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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 15, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing. your better tomorrow the the low i'm sammy's a them this has been use our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'll just share a john list. have been wounded by shrapnel from an is riley rocket, didn't com. you and this this as israel intensifies its attacks on gaza, increasing the shelling and as strikes in the south, the present. i'm not hold on. bass tells us the false as well to hold the attacks
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on palestinians in the meeting with the us national security advisor. we report from jeanine on the off the mazda of the longest re advise riley sold, isn't moving. to that case, the, the white house is doing as well to pull back on its high intensity military operation and focus on protecting civilians in garza. but the spies, the pressure is ready, bombardment continues and what is now the day 70 of the will within the last few hours to, i'll just hear a journalist was injured by shrapnel from in his writing this all in fun. eunice. the journalists were reporting on the s drive near a u. n. run school. one of them is still waiting for upon emetics to reach him and made reported. shelling buys riley forces. a lot is ready, shutting and ass drawings killed at least 12 people and destroyed homes in northern
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and southern parts of the gaza strip, including in or off and the occupied westbank us national security advisor jake sullivan has been meeting with the palestinian authority. presidents in ramallah, by without bass told, sullivan washington, those forces rel to stop its attacks on palestinians slice crossover now. so it's all to come by zoom. he's in the alpha in southern golf zone, 1st of all product. let's start with an update on our colleagues. what do we know of that condition? yes, right now we can say that's what we're pretty glad to do. is right now receiving the treatments. you know, most of hospital being injured, his hands, the do to be shopping on that type in a drug and paper wet due to the is really ministry a james strikes. well, i can find the region that they were repeating a film as they were trying to cover on the ground. what is happening in terms of injuries. and the distance that had been resulted from dana from the attack that
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had been carried out against the hyphen in sonya. some of the still now is it still a leading of the middle of the vicinity of the hospital where the sound of explosions overhead in the region and that the time he had been and the location for now? well then i know where this situation might be excessive, painted as there was no any medical risk to teams had a right to the place due to the fact that is well is this to surrounding the area and they are opening fire against everyone is moving inside the facility of foot honda school. now we are conducting different codes of nations with the palestinian brother christians on the palestinian red cross in order to allow the medical team to route to reach you at that location in order to eventually. but we are so worried that concerns regarding his condition. so now we don't have any updates about his exact injuries our legally uh,
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recently had from our clinic. what was the last person with uh, somebody told us that his injury is very critical. * and he must receive immediate coverage in musicals to unless he might be uh, killed, sustained to his meeting. so were really worried that there was a sense of fear and frustration among the crews of old 0 team is that the goal is to strip regarding the submitted code situation of our clique assignment about the car, the camera man, one of our best camera man who was tirelessly with all the things from the ground to inside the territory topic at this point, does anyone have any contact with sound that i'm with up to? is anyone able to verify what his condition is that he's still alive and so on? the new one, i can really do moments to contact with somebody over to him to do to the next task
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of communications since yesterday, wherever we cannot even to kentucky with our click that but we've sent some of our . 6 actually get to 10 units in order to give us an update regarding the situation that be to the new and cooling system for civil defense crews were able to reach to the invitation to due to the is really intense bombing of the area as is where the forces are deployed in the vicinity were preventing anyone to get close to the connection back. and this is also is a new challenge for the mythical change and even to us the communication excessive pay to the situation on the ground. does we have reported yesterday that with every single time that isabel is talking often to the communications inside the situation is getting much more strikes are tearing down with the cut over a full time communication which has got to move concerns among palestinians that
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they might be targeted, no one could reach dedication due to the absence of communication that web site detailed story thought of. can a situation like this through june. this have a channel in which they can contact the israelis and say, stop shutting in this area. there's somebody that who is, is wounded in potentially, you know, bleeding to death of the a generally the only the channels that are allowed to journalist and even for old didn't read. palestinians can talk to the occupation, which is just for out and goes organization. we're talking about about a senior read, chris since and the palestinian red cross who are having all kinds of direct contacts. we'd be a occupation as they are responsible sometimes for informing the uh, the telephone you administered. tell us about some areas of attacks are some locations of the palestinians who have been injured and they are still trapped in some such an areas. um that we have been contacting the the,
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the by the depaula sent me over the crest of the palestinian rid of christian fort, evacuating summer from that area. the contacts because any should continue on it to this moment. we don't have any information about the situation of some of these 2 are right now. the thing that, according to the last person, he saw him on the ground in the vicinity of the school in san eunice. thanks so much to to come by zoom. then let's go with the child stratford. he's live for us and janine in the occupied westbank, what kind of reaction are we guessing that to this, the? well, they say no reaction here officially from anybody. but so certainly with respect to the kind of pressures that journalists are facing in covering the war on goals that from here in the occupied waste bank. it's like to say that most of these journalists of ever experienced send a signal like it before their lives. because we have seen this huge escalation is
