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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2023 5:00am-5:30am AST

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the the draft resolution age group, e s 10 strong l 27 hasn't been adopted. the united nations general assembly overwhelmingly, but it's to demand a safe spot and gone the color that i'm the sounds the attain. this is out of here at life and also come on the ground and gaza is rarely so i'll just storm to come out. one hospital after besieging informing the facility for days. gun shots rang
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out the jeanine's hospital and the occupied westbank. is there any forces have been conducting arrange that for over 24 hours and the showing an air raid sirens on the israel 11 on board. and we'll have a report from townsend on the evacuation, which is the well the united nations general assembly has voters overwhelmingly to approve a resolution that demands an immediate cease fund and gaza $153.00 countries back to move. but the us version against the draft resolution along with israel and 8 on the countries kristen's telling me has worn out from the united nations. as we shall now begin the voting process. the un general assembly succeeded where the
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security council didn't passing a resolution that demanded and the media humanitarian cease fire for garza and the release of all captives. 153 member states voted in favor 21 more than the last time the assembly called for a humanitarian truce. while the gun, the resolution is very simple, clear and explicit off the auto body, but not clear enough for the united states. who, along with israel was one of the 10 countries converted against waste supports speaking out with one voice to condemn her mouth for his tears actions on october 7th. why is that so hard to say unequivocally that murdering babies and gunning down parents in front of their children is terrific. no country has veto power and the job assembly. and many speakers noted the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and the credibility of the united nations was at stake. right
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now. what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and profound disrespect for both international law and international humanitarian. only a security council resolution is considered binding under international law, but a general assembly resolution carries political weight and the arrogant. as long mac nations who spearheaded the suffered are vowing to use the momentum to keep pushing for a cease fire. this draft resolution demands an immediate to money to audiences. why are let me any be demands the language of the minds? it has the bought of implementation. it does not code for or outages, it demands and we will not rest until we see compliance. he promised yet another seized by a resolution to that effect will be put to
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a vote in the security council. perhaps as soon as this week kristin, so me out to 0, the united nations on a lot on the ground and goes up. the death toll is rising as, as well. presses on was it spun bottom into the strip? almost 18 and a half 1000 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th. honey, how shall reports the moment is ready forces between a to school in bay town, northern gods. 6 hundreds of displaced families had been sheltering of the you and run facility from the north to the south. nowhere and the strip is safe. hey, i building has been turned into a graveyard of memories. and the height of time it is for the house and drop off in the fall south of guys would be saved from is really bumps. they were all good. so
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what, how does the refrigerator because those and feed job just the full morning praise, we heard a huge explosion. our neighbors were targeted and no one survived. this is what israel's been doing all the time and over his radio strike this time. and then we'll say about the future, you can send for garza, dozens, i q, the model, that's the beauty i need to saw. the destruction is massive. our neighbors, highest is, is most, were killed. more than 30 people. they were hosting displaced people make god bless all their souls. no one here has anything to do with the war. we are a civilian. there was no resistance on that street. there was nothing i want all of us are. so if any of this, the same story over, i'm doing many different faces and different buildings. this is that in my closet, f u g after the bottom, and it's up to the neighbors to search for any survivors going to need. i mean, to be a 2 minute method. we were sitting safely in the house with civilians. we have nothing
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to do with disability for since that and suddenly missiles were folding on us around 12 or 15 were killed. 4 of them were at my house, se they were displaced, people peaceful people. and i know once a volume the still trying to find people under level of to more than 9 weeks off for lunch. this is really a tax. they joining the thousands of missing palestinians, whose bodies all you have to be to call that on the action. just so you know, is there any forces of also stored into the cloud, one of hospital in northern garza, several palestinians, tablet, arrested for those days. funding at the facility terrace. i was there and has more for us for rough another day you have a tax that was full of intimidation for the majority of residents and even for patients inside the hospitals that had been windy at times today, including come out at one hospital in the north of gauze while where it had been stormed by the occupation forces. today they have an open fire. i give some main departments and they have blindfolded and the rest. it's
