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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 7:00am-7:31am AST

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common emissions, many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. in depth analysis of the days headlines, all these blue cross blue is road has of items. so the thing is not a license to kill inside story. on out jersey era, the desperate need for food was a and medicine, and garza israel says it will open a new location for screening screening aid. but rocco will remain the only entry point the other them or kyle, this is al serra live from doha. also coming up is where the strikes pound garza
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from the north to the south was 1006 shelter in overwhelmed hospitals. the father of announce is there a john list has killed him as rainy as strike on the giovanni of refuge account. and is there any rates or underway in the occupied west bank will have moved from among the as as well. issues, new evacuation orders for parts of north central and stuff and gone. so it strikes a pounding the north of the strip palestinians who have chosen to stay in the north . a scrambling for food water and a safe place for about families. but a monks has more as the fighting intensifies close to causes jabante, a refugee camp civilians play fos among
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the families. the few possessions in subject bags. 7 in areas like this, a large bloss off the math, lots out the some emergency work has shop for survivors. but here no response. residents here had been forced to fione a. the front of the building was targeted one rescue a says, but no one was hurt. still desperate such a struggle on through the smoke. amid the ruins of the al, she fell hospital. what little beds available is baked with scavenged woods and scraps of paper the and even though we're civilians, we've done nothing wrong. we're not fighting. we don't know how to feed our kids.
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we have no flour, nothing to feed them. no food, no water. this is not a healthy place to live. the kids have got sick. what was once a medical school room, now a family's new say for 8 young faces focused on survival admits this militarize may have they started to scare us and strips my for the naked and then they forced us out to the house. right. then we saw the tank since once of the tool when they started shooting this slightly further south, the hospital, but snow haven is at least still open, crammed beyond capacity with children carried here. then missouri more immediate. another course of pain.
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another day in this school. for the months i'll just data paragraph. as soon as in ralph, i was more on the latest. is there any strikes and stuff in garza? a huge body forces have completely destroyed the residential building and, and belong to our con, suddenly endeavors by the horse 7 palestinians. have been killed and the others have been injured and that they are now receiving a treatment and some of the hospital endeavors by a town. now. the author, the re schilling continues by the usability of forces in the cost. busy there is by along slides on a and also a rock refuge account. now in the south classes and flex changes will continues on con, you, in a city which has been completely now turned into a battle zone where there are still still some residents in. can you just did not
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find any safe passage out to roughly district and also the attacks and rough ahead continued wherever residential building belonged to a family. had been attacked in a shovel or a neighborhood and rough i. now, as you can clearly see at the becky ground, the i'm feeling says i to have to wait to hospital are in the face of all of us for any possible attacks that might be carried out within the coming out. busy on roughly district, which has been not executed from the is verify us during the last couple of hours and un officials have won't have a breakdown of civil order. i have unlimited delivery of desperately needed. she monetary, an aide, and garza as well as ami continues to bump off the strip. it's announced changes to the roots. that 8 will take into the console strip. it says the trucks carrying 8 well now on the go additional security checks at the time so long crossing. previously, a trucks will only being screened at the end. that is on the track point for the south. also being st. screens the aid trucks travel back into egypt,
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and then finally, and so, concepts for the profit crossing. as well as, as the new security check point, will increase the number of a trucks going into casa view and says at least 200 trucks came out and turn supplies. i need a daily to meet the populations basic needs before the war on gone. so began the un sent in 508 trucks every day. a lack of age has left palestinians and the state of desperation. many people have not eaten in days and a scrambling for the scabs relief supplies that do reach the strip. unofficial joins us now from occupied to easter wisdom. so out of a move this additional security checkpoint make any difference to the amount of 8 is actually guessing into the gaza strip. for these reasons says that by having the security checkpoints, they could get a lot more trucks in the guys, but they would have to go through the crossing at russell,
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which is in egypt. so they check all these trucks and these really side, they then move to egypt and then come through the check point there. but the united nation said there was a difficulty yesterday and getting a lot of aid and quite simply because there was fighting and the roots have been destroyed. so both sides seem to be slightly old. see about what they can do to get more even to guys, and that if you take somebody, for example, there was a 100, a trucks that were sent. and as you say, the united nation, see the bare minimum is $200.00 before the war you saw around $5.00 to $600.00 truck. so you can see the shortage. that is the and of course the united nations has one. but there is a crisis that people have gone for days without eating a number of days with a water. there's no medical supplies, they have no fuel there as well. so you see how important it is to get these a trucks into guys as quickly as possible. so the security checkpoint, the clean shalom is meant to be working, but it's not getting the trucks and it goes up as quickly as the united nations would like. and locate,
