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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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or is it just a different form? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities. do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the u. s. on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i assume there is a huge risk of that to happen to the stores on told to houses in the old. is there a journalist, some of with the is killed? find this ready, miss allan southern garza, the tel mccrae. this is l. just arrow line from dell. how also coming up guys of your chief while of dog do, has also been targeted and is interested in receiving treatments for his wounds. but i just as ready as try kids to this in this, even you in school and down by law, one of several shelters attacked recently. and protests and tennessee thought the
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israel's mill, latrice is killed, 3 captives, helen, gaza, wrongly identified them as the threes, the as the palestinian representative to the united nations as joins the l. just there are media network and condemning and is writing this all strike the killed one to list and into the seconds in the gallons a strip. some of the was reporting from a you in run school in the southern cities con eunice. when he was hit by shrapnel, his color you go just arrogance. a bureau chief while daughter was also has ongoing shelling body is ready military seem to have prevented paramedics from reaching the summer before he succumb to his injuries adult. how many reports that the ad behind some of the most poignant pictures of this war went to study in seminary that does the risk camera man. a son, father and brother,
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uncles lift to bleed on the ground. as israel's barrage of higher power was relentless summit. along with our colleague, when do was covering the aftermath of the bombing of a u. n. run school in hon eunice. and despite calls for help, the bulldozers were allowed to clear the way to reach salmon as he was fighting for his life. when in the meantime, wet and injured by shrapnel in his arms, children waste made his own way to hospital do alone. not knowing that salmon had faded away the she has and she, we can't tell what exactly happened. i only felt a big impact. i fell down and lost my helmet and my microphone. i tried to gather all my strength and was only barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy and
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losing my balance. what is story just like many in gaza has become one of multiple tragedies and heartaches. he lost his wife and his teenage son, my moved his 7 year old daughter shop and his grandson killed in an air strike on october 25th. 6 days later, broadcast engineer mohammed double sam last 19 members of his family including his father and 2 sisters, which is really this says read over the deb idea refuge account in nor didn't guys a little bit. then on december 6th, it was the turn of the no show fee to feel the unbearable pain of loss. 22 members of his family gone in the blink of an eye following israel's evacuation orders and heading south of the strip didn't save their lives. the man we actually,
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i'm selling the, this is him, the monthly reporting, his story, one to comment and this war of the over 21 individuals were killed. the power emetics is still unable to retrieve their bodies from under the rubble. only one child was found. she was prepared to the adjacent house due to the force of the explosion. she was found this man, but it has been buried within less than a week on december 11th. and this is sherry fluffed his father because war doesn't discriminate between those who can and cannot fly too old and frame. and this is father stayed in this house in japan. yeah, north of guys, up in total. i'll just leave as low as 47 members of his extended family. den names. we've joined the list of the thousands of in this since were killed by the over whelming. power of is done. lovely sizes cut off,
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but no beside would be able to kill the pictures sandwich captured at the cost of his own life. iconic, at times harsh pictures that will remain engraved in the memory of millions of viewers that meet eliza or some of what the doctor was to obtain to l just or a journalist killed since then. it was launched in 1996. the statement released biologist era condemns and the strongest terms the is rarely drawing to tackling the gallons of school that resulted in the killing of cameraman some of the doctor . it adds the network holds as well accountable for systematically targeting and killing images are a journalist and their families, and extends and sincere condolences to the family and gaza. and in belgium, all the light colleague some of with the, with the killing of some a some a booth down the number of journalists and media which is killing cause of reached,
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of a 90. how does it, or just the international community and the international criminal court to take immediate action to hold the is ready government and military accountable? oh, honey mcclure is live for us in rafa in southern guns are and honey in light of the coming of summer, can you just give us an idea of the risk view and and of the journalist they were facing of the he is good morning tom, just the devastating news that we receive at about mid nights and it will, it was a little late for us to to receive it. and do this, save a communications as we were trying to uh, get uh, updated and what happened to our colleague and friend some of those early as we could. but uh, disable communication is difficult, you know, to learn more about his health status. eventually we receive the devastating news
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of his dad says he's come to his one that he says to and what would this happen and you're just so we can look at the pattern since the beginning of the weather. there's nothing that protects journalist across the gaza strip and, and we'll see more more evidence of, of this happening that almost so in a weekly basis, more more journalist and, and more reporters and more people working on documenting the, the atrocities of the is really a crime zone and this genocide of were across the gaza strip being targeted either directly uh, being killed or their families are being targeted just to inflect so much pain on, on, on them and, and then the work and do to prevent them from continuing. where are you there? there is no way around bullets and then there's no way around bombs. the old was the oldest, went against the flash. and this dog leave the truth of what's happening to the