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a free palestinian who is 15 years old, who is over 15 years old and they have been taken and prevents on a known location for investigation. and they have also a subjective dunham, part of the medical work is along side with the director of come on are due on hospital to investigation. now the situation is not due for the hospitals, as it happened before to she felt medical complex, which is the largest men to come complex inside garza where they have stored at the medical complex before. and they have also arrested the director of the medical complex mohammed with somebody who had been till now onto that. usually a risk. now these kind of a procedures that had been made against the hospitals in the north considered to be a new violation by these really forces as they are expanding and attacking the majority of areas in the north of the territory o u. s. media as an hour forcing that is well has started pumping sea water into
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the network of tunnels and goals are used by last the wall street journal and america's avi seniors, sizes and named us officials who said that these really is a testing the target to the flooding of tunnels on a limited basis. is there any forces haven't commented yes on the reports is well has came to the law says using tunnels on the gaza to hide captives fighters and weapons in washington. am you as president or 5 and was asked about the possibility that they could still be some captives held inside those tunnels? there is a search is being made that there is quite sure there are no hostages. 9 is tunnels . but i don't know that for a fact, i do know that though every civilian death isn't actually the tragedy, it is real estate. and this attempt, as i said to, to match its, its words with its intent with where it was actions. that's why that's why i was that's what i was talking about today. well that's bringing benjamin freedman. he
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is the policy director of defense priorities. he joins us now from washington, dc, benjamin flooding, face tunnels and gaza, as i understand it isn't a new idea, but it also sounds incredibly logistically complex. presumably if it was relatively easy to do with these really all me would've done it. we're ready. yes, i mean it's complicated both by the logistics of pumping water from the ocean into the tunnels, which now obviously are some distance from the shore in some cases. but also of course by the hostages. and i think there's a kind of cat and mouse game with the hostages and the tunnel where mos doesn't want to lose the hostages. but they want to use the hosp, the prospect of the hostages being in the tunnels to keep those are all from flooding them. or blowing them up. well, i'm curious. what about the captives at the moment? israel's obviously said that they believe that hamas is keeping captives inside these tunnels. and we've also heard from israel that they have already been debt
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samantha saying that's because of the as rarely bombardment, how contentious does that make this decision to, to potentially start flooding these tunnels, particularly for israel as well. it certainly can purchase a b as rarely say according to what i read in one of these reports that they are casting out flooding the tunnels and they think they can try flooding some of the tunnels that aren't necessarily connected to a broader cut on network. and it's difficult for me severe washington to assess how accurate that is. i mean, it seems reasonable, but i, you know, i don't know the logistics of the tunnel is, but certainly they're not all connected to each other. and the, as rarely as i guess, have a pretty good idea of which are connected, but there's always going to be a risk. you know, that you're flooding something that you didn't mean to. when you say that they have some idea. i'm wondering how much intelligence is, are actually has on the, the extent of the law says tunnel network. i mean,
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we're also not just talking about the north, but also on the city of con eunice as far south as rafa. from the military standpoint. how effective could something like this be? well, uh, it could be pretty effective. uh, you know, it's hard to be an expert on flooding tunnels. it's not something that comes up every day. so, but you know, you could render, they'll be an operable or even the threat of flooding the might make a how boss 5 years less eager to use the prospect of sea water come in coming in. there's also this idea that they could do it gradually enough so that you know, you'd sort of be flushing people out without just flooding the bay one which would have the, the prospect of allowing the hostages to be saved before they drowned, along with the last 5 years or keeping them as i understand that, then there are also potentially environmental consequences for a strategy like this and,
