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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 15, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the of no less off as well as a sold on gauze that continues into another day despite cool. it's very strange from its place to sound like the kind of them or carl, this is allen to 0 life from those are coming up. the report issued by the us actually general on the impact of the war, describes the conflict is unprecedented and unbearable to witness us. national
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security adviser tells benjamin netanyahu to lower the intensity of isabel's will. ongoing for is due to meet with a box in the coming hours. and is there any forces stored in the city and present in the occupied westbank? at least 3 people have been detained. the israel's bombardments of gauze continues for days 70, as it continues to pound the south, and its soldiers tries to gain ground in the north is a live pictures from gauze. as for the area with israel, you can see the called a smoke following explosions. the civil defense was working around the clock to try to rescue survivors. men over the age of 15, who have stayed behind in the north. i'll being detained and accused of being how most places will jabante
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a refugee camp in the north of golf as seen some of the most intense bombardments uninstalled survey send this report from the just moments of to and it's really strike its origin. this is a very, as well as i am commenting jabante and this is the of the month of the late this strikes, cutting out buttons really will play a month because of the medical send a lease to the ground. dozens were killed and injured. the scale of the destruction is massive. hello, selma, the clubs on the we can see and hear the big, the engine. all those ended up children. the, the, the how we learn
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a little bit. i'm trying to get closer to document the bottom of this whole area has been reduced. washer the the me, the maybe it's of comfortable using the a bit on the cover body covered with a blanket dementia. and when i had you had the demo on these new shows, the magnitude of the destruction, the damages mess it could've did create this, caused by the missiles. i'm sure if i'm open to another song comes to the new version of the plus minus the doesn't smell,
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choose an age. most women and children, the mall that keeps us under the honest i'll treat you know, that goes out, is there a, has received a involved copy of the you and reports about the devastating impact of as well as well on golf. a report from the us extra general, also details new and legal settlements and is really violence against civilians. give those on the reports from united nations. you and so for terry general, antonio gutierrez, issued a new report to the security council that outlines odor death and destruction that is taking place in guys a. it's a very long report, nearly 15 pages in length and it deals with a whole host of different issues. but i want to highlight 2 of them. number one is the secretary general rights, and these are his words that the magnitude of israel's military campaign against him,
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us and the scope of death and destruction in gaza has been unprecedented. and un bearable to witness. he goes on to say that he's horrified, that he's really air strikes. i paid protected persons, including journalist health workers and humanitarian personnel, as well as a 1000000000 infrastructure, including hospitals and un facilities. he also went on to point out that israel continues its illegal settlement a building in the occupied palestinian territory of from the period of september through december of this year. the report sites at least 1500 different cases or is rarely authorities have illegally approved housing permits. on palestinian land, the secretary general concluded by saying that he again calls for an immediate humanitarian cease fire gabriel's onto which is here at the united nations in new
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york. the us national security advisor data sullivan is set to meet palestinian present. my what a boss in the coming out is there on 1st day. he helped tools that he has really plumbing. so benjamin netanyahu and said the war in gauze and needed to transition to a low intensity phase. i'm on con, has more from ramallah in the occupied westbank. the. the really thing takes place on friday as 1300 hours. and the present level of us will be keen to understand what the americans mean when they talk about revamping the palestinian authority. that's one of the key themes of this meeting. the national security advisor jake sullivan, will be talking about that no one here really understands what the americans want. they've been talking about the revamping all depaula sending over our team. they want the post to new authority to rule if it was a once the shooting stokes what that actually looks like. and how is facilitated is still a bit of a mystery here. so they'll be looking for clarity on that. these readings on that
