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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 12:00am-1:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the of the hello on hasn't speaker, this is the news life and the coming up in the next 60 minutes. i just had a camera man saying that apple car has been killed by miss all 5. from it is rainy drone in garza. he was talking to a long side gauze, a bureau chief, when
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a doctor who is in hospital receiving treatment for his words. i tried to gather all my forces and i was barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy, and i was losing my balance. sam, it is the 1st edges here to generalize to be killed in this current conflict. but his death brings the total number of john was killed in gaza to 90 these really minutes. he says it has mistakenly killed 3 captives. during his military campaign in gauze the i just had a camera man saying that apple duck has been killed in his rainy, drawn strike in southern garza. at the time the mist i'll hit some of it and just see it as gauze. if you're a chief way to do it. i've been reporting on an attack by his riley forces at a you and run school in hong units. continue is heavy showing by his ready forces prevented paramedics from reaching center. it was like the found dead off to
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bleeding for hours when managed to reach hospital, he's being treated for shrapnel injuries to his um and waste. i just need his cause, a buick chief. what ill recounted the events of these rainy, drawn, striking, con eunice at the time he spoke when it did not know that his colleagues summit about the car had died. she hasn't changed. it'd be it now. we can't tell what exactly happened. i only styles a big impact. i fell down and lost my helmet and my microphone shape. i tried to gather all my strength and was only barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy and losing my balance. i thought another strike would be launched on us. i struggled to stand and hide. i didn't know whether to take cover in one of the bunk houses or to walk away because i was bleeding from my um,
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i realized i would keep bleeding and nobody would be able to reach us and help. so i tried to press against one of the bleeding injuries on my own and tried to walk slowly, was supporting myself on the walls. in the end, i was close to the main road. i saw an ambulance and tried to shout and call them for help. but the situation was very challenging. they could not come to us because the road was blocked by debris from is really shunning. so i needed to continue walking until i reached the ambulance. they tried to stop the bleeding temporarily . i asked them to go to where i was, because my colleague some are up to duck. i was still trapped and was calling for help. he'd been injured in the lower part of the body. but the paramedics told me that we needed to leave immediately. and they will try to send another ambulance so
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that we wouldn't all be targeted to with then came here to this hospital somewhere and whatever we were able to record a still there for say that one attempt to send another ambulance but it got shot at they couldn't go back because the area was very dangerous. so how does it does appear, chief, what does that do recounting there the story of what happens to, to him in that sam apple duck, we're going to speak now to taught apple. i zoom in the in southern gaza so. 6 taught it, i know you are someone who knew a sam, it personally just talk about a little bit about that and, and the said the circumstances surrounding what happened here. yes. has in a sense of frustration and deep side, this is a controlling and taking place in the heart. so his beloved ones and his family relatives,
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as they came to the hospital to bit far will uh for assembly or as they were, as he was killed off, that he's very minute treat ro strike. i to the area that he was filming in a, as the were also trying to report on the one of the latest strikes that had struck a, one of the united nation run shelters in con eunice, in that area that had been turned into a battle zone. between the policy and fighters and these really so just now some are had in fact lift a behind to bleeding for long hours without having any risk you operation. but any medical teams are due to the prevention of that usability forces to reach the place we, we personally, we haven't been knowing summer for long uh, days as i was just flicking through the messages that he had recently us and to me informing me that he's missing to have sessions together as we have been split up. so we have evacuated roughly and he remains the reporting of old, the latest updates on the ground,
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as we know sound or he was very dictated unprofessional camera. a man who had a coursing treatise on delivering the, the, the suffering of people. and i clearly remember the times when a, every new emergency case and for new and the injuries that had been transported to another hospital. he was rushing just only to a field and to depict for the world what is happening on the grounds, as he was also a very determined person that he wants the world to know until hear what a the gaza strip is witnessing in terms of the suffering of its residents and people, and also to show how the, the, the brutality of these really military strikes, of course, that there are 3 is really taking place or. yeah, and you tilt there about his determination to tell the stories of people there on the ground, which is what you and your,
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you or your colleagues are doing every day under very difficult conditions. and it's, it's, it's a reminder that's, that's the, you are not just reports is there, but you will also living through this will, which is all around you. yes, absolutely. it has them. we are a living these a, these conditions and we are experiencing the same circumstances as no cause inside the garza strip of witnessing. we're having the sounds of these belly, marseilles, and we can feel also that re probation the reverberation of these a strikes as also the families of our colleagues onto the, the, the correspondence of, of do or had been a target for the is really a military as we have also killed the family of what added that to and the majority of our quick movement is srahi who had been previously tucked in at the northern parts of the territories. we are sharing them the same kinds of bane. and we also