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riley made a tree rides on towns, villages, and cities pretty much every night across the occupied territories. hey, we've seen an increase in st. lower tax olsa. secular attacks that are often, either given the green lights tacitly by the age riley military, nearby or as is often the case. and we see video footage of machine it with our own eyes. literally is where the soldiers standing when these attacks are happening in, in, in the very close vicinity or as these attacks are happening literally watching them a car. so part of the city of journalists, especially despite have use that use they all to attacks like done happening. that has been such a big escalation since the war began. but yeah it's, it's really important to recognize the kind of pressures that they are on the alex he was supposed to 3 weeks ago, standing above all for prison waiting for a prison to release it. pretty obvious that off s and g truck was targeted as well
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. the joe, and let's just above us on the hill one, i'm taking a bullet to the camera or a plastic bull is the camera. alcohol had its wind screen. destroyed. so you know, they're, they're interesting. she's like this happening pretty much every day. we seemed full of footage, for example of a j. i was just here arabic, another journalist that we're here with janine covering the bank right, the largest right in 20 years on june in a couple of days ago. you see these right in the military are forcing them away intimidating them. so it is a, an endless challenge for joining list here in the west bank to deal with these kind of precious i was in college there in 2014 as well. hundreds of other children list as a member of an outage or english team at that particular time. during that will the age writing, the ministry had told you, and let's look, stay in this hotel,
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a particular hotel and we're not going to, we're not going to, we're not going to attack you. of course, as journalists, everybody had to do the job, but it was difficult enough then, but based more on goes on. now he's on a different scale altogether. so we've got to keep remembering that the jointly, so the working goals are like why, like some i like out seems like many of the media will cuz mostly palestinians asked to be said, i'm not really trying to report the facts on the ground them. but having to move from place to place is often described by secure generally it's just being like a hoffman to your need. a room to tube of toothpaste is the, is really ministry push for the sales. that space where people can operate with civilians can show what journalists can do. the job is shrinking all the time. and these journalists obviously looking off to the road safely, but they're having to deal with looking off to the families as well. so as i say then what they'll be an official reaction here, but talk to any journalist in the occupied westbank or the goals. and they'll tell
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you that they've never seen anything like this before. and charlie, just take us through how as a journalist, now the situation being so intense, you don't know how to go to look out for what's happening with the is there any minute tree occupation authorities also got settlers and senseless to think about? right? so that's up so literally, right, so i mean, we have, is a such a huge saying a huge escalation inset, lower tax across the west bank since the beginning of the war. i mean, we've seen increasingly as well. interesting. yeah. unless they've been saying increasingly, the amount of set this now that where even when ministry fatigues during these attacks now whether that's an indication of increase militarization or the set to move but or whether it's because many of the settlers a reserve, as many of the settlers are actually serving these right in the ministry on our own, if you'd like a bottle of stations that could be cold to gauze or at any time. but i think it's
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pretty safe to say that there is a general interpretation of this increase in attacks is being potentially a result of these tacit green light given by far right wing is really government that is in no way interested in cooling, to account the behavior of whether it be sold just for example, the soldier here in jeanine last night that video footage, we saw of him standing in the poop in a most delivering a jewish prayer that the rang out across the campus. people hate in their homes, whether we're looking at that level of intimidation and bullying, or whether we're looking at the fact that yeah, seemingly these of the settlers can, can do what they, they like. and they all not being called to account. so god, the situation has got a lot was not only with respect to, as you say from defending it shall be careful as a journalist from these riley soldiers, he's really military that coming to every,
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just like this pretty much every night. but the setlist, the, the hundreds of thousands of checklist, many of which are on and seem to these days, be acting with increasing impunity and comp launch on a government fall. right? is right. the government that is basically giving them the green light to do that. and charles oldest targeting all oh, strikes, killing john list happening and wound janice. it's actually happening while jake sullivan, that actual security advisor is there in the region has been meeting with mac, moved the bus, and up until now his messages being one of the israel has to show motor strains when it comes to civilian casualties, right. i guess you said that, but you speak to any palestinian on the ground here and there is absolutely 0 trust in any kind of rhetoric, any kind of statement that is coming out from the us administration,
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whether it be jake sullivan. well, joe biden, there is the big distrust and it would be fair also to say that you could, you could argue that there was rising, rising hatred towards the american administration because of course, everybody had, the palestinians will tell you know, that the americans have been so important in supplying for example, is rowe with weapons as the war on gauze continues. they don't think that the americans have been stolen off in denouncing secular violence despite the so called v is a band that is being put in place. and they just trust whatever american says in terms of the pressure of the washington. it says he's pushing on the matching yahoo government to stop is right in the military. right. so what ever somebody like the national security adviser, washington's national security advisor, jake sullivan says here, there is very little face in it whatsoever. and yeah,
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you can see no rightful. now we are fully expecting palestinians in, in, in, in cities like janine towns and villages across the occupied west bank of fully expecting more rage this evening. so whatever somebody like jake sullivan says, no matter how important he is to the american government, there is absolutely little face that it will have any real, any real rob with the way that is why at least conducting this will not only and garza but in these ongoing rights, and by default those secular techs that are happening so often across the occupied west bank. all right, thanks a lot child strengths. so then let's bring in now button this may see joins us now live from tel aviv. i'm probably a little early for his really reaction bonded to what's happening with our colleagues, but took us through generally these riley line because this is not the 1st time we've seen john list killed or wounded in this really strikes. right?
