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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the and is right, a strike on 2 houses and run the in southern guns and kills of these $27.00 palestinians. a number of others still trumps. under the rumble of the head of them or a child that says out, is there a life? and also coming up is there. any forces are accused of storming united nations. one school in northern garza shooting dead civilians sheltering in size to sped into
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vania as a most cuz completely destroyed by and is really strikes the and no less up in raids in the occupied westbank and a tech come to me now. and it's the day as kills at least 9 kind of sit in the beginning, the city of rafa in the southern guns away overnight and is really striking them. 2 houses has killed at least 27 palestinians. the neighbors and civil defense workers raced against the tops to save those injured and traps under the example. and the pulse 24 hours as well, has killed at least $200.00 people. an injured 500 others, the death toll since the stone of of israel's will on garza has now passed
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18600. i'm just tell who has moved from occupied east jerusalem. these really are me targeting to homes in the southern part of the territory. it comes at the same time that there are continued airstrikes in the northern part of casa, were palestinians are reporting a number of debts in the southern part of the territory, specifically into the flesh. and in hon. unice, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been sheltering there after they were forced to flee their homes multiple times. these really army when asked about the city of specifically these really army spokes person said that these really army will have airstrikes wherever they deem necessary. and dropbox is part of that, this is also a continuation in the continuous is really from martin that that has kills more than 18600 palestinians. and as we've heard from people in gaza throughout the
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entirety of the war, that there was simply no safe place in gaza. local palestinians are trying to work with the civil defense to retrieve bodies that are trapped under the rubble as they're also dozens of injuries. but remember, the weather conditions are also making things difficult. it is incredibly cold and it has rained all day long. so the palestinians are facing a wide variety of different issues and factors that are complicating these rescue efforts. and not to mention the fact that there is no equipment to even try and take these people out from under the rubble. it is the civil defense and posting in neighbors with their own hands in a race against time. a number of women and children have been killed by is really forces inside a you and shelter for displace palestinians in northern garza. relatives of the victims say they were executed at point blank range levels. a has a one, a report,
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and a warning. the view as might find some of the pictures in his reports distressing. i cannot stand it. i cannot stand beside save this man of to seem to do some scene in a school in japan. the northern guys are these on the buddies of people that sell just huge. that should be able guys on the united nations wrong school witnesses, they were civilians, not fighters, cube execution style by these read. all of these women news is i'm only the victims . she was hiding from the bombardment here in the school building. we did not know where she was. her mother brothers sisters, an old cute, just as the victims, families to be searching for them to these really so just on the school took oldom and then into the costumes that you opened fire on the women and all the children with her. even the newborn babies among them is really so just executed those innocent families at point blank. 6 do you have
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agency for tennessee of effigy says 102 of these facilities including screws had been hit by his red ones. some directly targeted to talk to about the 7th in front of unison. seldom does that. would you say it maintains the safe civil residential buildings were damaged? if strikes, faces and rescue teams are searching for survivors benefit from the general. and this is on a multiple defense that are kind of nice is dangerous, but self 100 and this should be a safe place in this. we thought it was a safe place, but look, they struck here. so they single day stroke the manual keyless shock that thomas high's this children who survived the impacts of parking taken to the cities, not that hospital. one of the few guys still functioning, it just overwhelmed by the number of people in need of treatment. for the south
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is a thought at the very end of the guys asleep. the scale of destruction is immense, squares and buildings on level days for the better stadiums from the north to the south, nowhere to save, they have no rep to go. this was that that's up to 0. is there any forces also attached to another school sheltering displaced people in the to body? a refugee comes selling on the you and one of whose same school killed at least 5 people. victims include women and children. thousands of people also injured in the attacks. more than $280.00 pounds of citizens have been killed and is really a tax on you and schools since october for 7th. this is where the forces of attack the most in the gaza strip is one of moving a 100 the you and says israel has struck fast since october. the 7th of there is on us al sharif sent this report on this month to put the japan. yeah,
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but we are currently in the area to bali out but where the occupation forces bomb the mist. but when the in mosque here into a volume, it is been completely destroyed. this led to the killing, an entering of many who are around the mosque. the method, me, it has the sun go. by to the mosque, there are no resistance fighters here. why did they bump them off? and then you meant to show have done this, although you can see one of the injured being rescue do not worry. you're fine. look at the ground under your feet. the, the, the mosque and the surrounding houses has been completely destroyed a little little closer and nothing has been sped, not even the cron. even the holy book with the words of god has been damaged. this
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is a us israel level. even place is worship, where there is no resist. oh, offensive being destroyed. these are gods books and they have been but one of them, it's not due to them in the book. and they bull, most was the most of the supposed to be safe places for models. they bomb houses in children. how do you say war against children's children? i don't know if they did not spear anything one, but i will not obtain anything from us. you know, we're standing them all this and that acting as i know is there any messages now and injured man is being rescued from the area surrounding the boss? this is the situation of civilians after a mosque and many houses were destroyed in jamalia fall. the damage is extensive, and many individuals have been killed and interest on a self study. the law, elda 0. a heavy rain in pots of garza is the comfortable casing that the humanitarian situation. and especially 1900000 palestinians have been to space
