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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 15, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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as long as they submit a witness follows the lawyer fucking coats and police bonds to reverse the trend. everybody wants to fight against racism. and then also acknowledge that there's as opposed to henry palestine buttons in berlin on that jersey to the us. national security adviser tells israel's prime ministers a scale back the war on garza focusing on low intensity operations. the hard for successes will just sit or live from the also coming up president joe biden repeat schools as well to focus on saving civilian lives. stopped short of
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cooling for an end to the beginning of civilians in gaza, continues at least $200.00 to indians have lost their lives and is ready a tax in the last 24 hours to body a rough and con uterus remain under heavy bombardment and the leaders agreed to open membership negotiations with ukraine president, so landscape welcoming news from allies as the war with russia. drugs. all the israeli military strikes on garza have killed at least $200.00 people and ended hundreds more over the last 24 hours communications and gaza. and once again being caught, but here's what we know, what is happening inside the strip right now. this is the optim off. all of these really strikes on con eunice, with strikes, also taking place in rough uh, in the south and jamalia in the north. israel has detained around 70 people that
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come out of the one hospital in the north bay clay and the detainees. how most fighters, the hospital says that stuff and patients is ready. soldiers are accused of denying them access to health care, putting lives and risk and small amounts of a have entered through the roof of crossing from egypt. but the u. n. was that it's not nearly enough for the hundreds of thousands of displaced people. meanwhile, the us national security advisor has met these ready prime minister in tel aviv take sullivan discussed with benjamin netanyahu. shifting israel's attacks on gaza to low intensity operations is expected to meet the palestinian president. lockwood abbas on friday in a moment. will cross to roosevelt and jordan who was standing by in washington. but 1st of all, let's bring an emerald han he is in ramallah now in wrong. we expect a jake sullivan to head to ramallah in the coming hours. what are you bringing with him and what kind of reception can you expect as well,
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he means of the palestinian president about ready to boss at a $1300.00 local time. we'll see bringing with him when he's talking about a revamped palestinian authority and concerns over the buttons. visa, really settlers, it's the revamped palestinian authority that is going to be of key interest here. no one really knows what that actually means. now it's something that the us have been talking about for a few weeks now. they want the palestinian authority to take over. and the goal is a strict once the shooting stumps. that's something israel says cannot happen. israel has been very clear on its position, but it says the deals low quote, the piece price that was signed in 1993 has been a failure and that one's a military occupation of the goals are stripped once the shooting will actually stops. however, um the palestinian or far as he has been very keen to take part in tools,
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but they haven't actually given any details about what that role might be. and certainly what a revamped or revitalized paula sending all forwards. he might look like maybe this is what the details that we're going to get in the coming hours is what we do know for sure is the israel is completely against this. so what leverage the national security advisor jake sullivan might have? what message you might be bringing from present drug button remains to be seen. but like i say, once again, this is about a conversation about what happens next. and the americans important enough tremendous amount of pressure on by phase row and the housing authority to come up with a plan from the day after all right and wrong in remodel. thank you very much for the update. the other on thursday, the us national security advisor was in israel to convey us concerns about the increasing number of civilian casualties in garza. bennett smith has more on that from tell. it is the bible ministration. police are transitioning the votes of what it called
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a low intensity phase will result in less civilian casualties that allow more aid to get in. and it will decrease the risk of this will spreading into a wide regional conflicts. the bottom ministration also wants these rightly start talking seriously about what happens in garza after the war, the us on the palestinian authority involved in the administration that nothing yahoo said no to that said no to know role role, but how must because of course, he wants to destroy them, and he says, israel will maintain a security presence in gauze as of a some way the some difference between the 2 sides that has been some progress perhaps, or change in approach to negotiations for the captives in gaza. israel says he does now have a plan. it's not ready to execute it yet, but he believes that code work on a plan to restore negotiations next week. and that's because he's well believe it will be in a strong disposition in terms of his relationship with how much i'm not seems to