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no, it's not what i mean. we've asked these many military for comments on was home to while on the summit. and they've asked us to give a quote and that's locations of why they were basically we communicated that. but it'll be sometime before we ever need to get any sort of definitive answer as volt . remember that we outside garza reliant on the unless, like, while and come run some of because israel does not allow journalists into gaza. any jerome is outside one of the, just the with a bit in, from going into a totally relying on them for information. israel a cause would always say, but it doesn't deliberately target john, let's just towards the end of october though, use agencies royce says, and the french agency, a se, se, ask israel if it would be possible that they could get a shore and says that journalist would would not be targeted during the war. busy of israel came back to those agencies as that know we cannot get any assurance. so
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israel says that it will not talk it to them as deliberately. but it's, there is no evidence without talking to jonas but deliberately. but there's no evidence that they make efforts to not talking to him and then it just took us through at this point when we know that one of our colleagues is wounded with not sure of his condition. and you mentioned that we've reached out. you've reached out to his riley authorities. what is the process beyond that? just to try and establish information about him if they've stopped shelling, if there all ambulances that can be sent to him, how difficult is it to establish what would normally in, in a normal situation be a pretty straightforward 1st response process. well, there are no special exceptions made by israel in gaza for journalists. so once we
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pass the information to his rails military, we got in touch with him. he said this has happened on roger and the stomach camera mom has been injured. can you give us any information as to why the process is as well as military takes the information from us? and they've asked us to provide the coordinates of where they were. and then they'll say, they'll look into it. i can expect that if they do look into it and they come back to, to us with an answer, they will say that he was in the wrong place of the wrong time. they will say that he was not deliberately targeted. they'll say it's an act to was own because this is what is right away says in response to these inquire is up to yes. the day, according to the committee to protect journalists. 63 members of the media working members of media have been killed since october. the $756.00 of them, palestinian for the miss riley, and 3 lebanese of the right will take you to
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a live event right now. thank you for that. so listen in hosting us as i agree with them that you know, the meeting was very useful, very open frank and very positive terms of bringing some ideas you know, to deal with the, the situation that we would face, you know, and cause i a bring with me, you know, the flights of my people, but that's the destruction massacre slaughtering of my mind. getting a sense of people for children and women that's have been slow. totes, you know, and goes up by the hundreds by the thousands of destruction sort of destruction with the objective of eliminating the presence of quite a student as it goes up wiping out, you know, not necessarily have mass spec like being all of the young people. and trying to make because a uninhabitable uh, this is really the, the objective of,
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uh, is it really waging war against such innocent people the ink does a set of defense, has been translated into the feeling of such a innocent people. and that's the, the interpretation that is what they understood from such a situation. what we are looking for is the immediate, the amenities fire, but we are looking for is the end of the aggression. what we are looking for is uh, you know, uh, uninterrupted, uh, answering so for him to do it in dates. it took us uh, got to will reach the owner because uh, uh south on north to have anybody to work without any interruption. the controlled or the bye bye bye. just a. what we are looking for is a try really to rebuild the
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a health system that has collapsed completely. what we are trying to, to do is really to prevent the spread of all depends on make diseases. what we are trying to do is to end the collective, you know, punishment, the bike is what i guess the people didn't go. so what we are trying to do is to prevent the start of ation and the 1st, the from being, you know, a weapon or for, or against a lot of people in gaza. what we are trying to do is to prevent, you know, the displacement of but a student goes from their homes, input the south. i'm from the south into, you know, 2nd night. what we're trying to do here is really to provide protection for the people you know, send people in does up. i think this has to be a very important as to, you know, elements that, you know, i believe that there is consensus. you know about that and the everybody's trying
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to do his utmost in, in that one ways to uh, make sure that so this is the, the case in god's stuff. you know, the time is of good sense. as we delay our reaction, as we've really a lot of holes into the subtraction then you know, we'll see more a innocent civilians being really killed in does that. this has to be very important. you know, a decision to be, to be taken on. i agree with that spend, that's, you know, what's happening in the west bank. there's not any less important and dangerous done. what's happening really, in pain goes up the, the, the, there is really military and the suck. those are trying to do the, to a drug costs into a confrontation into violence and insight into this direction. and they are using to know different tactics in order to do that. i think, you know, it's very important that you know, we take up necessary measures in order to prevent