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are forced to keep reporting and to keep shooting the lights on the latest is really a tax on violations inside the territory. so don't unless on the, on exceptions due to this also have been a target for these very miniature extracts as they had it as. but it was recommended to attacks have cleaned the lives of around 90 the pallets. and in doing that is some of them were insides of the story. and we're also during the right that reporting as what happened to our quick summer up with the the fact on the ground for the majority of donor, this insight goes of that reporting is the message that must be continue. it must be also delivered to the horrible to let the palestinian voice be here around the around the globe in the world. indeed the thought it was whom uh, talking to a staff from russell in southern gaza. thank you very much. i a lot, so not to immune con, in ramallah, in the occupied westbank. let him run as general as we never want to be the story,
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but it does his home. the point, doesn't it? of the, the tremendous precious endangers that jim is facing reporting on this, not just being gaza, but in the occupied west bank, where you will that's absolutely right. the community to present, jen, this is yes, that 90 journalists have been killed and garza since october. the 7th you heard from while the talking about his determination to get back to work, remember was families were also killed. his wife and his children, 46 family members, 46 family members of out 0 stuff and been killed since october the some it hasn't stopped by determination from repulsive. just take a look at our colleagues and goals, they give them the stuff. what we're looking at topic you just heard from jaime, mom or the cameraman that, you know, sammy produces there as well. a, during this incredibly difficult job under what circumstances,
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but they cannot get away from that war is happening to them. and. busy this is something that's uh, although not reflected in quite the same way and you'll keep pipe westbank. certainly every palestinian journalist you speak to him, it doesn't matter whether they're just starting out in the career of and then doing it for 20 years. they all have stories of either harassment or detention, or simply being attacked by is ready forces. and since october, the 7th degree here in the occupied west by the gloves off, it doesn't matter whether you are wearing a helmet, doesn't matter if you're wearing a flak jacket with the wordpress written very clearly across the chest. you are simply a target. if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time for being a journalist, if you're in the right place at the right time, simply doing your job. now forget all the international janice, people like me, we have the option to leave the palestinians. they don't, i'm for them, but you heard it from well i of himself, it doesn't say he,
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they going to keep or were continuing to report the story. and i have to say, i do personally admire that and i think it's an incredible thing to hit and even more incredible thing to witness. these guys are still doing that job not just in gaza, but having the occupied westbank as well in the indeed unbelievable determination from our panels thinking, generalist colleagues, but i'm on the conflict itself. a moron now as have been reporting us national security advisor jake sullivan has been in the region. he met with the palestinian president who that best were getting a post that he has been pressing palestinian leaders to help provide security for a post war. gaza strip. what do we know about that as well? that's the 1st time we've got some concrete details perhaps own was this revitalize, revamped palestinian authority might look like. now, what we're hearing is that jake sullivan has aust my food, a bass to provide security personnel who could form the nucleus of
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a force to petrol, goes up the us and the palestinians. officials said they have discussed of the plan to retrieve a 1000 full but published in, you know, if i were to security forces offices and goals that another $3.00 to $5000.00 in the occupied westbank. now this is a part of the idea that the palestinian authority takes over. um from there as leadership. i think the goal is to strip the day off to have mass which is 5 minutes of admin benjamin that you know who's current phrase. but the probably minister has also been very clear as well. he said he doesn't want to make the mistakes of deals low quotes of 1993, which created the palestinian authorities simply not interested in the palestinian rule in the states. he wants, as well as i have a biggest sites in the way garza is wrong. and that is concerning for the palestinians. because if all the leaks the to believe from these ready media about the war cabinet map lines, they want to buffers are not outside of gauze,
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but they would have buffered inside of gauze, and they want a minute treat occupation within cause. and now they've clinton said they don't want to occupied garza and build supplements and movies ratings into palestinian homes as we've seen during other parts of the occupation of the the last 75 years. but this is all very alarming because it really just goes to show you. busy over the americans on one thing of how this new authority they still need to buy in from the israelis that key allied. and these riley is written only to compromise emerald . com my 1st in ramallah in the occupied westbank. thank you. so let's go to, i'm the son who it isn't occupied east jerusalem. so i'm the, as we were saying there at the, the, a samuel and his colleague when do had been reporting on an attack by his rating forces at to you and run school in, in hong units. have we had any reaction,
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a tool from his radio authorities about this as there's been no reaction from is really authorities on the death of our colleagues . send that up with the car and the injury visitors bureau chief and gaza wet and adoption. do these really military instead has continuously denied that it target civilians and journalists saying that it is on the shoulders of some us who should bear this responsibility for quote, using civilians as human shields. these really army, along with the government, a likes continuously say that they are not targeting civilians and doing what they can to keep them out of harm's way. but the reality on the ground over the last 70 days has shown a much different picture on friday afternoon, it occupied east jerusalem, a photo journalist and the neighborhood of where the joys was brutally beaten by these really army sustaining injuries to his face. and his head and all over his
