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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the offerings 75 percent of the global carbon credits, essentially committed to be environmental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the draft resolution a stroke, e s 10 stroke l 27 has been adopted. the united nations general assembly overwhelmingly votes to demand a cease fund and garza, the hello again understands the attain. this is out of here at life from don't also coming here as president or 5 and ones that is real risk losing international support. it's funding of cause in while on the ground and gaza is really so just
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store and come all odd one hospital. often besieging informing the facility for the days. posting in men and boys rounded up the showing an air raid sirens on israel 11 on board. it will have a report from townsend on the evacuation, the while the united nations general assembly has voted over whelming aid to approve a resolution that demands an immediate cease fire and gaza. a 153 countries back to the move which had been retired by the united states and the security council last week. washington versions against this draft resolution, along with israel and 8 other countries. now while resolutions from the general assembly, not finding, they do carry political weight reflecting the type of you a whole lot so long ago we had some the palestinian boss of the to the us. he
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welcome to the passing of this resolution, calling the vote historic. yet them it is um we hope and we will ensure that the is ready, occupational authorities will commit to humanitarian c spot immediately. just select the secretary general code for just like setting countries on the security council code for an as code for just now, minutes ago by the general assembly with a 153 votes and 10 votes against assets will continue. we will knock on the security council, so in order to ensure that the new resolution that's adopted facilitates the immediate entry of trucks to the gaza strip. obviously, following the humanitarian sci fi, as was just adopted by the german assembly as wells and lasted to you and says, says file own a benefit. tell us no more crimes, more heinous than the atrocities from us committed. and those that support this
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resolution are giving the terrorist a free pass. a ceasefire means one thing and one thing only ensuring this, the survival of hum us ensuring the survival of genocide. the terrorists committed to the election of israel and use a corresponding crystal certainly has worn out for us from un headquarters in new york as the arab and islamic nations, as the united nations who pushed for this resolution in the general assembly are celebrating this as a major diplomatic victory. not only did the resolution passed with 153 votes in favor, just 10 against 2 amendments that were introduced, one by the united states, both of them in mentioning hum us the one by the united states condemning her mazda is attack of october 7th, those were both defeated with the error of group represented by the junction
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bassett, or arguing that they were attempting a resolution that was balance to neutral. that the amendments politicize the situation. and the goal was to get something passed quickly to get the message out and to get the humanitarian aid slowing. now, technically, this is a general assembly resolution under international law general assembly resolutions are not considered binding in the same way that a security council resolution would be. but that said, this was taken under article under resolution $733.00 of the un, which says that the general assembly can step in when the security council is deadlocked. and the palestinian and bassett are pointed to the wording of this resolution, the strong wording of it saying that it demanded a ceasefire. didn't ask for a seas for i didn't call for a cease fire demanded a ceasefire. so they are moving forward. looking at that as an ultimatum from the
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international community that they expect is real and how boss to adhere to a local pack is the editor in chief of u. n. dispatcher platform, which provides coverage of the united nations. he says the pressure of funding media to satisfy is mounting is just words emphasizing truly how over whelming those vote was in favor of an immediate humanitarian that cease fire. the last time the general assembly took a vote on this very same question. the results were 120 countries in favor. this time around is $153.00. so it's $33.00 more countries voted in favor tenet, fewer countries and voted against in about half as fewer voted to abstain from this resolution. so the momentum is really clearly building inside the walls of the united nations for and immediate humanitarians use fire. where this goes from here though, is unclear,
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there will be more action at the security council. keep in mind that this phone at the general assembly today came just a week after the united states cast as loan veto blocking a resolution put forth by the united airlines calling for a cease fire. so i suspect, but we'll see is further momentum building for other creative ways to impress upon the united states. in particular, the need for immediate humanitarians use fire, it's going to get increasingly difficult for the united states to pursue it's other priorities at the united nations. while remaining so isolated on this issue on israel in gauze and in terms of us policy, i mean the mantra that we have seen thus far from the united states is that they are privately controlling the israelis to take more caution in terms of targeting targets within garza and in terms of letting more humanitarian aid into gaza. but
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we're not seeing that translate into meaningful action on the ground. and i think that's where you're starting to see some public criticism for the 1st time, really by biting of nathan yahoo. and it'll be interesting to see as this conflict grimes on and as the content, what the situation remains as dire as it is. how much more public by the end will get with his criticism of an addiction, yahoo government. but thus far, it hasn't translated into a substantial change, and you want to talk us policy in terms of favoring a cease fire. and until the united states supports the easiest fire is use fire resolution will not pass the security council and the u. s. will remain deeply isolated at the general assembly hall. meanwhile, in washington, us president to invite analia said that israel runs the risk of losing support around the wild and the safety of innocent palestinians is still of great concern
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with responsibility protect citizens and ensure they have access to mount turn assistance. that's why i've worked so hard with our friends as well as she is real . nice thing is you monitoring assistance in israel, literally getting up to a 140 trucks loaded with gear, loaded with food was out of everything that is needed by the palace duties including to. so, you know, israel has stage is an attempt to fulfill these responsibilities. it's very difficult, patrick, how has one out from washington dc? it seemed hours ago that there might be a change coming from us president joe biden. and how he talked about israel. he was at a off camera fundraiser just down the street, and it was his most critical comments on israel just so far. he said that this was the most conservative is really cabinet that the country has ever seen. he said there are some ministers who, not only don't want a 2 state solution, but they don't want to do anything at all with the palestinians. he said that is
