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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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for us, for a 0 was standing in front of the sorry, of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down in the water. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are filled visible here. the by the night strikes and civilian areas in south and central guns and killing dozens of palestinians. many is still trapped under the rubble. the total credit this is l g 0 line from the hop. so coming up is ready. prime minister defies. close for see spot and goes assign to who will go on with or without international signs of growing public support for moss. as this relatives finds its rights in the occupied with the bank in
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a bind and administration delays the sale of 27000 chronicles to iss room to attack spies, rarely, simplest on palestinians. the this ready forces have killed at least 200 people in injured hundreds more than several locations in the gaza strip during the past 24 hours. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has bound to continue finding him off, despised growing international pressure to end the war. in the city of profit relatives a morning the depths of at least 27 palestinians killed in is randy military strikes on 2 houses. the schools have spent hours trying to find as many as 4 people trapped onto the russell kansas health ministry says 18600 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th honeymoon food is life and profit and southern gaza for us and joins us now. honey, can you just tell us
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a little bit more about the strikes of a night and the if it's to try and save those people, still trip down to the rubble. so this tom, very devastating news of here from central rough a, where to residential homes were targeted and destroyed completely. though it's important to point out these do residential homes were full of people's, not only the people who owned these residential, but those whom the whole state as well as from a to this place, the palestinians coming up from a han, eunice, and gaza city within the past few days that an over the past we've, we're, we're talking about 2 full residential homes, me and lead children and women as well as men inside the house. if the it's interesting to point out that within the past 2 days of school starts met lee in hon. you and is running for their life more people a got into those 2 building. and that's why no me,
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there's no exact number of how many people to work and those residential home, a 3 story needs, a fully destroyed completely 27 people reported right away, multiple other injuries to the hospital. there is a fear and a of, of people is still under drop as we got a report that there are at least 4 more people under there. i was mainly children and one women under those rebels. and it just, just to give you an idea of how difficult it is to do to move these large pieces of concrete. and we're looking at building that came down like, uh, like a pancake, just sick, flushing everything underneath those large slab of, of, of concrete. so it's very difficult with lack of machinery and proper equip, been on whatever it detection it just is very difficult to, to print now exactly how many people this don't. and on top of everything else, we seem to be running in flooding made an already, i'm terrible situation. even with how was this
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a day of the people are living that the impact of the past 2 days of heavy rain and the rain on the porch and just exacerbated the problem and then and suffering of the palestinian across the gaza strip. particularly here in evacuation zones, we're talking about areas that that lack all the basic supplies, basic needs and basic sanitation, just sol pin lars, lead san. the area came under heavy rain within the past 2 days, making it just very difficult. not only for, for uh, the people, but also for those the, the, the one marginalized, vulnerable, the group of people who, with disability as well as the children and women. we did have a brief report about what's going on in the malls. evacuations on here in the western rough uh city. and the, the situations are very, very dire. complicated people now not only hungry on thursday and displays now they
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are cold and it just difficult for them to live through this situation. ok, thanks so much, honey. honey. welcome to it for us in reference, southern gaza. but as we just heard from honey, they're heavy, rain and pods have gone service for the, complicating the di humanitarian situation. an estimated 1900000 palestinians have been displaced since the wall sconces in october, many and living and make sure the tents with supplies are running dangerously low, pre and could go up to reports. in the cold winter rain, a picture of misery. i'm deaf in northern garza. it's about 2 years ago. q didn't lose really a tackle job leah. she was found, but there many still trapped under the rubble in the rain. ambulance is a stuck on flooded streets, but rescue workers have cause of us still carrying on israel's tool to blockade.
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attacks have posit, arise because of already broken see with systems and now the streets. so turning the decaying for these me shift tends to offer little protection for tens of thousands of palestinians struggling to stay dry. i'm on the temperature. well, we got drenched inside the tent and i don't know where to put the children. water flooded the tend. i wrapped the children in blankets and came here. i don't know what to do because of the rain where to go and there's no drinking water. so some, these are collecting weight of water to drink. food medicine and fuels are always running low for many who have to escape the streets on start with just close when they're boxed. they are no blankets, no mattresses. just the looming threat of disease and starvation. what is the force of discharge who was born in attempting or the odd new clothes for her? no food or drink the children cry for most little bread. i appeal to the world.
