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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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without the best camera and best produces the best spaces and those other people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the end is really rate in the occupied. westbank continues into a 2nd day. 7 palestinians are killed and more than a 100 arrested the no, i'm has them. so you can. this is ada zeta life and go whole. so coming up the death toll in gaza rises to nearly 18500. as israel continues its heavy bombardment is where the army says 10 of its so just have been killed in the last 24 hours a fight to us media reports. israel has begun flooding tunnels in garza with sea
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water. it could pollute, causes ground water reserves, and united nations general. assembly votes overwhelmingly, to demand an immediate cease by income. the a that is really right in the occupied westbank is continuing more than 24 hours off that started in the city of jeanine. 7 people were killed, including at least 4 in a drawing strike. israel confirmed the strike saying the attack killed an unspecified number of palestinians who a spotted hunting explosive devices and firing it is forces at least 281 palestinians, including 64 miners have been killed in his really attacks in the occupied west bank since october, the 7th hold on, the honeyed is, life was now from it'll be the in the occupied westbank. so hold on. what's the
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latest we're hearing on those? raise good to being carried out and you need as well the rate is ongoing and is it's in is 30 is our as it started at 3 am on the night between monday and choose is quite an extensive raid. that 1st started actually in the city of janine when all the wendy, several, a column of our mid vehicles, a came in from all directions and then circled the refugee cab uh there and also be seen to the 3 hospitals in janine, as you mentioned, 7 people have been killed, so fall 4 of them in a drone strike that targeted a house in the old city of geneva. one of them is of that. and then another 13 year old, a child actually died from unrelated of the circumstances. and the says that he was going to the hospital to get medical treatment and was not granted access by these
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really as soldiers there now we know from the palestinian prisoner society that a 100 people were rounded up. but 40 of those have been released so far, that said, as we speak on the ground, the bathroom is still ongoing with a heavy exchange of gunfire. also the palestinian gunmen loved being once in a while i had made explosive devices at the is really troops. we also know that the large number of sound grenades and explosions have been heard inside the janine refugee cab. and probably the soldiers are going to house to house, raise in search of what they have as a list of wanted palestinians. so this is not the 1st time janine has been rated as since october 7th, and also before october, 7th in july, there was a very large incursion that lasted more than 2 days. but since october 7,
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this is definitely the largest incursion in the rec, janine refugee come a hold of. thank you, hold up that how many lice they are in the occupied westbank are these really ami says 10 more soldiers have been killed in the northern gaza strip? it says a c'mon that is among those killed during the fighting on tuesday. is ready, ministry saying a $115.00 troops have now died since it's ground operation against time. us started on october 31st. let's go live now to alan sufficient in occupied east jerusalem for set island. what more we hearing on the depth of the very soul, it does take you to obtain just been updated in the last hour by israeli army. we are told that this was an operation in a, a, in one of the refugee camps in chicago. in the northern parts of the guys and strip a soldier for moving into a building which they describe,
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a swarming with quartz terrorists. and as they moved into the building, there was a big explosion as that obviously injured seriously injured, a number of soldiers. a 2nd group went into rescue, though it should be caught up in that attack. and there was a 2nd explosion and incredibly, a start group when interest you the 1st 2 groups. and there was a start. the explosion is clear, but this was an ambush that was well planned at meticulously cutting died. and of course, we know, told that 8 people uh, 9 people, 9 soldiers died in that incident, as well as one other elsewhere. a guy, so no one of those who died was a condo. he is the highest ranking soldier to die in the operation. and in fact, this is the 2nd largest loss, but isabel has suffered in any one day in the water, in any one incident, 11 people were killed. 11 soldiers were killed in the days of the water. and at the end of october, when the i'm a personnel, katia was struck by a b so, so this is
