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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them this has been use our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces storm come out or the wind hospital in north garza and round up men and boys is ready as strikes killed at least 20 palestinians in our office, southern gauze away as well. told people to move for the safety. thousands more in
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just full fire. spinning is a killed in a driving attack. joining it is ready, right in the occupied westbank city of geneva and humans host the rebels striking norwegian flagship with a miss island. the red sea. the we begin in gaza where these variety armies continuing its relentless, bombardments soldiers have stormed the color, drawn hospital in the north, after laying siege to it for several days. now these pictures are from last week, but they show the quality all the way is right. the forces around they got pulled the boys and men in the hospital including health workers in southern galls, or at least 20 palestinians have been killed in a doing the attack on several homes in the off. this really made a tree pressing on with its offensive and bombing civilian areas. more than 18200
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palestinians have been killed since the war began. in modeling the occupied, westbank full palestinians have been killed in a dry and striking during these riley right. and the city of janine, the palestine red crescent size is right, the false has prevented ambulances from reaching the engine. and all of this is coming as the united nations warns of a breakdown of civil owed or in gaza due to the limited delivery of desperately needed humanitarian aid. israel has announced it'll set up a new check point to increase the number of aid trucks entering gaza bus. critics say it will result in significant delays due and says at least 200 trucks and needed every day just to meet basic needs. now honey, my mode is live for us in southern gaza in rough us. so 1st of all, let's start with the men. and the boys being rounded up at a hospital come out. what was happening to them, jaime?
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a yes, sammy, for the past. the few days the, the come knowledge, one hospital or mid sized whole facility. and another part, the only remaining is to my function in health facility. and another part came under complete is really military season under heavy bombardment. ongoing non stop air strikes and artillery sitting at the vicinity of the hospital and nearly targeting the main facility of the of the hospital today. and since the early hours of the date is really military has a storm, the hospital, a under heavy gun fire and artillery showing just during the vast majority of its properties and the court yards. and then loud speakers call in and people, particularly males where and who are inside the hospital to come out of the buildings with their hands above their head. but the reports were getting confirmed before that. anyone above the age 50 and being rounded up blindfolded and, and the strip of their clothes and taking done,
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disclose the area. there are reports of the confirmed reports about admitted some members of the medical you've been shot. those who are, who suffer from the critical injuries and where in life threatening condition in the i see you in that i've been on the hospital. some of them died. youtube comes from power outage and lack of extreme lack of, of, of medical supplies necessarily for their, for their survival. this situation, just the reminder of what happened within the past few weeks in the beginning, the war when a ship, a hospital came under the same exact scenario and the indonesian hospital what seems to be a systematic pattern of not only owner what designated filters are being attack and people are taking their and on disclose they are, but now hospitals seem to be following the same tactic by the is really military causing further problems do at the tear arise displays hungry thursday, an more profoundly
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a from the ties people for the past few weeks they have been on the relentless, a bombardment as well as the heavy artillery setting that cause that, that destroyed every a means of life and cause a great deal of damage to everything around them to. and we've got comments on the un special rap hotel or on so talking to us as the town lounge is here. are we talking about a 100 genocide? just how difficult is it becoming for people? how they just define something to eat, stay alive. this is when we look at this since the beginning of, of this genocide, the war and that today is the uh, the days 68, the of this ongoing, a brutal, more on gauze and the number of, of human atory on a trucks lift into the gaza. strip compared to the grave need, and the dire needs of, of people here is just very,
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very little compared to what people need. we're talking about extreme short those of the great thing of medical supplies, food supplies, water supplies, just just a little bit of about water. there's no access to clean and drinking water the, the, the, the only remaining. this'll a nation, a station across the goddess trip over here in the southern part of the think about a few of them 2 or 3 and that's it. but we're talking about almost 1000000 people pushed into rough i city and sincerely hours of this morning and just around the vicinity. this hospital people, the queue in line for hours just to get one gallons of water, the, the remaining population here, the drink contaminated water and there is a growing concern of the spread of water born. a disease is an infectious diseases . and now the nutrition is among the most vulnerable a group and in this, in the population, namely its children, but also the lack of, of food. you walk into the market. the shops are completely empty. a part of from
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a few amount of canned food that is not enough to feed the 1000000 displays in, in the roof, has to be on top of the 260000 residents overall by city. now when we talked about the central part than the northern part, the situations are far worse than what we hear. we, we managed to talk to someone on the phone or from is about the area who described expert for almost a week. now no read, no food, and a no water, they are forced to drink contaminated tap water just a little bit of it with hundreds of other people in the area. there is a star vision more going on and this is part of the symptom. and it is really pushed forward for it. it's a total award that includes cutting all the food supplies and all the necessary supplies on palestinians in the gaza strip. or i will leave with the thanks so much i my mood last we've been reporting. israel has changed the route that
