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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news, live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. a funeral is held file just there a jet unless um at the top killed vitamins writing a solid and garza gaza bureau chief. what would that do? it was also wounded in the attack. he pays tribute to his friends and colleagues
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protested in telling me about face. charles mitre says he killed 3 captives in gaza by mistake, and quite near the chest. and last about the sub off as dies was 86 years old. the funeral services being held in gauze of i'll just say, or a camera man. some of the go died off during his riley missile strike on friday. thousands of people pay their respects to the veteran john list, including his colleague, i'll just say regardless of bureau chief, while the store was also injured in the attack. summer was revolting from a un run school in the southern city of con eunice when he was hit by shrapnel lights. it died of his injuries as we with targets. it seems directly
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by ms. saw you. this is the behavior of the occupation we uh, the colleagues of some of the, in the proof, vision of journalism and in as jersey though, we are old, was the, we are carrying these human message and we are carrying these noble message and we will continue to do our due date with the best professionalism. and so i was about to say, despite the good thing, mold then a t gen and their lives. and they have to get to the offices because the families of these jet and that is the way they are doing. and now it's the same way of doing now again, is the brothers team is in guys. the strip we will continue with due date will, will carry our message on going, shuttling by the is riley minute,
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3 is said to have prevented time ethics from reaching on colleagues. sound that up with the before he died. hold on. how many reports a v? i behind some of the most poignant pictures of this war, went to sleep. salmon, a boot that does the rest camera man. a son, father and brother, uncles lift to bleed on the ground as israel's garage of higher power was relentless summit. along with our colleague when do was covering the off 2 miles of the bombing of a u. n. run school in hon. eunice. and despite calls for help, the bulldozers were allowed to clear the way to reach salmon as he was fighting for his life. when in the meantime, wet and injured by shrapnel in his arms, children waste made his own way to hospital do alone. not knowing that salmon
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had faded away the she hasn't, she, we can't tell what exactly happened. i only felt a big impact. i fell down and lost my helmet and my microphone. i tried to gather all my strength and was only barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy and losing my balance. the. what is the story? just like many guys that has become one of multiple tragedies and heartaches. he lost his wife and his teenage son much moved. his 7 year old daughter, sean and his grandson, killed in an air strike on october 25th. 6 days later, broadcast engineering, but how much that would cost him lots $19.00 members of his family, including his father and 2 sisters, which is really this says read over the deb idea refuge account. even though it
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didn't cost a little bit. then on december 6th, it was the turn of law, then they'll share a fee to feel the unbearable pain of loves. 22 members of his family gone in the blink of an eye following israel's evacuation orders and had the sales of the strip didn't save their lives and the we actually, i'm fairly comfortable with the this is him, the monthly reporting, his story, one to comment on this war of the over 21, individuals with you, the paramedics, a still unable to retrieve their bodies from under the rubble. only one child was found. she was prepared to the adjacent house due to the force of the explosion. she was found this man, but it has been buried within less than a week on december 11th. and this is sherry fluffed his father because war doesn't
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discriminate between those who can and cannot fly too old and frame. and this is father stayed in his house in japan. yeah, north of guys, up in total. i'll just leave as low as 47 members of his extended family. the names we've joined the list of the thousands of in this since were killed by the over whelming power of israel. but nobody's side would be able to give the pictures sandwich captured at the cost of his own life iconic at times harsh pictures that will remain engraved in the memory of millions of viewers that meet elizabeth and let's bring you some breaking news. the mayor of oil rich quite, you know, off a lot of the, somebody died on start today the role called and said this is of the 3 years that he held his position in pals. he was 86 years old, but his smith takes
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a look back of his life. now last fall last night, algebra also by that quite relatively short time. only since september 2020, by the end of 202-1800. most of his duties to his hop brother designated a shout last night. also, the man and wife had been involved in the administration and government quite since its full independence from britain. in 1961, he was defense ministry next when quite 2 times, accompanied by allied forces rumbled into kuwait city at the end of the 1st gulf war. but he's role in the run up to iraq's invasion in august 1990 pass the cloud over his career, the after the date for the returning and the face demands from senior and the officers to investigate and dismiss. then shake no wife of another minister to the offices. it said shaking
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a wife with 3 times on the board to reduce the state to reload. and toby all mean not to fire on the rockies. if they crossed into kuwait positions taken carefully to avoid provoking the iraqis check no, was, wasn't dismissed. that was a pointed social affairs administer in the postal government a comparatively junior role. now once i left my job and also about was born in june 1937, he's finally his ruled only rich kuwait. continuously since the mid 18 century he leaves behind a wife, full sons and a daughter, bernard smith, alger 0 as well last spring. and now how much of cali he's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how do you think of this passing of the mirror of toilets dealt with that? that issue? what kind of situation, what kind of impact does it have on the regional situation?