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those who have a conscience to save us from what we are in and return to our homes, israel, and has ignored the cold for a cease fire. with indication that it's a sultan garza could last for months and sobered the collective punishment of palestinians in this winter for bianca group though, i'll just here is ready. forces have formed a mall skin, northern gauze. it's one of more than $100.00. the u. n. c. is around his attack since october the 7th. how does arrows on this? i'll assure you sent this report. a miss you month to put the age of bell. yes, but we are currently in the area to bali out. but who knows where the occupation forces bomb the mist, but when they are in mosque here into a volume, it is been completely destroyed. this led to the killing an entering of many who are around the mosque. the method, me, it has been the why did it from the mosque,
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there are no resistance parsers here. why did they bomb the most efficient to show up and done this, although you can see one of the injured being rescued. do not worry. you're fine. look at the ground under your feet. the method did i miss you. the mosque and the surrounding houses has been completely destroyed a little little closer and nothing has been sped, not even the cron. even the holy book with the words of god, has been damaged. this is a us israel load war. even place is worship, where there is no resistance. oh, offensive being destroyed. these are gods books. and they have been but little massages to them in the book. and they bull, most was the most of the supposed to be safe places were model they bomb houses in
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children or the how do you say war against children schedule and they did not spear anything one, but i will let obtaining anything from us. i know we're standing them on this and then acting as on a journey, and that's just now an injured man is being rescued from the area surrounding the boss. this is the situation of civilians after a mosque and many houses were destroyed in the body else above. the damage is extensive and many individuals have been killed and interest honors cells to the vehicle. elders 0 the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, his vowing to continue with the gauze or offensive. he was speaking to soldiers during a visit to a military base and southern is around the us as well. and as round indiscriminate attacks on civilians are costing the government international. suppose i'm also going to do a co show. this is going to be a difficult war, but there are signs of a breakdown. and i can see that in truly, you can see that to see or determination to continue until the end of illuminate,
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thomas, and overwhelming victory of a home us will give us many, many advantages, both from the power determines and also from the power of persuasion towards the whole world sitting in the stands. let's go to ellen fisher now and occupied east jerusalem and ellen. what else? national security advisor jake sylvan has been in saudi arabia casa, obviously, top of the gym to the end. and as well when he visits light is i what can you tell us about his meeting, the with the crown prince of the that was a very proforma sort of read it from that meeting that the to met the discuss formerly the situation and guys, regional issues and other issues that affect both the united states and saudi arabia. we may get some more details when dick sullivan actually is in the narrative. so do you maybe and arrives here in israel, but it's the is really part of his meeting. the obviously is going to attract most attention is just to meet the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and also
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the president president, have sold, as well as the war cabinet. among the things he's going to discuss is getting more age into guys, talking to them about cut themselves. so on the check point it is a which they could use to get more 8. and this certainly, as i've talked about the possibility of doing that, that might be the diplomatic. when that the jig sullivan gets probably to a best visit. he will also talk about the plans for the next stage and the war. he will carry the message from the white house as we have from joe by from ellia this week. the indiscriminate killing of civilians has got to stop. now, do you certainly have made it clear in statements over the last 24 hours from benjamin netanyahu from really cool and who's the ford minister from the defense minister? the v will continue to fight the war and the don't need international support for approval. but take sullivan will make the point that there is a growing concerned internationally about the number of debt and guys that he will point to the united nations vote at
