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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the for that one carry johnston, this is and these are life things that are coming up in the next 60 me. this is rarely forces storm that come out as one saw specially northern gods palestinians. fleets soldiers bound up in men and boys was harassed legions stratagems and even straight off his uniform blindfold. this has died united
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the wealth health organization recounts the treatments of health workers in gauze are all these very minutes. the united nations runs school in bait to noon is destroyed as is ready, soldiers look on an on israel car is out overnight strikes on several times in the southern city of rough or at least 20 protest and it's up to the it's $1500.00 j n. t, that's 5 pm in dallas, where it's rarely it forces continue. the non stop tax. i'm going bobbins of the strip. they've killed almost 18 and a half 1000 palestinians in just over 9 weeks in northern gauze. the soldiers storm that come out at one hospital. these pictures are from last week, but this is
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a cool yard where is ready for seats round to the hottest in boys of men, including health work as well. so in the north, a medical worker with shots and injured all the adults has had been subjected to humiliating treatment by soldiers is really checkpoint. but here's an account of what happened to one red crescent worker traveling between northern and southern gaza. we informed us that he was harass beach or stratagems. he didn't straight off his uniform blindfold us hadn't started you guys back and and treated him degrading and then use a matter and it was released. he has a wallet to our south, which is half still tight, and without a t shirt only and no shoes. and there he was. you could make calls and you in the school invite her name and it has been destroyed while is very sole, just chit hundreds of displaced families with sheltering. and i have nowhere to go
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. and then southern gaza, at least 20 palestinians were killed in the don't attack on several times. and nothing is really military's pressing on that it's offensive, and this bombing of civilian areas. and that's kind of the character i would assume in rafa in southern cause i target tell us what more you know about the situation with hospitals across gauze and now a yes. this situation for a hospital, as of course, the exact truth is really a critical as only according to the palace, the minister of health, only at 11 hospitals, partially functioning right now after the attacks that have been conducted by carried out against the majority of hospitals across the territory similarly to the situation that's happened to she felt hospital which had been stormed and we're going to buy these by the soldiers now. the in the north of the gaza strip, we have a was a health and the come out with one hospital and
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a lot of the hospital which has been also under intense funding since the beginning of this rock and fighting. and even during the last couple of hours, these forces are deployed during the vicinity of those hospitals. and in particular and come up at one hospitals where they are preventing any patients or anyone from the residents who are taking show stuff inside. so leave as they have deployed the forces snipers, they are adopting a key principles of arresting any palestinians who was over 15 years old and where they are taking them to and discuss locations for investigation by these very offices. now the situation that is critical, um there was there any kind of medical aid had been delivered to the north of gauze . the hospitals were doctors and medical workers all tirelessly, unfairly working on functioning in order to keep providing the treatments. especially with the increasing numbers of the is very strikes on to value on the glass you have time and the most of causal and tarrant,
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tenants of schools. now you in run, school has been destroyed by is really forces. yes, i personally know this is cool because that's when my home town, even those old a garza in bay town town in the eastern areas, which is the areas confrontations between palestinian sizes and these would occupation offices. now this is, is that like a nice around school, which is, which was in the early days of the confrontation was i shall, it's all for the majority of the big tunnel and residents in order to be protected from the. is there any funding now with this talk to the ground invasions they have, we have a back to wait at a from this is put on the incense is very binding. now, these body forces had completely destroyed this run school, you know, make your run school with explosive devices. uh, which it clearly would impact off the period default on the process. so could you
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cation simply because this a school was the main central, the school in the eastern area. that's a, that's a, that gives education for a thousands of pounds, city students in big tunneled town. i'm tired, we've been having a lot of activity behind you. the, well, what's been happening where you are in rough yes, in rough a head during the last of our days by the forces had intensified the strikes where they had destroyed residential buildings belonged to a british family where a number of palestinians have been killed and others have been injured, we sold the single young girl, which was completely covered with the smoke, with black smoke over her face. a number of did bodies that had turned up to tweak your hospital just before a couple of minutes. um the, the uh, we knew we spoke to us about the uh, the place they told us that the situation does really, to test the traffic as a, the i'm feeling says,
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kept for more than 10 minutes of evacuating victims from under the rustles. in order to be delivered and transported to authority to hospital to receive a treatment. russell, this area in the south supposed to be safe, according to the classification of areas by the is where the forces, where they have for the people to fleet to, to, to, in order to be away from the bustle zones. now it has been repeatedly attacked by the occupation forces, which gives a key sense of mistrust among palestinians that there was never any 6 areas. of course, going to start as being in rack for, for us that thanks very much indeed. it's nearly 8000 protest and intelligent have been tilden as well as warren garza, the bodies of hundreds of young people are believed to be trapped under the rubble of homes, schools, and shelters across the street. any of those who survived will carry the scholars of the will forever. so set