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body and his, the assault was actually documented by another journalist who was standing nearby. and these really army released the statement about that saying that they're going to look into the incidents. but perhaps it was the journalist who was posing some sort of threat to the border police while he was simply trying to do his job, covering the friday prayers after these really occupation forces have denied palestinians the right to go to be an officer mosque every friday these journalists have been covering this story and this conflict in depth and their stories of resilience and garza occupied east jerusalem. and in the occupied westbank all tell the same tale. the house, the journalists on the ground, are continuously in the face of some sort of danger. when reporting about the conflict, when it comes to these really military est with the time that we're going to talk about
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a story coming out of it as well. now and that's these writing ministry now saying it has mistakenly killed 3, kept his during his campaign in garza, the captives were killed off to these really ami ms side. den to find them as a threat is ready to promise to benjamin this. and yeah, the says it's military will draw, a lessons of the white house has cooled it a tragic mistake. so hands on what to what else did the is ready? prime minister i have to say on this we've been hearing from is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. defense minister. you'll have gallant war cabinet administer, but against, and these really army spokesperson. daniel had got a, let's begin with how god he because he was the one who made this announcement saying that these really military does in fact claim the responsibility for shooting and killing 3 is really captives while operating in the northern part of gaza. saying that these captives escaped wherever they were being held in captivity
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and then mistakenly these really soldiers identified them as a threats. but in all of the statements, from these officials, they are using the word tragedy. these really prime minister are saying that this will be a learning type of experience, but that the operation on the ground continues. these really military says they're opening an investigation into the matter and looking into how it happened. but how godaddy has also said that is really military troops have come into contact with him as fighters who have approach them in a similar way, which is why these really army identified them as a threat. but let's talk about the families of the captive, the families of those who were killed in gaza by these really army and the, bring them back now movement, all very angry. and in rage this evening, at the government, at the military and specifically at these really prime minister, there are now hundreds, if not thousands of people protesting intel of these outside of the kids are known
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as the defense ministry. these families have been saying for 70 days now that they want more done by the prime minister and by these really are me. and that the issue of the captives is becoming somewhat of an after thought because of the others goals. israel wants to achieve in this war, these families and to bring them back now movement or threatening more protests, even threatening hunger strikes as these really army says they're doing everything they can to ensure the release of all those is really captives. the families are saying that they are not a priority to these really government to buy. so i much for that to. i'm the sort of hoot in east jerusalem. indeed, a lot of anger there among his right. these are, these are looking at live pictures right now. from tel aviv, of one of those protests that to she was talking about is right, is protesting the news that these randy minutes here says it mistakenly killed recap this in his campaign. in garza,
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i just need to release the statements on the killing of i just need a camera man saying that i will call it says the network condemns in the strongest terms. these ready drone attack on a gauze of school that resulted in the killing of camera man saying that i would call it added the network holds is real accountable for systematically targeting and kidding. i just need a generalist and their families and extend it sincere condolences to the family and gaza and in belgium of the lake colleagues center about com with the killing of the sand. but of the number of gen lists and media work has killed in gaza reached over 90. i just need to just the international community and the international criminal court to take immediate action to hold these really government and military accountable, or tablet. and this highly is a present at a 0 and a friend of the late sam and i will talk how they worked together in gaza. he says,
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what happened to simon was an assassination in the meant to call him. and for 5 hours, they didn't allow for any of the analysis to reach the area to rescue him because according to what he was listening to him, he was a life when what and get out of of the area and some of them. now he's number of 92 of the palestinian during list who have been killed in gaza. says this what has started according to this has this fixed itself for how the jordan is the developer opinion. jordan, this then our team and the fees being targeted every day and some of that has been targeted, targeted and we lost some of the day before that the family to afford to do the family of water and our engineer. that's what the light engineer 19 of his family has been killed our other correspondence and goes, i'm going to shut off the last 22 for somebody including his father and mother. and i want to go to school in the,
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in the north. and especially if he lost his is father. so we talk about kind of our families of our crew on the ground. they are being killed and targeted. and this is, as i said, there is no explanation. that's a lot of that. these are the targets of this, or it is in the time that they are targeting everyone and goes on including the drum this. what did happen with some of it is a great evidence. that's no accountability and no one of the, the by this thing you enjoy most of the this, it throws you the we call everyone. cool. kidding. about the protection of the human rights and the for a freedom of speech and the journalist to take to, to, to work takes about us to the georgia center by the senior civilians summit. i will do a, he's an example of a palestinian journalist in 2002 summit with the he has been injured by is there is and he kept working and covering from gaza. personally, i know some that as a person,