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a cd as low as spinning against is one of the 3 members of the war cabinet. a former defense minister. i said that to this at this time is really, is judy fighting is the 2nd one of independence and is taking a heavy, painful, and difficult price and said that every day of every soldier is a scar on the state of israel. there's also this report in the us media allen of tunnels in gaza. uh, being being uh, flushed out with, with c will to buy and it is what else? um, what, what, what do we do here on that? it's certainly been an idea. let's be close. it several times as well as actually flooding the tunnels with some sort of gas as well. joe biden, the us president, was asked about it when he was at the white house on tuesday. he said that he hadn't had of that plan, particularly as it related to possible some of those who are being held captive in
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guys a be in these tunnels. he said that he didn't know whether that was the case, the captives where being held and these tunnels, of course there's a big consent that if they start flooding these tunnels with c walter, it will mix in with the crime and want to and you guys uh, as well, and what was essentially me, any portable water that is accessible in guys or through the cry, almost unusable. so that's a big concern for the people and guys as well, at a time when they're struggling to find enough, what's up to survive, how them thank you. adam fisher in occupied eastern reason how the desktop so in gaza, continues to rise as well presses on with his bombardment to the strip. when was 18 and a half 1000 palestinians. i've now been killed since october 7th. i have to report the moment is really forces between a to school in bay, kind of in northern gods. hundreds of displaced families had been
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sheltering of the you and run facility of the from the north to the south. no. where and the strip is safe. hey, i building has been turned into a graveyard of memories. the height of time it is for the house and drop off in the fall south of guys would be saved from is really bumps. they were all good. so what, how does the refrigerator? because those into job just the full morning praise, we heard a huge explosion. our neighbors were targeted and no one survived. this is what israel's been doing all the time and over his radio strike this time. and then we'll say about the future, you can send for garza, dozens, i q, the model, that's the beauty i need to saw. the destruction is massive. our neighbors, highest is, is most, were killed. more than 30 people. they were hosting displaced people make god bless all their souls. no one here has anything to do with the war. we are
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a civilian. there was no resistance on that street. there was nothing i want all of us are. so if any of this, the same story over i'm doing many different faces and different buildings, this is on my god, is it a few g called after the one bottom and it's up to the neighbors to search for any survivors going to need. i mean, shouldn't be a 2 minute method. we were sitting safely in the house with civilians. we have nothing to do with disability for since that and suddenly missiles were folding on us around 12 or 15 were killed. 4 of them were at my house, se they were displaced, people peaceful people. and i know once a volume they're still trying to find people under level of to more than 9 weeks off for lunch. this is really a tax. they joining the thousands of missing palestinians, whose bodies all you have to be to call that. and the action just the and so we have 2 reporters in a gauze or at the salad handle. dotty is that they'll ox hospital and data data. the 1st must speak to honey mood,
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who's lived for us from rough on the southern tip of gaza. so any, what's the latest your hearing on the fight to that is has and since the last time we spoke, we're seeing more house than in being terrorized displays. tongue, great thursday, but more profoundly, from a ties to people as a direct result of this ongoing genocidal war. the more residential homes are being destroyed here in rough city, an area that is supposed to be safe for the residence of robot, but also for the 1000000 people who were directed to move from across the gaza strip. all the way here to avoid being bombed elsewhere, and fortunately they find themselves under heat unpredictable bonds and an error storage. just within the past a few minutes we heard the confirmed reports of
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a massive era strikes in res refugee camp. that's in the central part of the gaza strip and this is not the 1st time on the bridge. cam is a densely populated area, and so far we learned from our stores that not only people who own that a residential unit where target. but also it displays any vac, we removed it from other parts of the guster. happened to be the victims of those relentless ears strikes that is since the early hours of this morning, artillery showing have been targeting a older residential homes at the eastern side of the gods through nearly an eastern hon. eunice, eastern gauze, and city densely populated neighborhoods to dry. yeah. so you doing as well as in the further northern parts of the gaza strip, the total number within the past 24 hours 40 people have been a killed and multiple other injuries in one unit. there are fierce fighting going
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on, but also more homes are being destroy 9 people reported killed it from one family so far the situations are getting worse and more complicated by the hours. hey, thanks for that honey. my mood in russell was sent out to him to hold a joins us from dated by the hand. central garza so and what are you hearing on the humanitarian situation? there has been the rain since the morning had made it worse for the gods and the c. c 4 in 10 at for dr. 10 at every, with a washer and see for as we see behind we are, are trying to hide some the rain in the only ceiling in the hospital. and the situation is, it is hard on because people are confused at the sound of the
