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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 10:00am-11:00am AST

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a big slow, the growing trend of climate quizzes, counting the cost on out to 0. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit faces. the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the, [000:00:00;00] the on has them see, cuz this is the news live from dell hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes asked strikes at dawn at least 20 people have been killed in rough in southern gaza with thousands more injured. 3 palestinians are killed as part of it is really military raid in the city of jeanine in the occupied westbank millions across gauze on
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desperate for food, water, and medicine. but israel says any extra aid must be screened 1st with rough ice skill, the only entry points as more and more people are wearing the pallets being in check in black and white scuff. we looked at how having a can see a is also making many of targets. hello, we begin in gaus. uh where israel is. army is continuing its relentless bombardment of the strip. it's also known small raids across the occupied west bank. at least 20 people have been killed off the israel targeted several homes in rough by doing these very mitre pressing on with its offensive and attacks on civilians in guns. more than 18000. $200.00 palestinians have now been killed since the will begin for palestinians were killed in
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a drunk strike during his ready raid on the city of janine in the occupied west bank. and this all comes as un officials have want of a breakdown of civil order over the limited delivery of desperately needed humanitarian a is there a has announced that it will setup and you inspection point to increase the number of a trucks going into goes up the us says at least 200 on needed every day just to meet basic needs. well, i mean my mood is live in southern gaza for us in the rough. i. so any, what more we hearing on these strikes in rough? i don't yes, without any earlier hours of this morning, of approximately around dawn time a during more scenes, the book care arise displays hungry thursday and it profoundly traumatized palestinians. as a result, the relentless,
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massive era strikes pounding an entire residential block in a northern rough, namely in uh, as the war neighborhood. there were neighborhood is a very, or the dentist. they populated a neighborhood in rough, not only local residents are there, but also home. the hosting uh from this place, any vac who is coming from the northern parts and the central part of the north and gaza city uh, within the past few days, the vast majority of those are being killed. the $23.00 happened to be displeased from one family, including 7 children and 5 women were the casualties of these relentless a attacks. and this is not the 1st time a rough. i have good come in under heavy bombardment within since the beginning of the were multiple other areas and neighborhoods have been destroyed and more residential homes where we are destroyed and leveled to the ground,
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shuddering. any sense of, of security and safety as this they were supposed to be saved designated by these very military people were told to move, do to avoid being bombed the once again. they find themselves under these unpredictable falling bonds, killing them as they were as seeking refuge in, in the southern part of the gaza strip. there more air strikes in hon units and the noise in it, part of the that's fighting a surging in one unit. there are more artillery still inc and more illustrates. targeting the eastern side, the northern side of funding is a old that we under here. we have been barred. been an area of coverage. it is really time. so arm of vehicles pushing deeper into the central of han, eunice, a city in northern parts as well. within the past few days, it's coming under heavy bombardments as the and i've been and a previous the statement is really military announced that it needed couple days to
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secure it's this is the rounding of value because you can but up till now the operation is still going on where many people have fallen victims of done going more on are, was supposed been destroyed, more people have been rounded up blindfolded and taken to on this close at areas and at the, the suffering continue. there is an aftermath after each year. psych more people are getting displaced. honey. thank you, honey. my hood life for us is 7000, a less told now to alan fisher who is in occupied east jerusalem force island. we mentioned at the top there visa rates that have been happening in the morning and the occupied west bank. well, i'm over here and on that well, let me just tell you just in the last hour, we've had confirmation from the palestinian authorities that a 4th person has been killed in what happened in jeanine, in the
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a late last night and the hours of this morning the israeli army moved in to jeanine. they had their build dozers, an armored vehicles, a motor company by joins in the they started to dig up roads, damage in for stock to the, the tactical advantage of that is unclear. but of course, the inconvenience factor is off the roof and this is not the 1st time that this has happened in jeanine i there where of course, classes, because of what happened. the joins were called in there was a joint strike, 3 people were killed in that initial don't strike a 4th pass. and as we have no confirmed has been killed as well. i'm the number of people injured, one seriously. ambulance and medical workers tried to get close to those who had been injured, but what blocked obstructed, stopped depending on who you speak to in jeanine by the israelis from getting there . and that led to further classes the, those classes have been ongoing at, throughout the morning and tea, a guy since football must have been fired into the comp time of the local hospital
