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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing. your better tomorrow the the hello i'm 028. good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from the coming up in the program this our starvation disease and winter weather threatened the survival of displaced civilians and gaza. exclusive video obtained by officers 0 shows bodies piled up inside of school in northern gaza. witnesses say they were killed, the point blank range by is really soldiers. it is really rate in the occupied. westbank continues into a 2nd. de 8 palestinians are killed in more than
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a 100 arrested. also funerals are held for some of the tenants really soldiers killed in gaza, including a colonel plus as well as army launch is aaron ground strikes on military infrastructure in 11 on indian syria in response to missiles fired toward northern israel. news it is 16 gmc that's 6 pm in gaza where heavy rains across the strip of worsened conditions for hundreds of thousands of palestinian families. displaced by is really a tax in northern gaza. also 0 has obtained images and testimonies from inside of school near the jamalia refugee camp. bodies of several palestinians are seen, piled up inside the shadow. i was all a school that's a un run facility that had become a shelter during this for, for so sort or begins are coverage and a warning. some of yours may find some of the pictures in this reports distressing
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to the i cannot stand it. i cannot stand beside save this man of the seemed the goose i'm seeing in a school in japan, the northern guys this on the bodies of people that sell just huge, that should be able guys on the united nations wrong school. with the said they were civilians, not fighters, cube execution style by these read. all of these women news is i'm only the victims . she was hiding from the bombardment here in the school building. we did not know where she was. her mother brothers sisters, an old cute, just as the victims, families to be searching for them to these really so just on the school took oldham and then into the costumes that you opened fire on women and all the children with her. even the newborn babies among them is really so just executed those innocent families at point blank. 6 do you have
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agency for tennessee of effigy, says 102 of these facilities including screws had been hit by used ready buns, some directly targeted to talk to about the 7th in fun unison. seldom does that. would you say it maintains is safe, silver residential buildings were damaged if strikes, faces and rescue teams are searching for survivors benefit from the dental and this is on a multiple defense that are can you and i see the dangers of watch on the south time. you and this should be a safe place in this. we thought it was a safe place, but look, they struck here. so they singled, they stroked the manual killers, shocked and tom with ties. these children who survived the ear impacts upon being taken to the cities, not that hospital. one of the few guys still functioning, it just overwhelmed by the number of people in need of treatment. further south,
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you verify at the very end of the guys of sleep, the scale of destruction is immense, squares and buildings on level days. the 1st pet, it's danielle from the north to the south. nowhere to save. they have no rest to go . christmas that dash 0 to 0. heavy rain and parts of gaza is bringing more despair to thousands of displaced palestinian families. large parts of some informal camps or underwater. or a couple assume reports from milwaukee near rasa in southern garza to rain a cold fluctuation of weather's hot spots. new concerns for the majority of palestinians, especially those who had been forcibly evacuated from the homelands. and they were forced to live in a very far areas in the south were right now in a most the area where dogs were forced to live in us molten sit. coms, as you can clearly see right now, these areas considered to be lacking. all kinds of basic necessities where
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palestinians are forced to live in very deteriorating situation with a clear absence of hygiene conditions and without having any toilet even to uh, to uh, to survive and to prove. now they are living in this a regular place where they are a cannot even cope with the rain and the rain had completely excessive faith. that condition now they are living. and since it comes, the previously used to live in concrete houses, site is very relentless, plumbing on the 3rd 3 had to force them to live on to coup with the situation and experiencing comparable conditions. now those goals and right now we know most the area are suffering and due to the rainy weather, i'm is much more grubbing concerns regarding the spreads of in sick to us disease. and a respite wrote to re infections, especially among young children who are hospitalized, become overwhelmed with,
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with a lot of patients regarding the a separate abuse and sick to us disease due to the lack of full hygiene conditions . right now, this is the situation in the milwaukee area which caused it to be safe soon as it has been designated by the weight of the patient forces where palestinians are no longer able to cope with the situation right now on the ground on these, on parable situations targeted by zoom out just the euro. a low seat in the south of the gaza strip. a dr. ashcroft, i'll include rice spokesperson, so goes to the health ministry and says 300 medical staff have been killed and 350 others have been injured since israel started this war on gossip chart. for me, i'm going to add the 300 medical stuff i've been killed on 350 others injured. $102.00 envelopes is up also have been told to be destroyed. in addition to the 2 hospitals on 52 primary health care centers, i know out of services that as of today only 491 injured and 214 other
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patients have been created for the treatment of abroad. that is less than one percent of the total number of casualties. these proves that the cotton approach is causing more depth children's but since up to the out of star, the lease has cut the stroke, the health consequences for causes children. we sent and i didn't appeal to the hold was to live a healthy con does as children above both the situation of health and the shelter and displaced people is, was gonna die out. there is no fish, water on food or hygiene products. you know, as a result, infectious diseases have started spreading among, displaced people with 327000 documented cases on this number. we doubled as these diseases, easily transmit. the copy of the minimum pulse is really military, have been carrying out an ongoing rate on jeanine in the occupied westbank since tuesday morning. a people have been killed including at least 4 and