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have come up. the pressure from the us administration by then met on wednesday with the relatives of 8 of the us citizens who are being held captive in gaza at the most well being. well, in united states, president joe biden has reiterated his cool israel to focus on saving palestinian lives while continuing to find time. us you want is the scale that is the solvent garza in by the end of the year? do you want them to tony down? moved to a lower intensity phase, focused on how to say civilian lives, not stop going after a mazda i live now to rosalind jordan, who's in washington dc. rosa, and we've had these on commer comments now from president biden and more seemingly coming out from the us perspective, at least on what was discussed in television. what more can you tell us as well, but we heard from the us president joe biden speaking there at the national institutes
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of health on thursday is something that he and members of it. his administration has been saying from the early days, not from the very beginning, but from the early days of the war inside garza, and certainly on tuesday we heard perhaps the president's most vigorous comments, although they weren't recorded on video of that child. the as railways are harming their international reputation because of the rising death toll inside garza of palestinian residents of the gaza strip. in the meantime, a us official has brief reporters in the past hour about the ongoing visit of jake sullivan, the national security advisor to israel, as well as 2 of saudi arabia earlier in his trip. and this official notice that this is a situation where, while the, by the administration doesn't want to talk about
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a timeline for winding down major combat operations, the us does want to see a transition to a lower level intensity of fighting. so that's how most kind of cheap uh, so about how much can be wiped out by the israelis which the us endorses as a goal of this war. while the israelis also try to make it possible for more humanitarian aid to get into garza and the rooster hearing that the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, is heading to the middle east. where is he going? what's the objective? do you think of? well the trip is on uh september, excuse me, december 16th, which is this coming saturday. the defense secretary will visit by and he will visit culture and he will visit israel, where he is expected to meet both with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the defense secretary. you'll have the lot to talk about these really conduct of the war. again, reiterating what has been the ongoing message from washington,
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which is, yes, you have the right to go after her mazda, but you need to do a much better job of trying to avoid killing or injuring civilians inside garza, by not indiscriminately firing, dropping bombs, or leading ground offensive that end up killing civilians. people who have nothing to do with october 7th. that will be noteworthy that on this visit to well as well that the defense secretary will be accompanied by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general c q brown. really, his 1st opportunity since taking the position to reiterate how the conduct of the military operations are carried will have global impact. not just on the people of gauze and on those of members of homos who israel is targeting. right, there's one job in the, in washington dc. thank you very much. but let's get the latest on. what's
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happening in garza now is really a and ground. bombardments are continuing to target jamalia in the knowles. and con eunice and rough uh to the south is where the soldiers also continuing to detain men over the age of 15, accusing them of being hamas fighters tart as soon as the latest from rough. ha! for the 1st time since the beginning of this round, a fine thing, communications, of course, the territory had been cut off again due to the use very intense plumbing of the gaza strip as the main central telecommunication companies had announced earlier that they regret to announce the disruption of all communication or the sites, the territory due to these very intensive bombardment that had disrupted the signals of course because of strep. now this is also considered to be a new challenge for the medical and civil defense. what because what trying to do the best in order to risk to survive is from under the rustles and to identify the
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locations of the east by the target things on a pallet and use generally as we are hearing from them, that they are having much more growing concerns in terms of the it is really a tax that might be intensified alongside with the destruction of all communications in the territories as we just only can he owes the sounds of explosions, but it's hard for us to identify the location precisely as israel is intensifying that it's a strikes in sit for areas things on. this is where the forces of ended the most intense raid and the occupied westbank since the gauze of will began the incursion . and janine started on tuesday morning, nearly 500 people are being arrested. at least 11 august indians killed child scott . the reports from remodel is really on the vehicles with an ice drones bulldozers and at least 1400 is ready was the soldiers were involved. they surround it and sealed off the record g camp inside janine city. something suspected members of the