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and also concerns that something like this might contaminates, clean water sources that exist. how much supports does as well have this plan right now from the us as well. i think it's hard to say uh, you know, present, abiding, obviously, sounded skeptical. but now i totally opposed. i think that, you know, is really suffer from a lack of support for a lot of what they're doing, not just in the united states, but from all the other countries that are watcher yet more concerned than the united states. so, you know, i think it's a little bit unclear. the united states of america has been very supportive but has drawn some lines and it has had some success. i think get ahold of israel back from some of its even more aggressive tactics in terms of civilian bombings and withholding a united states helps get his role to allow more aid and, and of course help with the humanitarian pauses of the bombing. so that's not
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a great track record, but it's something there may be something similar going around with the tunnels with the u. s. potentially holding israel back? well, israel is already saying that her last is on the verge of collapse and northern gauze, or right. but when these really, um you said that at that point they would nearly in complete control of northern gauze and we were still seeing rockets find over the board into israel from that. what's your assessment of how strong classes at the moment as well? number one uh theres uh opinion polls uh at least within a few weeks of people guys or that show that support for her boss has gone up as a result of these really operations guys which is on surprising. given the way people tend to react to being bobs by an outside party. so in some sense, we're making a much stronger by tying them more closely to the population by attacking the population in the name of reading out in a boss. but we also see
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a fair amount of evidence that a mazda is operating decently well in terms of their and control the hostages. we saw that with the hostage releases and the continuation of rocket attack. so in some ways it looks like they've been defeated militarily and it's hard for them to stand and fight with israel. but i don't see a lot of evidence that they are coherence as an organization is evidently collapsing, benjamin freedman, the policy it directs at defense priorities. speaking to us from washington dc. thank you for joining us on to 0. been, it was great to get your thoughts on president by them has also wanted at the israel risk losing international support for its war on garza. he was speaking about point of camera at a campaign fundraiser 5 and said that israel has most of the world support thing is, but they're starting to lose that support find the indiscriminate bombing that takes place. and then speaking to the media, they strong, choose a bite and also said that the safety of innocent palestinians are still of great
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concern. so we've, we've responsibility, protect citizens and ensure they have access to mount turn assistance. that's why i've worked so hard with our friends as well as she is real. nice thing is you monitoring assistance in israel, literally getting up to a 140 trucks loaded with gear, loaded with food was out of everything that is needed by the palace to these including to. so, you know, israel has stage is an attempt to fulfill these responsibilities. it's very difficult a project calhane reports out from the white house. and it seemed hours ago that there might be a change coming from us president joe biden. and how he talked about israel. he was at a off camera fundraiser just down the street, and it was his most critical comments on israel just so far. he said that this was the most conservative is really cabinet that the country has ever seen. he said there are some ministers who, not only don't want a 2 state solution,
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but they don't want to do anything at all with the palestinians. he said that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu knows that needs change, but that he's being tempted by his cabinet. and he, despite what we heard from that and yahoo, he said, and this was this quote, b, b understands he has to strengthen the palestinian authority. that's his nickname for the prime minister. but more importantly, he said, israel has the support of most of the world, but it's going to, it's losing that support because of its indiscriminate bombing. that is the farthest we've seen, the president go to describe what is happening to the palestinian people in gauze of indiscriminate bombing. so was that going to be a new tone from the us president joe biden? no, because he came here and had a press conference with you creating president, florida mirror, zalinski. he was asked about israel and he went back to the previous comments that he'd been making that ever civilian death is a tragedy. but the israel is doing what it has to do and again called on them to do all they can to protect civilians. so if it looked like he was simulated change of
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policy, would it chance to actually say it on camera? he did not pedagogy algebra at the white house. ha, still a head here on out of there. a nice rise. 313. the nose to the last 269. so the eyes have it. the eyes have it all know you came 5 minutes says bill to send a sign him think is to her one that passes a key. have the the it's a foggy bit. sure for northern india. hi for one. so here's the details on wednesday, actually across india and not much going on. we've shake those showers further toward the south, but we still have some rain running across for longer. and them all these on