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a husband for sons. a passion for life has faded his one of thousands of palestinian child victims of his rounds indiscriminate one who used to enjoy playing football before his riley attack cost him his lack. his cousin says he's in constant the job is nobody's to he and his leg is always sore. i tried to comfort him, but he's always said and doesn't want to play with us. come on has and play with us . good boy, i love him so much. but when the bank comes, he's got to price pay the i. as for some of those consciousness of the bomb being in his truck and confusion, he believes he would get his leg back. and one day would be able to pay for the sale of the business and keeps looking at me in surprise. he doesn't realize what's happened to him when i ask him about it. he replies that you went to the hospital, his leg was operated on for that, but he keeps asking when he will get his leg back. fucked, him has also survived that traumatic for the. she was trapped on,
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but the trouble fielding for hours. her ankle was crushed onto the concrete slabs for somebody to crush to the hospital, but it had to run out of sterilization kids the little girl to wait at these for the surgery. and infection stuck in, even though the doctors tried to save her leg. it was too late to get to the government to slow up before the injury. faulty month was the cutest benteke live and active. she enjoyed going to the nursery. i'm playing with all the children since the injury, it's like i've seen, has been extinguished. she doesn't laugh anymore. she doesn't speak to anyone and utilize your code box weighs a damage and she can no longer express of that on you to match human rights monitor, say is, is right. attacks have injured nearly 20000 students. children guys many have severe, burns or have lost limbs. it also estimates 25000 children have most one or both patterns and about 700000 have nowhere to cause. these children are
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retrieving their school books from the trouble is valuable items have damaged or destroyed their scores. and the force displacement has interrupted big lessons. there isn't much left for testing and children like to, to be of a future research center. oh, jesse or israel has changed the route to a trucks has to take into garza now the on the go. secuity checks that the car was, sell them crossing until now trucks only being screened, then it's on a check point. for the south of the being cleared, the trucks will travel back to egypt and finally enter. gone so far, the roof of crossing israel says the new inspection points will increase the amount of aid going into gaza. but critics say this will cause significant denies on fish or isn't occupied east jerusalem and explains now what the new screening process will mean for supplies desperately needed and goes there's a lot of support to get more aides into guys and not least the americans who spoken
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about it several times. now these really have come up with this plan that at the time of the seller selling crossing point, there will be increased security checks that every truck that goes into gaza is checked by is really security. what they're looking for is things that could be useful to him, us, and also things that are described as jewel use that could be adapted by have months. so ever thing that goes into security check. now these really think that by increasing the number of security checks that should let more trucks in together with these trucks, i've still got to go for, i'm kind of happy, solid over we rides to the rafa crossing ideas. there's a tool point and so only so many trucks can get in. there's also the added problem of the roots, not being in great condition. and also the possibility that there could be strikes at any moment. so there is talk in these really media that the egyptians, it'd be speaking to these relays over the last couple of hours. the coming that'd
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be selling will be open for $78.00 to be pushed in together. now that would go against the feelings of some of those in these really cabinet who are dead set against the idea of any age, a total going into guys a from israel after. what happened on october the 7th. but clearly the humanitarian situation is a crisis point that's because on sunday, there were a 108 vehicles. they got into the guys of the united nation. save the need at the bare minimum, $200.00 at the moment. and normally, before the war, there were $500.00. so you can see that the 8th is desperately needed. isn't gate to those who desperately need it. us, as well as on a husband. intensifying raids across the occupies westbank. 6 palestinians have been killed in a drone strike during an incursion. janine, the train was deployed when these very forces faced resistance from palestine and finances in the city. the 3rd tree has seen danny rates since israel begun its war on guns on jealous,
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documented rates on jeanine in the occupied westbank had been chased by israel's only one of the joy this included out is there is life job. he was reporting on the build up of military assets in the area, including multiple all my vehicles equipped with guns and food as is the main hospital the un peacekeeping force in lebanon has won the escalation in hostilities. and all these very board could widen. these very ami is carried out multiple strikes on the front lines, images and some of the faces on bob. and yet, while the lebanese on the group has a lot of stepping off of the tax on is really military positions so far, right reports from sleeping in northern israel. in the last few minutes, we've also has outgoing is really all tillery from this side of the border to the lebanese side, and we had to land on the other side and not just shows you the proximity. now i just wanted to give you
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a sense of what we're talking about here that buddha is at the top of the hill that divides israel from level known as throughout the day there has been overs. tips the top where has bought are is firing across israel. 8 then respond with all 10 or re fi. i saw the down along that border towards the east as well. need to kind of leave. that was also where some of those rockets were intercepted as well as some of them intercepted, hidden, slew me to, to be precise. so that just gives you a sense of why all along this board here. these board of towns have been evacuated. this was an order from the is riley government. there's very few people here. it's almost so goes to, i don't know if you just heard that just now. meanwhile, israel has flow to the proposal of setting up a spaces that hit on the board with lebanon officers, and a lot of explains from southern lebanon. how that's all i do is being perceived,