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palestinian owned resistance. tens of thousands of palestinian civilians were trapped in sight. the besieged homes for round 60 hours. they came and took my husband under threat to invest in the kitchen. they destroyed the room while we were sitting. they asked us not to shut the door to keep the types in, because they might come back up to breaking down tools. soldiers, ramson palestinian homes, federal bill, i believe, and they came. it's nice. look what they have done to the house is just destruction . they blew it out. this is just their hatred toward us, but we're not afraid of them. prior to me, we always embraced the heroes of the resistance. we will not let our people down all of the surrounding jeanine's main hospitals, and he is waiting on the store to detain ambulance teams trying to reach the wounded. so that these way the military really to teach it says shows confiscated
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weapons and improvised explosive devices. and this video, this course show and across kind of a story it appeared on social media and shows and he's reading soldier, praying. and so i did, you need most these were still like your jewish prey, which rings out across the campus. palestinians by truck, homes, sports in case of a soldier to be punished inside israel administered national security. it's who might be able to give you tweeting. there is no room for discipline reaction against viruses to keep their lives for people as well. okay, so jeanine to this picture shows for free to spray buys, where the soldiers on the one of the most it reads we came here to eat homeless. another indication perhaps that he's ready, so just come act with complete impunity without fear of being held to account comic go up and acted on these really army came here 3 days ago and they kept sending
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reinforcements. but as you can see, our situation is better than our people in gaza. this house they destroyed is nothing. palm is one of the many sacrifices we are ready to give for the sake of our falling in gaza. these really army is one that has no humanity, no respects to the home child dungeon in the palestinian prisoner association says, hundreds of palestinians were arrested. many were detained. release of the hours of interrogation. as night fell, thousands came out from their homes, fitting the streets in funeral processions, which families, friends, an assurance of the community buried that since the war started on october, the 7th, it had been hundreds of these rarely army raids on villages, towns and cities. right. the way across the west bank, but this one was by far the most expensive and longest, yet these very ami saying that they all focused on arresting what they describe is terrorists. but what the palestinians say is a legitimate form of resistance against the occupying power. but it seems that
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these really all me continue to act with a brutal impunity destroying public and private property and killing of will. it's all stuff that i was a 0 ramallah. the still ahead on al jazeera, the leaders of venezuela and guy on a meet in the caribbean, attempting to resolve the countries long standing and now reseating territorial dispute. and argentina, braces, economic shock therapy, as a new president vows to tackle widespread public seats with a set of dress technicians the the brought to you by visit custom. hello again. there's been some big storms in ne stars and students to read off the bat. look of this roads turn to rivers here.
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sundry downforce, torrential downpours. all had to do with this cloud here, and that is set to continue on friday in this same zone here. ne, argentina pushing into the river plates meantime for a huge swath of brazil, heat wave alerts had been issued. so from the southeast, the central brazil. but let's take puerto lake drive. for example, this could be near record heat for the month of december. 40 degrees is the record, you're all the way up to 39 on saturday, brazilian also in this heat wave alert. $32.00 doesn't sound all that bad, but that's about a good 5 plus above where you should be for this. some of the are quite a bit of rain coming in to ecuador on friday, and then we've got rain just wandering around the gulf of mexico here some of that rain will find its way into the town peninsula. however, meantime through florida, still seeing that rain fall around miami and then we've got disturbed weather coming off the rockies here. so that's moving across the texas and oklahoma for example. and then a storm brewing out in the pacific off because of california by the end of the
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weekend. this will push in and give us some rain for san francisco and not a bad day in vancouver. you'll see a lot more in the way of sun, with a height of 10 on the go to you by visit cuts on the the
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the, your thing. i'll just a reminder about top stories this out. the southern garza cities of phone units and rough costs have been hit by more is where the strikes and there are reports as well as all of the evacuation of the hospital and gaza with 3 as strikes, getting nearby the us national security advisor jake sullivan has met these ready prime minister and said the war in guns that needs to transition to a low intensity phase in a matter of weeks to meet the palestinian president, the boss on friday. the time is really forces have ended the most intense rate in the occupied westbank since the gauze began. as many as 1400 is ready. reservists were mobilized during the rate on jeanine last at almost 3 days. at least 11 palestinians with you. i'll see the spanish is
