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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 15, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to sierra the government challenges here, where the israel intensifies is phone 5 minutes of southern guns or targeting homes and you wouldn't run school and con eunice at least 12 people accounts. the total kind of this is i'll just say we're live from to our ha. also coming up, us national security advisor heads to the occupied with bank of to urging as well to scale down it's 4 plus i would have been how many did you need, where people are picking up?
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the pieces after is really forces carried out the longest rate in over 2 decades. right? it is row 6, a diplomatic solution to secure its voted with living on, but his glasses would negotiate until the war and casa ends. the, as the war on guns enters it's 70, if de washington is urging, as well to put back on its high intensity military operation and to focus on protecting civilians and it's war with from us. well, despite the pressure the, the bone, bob and continues is ready shelling and it strikes have intensified in the south killing at least 12 people in destroying homes and con eunice and profit us national security advisor jack sullivan held talks with, as well as prime minister on thursday and just you to meet with palestinian president mcclure to boss in ramallah in the coming hours and is or the troops have
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ended the siege on the janine refugee camp and the occupied westbank up to a 3 day ride. with palestinian health ministries is 12 people were killed during the operation. israel says it detained. 60 people with suspected links to a mass of honey mac mode is live in nebraska in southern casa for us, and joins us at once again another daily morning. the in gaza, can you just tell us a little bit more festival about the strikes in north and garza? yes, said the earlier hours of this morning. uh, a group of residential homes in the northern part of the gaza strip name of the be a lot. yeah, district that the northern of big le district came on their heat air strikes. mazda of air strikes, followed by massive artillery, selling, destroying, dirt, remaining a residential buildings, all the high rise building that are still remaining in that area. now they're there,
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they're empty of people up with the except the fact that the people of work within the vicinity of various since early hours of, of this morning as deep their tellers feeling was intensified. this started moving from my way from the area. i ways to do the or by schools and other facilities taking filters, but the fact that it was within the range of the of those are tellers sitting. there are reports about that. the number of people who were critically injured so far we don't have enough information about didn't know if there were any of the people who were killed in those areas strikes, given that it's completely communication network, a completely disabled right now. we cannot make any phone call or send any text message. in addition, there is a complete a outage of just plunging the entire entire gaza strip in a complete and total of black out. and we don't know the reason for this. it is it
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the fuel short digit with fuel that has not arrived to these these telecommunications division to make them work or it has, has have, they've been targeted directly. so there is no statements on what happened, but only you know, as of now that the disable communications across the gaza strip. just making it difficult and not only to collect data and verified them, but also a make it difficult for family members who have remaining relatives and family members in the northern part in gauze. and they just sending waves of concern of what, what might have happened to him and with the positive hour or so at that the, the, the, at exactly $7025.00 to $730.00. a squint came under heavy artillery selling and hun you. and is there 12 people the lift that killed me only women and children reported to nonsense. a hospital with a 25 more injuries were also reported due to the hospital. sorry, honey is so uh,
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people assume obviously trent until the russell uh is the strikes continue. can you just give us a bit of an idea of the ability of the civil defense at this point in time to actually risk you them yes, there are there people there 1000. if people are missing a tribe, then possibly to seize by now we'd be, we talking about it today is the $69.00. they of this ongoing genocide, the work on the gaza strip. we're, we're talking, we're talking about entire residential buildings being destroyed completely. gaza had some of the highest buildings across the gall. this tribute over 10 story, 12 a story. in some cases, some of those residential thought that was completely destroyed while people were still inside and, and imagined that large amount of concrete coming down on people. it would the lack of equipment and machine, it's hard just to do to help those who might, who are still under, under the rob was already there. then in the, the,