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as well as looking for security guarantees at once the residence of northern israel to be able to return to their homes. there's really defense minister is talking about a possible supplement with the lebanese arms group has the law that involves the creation of a safe zone along loving on the side of the border. but he says, also provide any details. but as resources have been talking about the possibility of deploying french troops on the 11 east side of the border, and american troops on this really side of the border front and america will in one way or another, a guarantee the security and stability of this 120 kilometer border. now hezbollah has not commented on these reports, but this proposal really is very similar to what these read the army wanted in the last 4 with has a lot in 2006 it's wanted has lots of bc militarized. it's wanted,
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it wanted a international force with a robust mandate, including, you know, countries like france and america to, to be deployed in southern lebanon and, and to forcibly this arm hezbollah. now, that does off happened at the end. you in resolution 1701 was adopted. now that the resolution calls for hezbollah to pull away from the border of to approximately 30 kilometers from the border to the tani river of. but israel believes that has, while i really never left the border now as well as the secretary general made clear after the 2006 war that it is not committed to disarming itself. but that this region, the border region would be free of its arms and fighters at least visibly. so this could be as likely a non starter but at the end of the day has while it has made clear, there will be no negotiations. there will be no tucker of association of hostilities along this border until the israel, as well as a tax on garza, and that the for their i was, was 0,
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so their loved it on to us present. joe biden has one's israel that public support for its warrant garza could shift. he was speaking at the white house events mocking to jewish wanted to f hanukkah. we continue to provide military assistance until they get rid of them off the line. but let's be careful. they have to be careful, the whole world, public opinion can shift overnight. we can make that happen for it and relentlessly for the safe return of the hostages, withdrawing. now by modeling the shower, i'll just here is a senior. let's go on this demo with how much pressure is joe biden on to here. i should ask with questions. he's on the pressure, but not under as much pressure as you would think he should be under. because he had, he is in an election years been unit, think
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a good part of his own party and decided to be complicit in a general side that's been going on for over 2 months. has for the united states at the risk for being another forever war and then at least and clearly was no objectives whatsoever in mind. i mean real clear objectives as to where his support of genocide is taking him considering that he has absolutely 0 leverage, apparently, politically speaking when it comes to these really uh government. so in that sense he puts himself under pressure. but when you made him book like this, i don't mean to be disrespectful. but really when you hear him one occasion outside of the repeat thing that he's a zionist, when designers are carrying the general side and guns when the real issue is the countless children casualties and guys, and he has to go back to his old story,
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is mumbling he songs like that the old relative to invite for christmas or for how do you see that he sounds like that old relative. it's so embarrassing, he's just taking years to embarrass themselves by making statements that i'm not coherent by repeating old stories that everyone is bored with. and, and he, they think the younger generation of americans and on the ground itself and gosh, i mean the targeting of hospitals. what is that tactic by these really minute tree design? t y may presumably in the beginning, if you remember the shift hospitality, we had the all these very long elaborate plans and a 3 dimensional images. computer generated images about how they were, how much infrastructure is on the hospital side. and then it also proved to be humbug, which also proved to be inaccurate, fake news, and so on,
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so forth. and then there is radius sent the army of uh, of p r. and fake news specialists in order to doctor the scene in a way doctor seen in a way aware by apparently there was some kind of a how much presence. but that certainly did not work out then is where to begin the laughingstock over the world for having justified their genocide and they're not factual hospitalized award crime. i've been attend that to be the vit excuse for attracting hospitals to be a total in factual issue. okay, won't stay with this for a moment because we've just got some more information coming in. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was knowledge or united states. and israel have different ideas of what goss that will look like off to the world. but he thanked washington for its ongoing support. i think i'll who specifically refer to the palestinian authority saying he does not want it to control godsa. i mean,
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the economy is economy and i'd greatly appreciate the american support for destroying hamas and returning all hostages. do you mind holding an intensive dialogue with president by didn't any team we received school back into the ground incursion and blocking the international pressure to stop the war? yes. is disagreement about the day of the home us and i hope that we will reach an agreement to you as well. and what i would also like to clarify my position, which i will not allow, is well to repeat the mistake of also the northern show him on con is live for us, not in tennessee. and what more did we hear from benjamin netanyahu as well? there is a little bit of a background to this and let me just bring you out today. um, probably mr. benjamin that to now who compared the desk of is right. he's on october, 2nd to the depths of is riley's in the period between 1993 and the also a codes told. now that i can get a lot of people within israel, it said this thing saying that 2 things have to be one compatible. he's not