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a fellow at the institute for policy studies. she says it's not up to the us to decide who controls garza off to the war. as you know, it's the same issue for me as for the president, i'm a jewish girl from california. it's not my business to say who should be willing garza 6000 miles away from here. i think the problem has been that the us has provided uncritical support of the is really occupation these rarely apartheid campaigns and the efforts of ethnic cleansing. and what we're now seeing gonzo look suspiciously like genocide. we're seeing support for that. despite the language of the by the administration, which is urging israel to tone down the bombing to shift to special forces instead of the massive bombing raids. that language is fine. it's a, it's a bit late, but it's welcome. but it doesn't mean anything, as long as the united states is still sending the bonds to the israel is to drop in
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the period since october 7th. the us has sent 57000 artillery shows more than 15000 bonds. and just in the last few days, they approved the immediate sale of another 14120 millimeter tank, munitions munition, cartridges to israel to use against the population in gaza. so in that context, the us is actually complicit in what is real is doing. and it has no basis talking about what the, what the political arrangements should be. afterwards we need a ceasefire. that's what the us should be doing. it should be focusing on getting the is released to stop the war, not to simply change the tactics of the war from massive bombing to a groups of special forces who will assassinate leaders. and who knows who else in the streets of god. it has below,
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has reported the last all sizes as tensional news, right, 11 and voted grows. the group has been launching rockets into northern israel. israel says it's responded by striking me on groups infrastructure in positions in several areas in southern lebanon, several high right. has this report from northern israel the further we moved up the mountain with the mediterranean sea behind us the place. so we go to the border that separates israel from 11 on, instead of trees, a stick wall and is really surveillance towers line this ridge. many is ready, towns lie darkly and has been loose line of fire, the a cost to take shelter behind the call because of what seems like small arms wiring is not clear who sconces, but it's certainly between has been along the lebanese size. i know so we've had outgoing file from israel towards 11 on since the war on guns and some of the
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residents of the bettering town novato the item she had been witnessing cross board of firing. and this strikes almost daily for most of those living in the northern towns of left the homes until the fighting is over. so i'm like faced southern his family choice to stay. he points to a most hybrid dotson, the lebanese town next to us. he says, out of been, i'm chaise on the front line. face soul sees the incoming has butler rockets and can also, hey, these radio strikes on the other side and have them up and we see it all. it's very dangerous. there's no work, no school, no doctor is there, people left were scared. they could infiltrate the wall that has left footers, tried it before, but failed to get try again. like what we saw on october 7th slice is out today as well as that it had talked to this radio ami outposts and
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a number of locations. and israel says it responded by hitting its infrastructure and positions. no loss to that statement. that's there. ok that you're hearing just behind me that during a lives this happens. that's the bank is just landed hezbollah rocket fide across and into is ro uranium by group has increased its range of capabilities with like who's saying this is the heaviest, bombardments and this rolls 2006 will with 11 on with every more time a long range real kit that pulls into is ro, towns like show me will remain empty. so the height of all just 0 out of the items you on these really lebanese border the to some other the days news now and venezuela's president nicholas my douro is meeting with his guy and these kinds of pods are fun. ali and some vincent in the
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car being there that to talk about the growing dispute over the oil rich region as a keep a historically the region has been controlled by diana. recently the venezuela held a referendum in which 95 percent of voters supported declaring it part of the country. i listened to a rupture t as in king's town, in the capitalist and vincent, and you're going to deans. that tension has been growing sands. and that's where the hell that the question refer and doom i just uh, 2 weeks ago and, and my daughter has engaged in both rhetoric and actions that have increased the tension among them. he created the new venezuelan state in the that's the key boy. he put a general in charge there. he also presented a new formal map of venezuela, including the dispute, said that a territory. and he also told when the sweat and oil companies to start exploring and the waters in front of it'd be asked to cuba. now most of the acts,
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these actions have been symbolic in nature so far good again, it keeps maintaining control of the sick keybo region, but there is no doubt that there has been an escalation. and the hope is that the stocks will be the 1st staff to try and the, the escalate that pension skyrocketing inflation has pushed the probity rate. in argentina above 45 percent. the situation is expected to get worse, is the president implements a suit set of drastic new measures to find inflation. there is a boat reports from santiago, the settle a this is an image that many politicians in argentina don't want the world to see. 2 months soviet are going to be my newest and it's infected with his keen dcs. scabies she leaves with her mother in the northern probing. so somebody elderly fatal and they come to these n g o for assistance. i used to get diapers here, but now i'm getting extra milk. what we're able to isn't enough because of