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a drone strike is real confirmed. the strikes saying that the attack killed an unspecified number of palestinians were spotted hurling explosive devices and firing at its forces. at least $283.00 palestinians, including $64.00 miners, had been killed and is really a tax in the west bank since the october, october, the 7th. the speak to simone con him or on your in ramallah in the occupied west bank. the raid is ongoing at this hour, what's going on as well, and now it's 36 hours into this rate is less intense now. but even during this 36 hours, we've seen the kind of evan flow of this raid. oftentimes these really simply come back a bit of a regroup and then go back in, we all hearing at least 8 people of a died of these really is the say that the rest it hundreds of people with the palestinian red crescent, say that they try to send the romulans in to receive emergency bodies. they couldn't get through because of the as rating false is blocking the road. now
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that's a big issue for them. they're also saying that they hearing from children who haven't had food, we've been stuck inside the refugee camp last thursday, 6 house, but this rate is no need taking place in the camp is actually taking place in jeanine city as well. but these riley's haven't told us why that and what they've said is the number of this whole just have been injured. they have arrested hundreds of people and they have destroyed arms caches and improvised explosive device making factories. and they've rated about $400.00 homes. so we don't know whether this is the rest rate or whether it's a raid against those arms caches an improvised explosive devices. but we do know it is still ongoing and has been fluffed like it's like 36 hours run rockets have been fired from gaza into the territory of israel. what do you know about that as well in the southern communities as dog,
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just outside of the gaza strip, a supermarket was hit by rocky fragments. now about 2 hours ago, a borrower, brock is fired from the goes the strip that was intercepted by the eye in the defense system. although a large fragment of rock, it actually landed in that supermarket in ash told at least 6 what heard, this is much more of a message from ask, but since october, the 7th and the will, the best still able even today able to launch rockets at his roll this is really about where the rockets land it's about the message they send when they go up just 2 days ago, 3 days ago we were hearing sirens in central tell him even loud explosions as i and don't uh, went into effect. so the idea that they can see. busy the story rockets up into the is a, something that of concern to these writers, but much will not. it is a bit of a victory in terms of propaganda for how this. all right,
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and we're on kind of reporting there from a misty ramada in the occupied west. thank. thank you very much, emma. let's take a look at the human cost of israel's war that is destroyed every facets of life in gaza. on date, 68 of the sliding israel has now killed more than 18600 pound listing. and since it began its air and ground, the sold a 196 people were killed in just the last 24 hours. but many more a trapped under the rubble. more than 50000 people have been injured. hospitals across kaiser had been either destroyed or they are over whelmed by the number of injuries that they have to deal with. and israel has tightened did siege on the last remaining hospital in northern god. so that's the come all at one hospital and health facilities in south and central gaza. are now a breaking point. chris gun, it says a former unequal spokesperson. he says that international courts need to investigate evidence of war crimes committed in gaza. and i think that there was serious
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grounds for investigating by the likes to see there was an investigation open. i strongly recommend the elders 0 makes the victims submission on behalf of these victims and their families to the international criminal court. it's very hard and the legal forensic conclusions until this be the proper examination of the evidence . but certainly this would be appear to be evidence of crimes as also a potential evidence of genocide because under an obstacle 6 of the red statute which governs the i c. c, deliberate killing is one of the crimes which define genocide. so i would suggest that there's a sense to the in special criminal investigation, but, but other reaction is this is the result of israel being given a free reign to validate international humanitarian law. as it sees fit, the signals that was sent by our leaders in the u. k. by the americans, by others,
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israel allies were incredibly weak. it was very clear that is about that israel was given a green light to prosecute this war in any way with the narrative of israel has the right to defend itself against too much the dominates a narrative. and he is really army says 10 more soldiers have been killed in the northern gaza strip. it's as a commander is among those killed during the fighting on tuesday. 44 year old colonel is the highest ranking officer killed in the car. and conflict is really military, he says, a $115.00 troops have been killed since it's ground operation against the law. started on october. the 31st israel has responded to the killing of its soldiers by hamas on tuesday, by intensifying it's been barred. meant to the gaza strip. alan fisher has more from occupied the stores, a slower hearing just in the last couple of hours. there's been a heavy bombardment around shy is this is obviously in response to the operation that went badly wrong. the on choose the one of the worst days that israel has had
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since it began to prosecute the war in gaza with 10 people killed on choose the 9 of them. and the one incident is yeah, they were moving into a building the is really army. it would be said that was over, run, overwhelm by fighters. as they moved into the building, there was a huge explosion which obviously injured several soldiers. now at that point, there was the 2nd wave of troops that went in to rescue those that had been injured . and then there was another explosion, and they went into 2 incredibly, a sudden wave of soldiers was sent into the building. there was a part of the explosion. this is clearly been a well applied, well executed ambush, which has killed 9 on the scene and severely injured for the other. one other person was killed elsewhere. israel, his launch new strikes in both lebanon and syria, targeting military infrastructure. these really army says it's fighter jets struck a rocket launcher and $711.00 on. it says it also hit a number of military posts and syria strikes come in response to missiles fired