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wednesday, not much going on for the month to raise across vietnam, just some showers through the coast, but we do see that rain pick up through them of late peninsula. we'll come back here in a 2nd. we'll talk specifically about coal important, the forecast there over the next little bit rain running across the yangtze river valley. but as this precipitation bumps into colder air, this is going to fall is freezing rain along the yellow river valley in jungle show . we do have, i see road alerts already issued. this is a dangerous precipitation types. we've got to be careful over the next little bit. some snow coming in to china is capital beijing. i'm thinking about 5 centimeters or snow or so over the next little bit. some lingering flurries on thursday in your temperatures are below where they should be for this year. back to this part of the southeast asia. here is these big burst of rain coming for a column pour over the next little bit, maybe up 200 millimeters over the next 3 to 5 days. and this weather reports in buckets time where it is now been funky in karachi, and things are getting
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a little cooler at nighttime. here the humanity is open, the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake talk to of, to, on the jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back to what channels are there. that's remind you about top stories that's out. united nations general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution that the mom's an immediate cease fire in casa, must 18 and a half 1000 palestinians have encountered a sense of time to, to send the resolution or support for the release of all captains held by law. meanwhile, is really forces have destroyed for and casa hundreds of displays. palestinian found me so a sheltering at the new and operated facilities now have nowhere near as president turbine and has warms that israel risk servicing international supports because of its indiscriminate funding of gauze. he says the u. s. has made it clear to israel, but the safety of innocent palestinians still of great consent all these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged that the united states and
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israel have different ideas of what cause i will look like off to the war. but he's thanked washington for its ongoing support. that's me all who is specifically referred to the palestinian authors. he's saying he doesn't want it to control garza, i mean the economy, the economy, and i'd greatly appreciate the american support for destroying him. us and returning all hostages. calling an intensive dialogue with president biden and his team. we received school back in for the ground incursion. is blocking the international pressure to stop the war. yes, is disagreement about the day of the home us, and i hope that we will reach an agreement here as well. i mean with zillow. i would also like to clarify my position, which i will not allow is will to repeat the mistake of also not then. so while the is really on me is also conducting an extended raid in janine and the occupied westbank, the res. again, early on tuesday morning, 7 people had been killed since then including at least 4 and and phoned strike the palestinian health ministry. it said
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a 13 year old was also among the dead of to is really forces prevented an ambulance from reaching him. charles stratford has more for us from the law and they don't get back to us back. it is easily one of the longest, most extensive rights since the war began. we're seeing video footage, all these ready soldiers leading palestinian prisoners blindfolded out of the camp . um, we don't have exact figures on the amount of the arrests, but certainly according to the palestinian prisoner association, they earlier was saying that they believed up to a 100 people may have been arrested. but what we do know is that in the subsequent hours, we have heard about as some people who are detained, being released, we were told around about search the men being released. but yes, this has been a massive rate involving many ministry vehicles including those um and bulldozers that bring such destruction during rates like this to civilian areas,
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to camps like the one in jeanine. of course, the palestinians invites groups called collective punishment because these bulldoze is not only target houses, but the vital infrastructure. and as you say, um 7 people have died in this during this right, one of whom the not directly related to any kind of shooting incident, but we understand that such a new, oh boy you referred to was actually physically disabled and was trying to get to the hospital for regular treatment was prevented in doing so and passed away as a result of the right. we're also though in the last arrow. so here in the beginnings potentially of another right on base law home, which of course the world knows is basically how that is not an uncommon incidence . a to basically him is also regularly regularly targeted. but as to exactly why these rate engineering is so long and so, so big is being speculated that because we've seen a bit of
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a law in the last couple of days in these rates. certainly in terms of the amount of arrests it's being specular to the right. so did have one more concentrating, potentially on gathering intelligence, gathering information on the suspect, 2 members of the palestinian and resistance because we still raise on on places like mobile 5 and shops and publishing houses where we understand that could be lists of people involved in propagating pro from us propaganda all the un peacekeeping force and it hasn't on has wants that the escalation hostilities along the is rarely bought at cars wide. and so hara has more for us from the israel's northern border of what we've come to israel's northern border with 11. no more in estimates of 65000 is rainy's received an order from the government to leave the homes. and that's because of the buyers of real kids coming from hezbollah across