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thunders and the sound of the sci fi people are telling us that they have been not only is trying to find oh, fluids and water. but they're also striving to find winter clothes where they're not change the doors of the people and the houses that have not been bombed yet. ask them for winter clothes for children's job. because since the morning it's, it's not stop cleaning. and we see everyone is driving so for to fix their sense. most of the tents were torn down because it was very wouldn't, it wouldn't be and drain the sense, the mourners. not only thought the people are telling us that they no longer like like the, the, the winter. all right. it looks like we've lost the money. so. okay. yeah. i apologize for that. looks like we lost the connection there to uh, to hang the pole. uh, we move on for now. still ahead on i just need a us president joe biden is wanting, is ro,
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risk losing international support over spin, discriminant bombing hancock, the there of spain had its hottest december day on record hang tight. i'll show you where in just one bit, but 1st let's begin with the act of whether pouring rain through the balkans, specifically slovenia and croatia. and oh yeah, this, what weather is also going to pour into hungry and some spots we could see half a month's worth of rain over 24 hours. today. snow in finland will be tomorrow's toe in western russia. this is going to be a full out snow storm for moscow between $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters. let's remember just last week we had record snowfall, drift about 40 centimeters. so we're going to add to that tale. compare that to
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this, and i promise, do we get here? colors are on dark, the orange, the higher the temperature now like got 30 degrees. that's good enough for a record for spain, for the month of december. but the big changes here on wednesday winds have shifted some showers in the mix. so you're down to 19 degrees other side of the mediterranean, doing not bad either. some temperatures in the twenty's winds will shift out of this cell. so noticeable change in the temperature for this temple wednesday into thursday. increasingly we will see disturbed weather for that northwest slice of africa over the next little bit. and some big standard storm shift from southern moves in beak into is involved with. this is going to be bad for her rory today on wednesday. so yeah, as the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue, there is a context to what is that for now? it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous,
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the bank that he added to 2 days that the another cleansing has taken place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without his roles. permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the again you're, you're watching, i just need a reminder on top stories this out. at least 7 palestinians have been killed during an ongoing rate, buys re forces in the occupied westbank city of janine 5. what killed in a try and strength. the raid began in the early hours of tuesday morning. us media
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said he's ready. army is using see war to flood tunnels in the gaza strip, jani, set to be testing whether the method would would cause launch, scale destruction to the, on the ground system. it says is used by how much fights united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to approve a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. a 153 countries back to move and washington voted against the draft resolution along with israel and 8 of the countries. kristen salumi reports from the un as we shall now begin the voting process. the un general assembly succeeded where the security council didn't passing a resolution that demanded in the media to monetary and cease fire for garza and the release of all captives. 153 member states voted in favor 21 more than the last time the assembly called for humanitarian truce. while the gun,
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the resolution is very simple, clear and explicit off the auto, but not clear enough for the united states who, along with israel was one of the 10 countries converted against waste supports speaking out with one voice to condemn her mouth for his tears. actions on october 7th. why is that so hard to say on a quote, hopefully, that murdering babies and gunning down, parents in front of their children is terrific. no country has veto power and the job assembly. and many speakers noted the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and the credibility of the united nations was at stake. right now. what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and the profound disrespect for both international law on the international humanitarian. not only