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quite long being seen, of course, as something of a balance mediated within our politics. well, it raises the question marks about the situation in quade, as in golf state that has sold stability has uh, sold and evolution of an international overall in terms of negotiating and mediation, also have some complex name. and number one was the got the real paid in 2017, go away. the time has pay the major role. now there is a question mark off the phone, is it going by vacuum mind? it may have no warehousing oak leaves much housing. those room done by a couple of years basically. so there is this question of work with the liens for was now in terms of who is going to take over on the old. so the implications on which one policy one assumes a closer to be sure, mission on the document a job,
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but who takes of i? he's been exercising already some of the powers, right? it seems like this is the normal past toward this. it's almost who we are now. sure . i'm a shot. it has to be in, in, in, in the quick report is it for some time has been uh, not on, on uh, fall in front of or off. i know from face basically a has photo was actually and i thing and now the to figure was no, no wife and the mission of the hops to finish when the same for the funding policy of late a may have sub i have heard of the somebody he has been the main driving force of boise politics force 4 or 5 decades. so i don't see the missions we bring in a major surprises or a major the of the ratios of the which puts in terms of sticking to a model,
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coordination within the gulf nation as well as maintain in the out of business. if you like off it's one of the, it's in terms of supporting the policy this case and also i'm not going to just talk us through with quite stands on wants to come quite a divisive issue in the golf relations with israel. well, i remember once i was given the lecturing patterson and i said the are that have been 3 different guns. there is the original color of the golf hasn't been split into to the mother. and those will, as you know, holding together in a way that this process opened all the money ization with is about it as split the golf, a $6.00 nations into 2 camps. you have 3 nations including quite cup of and o mind of support in this choice. however,
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we have seen since 2020 with the prompt administration in washington. a way of seeing the model is the behind is have sort of drifted to additional money. the inch, so i look at to waste now as one of the keep play, it is in the 1st come that is so is it remains loyal to the issue is the reading of issues and also to deal with the iranians and with the older the products the other, you know, early internet play is in the end and the mold on its way in way and with the positive engagement, visa v, the other players, individual. all right, thank you so much for your analysis on that. ask of and now to buy that a say phase, the assistant professor of history and coates university joins us from quite city. good to have you with us, take us through how the public is reacting that. so this news this is a very sad day indeed for kuwait shakes,
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no wife and i have met has only done good for the country. his legacy will be remembered fondly. he has many nicknames, if you may, he's known as the any of those part. and so he has led the largest reconciliation in modern created history with a series of amnesty and the returns of citizen ships release of prisoners. he has also opened up to the opposition and ex and opened the parliament again to all voices and opened up to taking away from the government's role. really in voting for the speaker of the house was was which was a crucial thing to reinforce the position oddity of the people. and the popular opinion, if you mean, he would also be remembered for a drastic administrative overall. the test started early on in his era and that's results we have yet to be seen. a shuffling of leadership positions that has been unprecedented. add
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a smoother government to parliament relations in the past few months, really with an unprecedented legislative roadmap that we have had for the 2020 to be 24 era. his, his era has been quite a notable even though it was the 3rd shortest, lived in coates history by ruling only for 3 years, 3 months. all right, so i don't think there's been an announcement about his success about chess mission . i lost my job, but is in line to take over, correct. that is correct and talk us through what's expected from him given his background in history as i mean as i, i just wish i left that as i said before, and other interviews is an inside there and, and outside you. at the same time, he has been accompanying the previous m years and all of their decisions and all of
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their governance practices. and he comes in with a peers, look and a view towards preserving what weight has had and has built in the previous years to moving it forward. succession has been simple and clean. it is guided by a constitution and there is a process that follows. and this process will unfold as we speak in the, in the coming days. and who quite is one of those of golf in arab countries that has perhaps a greater degree of democratic practice. then then at least some of those, although the emit retains ultimate authority, right? how do you see the progression of that kind of balance of power going forward? great, so let's go system is quite unique. it blends the presidential and parliamentary systems altogether. so. ready there is the reign of the people as well as the vein of the image that come and meet together to serve the interests of create. i see
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this system moving forward as has that has gone through a lot of trials and i've called for some constitutional change. and i think this is something that we can look forward to as we strengthen the social contract that we have between the orders and the me in terms of foreign policy to expect quite to remain a staunch us ally as it has been. the coates will remain a proud air of nation that looks 1st the gulf neighbors. and that's remains in line with its main partnerships. first and foremost, being with us indeed. and what kind of projection do you have for how quite the farm policy will develop? visit the specially the conflict that's going on in gaza and the issue that's proved very divisive in our been golf politics, which is relations with this route. great has been on the record as the last to normalize,