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clarifying his statements because under low prussia to talk about the day off to, particularly from the americans of the americans have been actually very clear. they want to revitalize how the study and all pharmacy to take over a front when the shooting stops. and the time is right. however, apartments have been nothing, you know, who is under a tremendous amount of pressure domestically. he has a hard right that he needs to appease. so he's not talking about the house. and you know, of course, he's not even talking about any type of p, a governance within because the strip itself, he doesn't want that to happen. he sees also as being a failure and giving him a given rise to the power of how much now, you can argue to find the points of whether it was low was a failure because of these radius, or whether it was a failure because of the palestinians however, it was the only piece process that has taken place, and it was something that was designed to have
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a 2 state solution. now that's interesting as well because the americans keep talking about a 2 state solution. emma. com, thanks very much indeed. well, the shower is still here in this tuesday with this. uh, we've heard those comments and we've had a lot about off to the war. but what about what's going on now? us? yes, exactly, exactly, but i mean, uh, i mean, he's actually trying to get us out of what's going on now. right. i mean that's what sent on. yeah. he's good. he's be, this is, was what the essential, nothing. you know, the ultimate unfortunately spoke to the supplier that he's always been as a prime minister visitor, i've never been trusted by his ratings or by far the leaders. i know he's basically deflecting from the situation is going on the ground or to talk about why he negates what the americans want in terms of moving forward. and this is really important. ok, this is very important because he keeps on admitting that is that it wouldn't be
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able to be what it is. it wouldn't be able to present it to when this war without the united states. right? so depending on how wants the money, and he wants the arms from the united states, but he does not want the advice. he does not want the political leading angle to the by the administration about what's next. he only wants the arms on the money and that's why we're never the americans come and talk to him as apparently jokes. jack sort of is coming to talk to nothing. you know about the day after already. nothing. yeah, i was pretty. i'm seeing him by saying why we're way north to say solution. yes, no, it would be a security is on. i know we're not gonna allow the point of seeing or thought i'd say to extend it through the guys that we're not gonna have to has done as you called it. and otherwise he's putting himself in a strong position, both of those of you the but a single thought at the address of the, the, by the most fish and moving forward. you told me he talks about winning the with a more is taking place on the ground, but also in the world of propaganda. is israel succeeding on the ground as much as
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it claims to be us? what is the waterfront gun that's fading miserably. it is becoming the laughing stock of the world over in terms of it sliding bad techniques and deception. buck during videos and so on, so forth. but as far as it's military campaign as well, sir, in the end of the day, it has been credible fire power. and it is able, slowly but surely to make 2nd progress within that that. but at the expense of huge human cost of the best thing is wide also at this on time getting quite serious, beating from have us these, the number of is the soldiers, vineyard, or dying ever. they're killed, but by how much forces is really increasing rapidly. and that's embarrassing, these are, these are in the mid 3 step, which is what is claiming that more a trucks will go into, into a gauze because of a new screening process, etc. how much of that is actually
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a diversionary tactic to buy time as well for what it's actually doing on the ground where it's executive that in the sense buying time for the binding administration. because by then and his administration just vetoed are you on secure with the guns that was issued about the ceasefire? by didn't size for me to be able to hold the international community at bay for you, mr. clement. that not that now, i need something other turn now and that would have to be some form of a humanitarian aid input. and guys know as the thing is that as israel intensifies its bombing, the humanitarian aid is almost all of us not entirely is almost meaningless. because what does it mean to feed people to give them few bad days and on events the bomb van hours later? even if israel feels it's reached, it's goes in gaza,
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all the elements in the minute treat establishment. that would say ok, let's now turn to his bosom. i do think that and they, in fact, i've been listening to his ready discussions, military strategic discussions about the day after in casa, and for them, it is not a 2 step solution that they ask that in gaza is 11. once we finish with guys, uh we're gonna have to focus a little bit on we can focus on that on now because we can't open 2 fronts. so once we are done with guys out wherever, whenever they are done with the council, then they say they want to focus on that, but on, because they don't want to be in the same position as they were in october 7, come whatever scenario with lebanon. so they wanna use the presence of the american aircraft carriers a nuclear, somebody's and they submit it to again, in order to finish up their business with was have mass and as well, both guys, i live in
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a boss in palestine and in the middle east in order just to basically ensure that interest that would mean 2 things, either the dictates the conditions, the hezbollah, to move immediately north of valentine, the river, which is quite north of the border with his red. or are they gonna carry a pre emptive strike against his bottle, which will definitely mean a wide the original award. which with that implicates the united states, which i assure you as i see you now. what do you mean by the losing his elections? on the charlotte, thanks so much indeed as well. so to come on, i'll just come in to see rebel as far miss, so that's in the region black tank. let's see why one states in the gym and he is thinking it's citizenship lines to israel's right to exist.