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a need to sort of ation of the situation in the west bank and to keep the west bank out of violence. minnesota. thank you, then jordan, please. thank you so much. and again, i wanna stop by a couple of my colleagues appreciation of the idea of front desk, but i'm going to suspend for hosting us today. and we met a december where doors lock cards where, where negotiated. i agree, and i come up, let's say, ask everybody to think about the oslo accords. been implemented? what do we be? where we are today? i think the logical outset is not. and the question should be, why did we not get to the place that it was the upwards? what adjustable and the simple answer is because as well as with megan, what it's coming, it's the codes were made on the basis of the land for peace. for me is what it is, no longer committed to the land for peace. for me, those codes were supposed to be
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a transition short transition. so i've been a city and state where the police today and people with live, with dignity, you freedom side by side as right. and that is also secure and accepted. that did not happen in the country. we see occupation being consolidated. we see the promise of the skin and we see about to send you a lot confiscated. we see settlements undermining the viability of the twisted solution we see and is ready to government. that is bluntly openly saying no to the palace to me and people are right, said insemination. no. so, but as to me and states would know to be less to send freedom. it's against this backdrop that we should look at what's happening now not in the isolation of that of that history,
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which was put in with missed a put you on each. what do we go from here? is a question that's very, very important. but before we set that question, we should deal with the now, and we should stop and aggression, which consequences is the destruction of the whole community, beginning of children, the killing of women, the destruction of hospitality, of schools, of streets, of what is it then she had areas and the killing of faith in this i faced that took us 30 years to pay for that as being that the might know. so the priority is the moment the priority of the moment is to stop this aggression. stop the killing. stop the destruction allow sufficient humanitarian supplies without assuming it's can have food,
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can have water. so that toss because it's going to have anesthesia so that being children can have an aspirin to use them. once we do that, then we see how do we make sure that this never happens again. and the only way for this not to happen again is to achieve the 2 state solution that would put his pin that medicine and speak the right to freedom and state to under access to our labs in accordance with the many terms of girlfriends of which was low is a pillar and that's what the allow for his ride to live in a piece that accepts sets that allows for palestinians on his way to people, to look to a future where there can be no more. they can be no more kidding. but there are chances and opportunities for everybody to come together and achieve that piece that is the right of everybody in that there are tough questions. there are tough issues now with the,
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with the immediate to get to that piece requires all of us coming together. and today was an opportunity for us to discuss how we can only pull out of the sources to do with simply right. and what simply right is to sort of the conflict on the basis of the 2 state solution and to deny the right because or saying north through the 2 state solution. the opportunity to uh, define and doing our future to more conflict into more depth. and to more destruction, is there any government now which is saying no to the to stay solution which is refusing the p n a as a partner is acting like a radical agenda. the consequences of which we've seen manifest themselves in the past 2 years. we cannot allow that to dictate the forces of peace need to come
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together to realize that i took everybody's standing young, woman and child every is a new will that and child every woman and child in the region and beyond, to live in peace without beautiful or without fear of over checking point that, that still their future, that is what we need to do. and we're fully committed to working with our partners in norway, in the countries in be to look subjects in europe, in the united states, everywhere. to realize that piece. because without that piece, conflict will continue to do in the future and many, many, many more people with so far. thank. thank you minister an iceland pace. yeah, let me start by uh, also going thanks to both um, designers for reaching out on for it to us, but also for creating the venue and responding so quickly on the has been on the encouraging day and historical setting. a sultan,
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aggression whose consequences of the destruction of the community and the destruction of face when peace as the coal that from the jo damian farm is that in the software the he went home to blame is ralph for the failure of the also processing. israel is no longer committed to the land for peace formula. really. we heard also from the palestinian foreign minister of the all the non keeps saying to the warning that these riley minute treat and settlers are trying to drag us into destruction. this is all coming at this gathering that's going on in also bringing together a number of our, of, and middle east and ministers, the prime minister of concert on foreign ministers of jordan palestine. saudi arabia in turkey, on the one hand as well as a group of foreign ministers from europe, norway, denmark, sweden, in iceland and so on. and then trying to figure out what can be done,
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what they can do to try and bring this conflict raging in the middle east to an end to as call sabbath. it's all to come by zoom in the office themselves and gaza. first of all, target stopped 1st with any update, any information about the condition of our colleague. some of the other doctor who we understand is been wounded along with what is that do? but we're very concerned since we understand he's still in the area. has anyone been able to reach him yet till now? no one, no magical teams or nor even a civil defense cruise managed to get to the location of some of the car could example had been injured off the used by the air force has had a hit the area that he was reporting. i'm. busy assuming from the inside, as he is right now, legion given middle of the street,