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a laurie's will have to take him to the palestinian tire tree trunks carrying a will. now on the go security checks up the count them up beside them, crossing till now a trunks were only being screened. i've been to tanza check point that's for the south for lost of being screen, the trunks, travel back to egypt and finally and to gaza through that off crossing as well. claims the new inspection point will increase the number of a trucks going into garza. but the critics say it's will result in significant delays. adam fisher is unoccupied, east jerusalem, and breaks down what the new screening process will mean for desperately needed a getting into gaza. so there's a lot. busy of support to get more age into guys and not least the americans who spoken about it several times. now these really have come up with this plan that at the cutting of the seller selling crossing point, there will be increased security checks that every truck that goes into guys that is checked by is really security. what they're looking for is things that could be
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useful to have mice and also things that are described as jewel use that could be adapted by how much. so everything that goes into security check. now these really think that by increasing the number of security checks that should let more trucks into guys, up with these trucks, i've still got to go for, i'm kind of happy, solid over we rides to the rafa crossing. i did, there's a tool point. and so only so many trucks can get in. there's also the added problem of the roots, not being in great condition. and also the possibility that there could be strikes at any moment. so there is talk in these really media that the egyptians will be speaking to these relays over the last couple of hours. and the cutting of the seller will be open for 78 to be pushed in to gaza. no, that would go against the feelings of some of those in these really cabinet who are dead set against the idea of any age, a total going into guys a from israel after. what happened on october the 7th. but clearly the humanitarian
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situation is a crisis point that's because on sunday, there were a 108 vehicles. they got into the guys of the united nation save. you need at the bare minimum, $200.00 at the moment. and normally before the war, there were 500, so you can see that the 8th is desperately needed isn't gate to those who are desperately needed. dallas's hospitals are in desperate need of medical supplies. the director of one of the few functioning facilities says things are getting worse every day. i and like i said, well that's the head guy to think hospitality of our back. it is a disaster by old measure. well, no longer able to perform the surgical braces, the units are no longer able to receive the injury. we lost when able to see any injured. we called on the national community to have a ceasefire to stablish, to have dropbox crossing open for the exit of the patients. the medical stuffs are
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over exhausted, hosted with us that maybe kind of 10000 or targeted by there is a patient policy. a surgeon working with the aid agency doctors without borders inside the allow the hospital in northern gauze. it has been injured in his riley gun 5 from outside the facility area. we spoke with lee cans. he's the head of the doctors without borders mission. he says both physicians and patients in gaza. a strongly limited result is it's very difficult to work in this context. because all the stuff all increase in the internet. so by then most one of them. so it's very difficult to head people when, when even use as you are in a, in a, in such a distress for situation. since the beginning of the well as had been a system, i think targeting of the hold of the head system that's on the hoss because with the head system as a whole has been targeted and it's completes the collapses in those there's no more functioning has,
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has been even that host because that off to open the walking into maybe 2345 percent of the capacity. we've got codes in like really a host because the not i don't need to. so it's difficult. i've seen, we have a surgeons working in the alexa in, in the hospital and in europe in uh, jeanette, i don't speak on a as an investor. and this seems to be one of those a place that i can ever think a lot of children's already was that was a very but injurious that they cannot uh, authorize one cost of they have to literally put in a position, but then there's no more. but because the infrastructure for the father of the has, has been, is not made. was that many people that met for that many one the patients. uh, so just as best the good example we all do, i think people are on the floor. it's that that even human is spinning and acceptable. so what we'll do at some one sir, is no, we have to put, you must all watch. so we have to discharge suspicions which,
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which it normally catches when they drop the charges, for example, to be rates a charge without a understood. yeah. it's, it's, it's a trauma that they would, it would keep with them for the rest of the life. so it's a, it's a, it's, it's, it's, terry, but at the same time as well as we mentioned, as well as all me, is being intensifying rides across the occupied westbank. full palestinians have been killed in a drug and strike during an incursion on the city of jeanine. the territory has seen daily rights since israel began its war on gaza on october. the 7th knew that abraham had small from ramallah. so we've been seeing that increased use of drones over the skies of the occupied territory to be use to fascinate and kill palestinians. this time we're talking about the old city of janine, basically
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a place that is usually crowded with people going about their live going to the markets and so on. and we've been using the we've been seeing these rabies using this as a way to kind of limit the numbers of casualties and injuries amongst their forces . because we know that there are dozens of palestinian fighters in virginia and refugee camp. the area that have been used with a, using their weapons to confront these really forces. but it's hardly specifically when they rate the janine refugee camp. and it's surrounded. and we've already seen for palestinians who have been killed as a result of that strike. and the 1st, who have been injured and is in a difficult condition, the police one we know beckett is a cabinet, has been deemed as wanted by these really forces his father immediate. the goal is to afford the tax would be learned the of the news of his sons at targeting by these really forces he's recovering in a hospital right now. so it's a very difficult situation for those families for the people of judy she has been