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point. you know, we are pushed to feel that there's the whole what is done is, is, is pointless. but then you look, there are things that needed to be documented the story of, of dollars of the story of dog. and i need to be told the to the world, and that's, that's probably the most driving my authorization for, for the journalist community across the gods to, to keep working. despite the fact, despite the dangers, despite the, the risk uh, the imminent threat of their lives in an of a, not all the them but also their family members. uh so far is the uh, a journalist and guys i've lost the family members of i'm now the, there them self. they've been targeted starting with well and then we have a broadcaster and then a journalist lost his family members and now sat at himself. the in the target of,
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of, of these really a talks in, in, in fine eunice as they were doing their job professionally. and, and, and just stating things as they happened with, without, without any, any, any edition, any of the change, any, any, anything due to sound other than the truth. but despite that, and submitting due to the professional level of their job, they were targeted it and killed that. and let's not forget that they're also the 3 civil defense. the crew members were also at the, the site when the attack time and do are also killed in and, and that's the pattern we've been seeing since the beginning of the war and the then the educated, the lead, the class of educated members of our community are being targeted doctor's engineers, journalists, and those who work in health care,
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those who work in education are the targets, the then seems to be like a. it's done on purpose just to cripple the society for years to come. get thanks so much on a just to know that your work is more vital. the navy, i think so much 100 liquid for us in the process. the appellate send you into and listen goes and they'll just covering the will the pod office. civilian population living under the a constant is riley boom, bonded as honey. was talking about there. at least 90 pell as an engine list have now been killed in the complex, more than 50 media premises offices had been completely will partially destroyed by is riley strikes. that includes the office of the i if the news agency in gauze or hundreds of palestinian journalists and their families, including those from al jazeera, have been forcibly displaced journalists working in the areas of armed conflict, unprotected on the international humanitarian law. as all civilians under the geneva convention. but israel is accused of repeatedly finalizing those rules
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because restaurants have talking to you in run school and central goals are killing cereals. this place, palestinians who have been seeking shelter, civil defense crews transported thousands of injured from the school to the hospital in the city of the fall off hop. a 1000000 palestinians had been living in 150 you in schools without basic necessities for the monks has more all these ready attacks on gaza? these funerals and con eunice the living out number the dead. but i need just leaving a loved one behind is less than easy processing loss is slow and painful. he is saying farewell with a final caress. but don't do that. what can it by it choose to say good bye. the state hardy, hard to save young lives on the side we were sitting,
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the day was just starting, and children wanted to go to the bathroom and then the more to hit us. we were inside my to and their children said i went to see them. but more through shopped into my neck, the treating show difficult time and medication, both in short supply sleep and hospitals like this is no substitute to safety. elsewhere, the struggle to recover supplies and recurring nightmare. i'm interviewing now. we were sleeping in our house and suddenly there was a strike like a battle on the wounded people. everything is destroy. it has been save in today's living like this in war and destruction. and now the sunrise in southern gaza reveals and all that strikes daylight to provides no respite.
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me find lights, the destruction the month of the 0. the is really miller traces. it has mistakenly shows and killed 3 captives during its cause or offensive. they were targeted off to troops wrongly identified them as the 3. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the miller, truthful tool, lessons from the incidents, the white house has cooled it a tragic mistake. relatives all the captives and their supporters had been protesting. intel of eve, they demonstrated at the as ready, defense ministry, demanding the government to more to free the remaining captives. let's go to ellen fisher who isn't occupied east jerusalem for us, and we'll spend the reaction to it as well as the commission that it mistakenly kills a 3 captives. well, you see on the screen there, hundreds of people spontaneously started to protest in front of government
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buildings and tell a b because of what had happened. it appears that the 3 captives where it shows, yeah, where the army were operating, the appeared suddenly, the army say that there had been a number of sites. so in that area, they didn't count to the number of mass fighters including some waiting suicide belts. and they decided that they were going to take the risk and the shot all 3. now imagine being the family of 3 of those captives, but the here that their loved ones were so close to being back at home. they were coming close to where they thought friendly forces were, and suddenly they were killed. as you say, benjamin netanyahu has said that this is a tragic accident. it's hot breaking and lessons will be land. uh, but as you saw it, yeah. hundreds of people on the streets are getting the government to do more. there's always been a consent. that is the war rages and guys. uh, it puts through is being held captive much more at risk. and that appears to have