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side have been absolutely clear. they want a certainly in the short term is really military occupation of the goals and strip they keep talking about the fame. yeah, i'm always low that 1993 piece of gold that was signed that was supposed to harold a future published and state which clearly hasn't come to pos and they say that it was like a codes were a failure. they also talk about the fact that they don't want the posting will far as he in charge. so lies is, will be on what jake solomon has to actually offer. and how much influence he's going to have over the x rays when it comes to this particular decision. posterior authority, you have to remember been very critical about the americans implants over as well, particularly when it comes to the intensity of the bombardment of the gaza strip is placing in wrong con, how does there room of, of us present terabyte. and that's once again cooled on as well, to focus on protecting civilian lives. as it continues, it strikes on garza,
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the president is facing growing criticism move. what's it ministration? support as well as will all white house correspondent, company healthcare reports from washington, dc under pressure raven, israel's war on gaza. us president joe biden on thursday called on israel to do more to protect palestinians. i want them to be focused on how to say civilian lives, not stopped right after a mazda 3 more to have more than 18000 palestinians civilians. mostly women and children have been killed in israel's current glass of environment. despite international calls for a cease fire. and more precise military tactics. us vice president cobble a harris has called the depths, heartbreak, and according to us news outlet politico has urged biden to be more sensitive to palestinians. suffering. harris also reported lee,
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things by that needs to be tougher on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but the white house says there's no disagreement and policy between the president and his v. p. the vice president was part of the white house. she's part of the team and if she wasn't offering her advice and counsel to the president on a normal issues, that would be a story. still, white house staffers are emboldened by the v p. 's actions this week, calling for a cease fire directly in front of biden's residents. the shift in recent weeks to become more tuned to palestinians suffering by the bite and white house may be political. the war and gossip by israel is immensely unpopular with voters of color and young voters in the united states. their major voting blocks that the live in harris team needs in 2024 in order to win re election.
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kimberly help him out to 0. the white house us defense officials say, who sees in the gammon have find a ballistic missile and the red sea missing a container ship. it happened north of above all men, dep straight on tuesday who fee screws miss all damaged? a tank and the same area, the group is increased as threats in the region in response to as well as vote on garza. meanwhile, the u. s. is expected to announce a special multinational task force in the red sea to the tub. the who these from the further attacks that speak now to a correspondence in washington dc, hydro castro for more on this. and the heidi, what more do we know about this? we have to create a naval task force to or we know that this is axis is expected to be an upgrade of the current task force that already patrols as area which has been in happening for the last couple of years. right now. there's under
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u. s. navy command and includes $39.00 nations that contribute vessels to monitoring maritime security and these international waters in the red sea. but that has apparently been insufficient because as you said, there have been these increased attacks from who's the rebels with missiles and drones launch toward israel and the seizing of at least one commercial vessel. and then of course, the further attacks that we just saw this week and so well, little as know yet about what this upgraded a task force may look like. reportedly the us officials have been trying to recruit these participating nations to contribute more navy vessels. and once formed this upgraded security task force would remain under us central command for, for its commanders. were also a believing that it rather than escorting commercial vessels which has been an idea of floated this task force would more likely just have an increased presence in
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this region that's integral to international commercial shipping. so that in the event of more attacks, there will be of much faster and a forceful response. i 0, castro, bring installation from washington dc. thanks very much. id. this is where the soldiers conducting raise in the occupied westbank have shot several palestinians. phone stung grenades and take us this video from the village of a reef south of annapolis and the center of the occupied westbank soldiers detained, at least 3 palestinians, as well as men of realtors. the top check point of a number of other villages and interrogated palestinians driving through, as well as the change of average of 60 people every night and killed any 290 pounds of citizens in the occupied westbank since october. this is where the forces events, the most intense raid and the occupied westbank since the will began incursion in