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since the ball started in october, many living and make shift ship tents. west supplies are running dangerously. no printed up to reports. in the cold winter rain, a picture of misery. i'm deaf in northern garza disability as a go cute and it is really a tackling job leah. she was found with them. many still trapped under the rubble in the rain. ambulances of stuck on flooded streets would rescue workers of cause a, a still carrying on israel's daughter, blockades on attacks have posit, arise because already broken sewage systems. and now the streets are turning the decaying for these me shift tends to offer that protection for tens of thousands of palestinians struggling to stay dry in all the times when we got
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drenched inside the tent. and i don't know where to put the children water flooded the tend. i wrapped the children in blankets and came here. i don't know what to do because of the rain where to go. and i use no drinking water. so some these are collecting way to go to, to drink food medicine and fuels are always running low for many who have to escape the streets on start with just close when they're boxed. they are no blankets, no mattresses. just the looming threat of disease and starvation. what is the force of discharge who was born in attempting or the odd new clothes for her? no food or drink the children cry for most little bread. i appeal to the world, those who have a conscience to save us from what we are in and return to our homes, israel, and has ignored the cold for a cease fire with indication that it's a sultan garza could last for months and sobered the collective punishment of
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palestinians in this winter for brianca group though, i'll just here is ready for the carrying out the most intense rate and the occupied westbank since the gauze a will began. as many as 1400 is where you was of as of being mobilized, joined the rage on jeanine. i think on more than 48 hours ago, at least 9 palestinians have been killed. charles stafford has more from ramallah in the occupied westbank. this is the largest and the longest of all the military rates that we've seen happen pretty much on not be basis in various towns and cities. right. the way across the occupied west bank since the will began on october, the 7th, reportedly up to 1400 is really military reservists involved in this right. concentrating on the refugee camp of jeanine and the city itself. we're now getting reports that the operations expanded even further out of the city and now includes
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a number of villages close by. he's ready ministry saying that they've targeted at least 400 buildings. so far they say that they have destroyed or confiscated while i e. d's improvised explosive devices and weapons caches. and janine has long been a center for the palestinian of resistance and it is being rated. so often since the beginning of the will already hundreds of people detained an arrested from the city. but the palestinian prisoner association is saying so far during this rate, at least $500.00 policy indians have been detained, but many of them have been released subsequent to what we understand to have been hours of interrogation elsewhere. we will start getting reports. now all these really military raids in the town of nicholas also and then also the occupied westbank. hebron the in the south bay la home loan as basically having the wide
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world as well as columbia, which is here close to ramallah. charles stafford, which is 0 room over the by demonstration is delaying the sale of moving $20000.00 us made rifles to israel. i have a concerns about increasing armed attacks by its way, new settlers on palestinians and the occupied west bank. well for on this, let's speak 2 answers. how to do caster she joins us from washington. d. c. heidi hundreds of protestants have been killed in the occupied westbank since the 7th of october is interesting how seriously the us is taking this to. that's right, laura, just last week we saw the biden administration issue. these a bands on people who the ministration says are associated with this settler violence. and now this $27000.00 rifles were formerly m for an m. 16 rifles that had already cleared the initial congressional committee review,
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but now are on hold because of the by administrations has, has expressed concerns that these rifles won't go only to the is really national police as intended, but could fall into the hands of these extremist settlers. the status of the, of this weapon sale it is on pause, as the by ministration. now says it's a waiting more assurances, israel, that these rifles indeed will not end up in those settler's hands. and as you said, this is sort of a ramping up of this pressure and an expression of dissatisfaction from bite and, and from top us officials that israel has not done enough as a us, it has emphasized and must to stop the subtler violence. and yet heidi was saying the us selling all the weapons that are being used in gaza that continuing that is correct. and in fact, we just saw delivery that bypass congressional approval after the state department
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issue, what it called an emergency declaration for those transfers. and in addition to that, they're still pending some $14000000000.00 of military aid to israel. that is now is being the discussed in the us senate. it already passed the house, but there's also pressure there in building, in at least questioning whether or not this aid package should go through an initial days of the war. it was almost a foregone conclusion that the us had bi partisan support in congress for this to pass. but now it's jostled in the senate mostly because of efforts to tie this to other can other domestic concerns. but also because of a growing number of voices among us members of congress now including bernie sanders, the notable senator who wrote a letter to president biden at urging him to withdraw this request saying that well as real has the right to defend itself. a quote does not have the right to go to
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war against innocent men, women and children in gaza. laura, okay, how does your castro branch latest that from washington dc. thanks heidi. so hes head on al jazeera how much says any plan for post will gone so that does not involve the palestinian group, is just a delusion and funerals have being held for some of the 10. it's way the soldiers killed and gaza on tuesday, including mcconnell, the hundreds in the millions. stephens pines does the delicacy value just as highly by cox houses in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access. quote, lines joins the environmental, prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals,