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but these are the one that takes place among the various countries and upon the return of a palestinian state because they need to reclaim their state for any actions to be taken from the curb. ready side, we have been very clear on that position and it's a position that means with large supports from both people and the government. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much for your thoughts on the analysis on that. how these righty. minute tree says it's mistakenly shocking, killed 3 caps is during its gals are offensive. they were targeted off the troops wrongly identified them as a threats. smells 5 minutes to bend to mean nothing. yeah. who says the ministry withdrawal lessons from the incident? the white house is calling it a tragic mistake. so now live to occupied east jerusalem. allen fisher, is that for us? so i don't. and 1st of all, the public reaction to this one imagines quite angry of the
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fall. this really military being telling us for days that they've been heavy fighting in and around chicago, where this incident happened. a possibly 3 people who had managed to somehow separate themselves from their captives. and it's not entirely clear whether they were released or whether they managed to get away. and they were very close to being taken in by these relays. but the israelis perceived them to be in a threat. so they opened fire. they say there been a lot of fighters in that ground in that area from us and some of the approach them one even wearing a suicide belt. so that's why they took the action the day there's you say benjamin netanyahu says lessons will be learn from this. and the white house is described as a hot breaking nightmare. but the families of those being held captive immediately took to the streets. it was a spontaneous protest. they don't believe that benjamin netanyahu is doing enough. they have said very clearly. he has to do more. the war has to stop. the people have to be brought back. that has to be his priority,
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and hundreds of them were on the streets in tel aviv. and the old blame benjamin netanyahu for what has happened that happen and, and the dying elect people to respond to me on my team and get on the internet of being a much, much earlier and oh, those lives of all the lives in the pool could have been sped, i think it's a big tried to do what's happening here. now a, what do we hearing alan, about these reports of the head of the mall side. meeting with scott's as prime
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minister. let me just clean out what i said, just going into that. most of the people, the airplane, benjamin that you know, it'd be unfair to categorize them is everyone that was protesting looms netanyahu. but certainly they, these really prime minister has done a remarkable utah. and just 7 days a week ago, he was one of 2 on these really war cabinet. he said there was no point in reopening negotiations with a mass about a possible c spy and therefore a possible prisoner exchange. given that there been protests on the street and those families have been protesting regularly since this has happened. he seemed to have done a complete $180.00 and decided that it would be a good idea. so he's dispatching the head of most out to europe this weekend. within the next 24 hours, we are told to meet the kentucky prime minister who is also in europe to perhaps stock those discussions that could lead to another c spy. and another exchange of prisoners that will be welcomed with the families who are meeting in tel aviv right
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now. the meeting was due to start at the top of the out at 12 o'clock in tel aviv. and the see they'll have a statement afterwards. but it's clear the one benjamin netanyahu to consider a stop in the fighting because they believe that as long as that goes on more of the the captives could be killed. and certainly how much the said over the last 2 months, that a number of the captives have been killed because of the military operation is being carried out in gaza. all right, we'll leave it there. let's think alan fisher. let's continue this though with i'll just see are a senior political analyst model on the show. so model one, let's pick up what alan was talking about. all we seeing a return to in direct negotiations resuming. how do you read this? i'm skeptical sounding. right. i think there is apparently some movement fire behind the smoke and uh, but uh, clearly these rays are the ones today uh, quite interested in going back to some sort the for them i think something which is
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interesting why, why not? because all the rest of it has been, we're going to continue this through the masses defeated through i think the, there's more pressure uh by the, by the families by the captives families that i should try and send it into great the public pressure. is there a today? there's a sense that i sent them the extra letter to the doctor, the clinic of the 3 captors. that guys uh, would be there forever. and how much would it be there for? god knows how long, but the captives cannot wait. then we should probably advise the captives in terms of the chronology or the priority of what this was all about, right? so the minute tre, objectives, in other words, prioritized. so is this, and i know more on. so what is this? is this a, a move to was you tools in direct talks on temporary pauses or more of a final ceasefire, which i think that was the how much position was neck. that's for how much position,
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how much started position because we're can no longer do the so called to maintain and pauses, which the americans keep talking about. right. listen, dakota, be and get us into sullivan. pick up talking about him as a and pauses on how much has concluded the talking about him. i to him pauses. no good. why is this important? how my sense is that there's absolute 0 incentive for engaging with these raiders and the americans. so the fact that is about to humanitarian pauses, the good, that's good spending hours or days for these areas into resumes or bonding with the symbol objective of destroying guys assessing or they come out of state. there's. so why the heck, how boss art goes, would we volunteer the the release of captives when that's an asset for us? now, what, what, what's the difference between today and what happened a few weeks ago is