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tell us about the comments that we've been seeing from the is ready pundents and benjamin netanyahu denouncing the palace and in all 4 c as well. he was giving evidence in front of a parliamentary committee. and during that committee he said the difference between the palestinian authority on time us is it how mass wants to destroy israel immediately? the palestinian authority once to do it in stages. that's pretty controversial comments, given that the palestinian authority rules over the west bank and many countries see them as the people that will help to run guys in the future. no, we knew that benjamin netanyahu wants to see some sort of civil authority in guys in the future. he said that gulf countries will take part in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of guys of us comes quite a surprise to a number of go countries. they say they knew nothing of these plans. of course, benjamin netanyahu, whose comments is going to put them very much at all. it's with the americans. we've had from joe biden, we've had from antony blink, and we've had from campbell
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a. how does all of them have said they see some source of enhanced rule for the palestinian authority and guys in the future? they believe that that will be important to create some sort of stability and move towards a 22 state solution. and also we see that the united states has talked about some sort of elections and guys at some point in the future to be the center point of what ever government manages from the cost of the war unofficial. joining us from occupied interest and thanks very much is ready for this of lawrenceville res, be occupied westbank several his way in the army and vehicles of stone, towns of by name on jeanine. i being or thoughts of gunfire or the actual how many joins us now from ramallah. so how to finish it. what's happening in these rights? a surgeon, it seems that the situation is escalating now about 2 hours ago. several columns of is really are made vehicles into the city of jeanine from as
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several directions, but they were all heading to was the refugee camp there. days, most of the to the soldiers have been deployed all around a refugee camp. and they also focused on 3 hospitals with the outside of the refugee camp. one of them at rosie is now um, uh, according to witnesses that there's been an exchange of gunfire. round it quite intense. uh, colleagues from i'll just do a big has been hearing also that the exchange of gunfire and i've also been hearing very loud explosions. it just so that those explosions, actually improvised explosive devices by the police didn't resent the resistance. the gun man inside the refugee camps against the is really a convoys display is what we know is that they are in the soldiers,
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did not enter the refugee camp in itself, except for a couple of bulldozers that video shows that they're going around the street kind of destroying the infrastructure there, and that wouldn't be the 1st time this happened. now this is early hours of this raid. israel has not said what it was after in this rate, but if we look at the past a 2 month search any janine has been the focus of many of these really raids and some of them have lost it well into for several hours. up to 16 hours, so this could be a long a morning for the people in the city or janine and then the refugee camp in geneva . where as we understand it at this point, they wouldn't be able to come out or go into the refugee camp. but just have to sit at home. okay, i don't want to give us an idea of the overall current level of tensions across
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feel supplied westbank as well the ok, and there has been tension indeed occupied westbank. well before this war started. and since then, it has increased exponentially because it's also coupled with anger as what is unfolding in gaza. there's not one person here who doesn't follow very closely every day. the developments there now in israel has also focused a lot of a military focus on the occupied with bag with these a nightly rates with have gone on every single night since october 7. some of them also happened during the day, but it's quite clear that israel does not want the situation in the occupied westbank or northern israel to escalate. that is actually, according to the words of israel's defense minister jo of gala. and it's israel at the moment of the ministry's looking at the occupied westbank as
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a secondary lack of food and would like to keep it this way. as long as the main focus of its military remains gaza. if there is any uprising if there's any unrest here in the occupied with bank, it would be very complicated is simply because of the number of the uh, settlers who live all around the algamite west bank 790000. and many of them are now armed, so is early is very much aware that the situation here could be very explosive, and then it has also come on the international pressure from the u. s. we also heard it from president a menu item i called the french president. and so at this stage there is pressure to keep this situation on the raft as, as much as possible, avoid any kind of escalation, okay, hold as well. how many various places that from the occupied west bank. thanks very
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much for that. and is there any as right cuz killed the father of an al jazeera john list in his family home in northern gauze, them. and that's how stories fond of his 65 years old, as well, had issued new evacuation orders for jamalia, but his father does not want to leave his home. so he says, my, the death threats for me is rainy. all mean, know the killing of his father will stop him reporting from casa understood, the letter come up. there is no doubt. it is been the practice of these ladies to pay some phone to some of these. i even have to pay some forces, continue to perpetrate, war crimes against innocent civilians. my family was very purposefully talked, a woman and my father was killed. it is my own and it had been said home in japan, yet if you take um as that is some my father was killed on the spot a little bit. it was a dialect right by is really war plain. the it was very difficult, not only 30,
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it's like but they, but as body, but also it was difficult to read somebody home. and the 1st place a few hours ago i was in the house and requested them to leave. but if use, after we pulled his dead body, we were not able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to bear to him and they, you and run school yard. and despite all the decimal dates i have received from these a cool patient forces office says i will continue to fulfill my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guys. and so far my father was skilled, but this demo detailed me. this grandmother did tell me from fulfilling my mission. there is a database, of course,
