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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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a, a groundbreaking sounds from award winning film. watch . listen, witness. on al jazeera, the 3 palestinians are killed in this rainy minute to wait in the city of janine in the occupied west by the hello them or kyle, this is alice, is there a life from dough home? and so coming up, israel continues as well. involvement on civilian homes and gardens, or at least 20 people killed in the latest as strikes and roswell. millions in garza a desperate for food and medicine,
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but as well says any extra aid must be screened fast and rough, it will remain. the only entry points on the father of announces every journalist is killed in this really as striking the giovanni of refuge account in northern garza. the me begin with breaking news out of the occupied west bank. west 3 palestinians have been killed by as rainy forces in the city of jeanine as go straight to our correspondent and occupied east jerusalem island fisher. out of 3 people killed in jeanine in a rate that's been going on for several hours and is still ongoing. what more can you tell us the over here and for people who are actually on the ground there and trying to put together a picture of exactly what happened? it appears so late last night at lee this morning. these really army moved into
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jeanine using built those those and armor trucks. they started to pick up roots and also the damage infrastructure in the quite what the type told need of that is all in clear. but we certainly knew of the inconvenience factors through the roof for people who have seen this happen since the beginning of the war. that spot, the number of classes a drawing strike was cold. and at one point by these relays, i'm not killed 3 and enter the few others at that point. ambulances and medical staff tried to get to those who were injured, but they were blocked and impeded, depending on who you speak to by the israeli army. so they couldn't get to those, the average of those classes are still ongoing in janine and at the local hospital to gas and smoke bones being fired there. but clearly there's still a great deal of unrest in geneva that you remember that jeanine not only has been the subject of rapes like this since the start of the war. but back in july, it was the scene of the biggest is really ami or q patient that alteration in the
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west bank in more than 20 years. uh, i envisioned the used as drones and soldiers and fort essentially stick to street. it was described at the time by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as it was, this was again quite what the type. so the need for digging up roots in janine isn't entirely clear, but we know that has been a campaign to continually and convenience. the many people who live in jeanine and the refugee camp right next to the the time center. okay. and thank you for bringing salacious that and what's happening in to name was speak to again in just a name. and that's what we need to get over to gauze a what at least 20 people have been killed and the latest strikes in rafa in the south. honey, my point is live for us in southern gauze, in rafa. how do use as strikes and dorm today? that way you all 20 people killed us according to promise to be and medical sources
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. what more you hearing. so, yes, floor of a bloody night for palestinians residential roof and those who have been displaced . the 1000000 palestinians have been pushed to rough. how into, through a very tough night, as these really ears stripes, ongoing, multiple, massive ears for destroying a more than it's free residential homes in northern rough. i am in a zip as of war neighborhood, the very densely populated neighborhood, not only local resident lived there, but those who have been hosted as displeased. any vaca we use over the past weeks of the as the beginning, since the beginning of of the war 20 people have been reported to kill. of those at 20 worth in about 7 children have been killed. there are at least 5 women as
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well killed in those types the. there is a concern that the, there are more people under the rub because not only the 3 residential homes were destroyed and massive lead this, that of severely damaged other surrounding homes. then it to the close by homes work. in fact, in couple hours the labs completely and turn into levels as a result of those. a large diameters bombs use in the air strikes with little equipment and machinery. it's hard. people use their, their hand to remove the, those who are still under the rebels. it wasn't until late hours of last night and an air. now this morning, people were still looking for missing individuals under, under the rubble of the search going to new. but again, it's very, very basic and simple. there are no machines and equipment to help people with that . and so not only off i went through this but also upon units northern han units in
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the eastern side of central new and is not always the battle field right now, but it came under heavy bombardment. all of not all of last night ongoing constant fuel. the artillery is showing an error strikes continued to pound it han units, similar situations to place in northern gaza is particularly giovanni, a refugee camp. and as we already know, it within the past due, this is very military announced that it would need a day or a couple of days to complete its uh it taking over of breath. did you get but the fighting is still going on. and the artillery showing is still going on. okay, honey. what brings the latest that from rough uh, in southern gaza. thanks very much, honey. well, it is well issues, new evacuation, notice for parts of north central and southern gauze. are it strikes a pounding a north of the strip of hunting was just saying, palestinians who have chosen to stay in the north of scrambling for food was a and
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a safe place for the families. full of marks has more as the fighting intensifies close to causes jabante, a refugee camp civilians play fos among the families. the few possessions in subject bags. 7 in areas like this, a large blocks of the math. lots out the some beside emergency work is shop for survivors. but here no response. residents here had been forced to fione a. the front of the building was targeted. one rescue a says, but no one was hurt to steal the desperate such a struggle on through the smoke. amid the ruins of the l. she for hospital, what little beds available is baked with scavenged woods and scraps of paper and
