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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the we don't simply focus on the product except the conflict. if the human suffering victory reports on, we brave bullet in bonds and we always include the views from all sides. the is there any false storm come out, allowed one hospital in north garza and round up men and boys, the fine sammy's a them this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up is right. strong, skilled, at least 20 palestinians and drop off and southern gaza. or israel told people to move for the safety. thousands more oranges. full palestinians are killed in
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a drive at a time during the nose, right? the right in the occupies west bank city of janine. and the admins who see rebels striking norwegian flag ships with a miss all the red sea. the we begin in gauze where these riley army is continuing its relentless bombardment. soldiers have just stormed the can i load one hospital in the north, foster lang, sage to it for several days. these pictures are from last week and they show the cold here on was there any forces around the whole, the boys and men in the hospital, including health workers. within the southern gauze, or at least 20 palestinians have been killed in a dorm attack on several homes and off these riding the trees, pressing on with it's offensive in bombing civilian areas. well, that 18200 palestinians have been killed since the war began. the meanwhile and the
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occupied westbank full palestinians have been killed in a drive and strike during these right? the right on the city of janine and palestine right present, says, is there any forces prevented ambulances from reaching the injured. with all of his comments as the united nations was of a breakdown in civil odor. in garza jew to the limited delivery of desperately needed to monetary and aid, israel has announced it'll set up a new check point to increase the number of a trucks entering garza. but critics say is a result in significant delays the you and says at least 200 trunks i needed every day. just to meet basic needs. honey, my mood is live for us in the southern gaza. honey, let's start with those orders from is really occupation forces for boys and men to round up in come out allows one hospital. what's happening to the of the yes, sam here,
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this is not the 1st time a hospital comes under heavy bombardment and the, and sees by b is rarely military so far the what happened within the past few days. these come out loud when hospital was under heavy, relentless airstrikes and tank shows and, and who the artillery is showing. there were reports about more than a 100, a bodies inside the hospital where a among those injures of were killed due to lack of a medical supply. but those who were also killed as a result of. busy the artillery shelling to where i ended up being buried in the courtyard of the hospital. so this has been going on for, for a few days. but today with is really military ended up doing a storming the hospital with under here the coverage of aerial bombardment. 9, and he'll be a gun fire a tiger. there are confirmed reports about members of the medical teams were shot and killed inside the facility of colored one hospital in addition to multiple
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other injuries inside the hospital. among those hundreds evacuated who ran to the hospital within the past few days. as these very military was surrounding evacuation centers in the northern parts. similar to what happened to ship a hospital, the indonesian hospital coming out. well, not all these out of service completely now, but it is, it is under heavy it'd be attacked their reports about oh, so there's really military ordering would allow the speakers asking those above the age of 50 and to leave the buildings with their hands about their head, they are rounded up blindfolded and what seems it would be taken to undisclosed area, they normally think is really military does not specify where they're taking. but if from past the incidence that they are taking for interrogation and but the most, it's a tragic thing about this and, and it was, it was in nearly a is taking those individuals and they did, they asked them to take their clothes off space, a almost any kids taking them uh with they are just on their way or sports it to,
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uh, to undisclosed area. this situation continues to be really terrible. their reports about many people got killed in the hospital, a f as if it's not a really over whelmed with, with the problems within the past few weeks. but this on top mounting the hospital was so many grave a problems that will leave the hospital and non functioning facility for the coming through the coming months. that's the latest we got, but it seems like it's, it's these really military strategy evacuation center, dave ackerson. so now hospitals the hospitality, this drawing and give remains of life in the northern part thing garza city honey. the un special russell tour on food. it's been speaking to us as the channel. i'll just say our big about a genocide because of food supplies. what's happening, how desperate and difficult is it getting for people just to find something to eat?