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really prime minister benjamin netanyahu knows that needs change, but that he's being hemmed in by his cabinet. and he, despite what we heard from that and yahoo, he said, and this was this quote, b, b understands he has to strengthen the palestinian authority. that's his nickname for the prime minister. but more importantly, he said, israel has the support of most of the world, but it's going to, it's losing that support because of its indiscriminate bombing. that is the farthest we've seen, the president go to describe what is happening to the palestinian people in gauze of indiscriminate bombing. so was that going to be a new tone from the us president joe biden? no, because he came here and had a press conference with you creating president, florida mirror, zalinski. he was asked about israel and he went back to the previous contest that he'd been making that ever civilian death is a tragedy. but the israel is doing what it has to do and again called on them to do all they can to protect civilians. so if it looked like he was similar to change of
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policy, what a chance to actually say it on camera. he did not pedagogy algebra at the white house. oh, these really prime minister benjamin us and you know, here it has acknowledged that the united states and israel have different ideas of what goes on. might look like officer the war. but he's thanked washington for it's ongoing support. that's and younger specifically was referring to the palestinian authority saying that he doesn't want to control garza, i mean the economy is economy and i'd greatly appreciate the american support for destroying moss and returning all hostages. you might have seen calling an intensive dialogue with president by didn't any team we received school back into the ground incursion is blocking the international pressure to stop the war. yes. is disagreement about the day of to home us and i hope that we will reach an agreement here as well. and you would say love. i would also like to clarify my position, which i will not allow is well to repeat the mistake of also not then so well that speak now to honda. so hutch isn't occupied the story,
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so i'm not kaylee. washington has, are all the different do is on closing tensions that was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is saying, really just reiterating his policy that the palestinian authority is not the best option for the gaza strip once the war is over. in fact, he is quite strong. in his wording saying, but he will not let it happen. but the americans, in contrast, want to see a revitalized palestinian authority take over saying that the palestinian people perhaps voting process sees in the governance, needs to be at the center and the gaza should remain palestinian land. this is not any sort of shift from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in fact, during the entirety of the war, among his goals was to ensure that these release feel no threat in the future are coming from gaza. and he says that a military presence and
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a security presence for an unknown amount of time in the gaza strip. the form really of a military occupation is the only way is real, can ensure that however, public opinion and international pressure is seemingly against that option. now, while there are disagreements between the americans and these really is on this issue, the prime minister is seeming ways steadfast and, and really holding in on his wording, saying that the passing is already simply not an option. and it's not going to happen. and the other is really officials appears redoubling down on us. now his vision of a, of a postwar concept to us that's right. we've been hearing from several is really officials. and this is actually a school of thought that is shared among some of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet members, specifically the communications minister shlomo kashi, who released a post on ex, formerly known as twitter, saying, quote,
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we respect and cherish the president of the united states who went out of his way during the most difficult period of the state of israel. but we live here. this is our country, the historical state of our ancestors. there will be no palestinian state here. we will never allow another state to be established between jordan and the sea. we will never go back to oswell. the communications minister went on to say the presidential by and himself has said that the security of the jewish people is at stake. and then the communications minister replied to that and said that a palestinian state would endanger that. this is not the only is really official, these really military spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy responding to jo biden's comments about israel losing public opinion due to the indiscriminate bombings in gaza. saying that these really is communicate with the americans on a daily basis about their operational and military activities and that they are
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acting in a precise manner. however, even the americans have acknowledged that the way israel was conducting themselves in the northern part of gone south was not so precise. and they said that they need to carry out a different sort of operation in the southern part of the territory. so a lot of conflicting views between the americans and the is really very interesting . how does how hope today with all the life of science from occupied these trace. and thank you, i'm a lot on the ground and gaza. the death toll is rising. as israel presses on was its, been bought into the strip was 18 and a half 1000 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th. i have some reports. 4 the moment is really forces between a to school in bay town, northern gods. 6 hundreds of displaced families had been shows the ring of the you and run facility from the north to the south. nowhere and the
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strip is safe. hey, i building has been turned into a graveyard of memories. the height of time it is for the house and drop off in the fall south of the guys would be saved from is really bumps. they were all good. oh, so what, how does it have something to fill out and if i did it, because it was empty job, just before morning praise we heard a huge explosion. a neighbors were targeted and no one survived. this is what israel is been doing all the time. i know, but his radio strike this time and then we'll say about the future, you can send for guys a dozens like you the model. that's the beauty and into saw the destruction is massive. our neighbors houses is most were killed, more than 30 people. they were hosting displaced people make god bless all their souls. no one here has anything to do with the war. we are a civilian. there was no resistance on that street. there was nothing i want all of us are. so if any of this, the same story over,