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the hello, we got the usual rash or showers across not 2 of the amazon space and some, well the just clearing away from a radar self of that little bit of a chevy. right. just pushing it to central parts of washington. and that will not just wife, i don't know if it's becoming rather more heavy and more widespread as well, could cause some flash flooding as it makes his wife that. and we'll go through where the station was continuing back to the normal. so that until the overlaps still, some of the weather coming into central america. well too bad for the eastern islands, not too bad, too into jamaica in cuba for the time being. but see, that's the thickening cause that went to weather that comes down across the hun, sherise believes, and that will say it just stick his way a little further north, which as we go through when to stay. so that'll bring some really heavy rain into the southern tip of florida as we go on into the 2nd half of the week. 71 to what chapel is that is logical, some flooding in the meanwhile, this logic drive across the mount. shelby us, i know it is
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a boat. we got some snow into that eastern side of canada, that'll slip his wife the race was tending to pay throughout his it does sound at the same time, more in the way of what's the weather coming back in the course, texas. so winter where the old and frank of that so for southern pals and colorado, well, the areas of new mexico ministry kept wanting to stay. fact continues with more right for florida. frank assessments for this placement kind of thing. persecutions, it seems to be in fact, including the premiums. what we see here is locked in text that is meant to change the reality, but rather lingering in depth analysis of today's headlines. do you think even the president of the united states when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private and nothing else? inside story on al jazeera,
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examining the impacts of today's headlines. this year with the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what there's a 50 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the the, watching out. just a reminder of our main headlines. these really ami has storm that come out as one from the northern gauze of the sending it to the days. is there any forces have
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been around enough for the boys and men in the hospital including health workers? hospitals are in desperate need of medical supplies. a health worker has been shot, an injection of north of a strength, and also it's really a 2 by source at check point 12 health organization has them smells x and these rarely forces have destroyed the school. hundreds of the space for students, families sheltering activity with the crews. ms. lawrence by who sees in yemen has struck a tank and the red sea, but it has no wage. and the flags spring to just know for the i'm on the tab straight, causing some damage. the owners say the tanka was bringing palm oil to it today. and the vessel has no is really links or connections with the spokesman says the group to the easy,
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it was transporting crude oil as well as all the way up to show the senate in support of the oppressed, the palestinian people currently reeling under the destruction, killing and seized in the gaza strip and the heat, the calls of our free and many people. the many naval forces carried out an outstanding military operation against m. v strand from norway, loaded with oil and headed to the is really entity. the vessel was targeted with the appropriate naval strike missile over the past 2 days, the many armed forces prevented a number of vessels from passing through those vessels heat. at our warnings, the norwegian vessel was attacked only after his crew turned a deaf ear to all our warnings. you have many armed forces will not hesitate to attack any vessel that may disobey our earlier statements. we reiterate that we will continue to prevent all vessels regardless of their nationalities, headed to the as rarely see ports from navigating in the air up or red sea until the necessary food and medical supplies are delivered to our brothers in the gaza
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strip of savings bakery as the container shipping and it's about the amount of time information provided lloyd's list, he says the who is the attack was unexpected and could lead to more ships avoiding the reach this night to rick is randy like so we can say the stage would i assure that it does appear that it's a long distance to rational sometime and then yeah, on this voyage was actually hit. it goes away, but the point of restaurant is showing it as a potential arrival. and then, yeah, so the magic dandridge is really loose on this one. just taking a car. yeah. but the issue is now that we've had a number of attacks that hadn't been related to israel, is putting up the risk freely. my basically potentially a ship minus a visit longer, as i actually looked through just to avoid the whole region. there are some
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benefits and not particularly very low insurance costs um, but it was uh just the price of using the service and it can't actually benefit or it has to take them all around the south africa that you're going to up to europe or even getting close to the us. so we could potentially see some re reason going uh come back thing anti semitism is central to german government policies due to the country's responsibilities. often the holocaust view has deepened since the last attack in israel. in october, the 1 eastern state ministers have decided to compel anyone to sign for german citizenship to sign a declaration that guarantees israel's right to exist. on that came a subject gauge the past, the german citizenship has been long requiring competence in the language. he is of residency clean criminal record financial security and the commitment to democracy law and order applicants was also a pos,