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he was determined to go and in discoveries and to cover the professionally a few months ago. i was tell you that summit has the whole funded by the 0 to join his family and vision unimpressive. and he goes to work as an outcome and i'm on and the price of he got the offer. and then he said, no, i want to go back together. and i'm like somebody to go back to, to goes, i'm attached to this to this area. i am part of this area i covered for more than twenty's. in this area, i wouldn't leave of a national security, a us national security council spokesperson. john covey has offered his condolences to the family of the address here that jennifer sent me saying that i would the card. kimberly how could, has moved from the white house, the national security council spokesperson, john kirby offering the deepest condolences and sympathies of the white house. on the death of alger 0 airbag camera man summer abbey dot com as well as the
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injuries that have occurred as a result of in that is really air strikes to correspond it whilst i do. the white house maintains that there is no evidence that israel is deliberately targeting journalist even is as well the dues own family members just weeks ago were killed and another is really arrow strike. the white house says that in fact, there needs to be more specific knowledge about this particular strike. and that it cannot be a judge and jury for every single kinetic event that occurs on the battlefield. still the white house maintains that it is the position of the president that journalist must be protected and have the freedom to cover conflicts and be protected for the very dangerous work that they do at targeting is unacceptable. further, the national security advisor jake sullivan, as well as the secretary's defense lloyd austin,
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are continuing to work with their is really counterparts to underscore. the necessity of being precise in the ongoing is really military campaign to ensure that palestinian civilians are protected. and that includes journalists, kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house, the, let's speak now to luciano is a call to associate professor of golf politics of the golf studies the center of cuts out universities, thanks again for being with us. so we just heard from our correspondent, kimberly there about this on going uh, dialogue that the us says that it is having with israel about the need to have reduced a or, or, or minimize civilian casualties. and that includes a journalist and their families being killed. it doesn't look as though that message is getting through to isabella last week or a couple of weeks ago. we were here in that the by then was sending that then, you know, would that before result in the,
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that talk to he should be careful about me having the same amount of cbm. this is totally on probable. yes. of the $22.00 to $3.00 as well. to, to, to discuss also the timeline of the day of the war. they, they kept saying that they don't have months but weeks to, to, to end this, this work. then funny who keep keeps saying that he wouldn't take all the time necessary to do that. and that so far he didn't show any restraint in that box. that specifically i would probably get them to be nice because there is no way to prevent casualties among cbm. so we don't see how the pressure, or they not receive all the discourses or the message from the united states are taking my anybody off with no way to refrain himself or a friend, the media, 32, ok the and the way they are acting so far uh, compared to the previous conflicts in, in the middle east and then you, your, your, this is an area which you, you have a lot of experience of. how does this compare with, with, with,
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in terms of the danger to, to, gen, listen to so many other people working there? how does this compare with, with other conflicts and issues in the region? but you're graphically speaking gus high is a very small that we put in which everybody is there and everybody. i mean, since that, that half of the bullets it was forced to move to the other part of the day of the day of the street, the duties are we dealing with this group of people? i mean, dr. joe noticed it'd be like that is doing or providing some service to the rest of the position is within the people that this how is being targeted. i don't think we kind of find any other conflicts and you'll have to go to the context in which we have this c miller and then a conglomeration of duration of people in a very small place in which everybody became a target. everybody became someone who come the co workers for their families and there is no place to be safe and no place to escape from any. and it's like,
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i'm more aware when they are done, you know, in discriminated way because the, the targets or the they'll objective that'd be sort of the house which is really mean nation of how am i supposed to be. and yet in general, is that what you hear from all of them in gaza is that they remain determined to continue to report on the story despite everything that's happened around them, the loss of life, people in their own families. well, well, 1st of all, journalists are to be of minor because their, their job, many people that they're working on this context. but we have somebody mind the most of the people that they were killed there at united or they work in the sinews . they are reporting about their own life, the reporting about their own families. they are reported about their own land and they prefer to remain there to keep reporting on what they, what it's going onto their own and people, this is something that we have to admire. there is no other word to express, a mutual fund move what they're doing a. so, i mean,
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just going back to the conflict itself and how do you see this playing out and the possibility then limited as it is right now of, of the further negotiations for another seas, for this mean along this whole countries we, we, we realize that there's only one act during the national act of the compressor is red line right now with the which assumed that the states and so far, they prefer not to do it. they have time for us to do it. they have the chance to do it. when uh by then being can or so the band came to be sent them to to, to talk to anthony one every time they came back they came back with a different idea compared with what became a they the other the, the message that they wanted to give and it's on yahoo! eh, we had the sites had the chance to vote at, in to a resolution of the united nations and all as somebody, i mean, fund resolution old united nations security council on the prefer not to do it. they keep in the system that they kinda negotiate directly with
