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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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of this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 personal stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side is the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on the how does era the, [000:00:00;00] the, is where the soldiers stores become all on one hospital in northern gauze or off the besieging and bombing, the facility for days, kind of studying men and boys around it up was harassed legions,
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presence of the street is unit 4. blindfold us has died. you know, i inspect the world health organization recounts the treatment of health workers in gaza, 5 years, or even a trip. the israeli soldiers will come in here as the united nations run school in bay till noon is destroyed and opened, injured and displaced by his where the palms of war takes a heavy toe, long children within 7700 feet killed. the do we begin at the un general assembly where i'm bassett, as we're about to discuss and both on a resolution calling for a c spot and gaza member states will 1st vote on 2 amendments, one proposed by the united states, which calls for the condemnation to come us for its attacks on israel,
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on the 7th of october. another amendment proposed by austria calls for the unconditional release of hostages, held by on us, as well as a humanitarian access. a kristen. so the me is that i will be monitoring the events at the you and through the night she joins us now. kristen took us through what we're expecting to happen in the next few minutes while we expect things to get to vote very quickly here at the united nations, the general assembly has been moving was set some sense of urgency on this issue. since the security council vetoed a similar resolution on friday, that called for immediate came out of terry and cease fire and the release of all captives being held in the gaza strip by come us and other arms groups. so we expect that this should move forward quickly because the general assembly wants to show that it is such an urgent situation that it needs to be
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taken care of as soon as possible. normally there would be speeches before a vote, but they're going to skip the speeches before the vote and go right to the vote at the error. the members of the security council and as long that countries here at the security council have asked for this to go forward. they are calling for this under the resolution 377 known as uniting for peace. that allows the general assembly to act on matters of peace and security. when the security council, which is charged under international law with the responsibility of international peace and security, is unable to act because it is blocked because of veto has been used as it was in this case. so this is what we are waiting for this meeting to convene very shortly . and as you're saying, there are these 2 amendments, notably one of them from united states, should we read anything into that? i mean,
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does it mean that the us is potentially engaging in this votes more fully than it did in the security council that for the rest of the amendment that's been proposed by the united states addresses. the issue that they said was not addressed by the security council resolution. the fact that homos was not specifically named in the resolution and was not condemned for the attack of october 7th, the amendment that they're proposing ads, condemnation for that attack. so this would suggest that without amendment, they would be able to support or at least abstain from voting no on a resolution on the resolution as it has been put forward. but what we're hearing from the era group, again that's sponsored, this is that they don't want to, they want to move quickly and they don't want to politicize it. they see adding the words of hum us uh to the resolution as politicizing and taking away support from
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its overarching aim of an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which is their goal. so uh will it get a lot of support remains to be seen by the indication from the sponsors is that they are not on board with these amendments. right, kristen, thank you very much. i know you're keeping across stats and we will do to as events develop the at the you. and especially let's move to situation in gaza, where the desktop is rising as is ro presses on with his pump off into the strip. almost 18 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. as ali hush and ripples the moment is ready forces between 8 to school in bay town, northern garza. 6 hundreds of displaced families had been sheltering of the
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you end run facility from the north to the south. nowhere and the strip is safe. hey, i building has been turned into a graveyard of memories. and the height of time it is for the house and drop off in the fall south of guys would be saved from is really bumps. they were all good. so what, how does the refrigerator because it was in for job just the full morning praise. we heard a huge explosion. our neighbors were targeted and no one survived. this is what israel's been doing all the time on over his radio strike this time. and then they'll say about the future, you can send for garza, dozens, i can the model. that's the beauty i need to saw. the destruction is massive. our neighbors, highest is, is most were killed. more than 30 people. they were hosting displaced people make god bless all their souls. no one here has anything to do with the war. we are a civilian. there was no resistance on that street. there was nothing i want. all of us are civilians. this. the same story of i'm doing many different faces and
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different buildings. this is that my guys had a few g come after the environment. it's up to the neighbors, to search for any survivors. going to need them need to be a 2 minute method. we were sitting safely in the house with civilians. we have nothing to do with disability for since that and suddenly missiles were folding on us. around 12 or 15 were killed. 4 of them were at my house, se they were displaced, people peaceful people. then i know once a volume still trying to find people under the number of to more than 9 weeks off for lunch. this is really a tax. they joining the thousands of missing palestinians, whose bodies all you have to be to call that on the action. just the hospitals and goals are in desperate need of supplies and medical workers are facing increasing risk to the safety. when doing that job, a health worker has been shot and injured in the north of the strip. others have been subjected to mediating treatment by his already soldiers at checkpoints, the world health organization described one such a incident that happened to