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with the tried to treat some of those who have been injured. but it's not just didn't janine, this is happening across the west bank. it has been a pa to since the start of the war. there's been an incident and best we have overnight as well. and jeanine, of course, you'll remember back in july was the focal point for the largest is really military operation in the west spiking more than been 20 years. and a number of people were killed in that to day operation at. but certainly the inconvenience factor for people, the roads are being ripped up, the infrastructure is being damaged. and as i say, the tactical advantage to these really isn't entirely clear. but it's certainly inconveniencing hundreds if not thousands of people to um and uh the and other developments uh is uh, this new mechanism that israel has been setting up the additional security check point to, to get more age into the gaza strip. is this going to make any difference? well,
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every vehicle that goes in to guys is checked by the user. at least they have got to give it a security pause. didn't tend to know is that this other a tech points i could email so they will solve them. so it could be most of them, they will do the security checks they need and then send the trucks to going through. right. but they want a low cost from israel into guys that are those and these really cabinets who do not want to see that happen. but of course, the problem is when it gets to rafa, it's a top point that are trucks that are waiting to get in there. they've still got to go through the process to get in. every day they get on sunday, for example, there was a 100 truck score in the united nation. see the bare minimum at the moment in gaza is 200 trucks a day before the war there were 50600, talked to the pc. and so to supplies and fuel so you can see the huge deficit that
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is operating that these really say that this system should speed things up. but of course it hits that tech point i. i that russell. and that makes things difficult because direct costs are telling us that they can't always guarantee the safety of the trucks going in, because sometimes that's fighting those strikes and the area. and that makes things difficult. but of course the state of the roads have been ripped up, have been damaged by what's going on as well. so for all of that reason the, all of those reasons a big security operation, me in city speed things up. the reality is the that is desperately need. it isn't getting to those who desperately need it. and thank you. alan session life was in occupied is to is a r u. s. president joe biden has warranty israel. the public support for his war in gaza could shift. he was speaking at a white house event mocking to jewish holiday of hanukkah. we continue to provide military assistance you until they get rid of
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a loss. right. but has to be careful. they have to be careful, the whole world, public opinion can shift overnight. we can make that happen. organ relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. budget here is john henry and joins us live now from washington, dc. and john, we've been hearing that to present bite is also has been speaking to a number of mid least leaders want more on that to try pressing the button is trying to continue the us. so port in israel while pressing forward with the middle east leaders trying to look ahead at toward the future. now he did something extraordinary over the weekend and that was to press forward with an emergency measure. they bypassed congress and approved
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a $106000000.00 in tank new nations for israel. that is something that isn't done very often and it sounds like it angers members of congress when it does happen. in this case, anthony, blinking the secretary of state of the us that was absolutely necessary in order to get the aid to israel in time. but some democrats had wanted the $14000000000.00 of this $106000000000.00 bill, which had aid for ukraine, is real and other national security interest. they wanted that to be contingent in the case of israel on getting israel to take concrete steps to reduce civilian casualties. and here's what the democratic senator named chris van holland had to say about that. he said the administration's decision to short circuit what is already a quick time frame for congressional review, undermines transparency and weakens account ability. the public deserves better. so joe biden is putting out fires abroad. and here in the us,
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congress certainly is john henry life was there in washington. thanks, john, as well. joining us on setting out to learn more about this is giorgio coffee, our ceo of gulf states analytics in washington, dc based geo political risk consulting firm is also a junk fellow at the american security project. good to talk to you. so i'm just to pick up on some of what uh correspondence. and john in dc was saying there, how would you characterize the relationship right now between the us and, and is really lead is, is it as sped faust as it has historically been it may sound bold, but i'm going to tell you that i don't think there is ever been a us administration since 1948 giving is real support at a level as high as what israel's receiving from the bite in administration right now. yes, there are some aspects of israel's war on gaza that the white house has criticized
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. the white house has shared his opinions about some things that we'd like to see is real do differently, but there is no pressure. absolutely none that the white house is putting on is real. there are no signs that the bite in administration is going to start supporting conditioning aid to israel. the white house is letting is real, get away with the absolute criminal behavior in gaza with iron clad support from washington. i think it's really clear that the netanyahu government can proceed with this war on gaza and not expect any consequences from the united states. but all the going to be consequences for a bite, and then the public supports in the us. and for this, particularly among the younger people among arab americans as well who he needs to get behind him. this is an election year and in 2024. it's a great question um, you know,