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i'm doing many different faces and different buildings. this is that in my closet, f u g come after the one boardman. it's up to the neighbors, to search for any survivors. going to need them need to be a 2 minute method. we was sitting safely in the house with civilians. we have nothing to do with disability for since that and suddenly missiles were folding on us around 12 or 15 were killed. 4 of them were at my house, se they were displaced, people peaceful people, and no one's divine. i'm still trying to find people under the rubble of the more than 9 weeks off for lunch. this is really a tax. they joining the thousands of missing palestinians, whose bodies all you have to be to call that on the action. just so you know, is there any forces of also storms that come all odd one, hospital animals and gaza, several palestinians that were also arrested. not follows days of funding at the facility target who has, who has moved for us now from rough for another day you have a tax that was full of intimidation for the majority of
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a residence. and even for patients inside the hospitals that had been windy at times today, including come out, i do on hospital in the north of gauze where it had been stormed by the occupation forces. today they have an open fire. i give some main departments and they have blindfolded and the rest it's a free palestinian hope is 15 years old who is over 15 years old. and they have been taken and driven to an unknown location for investigation, and they have also subjected to and i'm part of the medical work is alongside with the director of carolina, one hospital to investigation. now the situation is not due for the hospitals, as it happened before to she felt medical complex, which is the largest men to come complex inside garza where they have stored at the medical complex before. and they have a also arrested the director of the medical complex mohammed with somebody who had been till now under the equally arrest. now. busy these kind of,
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of procedures that had been made against the hospitals in the north considered to be a new violation by these really forces as they are expanding and attacking the majority of areas in the notes of the territory. all still a has a hit on to their fund inches on displaced by is randy bones. that's what takes a heavy toll on the cost of children moving 7700 melvin count the on counting the costs alike of phone workers. this function is rails agricultural sector into prices as a war on gaza escalates. gold is flittering. but what about oil plus ready to resign? to save the planet? to explore the growing trend of climate quizzes. counting the cost on out to 0. hundreds and then millions. stephens times does the delicacy value just as highly
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bike hotels in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera, examining the impacts of today's headlines. the fear of the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're seeing that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on out is era the,
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[000:00:00;00] the natural watching out a 0 on this policy. okay. here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories. the united nations general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution that demands an immediate safe spot. and also it also calls for the release or captives to help by how signs invested or to thank you when cold the services is really forces have destroyed hundreds of displaced palestinian families who are sheltering at that new and operation facility. you now have no way to go all these really, all me is conducting an extended rate in janine and the occupied westbank 3 to begin early on tuesday morning. 7 people has been killed since then,
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including at least 4 and a try and strike the policy and help them industries as a 13 year old was also long. the dad of the israeli forces prevented an ambulance from reaching him when i go straight to the child stratford, he joins us from the ground. and ramallah. charles is this rain still ongoing, and janine that's got to be coming up on what? 24 hours now. yes it is on going uh 23 hours into this right. started at 3 am local time. uh, yesterday morning. so yes, this is definitely one of the largest longest ways that we've seen since salts over the 7 since the beginning of the war. we're getting some details that we call and confirm the numbers of arrests from the palestinian prisoner association, known as they was saying that they believed up to a 100 people may have been arrested in this way. but we also know that a number of men have been released. we understand at least 30 of those initially detained may have been released. but as you say,
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hospitals was surrounded the 3 main hospitals in jeanine, preventing people getting in and out of the hospitals, which resulted, we understand. and a 13 year old boy who were being sold may have had physical disabilities and was going to the hospital for regular treatment, but couldn't get inside. and as a result, passed away, at least 4 people killed, full men killed in that drug strike. we've seen pictures of these giant all, but it is rarely bulldozers inside janine campus. well, these bulldozers the big such damage and destruction to vital infrastructure, often used in rates like this. as i say, we've seen a line of, of prison is being led. we believe out of the campus, it's on the shore, so we're unsure as to why these raid has lost it this long. it's safe to say that in the last couple of days, that has been a certainly a, a decrease in the frequency. and the number of rage,
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like the rage across the west bank. but what we have seen though is the jury and those rates that have been a few arrests as well. and perhaps more speculatively concentration on gathering intelligence. we had a right here in remodeler a couple of days ago, where by that was for example, a mobile cell phone shop. but that was right. and we've also had publishing houses that have been rated. and it's being speculated that this was a effort by these, where the ministry to gather intelligence on want to see the members of the on resistance. and of course, jeanine is well known as a sensor for all resistance and even the occupied westbank of the $280.00. also people who've been killed and these rights since october, the sense at least a quarter of them have been from jeanine and of the 3800. also arrested many hundreds of being taken from janine and that can but yeah,
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23 hours into these right. still no sign of it ending yet. just drop it today. we will fallacious for us from a lot of thank you. jones will be un peacekeeping force and 11 on has one 5th escalation and hostilities along the is ready for the code. why the saw hara has moved from israel sullivan border. what we've come to israel's northern border with 11 on were an estimate to 65000 is rainy's received an order from the government to leave the homes. and that's because of the buyers of real kids coming from hezbollah across the border and 11 on. and then the last few minutes we had outgoing all to, to re fi from. is row in to 11 on. i'm all along this border. there are plenty of check points to ensure that no one and says what has now become a military design. but we're going to go and have a look at some of those evacuated towns.