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a file and that they can help is read to prevent more casualties. some industrial far into months. we haven't seen that. it's been possible more more than 80000 people killed. so as far as you know, this is not decided to give it to your message until they get your action. not on the message. i don't think we would see the an ad, but a question. all right, well hopefully come back to you with more discussion on this a little bit later, but for the moment, luciano chicago, thank you. a said i had don't address any of these really. all me ends a 3 day storming of the occupied westbank city of janine the longest right since the war in guns up against the weather brought to you by visit castle. hello there. we've got some very unsettled weather,
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nipping the edges of europe over the weekend. but high pressure across most central and western areas will keep things largely settled and dry. but this, that strengthening area of low pressure taking some blast we conditions to be a drastic see when the conditions dominating because much, all the mediterranean started a into sunday, some heavy rain and storm. so the likes of greece and turkey at athens, seeing those thunderstorms with a wintery edge pushing into bulgaria as well as north macedonia. it dries up, however, for the north east, still bitterly cold. however, for moscow and there we have another weather system that's putting into the very north of britain and the island of ireland. we have got some heavy rain warnings out from move in scotland fac, date into sunday wintry weather dominating across the scan. today. be a on saturday and into sunday. however, for the south of this lots of sunshine coming in for spain and portugal, the temperatures will be coming down here over the next few days, looking rather mild. however, because of in parts of england, london at 11 degrees celsius,
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the sum was pushing its weight from west to east. as we go in to sunday. but lin, at 10 degrees celsius that while above the average, the cloudy skies, i'm afraid of the weather brought to you by visit, cut, some unique perspective of africans. i'm willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't, no more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear problem nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the are made to the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play
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a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings. 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the of the log in you are watching. i just need a reminder of on top stories. the so i just need a cameraman salmon. apple car has been killed in is really drunk. the strike in southern guns. paramedics were unable to reach him when he was 1st engine because of continuous is writing, shelly, educated as gaza. we are
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a chief wen and that was injured in the strike. they've been reporting on a tank lines really forces at a you and run school in san eunice is ready, ministry says it has mistakenly shot and killed 3 captives during it's gaza offensive. they were targeted off the troops initially identified them as a strict a palestinian generalist in gaza and not just covering the war, but also living through it. at least 90 palestinian jealous have now been killed in the conflict. more than 50 media premises offices have been completely or partially destroyed by is riley strikes. that includes the office of the a, f p. news agencies bureau in gaza. hundreds of palestinian generalist, and their families, including those from address either had been forcibly displaced. they had to
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abandon their reporting equipment in offices in the nose to live and report on the difficult conditions during frequent communication. blackouts. generally working in areas of complet conflict, protected on the international humanitarian law as all civilians under the geneva convention. that is ro is accused of repeatedly violating rules of law. alex thing in general is say, israel is trying to kill the messenger and silence the story. a joyce, now song, chicago, illinois is, nor is the, and she is lead the palestine campaign a at code. think thanks very much for being with us. so your reaction 1st of all, to the depths of of college salmon and what it means for a general is to continue to cover this war in, in, in the conditions that dealing with high. um yeah. first, i just want to say on behalf of myself and everybody at pink,
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we offer deepest condolences. this is something that is for it has done before. and we hope that they don't do it again in the future. but of course, we're all heart broken, but not surprised that zillow has proven to be a military that has no moral standards and no principles when it comes to these things. and if there isn't an end to this, and there isn't immediate action taken into account ability, sounds to work then and then this might continue to happen as it has in the past many times. what do you think needs to happen in terms of, of the accountability that well, 1st there needs to be an immediate unconditional ceasefire in nevada. and the complete removal of all is really troops from garza and all of the palestine. and then an end to the occupation, because that is the only way to stop the cycle of violence that hasn't been
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perpetuated for 75 years since then after about $194081.00 of the things about the we've been talking about and, and we've been hearing this from, from our correspondence is that that's many foreign journalists to who, who are working in the occupied west bank and gaza as well. they have the option to leave any time they want to. but there are many, there are so many palestinian journalists who, who don't have that, that this is, uh, this is part of their last part of their life. this is part of, of, of what they do. um, does that make them you think more of a target? of course i think 1st and foremost, anybody speaking out against israel is a huge target to them because they will do everything they can silence them. but of course, those the palestine are great or targets not only because of their journalism, but because of their identity. and palestinians just says everyone in palestine,