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we have been contacting up by different methods, our colleagues, that informed us that there is nothing happens in you regarding the situation and the condition of december. i know medical teams have been a been april during the last couple of hours to reach the location of the targeting, and they are a totally terrified i'm afraid that he might lose a life. we wish that wouldn't happen. the rescue operations could be carried out as soon as possible, and all that traverse to our clinic that who had been described according to our pretty glad at that, doing that his injury is considered to be critical. while the injury of our uh click what had been mine or hey, he was injured in his hands with us on a couple of id, is ready at a drone. the style that struck the area as they were covering the recent is really a tax on a high school in the new to city where this area considered to be very dangerous as these really a strikes and confrontations. the continued between the palestinian fighters and
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these, but you saw just on till this very moment. no risk corporations had been conducted in these areas, pumpkin tax and coordination continues on the ground of for us, the palestinian read the christians on the palestinian red cross in order to get the permission from the east. very forces to risk to our colleagues who is suffering and his medical condition is the tier rates. and as there was no rest corporation had been made and conducted until this very moment, product goes to just point town to view as the, as we're talking, we're looking at pictures some of the light, this fixtures that came in when our colleagues what and to report to engage the was wounded that in, in this riley strike. it's very hard pictures to watch is these receiving 1st day because of course, one remembers that his family members were earlier killed in an earlier is really strong. and this is, this is something of course it's a challenge that everybody in gaza is facing right now. take us through some of the
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strikes that happened today. elsewhere in garza, you and run school has been hit homes, have been hit on eunice drop off, take us through the why the challenge to life and security and gone. so today of the yes uh for around seventies. a is a fine thing on the ground to sides gauze. uh, every day we missile strikes my of use of any occupation forces who have expands, that the military operations on the ground with head of hearing the sounds of explosions across the church. we at discovery moments where israel had launched that military strikes that greece agricultural lands alongside. busy with the uh, between the palestinian um distribution board is the attacks as well on hon. you, on a sick he continues, which has been on, is fairly intense, plumbing since the beginning of this day. and according to initial reports that we
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have had right now, that the vicinity of the announcer hospital will have been targeted out of this area where the majority of a residents are taking shields in signs along that it's the place right now, we're our click. what is it receiving good treatments of being injured after the is really a drone, a strike that to attend alongside with our camera man summer about the situation similarly, continues in the north of the total rate where it has been under intense is ready funding alongside with mass a rest minute treat campaign that had been conducted against every single palestinian who is over 15 years in that region. now the 2 or 3 had been completely under is already full military attacks. as the a do these by the latest strikes has claimed the lives of more than 18000 palestinians with mood them 50000 others who have been injured and receiving the treatments. of course, calls this trip hospitals. all right,
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we'll leave with that. thanks so much. father. come by zoom. of the . i'd like to recap ah, headlines now. the south to i'll just do a general as a vein, injury advice from the from that is right. the miss. how strong can garza one is why things are permitted to reach it was made in shelling and han eunice. at least 12 people have been killed. vice ready bombardment in the northern southern parts of garza. whitehouse is a genius. well, to pull back on its high intensity ministry operation and focus on protecting civilian palestinian president not hold on. basses, told us national security advisors radiate sciences johnson and the west bank must stop. james sullivan is in ramallah, often meetings with these roles. prime minister, a move cabinets and tele, these palestinian journalists in gauze, and not just covering the will,
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but living through it to at least a t 9. palestinian jun list have been killed in the conflict. more than 50 media premises or offices have been completely or partially destroyed by his riley strikes that includes the office of the a, s t, and use agencies bureau and garza. hundreds of palestinian journalists and the families, including those from al jazeera, have been forcibly displaced or have to abandon their reporting equipment in offices in the north to live and report on the difficult conditions during frequent communication. blackouts, journalists working in areas of conflict, protected under international humanitarian law as all civilians under the geneva convention. but as well as accuse of repeatedly violating the rules of rule palestinian gen, let's say, is of this trying to kill the messenger and silence the story. a jonathan diego
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is the head of the middle east desk with the reporters without boldest joins us now . live from paris, good to have you with us. first of all, let me ask if your reaction to the wounding of 2 of our colleagues and garza. good evening, we are, we strongly denounced. i know there is radio against the scene in journals against such as your journalist correspondence, where to go in and some of the thought we, we hold for a very cdn for recovery, for with that door. and we're very worried about some of the co we, we, we call it on urgency on these really are need to allow him to answer. ringback and to, to get to some of the who is an urgent need of help. and, and we hope this message comes through a, through your, through your tongue to this is an unacceptable attack against brady during this war, covering the conflict and con eunice. uh what, what, what has already lost family members and then are,