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talking about the damage that has been caused by these really forces. and there's different ways that people barely have time to fix one street before these really, really comes in again and ruins. the infrastructure damages water supply uh with sewage lines, as well as electricity in now is really forces of our surroundings. the refugee kept going into certain homes as looking for people, but also vandalizing. some of those houses to the un peacekeeping force in lebanon as warning, the escalation and hostilities along the is riley boat, a could wind in these right. the army is counted out multiple strikes on frontline villages and some of the faces bombardment yet, and the lebanese group has the laws. also stepping off a tax against is ready to ministry outposts. meanwhile, as well as flights, is a proposal of setting up a safe 7 on the border with lebanon. i'll just arizona holder explains from
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southern lebanon. how that idea has been perceived. isabel is looking for security guarantees at once the residence of northern as well to be able to return to their homes. there's really defense minister is talking about a possible supplement with the lebanese arms group has the law that involves the creation of a safe zone along loving on the side of the border. but he says, also provide any details. but as resources have been talking about the possibility of deploying french troops on the 11 east side of the border, and american troops on this really side of the border front and america will in one way or another, a guarantee the security and stability of this 120 kilometer border. now hezbollah has not commented on these reports, but this proposal really is very similar to what these really are me wanted in the last 4 with has the lot in 2006 it's wanted has lots of bc militarized. it's wanted,
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it wanted a international force with a robust mandate, including, you know, countries like france in america to, to be deployed in southern lebanon and, and to forcibly this arm hezbollah. now, that does off happened at the end to end resolution. 1701 was adopted. now that resolution calls for hezbollah to pull away from the border of to approximately 30 kilometers from the border to the tani river. but as well believes that has, while i really never left the border now as well as secretary general made clear after the 2006 war that it is not committed to disarming itself. but that this region, the border region would be free of its arms and fighters at least visibly. so this could be as likely a non starter but at the end of the day has while it has made clear, there will be no negotiations. there will be no tucker of association of hostilities along this border until the israel, as well as a tax on garza, and that the for their i was,
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was 0. so their loved it on of an investigation by the washington post says this evidence is riley false, is finds us supplied white false for us, munitions into lebanon, the use of white phosphorus and build pop areas is illegal under international us state department has responded to the reports we are concerned by the reports of the use of white phosphorus. obviously there is legitimate military use for white phosphorus, but that does not include using and lots of billions. it means that if you use them, you have to do everything, you can to minimize civilian harm. to any time that we provide items like white phosphorus or really anything to another military, we do it with the expectation that it will be used for legitimate purposes and for keeping with the international humanitarian law and the art law of armed conflict. so we're looking into this and looking for additional information. a cruise missile launched by who is the rebels in the admin has struck a commercial vessel in the red sea. the norwegian flagship,
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called the splendor was hit 60 and all the co miles north of the babylon and up straight miss how close the fire and damaged the vessel. no casualties were reported. its own. the site was counting palm oil to easily and was heading towards the so is can now. but the host, the spokes person says the ship was targeted because the group believed it was transporting crude oil to israel and fail to heed warnings to change course. the shopping for the senate in support of the oppressed, the palestinian people currently reeling under the destruction, killing and seize in the gaza strip and the heat the calls of are free. how many people the, how many naval forces carried out an outstanding military operation against mc strand from norway loaded with oil and headed to the is really entity. the vessel was targeted with the appropriate naval strike missile. over the past 2 days, the many armed forces prevented a number of vessels from passing through those vessels heat. at our warnings, the norwegian vessel was attacked only after it's crew turned
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a deaf ear to all our warnings. you have many armed forces will not hesitate to attack any vessel that may disobey our earlier statements. we reiterate that we will continue to prevent all vessels regardless of their nationalities, headed to the as rarely see ports from navigating in the air up or red sea until the necessary food and medical supplies are delivered to our brothers in the gaza strip. james baka is the container shipping editor, the amount of time information provide the lloyd's list. he says the who is the attack on the norwegian tanka was unexpected and could lead to more ships avoiding the region of this night to rick is really like so we can say the stage would. i assure that it does appear that it's a long distance to rational sometime and then yeah, on this voyage was actually hit. it goes away, but the point of restaurant is showing it as a potential arrival and then yeah,
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so the magic is really on this one in terms of taking a car. yeah. but the issue is now that we've had a number of attacks that hadn't been related to is ro, is putting up the risk freely. my basically potentially shipping as a visual offer. as i get to look to just avoid the whole region. there are some benefits is not particularly very low insurance costs um, but also just the price of using the service and it can benefit us to take them all around the south africa is that you can set it up to your up or even getting cost to the us so we could potentially see some re reason going on. well, since the war and guys have began molding 10000 phone workers have left israel. now it's turning to africa to address the severe labor shortage. kenya has agreed to