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exposing the listed world of wild life trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planets oceans. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, a president biden says, once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering that the reports are? we brave bullets and bombs and we always include the views from all sides. the . the,
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again, you are watching out is there a has remind you of our top stories this hour. and this way, the strike on 2 houses in vasa has kills at least 27 palestinians in the past 24 hours israel and has kills at least 2 hundreds of people as well as caring is turning out as most extensive rage and the occupied westbank since the war in guns have begun. reinforcements have been sent into janine more than $48.00 off the rate going underway. at least 9 people being killed in 500 arrests. and the by the ministration is delaying the sale of move and 20000 us made life pulls to israel. washington as consent the west winds will be use biased rarely step was against palestinians in the occupied westbank. for some vitamins, national security adviser is expected to travel to israel on thursday. jake sullivan has been and saudi arabia has of that visit particle. hayden has moved from washington, a national security advisor for the binding administration. jake sullivan started
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his trip to the region in saudi arabia, the administration saying he had a couple of goals there. one talking about how to make sure that this war does it expand outside of gaza. also how to try to protect commercial vessels in the red sea. and also the president president joe biden said in remarks is 24 hours ago that he believe saudi arabia still wants to formalize relations with israel. so he's going to be talking about that up next though israel, we expect those are going to be much tougher conversations because we are starting to see a shift in the way the us talks about the is the way israel is conducting the war after the president said that indiscriminate fund, i mean it's costing them for and support jake sullivan was asked to to form exactly what he wants to see happen. and he said something needs to change. it doesn't have to be that you go from that to literally nothing in terms of putting pressure on
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going after how mos target some ice leadership or continuing to have tools in your uh, toolbox to try to secure the release of hostages. it just means that you've moved to a different phase from the kind of high intensity operations that we see today. so that is really telegraphing that the message is going to be to the israel, is that it's time to move to a less intensive kind of campaign. he also wants to talk about just how much longer is real things. this is going to go on, and of course there's always the conversations about who's going to be in charge of gaza after the war is over. and does israel still believe in a 2 state solution that has been the founding principal of the us for decades now? israel saying they no longer see that as the solution. medical he alj a 0 washington or joining us down here in the studio is i'm a hum as he's associate professor at northwestern university and capital. and also of my brought up my land, a story from palestine. have you in the studio saw me?
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we've just has a take sullivan and the side of confidence haven't been some on the thing. a few lines have come out of that meeting key that they've been discussing, the creation of new conditions for quite sustainable peace. what sort of conditions might they be? yeah, i think, you know, one of the big sort of, uh, stories that doesn't get much time in the media is the fact that a lot of this is green lighted by the weather. uh, our country's really sort of getting this on or uh, just not doing anything. and so i think ill uh, jake sullivan and saudi these talks are in some sense, more diversions. uh, but also, you know, they're talking about humanitarian assistance. so it's about continuing the war, but making it more so pleasant. and the fact that you know,
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you're trying to do this without countries, i think, is as a, a scary sort of part of this puzzle that we tend to overlook. i mean, even earlier this month, i think dennis ross wrote an article saying that some of our leaders have said that, you know, we need to get rid of her boss and so on. so i think this is, this is dangerous and you know, him going to, to saudi. i think it's, it's also about thinking of, of sort of guarantees of normalization may be under the war ends of you know, how do we talk about a 2 state solution that we all know we're sitting around the room. probably all know that this is not going to go anywhere, but how do we presented as a solution that you know, we can take forward and for perhaps also present as real with some kind of victory . right? because as real in of, as that is not going to when we've seen that, in fact, thomas is much more resilient to then what we, you know, what believe the whole world's thoughts prior to october southern and thought that
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is real, to go in and, you know, why thoughts on us and things like that? but really it is, i think we have to go back to the fact that the ultimate plan is ethnic cleansing, not eliminating how much is the meaning from us is kind of covered because you can't say that you want to, i think lens and i think that that's part of this, you know, how do we, we just heard in the, in the report that you know what jake 1000 was saying? what will come after? how do we do, you know, how do we sort of bring hostilities down, but continued to go after homeless and not scary because really what, so if you have a ceasefire without ending the siege with limited operations, it means that there was a pause students. and because i live without schools, without reconstruction, without hospitals, without any kind of ability to live there and not produces more possibilities of
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ethnic funds, is just the, the saudis have a role to play in gaza off to the boys. ended up, i think that might also be something that they're discussing as in terms of reconstruction. is it now solid you that does the reconstruction versus cause that was handling a lot of the reconstruction before and what sort of politics come with uh saw the reconstruction. so, you know, while the parts are, was reconstructing but then there was also this kind of a hosting from us and, and trying to work with them and, and in some kind of capacity to manage and, and so on. what sort of politics will come with saw the reconstruction because we've had a day how for him this in this past week goes countries and why should we pay for the mess that's as well as created and may create. so again, it was a much goodwill towards reconstruction and garza amongst the gulf countries. i mean you're, you're actually, you're stuck in a very tough ethical problem, right?