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even the worst civilians. we've done nothing wrong. we're not fighting. we don't know how to feed our kids. we have no flour, nothing to feed them. no food, no water. this is not a healthy place to live. the kids have got sick. what was once a medical school room, now a family's new say for 8 young faces focused on survival admits this militarize may have they started to scare us strips my for the nation then they forced us out of the house. and then we saw the tanks in front of the door when they started shooting that this is slightly further south the hospital, that's no haven but is at least still open,
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crammed beyond capacity with children. terry, to them is re more immediate another course of pain. another day in the school for the months i'll just say to as well, you and officials a warning of a breakdown of civil order in gaza over the limits of delivery of desperately needs as a humanitarian aid, as well as on a continues to bump off the strip it's announced changes to the roots of age always will have to take into the policy of the entire tree. it says that trucks carrying age will now undergo security checks of the come boost held them crossing until now a trunks were only being screened up and it was on the check point for the self off to being screens, the trucks, travel back to egypt and find the enter concept through the rough up crossing. what
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is what clayton's so new inspection point will increase the number of 8 trucks guessing into garza, you and says at least 200 trucks and needed on a daily basis to meet basic needs, thoughts and a fraction of that is currently guessing in the lack of age has left palestinians in desperate states of desperation. many people haven't eaten for days and a scrambling to discuss relief supplies that do reach the strip. that's what to know to correspondents in occupied east jerusalem island. fisher island. how much difference will this additional security checkpoint make to the amount of 8 that's getting into the concept? strep of the weather is really say it will make a significant difference. but there's a few problems with it. if they opened kinda, most of them, it could check the trucks and then they could drive straight into the guys. but there's a whole position among some members of these really cabinet against allowing any aid from israel directly into guys. so they're being checked at this check point,
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this border crossing and then being sent all the way around to rafa where they will enter, where they will join the line of trucks that are waiting to get into rafa know on sundays or what a 100 trucks got into guys of the united nation, say at the moment they need a bare minimum of 200 trucks before the war. they were getting it right. $45600.00 trucks would be bringing in food. medical supplies, feel things that made life and guys a bit of. so the fact that all of these trucks are know to, to rough up means that there's a longer time to get them in. here's another difficulty, the right cost. see that there is a problem, just make navigating the ruins because they're in such a terrible condition after the incessant is really bombardment, and also, they're not entirely sure to be send the truck said that they will come on the fire that there wouldn't be no break of violence and outbreak of war, we have these trucks that heavy. so that adds to the problem. so cleaning the
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trucks, a one security check point is something, but it's not everything they need to get more trucks and to guys. and at the moment these relays are only less thing that happened through rafa. and that is creating a top chip point, meaning that the, that is needed isn't getting to the people who need it. okay, island for several 100, an f one to 5 eastern iceland and then thank you. as president obama has wound the israel, the public support for his will and gone. so it could shift who was speaking at a white house event mocking the jewish holiday of hanukkah. we can tell you provide military assistance, you wait until they get rid of a loss, but let's be careful. they have to be careful. the whole world, public opinion can shift overnight. we can make that happen for it and relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. out there as john 100 joins us now,
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live from washington d. c. so in the us state department has bypassed congress to supply weapons to israel. how unusual is that? it's it's extraordinary. it was done in 2019, but this is the 1st time in this conflict that the biden administration has decided to go around. what is effectively a dysfunctional congress, a congress. they cannot agree with the administration on anything they could have approved by these 106000000000 dollar bill for a do ukraine, israel and other national security interest. but they did not do that. they wanted to make up a little case about sending money for the us border protection and they haven't been able to agree with the, by the administration. so the secretary of state anthony blinking is sent a message saying we're going to go ahead and find $106000000.00 in worth a in tank rounds for the israeli military. that's what caused by it in some problems within his own party,
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because some of the democrats in his party had said that they wanted to make the money contingent on israel taking concrete steps to minimize civilian casualties. in the democratic senator from maryland, chris van holland said the administration's decision to short circuit what already is a quick timeframe for congressional review, undermines transparency and weakens accountability of the public deserves better. so this is something is going to cause biden problems within his own party and a continued struggle with republicans at a time when 15000 palestinians had been killed. but the secretary of state and then he blinking justified the move saying is real as in combat. right? now with a mosque and we want to make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself against him us. so this is a short term step. this probably get caused by doing some problems. moving ahead for us and j buttons already spoken of it. the complicated relationship he has with benjamin netanyahu, just briefly, joan,