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towards northern israel. or sarah. hi, ross has more on this from northern israel. today we had actually those flights of jets coming across from above us from israel crossing over the border, which is at the top of this hill head. oh, there you go. there's another outgoing fly by the sounds of it just across there. and then we had the attack on the other side, you might be able to hear some of the rumbling that's happening behind happening behind us now. and that is outgoing. a sort of rates from head over to the lebanese side. there you go, you can hear it again. and this has been happening all of today. this happens yes. today we've been here actually for a few days, these riley military says it's targeted has by law on the last of its infrastructure. because it's says, a hezbollah isn't stopping and is actually wanted to stop. but i want to give you an idea of some of the damage. this is shop. no traces of shop know that have hits
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a building from one of those rockets that would have been fired from across that border that you just saw behind me that. and if you follow me or the head out of, so we'll just show you what we're seeing. a not shop, no has also hit a home. this would have belonged. this belongs to one of the residents of showing me. you can see the off the mall, the on those windows that came from this here. it would have landed just in the ground down here. now it looks small. doesn't look not big. but if there were people here, now this price is evacuated on the, is riley government under that tree instructions, is that what people have that damage? a guy again could have been a lot, was just behind us. we have a home that has a children's bicycle children's toys, so you can imagine the expense of damage. i'm not just a small rocket loan if it was a bigger one. now, there's been a lot of tit for tat between both sides. israel has one, has bothered to move back on to stop. it's launching everything from drones to miss
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salas, to mortars artillery. and then you have as well as saying, we won't stop until you stop the will on garza now. now you get as a lots of shelling but seems to be happening that from israel firing by every time we've heard that here, always tends to stop on the other side. and then you get israel responding. but all along this northern border, hey, it's a front line. okay. so everyone, hey, around 65000 people have been moved. they've moved out of the villages, this valley. anyone around ghost town, this one. so it's, and in showing me which has been a target, and you also have tens of thousands of his riley soldiers deployed all the way from head down to the east and for the overnight. and so this morning that will also strikes that scene. say we're fired from has well, let's was galle and that's what you'll guessing along the entire border. some strong was we heard a few days ago from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we've also heard from the
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wall cabinet in this last week concerned of escalations. they said many times they don't want another front, very busy with gaza right now. but they've certainly sent a strong message that hezbollah needs to stop. and it shouldn't continue carrying out these launches of israel's devastating war and gaza has been described by some activists as eco side of this term refers to the devastation and destruction of the environment to the detriment of life. it was 1st year during the vietnam war by a group of scientists concerned by the us government's use of millions of leaders of toxic for beside agent orange to clear forests the gave yet con fighters cover and food. today eco side is considered a war crime under the international criminal court room statute, but it must meet a high threshold of evidence while in gaza. these really military is reportedly pumping sea water into the underground network of tunnels used by palestinian fighters. also israel dropped more than $40000.00 tons of explosives on the gaza
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strip since the war began and damaged or completely destroyed, more than 60 percent of housing units. the military pollution and contamination of the soil, water and air from all of this will take years to clean up human rights groups have accused israel also of using white phosphorus both and gaza and 11 on the toxic substance. not only called a severe burns, but it can remain in the soil for a year is causing a long term damage. well, elijah, many a is a military and political risk and list and he explains why flooding the tunnels would face will fail to impact him off his military operations. the 1st of all, we have seen how these relays have hope. good bye. they know that the guys that off to the south, and yet in the know we have seen the most tremendous and the tax. again, these really occupation pulses from the same area that age range is occupied. second, the we've seen all these readings, all the region have another already. if you have done those and we have seen that
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had no effect whatsoever. oh, on the military performance of a mass because they still attacking these really forces and they inflicting a very heavy tax and fees on them as uh, it helps the is really only to really that because they think that love did the study. they blew them up, and then a mazda has been defeated. on the contrary, we've seen always again, yes, that's why these ladies all very well that, that takes us to another phone. what is the weight and dimensions of these really, to get it? all the soldier prisoners that under the ground, because they're all under ground and they are above the ground. we haven't had them to test. so many of these really got there's that have been released that some of them. what and tanya is and they will for many kilometers, which means all these time is can be let and can not be then. and this is why we've
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seen so many attacks from her mouth and slipped through in different areas of similar dennis. we figured out the nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to approve a resolution that demands an immediate cease fire in gaza. 153 countries back this move, the washington voted against the draft resolution along with israel and 8 other countries. christine salumi reports from the us as we shall now begin the voting process. the un general assembly succeeded where the security council didn't passing a resolution that demanded and the media humanitarian cease fire for garza and the release of all captives. 153 member states voted in favor 21 more than the last time the assembly called for a humanitarian truce. while the gun, the resolution is very simple, clear and explicit off the auto, but not clear enough for the united states who, along with israel was one of the 10 countries converted against waste supports
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speaking out with one voice to condemn her mouth for his tears. actions on october 7th. why is that so hard to say unequivocally that murdering babies and gunning down parents in front of their children is terrific. no country has veto power and the job assembly. and many speakers noted the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and the credibility of the united nations was at stake. right now. what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and profound disrespect for both international law and international humanitarian. only a security council resolution is considered binding under international law, but a general assembly resolution carries political wait. and the arab and islamic