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jeanine's sausage on tuesday morning. any 500 people have been arrested under at least 11 palestinians killed. charles strafford reports from ramallah is radio and with vehicles with an ice drones bulldozers and at least $1400.00 is ready was of the soldiers were involved. they surrounded and sealed off the refugee camp inside union city. something suspect, 2 members of the palestinian owned resistance. tens of thousands of palestinian civilians were trapped in sight. they besieged homes for round 60 hours. they came and took my husband under threatened us in the kitchen. they destroyed the room while we were searching. they asked us not to shut the door to keep the types in, because they might come back hope to breaking down tools, soldiers, rams, palestinian homes on bill bill and they came. it's nice look what they have done to the house is just destruction. they blew it out. this is just their hatred toward us,
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but we're not afraid of them. jenny will always embrace the heroes of the resistance . we will not let our people down, i'll cut off of the surrounding jeanine's main hospitals and he is waiting on the store to detain ambulance teams trying to reach the wounded these way, the ministry really quoted, it says, shows confiscated weapons and improvised explosive devices. not this video, this close shop and across palestine. it appeared on social media and shows and he's reading soldier, praying. and so i did you need most users. so i figured jewish pray which rings out across the campus, palestinians, flights, truck homes. the sports in case of a soldier to be punished inside israel administered national security. it's only been give you tweeted, there is no room for discipline. reaction against bites is to keep their lives for people as well. okay,
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so jeanine and this picture shows for free to spray buys very soldiers on the one of the most, it reads we came here to eat homeless. another indication perhaps that he's ready. so just can act with complete impunity without fear of being held to account comic go up and after the these really army came here 3 days ago and they kept sending reinforcements. but as you can see, our situation is better than our people in gaza. this house they destroyed is nothing. palm is one of the many sacrifices we are ready to give for the sake of our fall in gaza. one of these really army is one that has no humanity, no respect to the home, to dungeon in the palestinian prisoner association. since hundreds of palestinians were arrested, many were detained, release of to hours of interrogation. as night fell, thousands came out from their homes, spitting the streets in funeral processions with families, friends, and assurances community that they did. since the will still, if you don't all type of the 7th that have been hundreds of these really all me,
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rage on villages, towns and cities. right. the way across the west bank. but this one was by far the most expensive and longest. yet, these very ami saying that they all focused on arresting what they describe is terrorists, but what the palestinians say is a legitimate form of resistance against the occupying power. but it seems that these really all me continue to act with a brutal impunity destroying public and private property and killing of will charles, drop it down to 0 remo. the seller has had on now to sierra the leaders of venezuela and guy on the needs in the kind of be in attempting to diffuse a revised territorial disputes. the minutes the world slow down,
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we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the daniel watching houses there has remind her of all the top stories of this hour, as well as from fall sense of gauze that continues into date. 70 is telling and con eunice and rasa in the south civil defense work. as of working around the company
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to try and rescue survivors told us of rated to come all at one hospital for 3rd time and the news, detaining. then they say, how much prices? your social security advisor. jake's telephone is set to be posted in presence. buck with a boss a day off to tools with as well as prime minister, son of until benjamin netanyahu. william dawson needs to transition to noah intensity. and is there any salt as a conducting grades in the occupied flu shots, an engine, several palestinians know of novice and detained. a number of other which one is not here? and this to do is time accommodate to use the system professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. good to have you back in the studio with this time a. let's talk about jake sullivan's visit. the americans want israel to lower the intensity of the will and for the palestinian authority to be involved in a post will gaza. is it likely to guess either either of these things a lot?