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amazon is under attack of is really bombardment under threat of death at any moment . at this time. talk to us a little bit about the, what the your organization does in particular with regard to, to generalist and, and the, the, the freedom, the need for them to have the freedom to operate and do that jobs as well. we look to them to be our 1st chance stores when talking about what's happening in the plaza. they are our number one source. i just need a correspondence, actually included, are the people that we look to in order to tell people in the united states and beyond people who follow us and look to us for education. we make sure that we are using their language, their words not exactly what they're describing, making sure that the message of the true. ready is what's actually getting to people here, and we do what we can with that we have called with our community every week. and
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we make sure we get an update on what's, not only what the journalist are reporting of the conditions of mazda, but also the condition that they themselves are living and whether they've been injured, whether they are been forced to flee or themselves. because these firsthand accounts are the most valuable and one of the only things that we should be looking to when we're describing what's going on in the bugs and in terms of public opinion in the us where you are, we've seen a lot more protests um showing support for the palestinian side in, in, in, in the us, which is traditionally a, has shown, steadfast support for israel. what do you, what do you make of that? and we showing pictures of a, one of the protest right now taking place in, in, in philadelphia. do you think that that's been a real shift in public opinion and in particular, in terms of uh,
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seeing younger people uh, showing more sympathy for palestinians the best been a generational shift there? absolutely. i somebody who has been advocating for palestine for almost 6 years now . there's definitely a time that has turned and there we are definitely in a moment of mobilization that is unprecedented. the streets are filled every week. not only that, but there are actions, direct action and various political actions that are happening throughout the week by different groups of people. it's a very diverse and unified movement that we're seeing here in the united states that i don't think i have ever seen before. we are getting support from people who have not necessarily supporting us in the past, but now are kind of going through this enlightenment, this a weakening where it's clear as day uh what size you should be on as clear as day. what you should be doing if you are somebody who supports peace, who supports liberation,
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and i think it's amazing. and i think that it's allowing us to mobilize on a level that is more intense than we've ever been able to before. and it's a really good indicator of our success that's very close. our liberation that i believe is very close. digital to you, nor is your grandma, thanks very much for being with us. thank you. let's take you now to the occupied westbank and these right. the military has ended a 3 day raid in the city of jeanine. it's longest since the war in gaza began at least 12 palestinians were killed by israeli forces during the operation. the palestinian prisoners association says nearly $500.00 palestinians were detained. is really military has increased its raids across the occupied west bank with at least 218 non people killed since early october. hold on that. how many is at one
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of the houses in jeanine that was rated by is really forces. the soldiers stayed here for 3 days and they ransacked absolutely everything, including the food supplies. not all over the house. you have graffiti is like this one with the start of david and $710.00, 7th of october. i see a message that what they doing is in revenge of what happened on that day. they took the mattresses from downstairs and slept up here, leaving all these. told to their feet is on the walls and also leaving behind complete chairs. these are old goods that they simply took from the grocery shop downstairs which belongs to the family here. the reason the is really
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soldiers based themselves in this house is because it's at the entrance of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have a clear view of now this flow was in construction. it's not the 1st time that the soldiers base themselves here, but the family tells us is the worst it's ever been. now, there are a lot of in some things where fee is on the wall. some of them reflecting what some seniors really, politicians have been saying. it has always palestinian prisoners who have been released from his riley jails, say the gods, tortured and abused them. cuz they say that treatment got worse off the how much is attack on israel? on october, the 7th, thousands have been that since in prison, as he's really intensifies is right. excuse me. across the palestinian territories, his hands on him. even the old one not spade. we thought the warning is really solely dissipated. this month's home in regards to that. what happened next image
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in his life for him? madison been sent home. i'm 62 years old. they said, you must leave the house now. i told him, i am old. where shall i go to the store of my house and asked me to tell them where these really captives are. i told them, i swear to god. i know nothing about the captives. they didn't believe me, and the shocked me of the surviving pink shot at close range. he felt peaceful deed was cold. but he was wrong with the they took me with them and they didn't amputated my legs and forced me to sign a paper. they then threw me in and cut them up with some crossing. and some people brought me here. several palestinians of died in his regular presence since the thought of the war is the right. it has detained more than $4000.00, including $255.00 children and youth peaceful to the 7. many