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most of the history between them. and interestingly, these are 2 guys and you heard a taste of it in that biden. a quote from earlier. they've known each other for half a century. they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, biting on the left. nothing yahoo! on the right and binding this film burned by net in yahoo before in 2010, when he was vice president, he went to israel and of what he thought was a productive day of meetings. and then these relieves announcing new settlements in east jerusalem that was embarrassing to buy them at a time when he was there. it was said to us our negotiations and he condemned that moved. but that's just another taste of the difficulty between these 2 administrations. but biden's, an old school democrat from a time when democrats used to almost unilaterally support israel in nearly every thing it did. and now that party has change $11.00 and a half percent of americans are now era,
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but americans and that's changed to the electorate. but the bible has stuck with israel, and this is just another sign of him doing john henry and brand salacious from washington d. c. thanks john. well, that stuck a little bit more now out the relationship between the us and israel, which items to you to buy giorgio coffee. i know his ceo of gold state, unless x as a washington base to political risk consulting families will say, i don't fellow at the american security projects get to have you back here again. so the us, some, his relatives stood shoulder to shoulder since october. the 7th, but how tight and it's is that relationship because we're starting to see them diverging on plans for the day off the the will with nothing yahoo these comments late yesterday denouncing the policy and will search on the one hand to the us on the other suggesting that the policy being offered, he should take the lead when it comes to ruling because of strep. there is no denying that the body, the ministration would like to see is real change. certain aspects of its conduct.
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officials in the white house have concerns about what is real is doing and how this will impact the region, how this will impact to us interests long term. but there are no signs that the binding the administration wants to put any real pressure on israel to make any of these changes at the white house would like to see the israelis understand that opinions from the white house are just opinions. rhetoric is just rhetoric and if there's not really any serious pressure that the us is going to put on israel, the this, this language from the bite in team doesn't really mean anything. but we're entering an election year with the us job items position is pretty tenuous. we just had that from john henry's feeling pressure from even within his own policy of the democrats to reduce the support for israel. so is there a limited window here? that is the view as well, you know, actually supports as well. it's
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a good question. i don't think that bite in wants to have a fight with a pro israel lobby in the united states. i doubt that the administration would do much to challenge the netanyahu government on at the same time though, is this war drags on as the humanitarian disasters and cause a worse and as public outrage in the us increases. and it's not just from era of americans, it's from many different americans, especially those who are younger. we can see bite in being a price politically in some swing states that are very close. you could see this war and gaza, lead to many voters who otherwise would have backed by didn't decide to vote for 3rd party candidate or maybe not vote at all. so time will tell how this plays out in terms of the 2024 race. another link comment from miss neal, whose it was next to is writing media yesterday was the go states will pay,
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will funds reconstruction of gone. so you just need to hear that though. how for him, i wonder if that's the conversation that you heard amongst leaders and the key thing, cuz here in the region? well, in the gcc countries, we have to consider where a public opinion stands. there is a tremendous amount of rage against israel and by extension the united states over everything that's happened in gaza since october. the gulf governments have to obviously consider where their citizens stand. and it's going to be very risky if gulf states at any point or even other arab states, such as egypt or jordan, are seen as cooperating with israel in some capacity. if they're seen as playing any sort of facilitating role in the 2nd knock. but i can tell you the gcc officials believe that the situation in gaza is a mess that is real owns in the united states owns. and i think air upsets at large
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. do not want to take responsibility for the situation in gaza. so joe coffee are great. okay, okay. thanks for joining us. thank you. still a has hair on al jazeera view it and the ends its mission in molly, one of the, the impact is, has the frank assessments for this placement thing, persecutions, it seems to be informed of what we see here. please log in to change the reality. but rather to linking in depth analysis of the days headlines, do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get the humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private and nothing else in the side story on al jazeera, in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the
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colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage of 6000 bodies and storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you repeat in countries, refuse their request and even exhibited human remains, and then the savings restitution. africa stowed enough episode to which i found your 0 the government challenge as well as the the
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3rd annual challenges there. as a reminder about top stories, this 3 palestinians have been killed in a drain strike during his rainy rate on the city of janine and the occupied westbank. talk to his team, they need monitoring cousins to stalls of israel's war on guns on tape. on the 7th, as well, has talked to several times investor and southern guns are killing at least 20 people is ready minutes and continues to attack civilians industry. and as well as enough changes to the route a trucks will take to enter casa. so now undergo security checks at the time i will send them crossing israel claims and the new inspection points will increase the number of trucks going into the strip. but critics say it will result in significant delays and it's a and it's really as dry cuz killed the father of an algebra john list in his family home and move and gone. so uh this house to respond to was 65 years old.