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nations who spearheaded the suffered are vowing to use the momentum to keep pushing for a cease fire. this draft resolution demands an immediate to money to audiences. why are let me any be demands the language of the minds? it has the bought of implementation. it does not code for or outages, it demands and we will not rest until we see compliance. he promised yet another seized by a resolution to that effect will be put to a vote in the security council. perhaps as soon as this week kristin, so me out to 0. the united nations is really bombardments, have destroyed the only bakery that was operating in jamalia in north and gaza. on a cell sharif went to the scene of the attack and sent this report. the name of the, the village from a live. i'm now of the value and also was
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a street west and these are you new position for 6 months of the raj about the little shells on residential building during the night on the show. as a result, many homes were destroyed, you know, dozens walk you the others. when did you know? i'm sorry. that's about 3 am. these are the forces that have suddenly area with activity. more than $150.00 shelves were fired on us. this was coupled with missiles fired by what plants provincial buildings are destroyed, even the only picketing tunnels showed. conscious numbers were killed and injured. when ambulance, a civil defense vehicles attempt to rest or help, they were targeted. but these are the occupation forces in tech, which is where level to the ground. we are killed and those surviving unless it's nothing to live on. hold on then, and then when, if you use your valuable time, no outside on the big can be subbing to city, it will put it on the file. i know what it is now out of service. as a result of the talk, it was purposefully targeted by the is the regular shedding palm communities. the prize during the night is really up to the re continued to show a home in
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a frantic mono, more than a 150 artillery shells fell on our heads. many homes were destroyed and even the bakery the only one left in the normal and was a bare writing only on wood fire. it was also destroyed when no longer able to get our hands on with lots of bread. this is insane. many were killed and injured were left without any help. now to get killed is spot better than to get injured, were left without food, a medicine. i said that this is a scene of the body of the month of the things, the little shedding getting to my off, but i know many homes were destroyed and the only big can be subbing in the north was also destroyed on us. i'll show you if i don't know some guys of streaming that just the last time i still ahead on alpha 0, not just a piece of art. we have more on the sculpture destroyed by is really forces engineer staples the
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the route to you by visit capital. copious amounts of rain for a northern sri lanka. however, one, let me show you this is produce some land slides here, destroying the hundreds of homes and still more rain pouring into this area on thursday. it's growing more cloud cover into that southeast corner of india. so for html now to state and just some verse of rain, sneaking into the picture there on thursday, let's go to southeast asia. it's a quiet picture around, you know, china, but there's our minds to range piping up. once again through the malay peninsula. we'll come back here in one sec, but 1st i've got to take you to china a lot going on here from the gang see river valley right down to the yellow river valley. we've got blizzard alerts in play junk jo to she had could pick up to 20 centimeters of snow over the next little bit. now this activity is pushing across the yellow sea into the korean peninsula, but with temperatures on the high side here, this full fall is rain,
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but of snow. it's a come though, for turn is capital beijing minus 2 is what you'll max out at on thursday. promise you will get back to southeast asia for indonesia is main island of java. there's been more flooding, west job of providence rhodes turn to rivers here. but i think the most intense stuff is rolling across the malay peninsula for colon poor. and let's send in buckets done up and down the country. it's drive, it's com, and it's quiet. save later. the weather brought to you by visit castle, hunted in then millions. stephens, pines does the delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental, prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals. supposing the listed world of was left trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and
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hunches on al jazeera in the name of protecting the public, an unprecedented cross. the civil liberties this under way ridiculous threats and employment. intimidation witness follows a lawyer, function, quotes, and police bonds to reverse the trend. everybody was fight against racism. and then also acknowledge that there's, as you can see, henry palestine stands in berlin on that jersey to the the, you're watching else a 0. a reminder of our headlines this, our hundreds of thousands of palestinians. families are fighting for survival and
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gaza as heavy rains bring expensive flooding large parts of informal cancer underwater and it is really a tax agencies one that water born diseases could spread on a large scale. you pictures from a school sheltering displaced, palestinians in northern gauze, or show bodies piled up following and is really attacked. witnesses say that a number of people, including women, children and babies were killed. execution style binds really forces. wiley, with sheltering inside the school and is really rate in the occupied. westbank is continuing more than 24 hours after it started in the city of geneva. some people have been killed at least $281.00 palestinians, including $64.00 miners have been killed and is really attacks in the west bank since october. the 2nd to us president joe biden has said that is real risk losing international support for his war on gaza. he made the comments off camera at a campaign fundraiser. it's the most critical. the biden has been of israel since the
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start of the war at equal hand reports from washington, dc. in a clear sign of how much the warrant causes overshadowing the fighting ukraine. on the day you as president joe biden was to meet with you, create a new president loaded mirror zalinski. the biggest news came before the meeting from remarks by made off camera at a fundraiser, criticizing these really government st. some don't just not one or 2 states solution. they don't want anything to do with the palestinians. and it is most critical comments yet. he said, quote, it has most of the world supporting it, but they're starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place. but later, when on camera, given a chance to repeat his criticisms, he didn't. i think that we have made it clear to the israel leasing. they're aware that the independent, the safety of innocent palestinians are still of great concern. and so the actions