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a security council resolution is considered binding under international law. but a general assembly resolution carries political wait and the era. and as long as the nations who spearheaded this effort are vowing to use the momentum to keep pushing for a cease fire, this draft resolution demands an immediate to money to audiences. why are let me be the minds the language of the minds? it has the bought of implementation. it does not call for or outages, it demands. and we will not rest until we see compliance. he promised yet another seized by a resolution to that effect will be put to a vote and the security council, perhaps as soon as this week. kristin, so me, i'll just era the united nations us president joe biden has said israel risk losing international support for us war on gaza. he made the comments off camera at
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a campaign fundraiser, and it is the most critical, but it has been of israel since the start of the war. had to go hand reports from washington. in a clear sign of how much the warrant causes overshadowing the site and ukraine on the day you as president, job id was to meet with you create a new president. below did mirror zalinski. the biggest news came before the meeting from remarks by made off camera at a fundraiser, criticizing these really government st. some don't just not one or 2 states solution. they don't want anything to do with the palestinians, and it is most critical comments yet. he said, quote, it has most of the world supporting it, but they're starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place. but later, when on camera, given a chance to repeat his criticisms, he didn't. i think that the we have made it clear to the israelis and they're aware that the independent,
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the safety of innocent palestinians are still of great concern. and so the actions are taking must be consistent with attempting to do everything possible to prevent it as in palestinian civilians from pain being hurt. murder, kill his earlier off camera remarks. the president have lots to say about him off as well. repeatedly calling the animals, he said they are brutal, ugly, inhumane people, and they have to be eliminated. clearly sending the message that when it comes, what israel's stated end goal is they have the president's full support. patty, calling al jazeera at the white house, is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged the united states and israel have different ideas of what gaza will look like off to the war. that's and you know, specifically refer to the palestinian authority saying he doesn't want it to control guns. i mean the economy, the economy, and i'd greatly appreciate the american support for destroying hum us and returning
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all hostages. calling an intensive dialogue with the president biden and his team. we received school back into the ground incursion and blocking the international pressure to stop the of good. this is disagreement about the day of the home us. and i hope that we will reach an agreement to you as well and you would say love. i would also like to clarify my position, which i will not allow is will to repeat the mistake of also not denture, for doing a subset. now is time a car moved the system professor of public policy the, the institute for graduate studies, welcome. um, so what do you make then of this uh, a creek increasing divide between the united states and israel on, on is, was conduct of this war. and the fact that it's, it's, we're seeing it play out more in public now. yes. has an this has a very normal results for the long us photos of. is it a policies of anything, any prospect of peace with the police tickets? the us for the, for the case has accommodated, is it a protective?
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is that a she and that is right, and it's always, or if it behaves as if it's protected as of the whole, it's, it's, it's you live and it has the same unity to keep going with it's a patient. and that's the problem you, i mean, i mean the result you know is because of this indulgence along to the recommendation you have been. is there any government that isn't that isn't that a confrontation with the us now? and they have the clear left over a they don't have a shared vision over the peace process anymore. so the money comes out of the americans. i'm not, i'm not to let him go onto the scene that sort of the, on the i, the old, the opener still in the states having a for the soonest states. but this way is ongoing, all the way now to destroy it how mass, which is an elected when a student party. and it's very insulting for us president to describe the you as you choose and stem animals and described in finding boot that i've done in a humane at the same time. there's not even,
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there's not has the kind of comment on his way to capricious policies. i mean, the same applies to lisa and it said the inhumane of ideal conditions with so that i'm able to see better students equally. and that's a problem. so now the us has to deal with the tools. it has creek, which is design. the government also is controlled, i think for that the government that wants to the modest on the prospect for peace and the identities and into a light the catholics. so then we have this vote in the un uh general assembly late so on tuesday, uh, unequivocally condemning the, the, the, the warning cause or, and demanding a cx 5 by convincing. but does this isolate the israel and the us further in on the world stage? oh, of course, i mean this both represents a global opinion of or for, for the groups. think it or not, it's not binding. it's, it's not pleasant. yes, it's a gen that it's, it's the general assembly vote. it's not the un security council vote,