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send 1500 agriculture work, cuz for the move, being heavily criticized malcolm lab has mall from q q u in the southern kenya. then in google has been working on farms in canada for about 20 years. as he says he'd work in these rad if given the chance, and he's not puts off by the risks of conflict bought on audio and i telegraphed. i want to bring up my children well, but i've never had the chance because i've never had a good job where i can stand on my own to see if this child says the one can help my parents. and i can vote for my family. about 10000 for him with his of left these rail since a mass of times on the type of the 7. most of them thailand, including these men who were captured and later released by a mass others were killed as well as inside were the width permits for palestinians . now it's turning to african countries to plug the cap more than $200.00 farm workers left malawi for israel last month following a secret deal with
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a government last week. here in kenya, the labor ministry said it would send $1500.00 workers to each be paid $1500.00 a month. that were millions of people in kenya who live in homes like that and work on phones going crops like these fluids many uh and about $200.00 a month. so the money on offering is riley's hard to refuse. realistically, many of the jobs will go to people who are more privileged and half beth are access to the recruitment companies who want it may seem like a good opportunity to many political opposition, say the arrangement is problematic at explosive. israel is previously being criticized for its treatments of african migrants. and rights groups have reported abuses of foreign farm workers. israel says migrant workers have the same rights as these rarely citizens. the level of tons can use all position says that government should create jobs at home, cannot instead of looking for them abroad,
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we know the genocide they're committing it doesn't. uh, that's a, that's just the regular one that we have to relocate as a country, but we all know that's not true. i mean, these are in demands with presidents, which i've took and presidents that i'm not able to deal with the on empties this time to sanitize itself. kenyans is struggling with soaring living costs. the farm is here say will to have of the risks, the terms of adding more fluid. he's too good to turn down. malcolm web out. a 0 kick you you can. yeah. combat thing, anti semitism is central to german government policies due to the country's history and responsibilities coming from the holocaust. well, that view has deepened since the how mass attack in israel in october and one eastern states government ministers of agreed to compel german citizenship applicants to sign a declaration that guarantees israel's right to exist as dominant cane reports.
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some lawyers believe the move is unconstitutional. so decades the past, the german citizenship has been long, requiring competence in the language. he is of residency, a clean criminal record, finance and security. and the commitment to democracy law and order applicants was also a pos, a multiple choice test to show the awareness of life in germany. but now, one of the 16 states, an additional requirement has been introduced in the optim off of how much is attack on israel in october. if you want to get some of the, we have now decided that as part of the process, all applicants for naturalization must make a reason declaration, recognizing germany special responsibility for the state of israel, and recognizing the size of israel's right to exist. her government and mac, the board has led, so some people here in but in seems to wants to follow prominent politicians on the left. i am the on the right say, existing rules don't go far enough. several weeks ago, conservatively to freed this me out,
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suggested enshrining in law of what his policy colleagues and section 8 and how to have done federal interior administering. that's. he says he is to agree, one leading lawyer told me he believes this section is unconstitutional. is very, as right to existence is not a legal principle. it's a political principle that several german governments have adopted, but it's not written in the constitution. and also the directive from is ex, $900.00, didn't consider at all the rights and liberties of the people effective parliament is already debating whether to relax some of the rules regarding gym and citizenship to encourage more people to apply. but if the change regarding israel is passed, then it may discourage others. dominate cane al jazeera lane has time for why the way that button now to hello very much a tighter to hobbs in the weather. across the middle east,
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at the moment is quiet across southern pots. quite enough for some folks around the gulf. i said they've been the case here in that. how recently the sullivan know things a little live via some what the weather coming across the rock tank in tennessee went really across that western side of a rama. some snow all over the high ground. that'll make his wife by the race with winds picking up around the golf. so that'll help to shift the mist and solve temperatures before the right to around 24 celsius. here in doha, many models also went whether to just coming in across that eastern side of the metal affect the occupied territories for a time. but it will make very quickly as we go through why the state brought us guys to come back in. and that's the case to across a good pop of tech, a 3 cyprus criteria, across much of north africa or fish out into the northeast of egypt. and that will say some showers also sliding across out to you area using able to was moving house, which means you as we go on 3 1st i got a few showers to adjust around the gulf of guinea, but the west, the weather will be across the hall so of africa,
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i'm still seeing some showers close at east of side or south africa. that rain gets pushed up into mos on big heavy at times could cool some flash flooding wet to weather 2 inches in bob way or sliding further northwest to the south is that dry and sunny? i said i had an al jazeera, small, more people are wearing the palestinian and check it black and white scarf. we looked at the how having a cafe is also making them a target. and then all the news climate adults go into over time. 4 beat is basically an device. this is summit trying to reach a consensus of a how to deal with on warming planning. the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what keeps happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing is taking place.
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augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves also with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage of 6000 bodies and storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you are at the in countries refused their request and even exhibited human remains and then the savings restitution. africa stolen episode to which i found your 0.