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are taking must be consistent with attempting to do everything possible to prevent innocent palestinians civilians from pain being hurt. murder, kill his earlier off camera remarks. the president had a lot to say about tomas as well repeatedly calling them animals. he said their brutal, ugly, inhumane people, and they have to be eliminated. clearly sending the message that when it comes, what israel's stated end goal is they have the presidents for support. patty, calling al jazeera at the white house that speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly, how could i, kimberly, what's jake sold, the sullivan, the national us national security adviser, who's traveling to his real tomorrow. what's he going to say to be his release as well? there's going to be a little bit of cleanup, it's going to be involved. and we've already seen evidence of that from the national security council spokesperson john kirby,
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as he's been speaking to the american media, those comments that the us president made to donors behind closed doors, that the is really military. it's been indiscriminate and it's bombing campaign. a palestinian civilians of perhaps was never intended to become public. and that's why you saw the us president when he came on camera, not repeating or reiterating those comments as so what we've seen is a bit of a dialing back of those comments by the national security spokes person instead saying, but the results of the campaign have not been commensurate with the efforts to minimize civilian casualties and much more worthy statement. instead, what the united states is, again saying is that is going to continue to urge the is really military to be more precise in the future is try protects civilian infrastructure. at the bottom line is the u. s. is going to continue to support israel and does not forward to call
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for a cease fire. and so that's really the message that he is going to convey as he sits down with me, the cabinet, the war cabinet, the is really prime minister, the president. and also it's not just going to be the national security advisor. there's going to be conveying this message. and as sort of typing up the president's comments, it's also going to be the defense secretary, lloyd austin, who's going to be traveling to israel on monday as well. a, kimberly, in the same timeframe we've had the most criticism, the biden has expressed of israel and you were, you referred to that patty. go ahead and refer to that. and then also on the as really side we have netanyahu, these really prime minister acknowledging that he invited disagree about the future of gaza. and he is really foreign minister saying, look, with or without international support. we're going to continue this war in light of all of that, there's just been said in the last 48 hours. where, where does this leave us is really relations. and they were already on
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a bit of a rough footing given the fact that the us president joe, by the end of the as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu are really politically polar opposites. and, and it was well know when both of them were coming into office. in fact, the us present to abide and made a point of dragging his hills to make the congratulatory phone call to benjamin netanyahu when he won re election yet again. uh and so as this was definitely something that was delivered because there's no love lost between these 2 men, but we're not tobar 7th happened then given the traditional support the united states has for israel, especially when in the us congress. much of that change. but us, president obama has been under enormous amount of pressure just within his administration, but also internationally and from the american voter. remember,
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he's under a pressure to win re election this year, rather in 2024 and given the high number of civilian casualties. but in the access of 16000, now, the us president has certainly changed his toward and so as a result, he's become more vocal more critical. and that's what you've seen a bit of a shift in terms of what he's been saying. and that's why also we've seen this kind of sentiment from the us president. so what you can take from all of this is that many would say, and what we've been seeing here in the media is that really when it comes to the relationship, as things were bad. but now many are interpreting this to be in the historic low. kimberly how get reporting from the white house. thank you very much. kimberly is continue the conversation with the elders. you're a senior political analyst, more one to shower. i want to pick up on a point you were making last hour. are biting on monday, affirmed unshakable. his word unshakable commitment is real security and then on
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tuesday was critical. all the it behind closed doors of israel's prime minister. you say you're explaining these 2 things are not incompatible. in fact, they make perfect sense. absolutely. and just to clarify what company was talking about in terms of taking back or walking back the statement about indiscriminate to funding. i think that's important only because he basically was accusing cause of war crimes. yeah, the quote is there starting to lose that support meeting international support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place, which he never said before. when you say indiscriminate bombing, you're actually using a term that's a war crime. you're not saying a wide scale of bombing, you're using a very particular term behind clause or not behind closed doors. he was basically back using his own walk, right? right. where the now go from me because i now work at a walk, right? so that he needed to walk back, but the spirit that toner,
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what he tried to say on tuesday did not walk back. of course, for some, for some, some of us. some of it is a bit disappointing, for example, he would say they're losing international support. but the already 2 sorts of the un general assembly of what to 3 weeks ago. right. you could argue they lost that support a long time ago and thought i'd go entered and just said it was 153. i don't know, position fan do united states, i'm couple of uh you know, part of why or why and couple of other states. so really in the end of the day there, there is no contradiction between by then goods. and by then criticizing that, then the whole support thing is that in fact, that's his strategy. the only way he can get away with putting that money on the spot or criticizing nothing, you know, is by expressing unreserved unconditional support the reserve. he's done that
