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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the scene on his house, the summer of the dock because it is killed and fine is raining the salt and garza the i don't want them and this is algebra one live from don't ha, it's on coming out because of your cheese while thousands is so wounded in the
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attack, pays tribute to his friend and calling the purchase instead of a monster. israel's mother treat kills 3 captains, help him because of the state. and we'll look at the effect on global trade off the 2 largest shipping companies, suspend trades through the red sea, the a funeral services being held in garza for elders e o. a camera man. summer of dhaka who died often is really missile strike on friday. dozens of people pay their respects to the veteran journalist, including his colleague entre 0 as guys a bureau chief wide out. bozarth, who was injured in the attack. summer was reporting from a u. n. run school within the southern city of con eunice. when he was hit by
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shrapnel, eliza succumb to his injuries. a wes, uh, gets it directly by ms. saw you. this is the behavior of the occupation. we, uh, the colleagues of sam that are in the brooklyn vision of journalism. and in as jersey, though, we are always the we are carrying these human message and we are carrying these noble message and we will continue to do our due date with the best and professionalism. and so i was better say, despite the good thing more then a t just and that is and they have to get to the offices because the families of these jet and that is the way they are doing. and now it's the same way. the booming though again, is the brothers team is in guys, the strip we will continue with due date will,
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will carry our message. the ongoing shutting by the israeli military is said to have prevention. paramedics from reaching a colleague, summer up with dr. before he died. hold on, i've been how many of the reports that the i behind some of the most poignant pictures of this war went to sleep. salmon, a boot that does us camera man. a sudden the father and brother uncles lift to bleed on the ground as israel's garage of higher power was relentless summit along with our colleague was doing was covering the off 2 miles of the bombing of a u. n. run school in hon. eunice. and despite calls for help, the bulldozers were allowed to clear the way to reach salmon as he was fighting for his life. when in the meantime, wet and injured by shrapnel in his arms,
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children waste made his own way to hospital 2 alone. not knowing that salmon had faded away, the she hasn't seen, we can't tell what exactly happened. i only felt a big impact. i fell down and lost my helmet and my microphone. i tried to gather all my strength and was only barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy and losing my balance. what is the story just like many in gaza has become one of multiple tragedies and heartaches. he lost his wife and his teenage son much moved. his 7 year old daughter shop and his grandson killed in an air strike on october 25th 6 days later broadcast engineering. how many double sam last 19 members of his family, including his father and 2 sisters,
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which is really me says read over the deb idea refuge account in nor didn't guys a little bit. then on december 6th, it was the turn of the no show fee to feel the unbearable pain of loss. 22 members of his family gone in the blink of an eye. following is was evacuation orders and heading south of the strip. didn't save their lives and the man we actually, i'm selling the, this is him, the monthly reporting, his story, one to comment and this war of the over 21 individuals with you. and then the power emetics is still unable to retrieve their bodies from the the rebel se is only one child was found. she was prepared to the adjacent house due to the force of the explosion. she was found dismembered and has been buried within less than a week on december 11th. and this is sharif, lost his father,
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because wor, doesn't discriminate between those who can and cannot fly too old and frame. and this is father stayed in this house in japan. yeah. north of guys, up in total, i'll just leave as low as $47.00 members of his extended family. den names. we've joined the list of the thousands of in this since were killed by the over whelming . power of is done lovely sizes, but know missed that will be able to kill the pictures sandwich captured at the cost of his own life iconic at times harsh pictures that will remain engraved in the memory of millions of viewers. that then how many of these you, summer elbow dhaka is the 13th algio. joining us, killed some semester with launched in 1996. the statement released biologist era condemns. and the strongest terms is really drawing a tack on the goals of school that resulted indicating of cameraman summer. i would
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like a, it adds the network holes as were all accountable for systematically targeting and coming out just so you're a journalist and the families and extends it sincere condolences to the family and gaza engine belgian off summer of dhaka with the killing of some of the number of journalists and media workers and gaza killed in gaza has reached over 90. i'll just say, oh, just the international community and the international criminal court to take immediate action to hold as rarely government. i'm with a treat accountable. that's bringing a correspondence hanging muscle and he's drawing in his life and rough on southern gaza. hot breaking scenes from selma's funeral honey, whose death once again highlighting the gentleness of not immune from the mass, kennings and gauze as they go about. they look yes indeed the nothing that protects journalist here at this and going aggressive
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work on palestinians at the end of the day, journalists are among the civilians of living in the gods for doing their jobs to the best of their ability with uh, with their, with whatever they are able to documents are from the atrocities on the ground, just to be clear, the difficult to hear in covering this for i have been very, very, a meant there are areas that, you know, this cannot go to the, there many stories that goes on documented giving the intensity of the error strikes and the bombardment they what, what, what we are, what journalists are doing, the journal this community across the gods to document eh, they some of the stories here, not all of them. there are areas that they have been able to get to it either because of the intensity of the finding the or they are. they are just simple fact that it will be shut out that would be targeted. but even when doing this, despite these difficult situations and the, the cautions that they are taking every time they are still targeted, they are still killed. their family members are targeted,