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a multiple choice test to show the awareness of life in germany. but now, one of the 16 states and additional requirements has been introduced in the optim off of how much is attack on israel in october. but if you want to get some of the, we have now decided that as part of the process, all applicants for naturalization must make a reason declaration. recognizing germany special responsibility for the state of israel, and recognizing the size of israel's right to exist. her government and mac, the board has led so some people here in buttons seem to wants to follow prominent politicians on the left. i am the on the right say, existing rules don't go far enough. several weeks ago, conservatively, to freed this me out, suggested enshrining in law of what his policy colleagues and sex any on the how to have done federal interior minister. and that's, he sees a p is to agree, one leading lawyer told me, he believes this action is unconstitutional. is right, as right to existence is not a legal principle. it's
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a political principle that several german governments have adopted, but it's not written in the constitution. and also the directive from is ex, $900.00, didn't consider at all the rights and liberties off the people affected. parliament is already debating whether to relax some of the rules regarding german citizenship to encourage more people to apply. but if the change regarding israel is passed, then it may discourage others, dominate cane al jazeera billing of the . let's take a look at some of the days of in use. now ukraine's preston's is back in washington . so us 8 packets with key hines in the balance. lot of this and then ski has just visited capitol hill and we'll speak to present joe biden later is trying to secure
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more funding for the ongoing war against russia. let's get more now from she have her time see who joins us live at the white house. she have how concerned will present savanski be when it comes to continuing usa and he's very concerned. he just expressed his concern to a meeting of bipartisan sentences. he's now on his way and we're just going to break into that now and we're going to cross a live to the un where i'm basses from our nations holding a joint news conference about the situation in gaza. we're going to listen to that in just a moment to remind to that's about 18000 products students have been killed in gaza since october. let's listen to now. i see a growth fund out of the group of presented sorta solution. uh, throw united auto emulate on the reset or is or destroying
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a good 15 vote on the has been the as being the, the voted device against by united states. so we decided to requested the reception of the tense emergency emergency specific session needs in our assembly. and we meet to today, the piece of paper that has dental vision or assembly on the tug decided that the so the session will resume this afternoon at 3 o'clock. and we are here tool to give you some information about the, the, the, the date this ongoing situation in palestine onto auto. what we are going to do in the suspicion emergency session. and i use the floor right now to i'm beside the, out of the, to give you more detail on this type of uh, thank you very much. uh brother. see them, how much the chair over the oh,
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i see. as we told you last week, we would keep you informed and we would keep meeting with you and we are doing that or after uh, last friday. when we had an unprecedented number of correspondences to the draft resolution from outside the consumed 103 countries. unfortunately, that the draft was defeated by costing v to despite the fact that 13 voted in favor. immediately after that, we had consultations among the groups correspond, setting this effort, and decided to send a letter to the president of the general assembly from the chair of the, the out of group and the chair of the oh, i see the requesting the presumption of defend emergency session us and
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we are very grateful that the president of the general assembly cooperated with us very quickly during the weekend and with his staff and so connected as you know. and that's up to the membership of the united nations during the weekend, indicating that he wouldn't be convening the l resuming defense emergency session tuesday afternoon. today. we also. busy have uploaded the draft, the resolution, which i am sure that you are now have seen it and we are collecting co sponsors ship to that draft resolution and then the number is very high. it's good, very easily, you know, approach the 100. but more importantly is the countries that will vote in favor. so we are in for the mobilization mode, we wouldn't have another emergency meeting for the oh i see group because all the
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other countries are members of the oh, i see. so it is a combined, you know, meeting at 11 o'clock in order to strategize for a full mobilization of having the largest number of possible of countries voting in favor. and it looks promising. a lot of effort is to bring an immediate cease fire coated humanitarian ceasefire as the as g called is it is okay. and in our resolution, the one and the security council which was defeated and the one that is before the general assembly for voting on it this afternoon. it also refers to that, that over the as g didn't bulky optical, $9.00 to $9.00 in which she us, among other things, for any media too many audiences fire. that is almost
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a global consensus on that called some of us were able to see even a demonstration in front of the u. s. mission with a huge sign, quoting for a ceasefire now. so this is what we are. we had the meeting this morning with the president of the general assembly was a very productive meeting. we talked about the details of how the session when unfold. uh, the voting on the draft resolution when spot at the beginning because we anticipate that there wouldn't be a long list of speakers. the subject is out again the fact that we are meeting on tuesday of the vito on friday, it indicates that the situation is diana. and we need action and we need it as quickly as possible. so therefore, we are not going to have
