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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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friendship, i miss randy public this course and seeing more voices persist south calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the as a desperate need for food was a, as medicine in garza israel says it will open a new location for screening aid. the the rough uh who remain the only entry points the of them are. kyle, this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up the stairs fighting in northern garza, israel has issued evacuation orders in the north, central and southern palms of distress. the father of an out is there
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a john list as killed in this rainy as strike on the jabante? a refugee come just rainy rains all underway and the occupied west bank will have more from ramallah. the step again in garza with the un, has want of a breakdown of civil orders over the limited delivery of desperately needed humanitarian aid. as well as on a continues to bump, bump the strip, it's announced changes to the roots that a will take into casa. it says that trucks carrying a well now on the go security checks out the comes along, crossing until now a trucks will only being screened up and attends a check point for the south of to bang screens b a trucks travelling back into egypt. and finally, and so it goes through the roof of crossing as well as the music curity checkpoint, will increase the number of
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a trucks going into casa view and says at least 200 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies needed daily to meet the population's basic needs. before the war on gone, so began the un sent in 508 trucks. every day. lack of aid has left palestinians in a state of desperation. many people have not eaten in days and a scrambling for the scabs from the supplies that do reach the strip, just as close now to him to salvage. she's standing by for us and occupies is jerusalem sir. hands of will this new security screening check points make any difference to the amounts of a that's actually in training the goal? the strip these rarely army, along with the coordinator for government activities in the palestinian territories, are saying that they are going to open the kid him shut on crossing in addition to the next sign of crossing over there in the south. in order to expedite the
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screening of aide, but the problem still becomes that all of those a trucks that are inspected, still need to go back to egypt to make their way through the border crossing. these really is were quite clear that none of the a trucks will be passing through the get him shut on crossing to get to the gauze, the strip. so they're saying it will expedite the process and they're entail the expedition of the 8 itself will arrive faster into gaza. but the reality is that all of those trucks will still be going back to egypt, going to a queue to make their way through that far to go into the cost of stress. and we've been hearing some links comments when he's ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu denouncing the palestinian of storage here we're supposed to been charged to be occupied. west bank. tell us more about boss a cooling closed door meetings with
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a couple of committees in his government is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was quoted saying, but the only difference between the palestinian authority and how mass is that how mass wants to destroy israel immediately. while the palestinian authority wants to see it in stages. additionally, he said that a sort of civil administration will take over the gaza strip once the war is over. he also said that gold countries will be in charge for rehabilitating and reconstructing garza. but when asked about this club, us foreign ministry said they were not privy to any of this information and were rather focusing on the immediate future of securing the ceasefire. and perhaps the release of more is really captive. this is not the 1st time these really prime minister has said that he doesn't think the palestinian authority is suitable to rule the gaza strip after the war is over. but it's, in contrast with the americans has been putting pressure on these rally is who want
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to see a revitalized palestinian authority taking charge of guns. and once the war is over saying that the palestinian people and the election and governance process, these need to be at the center of the governance and the gaza strip to sell who joining us that from occupies easters. and thanks very much and is well is ready to resume contact with mediators for the possible release of concepts that's according to israel's channel 12. but see how mass representatives a set representative has done, assigned a 100 and has total down to 0. that talks and notes possible until israel's aggression stops. and i don't know but, and i still um, sort of go off, but it's clear that the occupation derailed all the efforts led by the brothers in guitar and egypt to reach a ceasefire. and it went back to lead. it's aggression against the gaza strip of the clear position of homos is that it's not possible to speak about a prisoner's ex themes deal before the aggression on the gaza strip and on our
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people in gaza stops. this is not just a condition, it's a natural right. we cannot allow the occupation to lead such regression and then rewarded with a deal. these really leaks are in a tense by these realities to deal with the internal pressures on these really governments and by these really streets. and the families of the captives is also an attempt to cover up a growing criticism over the large number of injured soldiers. as israel issues, new evacuation orders for parts of central and something gone. so it strikes a pounding the north of the strip. palestinians who have chosen to stay in the north of scrambling for food was at a safe place for the families. little monks has more on that. as the fighting intensifies close to gauze is jabante, a refugee camp civilians play foss among the families. the few possessions in subject bags.