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there is especially among younger americans and i want to emphasize not just there of americans, but uh young americans from all different backgrounds are becoming increasingly active and many are saying that they are not going to vote for bite in in 2024 they would have otherwise. but because of his administration's foreign policy toward israel, palestine, they're either going to vote for another candidate or not vote at all. the question is how much of a difference is that going to make in november? i think it certainly could when we look at certain swing states, i think that these voters could potentially make a difference. but you know, bite in is of a much older generation and, and he thinks that it's in his political interests to give this type of iron clad support is real. how this all plays out in november, time will tell. and how do you think this is play out on the international stage? that the, the more, the longer this goes more this will goes on and the palestinian casualties. keep
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mounting is, is, is this sustainable? well, it's leading to a tremendous amount of anger against the united states, and we're not seeing this only in the arabic is law mac world, but really throughout the global south, even south america, africa, se asia. we see that pretty much the non western world has reached a consensus against the is really war and gaza. there's widespread international support for a ceasefire. and so, you know, to answer your question on the international stage, the us is really isolating itself and losing all credibility, to talk about issues like human rights and the so called rules based order. good to get your thoughts on this, joe joe capero, thanks so much. my name is and i was really strike, has killed the father of an allergist. he had a generalist in his family home in northern garza and associates. his father was 65
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years old. israel had issued new evacuation orders for the value, but his father did not want to leave his home. the sheriff says not a death threats from the israeli army, nor the killing of his father will stop him from reporting from cause. i understood the letter come up. there is no doubt it is been the practice of these aid. it will pay some forces these, right? you have to pay some forces continue until perpetrating war crimes against innocent civilians as well. my family was very purposefully talked to them and my father was killed. it is my own it is it then said home in japan, yet if you take um as that is something my father was killed on the spot where it was a died like by is really war plain. it was very difficult. not only 30, it's like, but they buy those body, but also it was difficult to read somebody home. and the 1st place
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a few hours ago i was in the house and requested them to leave. but if use, after we pulled his dead body, we would not able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to bear to him and they, you and run school yards. and despite all the decimal dates i have received from these a cool patient forces officers, i will continue to finish my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guys. and so far my father was skilled, but this demo detailed me. this grandmother did tell me from the billing my mission, there is a database of cost is come up mazda by mouth, by getting my father and investigation by the washington post. as there is evidence is really forces fired us supplied white phosphorus,
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munitions into 11 on the use of why phosphorus in built up areas is illegal on the international law. the us state department has responded to the report as we are concerned by the reports of the use of white phosphorus. obviously there is legitimate military use for white foss risk, but that does not include using and lots of billions. it means that if you use them, you have to do everything you can to minimize civilian harm. any time that we provide items like white phosphorus or really anything to another military, we do it with the expectation that it will be used for legitimate purposes and, and for keeping with the international humanitarian law and the art law of armed conflict. so we're looking into this and looking for additional information. a sales of palestinian scottsdale. cafe is have jumped in the us as israel launched is military offensive. in gauze of a growing number of people are daunting. the check and scarf to signal support for palestinians. but some of those who choose to where it have faced verbal and physical attacks,
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even shootings. same bas robbie has more from ramallah in the occupied westbank for the last kaffir factory. fully occupied territory, an unlikely front line in a war to preserve palestinian identity. what about these owners say they were about being forced to set them. these rules were on guards. i seen as a struggle for survival for all public at home and or for november 3, posting and students were shot in an a pair would have crime in the us state of vermont. the shooter, they say, could not see past what they were wearing his shot over the time he was paralyzed in the attack. well, i've seen a total though to 0. i did not get shot for being myself. i got shot for being palestinian. i wasn't an individual to the shooter, i was a coffee, a. ready to none of the means family lives in realm of his mother flew to see him