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the several attacks and drop off here. and again, you're there no technology, you know, detection and materials or anything that could help to remove those, those rubbers, we're talking about people being under the rubbers for weeks now there, i just happen to have your time and come to the site for work here. i see a, in the writings across the street from residential buildings, i've been destroyed with names and ages of people who are still under the rubble. then we're talking about a attack that happened on the 2nd week or the 3rd week of the we're in the all, most, the 3, the residential buildings in one neighborhood that we go by. and i, i, but we take a look at that and just feel the despair and that, that is the inability of the how helplessness, that nobody can do anything about removing those bodies and just put them in a grave. just for enough, proper procession is just can happen and just makes people frustrated and an o at the they are, they're under of, of,
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over just situations that have affected their life badly. okay, thanks so much, honey. honey. mark mood for us and rasa of the us national security advisor, jack sullivan is sits to meet specialist, and he, and present mach mode of boss. and the coming hours early on says that he help talks with the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu? and said the war and guns i needed to transition to a low intensity phase. let's go through ellen fisher who is an occupied east jerusalem for us. and it's another busy day for jake sullivan. meeting with is really present heads. ok, and also heating to for my license to meet the palestinian president. a lot of the conversations and the might be complicated by the discussions he has with president has sold in tel aviv the these really prizes been saying that he doesn't see this is a time for a 2 state solution. something that the americans are still very keen on when take solid and goes to them all of their number of issues he wants to talk about. there is the case of secular violence. the number of raids that we've seen that 0 relays
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carry out in a, in the west bank over the last 2 months as well. and of course, what happens in guys after the war and the americans are particularly good. the v c . a role for an enhanced, publish city and authority, think it can be revived and revitalized, he's talked to as well about how the us has trained the number of palestinian security forces that operate in the west bank. and the number of those people were also trained in guys a n v could take on that role. but of course, this is something that has been essentially rejected by benjamin netanyahu. only this week, speaking by the parliamentary committee, he said that the palestinian authority is trying to kill is really you said, how much is trying to do mutually published any disorder to is doing it in stages. so you can see how difficult these conversations will be. and then that is the question of what happens in guys a afterwards. as i say, the united states would like to see a vitalize palestinian authority and elections at some point in the future.
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benjamin netanyahu has said that it's not going to happen. and there are people in his administration who say there will be no 2 state solution. but speaking to one of the advisors traveling with the excel and he said, look the question of what happens and guys up afterwards, of course is a big one is going to take discussions is going to take negotiation. it's not simply about flicking your light and hoping everything it does is well again, and at the same time, the issue of captives has been raised again, this really military. since i've recovered a body of one captive that was held by him boss, what more can you tell us about that? let's let me tell you just in the last hour we have had from the israeli army and they say they recovered the bodies of 2 soldiers who are taking captive on october. the 7th, whose bodies have no be identified using forensic means. and their families have been told they were both 19 year old soldiers, both based at the guys of police station, which is very close to the board with guys. also,
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we've had that they've recovered at the body of a 20 or 28 year old french as really citizen. his body was recovered at the beginning of the week. tests were caddy date on his body too. and his family was informed and choose deal. that's the only note being made public. he was one of the people who was attending the music festival on october. the 7th, quite how he was being held captive and what happened to him not quite clear. but what we do know is that the families of the captives of express the consent of the continuing fighting and guys are believing it reduces the chances of people imagine from their safely, almost certainly had from us saying that a number of the captives have been killed but also the i say that benjamin netanyahu should investigate every possibility for any c spot, which of course in the past led to an exchange of captives. and that was something dig sullivan discussed with the head of most side when he was in tell a be on thursday. so all of these things kinda lifting together. but i can tell you that that note puts the number of missing captives at 152 after then use some of
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these really army in the last hour. okay, thanks so much for that update there. ellen, ellen fisher, for us, an occupied east jerusalem. this is where the soldiers have shot the civil palestinians in thrones, done grenades and tear gas during rides in the occupied westbank. this is video from the village of a riff south of nablus. in the center of the territory. we have soldiers detained, at least 3 palestinians, as well as military also setup chick points and other villages and interrogated palestinians driving through. israel has detained an average of 60 people every night and kills nearly $290.00 palestinians and the occupied west bank since october. is ready, forces have ended stay most intense right in the occupied with bank since the war began. the incursion engineering started on tuesday morning like 500 people have been arrested and at least 12 palestinians killed. before on this we're going to go