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this is, will this, this current, this statement is very consistent with what? the honor, what general deputy commissioner within the past few days they should have statement of and warning of an imminent as far vision as people in the northern part dogs and the central bar. and here in the southern parts are at the age of a spar vision. new to shore, this lack of, of, of basic supplies. we're talking about things that not, not luxurious they, what about food supplies, water supplies. this could keep people surviving their here in the southern part with 1000000 people force due scipio brought by there are literally literally fighting over basic supplies of walk into the market a street. and you see people gather in larger group just to get at least one count of beans or another count of, of, of a check fees or a or story or do not fish it just, just to keep them surviving. and we talked about extended family here of poverty of
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9 members, and some times 10 member family in one is small. it plays, there's also a problem with water supplies. the most of the water is consumed by people here is contaminated. those, there is a growing concerned of, of, of water born diseases as an in the spread of infectious disease or the situations here that people are, are forced to live in a very in. and you mean very tragic, very catastrophic. we're looking to do a growing cases come into hospital, people are not dying of bonds. they're dying of these diseases so far. all right, thanks so much. hi me, my fluids, gauze as hospitals are in desperate need of medical supplies, the director of one of those few functioning facilities says they're getting worse every day. like i said, well, that's the head guy to think hospitality of our back. it is a disaster by old measure, well, no longer able to perform the surgical braces,
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the units are no longer able to receive the injured. we lost when able to. so any is, are we calling on the national community to have a c spot established to have dropbox crossing open for the exit of the page. and the medical stuffs are over exhausted, hosted with us that maybe kind of 10000 or targeted by there is a patient policy. a surge in working with the aid agency doctors without borders in northern garza has been injured and is riley gun 5 from outside the facility. and yeah, we spoke with leo tends. he's the head of doctors without borders mission. he says both physicians and patients and gaza are struggling with limited resources. this is very difficult to work in this context because all the stuff all increase in the internet. so 5 and most one of them. so it's very difficult to head people when, when even use as you are in the, in a, it's such
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a distress for situation since the beginning of the well as had been a system, i think targeting of the hold of the head system that's on the host because, but it has system as of who has been targeted. and this completes the collapse of the noise, like no more functioning has just an event that host because that off to open the walking into maybe 2345 percent of the capacity. we've got codes in like really a hospitals the, the no, no, i mean the south discrepancy. we have a surgeons working in the attic, so nothing has to be done and in your pin. uh, do you know how to speak on a i was reading level and this seems to be one of those a place like an ever think a lot of children's writing was it was a very but injurious that they cannot authorize one course. if you have to do, would you put in a position, but then there's no more. but because the infrastructure for the father of the has, has been, is not made. was that many people that met for that many one the patients. uh,
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so just as best the good example we all do, i think people are on the floor. it's the better even who money study and acceptable. so what we'll do is some ones are, you know, we have to put, you must a watch. so we have to discharge suspicions which, which it normally catches when they dropped discharging, for example, to get rates a child without a understood. yeah. it's, it's, it's a trauma that they would, it would keep with them for the rest of the life. so it's a, it's a, it's, it's, it's everybody at the same time i, as well as is miles, ami continues to bombard this threats and so nouns changes to the roots that a long as we'll have to take into the palestinian territory. it says trucks carrying a little now on the go security checks at the academy of asylum crossing until now they've trunk. so only being screened then it's on the check point for the south. also being screened the trucks, travel back to egypt, and finally, and the guns that through that off crossing struck,
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finds the new inspection point will increase the number of a trucks going into garza crisig say it will result in significant delays. and fisher was in the occupied east jerusalem and breaks down what this new screening process will mean for desperately need today getting into the gaza. so there's a lot of support to get more aides into guys and not least the americans who spoken about it several times. now these really have come up with this plan that at the time of the seller selling crossing point, there will be increased security checks that every truck that goes into gaza is checked by is really security. what they're looking for is things that could be useful to have mice and also things that are described as jewel use that could be adapted by have months. so ever thing that goes into security check. now these really think that by increasing the number of security checks that should let more trucks in together with these trucks, i've still got to go for, i'm kind of happy,