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it's got most mazda in my mouth by getting my father. so it has hair on out as era displaced by war and struggling to survive. we speak to women inside guns or about the challenges that facing and temporary shelters the the and here's how the weather story goes across the middle east and africa. good to see, right. off the bat, i wanted to show you this dramatic video out of mecca in western and saudi arabia. it's been point brain for days here. so there has been some severe funding and suspect we could see some more on tuesday with these burst of rain around make a profit. and so not only from mecca itself, but jetta as well. so let's go in here for a closer look. let's do the activity is around the red sea here, so there is some of it creeping into jetta now for us here in doha. it's going to
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be another foggy start. hazy start to the day. will max out at 28 degrees on tuesday while things have really changed in central asia and not too long ago, bish kick 18 degrees. we've now had 10 centimeters of snow and down to minus 13 on tuesday. quite the wind blowing out of the truck minnes stein across the caspian sea, so breezy day and barcode wind gusts here about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. outbreaks of showers across the turkey, but the heavier pulses of rain will be across the eastern mediterranean pulling into the fence. top end of africa. it's quiet here breezy though, for the coast of egypt and through the tropics. it's our usual pulses of rain. and there have been some severe storms the eastern side of south africa that looks like it could continue on tuesday. it is a tenant object to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are
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effectively engaging in propagate down for genocide. was these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the friendship of his randy, public this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the, [000:00:00;00] the again, you are watching out, is there a has remind you about top stories? this alex israel says it will set up
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a new inspection point for humanitarian. a being sent into garza, security screening for aide will be done at the booth with document tanya and come out of slammed crossings, trucks carrying aides, and travel back to egypt. civil finally entering concepts for the rest across things as well as issued evacuation orders for palestinians, and shelters, and schools in the north, south and central casa. that presses a head with this, with the dentist office for stress as well as those will raise in the occupied westbank that's on the back of the storms. the towns are by name and attending the reports of gun 5. do you in general assembly is set to hold an emergency meeting and also on choose day as requested by the hour of great for the organization. that is, i'm at cooperation of the security council failed to agree on a resolution cooling for us. these fine christians maybe has more from the united nations in this emergency general assembly meeting was triggered by the united states, vito of asian,
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monetary and cease fire resolution. and the security council resolution that was favored by the vast majority of security council members in calling for this general assembly meeting error of and as lama countries here at the united nations in vote. resolution $377.00, which allows the general assembly to act when the security council is deadlocked and unable to uphold its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. but to be fair, the general assembly has done this many times before when it comes to the situation in palestine. as recently as october 27th, when a 140 countries here passed a humanitarian truce resolution resolution that had little impact at the time. but experts describe it as a pressure tactic to be done. so i think that the, our group and that allies are engineering a series of public events designed to put more pressure on the us. so the us was pushed into
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a veto in the security council. now council ambassadors are roughly then the general assembly will pass the resolution cooling for a ceasefire. it's building up a sense of global diplomatic pressure on washington to change position. but washington may hold from under, under international law general assembly resolutions amount to a recommendation. whereas security council resolutions are legally binding, but israel has ignored even legally binding resolutions in the past. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, the women in gaza facing significant challenges due to a shortage of silent, trained products and pain medication. a temporary shelters where they've taken refuge from is rainy attacks all over crowded with their toilets and unhygienic conditions. and the outside has been speaking to displaced palestine in women and rougher and southern gaza. this is the reality for
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hundreds of thousands of women in gulf so forced from their homes into temporary shelters, are kept living in crowded conditions. in thing canvas tents, strangers stuck together in close quarters, no toilets, and no running water. and just as almost everything is in short, supply in godsa after more than 9 weeks. so for women can't find sanitary products during their menstrual cycle and etc, sorry about the end because it has their, i know, sanitary toes available anymore. so we use nappies as an alternative, when we could find them. we also use tissues, but now it's extremely difficult because even these options aren't available. it is very difficult to him, but didn't happen. but that's not the only difficulty they face painkillers to ease their crops are available. and something as simple as
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a hot drink is hard to come by, will live in this when a has at the cessna had an even hot drinks that helped to ease the pain or give it some relief are not available. it takes 2 hours to make a fire and boil some water. we can't get calming herbs or even lentil soup. in this cold weather. a doctor in one of rough us hospitals tells us many women and girls have been using medication to delay their periods. month after month or she says, this has long term complications. we've noticed a significant increase in urinary tract infections and recurrence infections. and vaginal secretions among women were forced to give them several courses. fonts, bio 6 bodies with cards, infections affect women and cause pelvic infections and sexist in addition to resistance to antibiotics, women in gaza say that the lot of menstrual supplies and clean water is adding to