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a earlier this week. and he will also argue them to make sure that the number of civilians being killed is done and not me mean changing the way that they are carrying out this war. but he's also consent to about comments from benjamin netanyahu and others saying that the power steering authority cannot play any part in the future running of guys, and not flies directly in the face of things we've had from joe by the other members of the administration. and people like jake sullivan as well a they were reports out, the ideas, riley, will cabinet, has blocks, the head of most said, from restoring talks and kata. what more can you tell us about that? and the reasons behind that decision, as well from the reports, it appears that there is a split in the war cabinet that benny guns who is normally the opposition leader. he was very much in favor of sending someone to go to contact to stop the possibility of restarting these dogs. but he was opposed by israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu. and you'll go on the defense minister. they believe that putting military pressure on how about their successes in gaza or for a better deal. also the families of those who are commonly being held captive wanted immediate answer from benjamin netanyahu. they want to know why he's not exploring every possible avenue to get some of the captives and was, as we know, the last time there was the see spot, a number of captives were freed. so they want answers from benjamin netanyahu. but for the moment, no one from israel. now the phone service nor most side, is heading to could talk with an intention of restarting those talks. okay, think selling that sell in fisher for us and occupied east jerusalem is ready for us as a, carrying out the most intense right in the occupied with bank since the gallons of war began. as many as 1400 is riley reserve is typing mobilized during the ride on jeanine. the began more than 48 hours ago. at least 11 palestinians have been
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killed. the by the end administration is the length of style of $27000.00 us made rifles to as well because of concerns about increasing attacks by is rarely settlers on palestinians and the occupied with bank of america. on this we can speak to heidi to a customer who joins us from washington, dc, and how the hundreds of palestinians as we mentioned, had been killed in the occupied with bank since the war. again, can you explain why it's interesting that the us is taking a violence by syphilis so seriously now to that's right, absolutely. tom and we've seen the us taking increasingly a sort of steps in trying to limit that violence. first telling is real, that it must contain this vigilant extreme is settlers violence, then issuing visas earlier last week against travel to the us. of some of the individuals involved in this violence and now pausing, at least for the moment,
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the shipment of 27000 military style rifles that was intended to go to the is really national police. but that is feared by the us by the administration. and they could ultimately be handed over into the hands of these extremists settlers. and it's notable how this pause occurred because already this shipment was, had cleared, the initial congressional review, passed the committee stage, and it was the by the ministration itself. that said, no, wait, we have to take another look at this, saying that the assurance is received thus far from israel, that these rifles would not end up in the hands of extreme is those assurances just did not go far enough. so until that is done, the us says it will hold onto the shipment. okay, thanks so much heidi. how did you like history for us in washington, dc? well still ahead here on owns is there a lien the christmas. how the war and gaza has left the streets of bethlehem. empty
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the the hello, it's a socket forecasts for the balkans. let me show you in this region. we could see half a month's worth of rain, worst case scenario on months worth of rain, so that much rain all at once. certainly could give us some flooding around albania, coast of, of serbia, pushing into bulgaria and western romania now from rain to snow. get ready for it. moscow, we've got this shield of snow pulling in, but the snow will happen during the overnight hours looking to pick up $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters. that snow will link around on friday. temperature is below average, but it's looking like next week, you'll be on the plus side of things and then we've had some incredible warrants in southern spain, but big changes here while ago your temperature down by about 10 degrees and then
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quite breezy through the valley. eric islands on thursday now for the other end of the mediterranean, speaking of winds, we're talking about tugging up warmer air from the south. so it's stumble up to 17 degrees. enjoy. well, you can, we've got some, what weather moving in here on friday to africa. we go disturbs weather rain and wind tear for both elders and needs the soonest. i think it's going to be worse for you and then we still got more severe thunderstorms. finally, not for that eastern side of south africa rate through southern moves in b, as in bob way. got to tell you some of these could be bad today as the thought provoking owns, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate script. there are no quick wins and events or research odd hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than the rest of these days, or is it just a different full? i think that democracy in the process facing realities do you feel that the
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fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the bricks on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen here. the story on talk to how does era the the you're watching ill. just hear a reminder of our top stories. the salad is riley is tronics on 2 houses in the border. city of prophets is killed at least $27.00 palestinians. more than 200 people had been killed in the gaza strip in the past day. is there any prime minister? benjamin netanyahu has defined growing international pressure for 65 prime minister is valley to continue the concert offensive despite as