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played out in the last 24 hours and it appears that the government is trying to do more because the media report sending the head of most that is due to reset in negotiations to release more cap is what more can you tell us about that. but what is interesting is that these 2 institutions may or may not be related, but it's look at them. you see that there is protests because people saying you need to do more to release the captives. benjamin netanyahu had been dead set against the idea of sending the head of most that the contact to try and stop negotiations. so you'll have another see spot on another exchange of captives suddenly changes his mind and says, yes, we should do that. so it's expected that at some point in the next 24 hours or so, the head of most side will leave is real. he will head to do ha, i did, he will meet with the guitar, the prime minister, and have that level of discussion. so perhaps it was because of what just happened
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. perhaps it was because of the hundreds of people hitting the streets in tel aviv and making their views new. and perhaps it's the families of those who are being held captive, arguing the benjamin netanyahu has ignored them. he's fighting the war and not paying them any attention and not doing enough to free the captives all of that. they have built up to this decision, this utah and essentially by benjamin netanyahu to try and get those negotiations to have captive. so at least we started. okay, thanks so much. ellen, ellen fisher, for us and occupied east jerusalem. also hill and l just here, i want to all the world's largest shipping companies, a spending shipments through the ritz see the to answer the
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best i to the rest of the letters are very anxious says to the size of the test, the test to also let you all know how to leverage village of the site this them progress and finally get the process. this is the best way to, to say that there's been the guess one us hold on the next test ticket and i want someone to, to inside of the in other federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront
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without 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching, i'll just say, or i remind you about top stories, the salad, the is ready met. latrice is it has mistakenly shows in killed 3 captains during its guns are offensive, they were targeted opposite troops wrong. we identified them as a threats, elders or cameron, and some abo talk has been killed and is ready to destroy consultant casa paramedics were unable to reach him when he was 1st interested in the attack, because as a continuous is right in shelling, l 20 is guns a bureau chief while
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a thought to was injured in the strike, the been reporting on an attack, biased ready for assist you in from school in con eunice or the person you the best of the, to the you in his office. his condolences over the death of somebody with dr. speaking at the general assembly re admin, so again, cold for an in to the war on gaza. on wednesday, the assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian c spot. but the resolution is no binding. there is no doubt that what is happening in guys, the atrocity crimes, what crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. in the face of such authorized cities, there is only one more on position. one defense have been position
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seized by our now seized by our now ceasefire. now and stop the genocide stop of the genocide, stop the genocide committed against the palestinian people and their children. and they thank you very much mr. frank palestinian president mach mood of boss has told the us national security advisor that is rarely a tax on the guns and must stump jake sullivan. both in ramallah optim meetings with israel was prime minister and the war cabinet. intel of have a boss also called on the us government's to force as route to stop the tax on palestinians and the occupied with bank and jerusalem. and were on con, isn't ramallah with more objects, sullivan's visits of the national security advisor. jake sullivan has a rob toby's b things with the policy and you present my mode,
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abbas and others. and we have some perhaps clarity on what the us is looking for. once these are these pull out of goals, or they say they're looking for a palestinian lead force and take over and goes with contributions from arab neighbors. once it's all pulls out 5 neighbors, that's going to be obviously, jordan and egypt taking a role that as well. now, you also also posting your thought, i'd hate to provide security posts. no, you could form the nucleus of a force to patrol. goal is that he also wants about a 1000 people to be retrained to go into the goals. he's looking for about 3 to 5000 people in the occupied westbank. he wants to revitalize revit policy, new authority with a clear monday to route. but there is a problem. the is riley's want a role when they leave goals that they want. and they're talking about this buffers . they don't have to go on because with in the gaza strip that something may say they know going to negotiate on. that's good to make it very difficult for the
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palestinian authority to go in and roll some of goes well. so another bit is ruled by the is riley's that something for the past and you've already simply what want to say. so there's a lot of moving parts that the bought in terms of clarity. this the 1st time we've heard numbers is the 1st time we've heard a plan being put in place by the americans. there's a lot, a lot, a diplomacy yet to go. and these right is a very clear. they don't want the policy me a far as a, as part of any solution. and the goal is to strip him wrong. gone out is there a remodel? as to all of the world's largest shipping companies are suspending old containers, shipments through the red sea and follows the tax by around back who's the writ. 5 is against shipping in the region x l is on which reports commercial ships under attack. the attacks have led to 2 of the world's shipping giants, denmark's madison,
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and how about lloyd's of germany to suspend the operations of the red sea, instructing their vessels to steer clear of one of the world's most important shipping routes. it comes after a growing number of attacks launched by who is the fighters in yemen? a group back by ron, since the war and guys started 2 months ago, they have used to miss 1000 drones to attack shipping in the red sea. and the, the many armed forces assure our ships heading to all ports around the world, except for these really ports that they won't be harmed, and that they must keep recognition devices open. the conflict is centered around the crucial maritime cory door connecting europe and admitted to rainier to asia. but avoiding the red sea can double travel time to many destinations. and it's causing ripples of concern. the who these represent a material threat to freedom of navigation, to commercial shipping, to lawful commerce. and they're doing so in