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7 in areas like this, a large block, it's often math blocks out, but some emergency work is shout for survivors. but he never responds. residents here had been forced to fione a defendant. the building was targeted. one rescue a says, but no one was hurt. still desperate such a struggle on through the smoke amid the ruins of the al, she felt hospital. what little beds available is baked with scavenged woods and scraps of paper the and even though we're civilians, we've done nothing wrong. we're not fighting. we don't know how to feed our kids. we have no flour, nothing to feed them. no food, no water. this is not a healthy place to live. the kids have got sick. what was once
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a medical school room, now a family's new say for a young face is focused on survival amidst this militarize may have because they started to scare us strips my for the naked and then they forced us out to the house. and then we saw the tanks, instruments of the door when they started shooting this slightly further south, the hospital. but it's no haven, but it is at least still open, crammed beyond capacity with children carried here then misery more immediate. another course of pain. another day in this school, for the months,
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i'll just data paragraph as soon as in bravo was more on the latest is really strikes and something gone. so the usability forces have completely destroyed the residential building and, and belong to out of con, family endeavors by the horse. 7 palestinians have been killed and all the others have been injured and they are now receiving the treatments and some of the hospital endeavors by a town. now the artillery showing continues by the usability of forces in the cost of data by along slides on a, i'm also a rock refuge account now on the south classes on flex changes will continue on con, you, in a city which has been completely now turned into a battle zone where there are still still some residents in can, you just did not find any safe passage out to ruffle district. and also the attacks on rough ahead continued wherever residential building belonged to
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a family. had been attacked in a shovel, ro, neighborhoods and rough. now, as you can clearly see at the back you around the impedances, i talked to way to hospital are in the face of all of us for any possible attacks that might be carried out within the coming out. busy on roughly district, which has been not excluded from the is verify us during the last couple of hours, very full is, is have lower small rates in the occupied westbank tablet is ready all me back will storm the towns of the same time. and jennings, have been the pulse of gunfire. correspondent, hold on to how many joins us now from ramallah. honda, that was what was happening in jenny. it's well, it's a situation that is still unfolding. but as we understand it at this stage, is that a large column of is really armed vehicles have entered the city of janine i would say over an hour ago and then some reinforcement also arrived. now we know that
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there they reach the entrance of the janine refugee camp and they have also deployed around 3 hospitals in janine to that a very close to the refugee camp. and one that is a bit further away that is usually used as an alternative. when this situation is quite tensed inside the refugee cab, we're also told by a people on the ground that around one of these hospitals they, they is really so just with the loudspeaker. r c, a calling on, on demand, to come out of the hospital. the, we don't know actually if there's any on men in the hospital or no, but this is what's happening outside. it is a bullet, the situation with dental it. it could become very tensed, as we have seen in the past with janine had raised that sometimes last the 15 to 16
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hours. uh so as this is something people in geneva would be very worried about at this stage. and now they're also a several other raids of perhaps the most important one being the one in silhouette . where we do know that the number of people have been detained. we don't have the exact number, but we are told at this stage of at least a dozen. okay. other give us an idea of the current level of tension across the occupied westbank. so the surgeon need attention is that and is bubbling every day and in the really goes ebbs and flows depending actually on the raids, the tensions and with that comes also, killings of palestinians. now over the past 2 days, i would say the rate seemed list of violence less pens. there was less people dictate, on average, since the beginning. as since october 7th,
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the number of that paid was about $50.00 to $60.00 at a day. over the past few days, that number was considerably lower, but it is certainly not an indication we have to see. for example, what happens now in jeanine the next hour or 2 hours, depending on what's going to unfold and, and so what, but in general, i think israel is looking at the uh, the occupied westbank as a secondary battle field. the, the primary one being gaza. and is trying to do its best for the situation not to escalate so it doesn't have a 2nd fund to deal with. okay, hold on until i mean, keeping on all the events that for us and notified westbank thanks very much. hold on. as randy, as strike has killed the father of an elder, is there a journalist in his family home in northern garza? and it's also a found to is 65 years old as well,
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had to issue new evacuating old his full jamalia. but his father did not want to leave his home. i'm sure he says my, the death threats from me is rainy all me know the killing of his father will stop him from reporting from gaza. it's understood the legs come up. there is no doubt. it is been the practice of these, made it to based on forces these, right, you have to pay some forces continue to perpetrate war crimes against innocent civilians as well. my family was very purposefully talked statement and my father was killed. it is my own. it hasn't been said home in japan yet. if you take um as that is something my father was killed on the spot to move it, it was a died across like by is really war plain. the and it was very difficult not only to each like but the others body, but also it was difficult to read somebody home in the 1st place. a few hours