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a long debate and then vote at the end which is customary. but now we are going to this, you know, vote on the draft resolution at the beginning. and then, you know, to continue with the debate and the president of the general assembly informed us that when we have a spin over, it will be taken on friday when the general assembly value appropriately will be, uh, you know, come on monday thing on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the declaration of human rights. so that the situation is a massive tragedy for human rights, particularly fit for children and women in the gaza strip. so the continuation over the debate, doing that appropriate time is very, very, very b 15. now, as you probably know, there might be some amendments from those who are still insisting to politicize the
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subject, and they're not satisfied with everything else, including what the s g says. and what the does that any other say they insist to try to put a decides humanitarian resolution. we are determined that we will not allow such amendments to succeed. we will oppose them. we will defeat these amendments. we are hoping that no amendment to be introduced and to vote up and down on the draft resolution itself. which card is mainly for a humanitarian ceasefire? at the end of the day, we believe we would have prevented with almost the entire international community in coding for humanitarian ceasefire. as the secretary agenda is quoting for as o u. n. agencies working on the humanitarian fee and are calling for as the red cross,
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the international red cross in which the president will be in the occupied by the student that at $30.00 again. uh, you know, in the next few days, according for let me just give also small foot note. we are grateful for the effort of our brothers and sisters uh, from united out of up and then it led by a head excellency lead under the se, be, who came up with a brilliant idea. as i said before and invited a large number of security console members, they visited the alpha and the a lot each. yesterday, they listened to briefings for mister lads that evening. mister todd wenzel, and along with our minister of head administer of social welfare. and seeing that proficient from the about a cdn and egyptian red crescent. i the,
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i don't know if my brother in law how much a to test some details to share about that visit. but we are waiting for the dog from me and, and bus at the lot not to say be at home should be here. i thing in a day or 2 along with our colleagues who made that trip to offer. that is a significant rep. that is a gesture of the great majority of members in the security council who voted in favor of the ceasefire. made that trip. it's embodied, but it is very important. and we appreciate that. if you have questions, you can us. yes, thanks investor. when you have the last vote in the general assembly in october, there were 14 countries that opposed the humanitarian truce and 44 that have stained. do you think, seeing how the situation is deteriorated in these weeks since the last vote that you will bring some of those
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a persuade them to change their position to vote for the humanitarian ceasefire. and what will a large number say to the international community, a large number of support? and do you think it will send a message to washington? i think it will send the message to washington and to others. you forgot to mention the most important number, which is the 121. actually 122. that you know where to supportive of the draft resolution, all our expectation that this time it will be higher than that number. and we hope that it will be higher by a significant number of what we don't want to go to, to go ahead of our sense, let's wait and see how the general assembly, what the app. let me also add, if you compare to the draft resolution before the general assembly in comparison to
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the one on the 26th of october, the resolution that you refer to a number one in this resolution. it calls for a ceasefire. humanitarian ceasefire was the other one, it talks about steps that lead eventually to a succession of hostility so that, that is a significant difference. the other one, so that if some of you to ask me that question, is it binding or not binding? the language that is in it, it's it, it demands a ceasefire. and that is the language that was used and the security concept demanding from anybody from the united nations. while the general assembly or the security council. it is much more powerful than calling for, and therefore it should be looked at as binding in that sense. definitely, if the great majority of the general assembly demands an immediate
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humanitarian ceasefire, there is no explanation to that sentence or that provision other than it is binding . and is it a it has to abide by it? and those who are shielding and protecting is that i on 10 now, should also look at it this way, and that for an act accordingly, or one of the amendments the addresses. so the issue of detainees or hostages. but in the same time, we see that as far as has detained a lot of palestinians during this operation in gaza and also in the west bank. so why don't you also add a language that addresses this issue because a lot of the see me is have been detained, or you know that a lot of money, other very important elements that could be added to any other is in huge. but we
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will not lose focus from the most important issue, which is demanding an immediate fuel monetary on seas via now that is the most important issue. if we did and from that objective and start trying to amend in this direction on that direction and put it decides to be uh that that optimization then we will not reach an agreement. the security console is a good example of the security concept tried several times to agree on the language, but because of the product, this is ation. they did not succeed the only time they succeeded on 2712. when they made it completely humanitarian resolution, they succeeded so far, those who want to land from the behavior in the security council and in the international community common sense would say, avoid controversial issues,