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you is really striking the so does all in october and today he is being the price of his, of the for the, for doing, for going his work. this isn't sports and the why the context of his radio effects against during that is the used to support the so thinking since the beginning of this war, 13 a homework and for reasons really to directly to there were we caught him on the protection of journalists because on, on, is really an educational authorities to open the gate so that during this can be that they need to run the international during this and come into work alongside them. how disturbing is it when you get reports initial falls from people on the ground to talking about a drone being responsible? this is a drug strike and we know, you know, of course, trends on fonts, weapons, both precision weapons. how much more disturbing does it make it? so we're extremely concerned about these allegations we're, we're obviously looking into them. uh, there are a lot of, there are lots of the things concerning circumstances around around the 6 is that,
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namely that one has already gather the last numbers. there are already pensions with the 0 to a, as you said, these couldn't be precision weapons. we, we, we, we wouldn't investigate whether this was a target that can be used by models very strongly use a targeting journey. this a targeting journalist covering award as a waterfront before the, the geneva conventions, according to their own. that you go, i think the international criminal court has already submitted a complaint to that dash criminal court asking to investigate the beginning of the journal has a and to, to in order to find out that there was intentional target thing. and therefore if there was, if there were, what do you think it's time for his riley officials to change the tune when it comes to the sanctity of life and gone. so we heard on october the 13th of this year from the is ray, the president, his soc hertzog saying, quote, it's an entire nation. outland. back he's responsible. it's not true. this rhetoric
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about civilians not being aware not involved. it's absolutely not true. we've heard a few times from his rails prime minister, ben, you mean nothing? now talk about referencing verse is from the bible on the destruction the injunction to destroy. i'm a like vs which talk about destroying civilian life. women, children, babies, even animals. is it time for a change in rhetoric and the rhetoric that on the schools, the sanctity of civilian life, including journalists, a. so i wouldn't just say it's time, i would say it's long overdue. we've heard, we purchase a lot of things, statements on behalf of the journey also are useful on the one hand say that they do not like specific or concern of us. and on the other hand, they, they imply these, this complicity on the journalist vacuum. some journalist working with some of which was which, which would imply a justification for getting during this this, what do you think is right up from us?
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we've heard some statements directly calling for the punishment. the other thing in journalists and goals are coming from uh, coming from is there any additions causes that for me based on this information campaigns like using these terms of working with from us. it is very important to say that these journalists are covering the war on the ground. they are, they are doing a very great job and extremely doesn't good circumstances are our 1st line of defense against this information. long before the start of the war, these journalists were also facing finishers from from us. they are not in any way a frenzy frenzy with, with the, with the 2 of these, these calls are extremely denounced and they are extremely wearing as well. and they, they are extra and that, that be considered when wondering whether when, when, when investigating whether there has been intentional targeting of terms. okay, thank you so much for your thoughts and your comments on that as well that spring and now use of one village. the professor of political science and international
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relations that i'll tell the university good to have you with us so. so we've got these scenes of law civilian casualties including our own colleagues, john list once again, following victims in this is riley attack on garza. this is coming at the same time, is you have jake sullivan talking about the assess the to protect civilian life, kind of on the mines. that message doesn't it? it does indeed. and obviously over the last week or so, there has been a wide gap between what the rhetoric that comes to the washington and the responses from nothing. yeah. oh, nothing. yeah. who basically is on that. and i think that this try to educate how most and to a lot decayed, the civilian population. there are 2 kinds or 4, but we don't the moment the one which is what is what are these using those weapons and so on and so forth. but there was also another wall on the kind of waves and
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these laid ones, basically to silence the in the older novel to the complex. what comes out of it's a new, as munoz troubles, a drug dealer has been to keep them in, but just not forget about shooting the block left for these things was killed by a new lady, a spiteful mcclung. much on the go and this uh, what happened to what it did the door is a little testimony to is light lit up, just drive to silence any different voice. when we look at the us message, now, do you see that it's evolving into a cold for is royal to just reduce the intensity of the attacks? what does that mean? obviously over the last 4 weeks or so, there has been a shift in us. i think jude stalls is like begun with green light to do whatever you like and also that it wants to proceed with caution. you will need to pay