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the welcome back. you're watching now just the time to recap on headlines now. these righty ami has store um they come out on the winds hospital in the north. the gaza strip off the shelling its the days is ready for us is around the apple. the boys in many in the hospital, including health workers, as well as dogs, did several homes in the alpha and southern gals like killing at least 20 people moving 18200 palestinians to be killed since the war began. full palestinians of being killed in a drone stride during and his re the right on the city of jeanine. and the find was find out for you seeing daily military intelligence since the south of as well as gone gone several months over the 7th of sirens. have been sounding in a number of his riley towns close to the boulder with lebanon warning of incoming
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rocket far. nobody's um, group has the law that's go with the side of hire about. she's lived for us in slow me in northern israel, near the lebanese border that start with those sirens, which have been going off. what happened to yeah, so i mean, well, that happened earlier. we were actually quotes in it as we were on all way to show the town, and we sold the off them off of a more to 5 from across the border in to israel, just a further down. but on the hill behind me, i'm in the last few minutes. we've also had outgoing is really all tillery from this side of the border to the lebanese side. and we had to land on the other side and not just shows you the proximity. now i just wanted to give you a sense of what we're talking about here that buddha is at the top of the hill that
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divides israel from level known and throughout the day there has been overs to the top where has bought are as firing across israel then respond with all 10 or re fi . i saw the down along that border towards the east as well need to a gallery that was also where some of those rockets were intercepted as well as some of them intercepted here. and she wanted me to, to be precise. so that just gives you a sense of why all along this board here. these board of towns have been evacuated. this was an order from the is riley government. there's very few people here. it's almost so goes to i don't know if you just heard that just now. all right, do we need to let you take cover? so since you measure this, how i run this going off? no, no, we're good, we're good. but just gives you a sense. it's, it's okay, well that was what you made. the mike may not have picked it up, but again, i'll send
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a re far from this side and from the lebanese border. but moving on to where we are head, there's no one here. and that's because of this constant of firing between both this as you have a prime minister benjamin netanyahu warning, but if it has by law wants an oil out, we'll have it, he's one, but they root wouldn't exist and what will happen to be root will be what's happening to gaza? you also have uh the will got a cabinet minister, any guns also warning and in a conversation with us sick. sorry until we bring couldn't saying that this needs to stop and the action needs to be taken. all right, thanks so much the height of the the un general assembly set the whole emergency meeting on guns. the lights are on tuesday and with the sides of further is by the attacks are rarely used. resolution will allow it to try and stop the will. it's cold resolution, 377, a. it allows you in general assembly to make security recommendations. if security
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council members can reach an agreement, it was 1st used back in 1951 during the korean war. when the un general assembly labeled china, an aggressive resolution called an old member, states to offer military assistance to career view and security council has failed several times to adopt to cease fire resolution on garza. in the latest vote, the us veto, that in mid november, oppose and fighting was a mazda approved to allow humanitarian aid into the strip that was only off to 4 drafts, failed to pos. and i'm now joined in the studio by accident, but did he's the president of the civil society group, united voices for america? good to have you bank with assignments. thank you, sandra. starting with this mechanism, the resolution 377 is how optimistic should we be? that this could lead to the imposition of a ceasefire,
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cuz the end of the day. yeah, the united nation is getting creative here and they're running out of mechanisms or tools of the and we, you know, we heard last week that invoking article 99 was going to be a it failed because of the veto. now 377, a hasn't been used, you know, for half a century, they are hoping that is going to be able to make it a, it's going to pass, but whether that's gonna be fine. yeah. but yeah, it does. it's a recommendation. so it's not, but the whole world is also from the general assembly. it's not binding the whole world when they speak of the un, it just ends up being a recommendation. it's up to the security council to adopt and even that there is the veto. so that's why people are calling for reform that this united nation is a waste setup right now. the security council is ineffective to deal with the real issues on the ground right now it's, it's okay about dealing with the real issues on the ground. what's the out look for where this is ultimately going, all we hey, are we going to see?