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solid over we rides to the rafa crossing ideas. there's a tool point and so only so many trucks can get in. there's also the added problem of the routes, not being in great condition. and also the possibility that there could be strikes at any moment. so there is talk in these really media that the egyptians, it'd be speaking to these relays over the last couple of hours. and the cutting of the seller will be open for 78 to be pushed in to gaza. no, that would go against the feelings of some of those in these really cabinet who are dead set against the idea of any age, a total going into guys a from israel after what happened on october the 7th. but clearly the humanitarian situation is a crisis point that's because on sunday, there were a 108 vehicles. they got into the guys of the united nation. save the need at the bare minimum, $200.00 at the moment. and normally, before the war, there were $500.00. so you can see that the 8th is desperately needed isn't gate to
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those who desperately need it. of israel's army has been intensifying raids across the occupied westbank. full palestinians have been killed in a dry and strong during an incursion on the city of geneva. the territory has seen daily rights since his rep, again its war on gone. so on october, the 7th knew that abraham has more now from her mama. and we've been seeing that increased use of drones over the skies of the occupied territory to be use to fascinate and kill palestinians. this time we're talking about the old city of janine, basically a place that is usually crowded with people going about their live going to the markets and so on. and we've been using the we've been seeing these rabies using this as a way to kind of limit the numbers of casualties and injuries amongst their forces
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. because we know that there are dozens of palestinian fighters in virginia refugee camp. the area that have been used with a, using their weapons to confront these really forces. but it's hardly specifically when they rate the janine refugee camp and it's surrounding. and we've already seen for palestinians who have been killed as a result of that strike. and the 1st, who have been injured and is in a difficult condition. the 1st one we know beckett is a cabinet, has been deemed as wanted by these really forces his father immediately got that part the tax. would you learn to of the news of his sons at targeting by these really forces he's recovering in a hospital right now. so it's a very difficult situation for those families. for those people. a judy she has been talking about, the damage that has been caused by these really forces and there's different ways that people barely have time to fix one street before these really, really comes in again and ruins. the infrastructure damages water supply uh with
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sewage lines, as well as electricity in now is really forces of our surroundings. the refugee kept going into certain homes as looking for people, but also vandalizing some of those houses a christmas launched by jose using the m and, and struck a commercial vessel in the red sea. but no wage and flagship cold the strand as was hit 60 and all go miles north of the bible's minds up straight. miss ald caused the fire and damaged to the vessel. no casualties were reported. its own and said was carrying palm oil to italy and was heading towards the so is can now the hope the spokes person says the ship was talking to because the group believed it was transporting crude oil to israel and filed a heed warnings to change course the shopping for the senate in support of the oppressed, the palestinian people currently reeling under the destruction, killing and seize in the gaza strip and the heat the calls of are free. how many
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people the, how many naval forces carried out an outstanding military operation against m. v strand from norway, loaded with oil and headed to the is really entity. the vessel was targeted with the appropriate naval strike missile. over the past 2 days, the many armed forces prevented a number of vessels from passing through those vessels heat. at our warnings, the norwegian vessel was attacked only after his crew turned a deaf ear to all our warnings. the many armed forces will not hesitate to attack any vessel that may disobey our earlier statements. we reiterate that we will continue to prevent all vessels regardless of their nationalities, headed to the as rarely see ports from navigating in the air up or red sea until the necessary food and medical supplies are delivered to our brothers in the gaza strip. still ahead on, i'll just sarah fitting a holes. why can you is sending farm workers to as well move that spanking off position the
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the the hello we got the usual rush, the showers across not to the c. m as in base and some while the just clearing away from array i south of that little bit of a chevy. right. just pushing it to the central pulse of options. hang on. that will not just wife. i don't know if it's becoming rather more heavy and more widespread as well, could cause some flash flooding as it makes his wife 7 more as we go through web station was continuing that to the north of that and to that awful lot. still, some of the weather coming into central america, but too bad for the eastern islands. not too bad, too into jamaica in cuba for the time being. but see, that's a thickening cause that went to weather that comes down across the home cherice believes. and that will say it just click, it's where a little further north which as we go through when to stay. so that will bring some really heavy rain into the southern tip of florida. as we go on into the 2nd half of the week, sadie, want to what chapel that is logical,