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attention to a promotional low and so on and so forth, and you need to pull up like a civilians. and so the message for washington is getting a little bit buffer, but not enough to prevent nothing, you know, and his most extreme blight we can government to do what they want to do. i believe that nothing. yeah. who is fighting for his political so little via sort of vibrant, he wants to inflict as much but much as possible to show his own people the pay was doing the right thing to pull up. that is like, until you showed the time us no longer poses a threat. so this isn't use if does this mean for those who were expecting all hoping that maybe the visit by drink sullivans the region would produce some kind of timeline. some expiring dates on this operation that they're going to be disappointed. we're not going to get that one. i think they wouldn't be disappointed if anything, if we did come from we didn't, is why? because or what part of the last week also or 2 weeks,
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we have seen that nothing yet in particular, has not been paying attention to whatever is coming out from the outside world. so don't if there was any pressure on that, then the under use government to do something, i believe it would come. it would come by the us does have huge leverage though here, right. but it's a lot of a lot of military hardware to his route. if the us wanted to take the sold of stones, but historically we've seen us presidents sometimes take joe biden, wouldn't be able to do that. but of course he would be a man if i were on the show. last week i was ask this, but this kind of question about said that if there was a discussion in the securities calling some of these days to do that, the state would veto with a few days later we own the what happened? so the, but the us house depart function to bring to an end. discovering there's nothings happening in goes off, but the width of biden and his government to do it remains
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a big question. we're also seeing a gathering of our foreign ministers in european farm is going on. and also including, i should say, also the turkish farm is the is some kind of proposal vision coming out for how to end this and what the post causes a post war scenario. looks like that's very difficult to predict. obviously politics is the out of policy, but so everything is possible that has been moves to put some sort of blogs into practice. we hear a lot of what we hear from the percentage of, of how i'm us for these things does say in the would be no. the future on our end, the discussion of the future of how most of it goes off without with how much is wishful thinking, these ladies on site and will, i'm going to stop until we let the tape have most so dislikes of very high that little from both parties is very, very high,
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but i do believe that some kind of of you will some kind of solution, a little pause it may be found to be discussed. all right, thanks so much use fonda. thank you. and as we mentioned, the group of western countries in europe in unit calling on this well to tackle by cold levels of set to the violence and the occupied westbank. they both just as round to take concrete steps condemning what they calling violent acts. committed bike stream is settlers which are terrorizing palestinian communities of these riding the tree is ended a 3 day rate in the occupied westbank city of janine is long distance. the war and gossip began at least 12 palestinians were killed by his variety forces during the operation. palestinian prisoners association says 9500 palestinians where detained these right. the ministry has increased its rides across the occupied westbank with at least 289 people killed since early october. oh, do i have that?
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how many does that one of the houses and jeanine that was rated by is very forces the still just stayed here for 3 days and they were around sex. absolutely everything. including the food supplies, not all over the house. you have graffiti is like this one with the start of david and $710.00, 7th of october. i see a message that what they doing is in revenge of what happened on that day. they took the mattresses from downstairs and slept up here, leaving all these tools to their feet is on the walls and also leaving behind complete tears. these are all goods that they simply took from the grocery shop downstairs which belongs to the family here. the reason there is
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really soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's as the entrance of the janine refugee camp. and from here they have a clear view of now this flow was still in construction. it's not the 1st time that the soldiers base themselves here, but the family tells us is the worst it's ever been. now, there are a lot of in some things where fee is on the wall. some of them reflecting what some seniors really, politicians have been saying of the 3 palestinian prisoners released from his by the jails on says they say is there any gods tortured and abuse them in prison? they say the treatment got worse off the hamas is a tackle new as well. on october, the 7th, thousands of palestinians have since been in prison. this row intensified its raids and the tensions across the palestinian territories. i'm how much reports. even the
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old one not spade. we thought the warning is really solely dissipated. this month's home and a bunch of that. what happened next opportunity is like for madison. i'm 62 years old. they said you must leave the house now. i told him, i am old. where shall i go? to the store of my house and asked me to tell them where these really captives are . i told them, i swear to god. i know nothing about the captives. they didn't believe me, and the shocked me of the surviving pink shot at close range. he felt peaceful deed was cold. but he was wrong with the they took me with them and they didn't amputated my legs and forced me to sign a paper. they then threw me in and cut them up with some crossing, and some people brought me here. civil philistines of died in his regular presence since the thought of the war. is the right, has detained more than 4000,
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including 255 children and youth peaceful october 7th, many a head in what is right and close administrative detention. we thought the judge of trial was off the beach. me badly. they hit me in a very brutal way. i can't even talk. i really can't talk. they beat me badly. the country talk about it anymore. they may have their freedom back, but they now risk being killed as is right intensifies. it's a talk, some feeds across palestine. yeah they, they have them, how much does the american center so bernie sanders says cold for an investigation into i have given by the us to as well. he wants an inquiry into whether us phone assistance is empowering what he describes as indiscriminate bombing being carried out by 5 minutes to ben. you mean that to me? yeah. who's right when government sanders, who is jewish said, wow, how much does