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a red crescent book. important as if he was harassed beach in stratagems. he went straight, always is more blindfold. us has died, lines back and, and treated him degrading. and then you will use a matter and was released. he has a wallet to our south, which is hassle tides. and without a t shirt only and no shoes. and there he was. you could make calls live now to target about zoom in real fast and southern gaza tarik, another day of desperate events at hospitals in gauze would tell us more about what's been happening. yes, another day you have a tax that was full of intimidation for the majority of a residence. um, even for patients inside the hospitals that had been windy at times today,
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including come out at one hospital in the north of gauze where it had been stormed by the occupation forces. today they have an open fire against on main departments and they have blindfolded and the rest it's a free palestinian hope is 15 years old who is over 15 years old. and they have been taken and prevents on a known location for investigation. and they have also subjected to, and i'm part of the medical work is alongside with the director of human i do on hospital to investigation. now this situation is not you for the hospitals as it's happened before, to actually for medical complex, which is the largest mini con uh, complex inside garza where they have stored uh the uh, medical complex before. and they have also arrested the director of the medical complex mohammed up with somebody who had been till now under the easily arrest now of these kind of a procedures that had been made against the hospitals in what's considered to be
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a new violation by these really forces as they are expanding and attacking the majority of areas in the notes of the territory, the right topic about assume thank you very much for that update from rough. uh uh, we can cross back now 2 events at the un general assembly that's listed and i'm ready after it's most recent session to resume its meeting upon request from member states. in this regard, i should like to draw the attention of delegations to document a stroke, e s 10 stroke 974 which contains a letter dated 8th december 2023 from the permanent representatives of egypt and a more attain yet to the united nations. in their respective capacities as chair of the arab group and organization for as let me cooperation group
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requesting the resumption of the 10s emergency specialist session of the general assembly. i intend to conduct the proceedings of this meeting in accordance with the rules of procedure of the general assembly of the past practices of its emergency special sessions. the general assembly will not resume its consideration of agenda item 5, entitled illegal is really actions in occupied east jerusalem and the rest of the occupied palestinian territory. in this connection, the assembly has to be forwarded to draft resolution in document a stroke, e s 10 stroke l 27 and dropped amendments a stroke
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e s 10 stroke l 28 and a stroke e s 10 stroke l 29. the president will now deliver a statement of excellence, easy distinguish delegates this past week it was with a very heavy heart that i read the letter addressed to me by one of our
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commission of general philip plaza. really is that to that, to on which many of your missions were also copied highlighted the devastating victoria ration of the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. as commissioner generalize the really himself predicted in his letter. the situation has since the tauriel rated for the right. now what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and the profound disrespect for both international law and international humanitarian. know, as i said before,
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even the war has ruins. and it is imperative that we prevent any deviation from these principles under values. the validity of which resides in the universal application. tens of thousands have been killed. almost 70 percent of the women and children even more have been forcibly displaced by the incessant violence with no will a hi receipts, nowhere cease to go on the targeting of a hospitals. schools on the u. n. provided shelters, now so overcrowded that they have ceased to function as
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a safe haven is, continues unabated or the while the blockade on humanitarian assistance has made the delivery of urgently needed lives, saving aid near impossible excellent seas. clearly, what we are witnessing is the unprecedented collapse of an already crumbling humanitarian system. in real time, it is incumbent upon us as the united nations to bring an immediate end to the suffering of innocent civilians. the mounting, deaf story of those who are not. i repeat,
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not come back to ends in this war. and to this untenable humanitarian catastrophe, thanks to several countries. relentless efforts, a temporary humanitarian truce, enabled the release of hostages, the freeing of detainees on the delivery of some 8. however, since the 1st of december we are witnessing the resumption of violence with a kind of fear, russell t, that one us. what more next, a civilian should never undergo the level of suffering we are currently witnessing. and again,
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i us how many more thousands of lives must be lost before we do something no more time is left. the cottage must stop. for as long as this violence persists, a political solution to this conflict will continue to be undermined. the longer it takes, the higher the risk, that's a negotiated 2 state solution will increasingly become out of reach. so the fact of the matter is quite simply the violence must stop. it must i veil for once again i add my voice to the demand of an in for an immediate you monetary on c spy,
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a. we have one singular priority. only one. to save lives. excellence, ease costing our gaze towards the future. we must assess the situation with honesty, you know, hocks truth, you know, woods and the commitment to face. as all, most of the mission a ceasefire is the only realistic 1st step towards the escalating tensions. how can we possibly listen to each other over the deafening thundering of bombs?