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ago, i was in the house and requested them to leave by ted if use after we pulled his date. but the we were not able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to better him and that you and run school yard. and despite or the death threats i have received from days a cool patient forces office says i will continue to finish my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture, and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guides. and so far my father was skilled, but this cannot deter me. this grandmother, due to me from fulfilling my mission, there's a database of courses, cannot mazda in my mouth by getting my father. the women in gauze are facing significant challenges due to a shortage of silence, treat products and pain medication, the temporary shelters,
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while they have taken refuge from his way. the attacks over crowded with no toilets and on the height janet conditions, even the l site has been speaking to displaced protestant in women, and rough and southern gaza. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of women ink of the forest from their homes, into temporary shelters or counts living in crowded conditions. in thing canvas, 10 strangers packed together in close quarters, no toilets, and no running water. and just as almost everything is in short supply, inc godsa, after more than 9 weeks for women, can't find sanitary products during their menstrual cycle and etc. so about the end because it has, there are no sanitary toes available anymore. so we use nappies as an alternative, when we could find them. we also use tissues, but now it's extremely difficult because even these options aren't available. it is
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very difficult, but didn't happen. but that's not the only difficulty they face painkillers to ease their crimes are available and something as simple as a hot drink. it's hard to come by when live in this one that has that assessment had in the even hot drinks that helped to ease the pain or give it some relief are not available. it takes 2 hours to make a fire and boil some water. we can't get calming herbs or even lentil soup. in this cold weather. a doctor in one of rough us hospitals tells us many women and girls has been using medication to delay their periods, month after month. but she says, this has long term complications. we've noticed the significant increase and urinary tract infection and recurrence infections. and vaginal secretions among women were forced to give them several courses bunched by
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o 6. but these were cards and factions affect women and cause pelvic infections and census in addition to resistance the antibiotics. women in gaza said that the lot of menstrual supplies and clean water is adding to their stress and, and exciting other se, the ceiling virus. because they have no privacy in the and send it to re overcrowded shelters. already turned swipe and displace from their homes, solace to new women, say that the lack of hygiene products is fraser eroding the little dignity they have left. you miss c, it's l g 0 that's off and the southern gaza center has hair on al jazeera. what's only like 10 yeah. is sending from work has to israel and the move that sponsoring on position the
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hello. it's been heart dry and wendy here found chillies, capital santiago, so we've got a number of wildfires burning here. hundreds of people have been forced from their homes and still these conditions will persist wendy. 30 degrees on the nose for santiago on tuesday storms coming into central argentina that will push into the river play. and it has been quite active in se brazil, but things will quiet down on tuesday. our usual showers in storms through the amazon jungle. but i want to take you to central america because of the rain is pouring in to police. here it's capital. could see a months worth of rain all at once. otherwise, though, not too bad across the caribbean, it's fairly quiet in the us southwest, not much to report here. so we go north of this and you know, all this rain and snow pointing into british columbia is north coast as we look into alaska as well. now by wednesday this will drop down the coast. temperatures
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will lower and alaska is capital juno. so some of these could switch over to storing some fairly significant snow as well. not too bad across the canadian prairies temperatures on the plus side. a few flurries still hanging around the lakes, but it's certainly quite it down for the eastern seaboard and for the southern us, it's quite here as well on tuesday, so yeah, the, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves is points to leave the global battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy, harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the
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again, you are watching out, is there a has reminder of our top story is this, our israel says it will sets off a new inspection point for humanitarian aids being sent into concept security. screening for age will be done as opposed to tons and to come some of things, trucks carrying age will then travel back to egypt before finally entering concept through the rest of processing. as well as issued, if i q ation orders for palestinians and shelters, and schools in the north, south, central gulf as it presses a head with its relentless involvement strength. as well as no small range, multiplied westbank is only back because of storm towns of fame name. as janine
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also being a portion of gum file, you in general assembly set to hold an emergency meeting on casa, on choose day, was requested by the hour brief and the organization of islamic corporation. optimum security council failed to agree on resolution cooling for us. the spot christian telling me has moved from united nations of this emergency general assembly meeting was triggered by the united states, vito of asian, monetary and cease fire resolution. and the security council resolution that was favored by the vast majority of security council members in calling for this general assembly meeting error of and as lama countries here at the united nations in vote. resolution $377.00, which allows the general assembly to act when the security council is deadlocked and unable to uphold its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. but to be fair, the general assembly has done this many times before when it comes to the situation
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in palestine. as recently as october 27th, when a 140 countries here passed a humanitarian truce resolution resolution that had little impact at the time. but experts describe it as a pressure tactic to be done. so i think that the heart of group and that allies are engineering a series of public events designed to put more pressure on the us. so the us was pushed into a veto in the security council. now council ambassadors are roughly then the general assembly will pass the resolution cooling for a ceasefire. it's building up a sense of global diplomatic pressure on washington to change position. but washington may hold from under, under international law general assembly resolutions amount to a recommendation. whereas security council resolutions are legally binding. but