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avoid naming names and concentrate on the mind of stopping this war, stopping discarded, saving lives, saving the lives of our children in the gaza strip, and the woman and the civilians and the bottom of this, these are the most important elements. everything else we could deal with it later on, but that's not the time to deal with that. we need to stop this war and we need to stop it now, as the secretary agenda indicated, so that you and you know, uh, agencies cutting perform the duty over aging every one in the gaza strip and giving them a humanitarian assistance to save lives. of those who have ken, ken, may god, you know, take care of them and do when. but those who are still alive,
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it is our duty to save them and to keep them alive. so that's why we would not lose focus from the main subject and all those who are trying to be lover or blunt in terms of getting us from this, you know, objective wouldn't be defeated. although we appeared to them not to play that game and let us vote on the draft resolution as is the essence of it, is immediate humanitarian seized by the last question. thinking best out is there english? my question for you is, you've mentioned that the resolution hold stronger language and you're hoping that this will put more pressure on washington to lead to what will be a stop to the fighting. what is your message with the palestinian people? who are you that similar to previous resolutions, israel might ignore the resolution currently at the ga today of the policy and young people of so angry and frustrated that no one should blamed them. and if they are upset and angry with all of us and that you and, and to enter the nation of system,
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no one should blame them. they are right in that outrage. and god, when you have now we are approaching 20000 palestinians, kid, 70 percent of them children and woman, and not counting those who are on the bills and more than 50000 in georgia. and to said over the better days in the gaza strip, destroyed. and cannot be used for living and, and such, you know, facilities and all the hospitals are all, most, you know, uh, cannot function that i'll do the work. and also that people do not have food. they don't not have what the, they're on top medicine. we have so many relatives, we call them and we ask about x or y and z, and they say they died and we say why, where they can from bombardment, someone go to the bible, bottom and others,
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they are dying because of lack of medicine. and so on and so for that tragedy is so beyond comprehension, so that if they are angry and frustrated and they guess all of us beginning with me, i understand they are right. and we are wrong. a lot of beauty is to try to save the lives who are still alive by having this resolution adopted. and by forcing is the end to comply with it. and those who of shielding is to comply with the global consensus calling for a ceasefire. shopping on w lan, my had this to and so a lot of a bus, i'm not the i'm boss is a react once a month. so the permanence of the kind of funds to you and he said, quotes all efforts to bring an immediate cease fire situation is done that increasing, assuming joins this. uh no, i have not from the you interest of what can we make of that address?
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well this is ambassador re add moms store of the palestinian authority, attempting to rally support for a resolution that will be put to a vote before the general assembly later today, a resolution very similar to one that was vetoed in the security council by the united states he said that he is in full mobilization mode and he was appearing there with arrow, the masters and the passengers from his mom at countries as well, who called for this boat in order to build up pressure for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. noting that it's what the secretary general of the united nations is called for. noting that the humanitarian situation, that humanitarian deliveries are not able to keep up with the growing demands of the people in garza who are suffering from a lack of food and medicine. this is the attempt to show israel and the united states that there is global support for this humanitarian ceasefire. and they're
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hoping to get more than the $103.00 co sponsors that they already had for the security council resolution in the general assembly saying that they were optimistic that a vast majority of countries would sign on. it would take 2 thirds majority for the resolution to pass, and i should say that there are some amendments being proposed one uh by the united states, which complained about the security council resolution that it didn't specifically condemn us for the attacks of october 7th, some language to that effect being proposed by the united states as an amendment that will be voted on before the full vote in the general assembly later today. however, the ambassador saying that the most important thing was to keep it simple to focus on the need for a cease fire and get as many countries on board as soon as possible. i a christian . so let me, thanks very much indeed for that. that's it for me. k johnston for this new south.
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i'll be back in a few moments with more, often faced up to date on our website, the the interview on my what do you, what that will be at that? send me a send me the so you need is that, did i solve that? and it's about 80 to sponsor to console him to den slim. and would you also have another admin to book a so yeah, i don't think this, but the file must have had to fill out like a me it's literally just have them
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