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their stress and anxiety. other say the ceiling virus because they have no privacy in the and send it to re overcrowded shelters. already turned swipe and displaced from their homes, solace to new women say that the lack of hygiene products is fraser eroding the little dignity they have left. you miss said, i'll just see you to drop off in the southern godsa. let's take a look at some of the days of that was headlines now. french press to to manual. my phone has stuff with a surprise defeats and parliament as of the far right. and that's when i'm. he's rejected a key immigration reform bill supported by his government. and that's about law reports from paris. it was the outcome that the french government had dreaded a majority of in peace from across the political divide. and the french parliament came together and agreed to book the debates on the french governments. immigration
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bill. right. when p said the bill was too lax left, when politicians criticized it as a human only thing, the only thrust green is a huge victory is it was on a proposal. the bill not be debated for a year and a half. oh, we've heard is the immigration is a problem. this bill was disgusting versus sorry, rejecting this debate. we've once again protected french people for more measures that would attract illegal migrants. so that was an embarrassing defeat for the french interior administers. yeah. how donna, who'd earlier presented the bill of the national assembly, the stall support was expected to be weeks of intense discussion on the proposed rule. newell coy compromises must be made and the national interest to protect the french citizens in our borders to integrate foreigners and find the legal immigration and not because french presidency manual macros party does not have a parliamentary majority. it needed the support of enough opposition and peas to debate and eventually approve its bill. the decision to block the debate isn't the end of the immigration bill,
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but it doesn't mean that it won't be false in his current for the government. come out, decide whether or not to send it back to the senate for discussion or set off across parliamentary committee to reexamine it. or the way it will be a for a long process to build was a mix of measures when one handy proposed speeding up deportations and cracking down on what the government calls for and delinquents on the other read aloud. some undocumented workers to be legalized in industries with every staff shortages. this restaurant owner says immigrant for cause all is central for the country's economic growth. and without them, some businesses wouldn't survive. we have always needed immigration. our problem is these jobs don't attract young french people, they don't wants to do them. so we need immigrant workers. right? when politicians said, such measures would encourage legal migration. well left, we need peace, called the bill, and erosion of royce process with a, your french or an immigrant. from the moment you're working,
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you should have the same rights that governments defeated. parliament will be seen by many as assigned to prison. my call is unable to build the sort of cross party consensus. he's known cold full will deliver on one of the issues that remains a primary concern for french folk is essentially butler. i'll do 0 paris ross as dialed opposition need to alexi not only has reportedly disappeared within the countries prison system as allies say is whereabouts are unknown, but he's no longer in the prison. he was held in, i say nev only became ill and his cell last week and did not show up for his latest video link quote. hearing on friday, if we didn't, gressick was that to be moved to a higher security presence of to being sentenced to another 19 years for extremism . so the main thing for us is to find strength soon as possible, because right now that he's completely alone and he is literally in the hands of
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people who once tried to keep him now. so we don't know what they will do again, but i just draw from the humans comp $28.00 climate summit and dubai does not include the words phase out. so fossil fuels, proposal mentions the policies, could reduce both consumption and production of fossil fuels and a just always leave an equitable man. oh, do i think it out of his head to a policy that fits label just as now? she says she's disappointed in the draft proposal. also the this good to go back kid when global leaders need to ensure that the global average warming is limited to 1.5 degrees centigrade. the draft fixed they will start or the deliberating now is very weak. at the center of cup, the data conference of the part, the and the united nation framework quote. but the conventional loan called climate change is fossil fuels. we know it is the major cost of climate change. walk in the fix contains the measure, know, pace out the face,
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down of fossil fuels despite then bidding be very present in the last draft. this late, the late, the fix gravely fails to provide the steps for what for the to be best for if you need and if this will cost, then we can say that cup to be 8 is when the 1.5, did you send the good limit dice, and then we, when we are heading for this asked or when this copy gets a lot to move man snippets. even governments are hoping. c the fact that the negotiation was held here in the, by, in united arab emirates, fossil fuels will be at the center of the discussion. and rightly so, because at this point, fossil fuels faced out should not even be debatable. we know the size of governments though, does high ends, but this document 11000 word document. the 3rd fossil fuels is that it is only mentioned in 3 times and that the exclusive language and phase facing out fossil fuels. what's the, what's not there anymore?
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and also the debates that there was saying uh for 2050 that's too far away after the we are looking at the possibility that the $1.00 degrees centigrade . we've been which that within this that could. so this is a critical decade for, for action. and we need to act fast. the government should, what commence should have messed your commensurate funding. go measure the effort to ensure that even the beach that limits to publish some days of the life of the phone that you are paying council chief don't task as a prime minister reco to announcement october's election put test to send a pro e u coalition on track to power. that's appointment signals. a major shift from h is a conservative rule under the nationalist law and justice policy. time now for they to suppose this and has on a mind to say united faced by munich and the time to speak on tuesday. it's


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