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israel has ignored even legally binding resolutions in the past. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations and investigation by the washington post says there is evidence that is really forced as find us to apply white false source, munitions, 11 and use of white false source and built up areas is illegal on the inside. no, us state department has responded to the reports that we are concerned by the reports of the use of white phosphorus. obviously there is legitimate military use for white phosphorus, but that does not include using and lots of billions. it means that if you use them, you have to do everything you can to minimize civilian harm. any time that we provide items like why foster us or really anything to another military, we do it with the expectation that it will be used for legitimate purposes and, and for keeping with international humanitarian law and the art law of armed conflict. so we're looking into this and looking for additional information since the war on guns have begun,
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move in 10000 farm workers have left as well. and i was trying to africa to address the severe labor shortage. kenya has agreed to send 1500 cultural luck is, but the move is being heavily criticized. i'll come with has more from kick you in kenya, then, and google has been working on farms and can you for about 20 years. as he says he'd work in these rad, if given the chance, and he's not puts off by the risks of conflict. but knowing id it out, i tell you that the i want to bring up my children. well, but i've never had the chance because i've never had a good job where i can stand on my own to see if this johnson is the one i can help my parents. and i can build for my family. about 10000 for him with his of left these rail since a mass of times on the type of the 7. most of them thailand, including these men who were captured and later released by a mass others were killed as well as inside were the width permits for palestinians . now it's tending to african countries to plug the cap more than $200.00 farm
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workers left malawi for israel last month following a secret deal with a government last week. here in kenya, the labor ministry said it would send $1500.00 workers who each be paid $1500.00 a month. there were millions of people in kenya who live in homes like that and work on phones going crops like these fluids many uh, and about $200.00 a month. so the money on offering is riley's hard to refuse. realistically, many of the jobs will go to people who are more privileged and half beth are access to the recruitment companies who want it may seem like a good opportunity to many political opposition, say the arrangement is problematic at explosive. israel is previously being criticized for its treatments of african migrants. and rights groups have reported abuses of foreign farm workers. israel says migrant workers have the same rights as these rarely citizens. the level of tons can use opposition says that government
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should create jobs at home, cannot instead of looking for them abroad, we know the genocide the committee meeting doesn't. uh that's a, that's just the regular one that we have to relocate as a country. but we all know that's not true. i mean these are in demands with presidents with african presidents that i'm not able to view the on, empties this time to sanitize itself. kenyans is struggling with soaring living costs. the farm is here, say will tab of the risks, the terms of adding more fluid. he's too good to turn down malcolm web out to 0 q. you can, yeah. let's take a look at some other world news now and representatives from me and mazda military . i've been holding towards with 3 major level groups. china has both sides together. is a search and fighting at the end of october and spread to move in 2 thirds of name . ha ha! for 1000000 people have been displaced since magenta took power in 2021 turn off,
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1000000 people have been displaced manuals not. she has suffered a series of defeats in recent weeks. anyone but as a professor at the daniel k. anyway, asia pacific center for security studies, she's a retired army officer who's of the specific c'mon and she joins us from honolulu in hawaii to have you with us. first of all, can you just give us an outline of what was discussed and came out. so this meeting, well as far as we know, the meeting has ended in 2 ended with i did the and then n d a n n a n n d a group agreeing to a ceasefire until the end of the year, which is the end of december but the other 2 group did not agree to any type of ceasefire, is what i have heard. so what, what impact does that have on the ground that is extraordinary to have the 2 thirds of the country is engaged in fight to that?
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that's right. yes, absolutely. it actually, i think it's even more than that. it's more like a 75 percent is engaged in, in, in fighting. and uh, so the, the, the group that decided to, uh see that kinda have a ceasefire for a half as well. you know, the rest of the year or the rest of the month is just one out of the, you know, one area and one small group out of, out of the out. many, many groups that are fighting against the military, whom to are you just beings of is the area that will take the talking about what, what's the situation the, what's it like for people living the well, what people, what is living like there it has been more of a they have stuff for a lot from the bombing and the burning of the villages by the military home to
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forces me. a they hold, it has been, uh, you know, indiscriminately bombing the civilian villages, towns as has been since because it was, uh so, um, i think that, you know, it has created, like you said earlier, um many displaced people and then also ended up in the neighboring country as refugees, uh what sort of age is reaching these people? what ages available? um, is it a, is a, is a different called because many of the international organization will want to deliver it through the military hometown. but the thing is militate home. like i said only control about 25 percent a quarter of the country. so and then also when you do that they also on a wednesday night the aide the.


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