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yes, the, the americans, they want the softer approach towards that they want to see a less intense that the more focused on specific targets, like you know, minute to target speed personality, it's objects and the less civilian casualties. of course, i mean it's that embarrassed by it, but it's always contact before. uh so, so when it comes to this us, yes, i think is a might, might be accepting for change the tactics and let them become soft in this approach . and the metrics and these ladies remain committed to the same board which is doubling, don't have that. so there is no change in the main goal. the 2nd thing on the agenda is, which is the source of tension between the 2. but this is a deep itemized be an under the afternoon guides. so what's going to happen? and this is the big benefit to the and this is where most of this, the disagreements the mean between is that and, and, and the us. uh so i think the jack sentiment has as, as, as
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a tough jump when it comes to this to. busy again, to pressure these the eighty's to have faith in the device that ice p a if the flap, any future was in gaza and then also to engage in the preparations like what does it mean? i mean, the term things like that has to be, it's very vague. i mean, so in practical things what, what does it mean? i mean, uh to prepare them. uh, i mean to invest in disagreements about this and also the, the how to prepare them to take that one and goes, i mean this whole because just a 3 entities very difficult. i mean, yes of the we have seen in some, uh, media images, hummus 7 police forces coming out in certain areas of the north of guys. but there's something that message that is what it is. nothing control the moment is a withdrawal from a neighborhood. the hems police 7 force appears and fixed control, you know, and that's a big mess. the. so the thing would he had with relevant to cut off to avoid this,
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even, even, even in this war last for a long time. so for the p a, it's a, it's, it's a better way to find a scenario for them to be in the middle of or to be a partner or, or, or an actor in the, in the, in the possible. but a student civil war was no one and guys will accept or what come up the 8th of comes on the purpose of anything. and that's uh, that's something the medicines and in my, in my opinion, haven't need that for me. i've got to suddenly like it, system repeating itself again. so this remains a big a big thing to be asked. because even if they didn't come on the top of its way, the times the people in golf that didn't want the p a that in vote for them. yeah. doesn't choose and they are not the most popular policy. yes. and 2006, but there's lots of selections. now there's a different a. so when is the person that sort of has its political dimension and the middle class exemption once when we say a bit across or picked across these all civil servants, it doesn't matter who they belong to, but the whole time us, but they're still there. however, it's, it's all, i mean the, in the details when it comes to this. uh, the americans have to really think of the future of gaza,
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which means it's how much is it advocate the minute 20 it's, it's, it's, it's what i mean, not an active political, but you end up with a cnn political affairs at a party and noted again you know, in different forms, so we don't want to see another data. we don't want to see all that i've got is done. so again, the, the, the issue, the medical should be focus on reconciling for the students and bring it how much into the political beam. and then revolving the piece of process. that's the only way to go. and instead of what i meant thing for the student is again keeping the split and they've been in this phase to, to, to, to keep it. so q patient very seldom is just in saudi before he arrived in israel. what vote might sauzie's play and paste all garza so let's not forget the, the, the, the saudi was gene, i mean, stopped at the zation path before this war and on something out of this, even would that be the word for this as well, like you that that the federal government edition was like a red flag. that's even how much have to stop it. more than this was solved is
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a key sent them to punch in the region. i think the solid is not a big thing in the future because of when it comes, especially to financing any construction projects, who's going to pay the bill of this at destruction. so the saudi 0, i'd like you to would also add to play on a protocol as well because they also that many cuz i've seen some of them in the political process as well. so se had, i mean this, the cheapest agreements with him as but this simple. so how much as a, put a scene in as a digit, but that's the, that's what it took apart. and so also this has to be discussed more or less. i'm probably also the single that i'd see, you know, the, with these, the big targeting ships, you know, saudi is also as a futile that this, i mean, so the is involved in the, you know, many reconciliation efforts. and probably they can send messages through the whole things as well. so a lot 3 talks about in the coming days and weeks time, a company. thank you very much. my pleasure. was controversy in germany available