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inflation. argentina produces food for more than 400000000 people. that's 10 times its population. many see this as a historic failure in addressing endemic hunger and poverty in the country. or the government provides economic assistance for children in the country. but many say that it's not enough sewing installation. in many cases, lack of education make it that many children are not getting with what they need. we sent the elected president, heavier me like the value we did the currency by over 54 percent this week in an attempt to stimulate the economy. and then this predict this huge inflation will be close to 200 percent. and that is a problem in a country where at least 60 percent of the children are poor. a start, the mind has 5 children and comes to this clinic to get her children checked. i've been coming here with all my children. they've helped me
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a lot. there are many children here and i have no words to tank this organization. the new government announced it will increase cash handouts to help the poor in what a little and such as argentina has been unable to find a path to which development. gimme a movie and load or something, you know, government from the left or the right found a solution to the problems and how to make argentina grow in a sustainable way. the government is now trying to implement shocked economic measures because all other measures haven't worked for you. have you had a mean a has only been in office for a few days. but he has promised to transform argentina. people here hope he will not forget about them. that is i will, i just see that cynthia will really say don't argentina. you leaders have discussed israel's will and gaza at a summit in brussels, that the meeting was dominated by an agreement to stop membership talks with ukraine. so if unity, if a cube is installed contrast to divisions in the block on gaza,
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latasha butler reports from brussels, the historic step you leaders agreed to open membership. negotiations with ukraine often tends towards and brussels. hunger is lead to have threatened to veto the move. but decided to leave the room during the food effectively allowing the others to reach the unanimous decision to do is a symbol of the books unwavering support for ukraine and sends a strong message to rush out to the people for you. free. we are on the side and piece the decision made by the members. this is a streaming in fulton for the attribute of their opinions. the unity on ukraine comes install controls to the use this unity on the board because of the conflict continues to divide. the blog but positions are shifting. i'm supposed to represent the coming position, but there is not the coming position. barrels referring to this week spoke to the you in general assembly a majority of e u. member states back to cease fire resolution, including phones of spain and all island molten in the post,
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but not enough for united european front wheel steering the czech republic voted against it well germany upstage in brussels, irish prime minister, move a ride. couple said he, you disunity and cause of damaging the blocks reputation. i think unice also credibility because of our inability to take a stronger and more united position and is, are the palestine. we've lost credibility to global sites, which actually is most of the worlds because what is perceived to be double standards, despite the differences on gauze, whether you is expected to speak with one voice when it comes to med, besides being able to impose sanctions on his writing circulars you may find them to gains, palestinians in the west bank move, backed by the head of the european commission on wednesday to live on delay, and has been a vocal support of israel lama to the rice of extreme. a settle of islands is inflicting a men suffering on palestinians. it undermines prospects for lasting peace and
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could escalate region. a instabilities to palestinian civilians continue to be killed, whole suffer because of israel's offensive. it is clear that the tone and the e u is heartening and support for israel eroding, but not enough. yes. who seems to reach the sort of consensus on the conflict seen on ukraine will help secure last in peace attached to butler. i'll just, there are brussels and rushes. president has also been talking about ukraine, saying that will be no peace there until it achieves its goals that i'm at present spent for hours fielding questions from the public and journalists, it is annual 2 and a session. usually a shop of oliver has moved from oscar, but it doesn't matter which is the russian president squeezed by a page and twin created by a i purchase proceeds from the store with no between equals a student from st. petersburg aust. legitimate patient about the dangers posed by a guy at the russian president's annual q and
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a session. the land has been held for the 1st time since the start of the military operation in ukraine. we did not go to the.


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