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after the attack. his step father says the students only wanted one thing. we call the kids and we also them, you need anything. and then they says, bring loads of coffee use. so that's, that's also something that, you know, shows they for us, of the resilience of these kids. you know, despite the fact that they would forget that because on the coffee and speaking out of it, that was the 1st thing that they requested despite the fact that this was the reason for actually the shooting. you know, he says western associations with terrorism have tarnished what is essentially a piece of clothing pad arrow, but has become a symbol post in culture. palestinians don't see the kaffir, something to be feared. they see it as something to be celebrated. the pattern is represent ancient trade routes, the leaves of olive trees native to the land,
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and the pattern of the fish that connects people to the sea. as well as the new museum in ramallah, art and identity intersect. each poster a moment in a struggle for independence going back decades assembler for the sun, the ocean, i'm sort of done it before, but it's not also part of the people they feel they are the want to support medicines. they went to the coffee, the castillo has been synonymous with the struggle for justice since british political statements, assuming armed resistance. but where we need to tell us the unsafe is not a threat. it is a cry for free. is a bus route. the old is 01 moment in the occupied must assess the war on gaza, began more than 10000 foreign workers have left israel. and now it's turning to africa to address the severe labor shortage. kenya has agreed to send 1500
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agricultural workers, but the move is being heavily criticized. malcom web has more from key to you in southern can you then and duties being working on farms and canada for about 20 years. he says he'd work in these relative given the challenge and he's not put off by the risks of conflict bottom on audio. don't i tell you what to bring up my children? well, but i've never had the chance because i've never had a good job where i can stand on my own to see if this chance is the one i can help my parents. and i can build for my family. about 10000 for him with his of left israel since a mass of times on the type of the 7 most of from thailand, including these men who were captured and later released by a mass. others were killed, as well as inside with that, with permits for the palestinians. now it's tending to african countries to plug the cab more than $200.00 farm workers left malawi for israel last month following
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a secret deal with a government last week here in kenya, delayed, the ministry said it would send $1500.00 workers who each be paid $1500.00 a month, 7 millions of people in kenya who live in homes like that and work on funds going krupps like these fluids, many and about 200 dollars a month. so the money on offering is riley's hard to refuse. realistically, many of the jobs will go to people who are more privileged and half beth are access to the recruitment companies who want it may seem like a good opportunity to many political opposition, say the arrangement is problematic. that explosive is rails previously being criticized for its treatments of african migrants and rights groups have reported abuses of foreign farm workers. israel says migrant workers have the same rights as these rarely citizens. they, the level of guns can use opposition, says the government should create jobs at home,
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instead of looking for them abroad. we know the genocide they're committing doesn't . that's a, that's just drinking. they want that to be a feel. okay, as a country, but we all know that's not true. i mean, these are engine ends with the presidents, which are can presidents that are not able to deal with their own countries, is trying to sensitize itself. kenyans is struggling with slowing living costs. the farm is here say will type of the risk the terms of adding more fluid. he's too good to turn down malcolm web out to 0 kick, who you can. yeah. it's a still ahead on. i just say that we have from dallas as displaced women and the challenges facing them as they try to survive the world. the the
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ears are forecasts across europe in africa for tuesday. the 12th of december. good to have you along. so these pulses of rain moving west east, across the continent of europe, some pretty good pulses of rain around bordeaux. so we do have severe flight advisories in play here. also pretty persistent, rain across switzerland zurich could see half a month, a month's worth of rain all at once. by the time this is all said and done, but the rain really gets going northwest state, and it's gonna slide down the coast of portugal portion to the south of france, western france as well. where we do have those to verify the advisors in place disturbed whether rotating clockwise across ireland, britain and the low countries. it's not going to rain all day. we should see the sun poke out in some spots, but also quality conditions to be expected. here on tuesday, outbreaks of showers across the turkey a more heavier pulses of rain moving into the band. and off we go to africa right now. it's a fairly quiet pitcher and not much to report here a bit breezy though for the northeast. so for the coast of egypt to be expected on tuesday, and will end in southern africa right now,
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while these big storms pushing out over to the indian ocean, but still active. whether to be found in closing, the top province and the eastern cape province, and a cool wind and cape town. and to state the unique perspective, the africans are willing to take to the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lively, lots of voices, you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with pablo sign. it's the same struggle, shared a displacement, connect with our community and tap into conversations you find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream. on how does your viewing the facts, how are we defending is real heavy, more dead children asking questions you wanted to have your voice heard?