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a nation impression the u. s. has warned as royal indiscriminate attacks on civilians as custom, the government international supports defined in administration as to lying, the style of 27000 us. my wife wants to as well just because of concerns about increasing a tax. my status on palestinians in the occupied west bank. a new poll shows an increase in support. the mos in palestine 44 percent of palestinians and the occupied with bank side. i support them off, up from 12 percent in september. and i'm us controlled guys. a 42 percent sided, i support the group id i present the palestinians won't tell us any and present not mood, abbas to resign up at 10 percent from 3 months ago. and the palestinian authority control west bank. 92 percent on a boss gone. the palestinian authority hit by a boss has also seen that support decline, the 60 percent of palestinians calling for it to be dissolved. with joining us now
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in the studio to semi am is associate professor at northwestern university here in calcutta and also of my brother, my land, a story for palestine. just given those numbers. and just how unpopular the palestinian authority and a boss both who will they have any role at all? do you think to apply and what happens next? so i think unfortunately we don't at the moment have many options. and so i, you know, realistically, i imagine that they will have some role until essentially those rallies. try to find some other collaborator. i think the, the problem here is that there is a bonus on palestinians to unite their uh, themselves and to produce a new sort of a new leadership. uh that is, you know, that unites all the political functions that i think there needs to be, you know,
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a role here for the polo to, to play it, play a larger role and to, and, and i mean, i think this is one of those other fronts of resistance, right? it's not, you know, just military or just global, but there is this kind of diplomatic resistance that unfortunately the israelis and those really occupation for decades has managed the fracture. i mean, this is part of what, you know, what policies have been talking about occupation in apartheid. this is what it produces, that fracture. and so, you know, you need to try to resist thoughts. and that's the uphill battle. you said that is real nice to find, to collaborate, to who do you think that could possibly be at this point in time? no, i mean, it's cynical. i mean, when i say collaborator, i mean, i mean it in the negative way and collaborate a collaborate on other collaboration history seem yes. and so, you know, that could be, uh, you know, the one who they tossed out his name. but regardless, none of those are going to produce good results for palestinians. but i think that's the, that's one of the issues that are posting, easy to sort of, you know,
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go behind closed doors and, and unites and, and think about a new, a new solution. creative solutions that that can push us forward. um yeah, i mean, i think there was one other thing that i, i'd wanted to mention about these pools that you were, were not stated in, in the numbers. i was, was another thing i noticed was the supports for her as well as position from within the plaza in terms of house, as well as behaved. and i think this is really interesting because the support from like the westbank for example is much higher. and i think in the us that they may be understand that as well or not entering in the way many people expected was, was probably a good thing for them in the sense that possibly the news would have, you know, it might have taken the news away from that stuff and let them, you know, the focus would have been on lebanon and not on because they would have died outside the news. yeah. so that they might, i think,
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understand that and i think that's an interesting angle to think about it and a thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time and insight into what of this. thank you. what are you in humanitarian, if it is chief mountain griffith says told l, just their civilian. tell us any invoices as well as a mouse need to be heard when deciding the future of palestine biome. we also give the palestinian people what they want to see. and of course, their ideas will be confused in many ways. the views about starting a political process will be over. i'm vicious. no doubt. that voice just isn't so john, the civilian voice, the civil society, the civilian voice, the voice, the credit, also by the way of mazda and other organizations who being involved, the palestinian, or the universe, needs to be heard. we need them to be given the opportunity to,
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to tell us their views about the future. i'm a stranger, i don't know, but in palestine. but there are many who do. and they have strong views, much better informed than mine. and you can watch out diplomatic, it doesn't change by says talks to l. just there interview with non griffith. be you in on the secretary general for humanitarian affairs. on friday, december, the 15th at $1150.00 g m t before him in the same, but it is usually packed with thousands of foreign tourists who come to celebrate christmas and the best price of jesus christ, the war on gods. it means this to you that state of white pillow sending and business owners who rely on and come during the christmas season site, the suffering more than if a child strength of reports from bethlehem. palestinian would call is being working at this time, leave on business in bethlehem for almost a 150 years. but this christmas war on gulls and subsequent increase of these really military rates across the occupied west bank as post tourists to stay away.