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a head in what is right in close, administrative detention with the judge or the trial was off the between badly. they hate me in a very brutal way. i can't even talk. i really can't talk. they beat me badly. country talk about it anymore. they may have their freedom back, but they now risk being killed as is right intensifies. it's a talk, some feeds across palestine. yeah, they, they have them haven't been, does 0. but it was not just affecting garza and the occupied westbank. it's also spilling over into 11 on where a number of his bullet fighters had been killed. the group has been launching rockets into northern israel. is a says, a responded by striking the own groups, infrastructure, and positions in several areas in southern lebanon. saw the height that has moved from northern israel. within the last couple of hours has by law has launched
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a number of rockets, at least 11 of them from across the board, the in lab and on into israel overhead. and israel is responding, it says with a loss of force, it says it's targeted a number of hezbollah infrastructures and positions in multiple locations in southern lebanon. and it seems it has no plans on holding back. it says in its responses, you as well cabinet member, benny johnson has been meeting with some of the community. lead is from some of the northern towns, many of those that have had to evacuate all of that border area. he's been telling them that is ro will respond fast to me, but he's also been reassuring them. but he's been speaking to a multiple number of international countries, including the us calling on them to also condemn what's happening and to, and show that not only is a military force against hezbollah, but also he said
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a political one that has been report. so there could possibly be some form of mediation or some discussions in salt, but seems what we're hearing on the ground, what we're saying, no to us. hey, where are we all in the central parts of the border but also towards the east as well as the west. that it seems that that fighting the cross border fighting weren't b stuffing. but it does seem to be controlled and measured from either sides. well, to the world's largest shipping companies, also spending or contain a shipment through the red sea, the shipping company mess scan germany's hot bag lloyd made the announcements a short time ago that photos attacks by iran back to these against shipping in the region. the attacks have become a near daily occurrence in the vital walked away. of the leaders have drawn to a close that 2 day summits in brussels. they agreed to membership talks with ukraine, but struggle to agree on
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a ceasefire and gaza members of the block. i've been trying to use the diplomatic leverage to encourage and move towards peace, but as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as mostly ignored them. natasha butler has been following the summit and says you are p and support for israel is dwindling. on the 2nd day of the summits in brussels, you lead is focused on israel is who in garza, the e. u was united in condemning have my says, october 7th attack, but since then they have been deeply divided with some member states supporting israel. others coordinates rouse response in dollars a disproportionate watch we have seen in recent weeks in the recent days, and particularly at this summit is some of those positions changing. and some of that support for israel eroding particularly is the number of palestinian civilian deaths continues to rise. we've heard here some easy to say the killing of innocent lives simply must stop. there's also
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a grain awareness of the really needs to find some sort of common ground or comments position when it comes to the will on calls. because not having such a position is damaging. the use credibility that so there's a saying, it was of the irish prime minister here at this. somebody's in brussels, it's actually popular. i'll just say, or lessons american senate to bernie sanders has cool for an investigation into a given by the us to israel. they want to an inquiry into whether us foreigners systems is aiding what he describes as indiscriminate bombing carried out by israel sanders. who is jewish said that, well, how much is attack on october? the 7th stopped of the war. it does not excuse the trustees in the conduct of that war. as the jewish and palestine is rainy, women have space to sit in protest, calling for peace in gaza. demonstration took place in have been a square and central, telling me the women say the government is trying to silence those calling for an
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end to the people who have made history were always a minority and usually anti war activist. and people who didn't have the popular opinion and were usually the 1st one, the never a majority and were never the popular opinion. but you out, you have to start from somewhere and you have to, even in the most horrible circumstances be you know, a reason a reasonable human voice. so for the women here, you know, people tell us it's not the time, you know, we're in the middle of the word. this is exactly what the government wants us to do to shut up and get it. we are in silence here because we are indeed the being silent. but silence has always, you know, it always serves the power. the so we have to do something, we have to do anything more power and more of booms and more aggression will not, doesn't bring peace. let me show you some of the demonstrations in support of
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palestinians. now that have been taking place around the middle east to have been held in yemen. one in, sent out with hundreds of thousands of people turned out, and the other in might have. others were held in tripoli in lebanon, and in jordan's capital, a man to win the pos out of the palestinian ambassador to the u. n. v. odd months. so it has also his condolences over the death of as is it a camera man, simon, i will com. so it also held up a sign. well speaking at the un general assembly, the said stopped the genocide while repeatedly cooling for a cease fire in gaza. on wednesday, the un general assembly and voted overwhelmingly for a resolution that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceased by in gaza. but the resolution was not to binding to speak again. now, to luciano is a called an associate professor of golf politics at the gulf. study center of cuts