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what is your message? understand a little part of the page was transformed into a minute reporting every now and then we can hear cluster bombs, exploding out to 0 is teams on the ground. when you listen to the hall to the story, the the, [000:00:00;00] the log in, you're watching, i just need a reminder, lots of stories to. so israel has talked this several homes in rough in southern garza,
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canada. at least 20 people is very minutely continues to attack civilians in the strip. more than 18200 palestinians have been killed since the will began. as well as announced changes to the route a trucks will take to enter gaza they'll on out on the go security checks at the chem was selling crossing. israel claims the new inspection point will increase the number of trucks going into the strip. couldn't say it will result in significant deal lights. full palestinians have been killed in a drunk strikes. doing and is raining rage on the city of jeanine in the occupied west bank tractor. you seem a military incursions since the scots of israel's war on gaza on october 7 or the united nations humanitarian affairs chief has said that there is no way for the un to ensure safety. 4th operations in gaza. martin griffith spoke to a diplomatic editor, james bass. in some ways,
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gaza is uniquely awful. and that's before you start talking about the suffering, the numbers, the, the big trial of the health system and so on. guns, a is special, but especially in a bad way. you've already said it's no longer possible to save as a humanitarian operation in casa. explain that what i mean by that is that we had hoped so that when the war moved south, we were in fact told the wind, the one move south, that there would be a different approach to the minute your operations. slightly more targeted, perhaps precise and surgical of the pieces that are used as you know. and we had a 10 point plan which we presented to the world as to how we would respond to it. what's happened is that the assault on southern gaza has been no less than the noise. it's raging. of course through con eunice at the moment. it's threatening
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rough or the compression of the population is great. we cannot be sure of any above points of operation to be safe. so d can fiction through this process. but by you tell each side, this is a safe place for you and operations or your laptop solutions. we don't have that. so we operate on a form of humanitarian opportunism. it's not what is the characteristic of a normal humanitarian operation which is dependability. reliability, repetition, you know, in the next one's coming and a certain amount of safety. both varied watkins and for those who those of those conditions don't exist in southern guns and they and the fact that they don't means that these, you might turn operation which can be improved by the way is a random one of the un general assembly is set to hold an emergency meeting on gaza
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later on tuesday, it was request requested by the arrow group and the organization of islamic corporation of to the security council failed to agree on a resolution calling for a ceasefire. last week, kristen salumi has more from the united nations as this emergency general assembly meeting was triggered by the united states, vito of asian, monetary and cease fire resolution. and the security council resolution that was favored by the vast majority of security council members in calling for this general assembly meeting error of and as lama countries here at the united nations in vote. resolution $377.00, which allows the general assembly to act when the security council is deadlocked and unable to uphold its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. but to be fair, the general assembly has done this many times before when it comes to the situation in palestine. as recently as october 27th, when
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a 140 countries here passed a humanitarian truce resolution resolution that had little impact at the time. but experts describe it as a pressure tactic to be done. so i think that the higher group and that allies are engineering a series of public events designed to put more pressure on the us. so the us was pushed into a veto in the security council. now council ambassadors are roughly then the general assembly will pass the resolution cooling for a ceasefire. it's building up a sense of global diplomatic pressure on washington to change position. but washington may hold from under, under international law general assembly resolutions amount to a recommendation. whereas security council resolutions are legally binding, but israel has ignored even legally binding resolutions in the past. christian salumi, elders era, the united nations,
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the doctors without borders says it's witnessing the collapse of health care services in gaza. valley or palo is the agencies emergency coordinator. she spoke to us from oaks hospital in central gulf. when i sit in the hospital with you, more patients are rising dead enough. the golden injured when healthcare work isn't just the one that they're calling because they remember they wanted does less than on the way. then have them because there'd be harder to evacuate when thursday. me feel great and, and people 2 years old baby as you said before, the nurses are finding one insight infected will. one doctors coming in the morning up knowing they will find the signs and houses in the evening. when come inside, they call it you seem to care for the children during the sale, you're their funding being killed and their houses being gone. when 5 years old is telling us that they would rather die than to do living in this house. when health
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care workers have become worried because children the deadline for 5 years of a farming. so as long as hospital being targeted, what is to come to the number of truck medicine in as a bargaining chip? so people cannot and what they're, when parents can see that the children do some comfortable to describe the situation that people live in. and they say for us to deliver to the women and gaus uh, facing significant challenges due to a shortage of sensory products and pain medication, the temporary shelters where they've taken refuge from his right. the attacks are overcrowded, with no toilets and on hygiene and conditions. united site has been speaking to displace the palestinian women and roughly in southern gaza. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of women in gulf so or forced from their homes