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some flooding. it'd be while this logic drive across the mount. shelby us. i know if there's a boat or we got some snow into that eastern side of canada, that'll slip his wife the race was tending to pay throughout, as it does sound at the same time, more in the way of what's the weather coming back in across texas so winter weather, an open prank of that. so for southern piles of colorado mold in areas of the new mexico ministry kept wanting to stay. fact continues with more right for florida. the president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invested in that. and that's
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a privilege. as a journalist, the the the welcome back. you're watching out just 0 time to recap the headlines now. these right the on the storm, the come out of the one hospital in the north of the gaza strip off the shining. it's a days is ready for us is a rounding up all the boys in many in the hospital including health workers, as well as dog, did several homes in norfolk and southern gaza, killing at least 20 people moving 18200000 experience of being killed since the war began, full palestinians have been killed in a run strike during of these right be right on the city of janine and the occupied
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west bank. so 3 has seen daily military incursions installed of israel's warm johnson. and october the 7th. now us president joe biden is wanting is route public support for its war and gaza could shift who was speaking at the white house event monkeying the jewish holiday of hanukkah. we continue to provide military assistance you until they get rid of them off the line. but let's be careful, they have to be careful. the whole world, public opinion can shift overnight. we can make that happen. organ relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages. that's why i'm joined now in the studio, i asked my video, he's the president of the civil society group, united voices for america. good to have you with us. think of everything, my dad by joe biden, the, the world public opinion can shift,
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has now already stop shifting. it shifted weeks ago, the world's, you know, through whether it's united nations, whether it's the international community. so what do you make of what he was trying to say is this him out of touch with he is out of the largest, maybe the 2, not the briefings. this is the same show by then who said that he saw pictures of be headed babies, and no such thing actually happened on the white house. that was those statements, but i have over and over and he's made the other repeated, you know, false information when it comes. so it is definitely out of touch with this is supportive of israel, but he's putting them on a short leash because nowadays, really garments not even listening to the white house. when they're saying you have to minimize civilian casualties. you have to give safe havens for civilians. they don't like how this is, how israel's carrying out this war. i'm. is it really a short lease? they may be saying that israel was a gap, i think was the exact words, but they're continuing to send weapons all the same,
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right? how shoulders misplaced it. they don't want to be complicit and they see the images, they see the atrocities. so at least publicly they're trying to distance themselves . they want to see that how much is a radical, but they don't like how israel is mismanaging this and it doesn't seem like is was going to be able to reach their goal of denial, eating or getting rid of how mass and they're running out of time um, you know, what i'm hearing is that they want to wrap this up before christmas and i don't think that those rails will be able to get rid of him as by then, which would mean that they had fail to accomplish their goals. what does it say to you that the concern expressed by the president of the united states of america? which, you know, many people look up to the us, it's constitution as something to look up to us, or people who used to look up to at least as embodied is human rights and values who manes, values that you can all identify with. but his concern here is, hey, public opinion might shift rather than the morality of killing civilians
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rather than using the same kind of language that he uses when he talks about how mass killing is right the civilians. it's not a question, it doesn't raise the conversion. but maybe public opinion might shift the gains. how much will the palestinian cause? he speaks false rightly about how this is marley, unacceptable to kill civilians at all. it's, it's about politics here and perceptions. so he's concerned about the images of it, not necessarily the morals and the ethics involved and international law. and this is undermining american credibility, not just in the middle east, but around the world. and others would be people in other parts of the world. they're going to see this and point to us complexity and supporting this type of atrocities in gaza. and when the united states tries to lecture other people, whether it's china and others, or even russia, they're going to point to this example. you allowed it here. why can't we do the same thing? so it's definitely hurting american credibility or on the whole thing around the un
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general assembly vote coming up. how do you think the us position is going to involve and that one? well, not much of a choice that the un general assembly united states is out numbered as the world, basically, versus the united states and israel at this point. and there is no view to what the un general assembly. so it's going to be a unanimous. all right, thanks so much. i hope that this will come again. thank you. as how the un peacekeeping force in lebanon as well as the escalation and hostilities along these riley border. could wind in these randy ami is counting down multiple air strikes on frontline villages and some of the fish has been bombing yet. and the lebanese group has the laws also stepping off attacks against these, right, the minute 3 outposts, meanwhile, as well as flights. it's a proposal of setting up a safe, so in along the board of 11, and i'll just soon as i get a hold of explains from southern lebanon, how that idea is being perceived. isabel is looking for security guarantees at once the residence of northern israel to be able to return to their homes. this really