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a vital artery there at the bottom on deb and into the red sea. and the united states is working with the international community, with partners from the region and from all over the world to deal with this threat . they are spearheading a new maritime coalition in a bit to contain the situation. despite years of us, sanctions intended to hold back to host these attacks. keep coming. these measures appear to be back firing, pushing the region into wider turmoil. axels. i'm gonna reach out to 0 us protests in support of palestinians and guns. i have been taking place right across the middle east and one of the lodges tools and humans capital santa hundreds of thousands to down to contin. israel is offensive. they with similar scenes, off to friday prison. right across the region are relatively new wood and the lakes
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that kind of was don't aside. it describes the destruction of houses and other buildings making the area where they want. so it's no longer habitable. and the u. n says that is what's happening in gaza image and kimber reports. goals is main cold, destroyed. hundreds of thousands of homes, destroyed thousands of hospitals and nearly $300.00 schools also all destroyed. the united nations says the systematic destruction of homes, infrastructure and everything you need to live a minds to what's cooled. don't me side that i have 2 of the ones to the campaign in gauze o. number one, you, you make the place on liberal, buy pretty much destroying everything, creating one lead russell. and then 2nd, be forcibly me, most people. what can that actually indicate? well, that indicates that there is an intention to actually eliminate those people from that space. more than 100 government buildings have been destroyed and israel's
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bombardment of garza, the last of thousands of documents such as land registries, combined with the bombing of homes jeopardize people's rights to housing, land, and property with consequences for years to come. and many of these are good from what i understand actually dated back from the ottoman period. so i'm very concerned about that. these are necessary destruction that in international law can only be called as one thing, the destruction. it's just one moment looking honda of the dummies tides, really in any war when i'm all as use for research or oxford university or his experience on the side 1st hand in his own city homes in syria. it's sort of about to lifetime struggling under loss. so it is about the infrastructure, it is about the way of living. it is about the dignity and the at the belonging and the memory of this community in a place. so it's in, in
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a way about raising all these memories and the presence of a certain community as dues says it can take decades to rebuild of the don't me side, but also to come to terms with the grief of what was lost. especially when places where people once gathered, studied or married, go on behind every broken stone. there's a life, there's a story, there's a family, if there's a member, and i want you to think that these buildings are not only about the physical, it's about the people, the community, their life, people's israel's minute tree says it's necessary to destroy buildings as this is the only way to destroy from us, and it will take several months. but international observers say, there is no evidence that most fighters, when most of the buildings it's boomed. and if the devastation continues at this level, goals might be less completely uninhabitable. image and came back out to 0. that said,
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somebody told mccrae for the moment you can find special information on our website, l g 0. don't. com. with that is coming up next to an inside story. we'll look at you crimes hopes of joining the european union as the bulk slate, as folks to advance session towards mentors, despite hungry opposition. that's coming up next. the had a lot of that will stop by looking at the satellite image for the middle east, and you can see that dense area of cloud pushing its way further east across it. wrong. now that brought some rain to the event, but skies have kids. instead we've got a weather system that's moving across the mediterranean, bringing some winfrey and wet conditions across it took us some of that rain contribute down into syria and 11 on as we go into sunday. but it launch the dry
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picture across much of the region. the winds offset to die down across the gulf, but we could see some fog or mr. conditions for places like go hot in could top of the launch. we settled store we as we go into the new week. now that's not the case for the knowles of africa. we've got some very wet and windy conditions pulling across the mediterranean with heavy rain expected from northern parts of old julia to new z, as well as libya. dusty winds as well as friction, is 5 down of southern pots of algeria as we move to central africa, however, allows the settled story less in the way of rain here. instead, it has pushed its way for the south was severe thunderstorms for the likes of boats . wanna as well as in bob with an eastern areas of south africa. as we go into sunday. however, you can see them running out east will see that heavy rain affecting madagascar that you with the latest news as it breaks have you had to be late?
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50 has the support of the people to implement the shock economic plan to cut down government spending a fight inflation with detailed coverage. many members of the hiding are varying arbitrary, are asked more rentals disappeared from around the world. entities, as government says, it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions. mixed messages from brussels to keep repeating union bates to attend succession adults, the ukraine of hungry books, millions of dollars in a money. where does that lead to horses and ukraine's hoops for the human to ship, which is inside story the


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