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their homes are targeted. we've seen examples of this within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the war we have at the chief view of profile, just the are here while of the who and his family was targeted. uh and then we have the bird casting in junior, who was those of just the recruit member was also a target to his family, was targeted, entire family was killed and, and so on. and yesterday's time at a professional dedicated journalist, the camera man for a 0 to remember, along with his, with the wires while covering the aftermath of the attacks on the evacuation of schools were targeted in attempt to to bar their efforts of from documenting the aftermath and they have documented the misery and the suffering of this place. how standing as, as a result of this and ongoing, we're now i'll use the recruitment or not the only during the, during the was community across gaza strip all of the under, under a talk. so we talk about more 90 and more than 90 journalists have been targeted
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and, and killed as the work that continues to, to pound the the gaza strip from north to south. and honey, we're hearing reports that this row has announced a pause and slicing in some areas. what can you tell us of the as well these the, these, the state, the statement came out after uh the uh, the visit the uh, the national security adviser, american national security advisor, jake sullivan. uh to tell us even then to the region on my guess, there will be a meeting to do with the palestinian authority where it has been already done. but it just the fact that it is only at a limited area. uh, it just increased the burden increased the difficulty, which means according to how people react here, it's only, it's only for it for uh, for it,
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for the media. it's only for the people outside go just in all get is really doing these pauses. and despite the fact that they have been improving, very pointless then use this within the past. as people look at them as a, those pauses are moments of, of reprieve. that the people will be able to get those a humanitarian aid. but later on they are going to get bomb, this is how people react and how they look at at this. and again, the amount of 8, the being talked about is just a little compared to, to the needs of, of palestinians across the gods here. but that this particular difficult thing, but we hear what, what's really could be the highlight of this is the fact that it's an increase of already difficult. the process of getting 8 into the goal is to increase of the level of pre ok receive. what's going to happen the mechanism as that is it is been explained. so those it many trucks on the egyptian side will be a will be going all the way to the the,
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the crossing crime shows that term shown for, for checking again, for security. clear and then they will be sent back to rough i crossing and then that allowed into the gods. they've just increased in terms of the time frame and the very accuracy involved in it, when eventually just little of it will get to the golfing and across the gaza strip . honey, thank you very much for that. that's how the muscle the laces live in rafa says, randy military says that's a mistake and they shall sion killed 3 captives during his garza offensive. they would talk to dr. troops wrongly identified them as a threat is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the ministry of or drawer lessons from the incident. the white house is called a tragic mistake that's bringing our correspondence. alan especially, he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem and the families of those captives and the forces. really keeping up the pressure on nothing. yahoo is government here, allen. well, this all happened then shy. it was,
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it has been intense. fighting upon the weight, 3 of the captives were making their way towards is really forces. these really forces say that it was an area where there was a lot of i my spite, those were some of them had approached waiting suicide belt. and so essentially they took no chances and shot the 3 men at the died at the scene. the clearly i, people recognized through some form of identification process. the was then taken to as a where they were formerly identified in the families. what told what has happened that led to a spontaneous protest. i would say government buildings and tele feeds has been some consent among the families that these are, the governments simply isn't doing enough to try and get the captives back. they want to see benjamin netanyahu do more on this. certainly highly critical of the role that he's played in trying to secure the release of captives of
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the things that happen and, and let people get onto the future of being a much, much earlier and all those lives older he lives in the pool could have been sped, i think it's a big tried to do what's happening here now, and i'm interested in the l and we have reports of the head of the. is there any intelligence agency, most of those use a restock negotiations to really smoke captives? well, it's certainly see that a lot of these events uh, kind of into linkedin. in fact, in about 2 hours time, the families of those that are being held captive in guys,
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i intend to have what they call a special news conference in the captive square in tel aviv. and that suspects put more pressure on the government. the benjamin netanyahu. a few days ago was asked whether or not he was intending to send the head of most that the contact to stop negotiations with perhaps the prospect of a ceasefire, which lead to more captives being free. and he was 2 of the 3 men on that board cabinet. they said it wasn't a good idea. we see the protests in the last 1224 hours. i know benjamin netanyahu has done a political, utah, and apparently, according to his really media reports, he suggested that the head of most that had to cut are within the next 24 hours. so the families will be pleased at the off putting pressure on benjamin netanyahu, and this may lead to some sort of action that could lead to the captives being freed. and certainly they have been critical of the war saying that the longer it rages, the more likelihood that there is,