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now to hold up, designate who is engineering and the occupied with banking. so the right of to 60 hours is finally i think what is being the full out there? this was the longest range is really forces carried out in janine since 2002. the 2nd intifada this morning, people are picking up the pieces, checking out what happened to their properties, and i'm just going to take you on a tour. here. we are in a grocery shop that belongs to the inside the family. it has been completely ransacked by the soldiers. they have left some of the fees up there. actually depend they use was on the floor here a short while ago. i called totally what is written here, but you will see further down some other refugees, quite insulting. in english now at the fact that the grocery shop beside the family had as a tailoring business,
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also completely ransacked. you can see here this sewing machine, which is the bread and butter of this family, completely destroyed roadside. they still don't know if anything has been taken away, but certainly their livelihoods is in severe jeopardy at a time where the economy and business is very slow across the occupied west side. now we're going to take you a bit further down here. and this is where the soldiers actually set up shop, they what they were slipping off of their own. the 1st floor of this house. this is actually the living room of the side of the family and here. yeah. now with best my side they yeah, they gave us money. so i apologize, but in the house of it should be what has happened to the new house? yeah. we were kind of home and we were forced to
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leave our home, our house. i came back and to find everything has been destroyed and i spend on my family, the grocery also was routed and you have seen a lot of the destruction way the all the house, my paper. is it the 1st i have to come to house? no. these uh, the traces of the crimes sort of the and you can see the windows, you can see the 1st at the you can see the ever the think we only live in this room is the office and we would have had to get them for. but i don't know what they have they donated. i don't, i don't think i think we have been attacked. and we've seen the structures around us. but we're not in the house the moment. but we were here in july. but
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this time they had submitted the line and the ability to have been the in the way. and the so not the one of the things i'm i could have written some things on the do speak some hebrew, the mill. i don't speak hebrew, some of the have you missed the thing to the house? yes, we have missed a lot of things. they have missed the. we have missed the blankets and we have missed the mattresses of the pick and everything up to the 1st floor. and at the same time, most of the open things, the, the 80, they have the wrong side all the place. so what have we done to the, to do like this stuff is, is this the how this find the most good to be a tight? yes it is, i my mother had this problem, they destroyed everything. as you can see,
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i'm calling to get the had been left to the raw. so really have i left the shop. they had been left a house for us to to come and leave again. nothing is no place here to live. thank you very much. one. thank you. from here in geneva. back was house was strategic for the soul. this is just as the entrance of the janine refugees job. but we haven't been around and in the sewage water everywhere, the infrastructure is broken. we have seen burned out of businesses and shops of people as to trying to figure out the state of the damages that happen here. now is where it says it has the data. $500.00, a ballasting is living in and around the refugee job. a number of them have been released. it also says that it has killed the people. it had always wanted. liz: but people here say they've seen the list of names and many of those on that list
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of names are not the 5 just these really forces were after. okay, thank you so much for all of it. hold on, hold on. just a need for us engineering affiliated here on al jazeera. usually this will have to go back to the negotiating table. i have to hungry blocks a multi $1000000000.00 a deal for you cry. the i had a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather across europe, and it's a windy situation across the south is we in the week what logic, unsettled weather, dominating in the southeast tanks to an area of low pressure is spot red warnings for coastal areas of croatia that wind expect it to be felt in bosnia and herzegovina as well, greece and in italy when one is extend across much of the mediterranean. but things
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are largely settled for western areas and central areas. that's thanks to high pressure. that remains in charges is going to be a little bit cooler here, but west of the wet weather continuing to push down into greece and turkey a wintry weather as well for places like ball guerria, wintry weather, dominating for places like most go on friday, saturday. it will be no waste time to see the west of that. you can see rain, sleet, and snow moving into the west. still allows the clear skies across and much of fronds putting down into space. but it will feel a lot cooler here. has it will in athens, will that southeast corner as things start to cool down? if we have a look at the 3 day, we'll go from 21 degrees celsius there on friday, down to 11. by the time we get to sunday, but still some slices of sunshine on sunday, the
