighters surrendering fuel skepticism about previous post. it can even do these, these, these are supposed to be about how much taking over a hospital to know what she wasn't recognized by anyone who worked the entire that became older fields. you can see that donald den, there was,
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this is really our mean video. you know, there was supposed to show us a mazda 10. no, it's in fact a hospital elevator shot me to look at this real old sparking a series of means marking video to this city of the original video reason for put through a curtain unless you want to film hostages and deliver movies is listed how big is this list is say, we are in operation with a we would seek them. so that's a calendar. yes. kind of the last, this is one of the servers who is the head of the now i want to show you a little peroration on this on this bill. with electricity, the interesting things that we have from israel's use of social media is nothing new in the modern warfare, which digital platforms have become a battle ground for influencing public opinion. so underneath the shape of a hospital, like israel appears to be losing ground, because last time i don't think you the community took you seriously. there was a list, how much stone cannot flew?
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a most exquisite. i'm gonna reach out to 0. a woman's credit. i'll be back in a few moments with more of that, that is the a settled time upfront takes on the big issue, studies of post types to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0 zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say? we'll take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported
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areas. of course we cover major global defense, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this fine video regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we tear restrict the damage in the house of green. the big evidence of the wakes that prompted its evacuated action on friday. the sub emission of toxic gas, a possible pre closer to interruption was enough growth ortiz to order everyone out . best be nothing on the scale of this emergency since interruption in the 13th century. but the fear it was put into it and the people who live here is that this isn't just about an image interruption. it's about a long term shift into a much more volcanic reactive and dangerous phase. we could, peterson, has been monitoring iceland, skeletal geology for more than 20 years. she says, what's happened to the last few days is evidence of a transition that could last centuries. the peninsula will be dormant until
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a new activity period starts. and that can also last several 100, some years. iceland, beauty has been forced in part by its 32 volcanic systems. it's people that had to become resilient to the day just. but here in the southwest, those stages around me growing the the, [000:00:00;00] the problem carry johnston. this is a nice lot from, so are coming up on the program. the desperate need for food, water and medicine in dallas is ro, sizes will open the new security screening location for 8 go into the strip for


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