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but there will be captive skills. although benjamin netanyahu annual glands, the defense minister believe these really defense minister believe that by putting military pressure on how much that will lead to a much better deal when these folks get under way. but it appears that preliminary discussions could start within the next 24 hours after this remarkable utah clearly perhaps clearly under pressure from the families by benjamin netanyahu. allan, thank you very much for that. that's alan. especially with the basis now i have an occupied east jerusalem. still a head on sarah a show of support. a child, a football match, and aid of pounds time kicks off in cost on the high low. they were seeing some very wintry weather across parts of europe. at the
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moment, sunny across northern and more eastern areas and we did warn you, it was on its way that was snowstorm to hit southern russia in decades that dropped 20 centimeters of snow in moscow. there's more of that to come on sunday and we could see a challenge to the december record by the time we get to the end of the month on saturday, the west of the unsettled and wintery weather can be found. looking around the southeast corner, this is not bold guerria as well as greece and turkey are those gosti when stretching across the mediterranean. because most central in west scenarios, however, it is looking more settled before high pressure in charge one way of mild conditions, sweeping into southern parts of england, but some very heavy rain to come. one of the western parts of scotland, we have got with amber warnings out here on sunday. and you can see that with a tons wintery as it touches into scans, anavia the things all set to full in places like no way. and that of course, brings an avalanche risk. we'll see temperatures picking up and places like berlin to 10 degrees celsius. so very mild here and that trends continues for the east. if
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we have a look at a 3 day for moscow, mild, but there's that snow coming in on sunday, that's your weather update. of the, in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage of 6000 bodies in storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you repeat in countries, refused their request, and even exhibited human remains and then the savings restitution for custodian episode to which on jose 0 the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out just here with me it is withdrawn and don't have a mind to of on top stories, the cell is really military says it's mistaken. the shot and killed 3 captains during the scholars. that offensive that photography had off the troops wrongly identified them as a threat a funeral services being held. so i'll just see are you on a list on the, on the dock a died off the end is writing the song strike on friday. some it was reporting from a un run school and call us when he was hit by shrapnel licensed to come to his injuries. and i'll just say it was going to be your cheese, while thousands was injured. and that strike the pay had been pushing on an attack by his very forces at a un one school and calling about a study in june of this and gaza on just covering the war. they are part of a civilian population. living under the
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a constant is really bombardment. as we mentioned, at least 90 pals to be in journalists have now been killed and the conflicts within 15 media offices have been completely or partially destroyed by as rarely strikes. that includes the office of the a, f p news agency and gaza. hundreds of palestinian journalists and their families, including those from i'll just say what have been forcibly displaced. journalists working in the areas of conflict, protected on the international humanitarian jewel, as all civilians under the geneva convention. but israel is accused of repeatedly violating those rules. the balance between them, bassett, or to the un has often has condolences over the death of some of the doc, a speaking of the general assembly, the as mom. so it again cold phone and to the war on gaza on wednesday, the assembly bullshit. overwhelmingly for a resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease 5,
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but the resolution is non binding. there is no doubt that what is happening in guys a atrocity crimes, the world crimes, crimes against humanity and generous on it. in the face of such authorized cities, there is only one more on position. one defense have been physician seized by out now seized by out of now ceasefire now and stop the general side to stop the genocide stop the genocide committed against the palestinian people and their children. and they thank you very much for that. that's bringing the how much chicago we use the progressive conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to see you,
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mr. chicago. we. let's start with the latest diplomatic efforts that are taking place in the region. the national security us national security advisor jake sullivan has been in the region. we're expecting the defense secretary, lloyd austin. do you think? what is the message that they're bringing? do you think that they are pushing more pressure on as well? are they increasing the pressure on as well, on how it conducts that? so let's start with what, what happened in the washington state department, the blinking of washington. what handling us position to resolve is that item is of how much and the entire war. however, over to the boss, to months, blink and lifted the level of what he got from and that's and he was assurances on his last trip to is right and that is what i would no longer target civilians. but this is not what happens in the conflict with zone. so there was news that hasn't
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been a shift, a punk said that the military intelligence and the national security. so it comes on the white house on handling the situation best way. and now we don't see being coming back, it's more of sort of an and defense secretary lloyd. i'm going to send an, an emission from the u. s. that the secretary of state has failed. apparently he has lost containing the lease distribution data for he did not manage what was supposed to be a diploma take approach toward the conflicts. he lifted the foot also at the and f for clip dick situation humanity is additional. so now sort of in is coming to the end is what it is that the need to recall. so the strategy and simply the law, it says it's, it's a is what it is running the risk of replacing