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a major difference. they actually wanted how much wanted from day one to release a lot of the captives, the old people, the young people, the not so, um, you know, i was in the military and, and suspected military pression that i was also for having said all of that, i think probably with the categories, you know, getting online is they are there would be some movements and maybe there would be some compromise because the end of the day of the story about compromising right. so about another development going on us defense secretary lloyd austin, heading out to the region. will he be seeking to try and activate this combined task force, 153 into counseling who see a tax on shipping? is that one of the major things he's coming for? well right now, that's one of the major shipping company i've canceled or to actually is to ask and how about blowing? what's the most of it? yeah. well, clearly this is going to start, you know,
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being an issue of geo political importance. and clearly the host. these are not being the charge by the pressure thus far. not tell me what, what, what, what that sort of mainstream media and the americans and these raiders keep dropping from the conversation. and this is really key, right? the whole thing is, i'm not being fit the, let's stick about this. i mean, think what you may about the jose is that position and yeah, man and so on, so forth. but on this issue, as they are very transactional, they're very specific. you allow human, if you have an 8 to goes up and stop for that and it goes with and responding. and we will stop the attacks on the shipping on, on that i'd say. so they're not just sort of an open ended war with this yellow or anything of that nature. they are for a specific objective, specific objective and that the objective is not, you know, it's not far fetched and it's not the logical. it's actually quite rational. what
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about the increasing a tax on us for the summer full of say, $94.00, a tax on us forces in syria and iraq since the 17th of october. the 7th of october . is this mean? what is lloyd austin's? i can go on this as it comes to the region. well, what will it be asking, and who, who he be asking to help? look, judging from the american statements the last several weeks and i kind of tried to pay attention to them because as you would say, there are some somebody that's going on. there's some movement in iraq and see if you and yeah, but then you would expect the americans to be a bit more alarmed. but actually they haven't been all to alarm. they recognize that there is some thing happening. but i think apparently as if there is an understanding with your one, but the united states and the lawn kind of exchange these messages. so is there any luck on, on rocks here, whatever these continued back and forth messages,
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but they know the limits of that game being played now. and i thought that there's understand that that's neither one nor the us twice to see it expands. we don't want us to explain what something else is happening. so i mean, that was, were not. i mean, aside for model that i think probably lloyd or so is going to be focused on my opinion of the wooden guys. so it's not going with me for it is right in the united states. i think that's the key thing. yes. that it's the issue. yes. and the, you know, the groups in here on an iraq and see it as an issue to my mind. the war in guys that is not going well for the strains, the getting serious be think, and every day we're showing a set. then if you look at the diagram, how many users are dying? how many effects against these re these? of course, how much of the civilian casualties are going up and how much the, the casual, there's a, one of these ratings, especially in terms of injuries. now we start talking about the thousands of,
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of people who have been finalized or injured in a bad way. and so on, so forth. and it's not, it's not making that kind of progress that you're not says expected to make after some submit a tre objectives. you mean? right? absolutely not. and not only that, i mean you, you can sense that i just old all the indicate this all the end because i'm not going what for these really military, even though they started talking about victory and there start to, you know, showing those images of nick in purchasing, and then as if, how much of sending one battery out it is. not exactly that, so i made sure. all right, thanks so much. all the talk to you. thanks so much for allowing me to shop. now these really minute treat police unit says it's investigating the depth of 2 palestinians in the occupied westbank officer and is really rights group accused the army of conducting illegal executions. the bed selim group posted this video set to show is there any minute 3 vehicles following
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a group of palestinians during a raid in the fall all refugee camp last friday, the sol just shots, one man who's holding a red canister. the vehicle moves closer and he's shots again. a 2nd man hiding under the front of a car is also shots. at close range. react to this. to say it was alarmed that i had allowed to 0 flight 2 of the world's largest shipping companies. also spending shipments through the red sea, the had a lot of they were seeing some very wintry weather across parts of europe at the moment . sunny across northern and more eastern areas. and we did warn you. it was on its way,
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the west snow storm to hit southern russia in decades that dropped 20 centimeters of snow in moscow. there's more of that to come on sunday and we could see a challenge to the december record by the time we get to the end of the month on saturday, the west of the unsettled and wintery weather can be found. looking around the southeast corner, this is not bo guerria as well as greece and to kid those gosti when stretching across the mediterranean. because most central in west scenarios, however, it is looking more settled. we've got high pressure in charge one way of mild conditions, sweeping into southern parts of england, but some very heavy rain to come from north west and pots of scotland. we have got ambled warnings out here on sunday, and you can see that with a tons wintery as it touches into scandinavia, the things all set to full in places like no way. and that, of course, brings an avalon to risk. we'll see temperatures picking up in places like berlin to 10 degrees celsius. so very mild here in that trend continues for the east. if we have a look at