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unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't, no more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, or of the the, what you're watching out to 0 reminder about top stories. the cell is rouse, bombardment of cause
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a has ended. it's even to you today with shelling and con eunice and rough it and the sounds so just have right to to come all off on hospital for 3rd time and the noise tightening me nice. i am us, spices is ready. soldiers are conducting rights and the risk banks. i have shot an injured civil palestinian, soon to douglas and detained others. the you additional security advice to check sullivan is to meet the palestinian prison motor boss that's comes a day off. he told us riley needed benjamin netanyahu, the one concerts dates to transition to a lower intensity. with joining us once again, this tunnel commit assistant professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. thanks again for being here. this. what was that with a jack sullivan meeting, a boss? obviously, the us wants the palestinian authority to have a role and what if it happens next and in the war. but how realistic is that given? just the promising support that we have seen for a boss and the palestinian authority. it's a, it's,
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it's could be realistic if the americans are associated with to empower the percent of 40 and give it some piece of evidence. meaning, i mean, jack sullivan is the to visit the newsletter to discuss the future if it goes up. mm hm. what about the supplements extension come to americans, but i should this lady still threes and stuff, supplement expansions, the immediacy now on sunday. so it's out the entire mess now and then. okay, parts kind of stuff. they can, they can commit to this. somebody can for something for something. this light has been with somebody since will say when it will go. yes, it seems that the perceived that sort of the is actually in power. exactly. and the jumping to see and is that's being engaged with them, the medic on the international community is giving it some pieces of it. and so why doctor stay or to that? to, to sticks to it's, you know, i mean, the board that the dental sounds great, but what are the chances of that actually happening? 0 yeah. sadly 0. i mean, what do i have seen so far? the americans up to 30 started by users as they, they,
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they thought the full but they do nothing to push. that is what i have to change. its political admittedly conduct when it comes to the more than guys of the us. as for committed by design to do the keyboard, which is the legal thomas, the only time us the fit on tactics uh does that mean? cuz once the sofa approached the one does the, the, the, the, the good. this is a green light to prolong the won't take as much time do want, as long as it's a self that approach enables some 8 to come inside, you know, create some buffer zones and sort of a kid going with, with the, with the minutes operations. they for sure, neither of them have a concrete, a concrete. the plan for the governing garza, i would be so surprised if the percent off sort of these even winnings don't gauge in any scenario at to, to take over a gaza without an approval of what else. how much is approval? you cannot bypass thomas. this is you creating
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a scenario for independence of and one of the guys a slip was any for the see me and party that would come and pick over guys on, on the, on these are the types and the problems of the things is going to be legit in the eyes of for the students. okay. and that's what we've heard from us and griffith as well at the you and basically saying that i'm us has to be involved in whatever comes next and gather. thanks so much time. we really do appreciate your time. israel says it's seeking a diplomatic resolution to ensure safety in the countries north with another boy as a possible option. but his ballasa is important engaging any discussions about border security until israel 6. this is activity is in cancer. so and hold off reports from favors or israel is increasing the pressure on the battlefield as it looks for a settlement with the arms group has the law that would allow residents to return to towns and villages in the north of the country. america, the defense minister, your of gallano, is calling for
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a safe its own unleavened on the side of the border. and international efforts are reportedly looking into the possible deployment of french troops and all of them trying to find the diplomatic solution that your feelings, international falls. not be honest with you. and because the easy way is it doesn't believe in the movie, do you in which you are free to leave when sports is brought to an extra foster with the ability toward back home like a i just went up. it's a similar proposal to the one put forward by as well during its last or with has beloved in 2006, but it wasn't able to achieve at school the demilitarization of the group militarily, or diplomatically. instead, an enlarged un force was deployed with, with no mandate to forcibly create a border zone, free of weapons, and fighters outside state control. thought it mitre was lebanon's for administer. at the time. every morning you'll have some of these radio fission. a strengthening