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into temporary shelters or counts. living in crowded conditions in thing, kansas, 10 strangers packed together in close quarters, new toilets, and no running water. and just as almost everything is in short supply, inc godsa, after more than 9 weeks for women, can't find sanitary products during their menstrual cycle and etc. sorry about that because it has, there are no sanitary toes available anymore. so we use nappies as an alternative. when we could find them, we also use tissues, but now it's extremely difficult because even these options aren't available. it is very difficult, but didn't happen. but that's not the only difficulty they face painkillers to ease their crimes are available. and something as simple as a hot drink is hard to come by. when live in this, when a has at the cessna had an even hot drinks that helped to ease the pain or give it
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some relief are not available. it takes 2 hours to make a fire and boil some water. we can't get calming herbs or even lentil soup. in this cold weather. a doctor in one of rough us hospitals tells us many women and girls has been using medication to delay their periods. month after month, but she says, this has long term complications. we've noticed a significant increase in urinary tract infections and recurrence infections. and vaginal secretions among women were forced to give them several courses. funds by o. 6 police with cards, infections affect women and cause pelvic infections and sexes. in addition to resistance to antibiotics, women in gaza said that the lot of menstrual supplies and clean water is adding to their stress and anxiety. other say the ceiling virus because they had no privacy in the and sanitary overcrowded shelters. alrighty,
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terrified and displaced from their homes, silas to new women say that the lack of hygiene products is fraser eroding the little dignity they have left. you miss said l, just need a drop off in the cell. then gone to a cruise missile launched by who the rebels in yemen had struck commercial vessel and the resi and the legion flag vessel cooled. the street now was hit 60 north dakota miles north of the bad and men deb straight. and this will cause the fire and damage to the ship. no casualties were reported. who the spokesperson says the ship was targeted because it was transporting oil to israel and felt the heat wanting to change course. the un peacekeeping force and 11 on is wanting, the escalation in hostilities along the is really board a could wind and he's way the armies carried out several air strikes on frontline
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villages in some of the faces from bob and yet, and the lebanese on group has bullet is also stepping up with tax, against is really military outpost. they know how the reports from they was, that is really airstrikes are blamed for this major destruction in a residential neighborhood in a front line village in lebanon. it's biggest bombardment and the 10 we conflict along the border. much of the area is empty as tens of thousands of people have fled, the daily exchanges between hezbollah and the is really army. prompted by the war on garza. recently, israel strikes have intensified and the lebanese armed group is using more powerful weapons and its attacks on is really military outposts and soldiers. the united nations peacekeeping mission is raising the alarm. as i said over the we can do as
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being a large number of shelling. also one of our uh, base will sit there, watched our one of the spanish compound likely no injuries. but of course, the longer this conflict continues and there is an increase in the possibility of the, of a wider conflict. despite the frequent exchanges which have led to casualties on both sides, the violence is largely limited to the border area. but as well as warning of a wider conflict, if his beloved doesn't withdrawal and to show a force is really we're planes fly over the lebanese capital b. this is, randy military says if hezbollah doesn't respond to diplomacy, it will have to impose a new reality to make his way at least feel safe to return to their homes. in the north, i don't think is today is ready at the moment to confront a new upfront that can really expose its weaknesses and jeopardize the security of all of the cities and is read has been a lot, is
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a stronger force than how mass in gaza. but so far, it has been calibrating attacks to prevent the full blown conflict. the united states and france are trying to avoid a military escalation, sending invoice surveillance to try to reach a diplomatic solution. early in the war, the us sense of military assets to the region to deter iran and this ally has the loss from attacking as well. but now many sir, israel may widen the confrontation, is really media are reporting a possible deadline to reach a settlement with has below. there's a lot of uncertainty, but what is clear is that has below will back down until, as well as war on gaza ends. and all the while attention is mounting on this front santa who deals with you to build a set of head on. i just said of the un ends its mission in molly, look at the impact it had and what may happen next. and also in other use the
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french problem and puts president a manual my call on depression rejecting his government's landmark immigration
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the the the hello again, take a look. some of the world news stories. now at least $24.00 people have been killed in dozens wounded in a bomb and gun attack on a police station in northwest focused on it happened in the district of did a small johan,
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the on group headache is you had pockets done. says it was behind the attack. 5 of the silence were killed by security forces. the china says pace stokes. between mia and malls, middle tree, and 3 major rebel groups have been quote, positive china pull the sides together as a surgeon, fighting at the end of october, spread it to more than 2 sides of me and my 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced since then, june to, to power in 2021. when me, when but is a professor at the daniel k in new york asia pacific center for security studies. she says, use a fighting in yamma, have devastated villages and towns. they have stuff for a lot from the bombing and the burning of their villages by the military home to forces me. a they hold, it has been, uh, you know, indiscriminately bombing uh, the civilian villages, towns, it says that since the co, china has to make
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a decision, i think, at this moment, uh because china thought originally, military was never taken. go, was too big to fail. but after 3 years of a, you know, correlation forces fighting against it. it, it is in it is that it has been a chaos in almost collapse. so in the middle and it is unable to control somebody. take that organized crime, criminal groups that are operating inside me, m a y n d. as a supreme court has upheld a 2019 decision to revoke the special status of indian administer, cushion me a judge has ruled the area state just as a semi autonomous region was temporary and removing it was constitutional. sonya guy, ego reports to me. some of the moments induced supreme court upheld the government's decision to strip indian administer general and kashmir of special status and order