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forever because of the past 40 years certainly is done that since he became present . and even when he was so much against that identity, all government prior to october 7, he always always qualified that with i am for is there a support is runs for support. in fact, the last 60 days are you? no, no, no. but the proof that he sent dispatched aircraft carriers nuclear submarines committed 14 plus $1000000000.00 for his read opened america storage weapons to forage to is read in fact and bypass congress in order to send 10 shells. just expedited that yeah. so the man has been doing everything possible for is so much. so this is another interesting point that i think we need to pay attention for. and why this is this time because it kind of interesting you could say that today, pressed on by then is more popular and is rather then prime minister and then yeah . in fact, you could also say that personal biden is more popular among the american jewish
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community, then primed instead of fidel. in fact, far more popular in both then nothing. yeah. so in fact, he has a stronger hon only because he's the president of the united states, but he's actually more popular than nothing you know and is, are the, and i'm of the america just giving it to. so when he's gonna start putting pressure, i think this is probably his best time ever. this is unfortunate to know if he has a program, if he has an in game and my doctor to send it to object sort of. and i, by the way, it just sort of has the idea of set and dispatching. it wasn't made just that the renewal form is right. your sources from the beginning of the week that he was coming. remember you, while i had the sort of conversations about the idea of, you know, i'm going to blink and seems to be sort of the, you know, the soft spoken, you know, guy that everyone dismisses no one given the consent down what he says, right? basically. so here's something in the beginning and he's switched off. today's right is a no one cares what he says. and then you said, jack, sort of,
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i don't know. i'm worried. austin. that's the big guns sort of, uh, you know, conversation with the users to be had. none of that means that they, that was going to finish tomorrow. none of the things that nothing the i was going to give in. if anything could be exactly the contrary to that point, netanyahu has already signaled he doesn't seem to care what the us president is saying. why do i say this? because on tuesday, the is really pretty, is really probably minister admitted that he invited to disagree on the future of gaza. and then his foreign minister just said earlier today that the war against homos quote will continue with or without international support. so if that isn't messaging to the us, look, we're, we're going to do what we want. i don't know what it is. frankly, i'm sorry, it started about a foot 3 or 4 weeks ago a soon as president biden start speaking about the and uh the, the, the, uh,
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the sort of the i then the outcome where the, the find that outcome with the staying or the final objective the day after so on when you start talking about the 2 set solution and then laid out along with the uh, g 7 powerful democracies, the 3 red lines. nobody occupation of guys a, nobody's shrinking of the 3rd or 33rd of guys are a no estimate kind of thing and does nothing, you know, in the beginning, ignored all of them. and then he actually spoke out against them. so it's been a while now. that's nothing. yeah. has been pre, i'm thing, any american pressure by saying no, no, no, no, no, no, to on 5 or 6 red lines or proposals by the united states, a no personal budget. i was expecting something like, okay, what's your alternative gives me your vision of what's the morning after? what apparently, and i think it was vision for the morning after is nope at a studio stage, not i'd line on ethnic cleansing, not i'd line on shouldn't. can that, that basically mean, angry,
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occupying guys are shrinking. does that include things and glasses, i know for us in your state and design your solver and the, from the, to the say it's, it's very simple and that's not just him. that's him and his government, that's him. and the majority of the connected or these are the parliament members. and that's the thing that i found the, our friend joe doesn't understand is that the is really the political map has moved quite to the right since she was senator or whatever. but today, there is no real alternative. peacenik alternative to nothing. you know? yes. and if it was not popular, and is there any, yes, you could have a different government. i'm just not sure the different government, whether it's led by guns or get on or lieberman, or whoever, right, would be lead. ink is a towards a to a solution at this point time that could only happen under 2 conditions. and we haven't heard that yet from
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a person by the 1st of what person on by the new stock needs to start getting about . the best thing is he doesn't care about the best or you can't really be someone credible. and they want to be immediate that a new one to be a patron of this conflict. and this was a new, should i not care about one party, right? you really have not just show emotions or i mean you really have to care. he doesn't care when he's, when a good sized nothing, the hours policy it was because he's losing a public opinion, not because he's committing genocide. not because countless people are buying that because it's showing us time, it's once because it's not good to go through the space in the international community. that's not a good thing. and the 2nd thing is that he wouldn't use his leverage with this or you need to use america's leverage with is it right? like is it like. busy like the bush find out and did in 1991. otherwise it was not gonna stick to what you had was your 0 senior political analyst, molanda shar, thank you. thank israel has destroyed dozens of statues and monuments that were
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built, the owner of palestinians killed by is really forces the most famous was the sculpture of a horse. and janine, in the occupied westbank and as neighborhood reports, residents say that that structure symbolize the endurance of palestinian people a nope, just a piece of art. this horse was a landmark and a symbol for many bearing witness in the occupied left bank. now it's been torn down. we moved from did you need refugee camp by the way people losers. separate had the i woke up to a message from a friend sitting side wake up. they carried away the horse. i jumped up is what why? i was shocked. it was as though they'd killed someone had it shows us where the sculptures 2 for 20 years kind of did the whole it faces north because that's where most people in the refugee camp or from the,