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to either in fade, destroy a, implement the resolution, 17 or one by force or get it under chapter 7. i mean, and i think most of that is, i'm realistic. but in the meantime, that are other dramatic so many different might take your initiatives, you might want to call them during his last visit to 11 on us mediator amas. hush time raised the issue of land border delia nation as a way to end the conflict. split hezbollah says it won't negotiate, as long as, as well as aggression and cause it continues. it also reiterated a red line. we will not this arm because our weapons allow us to live independently and face threats. and for us there are issues that can be discussed. but there are issues that i'm not up for discussion how's the law has always said it
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had reservations on un resolution. 1701, and never committed to this arm. when it was adopted, 11 on the governments was controlled by the groups opponents. what has paula says? it did agree to was for it's fights or is it an arms not to be visible along the border as well is threatening to escalate, but a full blown war will guarantee hezbollah will stay away from the border center for their elders. either they don't us defense official site, the who sees in gym and have filed a ballistic missile and the red sea missing a container ship. it had been north of the above all month. deep stripes on choose day of who these cruise missile damage to tank it in the same area. the group has increased its threats in the region and responds to it as well as on gaza. meanwhile, the us is expected to announce a special multinational task force and the red sea to the, to the who t's from further attacks of them on this, that speak to heidi joe casper, who joins us from washington, dc and honey,
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what more do we know about this move to create a naval task force, a tom, this is going to be what we expect an upgrade of a current maritime task force that is already in operation in the red sea. and that is made up of $39.00 nations. and it is led by the us central command and us officials reported lee in the last few weeks has been working actively to get those other countries to contribute more naval ships. so that is an announcement we're expecting in the coming hours and it's coming just as we're getting new reports, library and flag cargo ship that has now reportedly been struck by projectiles from. yeah, but this is according to the associated press, citing a us official saying that this cargo ship was, or at least it may still be on fire. that is still
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a developing situation. but yet another example of who see a tax that has really disrupted commerce through this vital with straightway for international shipping. the u. s. has repeatedly issued a warnings to who sees their various channels to stop these attacks. and also having shot down a who's the drone on tuesday. so certainly very concerned about maintaining the freedom of navigation through the straight, which is another topic that jake sullivan actively brought up with benjamin netanyahu in their meeting that was just a day ago. okay, thanks so much heidi, heidi joe castro for us there in washington dc. the now the news now hungry has bolton a you deal on a 50000000000 financing plan for your trying. and your latest have decided to return to the negotiating table in january. it follows an early agreement to ground
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. keith is session talks to become a member of the blog. patasha butler reports from brussels. a historic step usually does agree to open membership. negotiations with ukraine often tends towards, and brussels. hunger is lead to have threatened to veto the move, but decided to leave the room during the food effectively allowing the others to reach the unanimous decision. the due is a symbol of the book's unwavering support for ukraine and sends a strong message to russia to the people from you prove we are on the side and piece a decision made by the members. it's extremely important for the attributes of their opinions. the unity on ukraine comes install controls to the use this unity on the board because of the conflict continues to divide. the blog, but positions are shifting. i'm supposed to, to present the coming position, but there is not a couple of positions. barrels referring to this week spoke to the un general
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assembly. the majority of e u. member states back to cease fire resolution, including phones of spain and all island move. and in the post, but not enough for united european front history in the czech republic. so to the king states, well, germany abstained in brussels. irish prime minister move arrived. couple said you disunity on cause of damaging the blocks reputation. i think unice also credibility because of our ability to take is stronger and more united positions and is where the palestine. we've lost credibility to global sites, which actually is most of the worlds because what is perceived to be double standards, despite the different plays on gauze or the use expected to speak with one voice when it comes to med, besides being able to impose sanctions on his way the 2nd is you may find them games kind of students in the west bank move, backed by the head of the european commission to on wednesday. let's move on delayed and has been a circle support, a v 0.


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