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on 26th of october. you got that in this chamber. a wisdom membership resoundingly and unequivocally calling for an immediate humanitarian cease file. on december 7th, one small a veto was cast into security council. once again, this emergency special session has been resumed. we certainly cannot continue in this way without even the possibility. that's alone the prospect for a meaningful solution has the president of the general assembly. i am committed to supporting any and all efforts to put to an end to the bloodshed on the psychological torture of the people in garza. i use my
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recent attendance at the do her forum and every other platform. i come to encourage cooperation among states with the same singular goal in mind, to make peace for all in the name of humanity. i ask you all once again. stop this violence? no. i thank you. the i know, give the flow. i know give the floor to the distinguished representative of egypt to introduce draft resolution a stroke
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e s 10 stroke l 27. let's say that i use what's called a company of, of you on i thank you. on behalf of the arab group for quickly heating or calling to hold. this meeting was i, you know, i'll be honest. and i me a call from the arab and islamic groups in, in the sense to overcome the obstruction of the security council's attends the shoulder its responsibilities by calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the occupied palestinian territory. territory them. and not there was an extensive views of the v to against the humanitarian ceasefire. a draft resolution, even though it was supported by more than $100.00 member states within a few hours in the united nations. this is assigned,
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but the majority of the international community is well aware of the seriousness of the current situation and its triple cushions. it's tragic repercussions on international peace and security for mr. president of the drops resolution tabled today. a slash s 10 slash l 27. of me is very simple, while the clear level and explicit layout coffee, it's only fluids enough for operative paragraphs. however, the implementation of these paragraphs can go up and try has yet to happen well by the international community for 2 months. even though part one of the tragic humanitarian situation, one of them is unbearable for the palestinians while they are subjected to barbaric
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attacks. by is really occupation forces against civilians in gaza. this has led to an unbearable humanitarian suffering. it has threatened international peace and security. this is why the secretary general of the united nations and the 1st for the 1st time since he took office and for february that came over to them and decided to invoke article 99 of the u. n. charter move. i love to call specifically for what this draft resolution is calling for 5, namely, humanitarian sees fire and that's are gone, has allowed one because it is really almost aggression destroyed. but the health system, i'm one of the concerns of the minds of the public order and the humanitarian support system and ga. so it is impossible to provide humanitarian assistance there
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. and this is why the commission there in town to resolve on will tell you that i spoke to you and sent you a letter about who the shed light on the deteriorating humanitarian situation and does a well sir, and its impact on the us capacity the shoulder its mandates and how it affects the safety and security of on the last stuff. mr. president watkins with mcguire to the arrow groups trust is the extra by and minority of states that are standing against international and public opinion which is calling for it a ceasefire. are using void feedbacks and justification, saying that israel has the right to defend itself. this is a deliberate sign about, you know, and we would like to say that this right does not apply to israel, because it is the occupying power. it's a,
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it's occupying the occupied palestinian territories about it and, and this ride does not zones is real from committing to the implementation of international law and protect things, innocent civilians, women and children during wars. these tragic attends, are the split to the sign of the low standards of all the blue one to fall the some countries where all calling for stopping the aggression stopping the war, stopping the occupation and stopping attacks on civilians so far the best of all. and for respecting the international humanitarian law and international law in specific cases. however, before and unfortunately and shamelessly, they turn their back to these calls in other situations, especially when they really related the syrians and their rights to live in
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security on their territory in their independent states, to stop the war. crimes against palestinians saves the life of the law. mister president, ladies and gentlemen says the adoption and the implementation of the draft resolution by the general assembly today, which is specifically calling for a ceasefire, is the only guarantee for saving innocent civilians and much more paragraph 6 of the preamble law is very balanced and neutral. despite what somebody claim, it stresses the need for protecting civilians from both sides in line with an international humanitarian law. farther than most won't be possible to point out the dominant. i'll put off the dresser. the lucian is calling in exam different operative paragraphs upon all parties,
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to commit to the protection of civilians and the release of all hostages. and to ensure humanitarian accents. mister president, of the perpetration of destructive war will lead to a full fledged catastrophe. the this will unfortunately mean that genocide will be used as a tool for more room on the completely disregarding international know this will lead to region to to of, for the sledges drawer and it would jeopardize the credibility of this international organization. mr. president of the arab who calls upon all member states to support the draft resolution before you today getting what a hi falls on the present. any of those standards and put to protect international and values to support on i hope all is out and send more collective interests and the protect international peace and security itself. but then we also call the
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phone all the legation to vote against any amendments proposed for. so because they were not discussed with the sponsor, countries to come home from the secular, assess the fall, this is o, as in one will do, protect the binding of the tax, off of the tax was drafted. so as to go in line with the draft resolution tables and the security council to see the main priority, the number one priority is very clear and specific law objectives, namely humanitarian ceasefire. let us not confuse things until well because some delegations have proposed amendments, whereas they voted against the juxtaposition of the, of the general assembly that was adopted last year. and this emergency special send
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session, which called for a few minutes area and pause, that will eventually lead to a succession of us to let you decide, you know, this. andre is the, the 2 objectives behind these amendments, namely the continuation of the aggression and the bloodshed. mister president's ladies and gentlemen, what are we all waiting for to stop this fire? what are we waiting for? the end of this 0 some more miles on. what are we waiting for to stop the killing of the month and stop the destructive war machines? can we wait popular? can we even wait? when the number of civilians killed has gone beyond the 18000, including more than 7000 children below, smoked some foot from the law was one shy dying every 10 minutes and when the
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number of the injured has exceed those 2 solid, 49000 people, all huffman accidents, he's, i'm speaking to you to your conscience today. i am calling upon you to support the jobs for the solutions to stop the blood shed on the president. i sincerely ask you, mr. president, to suspend that debate. following the introductions to proceed to take action on the death is a notion, a slash s slash done slash l $25.00 without delay. given the address here of the situation on the ground and the importance of global code for an immediate humanitarian sci fi. with understanding that the debate or did you want me immediately after the action on the adoption of that is illusion and that imagines assessing 10 would only be temporarily agend off the conclusion of the debate. and i do thank you,
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mr. president. thank you. i find the distinguished


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