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a 3 day for moscow miles. but there's that snow coming in on sunday. that's your weather update. of the, in the name of protecting the public, an unprecedented crosstown and civil liberties is underway. threats, an opponent, mutation, witness follows a lawyer, factory, courts and police bonds to reverse the trend. everybody was fight against racism and then also acknowledge that there's, as you can see. and right now this time that and in berlin on that, jesse, you know, examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and wells class. john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence,
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7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you're watching out, is there a time to recap on headlines now? these really minutes re says it's mistakenly shot and killed 3 captives during its gauze or offensive. they were talking to the dr. troops wrongly identified them as a threat. the funeral services being held filed a 0,
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a journalist. some of the code died off and this right in this house strike on friday sound that it was hit by shot, nope, late to succumb or his injuries, zeros, gauze, or bureau chiefs. why do it was also injured in that strike assignment. a team reporting on an attack biased way the forces that to you and run school in san eunice on the palestinian ambassador to the us. and his offered his condolences over the death of summit up a duck. speaking at the general assembly, they all months sold again cold for an end to the war and gaza. on wednesday, the assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian seas far. the resolution is non binding. there is no doubt that what is happening in guys, a atrocity crimes. what crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. in the face of such authorized
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cities, there is only one more on position. one defense have been position seized by our now seized by our now ceasefire. now and stop to genocide, stop the genocide, stop the genocide committed against the palestinian people and their children. and they thank you very much for that. all right, well paused and enjoying this in garza, not just covering the wall that part of a civilian population living on the near constant is really bombardment. at least 90 palestinian during list is now being killed in the conflict. mold in 50 media
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offices have been completely all partially destroyed, vice riley strikes that includes the office of the i. s p news agency, and garza hundreds of palestinian john list. and the families, including those from algebra, have been forcibly displaced. journalists working in areas of on conflict protected under international humanitarian law as all civilians under the geneva convention. but it's rather is accused of repeatedly violating those rules last spring and model on the shot. i'll just say we're a senior political analyst once again, some model. now with some more details that coming out about what happened to some of the raises questions that it highlights the reality of life that palestinians, particularly gardens, are facing right. reality. you are very objective. so i mean, i quoted in humanity that the person is going through the idea that, that he simply couldn't get help. i mean, the man could have been saved. well,
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let's let alone the fact that he was bombed, as a journalist with a journalist press. and so on and so forth. and i don't live hours bleeding. what we understand is time ethics. when given the permission to go, there was problems with getting permission for bulldozer sticks a rumble until he bled to death. as the inhumanity of any humanity, the se, doesn't to, uh and uh, you know, it's clearly as your site does not, is, i mean, when it comes to our, you know, family members, i thought sure 0 or their family members. it's kind of comes close to home, but this does reflect the status quote. been guys have today what so i might have to go through apparently conflict with people that had also gone through a lot of people were left to die in this conflict in this war and this general side . and i think a lot of it is the number, i think most of it just a little bit because as we've been saying,
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explaining for the past the so many weeks now is that these ratings have expressed intent. apartment, the palestinians, as people, as a people, one is really for shut off to another from the president to the prime minister. the minister of defense told us that they're going to be treating them like animals that they're going to go after them. and the animals president, i said, because all gave and said there's no such thing this. it's not true that there are the initial all right, who there are no innocence and guys. um. so when you have the president, the prime minister under the defense minutes, that all of them basically rallying the troops to hard. i'm kind of sitting in civilians. oh, oh justifications for is right is genocide, you know, fall apart. all american explanation and just difficult and defensive as i tied
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full part because i'm like all the wars where these radius of always claim something about to the fact that that how much use somebody is as human shields. right? but even this corner store argument, right? false argument accounts are still count or stone. forced on by these are, it is a bit advanced over the years, but as for 34 wars on this one, it's just not on the stands. even though there's an odd went because once you said that you're going to after the civilians anyway, regardless what, how they're used by whom they're used. so i show your hobbins. i'm not because how much is putting them next to rockets as is what i used to play the life because they, it is ready 5 minutes to make these references to to i'm like from the bible. that's to be honest. this is the reference to that verse is probably the obvious thing that ever happened. and not just because it happened, coincidentally, nothing. yeah, i used it twice in prepared statements. he was, it wasn't of the cuff, kind of,