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thing of apprise to the russian american john this mash again some guess got some the kind of a grand prize was due to be presented in bremond on friday before the local med cancel the ceremony guest them have compared the current situation for people in gauze, it's a vast of jews in the guest phase of nazi occupied europe during world war 2. that came reports from valen. so you don't have to look far in this city to find reminders of the legacy of national socialism. the many millions of people who were murdered during the course of the holocaust and this particular memorial. this is the memorial to the millions of jewish people who are emotive during the holocaust . it's also the sense of point of an article by the russian american journalist mesh i guess, and in which much i guess and makes a comparison between the oil deal. all those jews in gets those of occupied and not see europe and the experience of people in gauze rights now, in the off,
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the commercial guessing says, as in the jewish categories of occupied europe, there on no prison, gods gone. so there is police not find the occupies but by a local force. presumably the more fitting to get so would have on file for comparing the predicament to besieged. thousands defensive gets a wise jews. it also would have given us a language to describe what is happening and gone. so now the guest so is being liquidations despite the fact that mesh a guessing is the defendant of someone noted by the nazis during the holocaust. the foundation associated with this of all the hind legs, both foundation has withdrawn from participation and says, the statement implies that you swear it aims to liquidity cause i like it now to get to. it does not invite open discussion nor have to understand the middle east conflict. the statement is unacceptable to us and we rejected the world will be presented in bremond despite the fact that the cities man has also withdrawn from
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participation in the ceremony. walk, this article has done that is showing the lights on the debates in this country about what constitutes empty zionism and anti semitism. what relationship there is between those 2 concepts, dominant cane al jazeera bullet, the. the united nation says 2 thirds of south through jones population does not have enough food to eat and value treasure is reaching alarming levels. the head of the un mission says delays and the adoption of a permanent constitution. of course, the political instability, nicholas hays, something that says the instability. an ongoing fighting has left south to don in a donna, it cannot make situation a hit difficult for the instructional community and 8 organizations to help in the presence of venezuela and guy on i have agreed not to use false
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o escalate tensions over a border dispute it was a house of talks about the oil, which region of s a key, but as on to rep. yes, he is in san vincent and the grant and deans where that meeting took place. the tentative handshake after days of growing sanctions. the presidents of venice swelling the young, i'm at face to face in the capital of st. vincent and the granite beans. if the 1st meeting since venezuela voted in the referendum to claim 2 thirds of the territory of their oil rich neighbour, the late this twisted in a century, a dispute over the guess a cable region. the meeting promoted by regional multilateral organizations like and carry come with the support brazil was aimed at using the escalating tensions which the president of venezuela promised to do to it several, we will make the most of his step forward so that our lives in america and the caribbean remains a zone of peace as we have approved,
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but in the days leading up to the meeting, my daughter has engaged in increasingly aggressive rhetoric and actions, analysing, among other things. the creation of a new baby swimming state in diane is a 6th legion. also directing minnes with an oil companies to explore the waters in front of it. in response, gay yanna help joint military exercises with the united states. despite the calls for peace negotiations, remain chains as the 2 sides maintained their positions. with the dialogue about speaking during a recess and the talks, the president, the guy, ya know, it's a rate that he will not negotiate. border lead me and insisted that the dispute might suffice solid by a ruling by the international court of justice. the,
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the after more than 8 hours of the docs, the prime minister of st. vincent read a statement saying he decides agreed to continue talking and meet again at a later date. your supports against one another. however limited the progress that has come from the stocks is seen as a 1st step to de escalate the crisis that has brought the tract of war back to a region that has lived peacefully for many decades. i'll assume that i'm 50, i just see the same vincent and the granite beings hungry. it has blocks in a you deal on a 50000000000 your financing time for ukraine in need of decides to attend to integrating table in january. if there's an earlier agreement to go on cubic session talks to become a member of the blog as important as lensky. cool that decision, a victory for ukraine and all of your
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a robot brian testable from keith. this news is being widely welcomed here in ukraine, which believes it has met all of the various criteria that has been set for. it's a you accepted, but it also comes at the very difficult time for the country, both politically and diplomatically. we're now in the 2nd winter of this, a full scale war. things do seem to be in a kind of a style made on the various baffled friends as it also comes off the president. beloved them is a lensky, is disappointing. visit to the united states. yes, he met with us president joe biden, but billions of dollars worth of funding are still stuck in congress. so this is a good outcome for ukraine. loved him. is a lensky saying that this is both


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