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the border and 11 on. and then the last few minutes we had outgoing all to, to re fly from is ro in to 11 on and the longest border there are plenty of check points to ensure that no one and says what has now become a military design. but we're going to go and have a look at some of those evacuated towns. 2 the okay, we've just had some sirens, and some real kids coming up from lebanon. you can see on the hill the not the top that was a move to that you just saw in that area you'll see is black, couldn't square. it's been torch by previous attacks. that and that just gives you a sense of what an easy target this places this is the town or showing me home
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to 8000 residents. but as you can see, it's a goes town incredibly darling's. no one's in the playground, the cause a he but the schools are closed and so all the show and the windows shifted on either side just down this road here. there's also concern that many of the businesses will go bankrupt through the lots of farm lines here. there's no one to pick the produce. all of this is, is rouse prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ones that have has, by law wants it all out, rule by root will become another garza, i just want to give you an idea why i slowed me is, is right next to that for the, that separates as route from lebanon, which runs along the top of that hill, and in the last couple of years, israel has full to find its border along the north fi reinforcing those walls building, move, watch, towers, and surveillance as well. not just to protect these board of towns,
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but also to protect its troops and one residents who say that they use to has been low roll kits. well, the not used to is the i d and say as being in full traits. it's the same way. those southern towns were in full traits, it on october, the 7th. and that's what worries them about coming back home, sort of height of all to 0, show me the while. now let's take a look at some of the days of the news and u. k. politicians have verses in favor of a bill to send a sign. i'm see it goes to rwanda. meaning that it's now passed. it's 2nd reading and parliament is that bill eventually becomes low. it would fall. so seeking asylum in the u. k. to be sent to roll one to for processing amounts, reports from london, a doing departure on a french beach. this travel to southern england is treacherous,
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sometimes deadly. but over the past 2 years, tens of thousands of may, these voyages they can claim, assigned them upon arrival, around a 160000, just still waiting to learn whether they must leave again or can stay in the u. k. even stuck in detention center, as the president says, what critics cool, illegal migrants provoking a powerful political reaction with as you can migrate is possibly one of the greatest scourges of all right. and it's, it's evil, it's internationally organized and it's socially and economically damaging to this country. a series of u. k. politicians have sort to re how's asylum seekers here in role when the last year persons parliament passed and more intended to make that possible. but last month, the you case top pull block, the plan is unlawful to circumvent the quotes prime minister. so not kind of since
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then suggested an updated little today. the government is introduced the toughest until legal immigration will ever chris wilkins advised from a prime minister to resume on political strategy and says through next priority is to stake out a strong public position as he struggles in the polls ahead of unlike the general election next year boxy is we'll the impact is is more limited. i think the political impact is the significant one. this is the conservative party trying to say this, the policy that will protects the countries forward is that is the positive, be strong on this issue that people care about. some critics among students. some conservatives say the latest legislation could both breach international law and create constitutional problems. but other than says, it is still not tough enough. and when that small number of conservative rebels voted against this plan is currently proposed, it represented the 1st really public threats to this problem. it is to future the
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months of the 0 london. russia has condemned to statements from the us expressing concern about the condition of the child, the criminal critic alexis divani, and said in washington law, stop what it called unacceptable. meddling and brushes, domestic affairs, of all these allies said the opposition leader was moved from the prison where he was being held. his whereabouts are concrete and all the time. now for the life of sports headlines with joe nash and manchester united all out of the champions league off the lease and got home to buy munich. united went into the much at old trafford last and that greece and needing to speak by and have any johnson reaching out sage thoughts that they couldn't manage it, kings retirement 70 i submitted go getting ready qualified buying a one know when and extending the on beach and running the group stage to full tea


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