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i meant that he actually deliberately involved to these are the people, right. and his right is understand because all of them have gone through some sort of religious screening of some sort, right. they understand what i'm elect means in the context of getting them getting the children, getting the babies and getting the animals. so of course, all of that, it has been the case of the journalist as you know, where, where, what are the forefront of all of us and why the journalist, per se? because we don't, we talk also about doctors of teachers. and so many is in general, i think the com summit is coming to simon is coming to my understanding has been more lease of done rockets. all right. so when you understand the importance and the absence of international media covering the ordering, guys are from guys. it was all that was left upon a jesse and a journalist, right. of that independent join us thing guys are with that, it will come out as i'm become, as with it, i phones and other smarter documented what's happening. i've felt lots of reading
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it to your point said there is a power the media will going on. i want to also ask you model on about another, a series of tests that have happened in the last 24 hours and i'd 3 is ready to caps is killed by these re the all me. and once again, does it highlights the realities, the hall chips, the challenges which palestinians face, i mean these right? the line from these very thoughts is now is that, well, now we'll, we've given orders for the forces to be capital and vigilance. so what was happening before to palestinian civilians? but i said, i certainly don't think these are these words for anything they say, i mean we did aside from boasting about getting fed a sentience. right. everything else they've been saying is just has proven to be inaccurate or wrong. i think what i think the more interesting aspects of that is when now how they are trying to explain how their own captors, of course, and what killed in uh, in that,
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in the sense that for 70 days they've been trying to say that's only 3 minutes that means we can pretty our captors. when it turns out the phone is 3 minutes already means the upcoming that captives. and the only way to free the captives on the horn is the problematic venue. but if you are attacked and if you continue with the environment and if you continue the incursions and if you continue the trappings of the palestinian medicine so so on, so forth and going to end up with, oh, that's why this is a very and population of course being trapped right up sort of, i mean that's we were talking about the entire population discuss. all right, milan always good talk to you. thanks for coming back. it has the law says it has targeted and is really managed, resigns, along the southern border of lebanon. the group says it will hit the target with a guided missile, climbing casualties and injuries among these very soldiers has the law and this
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right. the forces have frequently been exchanging fire along the border or all 2 of the world's largest shipping companies are temporarily suspending the routes through the red sea. it follows a series of attacks on vessels in the region by iran back to see fights of science that responds to as roles. war on garza, the attacks of targeted commercial ships traveling to egypt, suez canal, through the red se. se approach the narrow babylon dep straight to the south. the strategically important passages only 32 kilometers wide. an estimated 30 percent of all global containers use it. well, that makes up 12 percent of the world's trade, about one trillion dollars worth of goods move through the straits each year. it's also a viable come do it for shipments of crude oil, navy, 10 percent of oil traded policies through the red sea and bob and men that boil
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twice. exxon's volume of which reports commercial ships under attack. the attacks have led to 2 of the world's shipping giants, denmark's madison, and how about lloyd's of germany to suspend the operations of the red sea, instructing their vessels to steer clear of one of the world's most important shipping routes. it comes after a growing number of attacks launched by who is the fighters in the m in. a group backed by ron, says the war and guys have started 2 months ago. they have used to miss styles and drones to attack shipping in the red sea in the, the many armed forces assure our ships heading to all ports around the world. except for the is really ports that they won't be harmed, and that they must keep recognition devices open. the conflict is centered around the crucial maritime cory door connecting europe and admitted to rainy and to asia . but avoiding the red sea can double travel time to many destinations,
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and it's causing ripples of concern the who these represent a material threat to freedom of navigation, to commercial shipping, to lawful commerce. and they're doing so in a vital artery there at the bottom on deb and into the red sea. and the united states is working with the international community with partners from the region and from all over the world to deal with this threat. there is spearheading a new maritime coalition in a bit to contain the situation. despite years of us sanctions intended to hold back to host these attacks. keep coming. these measures appear to be backfiring pushing the region into wider turmoil. axels, i'm gonna reach out to 0 of the financial, are they on a is a senior research trip this on our center for strategic studies, joins us live from addis ababa now good to have you with us. so looking at some of those numbers i was reading out,