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from hyphen around there. he was 14 when he helped build it. that's him. and the black shirt, he tells us he even well did his name inside the 5 meter highs. culture is neat from that he means of cars and ambulances is real targeted during its 12 the siege and regional camp in 2002 german artist to mosque particular have the idea for the artwork. and he was quickly joined by eager teenagers. a crazy idea, he says, the travel to various parts of the occupied, the west bank before reaching its final stall. and you need this ro once to claim being the only democracy. but why are they destroying an off work in public space? it's a shame. it's a shame the people here tell us the destruction of monuments, memorials, and palestinian icons, aims to publish their spirits and punish those,
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showing support for any acts of resistance. with many here tell us is all of them in the tree may destroy stones, but it cannot kill ideas. or just how much will it be said he would meet us at the horse round about even though the horse isn't there anymore. i bought a honeymoon. it presented the stood fastness of the policy and you have people into camp, the resilience and power against the show you the aggression. he jokes the horse could be included in a prison or exchange deal. as it's like thousands of palestinians has been detained by israel. and just as the host symbolizes bottles of the past, and it says it to be a part of the stories that are passed on to shows his 5 year old son add them. photos of them working on this guy to. he's proud he was involved in creating a and says, the process tells a lot about kind of things we need to again make in the
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day. but he does eat or do you need refugee camp the occupied with thing on the, to the news around the world. now origin tina's currency to pay, so as dropped by more than 50 percent, and a set of shock measures to revive a troubled economy. it's after a new president's heavier mulay promised drastic economic changes to tackle negative reserves. inflation above a 100 percent and years of economic stagnation belay, as also cancelled public work tenders. let's talk to teresa both reset your input aside as well. so what can the new president do tell us about these measures of the large continues are still trying to
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understand many or trying to digest many of the measures that were announced by the precedent where she announced at the valuation of 54 percent of the pay so the dollar here in argentina and they pay so he's also, for example, listing the subsidies starting january 1st on transport on energy, among many other things. also his analysis, shutting down at 9 of the 18 ministries in this country, among many other measures that he has announced in but also he announced an increase in cash handouts to help argentina's pores. these are some of the dress big measures that many argentinians voted for a few earlier in december. but let me show you where i am right now. this is a supermarket where we have been seeing people coming in and out from here. constantly there, wondering the impact that the semesters are going to have on their lives. mostly because of the changes in prices. it interesting to know that argentines have been struggling with very high inflation. for years i was just until last month it was around 10 to 12 percent, but just in the past few weeks,
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we have seen price increase has been double, almost triple life of the prices of copy here. and you can see how merchants keep on changing the prices on stores like this once constantly. it's interesting to know also that the international monetary fund with origin, pina has over $40000000000.00 that say that have you had any legs on the right track that he's doing what's necessary to organize argentina's economy. however, of course, there's not some concerns about the impact that all these changes in price is going to have on people's lives. so, theresa, is this likely to have an impact on the heavier malays popularity? it's well, have you ever really came to office telling people what he was going to do? he was saying that he's going to implement very harsh or fairly to messrs. when you watch him, he tells people, there is no money because of the economic situation in the country,
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and people applaud. so when you ask most of those who voted for him, they're saying this is what we were expected. have you have a one with around 55 percent of the votes, but there's still lots of people who did not vote for those are the people that are extremely concerned about what is going to happen? what is going to happen with salaries? what is going to happen with pensions? what is going to happen with this big plan, but have you had a really, has for arden teen at transforming argentina? so of course there's lots of concerns about how this next few months are going to play out. but we're already hearing that to some left wing groups and some workers i calling for demonstrations next week because there's lots of concerns that inflation in argentina is going to be even higher. and that's why they're calling for people to take to the streets, to demonstrate against the government. so have you had any, like all right, teresa bo reporting there from when a slide is. thank you very much, theresa. at least $53.00 people, including 6 children, have been injured after russian missile attack on ukraine's capital keys in the early hours at children's hospital and several homes were damaged. while an
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apartment building caught fire, caves, mayor says most people are injured after debris fell from 10 missiles that were intercepted on the eastern side of the nip ro, river road. mcbride has been speaking to people in keep affected by the messiah tech. too much of too, but was awoken in the early hours of this morning by sun dress explosions. 2 as these miss solves, were 5 into the city and the defences intercepting them with an amount of debrief holding in different locations, especially in the east of the city, such as this neighborhood where you have buildings have had the front splost in. there's also a kindergarten here that has been damaged causburn's with more than 50 people being reported injured. the defense is especially around steve, have been strengthened since last winter, anticipating more attacks like this by the russians as they try to target critical infrastructure, including the energy supply. yeah, we're really, it's almost