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but it's still, it's has a big waste, but the influx, faith, ultimate, there shouldn't, because i'm sadly, but of course it is. what is the us and is that i look for some of the very medical notes, and they are on the defensive now. so they have to explain the behaviors and the positions, and that's not good for the us as well. so um, so when, what do you see then it just briefly is in the, in game and all of this. so the end game, no, you mean to us and isn't always it. that is, that of the odd in conflict over the, especially that they, after, how may i ask them because if it comes, i mean, i don't know how when it's calm. i mean, and the, i mean this will have measured implications. however, the big issue here is that it's a, it's an election to get into us as well. so it's both parties also have lived village over each other. i mean, i need the democrats for the republicans once on to the nice is all at the stage because of they all came to have is i support as with the mobiles. is that a, nobody's in the us at the center and nothing at all has always been
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a mess the player and taking advantage of the script to cut them for his own advantage. so. so let's see what's, what's happened. i mean, it's not now it's selected and it's, it's an interesting game known between the 2 sides, both of them, i'm not sure who has limited over the other not to be honest with it's the week and by the not in the solution or the week. and then isolated nothing to on the global stage. so but, but we have this staff of school now tenant cottonwood. good to talk to you. thank that israel has destroyed dozens of statues and monuments that were built on a palestinians killed by his writing forces. the most famous was the sculpture of a horse in janine and the occupied westbank. neither he need to have it. he reports from that residence, say the structure is symbolized enjoying the palestinian people. nope, just a piece of art. this horse was a landmark and
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a symbol for many bearing witness in the occupied blessed bank. now it's been torn down. we moved from did you need refugee camp by the way people losers? separate had this. i woke up to a message from a friend saying, followed wake up. they carried away the horse. i jumped up is what why? i was shocked. it was as though they'd killed someone and it shows us where this cultures to, for 20 years. kind of the general it faced north because that's where most people in the refugee camp are from the, from hyphen around there. he was 14, when he helped build it. that's him. and the black shirt, he tells us he even welded his name inside the 5 metre highs. culture is neat from the means of cars and ambulances. israel targeted during its 12 the siege, an invasion of the camp in 2002 german artist to mouth particular have the idea for
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the art with. and he was quickly joined by eager teenagers a crazy idea. he says, the travel to various parts of the occupied, the west bank before reaching its final stall. and you need this ro, ones to claim being the only democracy. but why are they destroying an off work in public space? it's a shame. it's a shame. the people here tell us the destruction of monuments, memorials, and palestinian icons. aims to wash their spirits and punish those, showing support for any acts of resistance. with many here tell us is all the military may destroy stones, but it cannot kill ideas. or just how much will it be said he would meet us at the horse round about, even though the horse isn't there anymore. about a 100 minutes, it presented the stood fastness of the policy and you have people into account,
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the resilience and power against the show you the aggression he jokes the horse could be included in a prisoner exchange deal. as it like, thousands of palestinians has been detained by israel. and just as the host symbolizes bottles of the past, and it says it to be a part of the stories that are passed on to shows his 5 year old son add them photos of them working on this culture. he's proud he was involved in creating a and says the process tells a lot about status teams need to again and again be that but he does ita. do you need refuge account the occupied with thing the so to of and use now and delegates at the you and the climate talks in dubai have
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agreed to in their woods transition away from planet roaming fossil fuels. the agreement comes off to more than a week of negotiations and falls short thoughts on phasing out fossil fuels with more than a 100 countries with seeking the people in indian admitted to catch me all facing the worst power of crisis. in decades. restricted supplies and outages of up to 19 hours during the cold winter temperatures making less difficult. now fernandez reports the flickering candlelight and the fire of the con families, only comforts in the sub 0. temperatures are drawn in indian, administered caution in a crippling power. shortage is left tens of thousands of households in the dark and cold. toby is going to be dotted and w bothering me in 24 hours. we get electricity for only a few hours and we get it when we don't need it that much. my children are unable


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