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new elections in the region by the end of september next year. that's the additional states would take place at the earliest and as soon as possible. it was a decision welcomed by prime minister under, under moody, as well as hard line hindu nationalist. the customer, it is the good part of india that it cannot be the flags constitution in general in cash, mrs. capital soon ago. the response was one of the deep disappointment who spoke to him, i hope has been shocked to us. the largest quote in india didn't deliberate the verdict in favor of customary as we had expected. so as you knew this, i thought the people have cached me and political leaders had holly hosts for the supreme court. but today the verdict did not meet our expectations. since 1947 general and kashmir has been at the hall to the bay to dispute between india, a neighbouring focused on
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a conflict forced as both nations gained independence from british colonial rule. the muslim majority territory is claimed by both countries and has been a point of violent struggle on the india's constitution. logical 370 had confed separate status on the territory for nearly 70 years. revoking that had been modi's key campaign promise in 2019 sending a clear sign to support as of his intention to integrate the territory into the rest of india. so anyway, yeah, go out to 0 to the united nations peacekeeping mission in molly has come to an end of the 10 years. molly's ruling june demanded the missions withdrawal in june. it accuse peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect molly and from attacks by on groups and manual quite see adding from the coffee in an international peacekeeping center says the end of the mission in molly affects the us credibility for those of
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us who focus on peacekeeping um, this is one of the most to us dents to the credit printing to have the you waiting it to you. it is keeping that, you know, they've been kicked dr. office from freeway. they've been performing for 10 years, little deaf strong. this trying to find the redeem environment. cool. the, you know, that's been one might have been the 1st set up on the as i just, i believe he has never really been named brandon decided to miss i was supposed to be in the protect up for the 2015 um or just i agreement. but, you know, submit trace to the agreement of themselves. lots fees. so you know, both sides have a strong argument for the mistress discovery, etc. you've been most peacekeepers themselves that have been hierarchy. so how and
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defense vision, you know, that also undermine the credibility of the pc, but i only know this is sarah the start date for where are you in the climate talks in dubai have entered the final day with no clear agreement on the future. fossil fuels follows the publication of a widely criticized draft deal to stop short of phasing them out. the proposal only listed a series of options including reductions in fossil fuel production and consumption . a darcy ghetto, is head of a policy and advocacy at global justice. now she says she was deeply disappointed by the initial draft. this good to go back kid, when global leaders need to ensure that the global average warming is limited to 1.5 degrees centigrade, the draft fixed that they will start or the deliberating now is very weak at the center of coupling big conference and supplied the under united nation pretty well quote, but conventional one call climate change is fossil fuels. we know it is the major costs of climate change. walk in the fix contains the measure, know,
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pace out the face, down of fossil fuels despite then bidding be very present in the last draft. this late the late, the fix gravely fails to provide the steps for what for that we desperately need. and if this will cost, then we can say that cop to $8.00 is when the $1.00 degrees centigrade limit dice. and then we, when we are heading for this asked or when this copy gets a lot to move man snippets, even governments are hoping that the fact that the negotiation was held here in the, by, in the united arab emirates, fossil fuels will be at the center of the discussion and rightly so, because at this point, fossil fuels faced out should not even be debatable. we know the size of government . so the cyan bought this document 11000 word document. the 3rd fossil fuels is
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that it is only mentioned on 3 times. and that the exclusive language on the face facing all fossil fuels. what's the, what's not there anymore? and also the debates that there was saying uh for 2050 that's too far away after the we are looking at the possibility that the $1.00 degrees centigrade . we've been which that within this decade, so this critical decade for, for action. and we'd need to act fast. the government should put commence sort of mess your commensurate funding, commensurate effort to ensure that even that the beach that limits it's been nearly 2 months since however, can otis devastated the mexican city of a couple co efficient desktop. now stands at more than 4828 others on accounted for. hold on the castillo is a local diving operator. he tells agency that how his team has been using the only
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boat. they managed to save to search for the bodies of missing fishermen. the okay, me, i'm already on the lot of castillo, so my name is done to a lot of castillo, and i am a professional driver here in a couple of combined, we'd be searching for fellow men of the scene. were still missing after hurricane all these the tuesday, the 24th of october was their normal day for us. one of our teams was working with tours. as usual, another team was building a new boat. at midnight, the wind gusts were really strong and they began to increase and increase an increase in strength. the service in west variables. it was an on demand. you will neighbor, you believe the boats on the air and crush them back again. some boats were left stranded, hold of it broke, and some others think over 100 people loved their lives that night. mazda 3 and the following day, parts of my team was already diving, trying to find them. they managed to find 2 corpses, floating with