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a tank on october? the 7 stats of the war, it does not excuse atrocities in the conduct of that much. i. a lead is of drawing a close to the to day summits and brussels fav struggle to unify on the cease fire in gaza. members of the block has been trying to use its diplomatic leverage to encourage and move towards peace, as well as 5 minutes step. and you mean nothing? yeah, it's mostly north and josh, a box has been following the summit and says you are paying support for israel is dwindling. on the 2nd day of the summits in brussels, you lead is focused on israel, who in garza, he was united in condemning her message. i'll take the 7th attack, but since then they have been deeply divided with some member states support in each room. others coordinates rouse response in dollars a disproportionate watch we have seen in recent weeks. and the recent days i'm particularly at this assignment is some of those positions changing,
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and some of that support for israel eroding particularly is the number of palestinian civilian deaths continues to rise. we've heard here some easy to say the killing of innocent lives simply must stop. there's also a great awareness of the you really needs to find some sort of common ground or comments position when it comes to the will on calls. because not having such a position is damaging, the use credibility that so those are saying it was of the irish prime minister here at this as somebody's in brussels. it's actually about to, i'll do 0 lessons. jewish and palestinian is right in the women. now staging a sits in protests calling for pace and gauze. the demonstration is taking place and how be mis square and central color. these are full, i'm a member of the connected is expected to attend women say the government is trying to silence those calling for an end to the will. the people who have made history were always a minority and usually anti war activist,
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and people who didn't have the popular opinion and were usually the 1st one, the never a majority and were never the popular opinion. but you out, you have to start from somewhere and you have to, even in the most horrible circumstances the, you know, a reason, a reasonable human voice. so for the women here, you know, people tell us it's not the time, you know, we're in the middle of the world. this is exactly what the government wants us to do to shut up and get it. we are in silence here because we are in deep been being silent. but silence has always, you know, it always serves the power the so we have to do something, we have to do anything more power and more of the homes and more aggression will not, doesn't bring peace, no chat with a football match is being played in the concert on friday and to show solidarity with the people of palestine. joanna gosh, we're all sca is that for us live so tool because throughs playing who organizes
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the nissan education. 60 stadium is one of the 8 stadiums that hosted that matches back in 2022 today to raising people of color initiatives that were together by students in my life and school here. thanks. a lot of appointments. yeah. me, me out during international. so i'll have to see what is the full amount of money gold pieces. well, in about 15 minutes time, you can probably see the opening ceremony taking place just behind me. also since social media influences and the id was ranging in like the local community here in kath talked to so, so is our teen unity to raise those funds to the people of color sign. and jo um we did see at the beginning of the of the ukraine conflict politics and support come together about how right is this kind of event for palestine.
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the scene men and women trying to sign and ultimately be sanctioned by this photon federation and is not just schools, men and women as well as the problems because they seem the same in scotland. does have a lot south of stadium because the scientists, well was that what do you see to play against the streets of the lives of equal and so it is in front of me, right? you can see here the to show this kind of time we come to the issue that of being
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playing and need you to when you, because see, i'm say this is, here's the situation where the team itself needs some stuff involved. so the nice thing about that team is that they are actually going to be trying to fax together in this, sorry stadium in january when the policy and team take all the aging cop campaign. i believe with that. thanks so much, john, i guess for the all right, that brings us now towards the end of the hour. let's just recap the news we've been telling you about. there's been another day of intense strikes. is rice strikes on garza to valve to 0, is john this will be included in that will be back to the top 3 out of more updates
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on that. so to stay with us on out of here. the a bundled price so far. oh, with this thing is pro, this debt begins to sing and i don't know it's a happy child who love to play for sprains the tax happens during one of the almost daily ease reading the ministry, right. it's on the city of geneva. he says it's around it, this foam and killed, come on and are really close to the resistance according to adam's family. and with this is the lead drive of slowed down short, 15 year old, best shopping year old item the back of the head. i wish i was of the 3 and someone would come wake up telling me i'm just really i would never a god's name which this felix to anyone. it's hard but they got,
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we are the what am i supposed to few. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is that for me? now, it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that the another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's i them, this is the news life from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. i'll do 0. john list have been wounded by shrapnel from an is riley rocket in con eunice. this


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