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and then the fine thing in the next couple of months has been suggested in, in various media reports. so what are we looking at something much longer, that could go on for us all indications. i mean, there's many variables. a lot could happen. whether you know, how long, how may i ask you to can, you know, sustain and keep fighting you know, can, is role have this 10 minute to keep going with the pressure building from inside as well as outside pressure. so however, it seems like at the end that israel's not going to be able to eradicate from us as they promised, after 2 months of fighting and almost destroying the whole, gaza strip. 70 percent of it is gone. they're running out of things to hit and they're running out of ammunition that the united states have to send them more tanks just so you don't by what is really, officials are saying about how much being on the verge of dissolution. i don't think so. i think this is just um, you know, psych cops or psychological work for it to try to show that they're gaining ground on them. i think it's probably it's going to end up in some sort of still me what
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happens afterwards. israel wants to be in a position to dictate the future, but unless they actually fully eradicate from us, they're not going to be able to do that. and they're also saying that they're not accepting the pals student authority to lead the next phase. they want the arab states to somehow manage it. they're saying no way, we're not going to ride on the back of his really tanks. and how is it going to be? it's probably going to be a negotiated outcome. i'm checking that crack governments has been one idea of it's been floated, potentially as some sort of interim solution. i don't think how much is going to agree to give up their weapons. maybe they'll be some buffer zone, some security guarantee. as far as real of having some buffer zones in place, maybe some peacekeepers on the egypt side of the border. but definitely it's both sides going to try to take credit at the end. as far as who won this. but as long as, as israel does not achieve their stated goal at the beginning to radically how much and if killed tens of thousands of people at that point, it's gonna be, it's gonna appear like as a failure. and they weren't able to achieve. all right,
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thanks so much. i my been here for coming in and talking to us. thank you sir. how still ahead on al jazeera, 5 minutes, the on the pressure view kaylee the risky. so like which is to get these controversial new plans through parliament and illegal migrants per one to the french parliament puts president the manual. my call on the prize show rejecting is government's landmark immigration bill,
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the the
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how come back? let's take a look at some of the news from around the world. now at least 23 people have been killed and dozens wounded and a bowman gun, the tank on the police station and northwest focused on that happened in the district of dennis, my hon. the compound was being used by the pockets, donnie ami is a base cam. beyond the group that he could you had talk is don says it was behind the attack. 5 of the silence were killed by security forces, a french presidency manual. my call is soft with a surprised defeats in parliament. that's off the far right and left, doing in peace, rejected a key immigration reform bill patasha box. the results from paris. it was the outcome that the french government had dreaded. a majority of m p's from across the political divide in the french parliament came together and degree to book the debates on the fringe government's immigration bill right when and peace that the
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bill was too lax. left wing politicians criticized it as a human. only thing the only thrust green is a huge victory is it was on a proposal. the bill will not be debated for a year and a half. all we've heard is the immigration is a problem. this bill was disgusting 1st. by rejecting this debate with once again protected french people for more measures that would attract illegal migrants. so that was an embarrassing defeat. the french interior administers just how domino who to earlier presented the bill of the national assembly. the stall to vote was expected to be weeks of intense discussion on the proposed rule. newell coy c. o. compromises must be made and the national interest to protect the french citizens in our borders to integrate foreigners and find the legal immigration. not because french presidency manual micros party does not have a problem. every majority, it needed the support of enough opposition and peace to debate and eventually approve its bill. the decisions the blog for the bank isn't the end of the
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immigration bill, but it does mean that it wouldn't be false. in his current form, the government come out decide whether or not to send it back to the senate. for discussion or set off of cross parliamentary committees to reexamine is on the way it will be a for a long process. to build was a mix of measures on one hand to propose speeding up deportations and cracking down what the government calls for and delinquents on the other. it allowed some undocumented workers to be legalized in industries with their stuff shortages this restaurant illnesses, immigrant for cause all essential for the country's economic growth. and without them, some businesses wouldn't suffice. we've always needed immigration. our problem is these jobs don't attract young french people. they don't want to do them, so we need immigrant workers. right? when politicians said, such measures would encourage legal migration. well left wing and peace called the bill and erosion of royce, with the, your french or an immigrant from the moment you're working, you should have the same rights that governments defeats. and paul dement will be
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seen by many as assigned to prison. my call is unable to bill to sort of cross party consensus. he's known cold full will deliver on one of the issues that remains a primary concern for french 5 to is essential butler. i'll do 0 power, but you case prime minister is facing apollo meant for you show down over the wonder asylum plan. lawmakers will vote. lights are on tuesday on richie so next controversial plan to send the asylum seekers to the african country. last month, the supreme court ruled the country was unsafe and the policy with breach international. it still likes the biggest parliamentary test of his partnership as his new draft proposal is deeply divided. his policy over the monks joins us now live from london. so was brought the issue back to westminster again off to the quote, shut it down, the ultimate