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defense minister is talking about a possible supplement with the lebanese arms group hezbollah that involves the creation of a safe zone along loving on the side of the border. but he says, also provide any details. but as resources have been talking about the possibility of deploying french troops on the 11 east side of the border, and american troops on this really side of the border front and america will in one way or another, a guarantee the security and stability of this 120 kilometer border. now hezbollah has not commented on these reports, but this proposal really is very similar to what vs really army wanted. in the last 4 with has a lot in 2006 it's wanted has lots of bc militarized. it's wanted, it wanted a international force with a robust mandate, including, you know, countries like france in america to, to be deployed in southern lebanon and,
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and to forcibly this arm hezbollah. now, that does not happen at the end to end resolution. 1701 was adopted. now that the resolution calls for hezbollah to pull away from the border of to approximately 30 kilometers from the border to the tani river of. but israel believes that has, while i really never left the border now as well as secretary general made clear after the 2006 war that it is not committed to disarming itself. but that this region, the border region would be free of its arms and fighters at least visibly. so this could be as likely a non starter but at the end of the day has while it has made clear, there will be no negotiations. there will be no tucker of association of hostilities along this border until the israel, as well as a tax on garza, and that the for their i was, was 0. so their loved it on as an investigation by the washington post says this evidence is riley false. is, finds us supplied white phosphorus,
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munitions into lebanon. the use of white phosphorus and bill top areas is illegal under international law. the us state department has responded to those reports. we are concerned by the reports of the use of white phosphorus. obviously there is legitimate military use for white phosphorus, but that does not include using and lots of billions. it means that if you use them, you have to do everything you can to minimize civilian harm. um, any time that we provide items like white phosphorus or really anything to another military, we do it with the expectation that it will be used for legitimate purposes and in full keeping with international humanitarian law and our law of armed conflict. so we're looking into this and looking for additional information since the war on guys have began molding $10000.00 foreign workers have left israel. now it's turning to africa to address the severe labor shortage. kenya has agreed to send 1500 agriculture work,
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cuz the move is being heavily criticized. malcom web has more from k q in solving. can you then? and google has been working on farms in canada for about 20 years. he says he'd work in these rad if given a chance, and he's not put off by the risks of conflict bought on audio and i telegraphed. i want to bring up my children well, but i've never had the chance because i've never had a good job where i can stand on my own to see if this child says the one can help my parents. and i can build for my family. about 10000 for him with his of left these rail since a mass of times on the type of the 7. most of them thailand, including these men who were captured and later released by a mass others were killed as well as inside were the width permits for palestinians . now it's turning to african countries to plug the cab more than $200.00 farm workers left malawi for israel last month following a secret deal with a government last week. here in kenya,
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the labor ministry said it would send $1500.00 workers to each be paid $1500.00 a month, 7 millions of people in kenya who live in homes like that and work on funds going crops like these fluids many uh, and about $200.00 a month. so the money on offering is riley's hard to refuse. realistically, many of the jobs will go to people who are more privileged and half beth are access to the recruitment companies who want it may seem like a good opportunity to many political opposition, say the arrangement is problematic at explosive. israel is previously being criticized for its treatments of african migrants. and rights groups have reported abuses of foreign farm workers. israel says migrant workers have the same rights as these various citizens. the level of tons can use opposition says that governments should create jobs at home, cannot instead of looking for them abroad, we know the genocide the committee meeting doesn't. uh, that's a,
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that's just the regular ones that we feel okay as a country. but we all know that's not true. i mean these are in demands with presidents. uh, we can presidents that are not able to deal with their own countries, is trying to sunny tast itself. canyons is struggling with slowing living costs. the farm is here say, what type of the risks the terms of adding more fluid. he's too good to turn down. malcolm web out a 0 kick, who you kenya? it's the local bank. let's take a look at some news from around the world now. the lease $23.00 people have been killed in thousands wounded in a bowman gun, the tank on the police station and northwest focused on it happened in the districts of that us. my hon. compound was being used by the post on the army as a base camp beyond group navigate, you had.


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