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2 the okay, we've just had some sirens and some the real kits coming up from 11 on the can see on the hill the not the top that was a move to that you just so that area you'll see is black, couldn't square. it's been torched by previous attacks that and that just gives you a sense of what an easy target this place is. this is the town or showing me home to 8000 residents. but as you can see, it's a goes town incredibly darling's. no one's in the playground, the cause a here, but the schools are close and size of the show and the windows shunted on either side just down this road here. there's also concern that many of the businesses will go bankrupt with lots of farm lands here. there's no one to pick the produce.
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all of this is israel as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ones that have has follow once an all out, will they root will become another garza or just want to give you an idea of where i slowed me is. it's right next to that for the that separates as route from lebanon, which runs along the top of that hill. and in the last couple of years, israel has full to find its border along the north fi reinforcing those walls, building the watch, towers and surveillance as well. not just to protect these board to towns, but also to protect its troops and one residents who say that they use to has follow real kits. well, the not used to is the idea and say as being and full traits. it's the same way, those southern towns were in full traits. it on october, the 7th. and that's what worries them about coming back home. so the height of all does 0 show me of all israel's war and gaza is taking
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a toll on the list of honorable rights groups. say that more than 25000 children have been opened since this contract began. suddenly the house next to us was hit by a strike. the rubble and a wall fell on us and we were injured. my relatives were stuck in garza and i have 2 sisters in rafa. and i'm and alexa, martha's hospital. i had an operation on my leg was broken. i had 4 operations in mice, goals, but thank god, i'm good and thank god i'm getting better for the ones in my forehead. god willing god will help me be transferred out of gaza and i will have cosmetic surgery and will have my leg treated for the house was hit and she doesn't know that she lost her family. she doesn't know and we're responsible for her. now. a lot of children who come to alex, i'm out of the hospital, we don't know their names and we write unknown on the entry files until that relative comes and recognizes them. as i'm showing you. sure, bob was
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a known so many days in the cardiac intensive care unit until the tiff came and recognized as family and old on cause of mounted until someone from a until somebody finally recognized a hot set for me. next inside story looks at whether it's time to revere the visa of how the web security council is coming up. members, the it's a foggy bit sure for northern india high for one. so here's the details on wednesday, actually across india. not much going on. we've shake those showers further toward the south, but we still have some rain running across for longer and them all these on wednesday. not much going on for the month to raise across vietnam, just and showers through the coast. but we do see that rain pick up through them of late peninsula. we'll come back here in
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a 2nd. we'll talk specifically about coal important. the forecast there over the next little bit rain running across the yangtze river valley. but as this precipitation bumps into colder air, this is going to fall is freezing rain along the yellow river valley in jungle show . we do have i see road alerts already issued. this is dangerous precipitation types. we've got to be careful over the next little bit. some snow coming in to china is capital beijing. i'm thinking about 5 centimeters or snow or so over the next little bit. some lingering flurries on thursday in your temperatures are below where they should be for this year. back to this part of southeast asia. there's these big burst of rain coming for a column pour over the next little bit, maybe up 200 millimeters over the next 3 to 5 days. and this weather reports in buckets dawn where it is now been funky in karachi, and things are getting a little cooler at nighttime. here the
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humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects . as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to of, to on just the diplomats in both a rarely use resolution that the un general assembly to try to stop israel's one gaza after the united states vetoed is security council, attempt to full for a ceasefire. is the veto power power lies in the u. when should it be permanently revoked? this is inside the


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