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a decision by the government led by private us to reach you so not to try and find what they consider a solution to the problem is but the devil, the conservatives in britain football is 2 years, which is a huge number of individual people traveling from northern france to the southern coast of the u. k. on small inflatable thing, he's trying to claim asylum in the south of england. this has created his huge, huge divide. it inside the conservative party and across indeed from here in britain and was trying to achieve with this new legislation that once again facing caught a bunch of debate over the next few hours is an attempt to shut down efforts by individual asylum seekers to apply that delay altogether, postpone that d for taishan to rewind on to the previous version of that design. it's very complicated, but essentially they're hoping to close down avenues of legal recourse among some
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of these would be the policies so that it's much more likely the government able's privacy to pull them for a one to office. so many of the cases they've tried in the past year and a off of been blocked by quotes that i'm the way it is a little life problems is having on this is the problem is to have it off votes yesterday to see it majority inside parliament sophia radically, that should be no problem whatsoever. however, at least 3000 members of its own conservative policy have over the last couple of days that they all very opposed to some of the elements of this new that just basically being introduced. which could lead them to vote against it or indeed upstate and from about it more around $25.00, but against it would be very difficult on the parliamentary mathematics for this to pause and implications. the receipts they're not as prime minister will be significant. he is himself relying essentially on his conception majority sticking together. we've seen over the last 13 years of conceptual,
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let government have been ongoing divisions of issues like breaks and now more recently, immigration, if he does not win the vote tonight. and that is a big if still it will be a significant blow to his ball pharmacy as prime minister, which relies of course and support office conservative party really did that. thanks so much for the month. the and our asi house, so the you and climate talks into by say the working on a new draft deal comes a day after a widely criticized proposal. stop showed of calling for the phasing out of fossil fuels under the rules of the you and climate convention agreements need consensus of all pauses since 9200 countries. and there are those who want stays out, throw those one phase down there or what those who want different formulations. the point is to get a consensus and we don't want one formulation that causes blockages in the process . we need that the parties to come together because we need to come back to what's
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the objective. the objective is to achieve $1.00 is to reduce global emissions by 43 percent by $22.00 giga times. china says piece talks between me and mas minute 3 and 3 major rabble groups have been positive. china brought the science together, was a surge and financing at the end of october, a spread to more than 2 thirds of me in law. 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced since the june to took power in 2021. united nations report says, man mars become the world's largest source of opium. the un office on drugs and crime says the country is taken. overtaken afghanistan is the top producer. poppy farming drop that by 95 percent off to a ton of onto a pallet 2 years ago. i mean, since submitted treat takeover in the amount in 2021 cultivation of the drug is grown by 18 percent chinese. the,
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the shooting thing assigned several agreements with vietnam, always 1st visit them. and 60 is the trip is aimed at deepening ties between the 2 countries. the deals include expanding cooperation across the board of trade, also agreed to hold joint patrols in the gulf of tonkin despite conflicting interest in the why the south china sea, poland, incoming prime minister, donald, to success as potent will demand the full mobilization of the west to help you crane made the announcement while i'm presenting is government's plans to parliament, which you like to them on monday. they also said posing with a cheese leadership position in europe as well as being a strong positive native the process jail deposition lead. i like seen the valet is reportedly disappeared within the country's prison system. is allies say is whereabouts are unknown, but he's no longer in the prison. he was held in a sign of only became male in his cell last week and did not show up for his latest
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video link court hearing on friday, the crime didn't critic was set to be moved to a highest security prison, also being sentenced to another 19 years cremeans folks send that makes it pascoe says he's unaware of like seeing around these whereabouts were thinking, you mean you mean you know, no, you know, i, me receiving either the intention nor the ability to money towards the faith of prison. that is, and the process of the state in the relevant institutions spend that the 2 months since hire can otis devastated the mexican city of a couple of co. the official desktop stands that mold in 4828. all those are on accounted for. jones, a lot of castillo is a local diving operator, tells down to 0. how is team is been using? they are in the boat. they managed the safe to search for the bodies of missing fishermen. the okay, me, i'm, are you on the lot of castillo, so my name is don't
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a lot of castillo, and i am a professional driver here in a couple of combined, we'd be searching for a fellow men of the scene who are still missing after who were getting all these the tuesday, the 24th of october was their normal day for us. one of our teams was working with tours. as usual, another team was building a new boat. at midnight, the wind gusts were really strong and they began to increase and increase an increase in strength. the service in west variables, it was an on demand. you will neighbor, you believe the boats on the air and crush them back again. some boats were left stranded, hold of it broke, and some others think over 100 people loved their lives that night. mazda 3 and the following day, parts of my team was already diving, trying to find them. they managed to find 2 corpses floating, where a group of 4 divers were repaired,
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a small boat on depending of the tips were given. or do we know where to boats sang where some people may have died? we tried to put the pieces together to start looking for them. there was a load of rubble under a lot of boats down there. so we have to remove all of that. and maybe more bodies can come out we will keep searching for them for it as long as we can among costs and what he passed. he gets more difficult every day. you're going to say your same thing, but i think the families feel as certain relief because somehow they're telling the person the last one i'm going to, i'm still here looking for you. time for support. now with said that a succession of football leagues in turkey had been suspended off the rest for you was punched and kicked in the head highly o tamila, who is a fee for official and has officiated in the champions league was hit by on kind of go to club president,