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is it said to say that the hopefully campaign on shipping has had quite a significant impact on not only the global trade, the global politics certainly did the on even the so these are own expectations. i think that the suspension of these contained the lanes is implemented because the decision to, to maximize the impact so that pressure on the policies will then in case and forces to help these stop. now there's been talk about us task force being put together as a trying counter attack counselor attacks on, on ships bound or linked or involved one way or another. all owned with these route . would that souls of task force make a difference? how much of
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a difference would it make as clearly at once make that much of the difference and i don't understand what it is that they would do that. but because of the ships of the us and other nations are already present and that i'd see. okay, what is the hosting strategy now, as you said, if they feel that this has been more successful than they had hoped for? yeah, i think at this times other lines for this guys to happen, the policies have been jumping this time. i've got this days that i have and now do a put to the test. and of course they, uh, they did carry out an i've got a lot of legitimacy and pays from up. i'm them some countries at the same
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time you're on uh, facing the, the challenge of, uh, shows the of, uh, is really getting a side, uh, they have to prove to put the, the unity of the that's a goes to the test. and they have either as well, oh, the whole these as the law in my view is that the 1st plans defense of that on the why levels, these are so much expandable in this instance. so the ideas of getting them to who to do this, and that for these clearly did not realize how impactful the action will be and what the what the response of the world would be to them clearly as the definitely people. but there's no a subject to the risk of being destroyed. thank you so much for your analysis.
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the find a lot of jani or has the law, and these riley falls is all frequently exchanging 5 or long v as or 11 and border for more of this let speak to sort of higher alt, she's live for us in haifa, in northern israel. so 1st we'll solve that start with the most recent cross for the strikes. one of you witness. yeah, well sirens have been going off this morning alone is really for the with let been on, which is just in the distance say where you can see those mountains and the cliff edge. and that's because of a seems to has fall out drones. so intercepted by the minute tree, one of them actually fell in a place called modular, which is nit kitty add simona. now that's one of the main border towns where around 20000 people lived that we were actually filming that. yes. today it was an m c. town there are reports, his mother's reporting that they. 4 are all
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a number of injuries, it seems that the reports are saying that full is ready. the soldiers have been injured bought. that's not been. comes funds by the israelis. we've got to just a few minutes ago. seen a highly quotes or a minute. see how the quotes are heading in the direction from a hospital to that folder, but of course it's not clear and it's definitely not been confirmed by the is riley's, especially hezbollah has been launching a lot of these attacks on that. northern border with is rilen. israel has said this morning that it's been responding with a temporary file. and so we've been talking about the shipping issues at the tank. some ports tell us about the stepping off of security and his re, the ports i think you are in hyphen. i've got some olds of ations about that stops . right, well, you have is right. of course that slicing uh will uh on gauze uh wherever it so so
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being attacked by how mass real kits. then you have on its northern front, which is was we was saying the boards are behind me, it's white thing of hezbollah, a fights is and all of these intersections, then you also have, as you were discussing, that one of the main ports a lots which is in the southern costs of israel, which have come on the immense attack and it's reports of the law school ready about 80 percent of shipments arriving there. and it seems, and this is a confirmed but it seems in the stop shipping would move towards a 2 main ports of the country, one and as those which is on the where the southern towns ought to gaza. that for a whole month has had to divert lots of it, shipments to high support. so high support just behind us is one of the main points that it seems to be absorbing. a loss of those shipments for the whole of israel. so know early do you have a continuous when, what seems an increase in a step up in those board or
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a text me within the last few days and we thought cindy, so the increase that and the amounts of firing between both which was non stop, especially the last 24 hours, but then you also have a major problems as well. probably the 1st time since the 19 sixty's, wherever it's security from a multiple of funds is uh, compromised as well. of course, as the economic implications that we'll be having, which will be quite huge at the time when the budget for this will, is already high. and then you will of course, have situations now where the sports is that will be taking a lot more of that load. but we will start to hit more on those numbers in terms of how the economy is being affected. we'll leave it as thanks so much satisfied on the let's take a look at some of the other news of the day now the former new york man who served as donald trump's personal lawyer in order to pay 90 a $150000000.00 in damages to 2 election workers in georgia,
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rudy giuliani is accused of involvement and trumps of it. 12 a ton. the presidential votes in 2020. also in jordan reports. really freeman invoked the bible after a federal jury ordered rudy giuliani to pay her and her daughter $148000000.00 for ruining their good names. understand that the devil there is a lie here he is defeated and no weapon form against you shall prosper. a freeman and her daughter's shame on were elections workers in georgia during the 2020 presidential election. they su juliani, who was former president donald trump's a personal lawyer for defamation. this after he repeatedly accused them of stuffing ballot boxes so that joe biden could when it's an accusation that forced mos to quit her job and subjected both when like 2 years of howard smoke and death threats