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are university good to talk to you again. so we saw the process there. they've been taking place across the region and elsewhere. do you think that there is a kind of momentum building up against what he's? well, he's doing and 1000 for the pressure is increasing the worldwide speaking. i'm in the demonstrations not only in the world but in europe. need any in doing that, the states are visible and i'm the are forcing to change that public opinion. i mean that they'll be and the precision of the, of the, the governments of the whole world. if we compare the bolton in those and allow somebody of october, and now we, we see that from $120.00 a positive, a few months to replace the, to the, to the issue of supporting the ceasefire. so building the to many thought young aiden in augusta, we move to $153.00, including many of the european union companies. and with the exceptions, we with few exceptions or of course, as far as the and the defense,
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keep the rejecting that there is nothing else for you. yeah, we can expect. but the clear message is that the public opinion is 16. as far as the, the, the conflict was extending on fast cv, knows it keep being targets. people kind of stop complaining about that to their own hormones to stay with us for a moment to let you out of we're gonna, we're gonna play a clip now from model of a he is the minute treat spokesperson for the cast, some brigades ongoing of how much, he says, israel is hiding the truth of the war in the days. what are the little some of the numbers that i've indicated, but these really occupational the numbers of wounded and imagined kill soldiers of is absolutely not true. i will fight to say they're getting more is really social, you know, and destroying moist, very equipment. then those figures mentioned by israel. and we have documented with bio fights of this is expected and predictable from the enemy oldest voice based on
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lies and information for his public. his fight to a meeting, but the truth will show one day, no matter how hard they tried to hide the public statements of the enemy or in contrast, what they doing the back of the on the what is res i doing in the west bank every day. and they target team and motoring on displacing our people wherever they are, in order to just satisfy the fitness of a company in the country. now, a back to let you all know that. so we just heard dad from the spokesman some of a military wing of how much they clean even remain determined to, to continue the fights against israel and a, remind you as well that there was a propaganda war 9 on here as well. yeah, it says the very beginning, it was clear that these would also be not on the buckle on or on the, on the about the feed, but also about the on the, on the, on the media in order to convince people and to change the, the opinion it clearly is, riley is losing the bottom. i mean, it's not able to convince why they are doing this, why it is necessary to keep attacking the way they are. they are doing that. and
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either that, if we follow the mainstream media, there were some companies including bbc and cnn, this talk with the chance 5th, see how they are reporting about the culture. guess what do you think israel and by extension the united states are becoming more isolated in the world? the longer this conflict goes on. i indeed, i think that there became much more else related. and then any time i mean is travel is losing ground on the, on the, on the spot, the, uh, if within our i think it because this is the most dramatic. i thought that was ever witnessed in the augusta state. so there is no way that nobody who can convince even in their own people. i mean if the last uh, the service contract with the lease or i am not showing that. and if i knew i was losing the couple id on the if elections were conducted today, she will say government, do you see a shift in the public debate in the united states as well? because we, we saw it as protests that were taking place in,
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in cities in the us. it's changing that doesn't mean that it's not the, it's, it's less bullet eyes. actually, the polarization is, is increasing. and i mean, people that this report is rarely have been a fucking people that they are thinking or defending the science right strides. and i mean we, we are with this in the tax on, on media tax on universe. if this effects on everybody that is trying to, to, to or trace some kind of defense of you money probably on 8 or support to, to, to desa. the debate is not less bullet eyes, but yes. are people that there's 15 or, or shifting to, to a more, uh, support the policy of, from the united states to, to the people. and guess we're gonna have to leave it there. luciano is a car, thanks very much. i, a child is a football match, has been held here in casa and to show solidarity with the people of palestine. joanna garza,
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roscoe was an education city stadium in the hot for the gay education games in 2023. today it is again for charity from a group of students in a local school. we just have to do something for the local community. ringback so what i want to give you know, what you think of my sense, it's very difficult, you know, to, to watch the video from around the, the, the system video. uh, regarding what's up in the product itself. it was made for people have positively to the customer, raise awareness competing because the different policy time. not only is this
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a way to donate you to see it on the sponsors, but as a way to assist, by the way, as in general, we're playing on for our benefit for the benefit of the children in palestine and all the people from the people are able to see the sign in the last couple of months. we've seen the sanction for showing this important social media the 1st 7 days as well as to be able to take part in the again, so stray of that team to many of the members playing. i received me some also sucking goals, significant. think about holding miss much. and the stadium is that next month, the national team quite right here in the agent. that is it for me, hasn't think of for this new job, but i'll be back in a moment with more of the day's news. as always, there's lots more on our website. i just need
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a don't call and get the latest on older stories with following for you. plenty of news and analysis will last for you. back in a while, it was more use the the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the the it is a tenant object to produce objective these coverage. many parts of is really media
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are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this republic, this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. that's the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on has and see care. this is the news live from dollars coming up in the next


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