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photo cause of the his team could see that in 97 minutes equalize the referee, it was repeated the attacks on the ground before being escorted to to his dressing room. so he's football federation has promised to do with those responsible in the strongest terms possible. so he's president and i should tell you, are the one responding saying we will never allow violence to take place in tucker, sports, majesty, united face buying munich. and the champions league on tuesday and what is a must win class for eric ton hag side united need to be the gym and giants and hope the match between get a test to write. and copenhagen is a jewel and the other group a might in order to reach the knockouts castiano, rinaldo, high school, he's 50 as goal of 2023. this one coming in the saudi king cup as another a secure their place in the semi finals he schooled for 2 goals for his club and 10 as international level for portugal. it's also being confirmed that ronaldo faced
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new, non se in a frenzy tournament in february. my dear strike of victoria sent me home has been named africa's football or of the yes. he's cool 26 goals to help naturally when it's in the syria title for the 1st time since 1990. 0, see behind is assess nigerian when a since no color kind of 24 years ago. i appreciate and ideas for the support. i appreciate the offer eco to stop with me on the mop when you call read to me for defending me regardless of my shortcomings. thank you so much. thank you very much. i appreciate your for football is not the only sport hanging out to awards. faith keeping going. i know i, lyles were among 6 big names to win the world as each of the yes, keep it going. that became the 1st woman to win the 1505000 meters at the world championships while allows to gold and the 10200 meters. to non laurie school, $29.00 points,
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as the denver nuggets ended the 3 much losing streak against the atlanta hawks they've done. they've done a way to set career highs that with 10 to 3 pointers in his 40 points on the night . but it still wasn't enough of me for a lot. you'll keeps going 25 points and then now gets victory. and the tennessee titans that produce an incredible come back and say beat the miami dolphins. $28.00 to $27.00. the titans were training by 15 points with on the 3 minutes left. but touchstones from the andrea hopkins and derek, henry kept their pay off hopes alive. and those are your sports headlines you can get more on all does their adult. com and on our social media channels, us and sales of palestinian scottsdale a cafe as have jumped in the us census ro loans that split a tree offensive in garza a growing number of people of dunning, the checketts golf to signal support for palestinians. but some of those who chose
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to wear it faced verbal and physical attacks. even shootings. zane bus at all, vi has more from them. a lot of the occupied westbank for the last kaffir factory fully occupied territory. an unlikely front line in a war to preserve palestinian identity. what about these owners say they were about being forced to set them? these rules were on guards. i seen as a struggle for survival for all posted at home and or for november 3, posting and students were shot in an apparent faith crime in the us state of vermont. the shooter, they say, could not see past what they were wearing his shot over the penny was paralyzed in the attack. well, i've seen a total though to 0. i did not get shot for being myself. i got shot for being palestinian. i wasn't an individual to the shooter. i was
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a coffee to none of the means family lives in rome and his mother flew to see him after the attack. his step father says the students only wanted one thing. we call the kids and we also them, you need anything. and then the says, bring a loads of feels so that, that's also something that, you know, shows they for us, of the resilience of these kids. you know, despite the fact that they would forget that because of the coffee and speaking out of it, that was the 1st thing that they requested despite the fact that this was the reason for actually the shooting. you know, he says western associations with terrorism have tarnished what is essentially a piece of clothing pad arrow, but has become a symbol post in culture. posting is they'll see the kaffir, something to be feared. they see, it is something to be celebrated. the patterns represent ancient patriots,
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the leaves of olive trees native to the land, and the pattern of the fishing net that connects people to the sea. at the post, a new museum in ramallah, art and identity intersect. each poster a moment in a struggle for independence. going back decades assembler, for the last time i'm the, i'm the, i'm sort of done it before, but it's not also part of the people. they feel they are the ones to some of my sons. they went to the coffee, the castillo has been synonymous with the struggle for justice since pretty for me . a political statement, assuming resistance. but where we need to tell us didn't say, is not a threat. it is a cry for free. is a bus route of the old is 01 moment in the occupied. this is right. the forces of
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used explosives to destroy to united nations runs schools and beta noon. 4 sound clear if there were any casualties from the bloss in the northern parts of gauze of soldiers can be seen taking shelter, they designate charges used to destroy the educational facility back in a couple of minutes they with what you're looking at. there is one of the breach points through which how much flight is came into his room. warning sirens here is a s, mike, some site goal just has been remarkably intensified during the last couple of hours . we've seen these as strikes really concentrated on residential homes in residential buildings. there's a dangerous times of regional spillover, of course, as long as there's any conversation here in the middle, inside the hospital then without oxygen, without electricity, the beated inside. they are dying. for now,
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less than an hour away from the official start of the ceasefire. 50 feet caps its full feet release over st periods, one more batch of prisoners when the people want a permanent ceasefire. a settled time upfront takes on the big issue that is opposed to what is happening now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. hundreds, and then millions. stephens, pines does a delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram
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is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on algae 0. the is riley, false is storm. come out, large ones. hospital in north garza and round all men and boys. the i'm sammy's a. them this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up is there any sides killed at least 20 palestinians and off off the southern gall. so where is rel, telling people to move for the safety. thousands more engine full palestinians are


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