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from trump supporters. i have great is wish is that no one, no election worker for boulder or school board member or anyone else ever experiences anything like what we went through. juliani is already facing trial in georgia for allegedly conspiring to interfere with the 2020 vote. he is suggesting he will appeal the verdict in freeman and mazda is law suit. the comments they received. i had nothing to do with those comments over a abominable there deplorable. no defense. good. but i receive comments like that every day. the odds of freeman and mos getting any money from juliani or slim cheese considering filing for bankruptcy before this mother and daughter. knowing the legal system took their case seriously. is what they call a big step toward justice. rosalind jordan l g 0 or 2 ukrainian children separated from the family,
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off the rushes invasion been by ton to the mother of to move in the year. they were reunited that the cost of the embassy in moscow shop of oliver reports. now from moscow, a successful hand of 2 ukrainian children at the guitar and the same oscar with call tell using an international leverage to help you create your parents, be re united with them missing all spring. how the team did the lynette? it's very important for us, it's all done by his highness, the mirror of guitar mcquease, very interested in re uniting families. this interest is between russia and guitar . we think the russian government, we return children to parents on the whole, separate to this family, leaving the kids would the grandparents and the russian controlled her southern region and the mazda in odessa, on the ukrainians side. i've been waiting for this moment for more than a year. russia's children's rights commission on the re eligible the below the says that despite the conflicts how department have established communications with the
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ukrainian side, just set a pod from counter the vasa ken and pub. frances are also helping with the reunification process. but there has been criticism why the children will take him in the 1st place, season for me to in the dice and clinic countries and misinformed. the 6 there are thousands of children here. people in other countries have a feeling that here we have some kind of comp getters where a huge number of children are being held that we're keeping them in poor condition . so that because that is what they live over beloved, denied ukraine's accusations of deportation on false separation of children from the parents. saying that it's impossible to hide thousands of kids who have thousands of parents looking for them. she added a huge effort is going into guessing them home. this is the full time the guitar embassy. most curious opening is doors to facilitate the transfer of some you creating the kids to the home country. and despite the find, the rush has been blamed and shameful. all the illegal deportations of the
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ukrainian children, the work is being done here and now to bring them home. an old ad gets hub to those who have been separated by the brutal conflicts. you lash above all of the o g, a 0 most go it off to the initial shock of russia's invasion, 92 years ago, ukraine's economy is full cost to grow next year with millions of ukrainians displaced as likely to oppose increasing challenges for companies facing shortages of work has brought mcbride reports from kids with each flurry of snows as another flurry of cars that your each garage needing to change to winter tires. he has enough work for 6 mechanics, but can only find 3 well started with the will. the problem just got worse. many men have signed up for ministry services, while others have the bought them. with an estimated 2000000,
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mainly men now cooled up to find technical trades and heavy industries in particular are reporting staff shortages. but all sectors are looking at ways to fill the post recei. now companies are investing more and more and training programs, retraining programs, companies that are more open to hire people with less experience or students. even the also know that they will be looking towards people who have retired or reaching retirement age. ukraine was already harnessing the potential of all to mason and artificial intelligence in the workplace. the shortage of workers is now accelerated, that process nova pushed the ukraine's largest private delivery company, has been recruiting more women while increasing the pace of technical innovation. maybe this is why they're interested in autumn. i think our purpose is to reduce the number of employees. so we need an increase the productivity of our existence
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workforce real time challenges on the front lines, adding to growing problems on ukraine's economic front. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, it's on by say it's from may. so this news about move back in a couple of minutes. in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage, 6000 bodies and storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you read the in countries, refused their request, and even exhibited human remains and then the savings restitution for custodian episode to which on our jews 0. examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers
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and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7, how signal stories for a global audience. this is the my, you house. this is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era works out of their existence. it's load ship as a principal present, as a correspondence with the brakes and the story we want to hear from those people who with normally not get that forces on the international news channel. one navy topic, a proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015, at the terrible match, all the facts and the story that needed to be told from the hall. so the effect of
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diarrhea to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time the the a funeral is held for i'll just see you again in the summer. i with that guy who was killed fine is really miss all and gaza. the hello i'm and as of a problem and this is i'll just be your life and don't ha, also coming of gossip your cheese,


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