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because uh, because uh, is unbelievable. and israel is not going to reconsider one. so if you say it's real needs to reconstruct, but you're, you're pointing to a state that has violated every single convention and every single international law. so it's just gonna say no, right? and so then you're stuck and someone has to pick up the bill and you could say, no, we're not going to pick up the bill. but then, you know, people invest the then have to live and then you know, maybe they continue to fighting them. you know, so, so do you sort of stuck in this kind of in limbo. and so in some sense, the international community, in an ethical against international law and all kinds and all these ways will probably have to pick up the bill, which is, i mean it's, it's essentially allows israel to continue with the sort of f unit. okay? so you will continue the conversation in the next hour. thanks for like much
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minutes. now, new video from how much shows best baffles taking place in garza. if i change reports, they shows fine again, con eunice in the south end, and garza city on tuesday as well. said 10 of its soldiers were killed in dogs assessing and as well as held a funeral for a senior army come on to killed invoicing in the north of the guns. a strip is us as the left tenant kind of was a month, 10 soldiers killed on tuesday during baffled with him. up is where the army says at least $115.00 troops have been killed, sofa in the pricing, 5 minutes to benjamin us. now, he said his role will not stop as well against him us despite international pressure. that's the all who was speaking to soldiers during a visit to a military base and southern israel to come out of the deal because this is going to be a difficult war. but there are signs of
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a break down the last i can see that. and truly, you can see that to see or determination to continue until the end of illuminate, thomas, and overwhelming victory of a home us will give us many, many advantages, both from the power determines and also from the power of persuasion towards the whole world. sitting in the stands a senior, how much official says that the group must be part of any plans for gone to off to the wall and smell honey is comments, comments, questions a raise about who will button the strip off of the wall in the yard? he had in any arrangement in gaza or the palestinian codes without some bull. the resistance factions is a delusion and a mirror out as a delusion and a mirror comma u. n. c. monetary and the fast chief is told down to 0. that how much is amongst the palestinian voices that need to be heard when deciding the future of palestine . while we also with the post and young people, what they want to see. and of course,
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their ideas will be confused in many ways. the views about starting a political process will be over ambitious throughout that voice, just as into john, the civilian voice, the civil society, the civilian voice, the voice, equally, also by the way of mazda and other organizations who being involved, the palestinian, or the universe, needs to be heard, we need them to be given the opportunity to to tell us their views about the future . i'm a stranger. i didn't know but in palestine, but there are many who do and they have strong views, much better informed than mine. when you come, what shot that from last, guys to james bay's as talked to alex, is there a interview with martin griffith the you and the on this extra general for humanitarian a fast on friday, december, the 15th at $115.00,
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c g m t. the spring, some of the days of the news now, and the us house of representatives as voted to launch and impeachment to investigation against president joe bind. so public in that house wants to know where the bite and benefited from his son's foreign business deals. all democrats opposed to investigation, saying there was no evidence for the allegation 5 and closed the move of based as political stunt has done. the hon faces several criminal charges including failing to pay more than $1400000.00 in taxes. saturday and support my present as by chroma has been listed as a suspect in relation to what will thirty's say was a failed to attempt last month. on november 26 gunman attacked an army bar and a prison for a move in 2000 inmates and for a 1000 people were killed. the government says the failed crew was led by state by
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form a present crime is 40 guns. the us federal was of is protecting at least 3 rate comes next. yeah. as the inflation rate moves towards is 2 percent go. the central bank voted to hold rights for a 3rd consecutive time as a 22 year high to move as being welcomed by global markets. with stokes and treasury is extending their riley around james dow jones closed at a new record high offense has raise rates shot place since march 2022 and a bit to cool the economy and slow price rises, which last year sold the fastest rate in decades it's all just seen as governments, as the value just current say, bought the pay so by 50 percent of emergency measures by the new presence heavy underlay toys, of the reports from point a cyrus for the members have already owns a small market in the province of when a site is and he's trying to adjust to the economic change taking place now.


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