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israel had issued new evacuation orders for jamalia, but his father did not want to leave his home. i'm sure he says neither death threats from the israeli army. no. the killing of his father will stop him from reporting from casa. understood. the letter come up. there is no doubt it is been the practice of these ladies to pay some forces to these, right? you have to pay some forces, continue to perpetrate and war crimes against innocent civilians as well. my family was very purposefully talked to them and my father was killed. it is my own it is it then said home in japan, yet if you take um as that is some my father was killed on the spot to move it. it was a direct cause right? by is really war planes either. it was very difficult, not only 30, it's like but they, but as body, but also it was difficult to read somebody home. and the 1st place
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a few hours ago i was in the house and requested them to leave. but if use, after we pulled his dead body, we would love to able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to better him and that you and run school yard. and despite all the decimal dates i have received from these a cool patient forces office says i will continue to fulfill my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guys. and so far my father was skilled, but this demo detailed me. this grandmother did tell me from the billing my mission. there is a database of cost is come up mazda in my mouth by getting my father the control, the
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. let's take a look at some other world news now, and at least 5 people have been killed and dustin was wounded in a bomb. i'm going to attack on a police station in northwest practiced on it happens in the district of direct ish mail. com back us, donnie tyler bond says it carried out the attack. the district is in a formless stronghold of the group which has seen a recent increase in attacks ashes jail deposition need. alexi, devonte has reportedly disappeared within the country's prison system. his allies say his whereabouts around noon and he's no longer in the prison. he was held in. they say in the fall and he became ill in his cell last week and did not show up for his latest video link court hearing on friday to come and critic was set to be moved to a higher security presence of to being sentenced to another 19 years so the main thing for us is to find them as soon as possible because right now, and that he's completely alone and he is literally in the hands of people who once
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tried to keep him now. so we don't know what they will do again, trying to assess paste talks between man last minute trade and 3 major rebel groups have been positive, trying to vote the sides together as a search and slicing at the end of october. spend some more than 2 thirds of me and my 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced since the agenda took pilot and 2021. united nations peacekeeping mission in molly has come to an end of to 10 is always willing to attend the months of the missions withdrawal in june. it accuse pays keep as i'm not doing enough to protect molly as from a tax. but um groups, you know, as to punch as ways fast rebel fights, as can see is most have a tree in northern molly and manual coy c. i mean from coffee and i'm in special peace keeping center. so the end of the mission in molly affects the humans credibility. for those of us who focus on peacekeeping. um, this is one of the most to us dents to the credit village of the you in big to you
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. it is keeping that, you know, they've been king dr. office from freeway they've been performing for 10 years, little deaf strong, this 10, find the redeem environment. cool. the, you know, that's been one, might have been the 1st set up on the of that. so i believe he has never really been then branding the society mr by was supposed to be and that protect that for the 2015 um or just i agreement been back, you know, signatures to that agreement of themselves. lots fees. so, you know, both sides have a strong argument for the mistress that we, etc. even most peacekeepers themselves that have been hierarchy. so how and defense vision, you know, that also the mind, the credibility of the peacekeeping. i only know this is sarah the sat, the
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a message from may. laura, you can find lots more information on our website. this house is there a dot com. we've got the web a next and then inside story we'll be taking a look at the use of propaganda in the war on the the, and here's how the weather start goes across the middle east and africa. good to see right off the bat. i want to show you this dramatic video out of mecca in western and saudi arabia. it's been point brain for days here. so there has been some severe flooding and suspect we could see some more on to stay with these birth . the brain around make a profit, so not only for mecca itself, but jetta as well as who is going here for a closer look. most of the activity is around the red sea here. so there is some of it creeping into jetta now for us here in doha. it's going to be another foggy
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start, hazy start to the day. we'll max out a 28 degrees on tuesday while things have really changed in central asia and not too long ago, bish kick 18 degrees. we've now had 10 centimeters of snow and down to minus 13 on tuesday. quite the wind blowing out of the truck minnes stein across the caspian sea, so breezy day and barcode wind gusts here about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. outbreaks of showers across the turkey, but the heavier pulses of rain will be across the eastern mediterranean pulling into the fence. top end of africa. it's quiet here breezy though, for the coast of egypt and through the tropics, it's our usual pulses of rain. and there have been some severe storms the eastern side of south africa that looks like it could continue on tuesday. the,
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the, the that is really video apparently shows how most spiders surrendering and pending over wesson's and god for critics or dismissing it's stage. of course it is really pop again. so it's a footage real or fake and who gains will lose is by circulating it. this is inside the store, the .


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