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a group of 4 divers, we repaired a small boat on depending of the tips were given. or do we know where to boats sang where some people may have died? we tried to put the pieces together to start looking for them. there was a load of rubble under a lot of boats down there. so we have to remove all of that. and maybe more bodies can come out we will keep searching for them for it as long as we can a month, the cost of what he passed. he gets more difficult every day. you're going to say your same thing, but i think the families feel as certain relief because somehow they're telling the person the last one i'm going to, i'm still here looking for you to russia's jail. the opposition lead alexei nevada only has reportedly disappeared within the country's prison system. is al, i say his whereabouts are unknown,
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but he is no longer in the prison. he was held in the st of only became jo in his cell last week and did not show up for his latest video link court hearing on friday. so the main thing for us is to find some as soon as possible because right now and that she's completely alone, and he is literally in the hands of people who once tried to keep him now. so we don't know what they will do again is a french president, a manual. my call has suffered a surprise defeat in parliament myself the far right and left doing in peace, rejected a key immigration reform bill. tasha butler reports from paris. it was the outcome that the french government had dreaded a majority of and peace from across the political divide. in the french parliament came together and agreed to book the debates on the french governments, immigration bill, right wing and peace that the bill was too lax left. when politicians criticized it as a human only thing, the only thrust green is a huge victory is it was on a proposal, the bill not be debated for a year and
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a half. all we've heard is the immigration is a problem. this bill was disgusting 1st. by rejecting this debate, we've once again protected french people from more measures that would attract illegal migrants so that it was an embarrassing defeat. the french interior administers just held them on a boot earlier presented the bill of the national assembly. the stall to fort was expected to be weeks of intense discussion on the proposed little new all coy, c. o. compromises must be made and the national interest to protect the french citizens of our borders to integrate foreigners and find the legal immigration. and not because french presidency manual macros party does not have a parliamentary majority. it needed the support of enough opposition and peace to debate and eventually approve it's bill. but this isn't the blog for the bike isn't the end of the immigration bill, but it does mean that it wouldn't be false. in his current form, the government come out decide whether or not to send it back to the senate for
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discussion or set off across parliamentary committee to reexamine it on the way it will be a for a long process. to build was a mix of measures on one hand to propose speeding up deportations and cracking down on what the government calls for and delinquents on the other. it allowed some undocumented workers to be legalized in industries where they were staff shortages this restaurant. and the says immigrant for cause all is central for the country's economic growth. and without them some businesses wouldn't suffice. we've always needed immigration. our problem is these jobs don't attract young french people. they don't want to do them. so we need immigrant workers, right. when politicians said such measures would encourage legal migration well left, we need peace called the bill and erosion of really a problem with the, your french or an immigrant. from the moment you're working, you should have the same rights that governments defeated. parliament will be seen by many as assigned to prison. my call is unable to build
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a sort of cross party consensus. he's known cold full will deliver on one of the issues that remains the primary concern for french voters, especially butler. i'll just 0 power as a time. now for the latest sports news his center meant to say united faced by munich and the time to speak on tuesday. it's a must win class for eric time have side, you know, i did need to beat the gym and time and hope the match between get access to ryan and copenhagen is a tool in the other group, a match in order to reach knockouts. what i know is i never thinking scenario and negative scenario, i think we think positive. and so we know what to do. we have to win to stay in europe. so it's all about that. so a little bit better team with that feeling. and would that believe that we're not able to do it a small don't have the same challenge ahead of them as
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a face piece the i'm building knowing there's already talked to group be 6 meal thrashing of last 2 weeks ago. concerned their place. but they go into it to off the back of a one year old the see to us the villa that sold them slip off the top of the family standing high flying as your own every raining champions. barcelona to became top spots. and let me just, the visitors defeated spots the full tooth on the line. their case is genuine ties of content. this is the 1st of a spanish, the victory over the catalyst 0. now move to points. it has a 3 elements within the table. all boss slona drop down to 4 uses pays, and it has won the alpha downhill championship in south africa. the 2010 open townsend started. the day level was come, 2 men saw schwartz's before causing it 3 on the round of 69 to win by 2 shots. is that of cowboys. one the 5th street game as
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a be the philadelphia eagles. the 33 to 30 and victory sent them to the top of the m f. c. east. and it has of their opponents. thanks to touch sounds from rico thousands, michael gulf and c d 9. those are a sports headlines you can get more on all of their adult calm and on our social media channels for let's say for this new job, back in 2 minutes with more news. this woman is on the freedom manor.
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the actually suppose i should to sit on the, on federal tax upfront takes on the big issue that is of posted to what is that for now? it says it's cool. thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without his real permission and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of reports, 34, that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important because impacts their lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey,
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this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the bringing the news to the world. from here, there are some of the media stories of critical look at the global news media on how to 0 government shut off access to social media, the the head strikes at dawn, at least 20 people have been killed in the fight in southern gaza with dozens more injured, the


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