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who's saying how much is being called in christian figurines, like this one for more than 3 decades. depends on his job based family of 6. but his work is in my blog. i love it, and i love my workplace and my fellow workers, the situation is terrible everywhere. the boss is trying to help us to work by any means, but it's hard for him when business so bad. rumsey, zachary a, is the full generation to run the business. pictures of his great grandfather coughing would hang on the wall. it had of its cool solve the situation and bathroom is called because 80 percent of the economy here depends on tourism. and we're trying to keep the workshop running for the workers because they all have responsibilities. and this is all i know in the nutrition going to come here as long as it will goes on. it's terribly hard inside that nobody at this time of the best of him would be bustling with hundreds of thousands of tourists from around
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the world. but the war on garza is keeping them away. palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. this is what tourist afraid of israel as little military rates across the occupied westbank concluding on best to him almost every night since the warm gauze assaulted israel says it's targeting suspected members of the palestinian homes resistance groups. but these radio army has destroyed what's estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars with private and public property killed almost sweet 100 palestinians during the rates. this is the almost 1700 year old church in the tibbetts. he built it the 1st place of jesus this year. they're all know cues of excited fall and faces. and there's virtually no one side hotels that should be full
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or empty, or closed souvenir shop surrounding the ancient square. either shots at all or struggling to remain open as well as the this is the worse here it's, it would be even during bad times we used to work and they were a few to us now, many shops don't even bought the opening for sane his fellow would call was in thousands of other palestinians who depend on the festive season for their livelihoods. they will be no christmas this year. it's all stopping houses here. bixler homes occupied with bank of the let's bring you some of the dies of and use now the us house of representatives transfers you to launch an impeachment investigation against president job 5. and the republican lit house wants to know, with abiding benefit from his sons far and business steals. will democrats oppose
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the investigation, saying there was no evidence for the allegation, but in coals the move of baseless political stones. his son hunter face has several criminal charges including failing to pay more than $1400000.00 in taxes. credit calhane is in washington dc with more on the bunch in the end, they had the votes, as all house republicans voting. they will now start in impeachment inquiry into us president joe biden. so what is all this about for months? these committees have been trying to tie president joe biden to his family's finances and profits from overseas businesses. as of yet, they have not been able to come up with a single piece of evidence. so why the impeachment inquiry? well, a couple of things. this gives the legal authority to really inundate the white house. the demands for paperwork and testimony. they have subpoena power, and democrats say what this is really about is it looks like joe biden squared, the face for the president, donald trump. he was twice in peach. so they believe that the republicans wanted to
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be able to say fine. trump was twice and people look, finds also under and impeachment inquiries. so is this likely to go anywhere? well, looking at what the evidence they have so far, probably not democrats say this is nothing more than just a political play. particularly l 20. cold with a has groups, large pots of china with temperatures, expect it to full sharply over the next few days. the cold snap is moving from northern provinces, hit by blizzards to central and southern areas. snow and ice force, the closure of $126.00 highways across several provinces. with starting next year, a foreign tourist will have to pay a tax to enter the indignation. island of bali revenue from the $10.00 fee is meant to address a growing trash problem and is florence lew? wait reports expense? one. tourism is contributing to balis water shortage of
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the lakes and thoughts how sore left behind by now extinct volcano has make this area in central body. the hots of the islands, agricultural production, duties worthy to and his ancestors have been following the land here for generations. but in recent years, he's been confronted with a new challenge. water shortages, muscle bodies have the something often in 3 of the villages, hotels, and feel out of a b r. when would you feel that the excess of the se by drilling into delana include that is not this the amount of a lot that are coming from some space talk to decrease exhibits. the tourism industry consumes about 65 percent of bodies ground. what to demand is to teaching this water source faster than it can be with finished.


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