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a strategic effect. sticking victory by a strategy could defeat so this is a clear statement that washington has weighed on. the situation is what i in is not winning the underground bill for the last 3 issues now on the table between them. when it comes into isabella and it's one to stop thought of beauty and say, views because it has become a library, the only on is right. but notice to on the united states and know what has been happening at the security council. and also at the, the general assembly number 2 is to go back to the promo to approach order the for them. i think of it for them, which brings it back because that a mediation. so i think i do, how will know a truck more of these diploma? they believe it, it's not me, but a 3 a wash i'm going to use didn't miss any a who you should seriously going to say, but it says fire agreement showing on. but why does tech, why does it take washington more than 18000 civilians being killed to reach to this point? are you saying that they were hoping that the secretary of state blinking could
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apply more pressure than he did? he hasn't in the 1st few weeks of the war, the brought by them isn't the blue cause of washing, assuming that if there is no provide for support for those that are in the my ran a risk of losing the election. it was a more of a very calculated and elective election perspective. but down the road when we had each thousands of civilians and abundantly wash and realized that when you posted that on the bottom of dimes shift in the international public opinion. in the 1st 2 weeks, 60 put a 69 percent of the process to more of the wide world war pro is right. however, after the 18th of october, it shifted in the other directions, 95 percent of those protest awards for palestinians. if we add to this to the mix,
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what's been happening a district going to the council 6. it is an ocean draft water veto and for whatever reason, mostly it's the u. s. the veto. and then therefore the, or the united states or the white houses in the, in particular realize the now with this close support is what i do. united city states is losing the rushing on the wall. then that is my home in chicago, we have george mason university, the rundown from the time. but we pick up again later on today. thank you so much. a relatively new wood and the lexicon of war is on the side. it describes the destruction of houses and other buildings, making the area with a one stood no longer habitable. and the un says that is what's happening in gaza image and come. the reports goes as main cold, destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes,
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destroyed thousands of hospitals and nearly $300.00 schools also all destroyed. the united nations says the systematic destruction of homes, infrastructure and everything you need to live a mines to what's called the homeless side. that have 2 elements to the campaign in god. so number one, you, you make the place on livable by pretty much destroying everything, creating on the russell and then secondly, you forcibly meet most people. what can that actually indicate? well, that indicates that there is an intention to actually eliminate those people from that space. more than 100 government buildings have been destroyed and israel's bombardment of garza, of the last of thousands of documents such as land registries, combined with the bombing of homes jeopardize people's rights to housing, land and property with consequences for use to come. and many of these are good from what i understand actually dated back from the ottoman period. so i'm very
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concerned about that. these are necessary destruction that in international law can only be called as one thing, destruction. it's tough, almost looking part of the dumbest hides really in any war when i'm all as use for research or oxford university or what his experience on the side 1st hand in his own city homes in syria. it's sort of about to lifetime struggling under loss. so it is about the infrastructure, it is about the way of living. it is about the dignity and the at the belonging and the memory of this community in a place. so it's in, in a way about raising all these memories and the presence of a certain community as dues says it can take decades to rebuild of the don't me side, but also to come to terms with the grief of what was lost, especially when places where people once gathered, studied or married, gone behind every broken stone. there's a life, there's a story, there's a family, there's
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a member. and i want you to think that these buildings are not only about the physical, it's about the people, the community of their life, people's israel's minute tree says it's necessary to destroy the buildings as this is the only way to destroy him, us. and it will take several months. but international observers say there is no evidence that i must fight is when most of the buildings it's boomed. and if the devastation continues at this level, garza may be left completely uninhabitable. imaging came back out to 0. 2 of the world's largest shipping companies, that temporarily suspending the routes through the red sea follows a series of attacks on vessels in the region by iran, back with the finances. they say it's their response to as well as long gaza. the attacks of targeted commercial ships traveling to egypt was come out through the red sea. as they approached the narrow bob a month that straight to the south, they strategically important passages only 32 kilometers was an estimate of 30
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percent of all global shipping containers. use it that makes up 12 percent of the world's trade, about one trillion dollars worth of goods move through the strait each year. it's also a vice will conduit for shipments of crude oil. maybe 10 percent of the oil traded passes through the red sea and bob and i'm on the bush ways of those on which reports commercial ships under attack. the attacks have led to 2 of the world's shipping giants, denmark's madison. and how about lloyd's of germany to suspend the operations of the red sea, instructing their vessels to steer clear of one of the world's most important shipping routes? it comes on to our growing number of attacks launched by who's the fighters in yemen. a group backed by ron, since the war and guys started 2 months ago, they have used to miss 1000 drones to attack shipping in the red sea in the,


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