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a variety of all the windows and doors were blown in and everything was flying around by 2 of them, but i ran outside and so some of my neighbors injured and covered in blood. many were taken to the hospital visit, talk came as president, loved him, is a landscape you crime was wrapping off his visit to washington with the announcement of a further $200000000.00 in military aid, which includes will add defenses. but of course, there is a disappointment about the billions of dollars more in aid, which is being held up in congress. and this does seem to be a timely reminder that ukraine still faces a long, hard winter ahead. rubber cried. i'll just say air a key. the international monetary fund says for longer will receive the 2nd installment of the $3000000000.00 bailout package and the 1st half of 2024. the decision comes after i'm at the board members met in washington on tuesday to review progress made by the country on restructuring its debt so long could
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defaulted on its external death in april, last year, after running out of foreign exchange, economic crisis led to street protests forcing the president to resign right? time to support. now with joe, going to ask a, a bunch of so united manager eric 10 hawk has plaintiff's teams injuries on the exit from the wife of champions league. united last to buy munich on tuesday with ice week show. and how are you? mcguire ended in the 1st hall, kingsley coleman, seventies minute golding, already qualified, buying a one. know when and extending that on the run in the group stage to 40 games. united submission, boston on full points, that lowest of a telling me competition. also rounded off the group stage with a 11 drawer against the wind haven. i didn't catch the a school, his 1st champions, the goal to put also in front of us as an equal i to the adults team early in the 2nd hall. both sides already through to the last 6300,
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made it 6 when through 6 in the group stage of the game. hines to goes from just the loop case and a to win lead against union berlin. the german side e clause was 5 minutes ago, but there was still time for a rail. we know, danny said bylaws making it 32, italian champions, napoli beat broad, got to finish, 2nd in group. see behind radio advocates, football of the evict to awesome and secure to the to know victory to put them into the last 16 you cost will face ac milan tonight and what is a must win match for a house side. they need to beat the italians and then hook the p. s t drop points and then match against voice. you don't mind in order to reach the time. please leave no count stages yet. but i think it'd been incredible achievement if we can do it. there's so many twisting times that could happen that we come transport ourselves that we can look to that was drawn when the game, the carrying bends, and i kicked off the freezer club, well cup in saudi arabia with the wind avenue reco. he's club out. it's ahead,
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we're up against open city, goal accounts, a scoring this 2nd with a great volley. benjamin the seal. the 3 know when becoming the 1st play of the school in for additions of the tournament on his previous club walk, those had come with rail madrid out. it had booking the place and the 2nd round window faced each. it's all actually on friday. no, there's a pause schrupo football, but they don't play football to break reco it's so i play 2 in tracy's in place. of my emissions is a score and goals doesn't have anything to do with it. i want to try and help my team get to the highest level and when try fees, it's more important than scoring goals. you can even close example stock must be a couple investors champions women's. they got a huge send off from the funds as i headed on my way to the fee for club woke up. they'll play the winters the match between out. it's a had an out of play in the semi finals on monday. and could i go to club president federal kotia has resigned from his role off to he was arrested for punching of
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a 3 coach and 2 others were arrested for testing for free, highly with miller, of to the match against easiest for on monday, which resulted in middle of being hospitalized with a front to cheap thing kosher has since released a statement saying he's embarrassed southern by his actions. australia increase this min colacho says he'll fight an order from sports governing body. finding him from displaying the message old lives equal on his shoes quadrille has been wearing the shoes. during practice, i had it will start his 1st test against pakistan on thursday. east, previously spoken about the war and garza, and his message is being interpreted as a pro palestinian one. whatever my shoes isn't political. i'm not taking sides. human lock to me is a cool one. jewish lots is equal to one was a loss, is equal to one end of life and so on. and i'm just speaking up for does, he does have
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a voice. this is part of my hot spots frontier uh, putting an end to the sponsorship of his rails national football team in 2020 for a sports person for the german company says the move was planned since last year, and it's not related to growing close to boy called the brand, and it the cause of war. you may have sponsor of the team since 2018 west indies have gone one know up in the 5 much to 20 series against indian andre russell took 3 we kits and schools. 29 runs of just 15 boys as a side one by which they won't be ody. i series between the sides last weekend and celebrations. and this whole french thomas as well as the 62 club withdrawal and against p. s g in the french comp. these are the scenes when the image of play is found out, they could be on the same page is key and, and by next month they've been told they'll need to find a biggest stadium, both a says and the whole 3 and a half 1000 people. those are your sports headlines,
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you can get more than a website out of their adult calm on social media channels. all right, we're going to take very quick break and we'll be back at the top of the hour with more news. so now she's here to stay with us the the frank assessments for this placement in persecutions,
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it seems to be another and informed me of what we see here, please log in to change the reality, but rather lingering in depth analysis of the case headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian force he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of apartments and nothing else in the inside story on al jazeera in australia. indigenous with the missing that disproportionately high rates. 101 east investigate is a nothing done to help find missing. originally on out, does he have a, submits the world slow down. we stand firm as homes with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental
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protection, enhancing investment climate to digital licensing. your better tomorrow. the exclusive video obtained by alpha 0 shows bodies piled up inside of school in northern gaza. witnesses say they were killed at point blank range by is really so the i'm several venue. it's good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 lives from the also coming up starvation disease in winter weather threatened the survival of displaced civilians in gauze it is really rate in the occupied wes thing.


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